wtfgaylittlezooid · 3 months
There are so many Ava thoughts runnin g through my head right now.
The kill code in Dark’s brain. The constant need for destruction while Chosen burnt out of it and outgrew it. The fact that no matter how hard he tried to fight being a tool for Alan and fulfilling his original purpose and (probably) died in a fight with Chosen. The fact Dark and Chosen only had each other
Second and Victim. The fact the series is called Animator vs Animation while Alan mostly takes a backseat- so Second can fulfill the role of Animator. The fact BOTH characters represent the Animator— Second creating life and even hurting it unintentionally without realizing it’s alive, and Victim torturing it and switching the roles. Taking the strongest character and rendering them to just a victim
I am losing it I am losing it I am losing it
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mydreamsarentrare · 1 month
The urge to send the “just to clarify what I meant earlier” text after every hangout
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raincandyart · 3 days
HI! JUST TO BE CLEAR! if you're like.. Very young pleaseee leave my blog. I won't be posting actual porn here but I have posted suggestive stuff before (obviously censored) 16 n over is fine just pls don't interact with stuff I censor lol 👍
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sscarletvenus · 4 months
Fcuking cowards attacking civilians, including little children. Not that I have any expectations but hopefully amidst the hullaballoo of the swearing in the mainstream media grills the govt on the security lapse in what they tout as a fully safe Kashmir
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viir-tanadhal · 4 months
is there some sort of clause where interviewers can't ask neil and chris about feel or secret of happiness. i already know about new london boy, a new bohemia, schlager hit parade, and bullet for narcissus. because every interviewer keeps asking them about them. WHAT ABOUT THOSE TWO
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clonewarsahsoka · 2 years
Some vocalists do not have the vibes of someone who is in a Performance Group
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asters-tempo · 16 days
apparently the words im gonna keep reusing today is *druuuuuuummmmmmroollllllll*
the way-
as in the way i keep using the way in a sentence.
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carronpatrick · 7 months
Man...how does everyone not just *exist* every day because... dude, I'm struggling to just *exist* atp.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
Do any of the puppets have a power source/heart that they can use to keep alive?
Content Warning: Corpse imagery below the cut!
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Yes actually! It's called "soul fragments".
I keep having to resay it, but it's okay. This is a Soulpunk AU, after all. Souls play a HUGE role in the plot, the history, and the world's way of living.
... Well, before it fell to apocalypse, that is.
Everything is still a WIP, but this is how I think it works:
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I swear I'm gonna end up spoiling a major plot point someday
EDIT: Also, in canon, no one knows why it should be a die in the first place. But if you're asking me why I chose dices for their hearts, it's just because of the song "Dice and roll" by Odetari. lmao
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
Part two to this
Steve was sort of beside himself, his heart a little bit broken.
All he had wanted to do was bring to Eddie’s attention how Lucas was feeling. How he understood Eddie was a passionate person about the things he liked and disliked but it wasn’t really a fair way to treat the kids and it had come out so wrong Eddie had basically called him an asshole before storming off.
Steve was so sick of being stupid. Never able to get his words out right, or struggling to even find the right words half the time. He’d even practiced on the way over to Eddie’s. Saying and resaying what he wanted to tell him so that it would come out clearly. And then Eddie had been so sweet to him all day, and Steve was way to distracted by the crop top he was in that everything he’d rehearsed went right out of his brain like everything else did.
And Eddie was mad at him.
He’d been trying so hard to befriend Eddie too. Wanting to show him he was different then he used to be. That he was good now, kind. He wanted Eddie to see him. And he’d been so scared of that thought at first. He knew what bisexuality was, was pretty sure that label for him fit like a coat, but Eddie was the first guy that had actually truly caught his eye and he was trying his hardest to be good enough for him.
Steve had been mad at Eddie too. When he first heard how he’d treated Lucas. But then he’d talked it out with Robin, because he didn’t want to go into this situation with his protective rage right away. Had wanted to make sure this conversation went well. So they’d talked it out, and he spent hours with his best friend making sure he knew as best he could where Eddie might have been coming from in his action.
Robin having been an outcast herself had also been mad at Eddie but was a wonderful perspective on why he might have acted that way towards the kid. How Eddie had been a target so often, especially from the basketball team, that it made sense he had a lot of hate towards them, and would maybe even subconsciously take it out on Lucas.
They were both in agreement that Eddie probably hadn’t meant to hurt Lucas in any way.
Eddie was too kind and good to have intentionally made anyone feel isolated.
But Steve was a fucking idiot and could never say things right, so he of course, had fucked it up.
He just really wanted Eddie to like him and the guy made him nervous. It was extra hard to find the words around him on a good day. But them being alone, just the two of them. He should have known he’d fuck it up. Like he always does.
“Steve? Come on man, your cars in the driveway! I know you’re home, can we talk? Please?” Eddie’s voice rings out around the empty house, pulling Steve from his spiral and jump starting his feet towards the front door.
“Uh yea hey man what’s up?” Steve plasters that fake smile on his face he’s mastered over the years. His stomach in knots, as he flings the front door open and meets Eddie’s gaze.
