#rhaenyra get behind me ❤
lady-corrine · 1 year
I just think that it's very VERY telling how certain stans consider the show cutting out Daemon's loss of his child with Mysaria such an important thing because it would have made him more sympathetic/understood, yet these are the same people that have absolutely no mercy for Rhaenyra's mental downfall at the loss of five of her children... 🤔
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neptuneiris · 1 year
for the crown (03/03)
two things can kill the soul, emptiness and false hope.
pairing: prince!aemond × lowborn!reader
summary: you gave yourself to him, you love him, he said that despite your low status at court, he will still marry you, because you are his, the woman who was his friend since childhood, until the war comes.
word count: 9.3k
previous part • series masterlist
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and here ends another story, I can't believe it :( thank you so much to all the people who supported me and who read, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are incredible beautiful people, I love to write all this with pleasure for you❤ see you in the next stories. this is the end, there will be no epilogue.
warnings: angst, denigration, abusive behavior, possessiveness, infidelity, betrayal, mention of death, blood, cuts.
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"Prince Daemon sends his greetings."
That's what the man says as he holds a dagger menacingly against your throat, feeling the cold metal firmly against your skin, while with his other hand he quiets your sobs as tears fall down your cheeks.
Even you still don't process how you got into this situation. It just all happened too fast.
All the commotion happened so suddenly, a soldier in green armor shouted ambush and suddenly men with black banners appeared surrounding the camp at Harrenhal, while everyone barely had time to react and suddenly they were already surrounded.
Even Aemond.
The maidservants were the first to flee towards the castle in fear, so you too quickly decided to go after them as the enemy soldiers began to surround everything and kill the men attacking them.
When you suddenly felt someone grab you from behind forcefully without expecting it at all and silenced your screams with his hand, instantly bringing the dagger to the side of your stomach, placing the tip ready to be embedded in your skin, threatening you.
"If you want to live a little longer, I suggest you put up no resistance and don't make a fuss, my dear," the unknown man threatens in your ear in a low, slightly amused voice.
He tells you as he moves the dagger threateningly firmer against your skin, warning you.
However, not thinking correctly and acting on a survival impulse, you gather courage and manage to get the man off you by hitting him with your foot in his intimate part as hard and fast as you can.
The man gasps loudly from the pain, releasing you, giving you time to run and call for help, crying and completely terrified.
But the man immediately pulls himself together and angrily grabs you again in a quick and calculated motion, knocking you to the ground.
You cry and cry for help as he drags you away and you continue to put up resistance, terrified and desperate, but still he places you at his feet and then stands over you, immobilizing your movements.
"No! No, please!" you cry out to him pleadingly, crying, resisting and beating him as best you can with your hands made into fists.
"Shut up!"
He shouts angrily at you, then unexpectedly hits you with his raised hand right on your right cheek, hitting your lower lip as well, bursting it, while a wave of pain runs through your face and you stop resisting.
When suddenly everything goes strangely quiet.
Rhaenyra's army does not kill Aemond's forces, there is no bloodshed or battle as such, except when the green soldiers put up too much resistance and the archers shoot them right in the forehead, killing them instantly.
This is strange to Aemond, who with his sword in hand, alert and defensive, watches as he is surrounded by all those men along with his army, attentive and waiting… though they are not actually attacking them.
Not yet.
Desperately he looks for some way to free himself from the situation, needing his dragon to have a better chance, observing how his men don't even have their swords with them or at least not many of them, most of them being unarmed by the unexpected situation.
When then he remembers you.
More desperate than before, he searches for you among all the people, unsuccessfully, starting to worry, feeling the nerves invade him even more, hoping and wanting to believe that perhaps you have escaped in time along with the maidservants.
But if you've been ambushed so suddenly and so carefully, where even he didn't have time to react, he doubts that you were able to get away from it all in time.
But if you're in the castle, hiding, equally that comforts him a little. However, Aemond did not expect to see Alys came out of the castle.
Static and with clear surprise on his face he sees how a tall man, of broad build, with strong arms, wearing brown leather clothes, with brown hair and beard of the same color along with his wrinkled face, holds tightly by her hair.
Alys gasps in pain and he make her walk and with his other hand he holds a dagger against her throat.
She cries and looks hopefully at Aemond, asking for his help and completely frightened, while the man continues to hold her tight to make her move forward and threatening her with the dagger in her throat, until they reach the middle of the whole ambush.
Aemond cautiously observes the whole scene, trying not to look as worried as he actually is, taking a few steps towards them, about to speak when a voice catches his attention.
"Ah prince Aemond, there you are!"
He then feels as if a wave of fire will burn him completely alive as he now sees how a tall, skinny, hairless man with some visible scars on his bald head and also brown leather clothes holds you firmly, making you walk as you cry and continues to threaten you with the dagger this time at your throat too.
Aemond wants to believe this really isn't happening as the man holding you stands next to the man holding Alys, his two women now in front of him, each being threatened with a dagger, on the verge of death.
His heart rate increases to a faster, unstable one, feeling like he will vomit at any moment, seeing the scene in front of him.
But his attention is drawn more towards you, with the man mumbling at you, threatening you to stop crying, as he notices the blow on your cheek and the blood coming out of your lower lip, instantly watching everything with his jaw clenched and his hands making them into fists, clenching his sword too tightly.
"We've been waiting to see you, Prince Aemond," says that man holding you, watching him amused, "Couldn't miss the show, could you?"
"Let them go, both."
He demands in a serious and deep voice, angry, hiding his desperation and concern, cautious and attentive to anything, while the man holding you watches him even more amused.
"I don't think you are in a position to demand a thing prince, or are you?"
"Then what do you want?"
Aemond instantly snaps at him, his voice hard and threatening, his whole posture tense and still clenching his hands tightly into fists.
He doesn't understand anything.
If they're here to kill them, why didn't they do it from the beginning? He doesn't understand what they're getting at with this by taking you and Alys.
"What do we want?" the man repeats, then laughs bitterly and with cruelty, "No," he denies with his head and then looks at you, "What we want we already have… right here."
This sends shivers down Aemond's body, who unable to hide it any longer, watches worried and alert as the man presses the dagger harder against your throat.
Your stir and cry in fright, to which the man quickly covers your mouth with his hand, making you gasp from the pain, so you close your eyes tightly and let out more tears, sobbing into his hand, wishing for this to be over soon.
"When Prince Daemon heard that his nephew took the Crown in the Usurper's absence and that he took Harrenhal to gain more support throughout the Riverlands against his wife, apparently enjoying the company of not one, but two women in the midst of war… this got his attention and he decided to act about it."
Then the other man holding Alys speaks with a deep voice and a determined look, while Aemond listens and watches everything carefully.
"Now he can avenge the death of his son, Lucerys, properly."
The tension rises at that moment, Aemond completely transfixed watches with his eye wide open at the scene in front of him, with the man's words constantly replaying in his mind as he sees the two of you more than willing in killing you and Alys.
Then the realization also hits him like a wave.
Blood and Cheese.
These two men are the same assassins that his uncle sent to kill one of his nephews, in revenge for Luke's death.
They were never found, both successfully escaping the Keep after such an act that his sister witnessed and drove her into madness.
Aemond truly took full responsibility and understood that his sister could no longer even accept his touch or tolerate his presence, crying completely devastated the next few days after losing her son and to this day.
But now… the victims are not his niece and nephews due to the lack of children of his own, now it's you and Alys.
He didn't bother to keep his activities with Alys discreet. Everyone knew there was an intimate relationship between him and her, he even knows that word must have gotten as far as King's Landing.
As well as with you, the words spreading since he stole you from the Keep and brought you here with him.
This is why he understands that these men have taken you and Alys successfully, until now realizing the grave mistake he made in carelessly letting his weaknesses be known.
Watch as Alys watches him intently, pleading, as the man continues to hold her tightly with the dagger at her throat, and then watches you, you already watching him the same way she is, frightened and begging for his help.
"We will tell you the same thing we told your sister, Prince Aemond," Cheese says in a more serious and firm voice, "We are debt collectors. In this case a son… for a mistress."
Cheese's grip on you grows tighter, as you gasp from the pain and continue to cry, while Aemond presses his lips together and stands as still as ever, afraid to make a false move, watching and listening to everything intently.
He feels as if his heart is going to burst out of his chest at any instant, he wants to vomit and wants to burn everything to the ground because of the fact that he can't do anything about it.
He is completely helpless in the face of the situation.
"We only want one to balance things out. The other one we won't touch a hair on her head."
Cheese continues, along with Blood still holding the daggers menacingly against yours and Alys' throats.
"Then… which one would you prefer to save, your Grace?"
The tension increases with every second, as Alys stares at him pleading and you too, crying.
These words hit not only Aemond, but also you, desperately asking for his help, terrified, crying harder, knowing full well that the dagger in your throat can kill you at any instant, the decision being his.
You watch him completely attentively, as Aemond slightly raises his hand towards the men, swallowing hard, wanting to keep calm and peace, as he feels the despair all over his body.
