#revolting vile evil disgusting etc
mosspapi · 1 year
Literally how is junk mail not illegal. Why are these companies allowed to send me Dozens of useless sheets of paper and magazines and poetry abt Jesus, none of which I asked for or signed up to? Who do I have to kill to make this shit stop I'm dead serious rn
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smaeemo · 3 months
I don’t ship Destiel because “gay angel” or “twink dean” etc.
I ship Destiel because they are the most disgusting tragic horrible vile yucky impure blasphemous horrific sucky fucky immoral unethical disasterous evil retched sickening diabolical antichrist-ial dreadful horrendous ghastly harrowing disfunctional hideos apalling frightening gruesome unspeakable horror-filled-rat-raging-messed-up-whore-house-road-map-pung-hole heinous nightmarish macabre grim hair-raising spine-chilling bone-breaking teeth-chattering toe-curling eye-watering kneecap-sizzling loathsome detestable execrable abominable atrocious sickening nauseating nasty unpleasant awful foul revolting repulsive repellent ghastly obnoxious odious objectionable offensive insufferable godawful hellish beastly hellacious digustful loathful rebarbative disasterous calamitous catastrophic cataclysmic devastating terrible dreadful apalling dire ruinous gruesome miserable wretched unfortunate fatal deadly mortal lethal deplorable lamentable regrettable abject grieving galling vexatious pathetic sad moving painful sorrowful heart-rending agonizing stirring disturbing pitiful piteous melancholy doleful mournful dejected despondent anguished desolate dismal gloomy dispicable devilish (lol) fiendish satanic (lol again) mephistophelian demonic demonical infernal wicked ungodly unholy cacodemonic foot-shaking-tongue-singeing-toenail-burning-eyelash-melting-lip-quivering-shoulder-breaking-spine-clenching-jaw-snapping-hellfire-enducing- tragicshitfesthorrormindmeltbrainrotdisgustinggermbreakingscreamingflamingpileofwretchedunholyiceyhotshitcoveredflames
And I love it
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