#rhea ripley x platonic!reader
miss-kuki-nz · 5 days
Y/N and Damian like eachother
Jey and Rhea like eachother
But the Terror Twins are too stubborn to admit their feelings, so Y/N and Jey take matters into their own hands by flirting with eachother to make Damian and Rhea jealous 😉.
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*Damian and Rhea when they see Y/N and Jey together*
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bearshideout · 5 months
Ahh hi I saw you are wanting request I just gave a question if you would write a Rhea Ripley x reader [Platonic] Or maybe a judgement Day x reader [Platonic]
(Only asking BCS ik some people only like to write romantic relationships)
(First Request! Thank you <3)
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Judgment Day x GN Reader (Platonic)
You are a new wrestler who has recently joined the main roster but is struggling to find your own group luckily for you a certain group wants you as a new addition and they cant wait to welcome you in.
Y/n sighed as they packed all their stuff away in the locker room, the sounds off chatter filled their ears. It seemed ever since joining a few weeks back they couldn't find their place, everyone had already made there friends and even though they were all nice they weren't accepting new people into there groups. Y/n had never felt lonelier hearing everyone making plans after the match, they had given up on asking anymore groups if they could join the rejection hurt every time.
As they were leaving the locker room they suddenly bumped into Rhea. "I'm so sorry Rhea I didn't see you there" y/n said panicked the last thing they wanted was to start making enemies especially not with the judgment day. All they got back in return was a laugh "Don't worry about it, actually I was just looking for you" As y/n went through all the possible things she could have done to make this conversation go bad they were interrupted but this time by a male arm being wrapped around their shoulder. They looked up to see Damian who was smiling down at them "Yeah we all wanted to talk to you if you don't mind" Y/n looked at them now realizing Dom and Finn had also stood with Rhea. Dom started walking to the Judgment day's room "Lets talk in there don't want anyone listening in" Finn followed behind him nodding, Rhea grabs Y/n's hand and leads her along with a cheeky grin "your not in trouble" she jokes.
Finn opens the door for them all to go inside "We don't bite... well I don't cant say same bout this lot" he jokes getting a laugh out of y/n. While walking in she can see Dom already sprawled across one of the sofas. "so what did you want to talk about" y/n asked looking at them all, Damian's arm still around their shoulder. "Well we've been talking and we think you'd make a perfect addition to the Judgment Day, we have already talked to Triple H and he thinks its just what we need as long as you agree to it" Damian says giving your shoulder a slight squeeze. Before y/n can even gather their thoughts Rhea grabs y/n's arms desperately "Please say yes I'm begging you I need to talk to someone about [same interest] with" she begs over dramatically to sell her point making Dom shake his head and laugh. "So what do you say y/n are you in" Finn asks with a slight hint of fear.
They all wait with anticipation until finally "Yes!" y/n smiles enthusiastically they had been waiting for this moment since they joined WWE they finally had a group. "Welcome to the family" says Finn giving y/n a hug which they happily gave back. "Not fair y/n is now my new best friend I should be hugging them" said Rhea joining in the hug. "Now I feel left out" Dom piped up jumping into the hug which gained a eye roll from Damian who wrapped his arms lazily around the group hug.
"Now the family is complete" Whispers Rhea with a huge smile.
(First request done I hope this was okay! I had so much fun writing it and hopefully overtime get to do more scenarios with the judgment day)
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Horror Movie Marathon (part 31)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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"Hey Rhea, there's a package for you" you shout in the direction of the living room. "Did you order anything?" you ask and hear her hurrying towards you.
"Yes, yes don't open it!" she says and takes the package. "Okay okay, chill" you giggle and she pecks your cheek. "any plans for today?" you want to know.
"none that I'm aware of but we still got a lot to do" Rhea states. "ye.. True.. God why does planing a wedding have to be so.. Ugh.. Stressful" you huff and walk back into the living room.
Your girlfriend laughs and goes to hide the package in her closet. She didn't order anything except the tailor made suit, so it had to be that.
She comes back to you and sits down on the couch next to you. "Okay, let's get some sort of organization in all of this. We'll start with choosing a location, okay?" she looks at you and you hum in agreement.
"Do you wanna go for a more private wedding or make it public in like the arena or so, having all the fans watch you know?" Rhea asks. "I'm not such a big fan of big crowds so I'd be thankful if we keep it fairly private" you chuckle nervously.
"Okay, uhm.. I know we're both not very religious and stuff, but what if we do it in an abandoned church or so and make it all spooky?" Rhea seems pretty excited about this idea of hers.
"well, it would be a very unusual and unique wedding, I'm in!" you grin at her.
You keep setting plans for another two hours before making a quick break to get something to eat and then continue. You didn't think that planning something this serious could actually be this much fun.
At the end you both were pretty tired and exhausted but happy. It was totally worth the effort, at least if it turns out the way you want it to. But that was a problem for tomorrow, for now you've had enough and decide to chill for the rest of the day.
Either spend some couple time or invite the boys over to play some video games. You weren't completely sure yet.  
"Okay, so Finn just texted me, asking if we wanna hang out today as it's his last free day before he has to leave for a match" Rhea says.
"Sure, why not. Wanna invite all of them and make a horror movie marathon?" you smirk at her. "What's gotten into you lately? You're so hyped for horror stuff it's scaring me" your girlfriend laughs.
She quickly messages the boys about your plans and soon enough you were all settled onto the couch, cuddled up together under some blankets. Rhea on the outside, you next to her, Damian in the middle and then Dominik with Finn on the other outside.
You decided to start with the Conjuring series as it wasn't thaat creepy. You spent your hours, watching the movies, ordering and eating pizza in between and cuddling closer even more as you and Dom were little scaredy-cats.
It eventually got so late that your friends decided to stay the night. The couch was only big enough for two people, so Dominik slept in the bed with you and Rhea.
Part 31, I have only one more part planned, any ideas for more stories?
Taglist:@babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000 @nox-fire
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
i know it might be early but can you write about reader being in the judgment day and seeing her family breaking up at summerslam and so even if rhea and damian just lost they comfort her because they know how important was the jd to her? like they were her family.
oh i’ve been waiting for this request honestly
damian priest x reader (platonic) + rhea ripley x reader (platonic)
tw : mention of abandonment, family issues, feeling of loneliness, brief panic attacks
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don’t break my heart
if someone told you a year ago that you would have joined the most successful faction in the wwe at the moment you probably would have laughed at them in their face.
and yet, a year ago rhea and the rest of the judgment day saw your potential when you were just in nxt. they saw as the fierce and feisty teenage girl that no one could handle and they knew that they wanted someone like you in their team.
you were only twenty but it felt like you were in the business for forty years. you knew that wrestling was your passion and you wanted to trasform that passion into your everyday work.
your family didn’t agree. they didn’t see what you saw in wrestling and so they couldn’t see the talent you actually had. they said you had to focus on a real career path, that once you finished high school you had to apply for more colleges you could. they wanted a future for you that you didn’t want.
and when you tried to explain to them that all you wanted to do in life was wrestling, they kicked you out. they didn’t want you in the family anymore and you never felt so broken in your life. you were lucky your best friend let you into her house so you helped her with what you could. you found a part-time job so you could help her pay the bills or the food while you were still training to become a wrestler.
it was hard but somehow you managed to get signed into the famous wwe.
but once you joined, you realised that it wasn’t perfect as you thought it would be. you struggled with getting booked and the first time you actually got booked they set you to lose even if you knew you would have won those matches easily. but the pay was good and fans started to recognise you more.
in reality you felt lonely and alone. you barely made any friends as they labelled you as the new one and you didn’t feel welcomed at all. your family still didn’t talk to you and due to you constantly being on the road, you lost contact with your best friend.
one special day the judgment day surprised everyone in nxt, claiming that they were looking for you so when they saw you fighting on the ring, they decided to make a special appearance and shocking everyone.
“we want you y/n” you remembered rhea saying and the crowd screaming of joy “we want you in the team” and so you joined them.
you thought it was all for publicity but truth was that they really saw potential in you. you were young and you already had a big potential of becoming a real threat for the women division.
so they helped you train. rhea and damian showed you some moves and techniques you’ve never saw before, finn was like the mind, teaching you how to trick your opponent with simple mind tricks and dominik was your comfort person, he helped you gaining more confidence, especially during your first matches.
later on you opened up about your past with them. how you basically had no family as they kicked you out, how you had no friends because the girls at nxt didn’t like you and how lonely you felt but they made sure to change all of that. they always included you in their car trips, sundays together and movie nights.
you finally felt like you belonged somewhere.
so you couldn’t believe of what you were witnessing while watching rhea losing against liv at summerslam. tears in your eyes as you watched dominik turning on rhea and betray her like that.
you were backstage watching the whole match with finn and jd and you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking.
“no no no no…dom please…don’t do that…” you whispered as your eyes were glued to the tv.
you couldn’t deny there had been tension this past weeks but you were the judgment day, you always solved all the issues you had so why was it happening now?
“y/n…” finn slowly approached you. his heart was breaking for you, mostly because he knew what was going to happen and mostly because he knew you didn’t deserve to be put into this mess.
“finn…we have to do something we…” he hugged you because he couldn’t lie to you. he couldn’t find words to comfort you because what he was going to later was gonna make you hate him.
you cried into his arms until damian broke into the room and started screaming. he was visibly upset and he couldn’t understand why dom turned on rhea.
“did you know that?” he started screaming at finn but before he could answer you jumped in.
“of course he didn’t…”
“no i didn’t know man” finn lied. he didn’t care about lying to damian, but you, after he said that he simply left the room without saying anything to you.
you stayed there, confused while your brain was trying to elaborate everything that happened in the past 30 minutes.
you knew rhea wanted to be left alone so you guys waited for her to calm down. she joined you a few minutes before damian’s match started “hey” you smiled at her.
“hey…” she put her arm around your shoulder and let you rest your head over it.
“you good?”
“i’ll be okay…not the match i imagined but it will be okay” she softly smiled at you. you knew she was hurting and that she was clearly pissed, but she didn’t want you to worry for her so she pretend that everything was fine.
as damian’s match began, you both had hopes for him to retain his title but everything went downhill when you saw finn turning on damian.
“rhea…what-what is he doing over there?” rhea was as shocked as you were because finn wasn’t supposed to be there.
“i…i don’t know”
“rhea we have to do something! damian’s gonna lose and…” but before you could continue, she grabbed your arm when she saw that you were about to leave the room and she stopped you.
“there’s nothing we could do y/n…” she was hurting as much as you were.
“no no, please rhea…i can’t, this group can’t break up please…” it was like losing a family all over again “we have to go there and help damian, talk some sense into finn’s head and…and”
“hey y/n…calm down, come here” she hugged you as she sensed that you were panicking “there’s nothing we can do right now…they made up their minds”
“but finn…finn, he told me everything was going to be alright, he told he didn’t know anything about dom and now, now he’s just going to betray us like that…rhea we have to stop him…” you were visibly crying right now.
but before you could continue or before, she could answer you, finn did unthinkable and betrayed dam on live tv. he made damian lose his title and while coming backstage, he had this twisted smile on his face that made you sick enough.
“where are you going y/n?” rhea asked you when she saw you about to leave the room.
you stayed there for a minute, thinking if you should go to talk to finn or go to comfort damian “i don’t know…i wanna talk to finn, i need him to tell me to my face that he doesn’t care about us, that he doesn’t care about this group and…”
“love, please stop” rhea’s heart was breaking for you because she knew how much you loved the group as it was your own family “there’s nothing we can do now…finn and dom turned on us but me and damian aren’t leaving you, i promise you”
“rhea’s right…” you both turned your heads to face damian. he had a broken look on his face and it was clear that he was hurting “we ain’t going anywhere y/n…”
“damian…” you went for a hug and he softly smiled when he felt your arms hugging him as strong as you could “i had no idea finn was going to betray you like that…he told me everything was okay and then…”
“it’s not your fault y/n…you couldn’t have known that…”
“are you okay damian?” you asked, feeling guilty that they were the ones who just got betrayed and you were the one crying about it.