And now he understands what his sister had to go through.
"No, wait," he says instantly, trying to sound calm and look less desperate and worried, "Wait," he repeats firmly and cautiously, trying to reason with them, "I'm sure we can come to a beneficial agreement. Just let them go."
Cheese laughs bitterly, as Blood answers for both of them.
"An agreement is not a mistress, prince."
"It has to be one of the two of them," Cheese makes clear, in warning, "And I advise you to make up your mind soon before Blood gets bored and decides to enjoy one of the two, prince."
Your heart rate increases in panic, as Aemond purses his lips and starts to become clear in his indecision, really wanting to believe that none of this is happening, when the moment is more real, terrifying and vivid than ever.
"Choose or we kill them both," Cheese says as a final warning, his gaze determined.
Alys stirs hard, drawing the attention of Aemond, who with the clear worry and desperation on his face, watches as Blood orders her to stand still while she pleads with him to choose her. Worry invading him more, feeling his fingernails dig into his palms as he squeezes hard.
When then his gaze turns to you.
Your eyes completely teary, red and panicked look back at him, pleading with him to choose you, feeling just as scared as he is, feeling your fear increase and you breathe harder each time you feel the man place the dagger more firmly against your throat.
Aemond says nothing. His gaze is completely hard, his jaw clenched and clear indecision is on his face as he watches continuously between Alys and you, watching the daggers in each other's throats.
And in that moment you have hope.
All the moments you shared with Aemond since you were both children you remember, all the gifts, details and the caresses that happened as you both grew up.
All those moments together, when he gave you your first kiss and when he claimed you as his.
You've been his friend since you were both children and his companion ever since, to this day. And you are hopeful that he will choose you, because that is what you would do.
However, seeing Aemond's hesitation and how he watches you so deeply, his eye desperate and full of concern, you still wait for all this to be over once and for all, wanting to stop feeling the edge of the dagger against your throat.
But Aemond remains silent, being aware that he has to choose soon, because he can't lose both of them. But seeing you and then Alys, the decision is very difficult.
You watch him without understanding, expectantly, while begging and crying for him to choose you, while the man's hand hurts you by your broken lip, but still completely attentive to him, wishing that this horrible torture where you are on the verge of death is over.
When finally Aemond seems resigned and finally points.
And in that moment… everything around you stops.
Your face slowly softens in surprise, watching Aemond with your eyes wide open, your soul falling at your feet.
You watch perfectly well as he points to Alys.
You watch perfectly well as he chooses her.
Then all the realization also hits you like a wave, not even crying anymore because of the panic and because of the man who can kill you at any second.
But you cry because you realize that not even in this kind of situation where you are on the verge of death, he will choose you.
All you feel is an empty feeling inside you, as if something is missing, with a huge sharp pain in your chest, as you watch Aemond and you can't even hear what he says to the man holding her, everything sounding too far away and feeling like you are flying for a moment.
With your gaze completely devastated, you watch as the man releases Alys and Aemond quickly takes her in his arms, concerned, everything about him looking for a moment relieved, as he holds her and makes sure she's all right.
The way he holds her face, the way she watches him as she is now safe in his arms, everything hurts.
Feeling completely weak and watching the scene, really not wanting to believe it, it's as if your very mind is going into a state of resignation unconsciously, as that sharp pain in your chest is more constant and you feel like you're breaking into a thousand pieces.
The man removes his hand from your mouth to hold you tightly by the jaw, you barely feeling his touch as you continue to watch Aemond's choice attentively.
The two of them embrace, he holds her against him as if she is the most precious thing he has, making sure that no one will ever take her away from him again.
When then his gaze turns to you and though you don't know it… his cold heart breaks into pieces at the sight of you.
All he can see on your face is how completely broken you are, tears streaming down your cheeks, confusion, sadness and betrayal completely to him, all of you totally devastated.
He presses his lips together, leaving Alys aside for a moment when you've seen it all and now you understand it all, looking away from him and focusing on the ground, all realization in your broken gaze.
And it all feels worse when Cheese says in your ear, loud enough for everyone to hear:
"Did you hear that, my lady? Your prince wants your death."
Letting out a sigh, you close your eyes and let some more tears fall, accepting all this, Aemond, Alys, your destiny, everything… and you wait for death, giving yourself completely to it.
Cheese watches Blood with a malevolent smile, that being the signal, while you silently cry and wait for it all, when Aemond again intervenes, worried.
"No, no, wait," he urges.
But both assassins already have what they wanted, so Blood watches him with a dark look.
"There is no more demand here, Prince Aemond. You have made your decision."
"No, wait," Aemond says again more firmly, desperate, watching behind both men and again at them, so continuously, "Just wait."
"No, prince," Cheese denies with his head slightly amused, "No more waiting."
He says to again place the dagger against your throat decisively, causing Aemond to freeze completely and you weak freely allow access, hoping it will all be over soon, as Cheese gives Aemond a dark smile.
"Prince Daemon sends his regards."
And then everything happens too fast.
You let out a last sigh, with your eyes closed, letting yourself go completely, waiting for the moment when you will feel how the blade cuts your skin and the blood will come out of your throat, running all over your body to the ground and so you will bleed to death.
However, the sensation of the blade against your skin never comes.
When suddenly, the whole place again explodes into chaos.
The men surrounding Aemond's men are surrounded by Lannister and Hightower bannermen, neither of them expecting it and they are killed instantly, this being the opportunity for Aemond's unarmed men to take up their swords and defend themselves.
This immediately catches the attention of Blood and Cheese, also that of Aemond, who pushes Alys away and again takes his sword, looking desperately at Cole, who observing the situation, orders one of his archers to attack.
And then… an arrow pierces perfectly through Cheese's head, killing him instantly.
Without expecting it, you fall to the ground in a firm hit, feeling how blood splashes in your direction, only it is not yours, while the army that was with Criston Cole makes its way through the whole place to rescue Prince Aemond and his men.
And the moment that happens, Aemond reacts quickly, holding his sword tightly, in an instant heading towards Blood, who completely bewildered watches the whole scene confused, to then behead his head in a calculated and firm movement.
He yells at Alys to hide in the castle, quickly, then rushes towards you, who crying on the ground with Cheese's body next to you, he quickly takes you in his arms, lifting you up.
You look at him completely bewildered, while everything around starts to be a battle and a bloodshed, as Aemond makes you run for safety.
But the instant you finally react and understand what is happening after such a sudden situation, you move his hands away from your body, avoiding his touch, to seek refuge in the castle yourself, scared.
Aemond then begins to kill the men who had surrounded him before, with fury running through his veins, without measuring his strength and his limits, feeling how his fear from before is replaced by adrenaline and kills every man who fights for his half-sister and his uncle, furious for the situation he was forced into before.
And he kills every one of those men, until there are none left.
Some time later, all is quiet again, as carriages take away the dead bodies that were seen around and inside Harrenhal, while Aemond's men supervise everything and Aemond has a meeting with Criston Cole and all his advisors, talking and discussing about what happened.
Aemond immediately orders the word to reach King's Landing about the ambush and also how he has avenged his nephew Jaehaerys.
They also discuss how they could have been ambushed in such an unexpected way, really none of them having an answer, as Aemond runs a hand over his face and feels completely exhausted in every possible way.
It is not until he has a short break, still having many things to discuss and do, that he goes to your chamber, where he was informed some time before that you were being attended to by the Maester, that he can finally come to see you.
He finds you alone in your chamber, without any trace of blood and your hair still wet from the bath you took, the wound on your lip is already clean, but the bruise on your cheek is more than visible.
Even when you hear how they enter your chamber, you still don't turn around and continue watching through your windows, knowing perfectly well that it's him, since you would recognize the sound of his boots walking anywhere.
With your gaze completely broken, disinterested at the same time and with dry tears on your cheeks, you look at the mountains beyond, still feeling that sharp pain in your chest and still feeling weak.
Aemond lets out a long breath, shortening the distance between both of you, placing himself behind you, while you continue without watching him, the tears wanting to come out of your eyes again and pressing your lips together, avoiding sobbing and crying in front of him, not wanting him to see you that way.
In fact you don't want anything from him anymore, you just want to be alone.
He starts to say to you in a soft voice, while his fingers touch your arm, but immediately your face hardens and you pull his hand away in a cold, abrupt and curt way, not caring, not wishing him to touch you, even without looking at him.
Aemond remains completely still, watching you, not expecting at all that reaction and behavior from you, while you continue firm, without looking at him and without saying anything at all.
He lets out another long breath as he looks away from you for a second, to look at you again with some anger in his gaze, expectantly.
"Now what's wrong with you?"
Nothing, you don't watch him or say absolutely nothing to him.
Do he still dare to ask?
You ask yourself, incredulous, not believing he's fool enough not to know what's wrong with you. Of course he knows, he just wants to make you look weak and dramatic.
But how are you supposed to feel and how are you supposed to act, when hours before in that horrible moment, he practically condemned you to death?
