randomwriteronline · 6 months
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welcome back to humanized bionicles today the menu has Creepers from the Deepers (yet to be creepified), unwilling inhabitants of Australia-But-Worse's Atlantis, and flying kids who beat the shit out of each other in the heart of God
i once again used up too much space in the tags so here i am makin notes again bc im stupid
the Barraki were canonically handsome before getting locked down in Underwater Fort Knox so thats why they look like that (hopefully) look vaguely attractive
Ehlek has Big Pupils bc he has animal-like eyes (very little visible sclera) and his hair is more like lil spikes or fins he can pull up
the philosophy for Pridak was "Sidorak WISHES he was him"
i know the Mahri Nui matoran are always in bubbles but fuck it floaty hair babeyyyy
much like Voya Nui matoran they have scars from Karzhani
unlike all other matoran the Av-Matoran do share somatic traits: long noses, arched upper lips, thin eyes with flat lower eyelids, and very curly hair. they also all have a strand of hair braided
all of these traits are based on Takua/Takanuva's design here
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arr-jim-lad · 1 year
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I love how when you read the Bionicle books there is a distinct switch where Matorans suddenly just start dying lmfao
Like they died before, Mavrah being an obvious example, but it was in special circumstances
Once we hit Voya Nui tho? Start that death count, babes
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 1 year
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Some canon-but-appearenceless Mahritoran.
Left to right:
Reysa (lol he ded)
(A live-updating list of stuff I use can be found here, feel free to suggest anything not on that list via my askbox.)
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7ooo-ru · 3 days
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Россиянка пропустила два рейса подряд и отсудила у авиакомпании 120 тысяч рублей
Жительница города Березники пропустила два рейса подряд из-за технического сбоя и отсудила у авиакомпании больше 120 тысяч рублей. Об этом сообщила пресс-служба Пермского краевого суда.
Инцидент произошел в октябре 2023 года. Россиянка планировала командировку и купила билеты из Перми в Москву и обратно у одной авиакомпании. В день вылета женщина приехала в аэропорт и узнала, что улететь не сможет — из-за компьютерного сбоя перевозчик продал больше билетов, чем мест в самолете.
Пассажирка спешила, поэтому ей пришлось улететь рейсом другой компании. Когда через пять дней командировка закончилась, россиянке снова отказали в перелете. «В обоих случаях истца снимали с рейса непосредственно перед вылетом. Об обстоятельствах, препятствующих перевозке, она заблаговременно не извещалась», — заявили в суде.
Уточняется, что авиакомпания пообещала компенсировать женщине 3 999 рублей, но деньги она так и не получила. Пострадавшая обратилась в суд и выиграла дело. В итоге перевозчика обязали выплатить ей 123,6 тысячи рублей, из которых 50 тысяч составила компенсация морального вреда. Решение суда пока в законную силу не вступило.
Стюардесса «Уральских авиалиний» засудила авиакомпанию, которая ложно обвинила ее в пьянстве на рабочем месте. Перевозчик утверждал, что перед рейсом от сотрудницы пахло алкоголем, хотя у нее был подтвержденный диагноз ОРЗ.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/06/930-rossiyanka-propustila-dva-reysa-podryad-i-otsudila-u-aviakompanii-120-tysyach-rubley-grss-314028861.html
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diyarbakirhaberleri · 11 days
Reysaş Taşımacılık’tan bağlı ortaklık kuruluşu
ICYMI: https://www.haberidiyarbakir.com/reysas-tasimaciliktan-bagli-ortaklik-kurulusu/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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makwandis · 11 months
i really really love your analysis of gilbert as an old prussian and the problems with portraying the teutonic order as their own country but i think it's super funny to portray the crusader orders as pathetic dumb gayboys because of the reaction a christian nationalist would have to the concept
thank you! you know what you could do....the crusading orders were built up of knights from all across Europe...just send the other European nation characters into the crusades for a few tours and they will legit have their dumbass gay boy heretic crusade party and it'd literally be gilbert leading them around like a damn carnie at a fair because like saxony and denmark and fuckin. France. Will show up in the off season when it's too wet and muddy to go raiding in Lithuania and the teutonic order will have 2 stage fake raids to keep the recently arrived rich lords who want to be knights entertained ! and then for the actual crusading season the Reysa the measly two weeks where it was dry enough or frozen enough to go raiding they were all doing animal sacrifices and other pagan stuff before that so the Christian nationalists can also suck on that lol.