“i’ll be okay…you know finn was like family to me and see him betraying me like that. it will hurt for a while but we are a family and we stay together through all of this” he smiled at you.
“i just…i wish i could talk to them and”
“y/n, love…nothing you say would make them change their minds…” rhea softly spoke to you.
“i know but they can’t break this family apart…” you wanted to say group but you never felt like you were part of a group, you felt like you were part of a family and suddenly you felt 18 again, when your parents kicked you out and turned their backs on you.
damian and rhea knew how much that affected you, how scared you were of abandonment and they promised that you would have never felt like that again. but they couldn’t keep their promise as long as they wanted because finn and dom were breaking the group apart and they couldn’t do anything about it to stop them. they knew how much you struggled to make friends and apart from them and a few other wrestlers, you didn’t have many friends.
you struggled again in the women’s faction because they all were too focus on themselves to make space for someone else, apart from shayna or bayley, the rest of them never acknowledged you.
damian introduced you to jey uso and some other people like drew or la knight and even if they were all kind to you, you couldn’t really rely on them as friends because they weren’t.
so all you had left was the judgment day, until now.
“hey hermosa…we are not leaving you okay?” damian reassured you.
“everyone leaves at some point…”
“hey none of that nonsense okay?” rhea almost scolded you “you probably weren’t expecting this, i saw it coming eventually but trust me when i say that me and damian won’t leave you alone…you still are part of this group and we ain’t leaving you behind” rhea gently rubbed your back while you were wiping some of your tears away.
“rhea’s right…we are here and we are here to stay…” damian smiled at you.
“thank you…”
“don’t thank us love, it’s the truth”
maybe, in the end you still had a family that cared about you but for now, you couldn’t wait to kick finn and dom’s asses on monday night raw.
part two
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darkeyessdarkheart · 21 days
Good Luck, Babe
warnings: language, implied smut, 18+
pairing: rhea ripley x fem!reader
word count: 3,291
Alright y’all. Bare with me lmao. I haven’t written in years and I’ve been working 12 hr shifts so I can’t promise it’s my best. But here you are for the 8 people who wanted this! lmao. Any feedback or requests would be great! :)
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It was a successful post-Wrestlemania celebration in Philly that night. You and some fellow superstars had heard of a local club and decided to continue your celebrations there after the press conference. Music blared throughout the club causing you to feel as if even your feet were vibrating through your heels. You and Bayley were on the dance floor laughing at your sad attempts at dancing. You’d only had a couple of drinks and were just a little tipsy. “Y/N what are you doing?! You look like you’re seizing!” Bayley leaned in to try to exclaim in your ear.
“It’s not my fault! The only dancing I’m good at involves grinding!” You chuckle back at her. She shakes her head taking another swig of her cocktail before looking back at you, eyes glazed over. “I mean, by all means, if it makes it better than that you can dance on me all you want.”
Bayley and you joked back and forth like this sometimes but your relationship was always platonic. You decided to take her up on her offer, taking your free hand and grabbing her free one as well. Pulling her hand up into the air you spun yourself around and began to seductively sway to the music pushing your back closer to her. “Whoo! Yeah girl, damn I didn’t know you could get down like that!” She exclaims as you rock your hips back and forth while also slowly moving down her body and then back up, making sure to push your butt into her. You both laugh as you continue before suddenly seeing a figure coming to loom over you.
“Hey! Mind if I steal your partner there for a bit?!” You hear the voice and recognize it as the New World Heavyweight Champion. You had known for a bit that Damian had a little crush on you. You’d catch him staring at you during rehearsals and at morning gym sessions. He’d always try to spark conversation with you and would even occasionally join in on your workouts if you were working the same area. Somehow he’d always end up “showing you a better way” or form to do an exercise in what felt like an excuse just to touch you. As if you weren’t a professional athlete with years of experience working out. But you didn’t mind, Damian was a nice and attractive guy after all. “She’s all yours champ!” Bayley said before walking away, being sure to look back at you and suggestively raise her eyebrows.
“You did awesome tonight! How’s it feel to finally be champion?” You leaned in to ask him. “Feels almost as great as you look.” He flirts letting his eyes roam up and down your body in your tight-fitting dress. You reach out to playfully push him laughing, “You’re stupid. Thanks though, you look good too.” You smile up at him. Amid your conversation, you can’t help but look over to the bar behind you and see two piercing blue eyes staring right at you. Rhea.
You and Rhea joined NXT around the same time and immediately clicked. You bonded over your nerdy video game tastes, love of horror movies and animals, and her vast intent on exposing you to heavy metal music. You two became best friends and an even better tag team. You even held the former NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships together for a run. However, it all changed one night after Rhea won her first North American NXT Women’s Championship.
You were in your dressing room screaming at the TV like a maniac. “Come on Rhea!” You yelled watching Rhea getting hit on the top rope. In the last second, she reversed the move hitting Shayna with the riptide from the second turnbuckle and pinning her for the title. You bolted from your dressing room to the gorilla, and down to the ring. You threw your arms around her squeezing her tighter than ever before as the announcer declared her victory. “You did it! I’m so proud of you!!” You pulled back smiling at her and practically jumping up and down. You went to hold her arm up in the air but instead, she scooped you up with her one free arm, causing you to wrap your legs around her waist. You laughed in surprise but just smiled right back at her, staring into her baby blue eyes. The crowd erupted as she held the title up in the air with her other arm all while holding you to her.
You made it back to the gorilla waiting for your chance for another hug once the crowd of individuals that had gathered to congratulate her had dispersed. “I still can’t believe it.” She stated almost breathlessly, still slightly panting as she stared at the gold on her arm. “Thank you for coming out to the ring. You know I love celebrating with you.” She smiled at you. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, I love you so much.” You threw your arms around her neck and pulled her into an embrace. Only this time when you pulled apart, you couldn’t help but stop at a certain point. Your arms remained locked behind her neck and her hands remained steady at the small of your back and waist. You didn’t know what came over you, you leaned in and kissed her.
She must’ve been as surprised as you were judging by her slight jump. The second you felt it you immediately wanted to pull away and apologize, not even understanding why you did what you’d done. The thoughts were squashed instantaneously by the feeling of her kissing you back. It was like no other, the way your lips molded together, the way you moved in perfect synchrony with each other, how soft and perfect her lips felt. The first tender kiss slowly turned into more as you felt her tongue piercing run softly across your lower lip as she tried to gain access to your mouth. You couldn’t help but accept, allowing the kiss to become deeper and passionate. Your tongues slipped in and out of each other’s mouths with every movement. The moment came to an end all too soon when you both heard footsteps approaching and jumped apart.
Rhea was quickly busy with another superstar coming up to congratulate her. You used this as your excuse to bolt back to your dressing room. You slammed the door leaning your back against it, panting from pure adrenaline. What did you just do?! Rhea was your best friend for fuck’s sake. You had only ever been in relationships with men your entire life. You thought you’d had good experiences with guys, but that kiss. That was incomparable. You’d never felt such passion and dare you admit it, desire in just a kiss. Had you not been interrupted you were unsure how far you would’ve been willing to take that situation. You shook your head putting your head in your hands, not knowing what was wrong with you. Of course, you loved Rhea, how could you not? She’s gorgeous, funny, caring, and you have so many memories together. But did you love her? Or were you just caught up in the moment?
Surely, after all this time you would’ve known if you were into her, right? Your brain was running 100 miles a minute, completely unsure of what to think or do next. The only clear thought you had was you had to get away. You changed out of your ring gear faster than ever, changed into a baggy hoodie and sweats, pulling your hood over your head in an attempt to hide yourself. You grabbed your bag and headed out to your car and drove home.
Rhea blew up your phone that night trying to call you, text you, facetime you, hell she was even emailing you. You couldn’t bear to hear her voice and own up to what you had done. You were deleting her first at least 100 texts quickly, trying to not even read them. Only seeing glimpses of certain ones as you did so.
Rhea🖤: Y/N, what the hell?
Rhea🖤: Where are you??
Rhea🖤: We need to talk!
Rhea🖤: Call me back now.
Rhea🖤: This isn’t funny Y/N.
Rhea🖤: Answer the damn phone!
Rhea🖤: If you don’t answer, I swear to god I’m gonna bloody lose it Y/N.
You couldn’t even comprehend the idea of speaking to her in any shape or form in this state. Eventually, you decided to block her phone number. You told yourself it would be temporary, just until you were able to clear your mind. To understand why you did this and what your feelings truly were for your best friend. However days passed, you managed to successfully avoid her at shows despite hearing the gossip of her adamantly looking for you backstage at every single one.
Your call up from Smackdown couldn’t have come at a better time. You decided this promotion was the perfect opportunity to extend your sabbatical with Ripley. You’d figure it out eventually, you told yourself.
You and Rhea hadn’t properly spoken in a very long time. In what seemed like divine intervention to you, you always ended up on the opposing show. Only having to be around one another at certain pay per views throughout the years. However, thanks to avoidance and always making sure at least one other superstar was in the room with you, you never managed to be fully alone with Rhea. You were polite of course, casual, but you never allowed the conversation to get too intense before ditching. In the instances you were around one another you’d feel her doing what she was doing now. Eyeing you down, as if she was trying to read you. Trying to understand why you were so willing to throw away everything you had together. All just because you refused to admit your true feelings.
You felt your breath catch your throat but tried to instantly regain your composure, looking back up at Priest. “You wanted to dance, let’s dance!” You squeal at him causing him to chuckle at you. You begin to dance together but all the while all you can feel is what feels like lasers beaming right at your face. Rhea was at the bar with Bianca and Jade, ordering another round and talking amongst themselves. However, Rhea wasn't remotely interested. She was captivated by you.
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
You forced yourself to turn around not wanting to feel her eyes directly on your face. Continuing to sway to the music you push your back around Priest, seductively grinding on him. Closing your eyes you tried to distract yourself from the thoughts of wishing you were dancing like this on the woman across the room. You knew at this point what you wanted but it felt as if it had been too long. Not to mention the thought still petrified you. The idea of further ruining the perfect friendship you’d tossed aside. All because you were a coward.
And guess I’m the fool
Finally, you turn back around, planning on telling Damian you were too drunk and should head back to your hotel. Even though you knew you were fine. As you did so you noticed her beginning to head into the crowd, beeling straight to you and Priest. Oh God. Your heart began to race and your stomach felt as if it had dropped to your ass. Your mind was running through every possible scenario to try to get out of this oncoming shit storm. You did the first comprehensive thing that came to your mind, standing up on your tiptoes in your heels, grabbing the back of his neck and bringing his lips down onto yours. Damian immediately accepted, holding your face in his large hands as you moved your lips together.
The black haired Australian stopped in her tracks as she saw what you were doing.
You can kiss 100 boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You were trying to put your all into the kiss. Anything to try to show Rhea you weren’t interested in her. It felt as if you were trying to put on some elaborate performance but you couldn’t stop yourself. You had your hands on top of his then began to grab his shirt, pulling him as close to you as possible. Priest put his hands on top of yours pulling back, “Woah Y/N, I think you’ve had a bit too much muñeca. I’d love to, but not like this.”
