#resisting the urge to name this wip after that fuckin song
guardiandae · 11 months
time for a little snack ✨
Amnesia is… weird. He feels just fine. He remembers, as far as he knows, everything. But Genos' presence is the one glaring sign to the contrary. Everything since yesterday just feels like a giant question mark. He can just ask, Saitama realizes. Not about Genos or their relationship, obviously. But he can ask about at least one burning question he has. "Genos," he says, to interrupt the blonde's current line of thought. "What happened last night, exactly?" Genos frowns, pausing in his writing. "Do you not remember?" "Kind of," Saitama lies. "But it's all sort of jumbled. Next thing I knew, you were pulling me out of the earth like a Hozier song."
setting this here like a cat leaving a dead bird on your pillow because this cute little reference will be so, sooo buried inside this fic when I finally drop it.
The Hozier song in question btw (which fits this fic perfectlyyyyy):
I had a thought, dear However scary About that night The bugs and the dirt Why were you digging? What did you bury Before those hands pulled me From the earth?
I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask and neither should you
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do
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tboybuck · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Thursday Friday!
It’s WIP Wednesday Thursday Friday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
I was tagged by the wonderful & stupendous @helixferrano (thank youuuu)
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
full disclosure, most of my file names are actual titles, and there's one that i can't publicly post snippets of (yes it's killing me)
greatest hits
steddie song series pt1
for the bit
glimpse of us
Snippet (from greatest hits, chapter dropping tomorrow):
And then there’s Steve, who’s somehow always the last to show up and the last to take his place at the table, but the first to traipse across the forefront of Eddie’s mind.
Eddie pinches him when he sits down beside him.
“Ow. Dickhead. That was my nipple.”
“Language,” chastises Hopper around a mouthful of meatball, and Eddie tells him to take the balls out of his mouth before he tries to father them, pleased when Jonathan chokes on his drink.
Eddie wads up a piece of napkin and flicks it across the table at El, who grins at him and uses her powers to push one of Eddie’s meatballs from one side of his plate to the other. To his right Steve is discussing plans with Will for the day Dustin comes home. Eddie mentions the one-shot he’s been working on for next Sunday, intentionally vague, and Will latches on to the conversation, tries to pry out of Eddie what he’s got planned. Eddie changes the subject, asks what Mike’s been up to. Will’s cheeks go a little pink. 
Halfway through the massive pot of spaghetti, Steve gets up to grab more napkins and Eddie can’t resist the urge to slap him on the ass and say, “Grab me a beer while you’re up, wouldja sweetheart?”
Steve tilts his head and looks at him a little funny, but does as he’s asked. Eddie tips his chair back to balance on the back legs as he watches Steve go.
“Who are you?” Steve asks when he sits back down, glancing around the table to see if anyone else caught it. 
Eddie shrugs and twirls a pile of spaghetti noodles around his fork before slurping them noisily into his mouth.
“Couldn’t resist, had to see if it was just as bouncy as those jeans make it look,” he says quietly, hoping this part of the conversation is just for Steve. Hopper’s looking at them a little suspiciously, though, so that’s never a good sign. “Bouncier, even.”
Steve lets his voice drop into a sultry whisper. “Couldn’t wait till later?”
“Mmm, tempting,” Eddie says, leaning over to whisper it right in Steve’s ear. He watches goosebumps rise across the back of Steve’s neck, “but uh. No. No fuckin’ funny business tonight, Harrington.”
He means it, the no funny business thing, but with Steve this close to him he’s not sure he’ll be able to stick to his guns later, once they're alone.
“Says the guy who just slapped my ass at the dinner table.” 
“We’ll talk about it later, big boy,” Eddie says, patting him on the back and nodding his head in Hopper’s direction, making sure to lock eyes with him across the table. “We’ve got an eavesdropper over here.”
“Well maybe you should share with the class, sweetheart,” Hopper says.
Tagging...... no one, but if you want to join, please feel free and say I tagged you
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
hi yes pls explain crazy ex gangfriend does it involve musical numbers and if not are you open to them
So first of all, kudos for inferring the source material from the title, I didn’t know you were a fellow CXG fan or at least viewer! ❤️❤️
Already answered here but all you need to know is that it’s a crack-crossover between GG and CXG. There are a lot of similarities but also hilarious differences between the characters of both these shows, and I think there’s a great potential for fun.
So I’m not opposed to musical numbers, actually the chapters will supposedly be named after songs from the show (the first chapter when Rio meets Rebecca being obviously Hello, nice to meet you) but like, I don’t really see how they would unfold on a written medium? Like am I supposed to record songs or something (no kidding, there’s actually a CXG fanfic writer who did that as the epilogue of her fic...)?
But if you have suggestions I’ll be happy to consider them!
Here’s a little snippet that I already posted a while ago:
He squints when he parks his car, checks the address like three times but there’s no mistake. Da fuck? A pretzel shop? Is that a joke? He clenches his jaw, hard, his time is fuckin’ valuable, he ain’t comin’ all the way here to eat ironic SoCal pretzels. His annoyance slightly flows down, though. Meh, he shrugs. He’s here now, he might as well get in.
He definitely wasn’t ready for the busty brunette who lets out a high-pitched squeal when he enters the shop. She literally jumps at him like a flying squirrel or some shit, her face quite not hiding her over-excitement.
“Oh my God, this is real, this is happening, I can’t believe this is happening, are you…?” she asks without even breathing once.
Christ, what now? He’s had enough crazy suburban bitches shit with Elizabeth and her stupid crew for the rest of his life. He ain’t going back there, no way. But right now he needs a new distribution system. And it’s not like there aren’t a couple of miles separating Detroit from this crappy place. Luckily, he won’t have to physically interact with this loon no more. That’s what his boys are for. So he tries to keep his cool, even risks a slightly amused chuckle.
“Am I what?” he drawls, putting a whole show in the dangerous gangbanger style, the one that always make Elizabeth roll her eyes cuz she knows, well, the other side of him.
“The gangbanger,” she loudly hisses with a conspirator glance all around her.
Which is terribly useless since the shop is completely empty except for the two of them. He resists his urge to yawn, bored already. That juvenile excitement somehow reminds him of Elizabeth’s young sister, and having to endure one of these on a regular basis is more than enough. He rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, you know what? I think this was a mistake. I don’t deal with bitches who think this is a kids game.”
He spins around on his toes but she immediately grabs his arm, her voice switching to an anxious mood quicker than he thought was humanly possible.
“Wait wait wait! I’m sorry, I don’t know how that… thing works, but I really need the money. Also, we should really have a talk about offensive terms describing women. But my point is, can we… start over? I’ll make it profesh this time.”
He glances at her with curiosity while she takes a few steps back, closes her eyes and inhales deeply before she reopens them.
“Okay,” she mutters under her breath before she placates a corporate smile on her face and goes for a handshake, “Hi! I’m Rebecca Bunch. You must be Rio.”
  Pick a WIP from the basket!
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