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Failed Identity Theft Part 2 Then Robert called me ...... I was beyond irate and felt profoundly violated. I immediately called the dealership and ripped into them like a mad-woman snorting PCP off a 10k/night hooker's back during Mardis Gras. Going off, never felt so good! I'll go into full details further in my tale. The car and his betrayal will forever remain a gaping raw spot within me. If I ever see that car around town, I can't guarantee I wouldn't key it up head to toe or fuck it up someway, somehow. Once for stealing my SS# to apply for loans WITHOUT MY PERMISSION and twice for FALSELY ACCUSING ME of keying the driver's side when I sued him in small claims court. I know the legal ramifications aren't worth it, if I would be caught..... but there remains a demanding thirst for vengeance buried within even after 7 years. I've tried to let it go. It won't budge. I won't seek Robert or his car out, but if Fate causes us to run into each other again.....FYI I gave him 1 free car AND offered him another free car after that since I eas getting new ones at those times. Not good enough.Oh, and he fucked over his grandpa who co-signed his 1st car loan too. Hence, why he stole my info. Wouldn't be stupid enough to ask the fam. https://thedirty.com/?s=Robert Muller#post-2215459 #@lexx.n.wonderland #AlexisHemmerich #AlexisMuller #RobertMMuller #DennisNeumayer #Ephebophilia #DomesticViolenceStartsHere #NowHeOwnsYou #FamiliaDental #RGLLogistics #P&G #Proctor&Gamble #FailedIdentityTheft #818OregonStGreenBayWI (at Green Bay, Wisconsin)
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Robert Muller's Identity Theft Failure (Mine) This is my narcissistic. alcohol and drug abusing ex, Robert Michael Muller. He's 41 and just married his 21-23 yr old gf. No surprise. He has NEVER dated ANYONE older than 21 right off the bat. He deals solely in "Trophy" relationships where he can play the "White Knight", "Father", "Protector", even "Beloved Anti-Hero". It's all a facade. Once the veil is lifted the abuse WILL begin! https://thedirty.com/?s=Robert Muller#post-2215459 www.robertmmullercovertabuser.wordpress.com #@lexx.n.wonderland (Apparently, she never read the books. Wonderland is a terrifying acid trip gone straight sour. NOT A playful, harmless Willy Wonka-esque paradise.) I think her word choice is a dark portent to be honest. #AlexisRMuller #AlexisRHemmerich #DennisNeumayer #RobertMichaelMuller #DaddyIssues #Ephebophilia #DomesticViolenceStartsHere #NowHeOwnsYou #RGLHoldings #RGLLogistics #P&G #Proctor&Gamble #FamiliaDental #AttemptedIdentityTheft This is how he tried to steal my SS# to get a car loan for the car pictured here. Robert asked me to cosign for the car when he 1st applied for a loan via Broadway Automotive. It evolved into another one of his abusive tantrum fiascos, of course, when I refused. He even went so low as to steal my info and SS# WITHOUT MY CONSENT and send them to the dealership. Goes to show how shady that dealership is..... (I did some Googling).Most legit dealerships will refuse to have someone cosign if they live out of state from the  main buyer/owner. This is to protect against any kind of attempted fraud. If they DO accept an out of state cosigner they usually require the applications/documents be signed IN PERSON OR VERIFIED VIA NOTARY ETC.  before ANYTHING GETS APPROVED OR PROCESSED. Broadway Auto DID NOTHING TO VERIFY THAT THE INFO WAS GIVEN WITH CONSENT OR VERIFY MY IDENTITY. When I started receiving several loan rejection letters in the mail (at least 3-5 daily with a total sum of 20-30 letters), I freaked out thinking my identity had been stolen! Then Robert called me ...... I was beyond irate and felt profoundly used. (at Green Bay, Wisconsin)