All while Damian is gently “letting you down” she finally reaches you, breaking out into a toothy grin. “Hey mate, Y/N, you doing okay? You don’t look so great.” She feigns concern looking you up and down but you know each other too well. You’d spent more than a couple nights out together and she knew your tolerance was way higher than you were portraying. “I’m fine.” You answer quickly, almost too quickly. Damian looks at both of you assessing the situation, clearly unsure of what to do. No matter what else you tried to look at around the room you kept somehow locking eyes with her again. Those light blue orbs taking your breath away every time. “Rhea, you mind helping get Y/N back? You don’t mind right, Y/N?”
Before you can even protest, she interrupts. “Of course mate. I’ll text you when I get her in. Have fun tonight champ!” She grabs your wrist and starts leading you out of the club, shouting at Priest over her shoulder. “What the fuck are you doing?!” You’re trying to pull out of her grip but are unsuccessful each time. She didn’t answer, keeping her eyes pointed towards the exit of the club.
At the last second, she turns, leading you towards the hallway where the bathrooms were. “Rhea, seriously let me go! What are you doing?!” You attempt to exclaim once but she continues to ignore you, just dragging you along.
You reach the bathroom and she opens the door dragging you inside. You look around expecting a multi-stall facility but instead find yourself in a very tight space with the woman you’ve avoided for so long.
“The better question is, what are you doing Y/N?” She turns around finally making eye contact with you again. Your eyes dart once again trying to avoid the intensity. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You say as your eyes finally settle on a particular piece of graffiti on the wall in front of you. “Yes, you do. You’ve dodged me for years. You don’t want to be around me, fine. But really? You’re gonna try to act like you’re something you’re not?” She shakes her head, her eyes squinting as she looks you up and down as if she was trying to piece you back together in her mind.
“You’re being ridiculous. If Priest wants to pursue me, why shouldn’t I let him?” You cross your arms over your chest in an attempt to subconsciously put a barrier between you and her.
You can say it’s just the way you are
Make another excuse, another stupid reason
“This isn’t what you want, Y/N.” Rhea grabs your chin forcing you to look at her. Your heart is pounding so hard it feels as if it could burst out of you at any moment. You felt a lump in your throat as hard as a stone. The cold feeling of her rings touching your skin would normally make you jump but they felt amazing against your now blazing red skin.
“You may tell yourself that kiss never happened. Bloody hell, you probably have to tell yourself that every day. I bet you think about it all the time.” You felt as if she was rubbing your biggest mistake in your face. You go to smack her hand away, “Stop it, Rhea, it was years ago. I was in the moment and I overstepped. It meant noth-“
She cuts you off, taking you by surprise by pushing herself up against you against the wall, her hands next to both sides of your head. You can’t help the audible small gasp that leaves your mouth. “Tell me you don’t want this.” She whispers as she inches her face towards yours. You gulp.
Good luck, babe.
Well, good luck, babe.
She takes one of her hands and grips your jaw forcing you to look at her. “Tell me you don’t want me.”
You’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
You inhale deeply through your nose. Your body was covered in goosebumps yet somehow still felt like it was on fire. Feeling her strong body up against yours was causing your mind to blank. You couldn’t think of anything besides the feeling of her chest moving against yours with each deep breath you took.
In that moment you felt your once strong front begin to dissipate. “Rhea, I-“ You try to start but the ball in your throat causes your voice to catch. You look up at the ceiling feeling tears prickling at your eyes. “I do want you. I want you more than anything.” The tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you continue.
“I’m such a fucking idiot.” You whisper to yourself. Seeing your tears Rhea backed up slightly, taking one hand and gently wiping at some of the tears. “You’re not an idiot baby.” She softly spoke, leaving her hand to rest on your cheek.
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship but I-“ You open your mouth inhaling deeply then exhaling, trying to stop crying. “I did.”
“Why couldn’t you tell me Y/N? We’d been close for so long. Nothing could and would ever ruin what we have. As friends or, as more.” She enunciates the last part, her Aussie accent thick.
You shake your head, wishing you had a reasonable answer for her. “I don’t know.”
She sighs, pulling you to her in a tight embrace. You exhale, wrapping your arms around her. She holds the back of your head stroking your hair softly. Of course, she’d remember. That was always something she’d do for you whenever you were stressed or upset.
“I missed you so fucking much.” You whisper, squeezing her as tight as you possibly could inhaling her familiar scent.
You’re the first to pull away but remain still, keeping her close. Rhea looks down at you wiping the last remaining tears away. Only now do you notice the tear stains where makeup once was on her face.
Despite the messy makeup, disheveled hair, and groggy voices from crying you couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous she looked.
“Rhea?” You ask softly. “Y/N?” She responds looking into your eyes.
“You’re right. I haven’t stopped thinking about this.” You sigh, shaking your head slightly then grabbing her face in your hands and smashing your lips together. It was as if no time had passed.
The same fire and passion from the first kiss immediately reignited. She reached around your body, holding your lower back and gripping your ass with the other. You moaned softly at the feeling allowing her to slip her tongue into your mouth.
You reached your hands out grabbing every part of her that you could reach. From her long black hair, to her waist using her metal chain belt to pull her even closer.
She pulls away and you almost whine. “Come on you, we’re going to the hotel. I’m gonna show what else I’ve been thinking about since that kiss.”
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myluvrrhea · 4 months
— Girl Of My Dreams |R.Ripley
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Request - Would you consider writing judgement day or rhea Ripley x reader [platonic but can be romantic if you prefer that] And basically the reader gets betrayed by their tag team partner, and obviously they are devastated because they were really close (think like liv4brutality, for example) — @princessthatcantfuckingsleep 💞
Song for this fic — Girl of my dreams :: Guti
Pairings - Rhea Ripley x Fem!Wrestler!Reader
Warnings — R!getting punched, passing out, crying, Angst + Fluff, Rhea comforting you in the end 🩷 [Lemme know if I missed any]
You looked up at Shayna. She had been your tag team partner for about 5 months. Everything was going smoothly until you two lost the only title chance you guys would have for a while. 
The anger on Shayna’s face told it all. She sneered as she looked down at your broken figure. 
“Why did you tap out? You knew this was the only title chance we have.” She spat at you. 
You knew she was enraged when she combed her fingers through her hair. The same angered expression staying the entire time.
“Look Shayna im sorry— It was just too painful you know-“ You were cut off by a punch. You were dumbfounded, as you put your hand on your forehead. Tears threatening to spill.
Shayna gave you a few more punches before walking out of the ring. A cold expression painting her face. The pain was unbearable. Not only were you hurt, but embarrassed. You knew she would be mad about the loss. But this — this was unexpected.
The camera panned on your tearstained face. The pain clear as day in your expression.
The crowd erupted into cheers hearing Rhea’s theme. Ready for what would happen next.
I looked up as I heart the infamous theme song, of Rhea Ripley.
“Well lady’s and gentleman’s we have a sudden visit from non other than Rhea ripley, who has been women’s world champion for a while now. Seemingly undefeated. But what is she doing here?” I heard Michael Cole comment. I was just as confused as everyone else was.
I saw Rhea holding her title as she ran over to the ring, sliding in. I looked up at her standing figure. She scooped me up into her arms. I felt my vision growing blurry, and before I could talk my vision had gone black.
No ones POV
“It appears Y/N has passed out in the arms of the seemingly terrifying, Rhea Ripley.” Michael commented the worry evident in his voice.
Everyone in the arena watched as Rhea carried you backstage. Her title on her shoulder and a worried expression painting her face.
As soon as Rhea had gone backstage people crowded the halls trying to check on you. You had been a favorite to many of the wrestlers. Your bubbly and energetic made you loved by many. And when people saw what had happened— they felt scared and worried about you.
You had a dark purple bruise on your lip and forehead. Rhea had been yelling for everyone to move out the way. She was enraged because of what Shayna did to you. Although She had done the same thing to liv. 
“She needs help move over,” She spoke with an attitude. Pushing pasted the crowds of worried crew members and wrestlers. 
Once she sat you down on the medical bed, she quickly yelled at the medic to help you quickly. Her worry and anger pilling up inside her.
I squinted my eyes adjusting to the white lights flashed at me. I opened my eyes and tried sitting up, soon feeling a stinging pain on my shoulder. I heard yelling next to me a familiar deep aussie accent.
“Do you not understand she needs help. Look at her look at the condition shes in,” Rhea spoke, pointing down at me. 
She. Was.  Pissed.
“I know ma’am but she’s-“ the medic was cut off by Rhea. 
“No, no “buts” she needs help cant you see-“ 
“Rhea?” I cut rhea off while sitting up. Pain taking over my body. I was confused on why Rhea had carried me backstage. Better yet why she was still here.
Rhea turned to look at me, a small smile forming on her face. 
“Hey, are you feeling any better?” She asked me. It seemed like her mood had taken a 360. The anger she had from before had faded off.
“My head and arms still hurt, but I think I’ll do just fine,” I answered flashing her a sad smile back. We sat in silence for a moment before I spoke again.
“It just hurts what Shayna did to me. I just thought she was different,” I looked up at rhea tears pooling my eyes. 
“It’s gonna be alright. And if it makes you feel better, I’ll be your tag team partner. The fans will love it,” Rhea sat onto the medical bed, pressing a kiss on my forehead. 
“Thank you.” I spoke.  bearying  my head into her neck.
“No problem. Ill always be here for you.” Rhea replied, laying her head onto yours.
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A/N — @princessthatcantfuckingsleep thank you for requesting <33 im still getting to other requests at the moment so expect for more to come 💞
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ripleylove · 4 months
An unexpected announcement.
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pairing: Rhea Ripley x fem!reader (and platonic the judgment day x reader. )
requested by@stellakiddsblog saying:Rhea x pregnant reader They announce their pregnancy to the judgement day No angst
summary: announcing you and Rhea being parents wasn't something you could do commonly,so you decided to tease them a bit.
A/N: I wanted to thank you all for the requests,the likes,the comments and the reblogs! I really appreciate each and everyone of you <3 I had to be ORIGINAL in this one
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
You and your wife Rhea have always wanted a baby together.
So,you tried your everything to make the pregnancy happen,and,fortunately, it worked.
When the doctors told you that you were pregnant,you were over the moon: you jumped on Rhea,hugging her tight and her doing the same,while peppering millions of kisses on your cheeks.
You first told both of your families: Rhea's was on cloud nine,and yours was the happiest they've ever been. You got support from everyone,but,for the first few months you wanted to keep it a secret. But,obviously, your friends Dominik,Finn and Damian had to know,and to spice it up a little bit,you and Rhea planned something for them.
The day when you got the news of being pregnant,Rhea told the rest of the faction that her and you were sick. Obviously her and your friends were worried,and decided to visit the both of you.
"Hi girls!" Damian,ever the sweetest,hugged the both of you,but he had a look of worry on his face.
"Mami? Y/N? Are you alright? Do you need anything?" Dominik looked really preoccupied as well for the both of you.
Finn approached the both of you with 2 bags in his hands,full of snacks and drink. "Thank you,Finn,I appreciate it" Rhea said with a (fake) sick voice,coughing after talking to make a better impression.
You looked kinda bad as well,because,to seem pale,you put a light foundation so that the guys would really believe it.
"Guys,we don't have the strength to prepare our medicine,could you please help us? It's on the kitchen counter,but before giving it to us could you please read the instructions first?" You asked with a low voice, trying to hold your own laugh.
Basically, to prank the guys, you decided to put the ultrasound photos of your baby instead of the instructions, so they would be completely surprised.
Damian opened the box of the medicine,while Finn was preparing you both a cup of water to take said medicine and Dominik was putting all of the things they bought in their trip at the grocery store earlier on the table.