Aemond runs a hand all over his face and hair, his patience beginning to wear thin, not wanting to have to deal with you now when he's already had so much to endure this day and it's not even over yet.
"Are you done yet?" he asks you annoyed, "Believe me I'm not in the mood for your behavior right now."
And that's when you can't resist any longer, answering him even without looking at him.
"Then leave," you tell him without much emotion, "I didn't ask you to come and I'm certainly not holding you back if you have more important things to do. I'm sure Alys will be more pleased to see you, after all… she is part of your important matters."
Aemond completely loses his patience and in a second he's already grabbing you hard by the jaw to force you to look him in the eye, while you stare at him without expression, your gaze completely dead and empty.
"You are going to stop this fucking nonsense and you are going to stop it now," he warns you in a serious and threatening tone.
"Do not touch me," you tell him seriously as you again abruptly pull his hands away from you.
And again you turn your back to him, staring at the window, instantly feeling tears run down your cheeks, only you dare not make a sound, waiting for him to leave and leave you alone.
"Can you stop behaving like this? I'm sick of it," he demands, annoyed, "I knew Cole was coming, I saw him approaching and I knew you would be fine, I saved you," he exclaims serious, explaining.
Again you say nothing to him, not daring to look at him, tears falling more freely down your cheeks, unable to hold back.
It makes you sadder that he doesn't really know why you are this way, and it certainly isn't because you were terrified of dying. In some part if it was, but what hurt you more was that he chose her and you were condemned to death, is that because he didn't choose you… for her.
And if he knew Criston Cole was coming, then why did he still choose her?
He could have chosen you, he could have taken you in his arms as he did with her, that's what you would have done because you have known him for years and you are the one who has always been with him, not her.
However, you understand that you should stop thinking about what you would do for people, because that doesn't mean they will do the same for you.
That has become more than clear to you, because even if you choose him, he won't choose you.
He couldn't risk losing his precious Alys one way or another, wanting to make sure he had her really safe first, while you remained in that man's arms, waiting for your death.
You are not more important than his witch. He needs her to win the war for his brother, his family… and you are not more important than the crown.
"Hey, did you hear me?" he urges you, annoyed "I knew Cole would come."
You sniffle, lowering your gaze, then nod even without looking at him, looking the saddest and most disinterested, really wishing he would leave and leave you alone.
"Of course," you murmur to him without emotion, bitterly.
He didn't know anything.
Your mind tells you, only making you feel worse, even though you knew from the moment he chose her, not wanting to say anything to him about it, not having the energy to fight him.
And at this, Aemond has had enough of your attitude and disinterest, so he snorts bitterly, annoyed and tired, turning around to leave, not saying anything else to you and certainly having more important things to take care of.
You press your lips together, your gaze completely hard, really not wanting to say anything, but needing to get it out of your system, so in a low murmur you say:
And even though you've said it to yourself, still Aemond hears you and in an instant stops, turning to you again, instantly feeling his watchful and annoyed gaze, hearing you as he takes a few steps towards you, while you stand firm even though you don't even return his gaze.
"What did you say?"
He asks you slowly, like a madman about to explode, not liking your word at all. And you make it clearer to him, swallowing hard first.
"It was Criston Cole and the archer who saved me, not you," you answer him coldly, "Even in that kind of situation, you will always choose her," you tell him bitterly, "It was you who gave me over to death, because you didn't even know if Criston would arrive, it was just a coincidence that it came at the ideal moment."
"You don't know what you're talking about, Y/N. You don't know anything," he tells you menacingly serious, "So I advise you to stop acting like a fucking little girl and stop bringing Alys up every second when I've already explained to you, countless times, that I need her to win the war."
"Yes," you mutter, your gaze bitter, "You need her so much that you'd rather kill me first, than lose her."
"Seven fucking Hells," he mumbles, sick of it, "That was necessary, what do you not understand?" he says to you annoyed, "And yet why do you care so much? At the end of all this I'm not staying with her, it's you I'm marrying."
"Oh is that so?" you say without emotion, "I'm not sure about that anymore. At this point maybe your witch will marry you first before me," you shrug, "And I wouldn't be surprised. Even if that happens, you won't let me go. I'll just be just your whore, like I've been all this time."
"Don't say that," he warns you.
"Or I will finally end up dead."
"Y/N," he warns you for the last time.
You let out a soft sob, closing your eyes tightly, breaking into pieces again, the memory even more vivid than ever, the dagger against your throat and him choosing her, over and over again.
And you feel again how Aemond tries to grab your arm, but you push him away again in an instant.
"'Go away. Leave me alone," you beg him hurt and upset, no longer bearing his presence.
He tries to speak, when at that moment there is a knock on the door, so resigned and irritated he orders with a firm voice to enter, turning around to observe who it is, being the Maester.
He catches your attention as well, at once calming you down and wiping your tears away.
"Oh my prince," he bows his head to him, as you continue to turn your back to both of them, still controlling yourself, "I'm sorry to interrupt, my prince. I just came to attend to Lady Y/N's wound, I have already gotten what I need."
"I understand you have already cleaned and tended to her wounds, Maester," Aemond tells you cold and serious, watching him intently and intimidatingly.
"No, my prince. I tended to the wound on her lip, but the one on her throat is missing. I didn't have what I needed, so I went to get it," he explains softly.
Aemond frowns slightly, as the Maester makes his way across the room to you, who once calmed down and with a calmer and more serious attitude, you let him do his job, not looking at Aemond for a second and pretending that he is no longer there.
While he continues standing, observing the work of the Maester. He didn't even know that the assassin had managed to cut a bit of your throat, being a barely visible and small cut, but deep enough.
He lets out a long breath, looking away for a moment, running a hand over his face to finally leave the chamber.
He feels furious, annoyed and stressed by everything that still awaits him, instantly meeting again with all his advisors, the matters of the war at this point really bothering him and a lot.
While you, when the Maester finishes cleaning your wound, continue to be locked in your chamber, not having the energy for absolutely nothing, reliving the moment in your mind over and over again about Aemond choosing her… and not you.
You cry silently, thinking about it and also about Aemond's words of justification, only making you feel worse.
Even lying in your bed, really having no peace and unable to sleep properly, you still feel that sharp pain in your chest. Fortunately Aemond doesn't appear in your chamber again, but still you continue to suffer in silence.
And when you finally manage to sleep, the nightmare repeats itself, the words of that man leaving the choice to Aemond, and then he chooses her, and finally the man kills you in a fine and perfect movement.
At that moment you wake up, bringing your hands to your throat in an instant, breathing hard and gasping in fear, beads of sweat all over your face and body, hugging yourself and in an instant crying again.
He choose her.
Your mind tells you, not leaving you alone, thinking that Aemond probably hasn't come to see you because he is with her. After what happened… he must still be with her.
It's not like you want him to, but all this just reinforces more what happened and how you are nothing to him, how you are not more important than her and that you just don't matter to him.
All these thoughts don't leave you alone, feeling completely alone and more than vulnerable, letting the ghosts of the cursed castle of Harrenhal consume you in darkness… letting her consume you, the witch.
When the next morning, after one of your maids brings you a tray with breakfast, even though you have no appetite and do not wish to eat anything, there is something hidden among all the plates and napkins laid out for you.
Then it's as if you again feel like you're floating, the realization hitting you harder than before and that ache all over your chest making you feel weaker and more vulnerable.
Just now truly understanding… the role you play in Aemond's life.
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Everyone in Harrenhal hears the huge roar of Vhagar in the skies, approaching.
It is not until shortly after that a vibration is felt throughout the ground, indicating the landing of the huge dragon and also indicating the return of the Prince Regent.
Aemond runs one of his hands over his face as he removes the helmet that complements his armor, instantly seeing the ash permeate his fingers from all that he ordered burned and destroyed to the ground, heading towards the black castle.
Since the ambush yesterday, having the meeting with all his men and advisors, this morning he decided to head alone towards Rhaenyra's army that was slowly approaching, deciding to wipe them all out from the skies, responding to the harsh ambush and killing all those men fighting for his half-sister.
He didn't act instantly, he had to wait for the perfect moment to attack and take them all by surprise.
And when the moment finally came, he burned every single one of them with their carriages and supplies, leaving absolutely nothing, making sure of it.
Criston Cole and all his advisors wait patiently for their return, watching Vhagar in the distance on some mountains, while the figure of Aemond begins to get closer and closer.
And once they are all in the Council Room, again the discussions begin.
"There is not a man or carriage left," says Aemond firmly, "All is cleared as to any movement on the part of the blacks."
"There are no claims that there are any more soldiers fighting for the blacks in the Riverlands, my prince. According to the spies and soldiers you sent."
"Good," Aemond says with a nod.
"Ravens arrived as well, my prince," Cole tells him, extending rolled parchments to him, "All from Kings Landing."
"There was an attack?" he asks instantly, taking the paper.
"No, they report that all is well, Prince Daeron is guarding the entire Keep. It is King Aegon's answers as to the ambush, the assassins Prince Daemon sent and he has also let it be known that he has sent soldiers for the loss, to equal again the men we had, all from Oldtown and Storm End."
