#rhaegar targaryen week
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Each Targaryen has its own sun and moon
PreASOIAF coloring page. Rhaegar Targaryen and his wives. If you color and want to share the result, be sure to tag me in your post.
@eliaxrhaegar @love-dragoneyes @forcesmuggler @irisewithsunyourisewiththemoon @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx @valyrianpoem @asoiafrarepairs @asongofrhaegar @asoiafwomensource @thelastdragonsnet @songs-of-love-and-doom
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chemtrailsoverthesun · 3 months
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Thank you to @rinthecap for this Elia x Rhaegar art! So glad it was done in time for elia week ☺️
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archamion · 3 months
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Day 01: Elia and her children
“Reunion” (somewhere in the afterlife) ❤️‍🩹
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melrosing · 9 months
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doodling the robbie’s reb lads
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sunsetstarrogue · 8 months
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Day 07 of House Martell Week: Favorite ship involving a Martell/Sand Snakes
"Early in the year 279 AC, Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, was formally betrothed to Princess Elia Martell, the delicate young sister of Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne. They were wed the following year, in a lavish ceremony at the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing"
final day of martell week 😢 its been fun.
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caraxes ft. the hatchlings
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She feels the soil beneath her palms, weeds stuck in her hair and cold kisses on her neck. The stars stare down at them, constellations, her husband had said he would show her each and every one. How lucky then, the sky of Dragonstone is ever clear during the night.
Blue Moon--> read on AO3
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starryrosebud · 2 years
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@targaryensource Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 1: Favourite Targaryens- Daenerys Targaryen, Aegon i Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen and Rhaenys Targaryen❤️
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spearsndragons · 8 months
martell week favorite trope/HC:
“A dragon must have three heads.”
or: Elia gives Rhaegar his Visenya
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Fearing it was either his wife’s life or another child, Rhaegar desperately turned to a third option.
But oh, foolish, foolish, Rhaegar. Did he forget? Just as with the Conquerors, the three heads must come from one mother.
Rhaegar’s choices plunged the Seven Kingdoms into war and chaos. At the end of it, everyone believed that Crown Princess Elia and her two young babes perished in the Mad King’s wildfire plot.
Everyone was wrong.
15 years after the war, Elia’s children come back to Westeros.
— “Clean,” series by spearsndragons
I know! I know! I’m so late to the party but I come bearing gifts! I’m just so happy I got to participate in Martell week after all :’)
Please enjoy the new addition to this au series! I know so many of you guys wanted a sequel!!!
i know this is cheating but maybe this can also fulfill the aegon prompt??? haha
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Daenerys' vision, mix media, A3
@thelastdragonsnet @valyriansource @valyriansilk @valyrianpoem @housetargaryenloyalist @housetargaryennetwork @housetargaryenart @asoiafrarepairs @asoiafwomensource @asoiaffanart-blog @eliamartellappreciation @askmamaindia @forcesmuggler @ladygreene13 @irisewithsunyourisewiththemoon @songs-of-love-and-doom @love-dragoneyes @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx @songsforelia @rhaegardaily @rhaenysmartell77-blog @rhaenysandbalerion-blog @rhaegardaily
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Targaryen week 2023: Family dynamics - Daenerys and Rhaegar
I always found interesting Daenerys' parallels and association with her brother Rhaegar. She didn't get to meet him as he died before she was even born. But he's a great influence to her nonetheless.
Rhaegar Targaryen is even introduced on Daenerys first point of view chapter in AGOT. On that chapter, Daenerys reminiscing about Targaryen stories she has heard from Viserys and one of them is how Rhaegar died at the Trident:
Her brother Rhaegar battling the Usurper in the bloody waters of the Trident and dying for a woman he loved.
On another chapter when Dany is afraid that she "woke the dragon" in Viserys, ser Jorah assures her that the last dragon was her brother Rhaegar. He's partly correct, because Viserys is a pathetic bully not deserving to be called a dragon. However, the dragons didn't die with Rhaegar. Dany is as much of a fierce dragon ( and even more) as her brother was and she proved it in all these books.
Ser Jorah will acknowledge it himself a couple of chapters later when he'll say that Dany resembles her brother Rhaegar.
Dany also decides to name her unborn son Rhaego after her brother Rhaegar.
"What is the meaning, the name Rhaego?" Khal Drogo asked as they walked,using the Common Tongue of the Seven Kingdoms [...].
"My brother Rhaegar was a fierce warrior, my sun-and-stars" she told him. "He died before I was born. Ser Jorah says that he was the last of the dragons".
Unfortunately, Rhaego has even more ill fate that his namesake and he's stillborn.
However, Rhaego isn't the only "child" she names after her brother. He also names one of her dragons Rhaegal:
"[...]The green one shall be Rhaegal for my valiant brother who died on the green banks of the Trident.[...]".
When Dany enters the House of Undying, she sees Rhaegar among her visions. It's interesting that Rhaegar on her vision is the only character who mentions the saga's title aka "song of ice and fire" . Which is pretty much in character for him as he fixated on the prophecy of the prince that was promised.
Another thing that I like on that scene is that Dany watches Rhaegar during a peaceful, family moment. She doesn't simply see the prince of the seven kingdoms but also Rhaegar the man and the father. Unfortunately, he was never to have such a peaceful moment with his younger sister as he died before she was born. She was never held by her brother but his presence still looms over her life.
When she meets Ber Barristan Selmy disguised as Whitebeard, Dany asks questions about her brother Rhaegar. She doesn't want to hear another sugar-coated version as the ones Viserys always offered about their family. She simply wants to find the truth about him:
Dany turned her back on the squire. " I know little of Rhaegar. Only the tales Viserys told, and he was a little boy when our brother died. What was he truly like?"
