rexscelestus started following you
oh! hello there sir!!! :O
pleasure to meet you! i’m jade! jade harley! :D
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dilldaydreamer-blog · 5 years
💬 ((>:3c))
>Eye-twitch.  Of course.  This is what you get for having an honesty hour effect.You’re a weed, with roots so deep that even after you were thought removed you are now threatening to choke out the garden yet again.
[pvt]Your existence is a slap in the face, a bold cry to any who thought the war was ended and they could go and have normal lives in peace that their dreams were for naught and that the war likely isn’t over.    
And it frustrates me. If I thought for a second that you simply had designs on the city, I’d almost be? Supportive??   Because I suppose part of me imagines you are still someone who cares about his planet and his people even after all this time and betrayal.  More so than the other groups who try to lay claim to it.   This city may have been made by Slick, but this planet was made by you…a fact I cannot deny despite my wishes.  But even so, I have little doubt you’d ever really stop at a city.  And I cannot even say war will begin again since at this point I don’t know if it ever ended now.  
You infuriate me, as you claim I am the one who is trying to take your few bastions of happiness away when you stand there blatantly putting your hand in my cookie jars.  You’re a smug bully and I look forward to dismantling your entire operation.
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=> Full Sight
She is following you. You’ve been avoiding her, sneaking around the castle, but her rattling breath is always present. Getting louder if you stay in one place for too long. The halls aren’t so empty anymore. There are dogs. Monsters made of shadows and blood and teeth and rusted metal.
You’re forced to fill a few on your journey. But you’re getting tired. You’ve wandered back towards the Queen’s quarters, hoping to find her in her bedroom. She has been hiding for her safety but you selfishly wish to see her. You need her to guide you. To tell you how to get rid of this threat once and for all. She always refuses to let you help but... with how bad things are... perhaps, at last, she will have no choice but to trust you and let you take care of this.
You almost reach her door when an image flashes in your mind. It’s the back of your head. It flashes, getting faster and closer until it feels like you are seeing down the hall with one eye and approaching yourself from behind through the other. Through the one you do not have. The wheezing is suddenly behind you, loud as hell, and you spin around with your sword drawn.
You see yourself. And you see the monster. She’s reaching for you. Disgusted, you swing at her hand, slicing away two fingers. She groans in agony, too exhausted to scream. You take a step closer, seeing yourself do so. And you realize
The eye on her forehead is not hers. It is your own.
You point your sword at it and flinch, feeling as though you are pointing the sword at yourself. She is too weak to fight you. You grab her head and jab the blade into her open mouth, cutting around the eye. She is moaning in pain, sobbing and pawing at you. It is easy to brush her off of you as you dig your claws into her face and pluck the eye from her head. She collapses, barely breathing.
And you push the eye into your empty socket.
The world lights up. The halls are purple, the sky has stars, and your city is in ruins. You see two Prospitian guards attempting to breech the Queen’s room. Without thinking, you stab them to death. And once they’re bloody heaps, you start reeling. Your mind trying to remember something. Or being flooded with memories so intense, you cannot yet comprehend them. With a groan, you shoulder your way into the Queen’s room, shutting and locking the door and grabbing your throbbing head.
You hear a woman wheezing. No...
Your sword raised, you’re ready to permanently dispatch the monster. Instead, the blade clatters to the ground and you cover your mouth in a silent scream.
Vasya shakily lifts her body from the floor, her blood dripping from her vanity and in a massive pool beneath her. Her eyes have been violently stabbed out of her face. She’s missing fingers. There are deep stab wounds on her chest and down her back. She opens her mouth, choking on blood as she reaches for you.