Aemond nods, understanding and being pleased to hear that, finally hearing good news since he arrived at Harrenhal and feeling some of that peace he needed, also that hope of winning the war again.
He continues to discuss other plans, until finally the meeting ends after several hours, where his advisors begin to leave the room, except for Criston, whom Aemond watches him expectantly as he notices that he does not move from his spot.
"Is there anything else, Cole?"
The man watches him for a moment in silence, then lets out a long breath and finally speaks.
"Yes, my prince, there is something else."
"Well, speak," he tells him without understanding, watching him intently.
Cole again remains silent for a few seconds, while Aemond watches him, waiting, beginning to lose patience. When Cole finally speaks.
"It's Lady Y/N, my prince."
Aemond stands completely still, still watching Cole intently, not understanding.
"What about her?"
"She's missing."
He says and at that moment Aemond feels his whole body tense up completely.
"Her maid said she wasn't in her room this morning, so she searched all over the castle and the surrounding area but she didn't find her."
He lets him know as Aemond feels all that peace at seeing progress in the war fade away. He lets out a long breath, closes his eye and runs a hand over his face, wanting to believe this isn't happening.
"Since noon I've sent guards to search for her all over Harrenhal, my prince," Cole adds, "But there's no sign of her."
"Fucking Hell," Aemond mutters tired, irritated and now worried, watching him instantly annoyed, "And why didn't you say anything before?"
"I-I…" Cole is speechless for a moment, nervous, "I'm sorry, my prince. You had just arrived and I thought you would want to take care of crown matters first."
Aemond rolls his eye, beginning to feel furious, his whole face annoyed, instantly rising from his seat.
"Fetch the maid, bring her here. Now," he orders him upset.
"Yes, my prince."
Cole immediately complies with the order, while Aemond feels that at any moment he will go mad, trying to calm down.
When your maid enters the room in fear, followed by Cole, to be instantly interrogated by Aemond, being intimidated at all times and answering his questions in caution.
Then he himself gathers more men, even men on horseback, ordering several of them to head for the roads leading out of Harrenhal.
"If she's gone on foot, she can't be far, so find her and get her complete, do you understand? Without any wounds," he threatens, to which the men instantly obey.
Aemond at once gathers the men who are searching all over Harrenhal, wanting to hear news, but they all inform him the same thing: there is no sign of you.
And he instantly orders them to keep searching, not caring how exhausted they already are or that they have already scoured the area, he just wants to find you.
But the men last all night until the Hour of the Wolf looking for you, without success.
The next morning, Aemond in a sorry state, not having been able to sleep all night, being on the lookout to hear some news about you, receives the men he sent on horseback and they let him know that there is no trace of you on any road.
Aemond demands that they tell him exactly what they saw, how far they got and making sure they did their job well, annoyed and beginning to lose his patience completely, taking his bad mood out on all those men, demanding answers.
However, no one finds anything, but he forces them to search again, not caring about anything, feeling that at any moment he will go mad, despair and worry eating him alive.
When they leave him alone in the room, even Alys comes looking for him, asking him if he's all right and offering a distraction for a moment, but he dismisses her instantly, not having the slightest interest in her now, too occupied thinking only of you.
He is left alone in the Council Room, running his hands all over his face and eye, feeling more despair all over his body, when a few moments later, Cole enters the room, cautious and watching him with some pity.
"My prince," he makes him aware of his presence, approaching towards him.
"Did you find her?" he asks at once in a serious voice and looking completely tired.
"Yes, my prince."
He answers in a murmur to his great surprise, making him watch him instantly attentive. Then he lets out a long breath, feeling all that tension and despair leave his body completely, feeling relieved.
"Fucking finally," he mutters still angry, getting up from his seat, ready to head towards you.
"My prince," Cole tells you instantly, taking a step towards him, "You must know something—
"What?" he inquire annoyed, "I don't have time for this. Where is she?" he demands to know, putting on his black coat, watching him expectantly.
"Wait my prince, s-she's—
"Just tell me where the fuck is she!" he demands desperately.
"She's dead!"
Cole tells him without further ado, stopping Aemond completely, as he looks at him seriously and with a sorrowful look, assuring him completely that he is serious and that he would never dare to say something like this if it were not true, while Aemond is completely paralyzed.
He watches him with his lips half open and his eye wide open, surprised and not expecting it at all.
"She was found in the lake just beyond the main road of Harrenhal, hidden in bushes," he explains to him gently, cautious, not wanting to disturb him further, "She had a dagger and cuts on both wrists," he says very carefully, preparing to say the next thing in the same way, "Apparently she did it to herself, my prince."
Aemond feels like he can't hold himself on his feet, leaning back against one of the chairs, watching Cole in bewilderment and as if he can't believe it.
"She was brought back here and is now with the Silent Sisters," he adds, "She had this with her, as well as the dagger."
He tells him to then drop in front of him on the table apparently a letter, instantly Aemond's gaze hardening and refusing to believe that you, his Y/N, is dead.
"No. It's not her," he says firmly, "Y/N is not dead."
Cole watches him with pity, lowering his gaze for a moment.
"Yes it is her, my prince," he assures him gently, as Aemond looks at him completely serious and on the verge of losing control, "I'm very sorry."
Aemond feels as if he is floating, his whole body tense and his mind refusing again and again to believe his words, telling himself that it is impossible, that you couldn't have abandoned him like that, that you have always been with him, by his side, since he was a child.
He denies, feeling how his heart begins to beat strongly, besides starting to feel that sharp pain all over his chest, tensing more, feeling as if he were drowning and short of breath, besides an emptiness, something missing.
He hardens his gaze and tightens his lips, feeling a huge lump in his throat and a discomfort all over his stomach, as if he feels like he is about to throw up, losing strength.
It just can't be.
That's all Aemond thinks, incredulous, in denial and feeling all his palpitations getting stronger, the whole world crashing down on him, despairing and feeling completely dazed.
It is not until some time later that Aemond, with his hard look and tight lips, orders Cole coldly to leave the room, to which the knight obeys, not really wanting to leave him alone, only to stand right at the doors once he closes them, being alert.
And a few moments later, Criston Cole hears how Aemond finally reacts and starts breaking everything in the room, listening to his screams of rage, he even breaks and curses that letter you had with you when you were found, because now he understands why you did what you did.
This is the first and last time I will respond to one of your letters, Y/N. But first I want you to understand that I don't want you to write to me ever again.
You have brought shame to our entire family name, you have brought shame to me, destroying the few things I built so that we could afford a life. After all I did for you, you decided to turn your back on me and give yourself away like a common whore to a prince, allowing him to ruin and disgrace you.
You are not my daughter, you are not that woman I cared for and raised, because if you had been, you would not have allowed any of this. And yet you expect me to forgive you by believing that the prince is going to marry you by the time all this is over?
The news has reached here about how the prince has taken another mistress, a witch, so you are a complete fool to believe that he cares about you and will marry you. Open your eyes at once and understand that you are nothing more than just a desire, a whim, a woman to warm his bed, becoming his whore and nothing more, which is all you will be useful to him.
You have not only embarrassed and disappointed me, but also your mother, because believe me Y/N she would be very disappointed in you. Don't write to me again and don't look for me when he leaves you and you have nowhere to go, you are just a naive fool who got carried away by the whims of a man, believing his lies.
I truly don't recognize you and want absolutely nothing to do with you, so as I told you, don't ever write and look for me again.
These same words are the ones you had read when they brought you your tray with breakfast.
You definitely not expect that your father would truly respond as you decided to send him a letter hoping he would forgive you by explaining the whole situation, why you left with Aemond and what would happen when the war was over.
You did everything in secret and with Ellya's help, fearing that Aemond would find out but fortunately that didn't happen, until you fortunately received your father's reply.
However, you did not expect such words from him.
Reading it all, with your mind still fresh from what happened with those assassins, Aemond and Alys, you now really understood what you mean in Aemond's life…. nothing.
Your father's words broke you completely, realizing that he is right.
You also understand that you have no family anymore and that you are completely alone in all this, that your father hates you for what you did and thinking about your mother too, how terribly disappointed she would be in you.
You understood that even if you stay by Aemond's side, you are only his whore and that is how everyone recognizes you now, Prince Aemond's whore.
You understood that even he could get bored of you at any moment and take Alys permanent, that made it clear to you the moment he chose her over you with the assassins, because you are of no other use to him, you can't see the future and help him in matters of war.
You are simply of no use to him, other than to warm his bed.
And you don't want to live like that, where at any moment Aemond leaves you unexpectedly, having no one else, nowhere to go, realizing that you yourself ruined your life for a man who doesn't even care about you and doesn't love you.
With your heart in a fist, sadness completely invading you and the realization getting harder by the second, the moment you found out that Aemond had left Harrenhal to attack an army of the blacks, you decided to escape.
You took a dagger from the kitchens without anyone seeing you, you passed the guards unnoticed and you walked away until you reached that lake, with tears in your eyes and feeling completely alone and hopeless.