That doesn't mean that suddenly Dany stopped being inspired by her oldest brother. Just take a look at her cute reaction once Barristan mentions her brother's skills:
[...]Until one day Rhaegar found something in his scrolls that changed him. No one knows what it might have been, only that the boy suddenly appeared early one morning in the yard as the knights were donning their steel. He walked to Ser Willem Darry the master-at-arms, and said 'I will require sword and armor. It seems I must be a warrior'.
" And he was!" said Dany, delighted.
Later on when she starts doubting her father's popularity in Westeros and suspecting that he might not be the great king Viserys presented him to be, she never does the same for Rhaegar. He's the only man in her immediate family that is excluded from her doubts.
One of Daenerys' greatest moments is when she frees the Unsullied. Before she does so she wonders what her brother would do, again using him as her moral guide despite never meeting him in person.
"Viserys would have brought as many Unsullied as he had the coin for. But once you said I was like Rhaegar..."
" I remember, Daenerys."
" Your Grace", she corrected. "Prince Rhaegar led free men into battle, not slaves[...]
She aspires to be a fair leader ( and that's what she actually becomes!) people will follow on their free will and not someone who buys their followers and enslaves them.
Even when she's met with the pessimistic quote" Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought noble, Rhaegar fought honorable. And Rhaegar died" she's doesn't back down. She's right to do so because in the end she succeeds where her brother failed. Both Rhaegar and Dany fight honorable but it's only her the one who survived the many trails she faced.
That's not to belittle Rhaegar or his accomplishments. It's just from the narrative perspective that makes sense to have a minor character - who never appears in the story- have noble intentions but fail his mission and then the main character he shares so many parallels with and who is inspired by them to succeed.
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wyldewillow · 1 month
event starter: @fromthcfires setting: casino night. context: rhaegar once worked as part of willow's security squad when she founded her controversial political party, he eventually discovered her mafia connections and her corrupt ways, and asked to be dismissed.
willow memorised most people who worked closely to her in some shape or form. it was important to keep track of those who had been in her inner circle, especially if they left it. rhaegar was such a case. him quitting had been abrupt, which always made her suspicious, and so she used her connections to dig up anything that she could on him. it was in a file somewhere, ready to be perused to find something to use as blackmail if need be. she worried that it would mess with her targaryen connections, so it was always going to be a last resort. she was not supposed to know his full name, but it was one of the things that she had dug up on him. it complicated matters, but only if rhaegar decided to do something dumb.
it was not a coincidence when she sat next to him at the blackjack table. it was a good opportunity to stick her finger into the ground, to assess if this man was a threat to her. when the dealer declared that there was going to be a short break, she immediately turned halfway to look at rhaegar. “if you were wondering, i do remember you.” willow could smile and be charming when she wanted to, sometimes more convincingly than other times. “i hope everything has worked out well for you at your new assignment. it was a shame you had to leave us so soon.” she took a sip of her wine while still keeping an eye on him.
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unseentravler · 1 year
Fic of the week
283 AC.
Rhaegar takes an uneasy seat on the Iron Throne.
His daughter has been born, accepted willingly by his wife, who stares down on her with kindness despite the whispers. The Usurper has been driven off to Essos, fleeing with the death of his so-called beloved. His father is dead.
He's gotten what he wanted-
So why does he feel so empty?
Amidst the red sands of Dorne, a She-wolf breathes her last, and a prophecy is fulfilled.
Visenya grows up knowing the love of her mother, Elia, the absence of her mother, Lyanna, and the cold indifference of her father, Rhaegar. And dreams of green eyes and black scale. With the Targaryen dynasty weaker than it has been since the Dance, enemies in the west, and a looming threat in the north, fate finds itself nestled firmly between the teeth of monsters as they scrape the land anew
This is the best GOT I have ever read. It's a fascinating take on a common AU, with fantastic characterization and storytelling, especially when it comes to Robert Baratheon. It is currently ongoing and updates regularly.
10/10 Highly recommend.
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blue-rose-of-wolves · 2 years
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@thelastdragonsnet @fuckyeahrhaegarandlyanna
@rhaegarxlyanna @rhaegardaily @rhaegxr @lyannatheshewolf @lyannastarkweek-blog @lina1745-blog @anotherlyannastark @awinterrose @ironunderneathbeauty-blog @thelyannastark @hiddenstarkofwinterfell-blog @stark-lyanna-blog @lycnnc-blog @winterfellrose @lyanna-starks @ladylystark-blog @blue-rose-of-winterfell-blog @lyanna-arya-sansa-stark-blog @lyan-na-stark @love-dragoneyes @forcesmuggler @irisewithsunyourisewiththemoon @joneryskingdom @valyrianpoem @valyabrethil @hiddenstag-blog @wonderwomanquinn  @housestarksisters-blog @housestark @alyrys  @steel-winter-rose @lyannadaily  @lyannastarkweek-blog @lyannas-loves @houseofjaqen @houseofstark @forcesmuggler @irisewithsunyourisewiththemoon @joneryskingdom @lyannadaily @lyannas-loves @lyannastark @houseofjaqen @houseofstark @northremebers-blog @asoiaffanart-blog @asoiafwomensource @sansastark-queen-in-the-north @1nsaankahanhai-bkr @aryastarksource @aryastarktheshewolf @aryastarkdaily  @saltywinteradult  
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sunsetstarrogue · 3 months
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Day 07 of Elia Week: Free day! Elia Martell x Rhaegar Targaryen
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