#revalis is later! i knew this information but actually hearing it is fucking me up!
oh shit the divine beasts really do have morse code
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zeldahijinks · 7 years
Flock Together
Part 3
[Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter] Revali/Reader Summary: Reader has good intentions, but doesn’t seem that way to others.  Word count:  3623 [Ao3] to read full story
The weather was just absolutely perfect, you hummed. It was a tad warm, but underneath the shade of this beautiful tree the temperature even out. You sighed feeling relax while a gentle breeze kissed the exposed areas of skin, and the chirps of birds provided a rhythmical call of the wild. It was one of those days where contentment radiated everywhere, and gave a dream like appeal to the afternoon. You closed your eyes and leaned the back of your head against the trunk of the tree, feeling the corner of your mouth ease into a smile. The only thing that could make it better was if the trunk was a bit softer so you could take a brisk nap.
Peeking an eye open, you glanced next to you and saw Revali beak deep in a book. He looked like he was content as well with this beautiful day. He was perched against the tree, and a claw foot resting atop the other one while flipping through the novel. You could hear him read under his breath, his whispers floating to your ear drums and wisps out on the other side to mingle with the breeze. You inhale the peaceful air and hummed your exhale. You heard a little chortle from Revali and without looking away from his novel spoke, “Seems like you are in a sound mood.”
You only beamed and tilted your head toward him, “Mmm, I haven’t felt a day like this in a long time. It’s so nice, don’t you think?”
A smile tugged on his beak, his eyes still emerged in the book, “Indeed, we are not blessed with days like this often.” It was strange to hear Revali’s voice without any condescending tone, but for the first time you could appreciate how unique it sounded. It wasn’t deep, but it was clean and crisp. He held confidence in his enunciations that it was appealing to listen to despite what you imposingly claim. He could even be theatrical, especially when he would read the stories to you aloud. Revali flipped a page and clicked his tongue before he spoke again, “I say it has been about five moon cycles since I had a day fill me to such repletion.”
You hummed, letting your body sag, “I am too comfortable to process what you said.” Your response actually pulled a chuckle from Revali and saw from your peripherals shake his head.  Silence had fallen between you two, but it was welcomed. The sound of nature was more pleasing than a small conversation. You could have fallen asleep, but as comfortable you felt on the inside, the crick in your neck said otherwise. Bleary, your head lulled to the side, and murmured, “Could I sleep in your lap?”
Revali choked audibly almost dropping the book before he finally looked at you. “Y-you want to what??” He held the book to his chest as feathers of his neck puffed out, “How-how scandalous! Here? In the open??” He surveyed the grass field while he whispered harshly, and you gave him an incredulous look.
“The fuck are you talkin’ about?”
He stiffen slightly and flipped his book open in a swift movement, “T-training. I was inquiring if you meant t-training so close to the castle.” If he could sweat, he would be pouring gallons because he never had to correct himself so hard before. What was he thinking, he mentally wailed. He puffed up so much he looked like the aftermath of zapped by lighting.
“What’s wrong with you??” You couldn’t help yourself, but you were concerned with his appearance.
“Nothing!” He squawked off pitch, and coughed to correct himself. He peered down back to his book with a little too much refinery you could tell he was exaggerating on purpose.  His feathers fluttered back to their original place aside the ones at the nape of his neck. While he attempted to avert the situation he did get absorbed into his novel again. He found himself at peace momentarily before slowly peering to his lap. His feathers burst forth with a mighty speed as he went stiff as a scarecrow.
“.....What….are you doing?” He clicked his tongue, trying to process why your head in now using his lap as a luxury pillow. He wasn’t sure how he felt in this moment, slightly elated, but also a little anxious.
“I want to take a nap, and it’s more comfortable like this.” You simply stated the fact and sighed peacefully from your spot. His lap was a lot better compared to the tree, you mused.
“Is that what you asked before??” “Yeahh, before you went all weird on me. I figure you’re easier to deal with if I went ahead and did it.”