The memory of Aemond choosing her over and over again, the letter from your father and how you ruined your life by making the wrong choices, did not leave you alone at all times and you decided to slit your wrists.
All alone, taking a seat on the ground, near the trees with bushes and the beautiful lake in front of you.
And with the view of the dusk, you let yourself go completely with blood dripping down your hands, staining your dress and tears streaming down your cheeks.
It wasn't so painful even though you felt completely alone, starting to feel very weak and disoriented, breathing hard and waiting for the Stranger to take you away.
That last memory of the world comforted you and taking your last breath, you closed your eyes and thought of Aemond. Even though he did not love you back, you truly loved him until the day you died.
And you left, not really wanting to leave, but being necessary.
Now Aemond finds himself watching you at the table in one of the large unoccupied rooms of Harrenhal Castle.
Earlier the Silent Sisters were about to begin their work with you, only to be interrupted by him and asked for a moment, where he had heard before entering how one of them had said in a low whisper; "Poor child…she died alone."
He continues to feel that sharp pain in his chest, all hard stare and tight lips, barely processing that this is really you.
Your eyes are closed, your whole face in a slight expression of pain, still looking completely serene and still, your skin pale and without color… without life, still wearing your dress, stained with dried blood.
Aemond clenches his jaw and gathers courage to look at your arms, all the way to your wrists, where he sees the deep cuts perfectly, feeling that pain all over his body again.
Then he dares to raise one of his hands and delicately touch your cheek, almost with fear, instantly not feeling that warm and soft touch from you.
When the first tear falls on his right cheek.
Just at that moment alone, Aemond realizes all the damage he did to you, understanding that you are dead because of him, because of the decisions he made, because of the way he treated you, because of Alys, because of everything, leaning towards you and holding you in his arms.
It's not just the feeling of loss, he's also furious with himself and your father for that letter, asking you in low whispers to please wake up, only to see your eyes closed again… forever.
He made you a promise and was always willing to keep it, yet he never thought about your feelings, never really cared about you, because his problem has always been that he thought he would always have you by his side and that you would never leave him.
Even choosing duty, the crown, his family, you were always with him and that kept him confident, until you couldn't anymore.
Until just then Aemond realizes the terrible decisions he made, regretting over and over again, wanting to tell you that nothing of what your father told you is true, that he does care about you, that you are important to him.
However, he never proved it to you, not in the way that was right, always treating you as his possession, choosing others over you, because he always thought he would have you.
He didn't know you were suffering so much and now… because of him you are dead.
Aemond doesn't know how long he lasted that way with you, holding you in his arms, wanting to feel that warmth and comfort you always gave him, but instead you were just a cold and lifeless dead body.
Criston Cole is the one who convinces him to leave you in peace so that the Silent Sisters can finish their work with you, leaving him no choice.
Then, before nightfall, Aemond gives the order to Vhagar to burn your body, not caring that this is a Targaryen tradition, only he and Cole being present, this being the least he can do for you.
And the last.
"You knew, didn't you?"
Alys Rivers, the witch of Harrenhal, raises her gaze and observes the figure of Aemond in the doorway of her chamber, watching her attentively, without much emotion on his face, but with a cold and distant look, catching the woman's attention, who frowns and adopts her posture willing and seductive at the same time.
"What do you mean, my prince?"
She asks him with her attractive tone, the one that always has an effect on men and also on him, only that this time no anymore.
"You knew about the ambush… and you didn't tell me anything," he tells her with a deadly tone, "Because you knew what would happen, you knew that I would choose you and not her… sending her to her death."
Alys is confused, not understanding the prince's behavior, when he has always been so responsive to her, continuing her seduction.
"You know that I have always kept my word, my prince," she says slowly approaching towards him, "I have told you every single one of all my visions. But in this case, I saw nothing about the ambush."
In an instant, Aemond shortens the little distance between them, unexpectedly for Alys holding her firmly and tightly by her neck in a threatening manner, while Alys opens her eyes wide in disbelief and horror as he begins to choke her, everything about him emanating fury.
She immediately brings her hands to his, trying to stop him, watching him in fright, as Aemond watches her like a mad man, demanding answers, his eye red and swollen, his pupil dilated and all the pain in his gaze.
"You knew about the ambush, you knew what would happen and that's why you didn't tell me anything," he repeats to her in a deadly tone, "All to get her out of your way, isn't it?"
Alys squirms and gasps for air, watching him in complete terror, beating her hands and chest desperately.
"N-no," she says as best she can, needing air.
"Don't lie to me!" he exclaims unexpectedly, furious.
Alys coughs, tears beginning to spill from her eyes, crying, as Aemond watches her with as much hatred as possible, completely disgusted, to finally have enough and let her go, instantly her falling tactlessly to the ground, gasping for air, coughing and with all the fear invading her body.
Aemond thinks of course she knew, again feeling the urge to cry, but completely resisting, he turns around and walks out of the chamber, completely exhausted, furious and hurting, no strength left.
The next morning, Aemond orders the death of the witch of Harrenhal, being beheaded in an instant for carrying out the prince's order, to continue leading his side of the war… with the difference that nothing is the same anymore.
Aemond Targaryen was always haunted by all the ghosts of Harrenhal, especially you. Every day he woke up and you were no longer by his side, it was complete torture.
He couldn't sleep, had very little appetite and began to lose the war slowly.
From the beginning he always chose the crown over you, but in the end, it wasn't worth it at all. Aemond lost himself, all the time thinking about you, where he also lost his sister, his brothers, his grandfather and all those sacrifices being in vain.
Nothing he did was worth it, not even Alys, because he lost you and he also lost the war, with nothing left of him or his family.
And all for what?
For the crown.
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@targaryenmoony @skzenhalove @yentroucnagol
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
BAE! I have anoþher idea of isekai reader!
Imagine reader finally meeting Daemon and they have a stand off and its ends up with reader saying "perhaps you haven't realized it yet. The only main reason why your the most unpredictable one is because well.... I wasn't brought here yet"
Both riders are menacing in their own rights and are unpredictable but the queen who never was pops and then reader becames.... "I serve you my liege" because Rhaenys is mother queen✨
Sorry if I come of as annoying, I am just so excited that one of my favorite writers in tumblr had answered my ask! Thank you for that!❤
It’s fine! It’s not annoying at all, promise! 💕
The inevitable meeting between you and Daemon was well…inevitable.
The rouge prince and the conductor of chaos finally meeting eye to eye with both Caraxes and Cannibal a few easily walkable paces behind both riders, just in the instance things went south.
Daemon: you appear out of nowhere and have stoked a fire beneath the people of Westeros and sent them all into a blind panic.
Reader/you: and yet it took you years to do even that. Why bore me when you’re supposedly meant to be raising an army for your wife *chuckles* did Harrenhal scare you stiff rouge prince?
Daemon: bend the knee or-
Reader/you: Or YOuR hOUse buRnS. Yes I’ve headed your threat plenty of times and yet I’m still finding it hard to find the energy to do so.
Daemon isn’t happy with your lack of respect towards him and the lack of obedience but more than anything he hated how you weren’t easily made scared. Everything he says slid off your back or shrugged off with ease it was irritating to say the least.
Daemon: I am the king-
Reader/you: consort. Also for any man who has to say ‘I am the king’ is no true king and besides you lost that chance long ago, so suck it up and endure being in the service of women who have more balls then you ever did for the rest of your miserable life.
Daemon growls, hand already at the hilt of his sword when a third voice intervenes in your little stand off.
Rhaenys: what is going on here.
Reader/you: *bows* it is an honour to meet you, I’m merely talking to a fool.
Rhaenys: *smirks and looks at Daemon* someone who knows how to properly greet someone I see, and while it’s true that he maybe a fool, that fool is unfortunately my kin.
Reader/you: how tragic for you my queen. A true tragedy. *smiles widely* I can gouge out his eyes for you, or clip his vocal cords so he may never speak out of his ass ever again? Or even cut off his dick so his bloodline maybe cut short! Only say the word and I shall have Westeros and all its pathetic lords and ladies with their knees bent before the rise of the new day.
Rhaenys has had heard stories about your unpredictable nature, similar to that of Dameon’s, but somehow even more so with how quick you were to cut off any challenge merely by threats and promises alone. That and perhaps your crazed smile and look in your eye was enough to unease the strongest of men who dared look into them.
Rhaenys could see that fire within your eyes and respected you for that as she smiled.
Rhaenys: I shall keep that in mind should he ever step a single toenail out of line. *glares at Daemon from the corner of her eye*
Daemon: this is between me and them *he points at you with his sword but you merely smile* do not intervene when you are not wanted. Entertain yourself elsewhere.
You and Rhaenys: would that if you were the king.
You: so I’d suggest you get back to Harrenhal and be useless seeing as how your own kin, Jace and Baela, are doing much more in support of Rhaenyra than you.
Daemon: I will-
Rhaenys: come, I’m sure cannibal is restless from staying in stasis for so long.