“Thank fuck. Look man we need to talk.” Eddie barrels past him into the house, making a beeline to Steve’s living room and throwing himself onto the couch.
“Yea uh, make yourself at home or whatever.” Steve mumbles, following behind him and sitting on the armchair across from Eddie, whose leg is bouncing like crazy, his eyes refusing to meet Steve’s.
“Steve, I’m so sorry.” The words startle Steve. His body flinching on instinct with the assumption he was going to be yelled at again
“Oh uh, what for?” Jesus Steve how many times are you gonna say uh in this conversation huh? Get it together.
“I was completely unfair to you yesterday. I got defensive and didn’t even let you speak and that was not cool of me. I just got so caught up on waiting for the other shoe to drop with you, I couldn’t believe you were this nice guy, this like.. unbelievably kind person I guess i had been on edge. Waiting for you to prove my old assumptions about you were correct. And that was not fair to you, at all” Eddie talks with his hand, gesturing around the room and enunciating words with certain gestures.
“I’m so sorry for who I used to be.” Is what Steve settled on saying back. He’s not really sure why Eddie is apologizing when Steve has been the asshole that had hurt him yesterday. “And I’m sorry for being a dick to you yesterday, that wasn’t my intention. I just… sometimes I have trouble finding the right words, and I get extra jumbled around you and nothing came out right” Eddie’s eyes are getting wider the more Steve talks, his head shaking slightly.
“Steve, Steve no, man listen. You didn’t do anything wrong yesterday. That’s why I wanted to apologize. You were looking out for one of your kids and were trying so hard to be nice about it and I’m the one that overreacted. I think sometimes I get so stuck on certain ideas that I get caught up in them and just assume that’s what’s happening. And I know you always, always think long and hard about what you want to say before you say it and it still gets a little jumbled and I should have been more patient with you. You did nothing wrong.” He puts a large emphasis on that last sentence, coming over to kneel in front of Steve and taking his hands. “I am so sorry I treated you the way I treated you. You don’t deserve that, and there’s nothing wrong with having to work through what you want to say before you say it. I’m also really sorry for how I treated Lucas back then. I’ve already gone and apologized to him because you were right. Of course you were right, you’re so smart Stevie, and you’re right more than anyone admits to you and I want to make sure I told you that. And I’m so sorry.”
“Okay okay” Steve let’s out a huffed laugh, “Stop apologizing Ed’s, I’m not mad at you.”
“You have every right to be mad at me.”
“No, no cause I get it you know? Like.. uh fuck..” Steve trails off, shaking his head slightly in hopes his sentences can form better, Eddie just kneels there in front of him waiting patiently. “Me and Robin like,” he waves his hand around. “We talked about it, what it’s like to be a targeted outcast in highschool. Cause I wanted to understand where you come from in your like reactions to things, so I get it. I’m not mad” Eddie’s face breaks out into a soft smile, dimples on full display as Steve stares at him and hopes what he said made sense.
“You’re an astonishing person Steve Harrington.” Is what he says back, squeezing Steve’s hands gently. Steve can feel his entire face heat up at the complement. His eyes falling briefly to Eddie’s lips before finding his eyes again.
“M’ nothing special Eddie.” He responds, finally casting his gaze down to their entwined hands.
“That is where you are so, so wrong sweetheart. No one does that you know? Tries to get into someone else’s head to see where they were coming from so that they can go into a situation with that person and have an open and honest conversation. People don’t do that, and you did it without second thought because what? You were mad about how I treated someone you loved, but you wanted to understand -me- better because.. what? You thought I was a good person or something? That’s like an insanely kind thing to do Steve.”
“You are a good person Eddie. There’s always reasons why you do things the way you do, and well I didn��t like being mad at you.”
“You didn’t?” Eddie smirks.
“Not even a little bit.”
“I didn’t like being mad at you either, even though I was wrong in being mad at you.”
“You always have a reason for why you do something.” Steve says again, squeezing Eddie’s hands that are still connected to his. Eddie’s eyes dart down to Steve’s lips and he smiles slightly.
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
“Okay” Steve whispers, meeting Eddie half way, their lips connecting softly. Eddie kinda moans in an over exaggerated way and pulls back, hand coming up to cradle Steve’s face.
“I promise I’ll try to be more patient in the future if you’ll have me.” He whispers, his breath coasting across Steve’s face. Steve knows his answering smile is lopsided and goofy.
“I think you’re stuck with me now, Munson.” Steve leans forward and kisses the answering smile off Eddie’s face.
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mayorofclowntown · 10 months
Can you believe there are still people who hate Gwen Stacy???? Like bro, watch the movie again;
Gwen Stacy didn't wanna get kicked out because her dad pointed at gun at her for accidentally killing Peter Parker.
She has a whole monologue at the beginning explaining "hey yeah before you say anything I know I fucked up I'm so aware I'm actually expecting miles not to forgive me".
She risked the multiverse to hang out with Miles.