He cleared his throat and tried to ignore how aware he was of your head in his lap. He didn’t have the heart to shove you off like the alarms in his head shrieked for him to do, but he also realize there shouldn’t be anything wrong with this. This is exactly what he and you have been working towards. You two were getting along, he tried to convince himself,  this is what friends do, right? They enjoy each others’ company, which he certainly was, but he had a difficult time ignoring how your touch zapped him. He inwardly sighed and tried to collect himself before getting back to reading.
The steady breaths from your lips reminded him that you were still there, and although the feeling of your head was overstimulating before he did not feel the urge to shove you off anymore. He had been staring at the same page for the last few minutes and he caught himself thinking of the two of you. He couldn’t help but think how far this relationship grew in just a short matter of time. It wasn’t that long ago he could recall angry words and heated faces. Each day the two of you were learning how to be around one another, and learning what made the other one tick.
He sighed reminiscing the feeling of loathing he felt for you. He never did have true reason to be acrimonious toward you, but he just felt offended the King and Princess went out of their way knighting them to Champions only to call upon your help. You were just a knight who specialized in scouting. He, at the time, wasn’t aware of your worth.
His beak quirked into a lopsided smile at the image of the first time he met you. You had the most disinterest look when you weren’t talking to Link or Zelda, and often sitting off on high perches while chewing on a wheat stem, adorned with a worn poncho and geta sandals. He believed that was the first moment that feud began as he thought back to the word ‘Hick’ slipping from his beak. He cringed at the memory, even he knew he was in the wrong. He hadn’t known at the time you were just pulled from the middle of another mission, it still didn’t excuse him though.
The back of your hand fell next to your head and he peered under his book. The same sensation of electrifying zaps soared back and he gripped his book. He shook his head, feeling ashamed of himself for treating you so poorly. He did not have much to enjoy and he was glad he had at least this going for him. As a breeze ruffled his feather it help lull his thoughts into a still, and enjoyed the moment while it last.
Sometime later, you had awoken still under the tree with Revali. You stretched and yawned looking toward him. He was asleep, his head back while the book laid open against his chest and one wing splayed across your shoulders. While rubbing the sleep from your eyes you leaned up and yawned. The sky was donning a pink hue and the warm air had turn a bit chilly. You were still pretty tired while you stared at Revali.
Looking him over you notice how his intricate chest piece was marred and worn. Humming to your thoughts, you quirked your lips while tapping your ankle. Your relationship was surely changing, you mused thinking how he wouldn’t hesitate to deny you earlier. 
However, you sighed rubbing the back of your neck as you thought how it was still very fragile. He wasn’t completely relaxed around you and being assertive in showing him to be nonchalant wasn’t working as you had hoped. You thought perhaps there was a step you needed to take to break his barrier and in that moment realizing buying him a present would be the ticket.
A new chest piece would be perfect and you could excused it as he’ll be fighting against the greatest forces of evil soon. With a new vigor, you smile and tapped Revali’s beak a few times until he woke up. “Hey, wake up or I will leave you to the Stellos.”
He perked a feather brow up, as one eye leered at you and grabbed the wrist of the hand tapping his beak.  His tone was dry as he made his way to stand, “Have I ever told you I never once wondered how you were a knight? Hm? Honestly never crossed my mind.”
You rolled your eyes, and smirked, “Careful, that’s a heavy serving of sarcasm.” He adjusted his chest piece and swept away any leaves that had fallen on him. He side glance you as his tone low, “I only serve the finest quality, but I also aim to please.”
A surprising pleasurable shudder crawled up your back and under your breath you muttered, “I bet you do.” You clench your throat to prevent the feeling that threaten to course through you and began internally screaming. You kept a blank face as Revali turned around leaning a suppose ear to you.
“You were muttering again, what did you say?”
“I.. uh..said ‘I’m beat, how bout you?’” You started marching away as he stared at you quizzically.
The next day, you still had the thought of giving a gift to Revali on your mind, but were unable to get a new chest piece as you didn’t have enough Rupees. Your income was maxed to cover your travel expenses, and what little Rupees you did have aside, still could not afford a custom made chest piece for a Rito. Something about different anatomies the craftsman said. You thought it was a bunch of hogwash, but to suit Revali’s taste it was a price to pay.