Reader/ you: coming my queen
You both leave Caraxes and Daemon behind without a second glance.
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madame-fear · 2 years
Could you write a jace hurt/comfort where the reader gets hurt somehow and jace finds her and helps and comforts her. And they end up kissing
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— a/n : hello! yess of course, this is super adorable 🥺❤ i hope you like the idea of the reader getting hurt ( + crying ) i made for this 🥰 also, not proofread, so sorry for any mistakes 😔🔫
— summary : request — word count : 1.8k
— pairing : jacaerys velaryon x fem! reader — genre : slight angst that ends with fluff, hurt/comfort.
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Tears continously rolled through your reddened cheeks as you ran through the large, dimly lit halls, making your way towards your own chamber to lock yourself up in there. Behind you, the eldest son of Queen Rhaenyra, Jacaerys – your childhood best friend – chased you as he loudly cried for your name, a grave hint of concern and worry could be heard on his voice. You slightly lifted your dress by it's hem to allow yourself to run more freely without stumbling upon it; but it was of no use, since you had rapidly arrived to your chamber.
Harshly swinging the marbled wood door with loud sobs, you hurriedly got inside, closing the door behind you before anyone could see you in such dreadful distress. A certain relief overwhelmed you once you were locked in your own chamber, sliding down to the floor, and your back softly hitting the door. The tears kept running across your cheek, your legs were tightly pressed against your chest – your arms hugging them – and your face was hidden in your legs. A soft knocking was heard on your door, one that interrupted your train of thoughts, but the violent sobs continued escaping your lips.
“(y/n)?” Jace inquired, his gentle and comforting voice was heard on the other side of the door. “Are you alright, love? I saw you crying as you ran through the halls. I need to know what's the problem.” The tearing slightly stopped, but left a hot trail through your face. His voice tone hinted a notorious genuine concern for your well-being. You didn't want him to see you in such awful state. “It's nothing, Jace. You shouldn't worry.” You were such a bad liar, and Jace – having known you since early childhood – knew that. “I know when you're lying, (y/n). Please – I can't stand to see you in such state. Open the door, my Princess.” His low, cooing voice made your heart certainly warm and flutter at how much of a gentleman he was. A deep, quivering sigh escaped your lips, as you helped yourself stand from the floor. Your hands carelessly wiped your tears running across your cheeks, and you briefly swooped away some dirt from your dress.
The door-opening motion was slow, and weak, your eyes gazing down to the floor in embarrassment of him having to see you having a hard time. The first thing you encountered yourself with was with the tall, young Prince – his facial expressions seemed to be notoriously preoccupied for you. His hand gently took hold of your chin, and tilted your head up so you could look deep into his coffee-coloured eyes. You gently began nibbling your lower lip in embarrassment, as a flow of tears began overwhelming you once again. “Jace, I'm sorry–” you weakly mumbled, apologising for having to make him go through this moment with you. His lips turned into a thin, straight line as tears kept flowing through your cheeks; mixed feelings of rage, anger, concern, and worry arose on his chest.
Unconsciously, his arms flew to firmly – yet, gently – be wrapped around your delicate body, holding you tightly against his chest. Hiding your face in the crook of your neck, the tears continously fell from your eyes, rolling through your cheeks. His hand tenderly rubbed your back up and down, looking to give you some warmth of comfort as he placed his chin on top of your head – his heart felt as it dropped upon hearing your soft, yet violent sobs. “My sweet princess,” his voice was quiet, and soothing, his other free hand now caressing strands of your silky hair. “Tell me, who made you feel this way?” as concerned as he – notoriously – was, a fiery, raging sensation dreadfully increased on his chest at the thought of someone making you, his sweet beloved, feel this way. His arms slowly unwrapped around your body, pulling apart from the hug – but his hands kept a tight grip on your arms, as he stared deep into your (e/c) eyes. The intense way he gazed down at you was intimidating, in a way – but only, because he was already planning on how to get his revenge on whomever was the cause of your tears. The words got stuck on your throat, you felt as if choking on them; and as you tried to recompose yourself, a silky strand of hair fell on your delicate features, covering them.
“I–” as you tried to find the proper words to begin explaining your situation without stammering, his hand flew to delicately tuck the bit of hair behind your ear, his eyes not leaving yours. “I... it-it's nothing. Just an imbecile whom...” as the memories flashed back through your mind, remembering how awfully dreadful it was, the harsh sobbing came back once again. “Referred to me as an useless idiot who is worth for nothing.” at the end of the sentence, your voice broke as the more tearing appeared, breaking down in front of him – your body weight falling once again against his chest, sobbing into it. For a few moments, Jace froze as you cried quietly to yourself on his chest, quietly replaying what you just said to him. Of course, his arms once again were firmly wrapped against your body as a way to offer you some loving comfort, but a wave of rage and anger overwhelmed him slowly – a fiery type of rage that resembled the anger of a true dragon.
“Who told you that?” he inquired, in a serious, monotone voice tone. You lifted your teary eyes to look into his, and began shaking your head. “It's no one important, Jace–” knowing him since childhood, you knew that Jace was definitely going to look for this person, and you preferred to avoid any type of problems that could potentially harm him. Jace pulled apart the embrace gently, and held a firm grip on both your arms. “No one important? This person just referred to you as an useless idiot, (y/n)!” his voice was slightly raised as he spoke, but he wasn't scolding you or anything; he was simply insisting on you telling him who had the audacity to refer to his beloved princess with such adjectives. In his eyes, there was a certain ferocious glint, a glint that expressed a keen need to bravely protect you. “I will not tolerate any type of disrespect towards you, and I will find that person myself.” his grip on your arms softened, and he pulled apart. Turning around, he stormed his way out of your room, eager in finding said person who made you cry your soul out.
“No, Jace, wait!” from behind, you desperately called out for his name, half-shouting. You naturally appreciated the gentle nature he had around you, and how fervently he protected you, but you didn't want to involve him in any sort of problem because someone was dumb enough to make you tear everything you had retained. His steps were quick, but you reached him rather rapidly, as you were half-running to catch up with his pace. Your hand held a tight grip on his arm to catch his attention, as you now stood in front of him, trying to get him to stop continuing his way. His coffee eyes lowered to look into yours, as he stopped walking only to focus on you – your hands placed firmly against your chest. “Jace, please...” you mumbled weakly to him as tears ran through your cheeks. “I don't care about a stupid person right now! I want to be with you.” you slowly admitted, as your hands trembled.
“I... I just need you to comfort me, and stay by my side, please...” his gaze softened, as your voice was shaky. The young prince hated seeing you in such state, and as enraged as he was, he knew what his priorities were right now: and that was, comforting you.
Without responding much, his hand flew to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, and softly caress the skin of your cheek as he stared into your soft eyes deeply. His body leaned closer to you, and placed a delicate kiss on top of your head, both his hands now cupped your cheeks carefully, as if you were as fragile as glass. The way Jace was so delicate and gentle with you made you give into his affection, throwing your arms around his neck. His face lowered down to look at yours admiringly, still cupping your cheeks. As your faces were inches away, you could feel each other's warm breathing hitting against your skins — his eyes lowered to your lips, as his thumb descended from your cheek, to caress your lower lip.
“You're too precious, you know that?” he softly whispered, staring deep into your eyes as his thumb ran all the way across your lower lip. “I can't tolerate seeing you in this state, nor knowing someone hurt you.” without responding anything, you simply returned the stare in silence, a weak smile formed on your lips.
And after a few seconds of awkward silence, your bodies leaned closer, and your lips were pressed together. His lips were soft and plushy, just like you imagined they would be, and the way he kissed you was so delicate, gentle, yet... needy, in a way — as if he had been expecting this moment to happen for such a long time. Though, you couldn't complain much against it, as you had been imagining how your first kiss with him would be like. Jace's hands both cupped your cheeks tenderly, giving into each other's sweet taste. Sadly, you had to eventually pull apart due to lack of air, leaving both of you slightly panting quietly.
“(y/n), I... I love you, very much.” as his heart internally screamed with excitement and intensely fluttered, his lips quivered into a joyful smile. “I promise I will never allow anyone to hurt you ever again, not under my watch.” he continued, speaking softly as one of his hands went to the back of your head, and pulled you closer to his chest, allowing you to listen to his calming heartbeating.
Your arms were wrapped around his body, as he softly caressed strands of your hair with the hand that was in the back of your head, and the other one rubbed your back up and down. His lips kissed gently the top of your head, and he once again placed his chin in the same spot he kissed you.
“I love you too, Jace... I always did.” you mumbled silently, fluttering your eyes closed as you gave into his comforting warmth that could make you fall asleep right there. And you knew that with him sticking by your side, you could never be hurt again... as he would be the provider of pure protective love, eternally.
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— especially dedicated to : my beloved @damatheirin, because i know how much you love jace ♡ and also: @jacesvelaryons
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
Hi Love.
I'm not sure if I made it, if not, I'll post this request another time.