I saw someone say she "was probably dating hobie and forgot miles"- she was staying at Hobies place/universe because 1. She had no where else to go (her universe was a threat to her) and 2. It's not known if she was dating Hobie or not, but A. Wanted a watch to see Miles in the first place, B. Is clearly in love with miles, and C. That doesn't make sense anyways with how close they are (IMO).
And immediately, once she got her hands on the watch Hobie made for her, gathered everyone from ITSV and new people (Pav, Hobie, Margo) to go save her.
You missed her entire character plot if you think she's a fucked up, hurt miles on purpose, and evil person.
This is a Gwen Stacy supremacy post thank you.
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Could you do tsu'tey with a southern s/o with a thick accent I'm from Kentucky and I feel like people have trouble understanding me when I talk too fast
Bro yes I'm from the south and my country accent only comes out all the time when I'm speaking fast and I have resay what I just said so I feel you 😭 also imma make this into head canons
Tsu'tey with a s/o with a country accent
Yawne- beloved
A/N- I wrote this in like 30 minutes so it probably sucks
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When you first met and he heard your voice he was like 'huh?' cause he thought that all humans had the same accent
Explaining to him that not all human have the same accent and it differs from where your from and stuff was difficult
"So you have different voice because you are from a deep place?" He asked
"Well yes and no I'm from the south in a place called America and a lot of people sound like this but some don't."
When you excited or out of breath and talk really fast where your word are jumbled and your accent he just stands there 🧍🏽‍♂️
And when you yell it seems like your accent comes out twice as strong so he's like 'wat'
"Tsu'teyguesswhaticaughttonightsdinner." You yelled out when your words jumbled up .
Tsu'tey tried to make sense of what you just said as you stand in front of him huge smile on his face.
"That is good yawne." He said nervous smile on his face.
Most of the time when you say something he doesn't really understand he just smiles and nods
And when your angry he's scared of you and it takes a lot to scare this man
yelling at him/anyone else and your accent only making him more nervous
Does everything to keep you happy
He really doesn't like it when you yell (especially at him) cause you just look scary
This is all I got bbg 😔
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zebulontheplanet · 8 months
I have a lot of anxiety with my AAC device. In public i usually don’t use it and just refuse to use the little mouth words I can. This means that I don’t speak in public.
For awhile I couldn’t even take my device with me out in public, I had so much anxiety with it that I just couldn’t. Recently though I’ve been taking my device out but still not using it. Which is still a step forward but a very small step.
Today in therapy I talked about it, and made very clear that I do not want mouth words to be my default and instead want AAC to be my default. So we came up with a plan to use AAC and it was just very nice. She was very affirming and nice about it and understanding.
I told her about my difficult relationship with speech and how it affects me. I told her about some of the social interactions I’ve had in public. I told her about my fears with AAC. I told her a lot. It was very nice to talk to someone so cool with AAC and so accepting and who tried to help me. I will this week be working on using AAC more in public and if I’m not in public then using it more at home even though I use it a lot at home.
For people asking, yes, I do talk verbally in therapy. How does that work as a semiverbal person? Not without a lot of stuttering, pausing, resaying things, pausing again, and more stuttering over my words. And a lot of short sentences. I very rarely talk verbally, so Tuesdays are about how much you get me to talk for the rest of the week.
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khaire-traveler · 8 months
I know I made a post about this already, but I've posted quite a lot since then (whoops 💀), so I'm just gonna resay this and make it official also: I'm taking a short break from Tumblr. Life is fucking Out of control right now, and I may not have a place to live pretty soon here. We'll see how it goes, I guess. Peace out, y'all, and take care. 🧡
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naffeclipse · 10 months
I was wondering, what would happen if photographer!y/n was as fascinated by eclipse as he is with them? Significantly less fear, more of "HOLY SHMOW-ZOW, YOU'RE SO COOL LOOKING, I GOTTA GET A PIC-" and wanting to know more about him-
Not being as hesitant in approaching him when he beckons, often just waltzing up to him without even being prompted.
also the latest chapter KILLED me god I love your writing sm, ik I commented on ao3 but resaying it, I love the poetry and symbolism behind so many lines. My favorite from the latest was, "The end looms over you like a distant shadow. It’s not close enough. It almost crushes you." THAT'S SO GOODDDDD-
Eclipse would be delighted with your lack of hesitancy (though he would be curious as to why you're not the least bit worried—he still has his predator instinct and that tells him that you, the prey, should be more afraid.) Regardless, he's glad to not have you pull away so much and that you actively seek him out and take fun pictures on your camera with him. He's a lot quicker (relatively) to show and give affection as you're not terrified by any advances he makes.
Thank you! That makes my day that you liked it!!
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The people in the AF discord are so dumb, istg. I'll make a pun or a joke and I'll get at least 3 people replying with a '???' or resaying my silly but with a question mark.
And I'm not even saying Tricky jokes. I'm making DAD jokes. Someone will say "My head has a few screws loose.' and I'll reply 'Well, tighten them!'
And don't get me started when I play with other's. Someone made a minor spelling mistake, and so I replied to them with a bigger spelling Mistake and no one seemed to understand I was playing around. ToT That one I get more, i suppose. But still man. I just wanna make jokes without having to explain the punchline.
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