"J̞̳̤̜̖͚͢a͜c̢̰̳̹k.͔.͎̪̰̦̯͡.̡̙͎̰̙̞ ̞͙̲̤̟͡I͙̦̖t̜̠ ͅh̛̥̯͚u͈̲̟͇̭rt̯͈̗s̤.̤͔.̜.͕͍͇̪̦̫ͅ”
Your hand is shaking as you reach for her in turn. Then you feel the castle shaking, the ground rumbling beneath your feet. You turn your attention to the balcony where a massive form drops down, his eyes on you. He rises up, gaze wandering to the fallen Queen. You see his teeth. And you know who he is.
And you know what he’s here to do.
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“ Who cares? “
Death found himself perpetually startled over the muted ringing he was hearing from this one. For a brief moment, his other self had popped up behind the king looking equally confused before vanishing with a silent dismissal from Death.
“Not caring seems like a one way ticket to making enemies... which... given a man in your position, seems like something you’d want to avoid?” Death offered, unsure.
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birdconductor-blog · 6 years
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
TG: ah uh hello mr uh rex sir?TG: your romance novels arrived but like the guys at the uh front wnt let me in andTG: i like not getting shot by your men again?TG: uh yeahTG: im sorry for the inconvienienceTG: please dont like bite my head off your highnessTG: is uh is that the right title im trying 
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apurpleaddledbaker · 6 years
rexscelestus started following you
HoNk :o)
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⑦ Good morning, sir. I do not believe we’ve met.
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gwenpaint-blog · 6 years
((“#” for a RANDOM text.
Paint: Oh so the book you lent me, I finished it the other day and I quite enjoyed it! 
Paint: I’m going to have to look into the author more ^u^
((“%” for a CURIOUS text.
Paint: Good day sir! I wanted to ask if you’ve happened to have lost a hat? I found this one and the inside of the brim had Rex on it so I was hoping perhaps that was you so it could be returned when we meet at the soup kitchen.
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croupiergin · 5 years
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Haunted By The Passed
Just when it seems like youre in the clear, some fresh hell descends upon this frog forsaken city. You'd bunkered down in the Church until the candy shit passed, but now something else is happening. You dont know what. Why cant there just be peace so you can finally rest. And why are none of your messages going through?! Fuck!!
Tentatively, you step out of the inexplicably empty church. What happened to everyone...This fog is probably the cause of...whatever exactly is going on. Unnatural, even for a city like this.
Its a slow amble back towards the hideout, though youre only half sure youve got the right way. Had to leave the car. Kids gone. All this spells disaster. In fact, all this creepy night is missing is some big fuck off monster lurking around the corner.
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you’re a very striking individual mr. rex! i’m glad that i was able to help you out with those flowers by the way! anyway, you’re quite striking and i feel like you’re the type of guy that isn’t afraid to do what he wants to get want he wants. 
that might sound bad but i definitely don’t mean it that way; it’s actually quite admirable! :D
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dilldaydreamer-blog · 5 years
The café. Sunday, 4pm.
Oh you cocky son of a...
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"I know you better than you know yourself."
You want to bite back, tell him that he WISHES he knew you better, that maybe if he did, he would have seen you coming when you took apart his make-believe kingdom. But instead, you laugh.
Gotta be civil. The mayor is throwing some annual charity party. You and every other fat wallet in town are invited. Looks good on your taxes so you attend. You even let Droog dress you up because he likes to. Should have guessed you’d bump into– “Wait, so, what is it this time, Mr I Know Who You Are? Rex? Kingsely? Kingpin…? Fuckface? Ha! And he thinks I’ve got the identity crisis.”
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I have my concerns given your ah, position in life, along with your friendship with Pembrooke... but, I suppose one cannot get away in this city without having positive connections with someone running a more darker slice of life.
Myself included, which I acknowledge that makes me a hypocrite. I just worry.
I don’t know you very well outside of this however so... perhaps I should fix this?
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bluebrawn · 6 years
D --> King of the divine is an %ceptionally foreboding term
D --> As well as quite a title with responsibility to live up to
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gwenpaint-blog · 6 years
To be honest I admire your artist talent and creativity.
That is very kind of you Mr Rex, thank you ^u^
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