"What the hell?" Damian said,and,obviously, Finn and Dominik came next to him to see what was wrong. They loudly gasped,and their jaws fell open.
You and Rhea couldn't hold your laughs in anymore,and you just cried from all of the laughs you shared.
The three men watched the both of you with a confused expression,looking at each other in disbelief.
"Oh my god- wait I can't breathe-" You stopped to catch your breath,then you continued "So guys,guess what?" You asked with a smile, "We're becoming mothers!" Rhea exclaimed, with a smile that almost reached her ears and made her eyes disappear.
"WHAT?" Dominik said,and Finn continued "FOR REAL???"
You both nodded,and they erupted into cheers.
"I'm so happy for you!"
"I'm becoming an uncle!"
"Oh my god yall"
The night ended with a big hug,while you and Rhea contemplated about finally being mothers.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx
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isak-dot-gov · 20 days
Heyyyyyy I thought I'd just gab my thoughts lol
Could you please write a Judgment day x reader [Platonic] OR a Rhea Ripley x reader Where Readers was out for an injury (Kinda like how rhea is Was a bit ago) and they've been out yk just living their normal life, And one night the Judgment day is doing what they do yk being emo and incredibly edgy as they do And reader makes a suprise return
I just think that would be so fricken cute tyyyy xox your writing is amazing
Surprise Return
Pairing: (Platonic)Judgement day x Reader
Word count: 1582
My masterlist:)
The arena was electrified with the hum of anticipation. Every seat in the stadium was filled, with thousands of fans screaming and chanting in a cacophony that only heightened the excitement. The massive screens hanging above the ring lit up with the dark, brooding graphics of Judgment Day, and the audience’s reaction grew even louder.
Judgment Day was at the height of their dominance in WWE, a faction that embodied a unique mix of strength, rebellion, and pure chaos. Led by Finn Bálor, the group had become a force to be reckoned with, and their presence commanded attention. Beside Finn stood Damian Priest, his towering figure exuding a cold, intimidating presence. Dominik Mysterio, the group's newest member, looked out into the crowd with a sly grin, soaking up the mixed reactions from the fans.
But tonight, the spotlight was on Rhea Ripley. The Eradicator, as she was often called, was back in action after a minor injury had sidelined her for a few weeks. She stood in the ring, her posture defiant and strong, black lipstick accentuating her smirk as she looked out at the sea of faces. The crowd's reactions were divided between boos and cheers, a testament to the polarising nature of Judgment Day.
Rhea grabbed a microphone, her voice cutting through the noise like a knife. "So, this is the welcome we get, huh? After all the entertainment we provide for you ungrateful lot?"
The crowd’s reaction intensified, and Rhea’s smirk only widened. She thrived on the tension, on the energy that only a live WWE audience could provide.
Damian took the mic next, his voice a low, growling baritone that echoed through the arena. "You all think you can stop us? Think again. Judgment Day is here to stay, and we’re stronger than ever."
Dominik chimed in, his smirk growing more pronounced. "And trust me, none of you are ready for what's coming next."
Finn nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. "You’ve seen what we can do. But this… this is only the beginning."
As they continued to hype up their dominance and plans, Rhea’s mind drifted for a moment. She couldn’t help but think about you. You had been an integral part of the faction before your injury—one of the few people who understood what it meant to walk the fine line between chaos and control. The friendship between you and Rhea had been instantaneous and deep; there was a mutual respect and understanding that went beyond words.
The crowd's reaction suddenly shifted, pulling Rhea back to the present. The lights flickered, and then, without warning, the arena went dark. A murmur of confusion rippled through the audience. Judgment Day looked around, bewildered but ready for anything. The titantron flickered back to life, and a heartbeat-like thump echoed through the stadium speakers. It was a sound that everyone knew—your entrance theme.
Gasps of surprise and excitement filled the arena. Fans were on their feet, their eyes glued to the entrance ramp. The Judgment Day members exchanged shocked glances. Rhea’s heart raced in her chest as she tried to process what was happening. 
The screen above showed a series of highlights from your past matches, a montage of your resilience, strength, and charisma. Then, the heartbeat thumping faded into your entrance music. The crowd erupted in cheers. The lights around the entrance ramp flashed in time with the music, creating a spectacle that had everyone on the edge of their seats.
And there you were, stepping out onto the stage, illuminated by the spotlight. Your presence sent a wave of exhilaration through the crowd. Dressed in your signature gear, you looked just as fierce and confident as ever. The months of recovery and rehab seemed like they had only made you stronger.
Rhea’s face broke into a wide grin, a mix of relief and excitement. "No way," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. The rest of Judgment Day mirrored her reaction, stunned but thrilled to see you.
You took your time walking down the ramp, soaking in the atmosphere. Every step was measured, a reminder to the WWE Universe that you were back and better than ever. As you approached the ring, you locked eyes with Rhea, and she knew immediately—your return was more than just about getting back into the ring. It was about reclaiming your place in Judgment Day, your family.
Sliding under the ropes, you stood up and faced your teammates. Rhea was the first to move, stepping forward and enveloping you in a tight hug. The crowd’s cheers grew even louder at the sight. "Welcome back, Y/N," Rhea whispered, squeezing you tightly. "We've missed you."
You laughed, the sound filled with emotion. "Missed you guys too. It's been too long."
Finn, Damian, and Dominik crowded around, each giving you a hug or a pat on the back. Damian, always the stoic one, even cracked a rare smile. "It's good to see you, Y/N," he said, his deep voice softening for a moment. "We’ve been holding things down, but it wasn’t the same without you."
"Thanks, Damian," you replied, smiling up at him. "I’ve been itching to get back in here and stir things up again."
Dominik, the newest member, looked at you with a mix of admiration and respect. "Glad to have you back, Y/N. We could use your... unique touch around here."
You chuckled, appreciating the camaraderie. "Oh, don't worry. I’m back, and I’m ready to make some waves."
Finn handed you a microphone, his grin never fading. "Say something to the people, Y/N. Let them know who’s back."
Taking the microphone, you turned to face the crowd, who were still buzzing with excitement. "It’s been a long road to recovery," you began, your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you. "But I'm back now. And I’m ready to remind everyone exactly why Judgment Day is the most dominant force in WWE."
The crowd roared in response, and you could feel the energy surge through you. This was where you belonged, and you weren’t going to let anything take that away again.
Rhea took the mic back, still smiling. "Judgment Day was already unstoppable. But now? With Y/N back, there’s no one that can touch us."
The crowd’s cheers were deafening, and you felt a rush of adrenaline. Being back in the ring, with your friends by your side, felt like coming home.
Just as the cheers started to settle, the sound of someone’s music blaring through the speakers cut through the celebration. The crowd shifted from cheers to a mix of surprised gasps and jeers as a rival faction’s entrance music played, signalling an unexpected interruption. 
Rhea’s expression instantly turned from joyous to serious, her eyes narrowing as she turned toward the entrance ramp. The rest of Judgment Day followed suit, their muscles tensing as they prepared for whatever was coming.
You, however, were grinning from ear to ear. “Guess I get to dive back in sooner than expected,” you muttered, cracking your knuckles in anticipation.
A few seconds later, a group of wrestlers emerged from the back, their expressions cocky as they strode toward the ring. You could feel the tension in the air thickening, the energy in the arena shifting from celebratory to confrontational.
The lead rival grabbed a microphone, a smirk on his face as he looked at you. “Well, well, well. Look who’s back. Y/N, isn’t it a bit too soon for a comeback? We all thought you’d be smart enough to stay on the sidelines.”
You stepped forward, the smile never leaving your face. “Funny, I was just thinking it was about time someone reminded you who runs this place,” you shot back, your voice filled with confidence.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and you could see Rhea and the rest of Judgment Day smirking at your response. It was on. 
Before anyone could make a move, you lunged forward, sliding out of the ring and charging up the ramp. The rival faction was caught off guard, stumbling back as you threw the first punch. The rest of Judgment Day quickly followed, launching themselves into the fray.
The crowd went wild as chaos erupted at the top of the ramp. You ducked and dodged, delivering quick jabs and powerful kicks, adrenaline pumping through your veins. Rhea was right by your side, taking down opponents with a combination of raw power and skill.
Finn, Damian, and Dominik were equally relentless, the five of you working together in perfect harmony. It was like you had never been away—your movements fluid, your teamwork seamless. 
The rival faction quickly found themselves overwhelmed, retreating under the onslaught. Within moments, you and Judgment Day had cleared the ramp, sending the invaders scrambling back through the curtain.
Breathing heavily, you looked over at Rhea, who was grinning widely, her eyes shining with excitement. “Now that’s what I call a welcome back party,” she said, laughing.
You laughed with her, the exhilaration of the fight still coursing through you. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As you made your way back to the ring, the crowd erupted in chants of your name. Rhea, Finn, Damian, and Dominik joined in, raising your arms in celebration. You felt a surge of pride and happiness, knowing that you were finally back where you belonged—with your family, ready to take on whatever came next.
And with Judgment Day by your side, there was nothing you couldn’t face.
Isak speaks: I love writing requests sm but I also get scared I'm not doing a good job because I'm not in the person's mind lol
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emogoblin-666 · 2 months
Hiiiiiii I hope you're having a good day💕💕
Could you please write a Rhea Ripley x reader where it's like a friend's to lovers kinda thing like they flirt bit Rhea flirts with a lot of people so reader doesn't really think much of it but she does have a secret crush in Rhea.
But basically someone mistakes Rhea for readers girlfriend and it's just super fluffy and cute TYSM 💕💕
Hello and of course here you go✨💗💗💗💗
An: just pure fluff here and this is told in the readers pov
Actually We Are
Rhea Ripley x Reader
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Readers pov:
Me and rhea were hanging out in the Judgement Day clubhouse. I mean we have been friends since she was in NXT days. We always get ask if we are together. We look at each other and laugh. I mean yeah we flirt with each other form time to time. But in a platonic way today was no different for any other day. We sat there on the couch with my head on her lap she was scrolling through her phone and I was reading one of my books.
I put my book down and looked up at her.
Y/n: Rhea I have a question?
Rhea: what is it baby girl.
I blushed at the nickname she gave me. I stare at her for a second than continued.
Y/N: you know how people aways ask if we are together.
Rhea cock her head to the side.
Rhea: yeah love what about it.
Rhea was playing with my hair softly. That alway calmed me down when she did that.
I took a deep breath
Y/N: well ever since the first day I met you I know that you would be the one for me but I thought that would have been silly idea
Y/n: what I am trying to say is I love you more than a friend.
She look at me and I decided to get up. When I was about to get up form the couch.
She pull me down on her lap. That when I was looking down at my hands she pulled my chin up to make have eye contact.
She gave me a soft smile
Rhea: you know something I feel the exact same way.
I smiled at her and she pulled me into a kiss
As we were softly making out. The door open.
Damian: I knew it.
We pull away form each other.
Rhea: *groan* what do you want Damian
Damian: *smirking* I knew that you to were dating
Before Rhea could speak I said
Y/N: actually we are.
With that he step out with calling doms and Finn’s name
We looked at each other.
Rhea: he gets on my nevers sometimes
Y/N: well he is your terror twins sooo.
She rolled her eyes and pulled into a tight hug I snuggled into her chest.
She kissed my head
Rhea: I love you y/n
Y/n: I love you too
A/N: hey I hope you guys like it. And to ever who requests this I hope you like it I really tried.
Have a good day✨✨✨✨💗💗💗
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
ghosthunting - rhea & dom
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rhea ripley x gn!reader x dominik mysterio
word count: 4k words
warnings: haunted jail, language, can be read as platonic if you want <3
despite the hot florida weather, your hands trembled slightly as the cameras started rolling. shotzi and scarlett had invited you, dominik, and rhea to be the guests on the first episode of their new ghost hunting series, Chamber of Horrors. you were excited, but also nervous about the idea of exploring a haunted jail, so you were relieved to have two of your closest companions by your side.
