#rested up and able to write more of that Heizou thing I was talking about mmhm
dourpeep · 2 years
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suntoru · 1 year
I'm super stressed atm, have an exam on Tuesday, and I need a bit of motivation because I really doubt myself sometimes although I'm trying very hard 😭😭
do you think you could write a short piece about one of the genshin boys (heizou, tighnari, cyno, scara, childe or one of your choice instead) comforting a reader in the same situation? if not then I totally understand (couldn't find whether or not your requests are closed so I hope I'm not bothering you) thank you so much <3
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ heizou + childe w/ stressed out reader!!
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summary: reader is stressed out bc of exams!! what do the boys do to help?
a/n: hi luv!! basically my requests are actually closed but i decided to make an exception just this once <3 u got this, dw too much!! i hope i was able to bring u some comfort
wc: 655 words
warnings: burnt out reader, overworking, mostly comfort n fluff, maybe a bit of swearing?
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mr. smartass here does not get the definition of stressing over work istg he’s too intelligent for his own good
at first, he supports you a lot, he encourages you to do better too. he likes that you’re working hard to reach your goals <3
he does his own work beside you, so you can study together!
type to help you and tests you on the questions
however, after a couple days, he starts to notice you’re not doing so well. you’ve got bags under your eyes from skipping out on sleep to study, you’re more grumpy than normal, and you just look stressed.
that’s when he makes the connection that a), you’re overworking yourself, and b), you’re stressed about this.
to be honest, i don’t think he’s the type to directly confront you about this unless it becomes too much, he’s more of the subtle type.
he’d definitely ask if you’re okay in a lighthearted manner, but you can tell he’s serious. welp now he’s monitoring you on a daily basis
“y/n, do you wanna take a break and go get some food?” “you’re gonna do so well, don’t worry.”
but if you choose to talk to him about your worries, he’ll listen silently, only nodding his head to show he’s paying attention. he’ll wait till you’re finished until he speaks.
he pulls you into a tight hug, cradling the back of your head as he comforts you. his voice is laced with confidence and you can tell he means what he says.
“babe… i know you can do this. there’s no one i believe in more than you. you’ve worked really hard for this, and that’s all i need to know. and even if you don’t meet your expectations, i’ll still be proud. i’m here for you if you need anything, anything at all.”
makes sure you’re getting enough rest, you’re eating enough and taking breaks.
when the day of your test comes, he gives you a confident smile, and a kiss on the cheek as he winks.
“i’d say good luck, but i know you’ve left nothing up to chance.”
whatever the outcome is, he takes you on a date after <3
overall 7/10
bro does not understand the term ‘busy’. he thinks your attention should always be on him.
worst study buddy 😭 type to end up distracting you instead of actually helping
one of the first people to speak up about this, solely because you aren’t spending a lot of time with him anymore.
not slick with it either, just full on blunt.
this dramatic ahh collapses in your lap on the brink of tears, shiny puppy dog eyes staring straight into your soul.
“do you still love me anymore?”
explain to him that things exist other than him
please do tell him that you’re just worried and stressed though.
if you end up crying, his personality does a full 180. you’re now situated on his lap, his fingers brushing away any tears.
he feels guilty he didn’t notice sooner, he cups your face gently.
“hey, hey… i’m sorry. i didn’t realize this was so important to you… i’ll help you study, okay? for real this time.”
to the best of his ability, he helps explain concepts and showers you with praise if you answer correctly.
makes you flash cards with cute doodles (mostly him)
on the day of your exam, he picks you up and twirls you around.
peppers kisses all over your face.
“my scrunkly baby, you’re gonna do so well!! my smart precious clever genius… i might not be there with you, but take my luck!! well, not like you need it <3”
whispers in your ear before you go:
“…and don’t forget… a mark on a piece of paper doesn’t define you.”
takes you shopping and buys you whatever you want after, super clingy for the next couple of days
4/10 but he’s trying
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©kaeffeinee 2023. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
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koiir · 1 year
You walked in, caught my attention
— first impressions or, “love at first sight”
Cw - a threat on childes part, not proof read
Characters - heizou, kazuha, Childe, x gn!reader
A/n - err finally writing for Childe also a little suggestive on kazuhas part
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— Heizou
You felt his eyes scanning you, yet didn’t bother to look back. It’s not like he was hiding it either, almost everyone in the room had seen heizou stare at you intensity every since you appeared.
To say he was impressed was an understatement, he was almost envious of you for how you handled the case. Yet he didn’t expect any less coming from you, the detective he had heard so much about. It’s almost like you had it all, the looks, the fighting skills, and the smarts.