I would like to request a second part to sorceress reader.
Six months have passed since the events of the first episode. The reader and Daemon spend time together away from King's Landing, traveling from Westeros to Essos. The woman's dragon grows surprisingly fast, which delight the couple, as well as disturb the king's hand, who still warns Viserys of  his brother's mistress, convincing the council that thanks to her, Daemon will tear the throne from Rhaenyra's father hands.
At the same time, the king's son and his wife are dying (I think Aemma could have committed suicide out of emotional exhaustion). The princess is proclaimed heir to the throne and Viserys chooses Alicent as his wife.
The reader, hearing this, decides to get closer to the teenager, becoming an older sister for her, and even a surrogate mother, and surprisingly cares for her without profit. She confesses to Daemon that they have to hold her close so they will enter even deeper into the favors of the king, who respects the reader's opinion for her magical skills and loves his daughter.
I imagine that when she confesses her intentions to him, the man is charmed by her, wondering what he has done to deserve a woman as devoted and loyal as she is.
The reader confesses that all she wanted in her life was to be important to someone and Daemon was the only one who noticed her in a way that she wanted to be noticed and loved her, so she wants to give him everything his heart desire.
Hearing this, Targaryen makes sweet and intimate love with her, during which the woman confesses that she is expecting a child, his child.
And well I already have part 3 for this ❤
AN: Hi, I hope you like this xxx
Caraxes seemed to be in a mood. His neediness for attention was split between you and the new dragon. But you had been softening him up with treats and between you and him; the dragon might have a little crush on your own. You patted his side and softly cooed at him. He really was a big teddy; just like Daemon.
“Good. Such a good boy.” You hummed and stroked his snout. You heard commotion behind you as your golden girl landed not so gracefully. You kept your giggles to yourself. She was quite a shy but feisty creature. “Hey lovely.” You whispered to her and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.
“I think you love the dragons more than me.” Daemon complained as he sauntered over to you with that confidence that had you shivering. “Oh, I could never.” You whispered; a smirk tugging on your lips at your needy Prince. You opened your arms and engulfed him into a hug as you burrowed into his neck.
Your hands moved up and down his back as you stayed in his embrace for a moment longer. “Is there any news?” You took his hand as you asked; gently playing with his fingers for a moment. “The Queen is dead.” Your eyes widened at the news; you hadn’t expected her to die so soon. Your confusion must have been easy to read.
“She killed herself.” Daemon announced. You could only smile sadly; it would be coming either way. At least the Queen had a choice in the end. “I’m sorry.” You whispered; knowing he held no animosity towards the Queen. A beat of silence moved past you both as you settled your head on his chest.
“That’s not all.” Your Prince whispered and softly moved his fingers through your locks for a moment. “The baby is dying too.” Daemon whispered and this news didn’t shock you. “He wasn’t going to last long.” You gently tried to comfort him whilst bringing his hand up to your lips and kissing them.
Daemon hummed and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head whilst you tightened your hold on him. “I see your dragon is a troublemaker.” He whispered into your ear as you turned to look over your shoulder. She had moved to Caraxes and began to cheekily bother him. Nudging into his side as he tried to rest. 
“She reminds me of you.” Daemon hummed as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. You playfully slapped his chest as you giggled out; there wasn’t much you could disagree with that. “Hmm, you are more needy than I am.” You couldn’t help but tease your dragon.
He didn’t deny this and leaned in for a soft, sensual kiss that had your arms looping around his neck. Your fingers moved into his locks once more as you deepened the kiss. Your soft breasts brushing against him. His hand moved down to grab at your arse; bringing you impossibly closer.
Your hands moved down his chest and you were so close to placing your hand down to cup his hardening cock. “My Prince..Lady Y/N.” A voice from one of the guards interrupted the heavy petting. Daemon nearly growled and you only giggled into his ear before you leaned away and stepped to the side.
“The Princess has been named heir.” The guard spoke and your fingers gently moved to his and offered comfort. He didn’t have anything to worry; not with you by his side. Not that Daemon knew that yet. But the time would come where you would tell your husband everything he desired. 
“Has she?” Daemon hummed and fought against his annoyance as he remembered that he loved his niece. “The King has requested your presence. Both of you.” The guard continued before bowing to you both. You hummed and stroked Daemon’s back. “It’s lucky we came when we did.” You purred.
“It is.” Daemon whispered and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. “I’ll go to the King.” The Prince announced. You looked up at him as he leaned in to capture your soft lips. “I’ll see to the Princess.” You hummed and deepened the kiss if only for a moment as you cheekily nibbled on his bottom lip.
The Prince leaned in and pecked your lips again and again before you giggled. You gently pushed him away. He only chuckled before clasping his hands behind his back and making his way to the palace. You knew where the Princess was; your eyes flashing gold for a moment as you saw her through a crow flying above her head.
“I just feel so sad all the time.” Rhaenyra whispered. Her eyes filled with tears as she rested her head on your lap. “Shh, you won’t be sad forever.” You whispered down to her. Your fingers stroked her cheek. The Princess could only smile sadly and lean into your touch. She had missed a mothering feel for so long now.
“And I have you.” The Princess hummed; her smile only widening now as you returned it. “Always.” You promised. As the moments passed on you realised the manipulation you had begun with had disappeared into genuine care for the Princess. “You can always come to me and Daemon.” You whispered down to her.
“Thank you.” Rhaenyra whispered and you watched her eyes flutter shut. Sleepiness moving over her that you might have pushed along with a whisper of an incantation. But you meant her no harm. She just needed her sleep, you thought to yourself and softly hummed a lullaby to the Princess.
You had your back to Viserys and Daemon as they watched from the viewing platform but you could feel their presence.
“You are a lucky man, Daemon.” Viserys whispered as he played with the wedding ring he still wore. The Prince smiled as happiness moved through him at the sight. “I know.” He hummed proudly. “I don’t know what I would do without her.” The Prince admitted and Viserys could only softly smile.
Even as his eyes burned with envy.
The day had been long as you sat with the Princess until she was feeling as best as she could be. She had thanked you and hoped to see you soon and you promised her once more that she would. “What are you thinking about?” Daemon whispered into your ear as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your middle. 
“Hmm, our future.” You purred, leaning back into him as his hands slowly moved up your body and he tugged the see through robe from her. A soft gasp escaped you as it kept you bare; your soft nipples pebbling as the breeze moved past you both. “Oh?” Daemon whispered in intrigue before placing a soft kiss on your neck.
“We should stay here.” You whispered and a soft look of confusion came over Daemon’s face as you turned to face him. “Why?” The Prince whispered and softly took your hands in his and moved you both onto the bed. “Because we are needed. We can keep in the inner circle here until it’s time.” You whispered up at him as he crawled over you.
“Time for what?” Daemon hummed, those bright eyes of his locked onto you. “For your time on the throne.” His violet eyes widened and you used the distraction to lean and capture his soft lips. You leaned away and your thumb moved over his bottom lip for a moment. “Why? Why are you doing this?”
“Because you are the only person who has ever made me feel important. Feel complete. “ You babbled out. “I love you.” You whispered to him as Daemon completely melted for you. “I love you too.” You moaned when he slowly filled you. His hard cock as ever reaching all your spots of pleasure.
Your hand moved down his chest once more as your head fell back in pleasure. “I love you.” He repeated in your ear again and again. Your legs wrapped around his waist and kept him close as his thrusts pleasured you. The news of what you were about to tell him only had you humming happily.
“I’m with child.” You whispered into his ear. His eyes flashed open and locked onto you. “You are?” He whispered; happiness shining in his eyes. You nodded with a sweet smile coming over your face as he leaned in and passionately captured your soft lips once more. His happiness threatened to bubble over.
@kittycatcait219 @lilyviolets
@multifndom @7minutes-tomidnight
@kid-from-new-zealand @mypatrochilles @ladystardvsts
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theroguedragons · 2 years
❤  five times my muse says they don’t love yours, and the one time they admit it. ( *evil laughter* )
Send me a symbol for… from here @drcgnrider
“It is pleasure, my love. Pleasure to brighten up the darkness we often find ourselves in.” They both knew it was more than that, but Daemon preferred to hide the truth just to keep the last bit of control he slowly felt slipping out of his hands. He was aware how much he actually loved the princess for many years even if he couldn’t understand his feelings right away, but there was no one in the world that ever touched him like that, ever stayed in his mind for so long whenever he was away. Every last thought was focused on her, every bit of worry he carried in his heart was reserved for her, but now when he hold her in his arms while she rode off their orgasm he simply was too stunned to name it as it was. “Does that make it less beautiful?” he asked with a heavy breath, lips sinking back to her neck to kiss her skin until she lowered her head on his shoulder to let this moment pass.
“Are you watching me sleep?” the princess asked with a playful grin as she turned her head to look over her shoulder.
“Is that something that is forbidden, my princess?” Daemon replied while his eyes still wandered along her silky skin that always glowed so beautifully in the soft moonlight.