“hey guys,” scarlett introduced the three of you as you stood next to her and shotzi. you all greeted your two hosts, and they asked if any of you had encountered any ghosts before. dominik and rhea each shared a story, but you didn’t have one. you weren’t a sceptic, you just hadn’t experienced anything you would consider paranormal activity.
the five of you followed the tour guide inside, a few camera people following close behind as you stopped in the first room, the sheriffs office.
“you okay?” rhea whispered to you, and you nodded, smiling as you felt dom standing behind you, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“yeah i’m good,” you assured her, as scarlett and shotzi set up their equipment in the centre of the room. they had a few rem pods, which would light up different colours and beep if something got close or touched them, and scarlett had a spiritbox on her phone that allowed spirits to communicate using white noise and radio channels.
“how many spirits are in the room right now?” she asked, and a voice on the radio replied ‘eight’. rhea scratched her shoulder nervously, and leaned into dom’s side, as scarlett and her both repeated the number out loud. another device they had could supposedly answer yes or no questions, and it lit up green, confirming the number.
“is that how many spirits were hung here?” scarlett asked, and over the radio came a short ‘yep.’ dominik laughed nervously, and you felt rhea grab your arm and pull you behind dom, sandwiching you between the two of them, not that you were complaining. it was comforting to have them in either side of you.
“oh man,” dom said, crossing his arms in front of him.
“i know it’s weird right?” scarlet laughed, and you admired how she didn’t seem scared at all.
“i don’t my brains, shot. it’s mush,” dom said, looking at you and rhea. “i’ve never experienced anything like… this is above my pay grade. i don’t know what’s going on.” he scratched the side of his head, trying to find the right words to explain how he was feeling.
“i thought we were wrestlers,” rhea joked, and you all laughed, and you mentally thanked her for being able to lighten the mood.
“yeah, let’s get out of here, i’d much rather take a power bomb right now” you played along, and rhea pretended like she was gonna walk out, grabbing your hand a dragging you a few steps towards the door.
“my eyes keep getting randomly like.. teary,” dom said, rubbing his eyes.
“yeah i keep looking around, thinking i’m seeing shit,” rhea said, glancing around the room, her hand still holding yours. scarlett and shotzi were still using the necrophone app to ask questions, when a chill ran up your spine at the words ‘come here’ on the radio.
“you heard that?” scarlett asked, and you all nodded. “are there any child spirits here?” all of the rem pods went off, lighting up and beeping at the same time, and your chest tightened. you wrapped your arms around dominiks waist, hiding your face in his shoulder as rhea, still holding your hand, was pulled towards you by your actions, and she hugged you from behind.
“i feel very warm,” dom noted, and rhea nodded.
“yeah idk if i’m sweating because i’m nervous, or because this one won’t let go of me,” rhea teased you affectionately.
“sorry,” you mumbled, but she wouldn’t let you out of her grip.
“do you guys want to ask it a question?” scarlett asked the three of you, and you all frowned, staying silent. “you’re good?” she laughed, and it got another laugh out of the room.
“yeah, this is a lot. i heard leave,” dominik suggested, and scarlett and shotzi laughed harder as he pointed to the door, but shotzi agreed that she had heard it too.
“do you want us to leave?” she asked, and the green light lit up meaning yes. you took a deep breath, and dominik made a cross sign over his chest.
“let’s go into another room,” scarlett suggested. “there’s a cold breeze behind me,” she added, and a laugh came over the radio, making shotzi giggle.
“it’s laughing at you.”
the rem pod lit up again, and you all decided it was time to move to a different room, scarlett suggesting the general population area next. as her and shotzi moved the ghost equipment, the camera man stayed with you, dominik, and rhea for a short interview.
“yeah, i mean i’m terrified. but you know… i… someone’s gotta do it,” dominik laughed nervously. “and why not, the double champs and the future, nxt champion?” he said, pointing to the three of you, and referencing your future title opportunity that was coming up.
“exactly,” rhea agreed.
you stood behind dom and rhea next to where the equipment was set up outside one of the jail cells. scarlett held the necrophone in her hand, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you swore you heard a voice behind you.
“did you guys hear that?” you said, and dominik turned to look at you.
“freezing,” scarlett echoed what the voice on the radio say, and rhea wrapped her arms around herself.
“yeah, i just got the shivers,” she said to scarlett.
“what is it?” dom asked you, the only one who had heard you, and it drew the attention of the others. your throat went dry and you swallowed hard.
“i don’t know, i thought i heard someone say something behind me a second ago, just before it got cold in here,” you explained. dominiks arm snakes around your back, pulling you into his side. “you guys didn’t hear anything?” everyone shook their heads, rhea mumbling a soft ‘no’.
“would any spirits like to communicate with us?” scarlett asked, and the device lit up green for yes again. “yes, the spirits would like to communicate with us!” she smiled, and both her and shotzi raised their hands in the air. you admired the positive attitude they managed to keep throughout the night.
“my eyes just got teary again,” dominik said, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his t-shirt.
“are you okay?” rhea asked, placing a hand on his back.
“yeah i’m good,” he laughed.
“is it bringing back memories?” shotzi asked him, referencing the time he had spent in ‘jail’.
“nah, this is just.. different,” he said, and rhea put her arm over his shoulder as he stood between you and her, dom still holding you close to his side. all of the sudden, rhea flinched, scratching her shoulder next to where her mic was clipped to her shirt.
“you okay?” dom asked softly, and rhea laughed nervously.
“thought i felt something touch me,” she replied.
“why do you choose to stay here?” scarlett asked, and over the radio the voice spoke ‘lucifer’.
“lucifer!” shotzi repeated, everyone laughing as dom turned around and pretended to walk out, raising his hands up in surrender.
“there he goes,” the cameraman said, as you pulled dom back to the group.
“you’re not allowed to scare us,” shotzi reprimanded the spirits. “we know you’re not lucifer; you can’t trick us.” rhea hid her face in her hand as she curled into dom’s side, you clinging to his other arm. scarlett was explaining how the necrophone worked to the camera when dom spoke up.
“so, quick question - not to be rude,” scarlet nodded telling him to continue. “so h..how do we know it’s not like a south park episode and there’s like a big dude behind the screen, just like..putting noises or something?” and shotzi laughed.
“well i mean, it is answering our questions pretty good.. so.”
“we’ve gotten very clear photos of faces, where there shouldn’t be anything. we’ve gotten like - figures on our sls camera,” scarlett explained. suddenly you heard another noise behind you, and dom and rhea must have heard it too because they also turned around to look for the source of the sound. your knuckles had turned white from how tightly you were holding onto dominiks hand, and could feel his finger tips digging into your side.
scarlett noticed that the three of you were distracted, and dom and rhea pointed in the direction the noise had come from, and the tour guide had heard it too.
“we heard something,” dom and rhea said at the same time, and the tour guide described it as a growl.
“i don’t know what the hell it was,” you said, your voice trembling.
“you guys are not allowed to touch dom, rhea, or y/n,” scarlett scolded the ghosts. “you’re not allowed to touch any of us.”
“he asked how we do we know there’s not someone behind the scenes, i swear to you i heard a growl and it came right over there,” the tour guide said, pointing behind you. “you all heard it right?”
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” dom repeated nervously, and you and rhea agreed.
“what was that growl? who was growling?” shotzi asked.
“what that the creeper growling?” scarlett asked, getting another laugh out of everyone.
“i don’t know if it was a growl or - it was just like a ‘rahhh’,” dom scratched the back of his neck as he imitated the noise you had heard.
“you heard another noise?” the tour guide asked.
“no no no, when we all heard it just now,” he clarified, and rhea stole you from his grip as she nervously fiddled with her necklaces.
“i just saw something over there,” scarlett said, pointing at where the noise had come from. “there was something over there, what was that? i saw a light go through.”
your were starting to feel a little overwhelmed, and you turned around, closing your eyes and burying your face in the crook of rheas neck, her arms wrapping around you. you instantly felt safer as dominik noticed the two of you, and hugged you both in his arms, gently stroking the back of your head with his tattooed hand.
“are you okay?” rhea asked, and you nodded against her collarbone.
“i just need a minute,” you admitted, and dom squeezed you and rhea tighter.
“you’re okay, we’ve got you,” he mumbled. when you felt like you could breathe again, you mumbled a soft ‘ok’, and they let you out of the cage they had made around you with their arms, but they each still held one of your hands.
shotzi and scarlett were now sitting in one of the cells, and dom and rhea stood outside it. you had taken a step back for a moment, just looking over the shoulder of the camera man. dom seemed nervous as you heard scarlett say to shotzi that there was definitely a ghost in the cell with her, and the offered her hand for him to hold, which he took. suddenly shotzi yelled out in shock, and stood up off the bed.
“what! what just happened. are you okay?” scarlett asked, concerned. “wait wait, are you okay? what happened?”
“i’m fine, i just felt the bed shake,” shotzi said, laughing, and dom and rhea clung to each other.
“oh god.”
“i’m not going over,” rhea laughed, content with staying far away from the cell.
“can you not scare my friend, please?” scarlett asked.
“no, it’s okay, i allow you to touch me,” shotzi offered.
“why would you say you want it to touch you?” scar laughed.
“but respectfully! like don’t hurt me but a little,” she tapped her shoulder to demonstrate.
“i would not like to be touched,” dominik said.
“please do not touch me,” rhea agreed.
“i feel like i’m scared, but i just don’t know what going on, like-“ dom was interrupted by scarlett yelling to him and rhea.
“do you want to come in here with us?”
“nah, i’m cool,” he smiled, and the girls laughed.
the laughter had lightened the mood once again, and you had calmed down, deciding that you were ready to get back on camera. you snuck behind the camera man to head back over to dom and rhea when suddenly, you felt a stinging sensation on for back. dominik smiled as you approached him, but his face dropped when he saw the concerned look on your face.
“what’s wrong, did you hear something?” rhea asked.
“no, i thought i felt something on my back though,” you replied, trying to feel for the spot with your hand.
“want me to look?” dom asked, and you nodded, turning around so he could see if he could see anything. his hands were warm on your skin despite the chill in the room, and he rolled your shirt up slightly, and you heard rhea gasp.
“what? what is it?” you panicked, and went to turn around, but felt her manicured hand touch your back.
“wait wait wait. let me take a picture so i can show you,” she said.
“what the fuck, guys,” dom muttered, and your heart pounded in your chest. dom let you turn around, but his hands remained on your hips as rhea showed you her phone, on it a photo of a scratch on your back, about four inches long.
“what…. how did i get that?” you stuttered, and scarlett and shotzi noticed the commotion and came over.
“what happened?” scarlet asked, concern in her voice as she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. your eyes were wide and you couldn’t form words as rhea showed her and shotzi the picture.
“oh my god, how did that happen? guys?” shotzi asked, covering her mouth in shock.
“i don’t know, maybe i bumped into something,” you mumbled, trying to rationalize; it was possible you could have, but wouldn’t you remember it?
“are you okay to keep going?” scarlett asked, and despite the sinking feeling in your stomach, you nodded. dom and rhea clung to either side of you again, and you were grateful that they refused to let go of you. scarlett and shotzi had gone back into the cell, and called for the three of you left outside to come join them.
“come sit with us,” dominik said, and him and rhea pulled you to sit just outside the cell door with them; none of you interested in actually going inside.
“come in, you guys. we’ll scooch over, there’s room for everybody,” shotzi invited.