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Robert's Career in Faking Out Piss Tests Procter & Gamble Paper Products 501 Eastman Avenue [JOB TITLE]: Plant Technician #ProctorandGamble #P&G Unknown if he has continued his trend of physical and verbal violence towards his co-workers. Unknown if he continues to be critically dependent on marijuana and alcohol daily, to the point that without it he becomes unstable/agitated. Unknown if he continues to utilize synthetic urine sandwiched in his underwear a handwarmer to pass an urine drug tests. Also if he still keeps a kit in his car in case of emergencies. (I.E. random drug tests). Unknown if he still sells/buys marijuana to/from current coworkers on work campus and/or his home. He used to leave his car unlocked so bags could be dropped off in the glove box or picked up during inconspicuous times. (I.e. smoke breaks, lunch breaks, shift changes, downtime etc.). 1)RGL Holdings Inc. 1401 State St[JOB TITLE]: Dock Coordinator/Forklift Driver #RGLLogistics #RGLHoldings Here Robert's rage issues came to a head. He punched out a co-worker 2x. His tantrums and explosive anger made his co-workers slowly afraid of him. He was promoted but cracked under the stress and was thusly demoted. How he was not fired is beyond me. I implored him to go get therapy like he did a few years ago. Take anger management courses. He adamantly refused. (Because that would mean he'd have to admit personal culpability for his actions.)He started getting lazy about circumventing the random drug tests. He had at least 2-3 close calls that I remember. 1x he had to rush home grab a kit and barely made it under the 15min time limit. Another time he didnt put the synthetic sample on the hand warmer long enough and it was only 0.5 degrees above the acceptable temp range. Then he started demanding that I take responsibility for his addiction. He demanded that I buy him a kit when he ran out last min, couldnt afford one and was in the window to potentially be tested. When I refused. He'd say well "If I lose my job and we get evicted......". My response: not my problem. He was buying and selling marijuana on and off work property too. #AlexisHemmerich #AlexisMuller #@lexx.n.wonderland (at Green Bay, Wisconsin)
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This is my narcissistic. alcohol and drug abusing ex, Robert Michael Muller. He's 41 and just married his 21-23 yr old gf. No surprise. He has NEVER dated ANYONE older than 21 right off the bat. He deals solely in "Trophy" relationships where he can play the "White Knight", "Father", "Protector", even "Beloved Anti-Hero". It's all a facade. Once the veil is lifted the abuse WILL begin! #@lexx.n.wonderland (Apparently, she never read the books. Wonderland is a terrifying acid trip gone straight sour. NOT A playful, harmless Willy Wonka-esque paradise.) I think her word choice is a dark portent to be honest. The Last Straw (April 2010) My Age: 27 His Age:  34 Where: 605 West Briar Lane #116 Allouez, WI *This is where he physically abused me, choked me, destroyed my property.   and dealt weed to his co-workers at RGL Holdings behind my back. Random people would just show up without my knowledge or consent. I hated having strangers in my home with my presence. I certainly couldn't trust him, let alone strange people. Who knows what they could be snooping through, stealing etc.* Alexis, tell me how does it feel knowing you cohabitated with Robert in the apartment I got approved and paid for with MY credit score because Robert's credit was so abysmally poor NO ONE would dare rent to him, especially since his last rental references were his own parents despite being legit landlords.How does it feel knowing that he choked me and physically beat me there? The large closet at the end of the hallway before it turns left into the two bedroom and bathroom areas?......Yeah, he bull-rushed me..... stoned & drunk, threw me up against the closet doors feet dangling and choked me with one hand. I still remember how the whiskey poured off his breath. How scared and confused I was. I didn't understand what I did that triggered this....I just came home from work  and was hoping to spend some quality time together after cooking us both dinner. This was 100% unprovoked and undeserved! #AlexisMuller #AlexisHemmerich #RobertMuller #DaddyIssues #Ephebophilia #DomesticViolenceStartsHere #NowHeOwnsYou #RGLHoldings #RGLLogistics #P&G #Proctor&Gamble #FamiliaDental #ElectraComplex (at Green Bay, Wisconsin)
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