Then again you thought getting along with him shouldn’t break the bank, but might be worthwhile with the new mission. Zelda informed you that there may be ancient artifacts of the Sheikah tribe in an abandoned diamond mine. You figured if you completed this mission, perhaps collected a few raw diamonds left over in the mines, you would be set for that chest piece and then some. It seemed like a win win situation.  
So the group of champions, and the princess gathered at the boarded up entrance of the abandoned diamond mine. Princess Zelda held the Sheikah slate looking at the digitized blueprint of the mines. “My goodness, what a mess. They hurried this operation.” She pointed to over laying underway, “These is poorly insulated and the structure is quite fragile in the lower mines.” She created a drawn copy of the mines as she continued to speak, “Also the shafts are small….Mmm..I believe I will cut out this part of the mines, it is too risky to venture there.”
You leaned over watching her draw it out, and whistled. “Hoo boy, that is a lot of tunnels.” Perhaps there would be a really great chance of finding diamonds.
Daruk looked at the map and saw the measurements, “I will not go. I will cause it to cave in with my mighty girth.” He bellowed with a laugh, “Just grab some rocks for me, the harder the better.”
Urbosa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, “We all cannot go. Our collective weight alone will cave the mines. Princess, are you sure there are ancient items here?” Her concerns weighed heavily and Zelda bit her bottom lip side glancing Urbosa.
“Well, no...I cannot say for sure if there are any at all. I can only assume by a detailed blueprint they stored in the slate.” Zelda held the slate for Urbosa to look over. Urbosa pursed her lips examining the routes and felt torn from telling the Princess to abort. She could see how diligently Zelda mapping safe routes and how unsteady she was, but it was just too risky.
“Princess, please do not go. I don’t think this is wise.” Urbosa placed her hand on Zelda’s shoulder. “I’ll go!” You piped up, seeing how Urbosa was trying to disband the mission. You nervously gnawed your bottom lip, “If there’s anything I’m skilled at is crawling in small places. I think it’s best if I go in alone. I have tons of experience of situations like this, so I know which routes to avoid.” You did the best you could to sell yourself. The stubbornness implored you wanting to get the diamonds and you were anxious that you would lose this chance.
Standing off to the side Revali stood with his wings crossed and rose a brow. You snatched the map up and looked it over to further dragged your sales pitch, “And Zelda has marked the off limit shafts. I’ll be safe.”
Everyone looked between each other unsure before Revali side step next to you, and peered down at you, “Pardon me if I am being a tad, how shall I say, suspicious.”  He got in your face and his words challenging your resolve, “It’s not often you volunteer for a solo mission.”
You blew a huffed of air in annoyance, thinking to yourself you should have known he’d pipe his two rupees. He doesn’t like to make anything easy for you, does he? “Normally, no, I wouldn’t go alone. I decide to have a partner if there is a possible way for the second party to aid. If these mines collapse why lose two warriors? Some sacrifices have to be made.” The look on Revali’s face was hard to discern, but you could only assume he looked deeply offended.
Taking a step back, not ready to deal with another emotional outbreak, you turned around, and ran toward the entrance, “Leave if I am not back in six hours!” You hurriedly shuffled under the gap of the boarded entrance, not giving anyone the chance to bring you back. You thought of all the nice things you could buy for them all afterwards...well...you thought, that is if you came back.
So far these dark, mucky old mines weren’t so bad, you though. Although you had to tied a bandanna around your face from spores, this part of the mine seemed in better shape than previously thought.  The tunnels were lined with dusty old lanterns, and rolled up rope lining the walls. When you had notice you had grabbed a yellow roll and tied it to a stake in the ground at the entrance. You were lucky that is was still in decent shape and extremely long that you could use it and the several other ropes to help you find the entrance again. It was dark and seeing the map in your lanterns light wasn’t as easy as you first thought.
However, there were deep holes in the ceiling and the ground as you went down the mine. It looked dug through, and light cascaded the path. As you ventured a bit further the walls of the tunnel began to decrease in size and soon found yourself ducking forward. There were vines and long grass growing from the patches in the ceiling, and it was inevitable avoiding them. You finally came to a fork in the path, and by the map the left direction should be a densely populated room with diamond and tools. However, as you continued you couldn’t ignore the weird flapping sound around you. You saw nothing through the patches of the earth and it didn’t seem to be behind or in front of you.