“i’m good here,” dom said, and the two in the cell continued asking the spirits questions as you rested your head on dom’s shoulder, rhea doing the same to yours.
shotzi offered her hand for the spirit to touch as she and scarlett were talking about the boo bear, another device of theirs that was going off.
“are you sure you’re okay?” rhea whispered next to your ear.
“i think so,” you replied. “or i’m just blocking it out.”
“am i on video?” shotzi repeated what the spirit had said. “yes you are, and we want to tell your story,” she explained, before the radio said dom’s name. you felt his body tense against you, and you and rhea both held onto his hand.
scarlett suggested going to visit the isolation wing, and once again as they went to set up the equipment, the camera man interviewed you, dom, and rhea.
“i’ve never done anything like this, so this is my first time experiencing..like… this sort of like.. energy wise?” dom tried to explain.
“yeah, especially going into it and expecting something,” rhea added.
“yeah like, knowing… there’s just a lot of beeping going on,” dom said, gesturing with his hands. “i don’t know - we heard our names, and then y/n got that weird scratch…”
“can we show the camera?” rhea asked, and you nodded, turning around to let her lift up the bottom of your shirt.
“it got cold before too - and hot,” rhea continued recounting everything that had happened so far.
“yeah i’ve been going through like a mixture, but again, that’s probably just me cause i’m nervous, and scared. so like my body’s probably just fluctuating with all sorts of temperatures,” he raised his hand up and down to demonstrate. “but i don’t know, this is all very interesting, but fun in a very new way.”
“yes,” rhea agreed.
“except the maybe getting scratched by a ghost part,” you added, and they both laughed.
“except for that,” dom clarified.
“to the wardens room!” shotzi exclained as dom went first into your next location, a quick pit stop on the way to isolation. he jumped slightly, getting scared by a coat rack as he turned on the light. you and rhea laughed at him as he held his chest, taking a deep breath as you all walked into the room.
“do you feel the heaviness in here?” scarlett asked.
“wow, it is - woooah. oh my goodness,” shotzi agreed, and you could also feel a weight in the air.
“it is very heavy,” dom said, and rhea expressed how warm it was in the room.
“it’s hard to breathe in here,” shotzi added.
“yeah a bit actually,” rhea replied, and you nodded.
the rem pod in the ground started freaking out, and scarlett asked who was touching it, when a voice over the radio clearly said ‘find my body’.
“where are you?” rhea asked.
“don’t,” dom whispered to rhea, either not wanting her to interact with the ghosts, or not wanting to go looking for a body. she smiled, pulling him close to her as scarlett asked more questions, before she held her forehead, complaining of head pressure.
“yeah my face is tingling,” rhea said, holding either side of her face in her hands.
“my head hurts too,” you agreed.
“if you can touch one of the rem pods we’ll leave this room, scar offered, and a voice on the radio replied with ‘want us to leave’. the rem pod lit up, and scarlett and rhea both mentioned how it had gotten even hotter in the room.
“yeah my foreheads a little hot,” dom replied, rhea once again resting her head in his shoulder.
“i just got cold; it’s like a total fluctuation,” the camera man added.
“i think we should try downstairs,” scarlett suggested, and you all moved to solitary confinement. you tugged on dominiks hand and gave him a look that thankfully he understood.
“we’ll let you guys handle business, ya know?” dom said, getting the message that you had had enough.
a brief stop in the women’s wing had left you and dom standing outside a cell while rhea sat inside.
“are you sitting next to rhea?” shotzi asked.
“are you on the bed?” rhea asked when no reply came. a voice said ‘move’, and rhea asked if it wanted her to get if the bed, to which it replied ‘do’. rhea raised her hands in surrender and you leaned against the wall, letting your eyes close as your head fell back. as much as you had surprisingly enjoyed yourself, you were just about at your limit for being scared for one night.
“fam, ima listen to you,” rhea clapped her hands together as she stood up, more than happy to get out of the cell. “you call the shots; it’s your bed, bruh.”
scarlett complained of a smell that the tour guide explained was sulphur, and shotzi mentioned that sulphur meant demons.
“yeah, i’m gonna go outside,” dom joked, getting another laugh out of everyone. “yeah that’s uh... that’s where your boy dom.. dirty dom-“ he stopped when you, him, and rhea all heard a noise coming from a cell down the hall behind you.
“i heard that too,” she assured him, and you nodded.
“right?” dom asked. “is there anyone over there?” he asked, pointing the the direction the sound had come from.
“no, we’re all in here,” the tour guide replied.
“i just heard footsteps,” dom said, as him and rhea tried to see if anything was over there.
“dom has crazy hearing,” shotzi commented, before over the radio a voice said ‘she’s coming’.
you stepped away again, dominik following after you as you stepped out of view of the camera.
“are you okay?” he asked, and you nodded. “you can tell me the truth.”
“it’s just a lot,” you admitted, and pulled you into a hug. rhea looked over, concern in her face, but dom gave her a thumbs up to let her know you were alright.
“we’re leaving soon. i think i’ve had enough for one night, too,” he said kissing the side of your head before the two of you walked back over to rhea. she held your face gently in her hands and you nodded to let her know you were ok.
you were pretty checked out by this point, blocking most of the sounds out as scarlett’s phone starting acting wierd, and her and shotzi talked to a spirit in the solitary confinement cell.
“we can watch a movie or something fun when we get back to the hotel, okay?” rhea suggested, holding your hand once again. you nodded, still not completely present. “maybe paranormal activity?” she joked, and you focused on her again, slapping her shoulder lightly as her and dom laughed. “kidding!” she pleaded. she got a wierd look on her face, and dom stood in front of her.
“what is it?” he asked.
“i had like -“ she gestured to her neck with her hand. “my throat got like.. clogged. and then it got really warm and then like rushed to my head. it freaked me out,” she explained.
the five of you decided that that was enough ghost hunting, and shotzi and scarlet gathered their equipment while you stood with dom and rhea as they filmed an outro.
“yeah i’m ready to get out,” dom said, and rhea laughed nervously, muttering a soft ‘please’.
“you wanna use that big light of yours and guide us out of here? good sir, please and thank you?”
you filmed another short outro all together outside the jail, before the three of you said goodnight to shotzi and scarlett and the crew, thanking them for having you on their show. an uber had arrived to take you back to your hotel, and the three of you sat in the backseat, you in the middle as you curled into dominiks side, happy to have made it out in one piece, and ready to go to bed.
rhea shook you awake as you pulled up the hotel, and you rubbed your eyes as you sat up. dominik had also fallen asleep, his head resting on top of yours, and he sat up at the feeling of you moving.
“we’re here, sleepyheads,” rhea laughed, and you all got out and headed up to the hotel room you were sharing. you kicked off your shoes, and got changed into your pyjamas, before immediately getting under the covers, pulling them high up under your chin. rhea laughed at you, before she sat down on the other bed.
“guys?” you said softly.
“yeah?” dom replied, taking off his t-shirt, leaving him in a black tank top, his gold chain reflecting in the low light from the lamp on the nightstand.
“can you come here?” you asked, and they both laughed, rhea jumping on top of you and pulling you into her arms. dominik laid on the other side of you, and you became trapped between them.
“if i have nightmares tonight i’m blaming shotzi and scarlett,” you said.
“don’t worry. we’ll protect you,” rhea promised, getting under the blankets, her legs tangling with yours and dominiks, becoming a mess of limbs.
“goodnight you guys,” dom mumbled, already half asleep as he kissed the side of your head, reaching out and entwining his hand with rheas.
“goodnight,” you murmured, before drifting off to sleep, safe in the arms of your two favourite people.
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moon-goddess-posts · 2 years
First Dates
dom! Rhea Ripley x sub! reader
18+!! smut and fluff : strap on (reader receiving), vibrators, ribbon restraints, slight bratty reader (just a tad), multiple orgasms, squirting
guys it is smutty and nasty and toe curling
also it’s my first time writing smut and it was actually kinda difficult 😰 but i hope you guys enjoy lol
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You were on your break and Rhea had just got done with the match she won so you ran up to her to congratulate her. Once she caught sight of you her smile grew and oh how you loved when she smiled. Whether it would be in a dark intimidating way on the ring, or a sweet genuine one. You couldn’t help but blush either way and Rhea chuckled when she noticed.
“Congrats Rhea! You were amazing out there!” Your eyes sparkled with admiration for her.
“Thank you love, and isn’t it time you’d start calling me by Demi? We’ve know each other for a while” She looked at you grinning while crossing her arms. Rhea, or Demi called you love often in a platonic way but it would still catch you off guard because of how you felt towards her.
“Ah i’m sorry Demi, i’m so used to your ring name haha, but if you don’t mind i was wondering if we could get a few drinks or maybe some dinner after? Of course if it’s ok with you and you’re not busy” You looked away, fidgeting with your hands.
“Aw are you asking me out on a date?” Demi spoke in a teasing manner and you were shocked.
“No no no it’s not a date! Well i mean unless you want it to but i’m sorry if it sounded like that i um…” Your face was red as a tomato and Demi couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re cute you know? Yeah it’s a date” Her gaze soften as she looked into your eyes, she walked away into the locker rooms. You can’t believe what had just happened, Demi agreed to going on a date with you and called you cute. You were for sure these feelings were just something silly and one sided. Sure you guys were friends for a while but you never caught that kind of vibe from her. You texted her the place and time and she hearted the message making you smile.
While getting ready you were thinking on how bad you wanted Demi. You wanted her in so many ways, sometimes you would daydream about her and play out your sexual fantasies in your head. You wanted her to touch you, to tie you up and fuck you senselessly. You wanted her to be ruthless and dominant yet you also wanted it to be sensual and sweet. Like lovers do, and maybe you were wishing for something that might not happen but you were hopeful as you were getting ready for your date.
You put on your sexiest red dress and gold heels to compliment. Soon later you got a text from Demi saying she was on her way to pick you up. This caught you off guard as you were just willing to drive yourself, but you loved the gesture. You grabbed your purse and kissed your cat goodbye as you walked out the door.
“Hey Demi! I wasn’t expecting you to pick me up but i really appreciate it.” You got into the passengers seat and you could immediately feel Demi’s eyes on you which made you gulp.
“You don’t have to thank me, you know i’d do anything for you” She gave a smile and you smiled back. Not much sound was going on but the music from the radio. Even so, it was oddly comfortable just having Demi’s company. You felt something touch your hand and looked over to be greeted with the tips of Demi’s fingers meeting yours. Your heart fluttered and your eyes looked away as you slowly shifted your hand towards hers. Demi hummed in content as she continued driving. The music on the radio had fit the perfect mood for you two, it felt so unreal to be with Demi. You wanted to tell her how you felt, if you didn’t make it obvious already.
“Demi?” you spoke only to stop yourself when you guys arrived at the restaurant.
“Is everything ok?” Demi looked at you after she was done parking. Your words wanted to desperately come out but it was as if your throat was dry and closed up. You were so nervous until Demi cuffed your cheek with your hand.
“Look at me” Demi coaxed you into meeting eye contact. The strong will to obey what she says took over and you did your best to keep your eyes focused. Her face was so close to yours, it felt like you forgot to breath as she came closer and grazed her thumb on your bottom lip. Letting the feeling take over, you closed your eyes. Demi’s lips met yours carefully as to test the waters. Once she felt like you were ok with it, she deepened the kiss and you gave out a small moan. You haven’t had a kiss like this in a long time but you were so relieved it was with someone like Demi. She pulled away and you were slightly disappointed.
“Don’t worry, i know” Demi teased, you couldn’t help but cover your face to hide the redness that creeped up on you.