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strawberllie · 2 years
Reysa tau aku suka mam, jadi dia loving me with foods. he's knows i like train and he sering ajak aku naik kereta. he's knows i like city light n he always stop dulu and show me "tuh liat" atau "mau diem disini dulu?" katanya, he's knows i like moon and he always take a picture of moon trus he sending to me, begitupun kalau langitnya lagi cantik "langitnya cantik kayak kamu" cenah. he always calling me "cantik" padahal anaknya incesurean abiz, gak pernah ilfeel mau gimanapun, he's knows i suka jalan-jalan jadi dia suka ajak muter dulu sebelum bawa pulang. selalu telponin aku kalau udah bilang gabisa tidur. and many moreee. he's super duper nyebelin tapi sayang sekali😠❤️ seperti nak jaksel tp gpp i want appreciate him kali-kali.
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cpu-update · 2 years
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CPU MLISTL conducts international webinar: Global Librarianship in times of Crises
The Masters in Library and Information Science with specialization in Theological Librarianship (MLIS-TL) class organized a webinar with international speakers and participants with the theme, “Global Librarianship in times of Crises” last May 30, 2022. The online event featured speakers from different countries.
The webinar discussed how global librarianship practices, collaboration, and cooperation among librarians. The presentations addressed current issues such as preserving cultural heritage, coping with the pandemic, disaster preparedness, leadership, and ethics.
Four notable speakers from different countries were present. Matina Curic of the Pontifical Mission Society in Germany spoke on the topic, “Challenges and Crises in European Theological Libraries and Librarians”; Hasitha Koralage of Sri Lanka Technological Campus Library presented on “International Linkages: Keeping Academic Libraries Alive in Times of Crises”; and Jelena Glišović from the National Library of Serbia spoke on “National Library Initiatives: Adopting with Pandemic and Beyond.”
The last speaker was Dr. Kelly Campbell of the John Bulow Campbell Library and Association of Theological Libraries, who presented on the topic “Global Librarianship in Times of Crises: The Theological Libraries Perspective.”
Responses from the students followed each presentation. Dr. Rowena Libo-on, Dean of the CPU School of Graduate Studies, joined the webinar and delivered the opening remarks. Prof. Ana Mae Cantel, MLIS-TL Coordinator and faculty presented the closing remarks. Prof. Cynthia Peleña, Director of Libraries, introduced the first speaker.
CPU MLISTL students are ATESEA scholars from different Southeast Asian countries.This event is part of the subject Seminar on Global Librarianship under Dr. Reysa Alenzuela.
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ancano · 3 years
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Just a little sketch I did of Reyvi and Dessa!! They're so cute together I might die aaaaa
Reyvi belongs to @the-drunken-huntsman <3
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loysnuva · 7 years
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Reysa, the shepherd My entry for the contest "Les Archives De Mavrah" #8 on BIONIFIGS.Reysa's head inspired by Artemiy Karpinskiy's work. Flickr
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kanohicafe · 7 years
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2007-2017 : SINK OR SWIM #12 - Reysa (Rough)
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calpio · 4 years
you see this robe of the fire rat? it’s bf material :)
         whooaaaa    ~    !!    why   was   the   rat   on   fire
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merciefull · 4 years
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the faces of judgement.
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7ooo-ru · 3 months
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ТАСС: самолёт рейса Красноярск — Благовещенск готовится к экстренной посадке
В авиаслужбах сообщили, что пассажирский Boeing, выполняющий рейс Красноярск — Благовещенск, готовится к экстренной посадке в Чите.
Читать далее
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/03/26/587-tass-samolet-reysa-krasnoyarsk-blagoveschensk-gotovitsya-k-ekstrennoy-posadke-grss-293508426.html
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diyarbakirhaberleri · 12 days
Reysaş Taşımacılık’tan bağlı ortaklık kuruluşu
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mukagen · 2 years
imagine being the most handsome and darling person... ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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who, me?
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