#rescheduled day2
monthofsick · 8 months
Day 2 - Can't Stop Puking
fandom - SHINee
characters - OT5
sickee - Taemin
summary - Taemin gets a stomach bug
warnings : vomit, jokes about overeating, stomach ache, talk and symptoms of fainting, hospital mention
(I hope this works as a way to submit, since I don't want to submit with my main account)
warnings : vomit, jokes about overeating, stomach ache, talk and symptoms of fainting, hospital mention, real person fiction
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53102917/chapters/135368110
This definitely works as a way to submit!
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royvelasco · 7 years
The Great Palawan Experience: My Not-That-Great Coron Experience #Day2
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As it seems like everything is going perfect, it’s not. My second day in Coron was actually quite a disappointment.
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Or maybe I’m just exaggerating. Let me just say that my second day didn’t turn out as it’s supposed to be.
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Kayangan Lake, Hidden Lagoon, Siete Picados, and CYC Beach are just some of the top destinations here but unfortunately I was not able to experience any of them. :( The tour that I was supposed to be in got cancelled since some backed out leaving the group with only two joiners. For only Php650 per person, this tour is definitely a great score. Majority of the tours in Coron are priced at least Php1k per head thus making the one from Coron Galeri already a deal. So maybe that’s what you get if you go with the cheapest one. It can definitely make or break your travel. You cannot blame me, I was backpacking and I need to make the most out of my budget.
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That day was my only full day in Coron so there’s no way to reschedule my island hopping tour. It’s already too late in the morning as well to scout for other travel agencies. Good thing with Coron Galeri, they offered us two other tours to choose from. Since I didn’t intend to leave the place without seeing its majestic islands, I went with their Tour G, a Calumbuyan Is. Eco-Tour originally priced at Php990. We had quite a confrontation though with the management due to our disappointment eventually allowing us to still pay the same amount we agreed on from the original tour.
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If you think that the series of unfortunate events stopped there, you’re wrong. Though the tour took place, we were safe and sound and seemed to have fun; it turned out to be a waste of time and money at least on my own perspective. I didn’t know that this Tour G is more on snorkeling sites. I didn’t have any snorkeling gears with me and I was too much occupied and stressed out to think that I should rent out one when we were still on land.
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Tip: It’s a must to have a snorkeling gear in Coron! Even if you’re just up for beach bumming, you wouldn’t resist the beauty underneath.
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I went out to the water on our first destination which is the Lusong Gunboat Shipwreck. I was trying to get a glimpse of the site through my Go Pro but it’s a total failure. I couldn’t see it with my own eyes either as I was wearing my contact lenses that time. I decided to go back to the boat as I looked dumb floating on the water while seeing others amazed with what’s beneath them. LOL!
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This is the best shot I could take of the shipwreck from my Go Pro Hero 4. :(
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Second site we visited was the Coral Garden. Obviously, one needs to snorkel to appreciate this. My new friend from Israel said that it’s not that amazing anyway so somehow it lessened my distress. Haha!
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After almost 30 minutes, we were back on the boat for our last destination, the Calumbuyan Island. This was where we had our lunch as well. Finally, a site that doesn’t require snorkeling! Well actually you still can, on its waters as it looked very pristine and clear.
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We had a sumptuous lunch which was already included on the package and the group had a chance to talk with each other by that time. 
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I was able to roam around the island as well taking limitless shots of myself and everything around me. This was the only destination I think on the entire tour that I had pure fun.
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It was around 3PM when we started boarding the boat back to Coron Town. It was quite a long trip back making us reach the port by 5PM. Though that day certainly disappointed me and perhaps ruined my vacation in general, the group seemed to have fun. Since I was indeed time-constraint, I was really anticipating on the Coron Island Ultimate Tour that has some of the top island destinations. I am now just thinking that there would still be next time and I’ll definitely do them all.
To make my day worse, the fast craft to El Nido for the next day has already been sold out. I know that seats run fast so easily for this fast craft that’s why I made a reservation with my hostel beforehand. Right when I came back from island hopping, the hostel staff told me the bad news. As per her, the trip that day was cancelled making all reservations be moved on the next day. I’m not sure though if it’s true. I left with no option but to go with the slow boat and endure a 7-hour travel. (Click HERE to read on my experience.)
To add on to the devastation, two foreign tourists were said to have been drowned in Kayangan Lake a day before making the site closed to public for a certain period. (Read on the news HERE.)
Even though this day was a bummer, I am still thankful that I am able to do trips like this. Despite of the frustrations and tragedies, I still ended the day with a positive note (while doing laundry. LOL!). This was just the second day and there were still 6 days ahead of me to make the trip as perfect as I want it to be. I knew that there are still more to come. With an open mind, I accepted that whether it’ll be good or not-so, it would still make the trip extraordinary and definitely more exciting.
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Previous Post: The Great Palawan Experience: Hiking Mt. Tapyas + Dipping in Maquinit Hot Spring #Day1
Next Post: The Great Palawan Experience: Coron to El Nido (V/V), A Hell Ride in Paradise? #Day3
DISCLAIMER: Prices may change depending on the exchange rate, season, and/or inflation.
NOTE: I own all the images used in this blog post unless otherwise stated. Please don’t use these for any purposes, unless you acknowledge the owner. Thank you.
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