“We…we should go to the restaurant” If you wanted Demi to take you, you didn’t want the first experience with her to be in a car. Demi laughed at your flustered expression and kissed you on the cheek before exiting the car. You we’re about it to get out too but she opened the door for you and took your hand.
Dinner was amazing with Demi. You guys talked about all the little things you were interested in and talked about how amazing she always was during her matches. You and her were friends for a few years but you worked backstage so it wasn’t always often that you guys would see each other. But when you did, you and no problem being with one another. Demi’s feelings had grown overtime along with yours for her. It was soon shown just how intense her feelings went when you went back to her house to finish where she had left off.
“hah…demi..” you gasped separating from the kiss but she only pulled you back in, over powering you. You loved it. She pushed you on the bed and turned you over to lay on your stomach so she can unzip your dress. Demi held you down and she was painfully slow with removing the article of clothing.
“Demi please, i want you so bad” you desperately whine and Demi just gave a teasing grin.
“I move at my own pace” she whispered in your ear making the wetness between your thighs even worse. Finally when she was done unzipping, her hands wandered all over you. Fingers tracing your spine all the way up to your bra which she unclipped. Then she moved down, one hand moving to your lower stomach and other hand teasing your chest.
“ugh fuck, please please” you begged. She slowly kissed your neck and you shivered feeling the pleasure all over your body. She knew exactly what spots to make you feel good and you questioned how she was so skilled. You stopped thinking when Demi’s fingers finally came to your clothed pussy making slow circles. You gasp and you felt her smile on her neck. Your hips pushed back into Demi as she quickened her pace. It was so good, so so good. It was everything you’ve been imagining and more. You needed her fingers inside of you.
“Look how wet you are darling, and i’ve barely started with you” She pinched your nipple and you let out a yelp. Flipping you over, demi then slide off your pink panties, the cold air hitting you. You looked down at Demi’s fingers still on you but this time her pace quickened you closed your eyes. She put your hands around your neck and forced you to look at her. Face contorted with pleasure, you felt a familiar feeling coming up and Demi knew. She took her fingers off your clit and you whimpered until she suddenly shoved two fingers into you.
“Ah! s-shit, Demi it feels so good nnng” you wanted to touch her but she didn’t let you
“Who said you’re allowed to touch me hm? Hands to yourself princess” Her deep voice was engraved into your brain. Her fingers curled up into you hitting that spot within and you felt as if your brain was melting. Pleasure was felt all over your body, your stomach, your thighs, hands. It was so much but you loved it. Demi made you feel so much pleasure.
“Demi i cant.. im gonna-“ You threw your head back as your orgasm hit you unexpectedly. Voice now growing as you moaned.
“That’s it, such a good girl” Her fingers didn’t stop right away even after your high, you couldn’t stop shuddering and twitching. Demi just laughed at you and gave you a kiss on your lips. She pulled her fingers out and sighed as you were finally able to calm down but only for a bit.
“You keep your legs open, or else i’ll keep it restrained” She gripped your thigh and gave you a dark look. You nodded and she smiled. You weren’t sure what she was about to do but she was about to make it very clear as you saw her head go in between your thighs. Your breath quickened. Demi licked a stripe up your wet cunt and wrapped her lips around your now sensitive clit. You couldn’t help but shake and tense your legs. Her mouth felt so damn good on you, you were spewing moans and whining Demi’s name like a broken record. She moaned into your pussy and you gripped her hair by accident.
“What did i say about touching me?” Demi stopped pulling your hand off.
“m sorry, im sorry, please don’t stop, im sorry i’ll be good” you begged and begged but it didn’t stop Demi from reaching for something. She revealed a red ribbon, it was meant to restrain you.
“turn around, don’t make me wait.” you felt like being a little bratty and shook your head while smiling. Demi gave a sinister grin and grabbed your face firmly.
“I said turn the fuck around, or we stop here. I know you don’t want that love so listen to me” And that was enough to get you to follow orders. Slowly, you turned around placing your hands behind your back.
“I won’t tolerate brats, don’t try that stunt again ok slut?” She gave your ass a little smack and you jumped. the slap stung, it was a reminder that Demi was the dominant one right now. You loved how she had control over you, that you are so willing to please her and let her do what you want. She must have picked up on your submissive nature a while back.
“If i’m too rough please tell me ok? I only want you to feel pleasure” Even though Demi was sure this is what you wanted, she still reassured you that there is no shame in asking to stop or slow down.
“please don’t stop Demi, it’s perfect. You’re perfect” redness bloomed from Demi’s face from that as she was putting the restraints on your hands. She flipped you over to your back and gave you another passionate kiss. You felt so much love from it, you desperately wanted to touch her. You struggled through the restraints only to no avail. The kiss became sloppier and Demi’s hands roamed your body once again.
“You’re so beautiful, i want you all to myself. I want this body all to myself” Demi verbalized her desires for you
“It’s all yours, i’m all yours demi” you gasped
“Say it again.” She demanded
“i’m yours, i’m all yours” you repeated over and over. Each time getting more desperate, demi placed her head in between your thighs once again. She place her lips around your clit and you groaned. You were so needy for her, you loved how amazing she made you feel. Her tongue was making you feel so good and you desperately tried to grab anything to keep you steady. You were on the edge of your second orgasm, Demi thrusted her two fingers into you. She was being so rough but you didn’t care, this is what you needed. As soon as you were about to cum, she stopped and pulled out her soaked fingers.
“noooo Demi please…stop teasing” you wiggled around hating the loss of pleasure but demi ignored you and reached for something else. It was a black strap on and a vibrator. Looking at it just made you wanna moan.
“Tell me what you want angel, i want to hear you say it” Demi was putting the strap on, not breaking eye contact with you. You were too embarrassed to say it but you spoke anyway to obey her.
“I want- i want you to fuck me with your strap i want you to fuck me until tears run down my face, please just make me feel good” you pleaded, demi was happy with that response and gave you another kiss. Everything felt so overwhelming, your body felt like it was on fire. You felt fucked out even though Demi didn’t even fuck you fully yet. She lubed up the strap and lined it up with your entrance, you waited in anticipation.
“Hurry plea-“ you were cut off from a moan that ripped out of you as she slid in quickly and smoothly.
“FUCK!” you arched your back. It was so big, you couldn’t believe it was able to fit. More like hardly fit.
“Demi it’s s-so much fuck it feels…oh s-shit” You could barely form sentences anymore
“That’s it, you’re doing such a good job taking it. Look at you all messed up because of me” Demi was gripping your hips, slamming into that sweet spot of yours and it was unreal how much pleasure racked through your body over and over. Tears formed at your eyes and Demi sweetly kissed them away while still fucking you senselessly. Demi put pressure on your lower stomach and you felt the knot in your abdomen break once again. Your eyes rolled back and you squeezed your legs around Demi tightly.
“That’s it sweet angel, give it to me. One more time ok?” you didn’t even come down yet but her pace remained brutal and ruthless.
“Dem…ghhhh” You couldn’t even manage to speak her name property, you were so fucked out. Your legs felt like jelly but you couldn’t help but still want more and Demi gave you more. Her hands were playing with your chest again, rolling your nipples between her fingers. All you could do was shudder and whimper from her touch. You didn’t think it could get any better until she turned on the vibrator.
“I’ll make you feel even better love, i want to give you everything” She looked at you with loving eyes and you just couldn’t refuse. She put the vibrator on your chest and you twitched from the vibration. Moving down, the vibrations now to your lower stomach. Demi turned it up by one before placing it on your sensitive bud. The rough fucking and the intense vibrations were too much to handle for you, you just wanted to hold on to Demi.
“d-demi! ugh untie my hands please…i just want to hold you please untie them” you were crying from pleasure
“Ok ok darling, its going to be ok” Demi reached under you to remove the ribbon and your arms shot up to engulf her. She gave a small laugh from the gesture and continued to move her hips into you. The vibrator was still on your clit, Demi felt every sudden movement from you and she loved it. She loved how much she can ruin you and get you to feel like this. Hot tears landed on Demi’s shoulder and she began to bite your neck. You gave a small whine in response. Every second Demi was fucking you with the vibrator on you, the more you got closer and closer. Your body tensed once again but it was so much more intense this time. You weren’t sure what was coming
“Demi! oh fuck oh fuck i’m cumming don’t stop ddont f-fucking stop” You held on tighter than before as waves of pleasure washed over you, your stomach tightened one last time but something came out. Demi looked down to see her stomach drenched and the bed sheets wet.
“You squirted” Demi had the biggest grin plastered on her face and you hid your face in embarrassment
“Demi i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to it was just so..”
“I’m that good huh? I fucked you till you squirted”
“Demi please don’t say that!” you hid your face even more but demi stopped you
“Don’t cover your face love, you’re beautiful just like this” She gave you kisses all over your face
“everything’s a mess…i’m sorry i’ll clean it up” You tried to get up but demi held you down
“i didn’t give you permission to get up did i?” you pouted and demi giggled. She littered kisses all down your body, and to your inner thighs. Then to your core, cleaning you up with your tongue
“ohh demi- mnn still sensitive” you panted, demi gave your thighs one last kiss and got up to carry you into her bathroom where she cleaned you up properly. She ran a nice bath for the two of you and you both shared a loving make out session.
“Why didn’t you tell me you liked me earlier?” Demi questioned while you were on her lap
“I just…i didn’t think you’d want a relationship or even liked me like that. Even if we were close, i still thought how i felt was one sided” You buried your face into the crook of her neck, Demi patted your head
“Well i hope that you got your answer” Demi snickered and you groaned in annoyance.
“Yeah it did, you gave me an amazing time” You looked at Demi, kissing her once again as she embraced you.
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bloodlinesgirly · 2 months
Hi!! Was wondering if you would do a Platonic Bloodline x Reader ,in which they’re all very protective of reader and she’s their biggest supporter. Always at ringside with Paul cheering for them and you best believe when she’s in the ring, she does not dissapoint so they always do mixed tag matches w her.
Quick little bloodline imagine
word count: 397
platonic bloodline x reader (they call you “sis” and “girl” once)
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“they ain’t ready for the smoke sis” jey laughed, obnoxiously sticking his tongue out before slapping jimmy on the back.
“you guys are such goofs” you giggle, tying your boots before you head to head to the gorilla. Tonight was another mixed tag match, you and the usos vs finn bálor, damien priest, and rhea ripley.
“good luck yall, jimmy…jey, keep her in check out there, don’t let her get hurt” roman points at each one of you. they know you better than anyone, it’s crazy the shit you’d do for them out there. solo sat stoic as always, giving you guys his version of a smile as you left the locker room.
“i’m for real though, don’t do no shit you ain’t ready for. We need you healthy…limbs completely intact.” jimmy grins as his speaks, the whole bloodline is like your second family. they took you in when you were alone and gave you the friendship you needed when first starting your career.
“you’re bout to wipe the floor with rhea, girl! she knows you don’t come to play around here.” jey and jimmy piggyback off each others sentences, excitedly bouncing around the gorilla before their music hits.
Matches with the twins were always fun, weather yall win or lost. you ended up getting them the win, pinning rhea for the first time in what felt like forever. backstage she gave you a hug, congratulating you, you gave her a smile before she went on her way.
“AYEEEEEE you know how we do it out there!!” jimmy yelled, picking you up and twirling you, you and jey did the same handshake you always do, grinning as you did so.
“i swear i was bout to fight yo ass myself when you started climbing those ropes. we told you not to try that yet” solo commented, showing up behind you, patting you on the back.
“i already told you i was ready for it, ive got this” you say as you sit down to untie your boots.
Roman finally joins you guys, hugging the twins and congratulating everyone. “you better be out there with us friday, we can’t be missin our best cheerleader.”