Cautiously, you made your way into the mines. The tunnel began to expand again and you thankfully didn’t have to hunch over anymore. There were rusted mine-carts and tools, and the holes in the earth were larger in this room. Light shone brightly and casting on one of the carts. It was filled to the brim with raw chunks of diamond and you gasped aloud, but just as you were about to run toward it, someone scream out your name. You only had enough time to turn around before being flung across the room right on the carts filled with diamonds!
You left out a groan of pain quickly unsheathing your sword and froze at the creature in front of you. It was large and worm like, with burnt like flesh marred with iridescent symbols. Its head was like a flat intricate mask with a gem in the middle, and it adorn the same symbols on its burnt body. It let out a horrendous screech, its mouth spreading open like deku baba before lurching at you. You quickly flipped off the cart just in time as it charged right into the diamonds. You continue to provide as much distance as you could while you observed for weaknesses
You didn’t have time before it formed into itself, its mask sinking into its body and emerging the opposite end. It reared its ugly mouth and lurched for you again. This time you held your ground and attempted to slice into its mouth, but the burnt like skin turned out to be extremely tough. You groaned as you struggled in the stand still, and the creature hissed angrily. With a will so strong, you flung the monster backwards and went to charge forward in its moment of vulnerability when a flash flew in front of you, effectively separating you and the creature.
Revali stood at attention with his bow aiming directly at the masked creature. He shot the arrow with a strong impact right through the creature’s mask, and shattering the oval shape gem. Before you knew it the worm monster curled into itself and disintegrated in a black heap. All you could do was stand there staring at the pile of dust that once was the monster.  You then looked at Revali in exasperation, exclaiming loudly, “Excuse me! But that was my kill!”
Revali stared at you aghast before shaking out of it, and marching right to you.  His face was not pleased in the slightest and he looked downright furious. You unconsciously stepped backwards at the sight until you were trapped between him and a rusty old cart.
"’I decide to have a partner if there is a possible way for the second party to aid.’” His tone flat mocking your rebuttal. His feathered brows furrowed in irritation, “You want to know a few things you do that ails me with headaches? You are impulsive, let yourself get carried away, and end up in a predicament in which you have to fight for your life. That isn’t even the worst thing, but at least now, I have been made aware of your vice..” He held up a cluster of raw diamond, his eyes burning with silent rage, “You put your greed before your self worth.”
You went to speak, but he cut you off and dropped the cluster at your feet, “For a renowned picket, you are quite the hypocrite.”
You snatched his beak in a tight grip in a heat, your own eyes burning with rage and true hurt... “I would watch that tongue of yours, Revali.”
He shoved you away, straightening out his appearance before coldly leering at you. “Tch. I feel the more time I spend with you the more my intelligence diminished, because I cannot fathom a sane enough reason why I put up with you.” A sharp jolt shot through your chest, and stared at him in disbelief. Where was all this coming from? Had he conjured some warped perception of you? Your chest heaved with uncertainty and stress, and found it difficult to say the words you wanted to say. He just glared as you fumbled to explain yourself and he affirmed a confirmation within himself that wasn’t true.
He looked at you with pain, and struggled with himself with what he really wanted to say. Hadn’t you two promise to do better, he questioned. The urge to speak his mind bubbled, instead, he turned around and prepared to take off, “If you are fine throwing yourself away then I shall be off.” His gale propelled himself into the air and he was gone from your sight in mere moments.
You were left there unsure how to feel. The void in your chest left you wondering how fast this relationship could turned in just a day. However, this time you weren’t sure if there was a way out of this predicament.  You pinched the bridge of your nose before noticing the diamond cluster glistening at your feet. Disdain bubbled in your stomach, a begrudging sigh releasing before you picked it up. While wiping your dripping nose with your sleeve, you slipped the diamond in your bag, and muttered, “Guess I am…”
You continued to search the mines for the Princess’ artifacts hours after, and felt reluctant when you finally came out with nothing to show for other than the large diamond in your sack. Revali was nowhere to be seen and none of the others seemed aware of the altercation between you and Revali.
And you swore you’d keep it that way.
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