So how could he not stare? From the moment he heard about you, he was immediately drawn to you. Wishing to know more about you. And know he had that chance, he was more than grateful to have you with him solving this case and he wanted to take advantage of that. Possibly make a move on you.
The way you always seemed to be right, how independent you were, uncovering this mystery, how you carried yourself with-
“Heizou, are you listening?” Shit. Daydreaming again. You must think that he never listens to you, probably because of all the times you caught him in a trance. Yet this time, something was off.
“Moving on… do what you will with that information. Heizou, you wouldn’t mind if you gave you a recap right?” That. Heizou swore he hadn’t seen you smile at least once, but now as you were saying that, you held a small smile while looking at him. For someone like heizou… this caught him off guard. Not in a bad way though.
“Ah! Yeah… I wouldn’t mind it in the least,” god. He sounded so desperate saying that. He was still shaken up a bit by the way you… gave him that smile. Yeah maybe it was just a smile… but it was your smile. Did you know? That you had him wrapped around your finger. You were smart… so he couldn’t deny that possibility. But there was only way one to figure out, right?
— Kazuha
It seemed like a normal day, coming back to liyue to get shipments to Inuzuma, until he heard about a certain someone coming along.
“A dancer?”
“Yeah! You’ve heard of them right? [name]… [name] [last name]?”
“Oh… then yes, yes I have.”
Kazuha had heard whispers of the people in the city, both liyue and Inuzuma, about you as a dancer. The way you used your dendro vision to be part of your dance, how elegant and graceful you were. People always seemed to talk about you in such a a good manner, he had never heard anyone talk about you a bad light.
So when he was finally going to meet you, he couldn’t help but wonder if you lived up to these expectations.
It’s almost like the whole crux knew you, cause they all seemed like they wanted your attention on them. They seemed greedy for you time. But you only had time for beidou since.. well she was the one you had to talk with. And luckily for Kazuha, she was there with him.
“Ah [name]! Long time since we’ve seen eachother,” that’s when he saw you for the first time. Kazuha couldn’t lie to himself, you intimidated him. Why? Probably because of how you did carry yourself you confidence and your aura. It was the type where every watches you walk into a room, and wants to know more about you.
“Yeah, being busy with performing makes little time to spend with others.” That resting face you held quickly changed into a smile, Kazuha couldn’t help but stare. The people weren’t wrong, you were gorgeous. Yet that wasn’t the only thing that drew him in, it was your aura. Like a butterfly that lands on the flower your admiring, causing you to now focus on the butterfly itself. You had that, which made people desperate for more. More of you.
“Say, go on and introduce yourself Kazuha,” beidou drew the attention onto him, which had you now glancing at him with curios eyes.
“The name is Kaedehara Kazuha. May I just say, you blind me with your presence. Only being able to have eyes on you… just like the moonlight that shines upon the ocean at night. The reflection holding you in a trance… just like you do.” Ew I know cringeee I tried
You stood there, shocked to say. You become flustered as he said those words. I mean, who wouldn’t? You couldn’t deny the fact that he was handsome, him saying that only added to the attraction you started to feel towards him.
“I… i don’t know what to say to that. But you sure do have a way with words Kazuha,”
“Say you two flirting now? When you just met?!”
“What! It’s nothing like that…” you muttered to the captain who was obviously trying to embarrass you two.
You now had a slight frown on your face along with blush visible on your cheeks as to what just happened. Kazuha could only chuckle as he continued the conversation, with you. Paying no mind to captain who was watching you two like hawks.
“Since you two seem to get along, Kazuha, show [name] to her cabin.” That seemed to be the end of up until she added one more thing. “Also don’t get too close together, cabin walls aren’t that thick.”
“Beidou!” You yelled back, but the woman had around turned her back onto you two. A smile visible on her face from her teasing. Kazuha could promise that… right?
— Childe
“So, you train here too?” The stranger said, turning around you saw who that was. He seemed a little familiar, like you had seen him once running away from the milith in the city.
“No, just… I don’t know. I was getting bored of training in the same spot and decided to train her. Is there a problem with that?”
“Hehe… don’t have to be so cold you know? I just watched you train a little a noticed those unique skill of yours. With and without your vision.” That’s what caught his eye, the way you didn’t even have to use your vision to defend yourself, but even with it you came up with multiple ways to manipulate the vision into your fighting. That’s what made you seem different…
“So you admit to watching me fight? Isn’t that kinda stalkerish? Watching someone without them knowing.” But geez… you seemed cold just like your vision. But that’s a challenge he was willing to take, get through you and that icy interior of yours.