“No. It just… it nearly seems like you’re in love with me, Daemon. Only a lover would watch someone sleep.” She was right but the prince didn’t dare to admit it. Instead he just scoffed and pulled her back into his arms so she couldn’t see the light red cheeks that flushed on his usual pale skin.
“Take it as you want. I just enjoy the times where you keep your filthy mouth shut.” They always had a way of teasing each other, but whenever they shared a bed Daemon felt more freely in the words he chose towards her which just increased the fun part of it.
“I’m am not jealous. What should I even be jealous of, Mhm? Useless cunts that can’t offer you more than gold or castles? I will always have much more to offer than them and we both know it.” Of course he was jealous when others asked for her hand simply because he didn’t want anyone else to share just a minute with the person belonging to him. Besides that he was never worried though, cause the prince was confident enough to know that what they had could never be broken. And he was a good catch after all, at least for her he tried to be.
“Well, it seemed like you’re in love with me. Forgive me for misreading that, uncle.” Rhaenyra spat back in her usual stubborn nature and passed him with her hands folded behind her back. “Excuse me then, I have to go and meet some more of the candidates.” Daemon knew what she tried to do, what she wanted to hear from him to stop her, but she would never get it this way. Instead he just admired her bravery and that she at least never stopped to try.
“Good luck then, princess.”
“You must stop, Mysaria. If you keep lurking around us like a shadow when you’re only hidden in plain sight, then I can’t promise you what I once offered: your protection.” Mysarias eyes wandered over Daemons shoulder to look at the princess sitting in the middle of pillows on the ground with her clothes half casted away and only her arm covering her breasts. They noticed the white worm soon enough, but it was Daemon who finally had enough of it and wanted his princess to feel as safe in his own kingdom as she could be and therefore interrupted their act. “Leave. You know already what is going on between her and me since you’ve witnessed it often enough. What else do you think you will find here? If it is my cock you desire I must gladly disappoint you.”
Mysarias eyes still didn’t move away from the princess but Daemon groaned and snapped his hand around her jaw to finally have her focus on him again. “You don’t look at her. She belongs to me. And she deserves respect from a common whore like you are. Do not dare to harm her dignity.” It was a threatening hiss, one that was close to her face and only made her grin again. Slowly she led his hand away from her face and muttered “You’re wrong, my prince. There’s one thing I still didn’t figure out and I want you to enlighten me. Then I will let you two alone, I promise.”
Daemon took a deep breath and ran his hand through his shortened hair, a look over his shoulder assuring him that Rhaenyra was still bedded in the pillows. “What is it?”
“Do you love her, the princess?” Of course it was that she needed to know, what she needed to ask. What else could he have expected from her? It was a test, a challenge of his emotions when Mysaria knew him well enough to be sure that he never would use those words for anyone.
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“That is none of your business.” It was a low mumble, one that nearly couldn’t be heard but then he turned to face her again and pushed her out of that open door. “And you’ll never ask me that again you fucking bitch. Get away from me. Save the last bit of your dignity and leave us the fuck alone or I’ll make sure that you’ll never able to speak a word again.” Angrily he closed the door in front of her and left her behind with a pleased smirk since for her it was a win that he still couldn’t say it. But what she didn’t know was, that she simply wasn’t worth of his truth anymore. The only one worth getting anything real from him was here in this room and she was the one who would hear these words of love one day, but nobody else. “Where were we?”
“You’re so beautiful, Nyra.” he hushed into her ear as the sun slowly crawled through the open windows of his chambers in Dragonstone, the red silky blanket covering their naked bodies to keep them save from the cold. There was only a soft humming coming from her lungs as she hold onto his arms more tightly to keep his embrace as close as possible. He didn’t expect her to come here in secret, but still he admired her courage as she did arrive on dragon back, bringing disbelief and confusion to everyone’s face especially Laenas. After Rhea died and Viserys exiled him again, he told him to find a new wife. Someone that wasn’t his daughter and would bring him hopefully more joy than the bronze bitch did before. But Daemon didn’t want another marriage. Not if it wasn’t with Rhaenyra and so he offered Laena and Vhagar a place to stay, but avoided the topic of their marriage every time she brought it on the table.
Daemon had become lonely here even if he was surrounded by people all day and the first thing that ever enlightened his heart was his brave and beautiful princess that gave a shit about her fathers rules to take what she wanted to be hers. It didn’t take them long to fall into his sheets and up to now they didn’t leave them once since the prince just couldn’t let her go for a single second. No, he needed to make up for the touch they missed and he had craved too long to feel himself again that he wouldn’t let go of this feeling so soon, no matter the cost.
“I… Gaoman daor jaelagon naejot dīnagon zirȳla.” [I do not wish to marry her.] he murmured into her neck where he placed another kiss and waited for the princess to turn around and look at him. There was pain in his expression no matter how much he adored to look at her and danced with his tips along her skin. “Konīr iksin iā jēda nyke ivestretan ao bona īlon mērī dīnagon syt gaomilaksir. Yn skoros lo kosti gaomagon ziry syt jorrāelagon hae sȳrī?” [There was a time I told you we only marry for duty. But what if we can do it for love as well?]
The smile on her face was mesmerizing, her tiny hand reaching for his wandering along her face to lace their fingers in a firm matter. “You would have to love for that, Daemon.” He knew exactly why she insisted on this part and he couldn’t help the chuckle cause he simply was adoring her with every tease more, no matter how harsh it was.
“Maybe I do.” His eyes had escaped her gaze for a moment but he knew that he couldn’t avoid this forever so he took a deep breath and crawled on top of her, one pair of hands lacing in the sheets with the dragon heads carved into the head piece of the bed watching over them while his eyes were only on her face. Gently he stroked along her cheek with the back of his fingers, his nose circling around hers before he whispered “Avy jorrāelan, Rhaenyra. Avy jorrāelan tolī than iksan able naejot udir ziry.” [I love you, Rhaenyra. I love you more than words could describe it.] His thumb slipped to her lips to stripe along them but his eyes then wandered down to her chest where he placed a kiss on her sternum. “But… you have known that already, didn’t you? You just wanted me to say it.”
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years
Honestly fuck that other anon. The story has been amazing to this point! I’ve been following your work for the past two years and just know you’ll have a great ending planned. What is with this fandom being extremely entitled with fanfic? No other fandom I’ve been in has been this obsessed with ‘correcting’ fanfics as this one!
OMG 2 years?!!!!!
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Thank you so much!!!!!!!! 🥰🤗
Honestly I wish I was more surprised but as you say, in this fandom it's just ridiculous.
I still remember someone *cof cof* incel cof cof* just posting some rant on AO3 years ago because they were mad that on stories tagged Jonerys, Dany sometimes had relationships with other men - many times at the beginning - and so the person was just demanding no one who did this used the tag... how entitled can you get?! Mind you that they had no issue with Jon having relationships with other women (let me pretend to be surprised here for a moment); neither them nor many other people complaining about Dany with other men but then reading Harem Jon fics...
And on my fic just so many people who at different points came up to me to "lecture" me in different things. An especially *insert word of choice here* one was this *insert word of choice here* who while everyone was speculating about how Visenya would be, said they had read this great fic posting the link to my comment section (that's polite) and saying that in there Visenya was just like Rhaenyra in this and that "before Daemon turned her into a whore". They weren't kidding. In this day and age, people speak like this (unfortunately).
Another great example was actually the first hateful comment I ever received. It was maybe 2 months after I began the story, almost three years ago. I will never forget it because it had been an awful day for me, and I just arrived home thinking what was the point of getting out of bed that morning. I decided to check the comments and *chef's kiss*. Pretty much the imbecile (this one I am going to call names) informed me how wrong my story was and how wrong I had the lore (lol), how much my formatting sucked but that they thought my story had potencial so they told me to send them my stuff asap so they could start working on it and correcting it. #sokind #empath
Seriously to all of you entitled *insert word of choice here* I would like to know what kind of hubris you have that you think you can come up to people on the internet sharing things they do FOR FREE, and lecturing them or making demands? And then getting salty when they don't get a "oh yes, sir, please here you go; anything else I can do for you today, sir? you want my other leg to kick sir?" You know what you all are? Karens. You are Karens. Nasty Karens. But there's no manager here, Karen. And this isn't a shop and I am not an employee you can bully. And I don't care how hard your lives are tbh. We all have our struggles and you don't f_cking know the struggles of who is behind the screen so don't act like you are THE ONE who knows struggles and others don't. And I won't share mine because I don't owe the Karens an explanation about me of my life or my past. That doesn't make me any better or any worse. I am a person, and like any person REGARDLESS of my struggles I deserve the minimum amount of respect.
Also Karens, learn this when you get hate: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. When you say what you want to say, you will hear what you don't want to hear.
This all said let's just leave the other Anon to themselves. They clearly are struggling with issues in their personal life and could use some professional help to deal with a LOT.
Thank you so so much neonfox106 ❤ it's really great to know someone who has been following my fanfiction for so long 😭😭 and sorry for all of the changes and add ons btw XD
Much love to you!
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