“I didn’t say that, but let me make it up you. A duel.”
After he said that, you just stared at him. It’s not like you wanted to agree. Buy there was something different about this guy… like why the hell would he randomly approach someone he is training, then ask for a duel? Was his bloodthirsty or some shit? Or did he just enjoy the thrill of it all?
“Why though? What if I end up killing you? You wouldn’t want to die you would now?”
“Oh? So are you an assassin or something?” You stayed quiet, looking at another direction with your arm folded. That was interesting… you being an assassin? Now he was more thrilled of the idea with a duel with you.
“Ugh, since you’ll keep bothering me about this, I accept. What’s the whole point of this duel though?”
“Nothing really, just to see what your fighting style is. I’m interested to see what you will do.” That response only confused you more. That was it? To see your fighting style? Really?
Childe watched you keep eye contact with him until finally accepting his request. Yet their was a lie hidden in what he said, yes he did want to see how you would fight, but he never mentioned how he always wanted to duel because of you. You caught his eye, and you being an assassin? That only made things more dangerous, which could be extremely stupid and dangerous for his status and who he was. But that’s a risk he was willing to take. The thrill that he loved so much was here, so why not make these duels a weekly thing?
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Was going to add zhongli but ended up not bc I didn’t know how to start his so..
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Thanksgiving is coming soon! Maybe an appreciation message to each and every one of your anons? Or just your favs! Also thank you for always writing all the requests! Good work!
I was actually going to do something like this!! In truth I'm thankful for everyone who interacts with my blog, followers, people who leave notes and especially people who request things! All of them combined make me want to write my heart out and I feel incredibly lucky.
Anons...gosh my anons make my world go around, I wake up everyday so excited to see what messages I have from them, what chaos is going on in their lives. It's no lie when I say I love them <3
So special words for them:
Fairy anon: I'm so thankful you joined the anons, ever since that day you first started chatting I have just grown to appreciate you more and more. You bring a sense of sweetness and innocence to the anons, and you constantly ask how we are all doing. I don't think you could ever know how much seeing your "how is everyone doing today"s has brought me comfort even when I wasn't having such a good day. You're such a incredible person and I hope you know that 🩷
Sleepy anon: You're always a wild card, wether you're joining in on the simping or bringing out a new topic and I truly adore that because it keeps things fresh and shows more about how interesting of a person you are. I worry about your sleep schedule (because at this point I truly consider you all my adopted internet children and I only want the best for you), but other than that it's you who's always worried about others. Reminding me to take care of myself and rest when I need to has really helped me and I appreciate it, thank you 💙
Ramen anon: I notice you don't talk as often as the others do, meaning they probably don't know that you're actually my blood relative, my brother. I don't even truly know if I can put into words how much I love you man, you are the one who told me to write more...to follow my heart and helped me through some pretty dark times. If it weren't for I might not have met all these amazing people. Thank you for being my bro, for being so incredible to me ❤️
Donut cat: One of my very first anons ever and honestly one of the craziest too. There have been days where I felt so sad and then I'd see your asks in my inbox, talking about feet and police officers...LEGS AND NOW BOOBAS TOO. I just burst out laughing, you are one of my main sources of entertainment and I don't think I've ever had someone make me giggle as much as you have. Thank you donut cat, never change okay 🧡
Bananon: I think out of all the anons you've revealed the most about yourself, you're always involved in the conversation and talking about your life and I find it inspiring. You're brave and even when fighting illnesses and studies that probably have your head hurting, you always make time to stop in and talk to everyone. I love seeing what you're up to and I always want the best for you, thank you for being a inspiration and a important part of this anon family 💜
Fox anon: I'm not sure if you'll see this, but I'm thankful for having met you, for being able to read all of your many brain rotting ideas. I miss you to say the least, but I also see your name pop up sometimes in my notifications. Likes or reblogs, I see it and I smile to myself. I hope you're doing okay and you know you're always a joy to talk to 💖
New anons: Starstruck, Mushroom, Pancake! I'm already so appreciative of you all! From how funny pancake anon is when it comes to Heizou, to how sweet starstruck is, to how quiet mushroom anon is! You've all become apart of this group and I can't wait to learn more about you and chat with you about more fun things! Thank you for giving me that opportunity
(I won't lie...I teared up writing this. You are all the most amazing people ever...thank you for everything <3)
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