“i’d never miss a chance to cheer on my brothers” you smile, listening to everyone joke and laugh with each other. You’d always be there for them just as they would be for you.
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thesithdiaries · 1 year
Choose (Rhea Ripley/TJD imagine)
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Pairing: Platonic!The Judgement Day x female!reader
Warnings: spoilers for Fastlane 2023 if you haven't watched it, no google translate because spanish is my first language, typical wrestling violence, angst, him or me trope, gaslighting, choking, mentions of bruises and marks, made up women's championship, is finn the villain? probably
Setting: Monday Night Raw after WWE Fastlane 2023
The air felt thick in the locker room. At least it felt that way for Y/N.
She finally had a match for the new women's championship. Y/N had worked hard for weeks, training and practicing her moves, and working on her strategy. Rhea had been a huge help for her, as she was the current Raw Women's Champion. The match was against Becky Lynch. Y/N didn't lie to herself, Becky was great at what she did, and beating her was going to be tough.
“JD is going to be on standby to help you,” Finn told Y/N, making her snap out of her thoughts. JD stood there, smiling.
“What? Why?” She replied, confused.
“What do you mean "why”? Nobody will see it coming, because they'll expect Rhea or Dom to go out there with you.”
“Yeah, you could use the surprise to your advantage,” Dom pipped in, softly nudging her arm.
“I could go with you if you want,” Damian suggested, noticing she wasn't liking the initial idea.
“No.” Y/N finally said, standing up from the couch. Everyone looked at her, some shocked and some not surprised.
“Why not?” Both Finn and JD asked at the same time.
“I can do this on my own,” Y/N reminded them, making Finn scoff. “I really don't want anyone there with me. I want to show everyone that I do belong in this group.”
Rhea was quiet, analyzing everything. A slow, burning rage crept up on her for the way they were treating Y/N.
“It's time for my match, I’ll see you guys later.”
When Y/N left and closed the door, Rhea turned to look at the guys. “You heard her. I don't want anyone out there, do you understand? It's what she asked.”
The match had gone on for 20 minutes. The crowd was deafening, loving the way Becky and Y/N worked with each other. It was such an important match for both of them.
It had been very back-and-forth, both women showing their incredible skills and determination. Y/N, using a new move, locked Becky into a submission hold. The crowd cheered in anticipation as Becky groaned in pain, her fingers trying to reach the ropes.
Y/N heard boos and turned her head towards the ramp. JD McDonagh was making his way to the side of the ring. He rushed and got to the apron, attempting to help Y/N by distracting the referee. Both he and Y/N set their attention to the guy, not noticing Becky was tapping out.
She released the hold, pissed that JD went against her wishes. As Y/N turned back to Becky, though, she used the distraction in her favor. She quickly did the Manhandle Slam, sending Y/N crashing to the mat. Before going for the pin, Becky kicked JD off the ring.
Y/N sat there motionless as Becky’s theme song was playing. The ringing in her ears was so loud that she couldn't really distinguish if the crowd was cheering or booing. She almost had it, the championship was at the tip of her fingers, and now it was gone.
As the lights dimmed for a commercial break, Y/N pulled herself together and quickly went backstage. The Judgment Day was waiting for her behind the curtain, all of them panting and out of breath.
Y/N walked past them towards the locker room, without even uttering a word.
“Y/N wait,” Dom called out, walking after her. “Please stop walking.”
“I really don't wanna talk right now,” Y/N admitted. Dom grabbed her arm softly, making her stop. “Dom-”
“We didn't know he was going to do it,” Dominik informed her. “He was called for an interview right after you left and then he was out there. We ran but we didn't make it in time. Everything happened too quickly.”
“What's done is done, just leave me alone.”
“Damian, come on, let him go,” Finn pleaded.
JD was pressed against the wall, a few inches off the ground, Damien tightly choking him. “This is all your fault. Ya me tienes harto.” (I’m so tired of you.)
“I told you to stay backstage. What part of that didn't you understand?” Rhea barked, pissed off.
“Come on guys, we couldn't have poss-”
“Enough!” Damian interrupted Finn. “You knew he would do it because you told him to. You are both responsible.”
Finn laughed nervously. “No, man, I didn't tell him anything.”
Dom lightly tapped Rhea’s shoulder, pointing at Y/N’s bag still on the table. She was still in the arena. Rhea left to go look for her.
After walking for what felt like hours, she found her on the other side of the arena, sitting on top of an equipment cart. “There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.” Rhea sat next to her, taking in her appearance. There were bruises and red marks all over her face and body.
Y/N didn't reply, just sat there, hugging her legs. In reality, she wanted to scream and cry, tear everything apart.
“Come on, love, talk to me,” Rhea begged, softly caressing her arm.
“I… asked for one thing tonight, just one… and he couldn't do that for me.”
“I know,” Rhea sighed. “We should've been paying him more attention, but I was sure he wasn't going to do anything.”
“Finn doesn't respect me,” Y/N informed her. “And before you ask why, he always gaslights and belittles me in a joking way, but we all know it's not a joke. He never considers my feelings or what I want. I lost my match, because of him and his friend. They lost their titles at Fastlane because of JD and I’m also sure he did something to the briefcase.”
“Y/N-” Rhea started, but Y/N kept talking.
“If JD McDonagh joins the Judgement Day, I’m out.”
They both stared at each other, Rhea not knowing what to say to that. She would leave? She couldn't leave them… not like that.
“I'm going to our next city, see you next week.”
“Wait, you're not coming to the rest of the shows?” Rhea asked, confused and even more worried.
“No… I need a break,” Y/N admitted. “I'll see you later, tell Damian and Dom I left.”
Rhea stood there, at a loss. Her favorite girl was about to leave a group that has fought so hard to get to the top, all because two idiots didn't care about her enough to listen to a simple request. The anger from before was spilling over. She felt her hands shaking from it. Finn and JD hurt Y/N, now they were going to pay.
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bubbleswrld · 9 months
Damian Priest Imagine
TW: Damian Priest X Shy! Wrestler! Reader, reader is POC (black), reader has anxiety, legal age-gap between reader and Damian, platonic! Rhea X reader
Y/N paced back and forth as she waited for her music to hit. She had a promo with Rhea Ripley and although they rehearsed it, she had stage fright. Rhea was already in the ring, talking a big game about how everyone was below her since no one had beater her for her belt. Y/N's music hit and she shook away her jitters before grabbing a mic and sauntering onto the ramp. "You're only at the top because you're hound dogs always protect you." Y/N cut off the raven hair woman. She climbed mat and stepped under the second rope. "With or without them, I can still beat your ass, Y/N." Rhea chuckled. "So why you duckin' my fade, mami?" Y/N asked as she smirked but the words came out shaky; she just hoped the fans didn't pick up on it.
"If you couldn't handle a simple interview, what makes you think you can beat me for MY title?" Rhea got in Y/N's face, albeit, she had to crane her neck to Y/N's short height. Rhea picked up on her shortened breaths and hoped being close to the girl calmed her a bit.
"Cause unlike y-you, I won't need back up when I'm whoopin' that ass!"
Y/N dropped the mic and threw the first punch; that was supposed to stun her opponent and knock her off her feet but the most it did was make her stumble two feet. Rhea tried to sell the move as best as she could by sliding down the buckles and rolling out the ring. Y/N climbed the buckles and struck her pose. She quickly got out of the ring and tried to get up the ramp whilst holding in tears knowing she fucked up the spot. Fans were cheering for her and tapping her as she passed, even holding out their phones for pictures.
The water works started before she could even leave the ramp but she had to turn and hit her final mark. Y/N wiped her eyes quickly and turned to face the crowd before scurrying backstage.
Rhea had went on a search for her friend to see what had went wrong but nobody had seen Y/N since the promo. Damian was supposed to be on his way to the hotel earlier that night but after seeing the prom, he too was looking for the younger girl. "Randy, have you seen Y/N?!" Damian asked as he spotted the fellow wrestler coming up the hallway. "I think she was headed to medics--"
Damian and Rhea reached medics at the same time where they found Y/N huddled up on a gurney, struggling to breathe. Adam Pearce was beside her trying his best to calm her down but that just seemed to be making it worst. Y/N had been stressed out for the past few weeks dealing with training, back to back shows and personal issues pertaining to her family. It was a miracle that she had lasted that long without an anxiety/ panic attack. "C'mon bunny, ya gotta breathe. Follow my breathing." Y/N quickly clung to Damian as the loudest sob echoed through her tiny body.
"I f-fucked up b-bad."
She could barely get out her words.
"Nobody is mad at you, hon."
Rhea tried to console the girl.
The young girl was wheezing, grasping at her chest and throat. The medic finally came with a dose of meds to sedate the girl.
"Mi amor. I'm so sorry I wasn't there earlier." Damian kissed his girl's head and laid her on the gurney as she mellowed out. "What happened out there, Rhea?" Adam asked. He was fond of the girl; although she was a shy one, she brought light to everyone's day. He needed to know what triggered her.
"She was antsy before the promo, she did okay with it up until the spot... I saw her start to break."
Damian swiped her braids out of her face and ran his hand across her cheeks as if to let her know he was still there. "She mentioned something about family issues the other day." Dominik popped up. Damian muttered a quiet "Fuck."
"Take her back to the hotel; if she isn't better by Wednesday, I'm gonna pull her from the house show and from next week." Adam stated as he began to pace back and forth. "I need to be here for Rhea." Y/N slurred. "Bunny, you need to rest; the match will be here when you get back." Damian picked her up and left the room. He took her back to the hotel and got her cleaned up before tucking her in.
That was an abrupt ending... yikes. I might rewrite it later.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 month
part one, part two, part three, part four
damian priest x reader (platonic), rhea ripley x reader (platonic), the judgment day x reader (platonic), drew mcintyre x reader
‼️angst, crying, nightmares, flashbacks, panic attack, rhea gets violent, family issues, domestic violence, verbal violence, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, reader being self conscious, a little longer than usual, SORRY IT’S ANGST DON’T READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE‼️
likes, comments and reblogs are always welcomed!
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don’t break my heart - part 5
“stop that nonsense y/n” your mom laughed in the background while you were talking about your future with your father “you’re gonna be a doctor or a lawyer, maybe a teacher too, you’re gonna have a good education and find a job, you’re gonna find a good husband and you’re gonna give him the future he deserves for providing for you”
“what about the future i deserve? what about my plans? my dreams?” you screamed for the millionth time that day.
“the world isn’t made of dreams y/n. the world is made of fact and it pains me that you can’t get that into your silly brain” she laughed off “being a wrestler means not having a stable place to say, means travelling around the world and being always broke and your father and i can’t support you till you’re dead” she said, sitting in front of you at the kitchen table where you and your father were talking before.
“i don’t want you to support me forever! i’m not asking you to do that! i’m just asking you to be supportive of my dreams and-…”
“i said stop that fucking nonsense! you’re not going to be a wrestler! i don’t know who put that idea into your head but it’s never going to happen!” she screamed, slamming her hands on the table, making you flinch.
“dad please…” you didn’t want to sound weak, but your father took your side most of the times. except, not this one.
“your mom is right y/n, you need to open your eyes about the world we live in. it’s not made of rainbows and dreams. the faster you learn this, the sooner you’ll apply for college and get a degree and then a job, the happier everyone will be” he tried to be more gentle with you but still, he was siding with your mom and you couldn’t accept that.
“so what do you want me to do? settle for a life that i don’t want?” you asked, tears in your eyes.
“you wanna be a wrestler? then start training because those chocolate bars you hide in your room aren’t doing you any favour” she laughed making you look up at yourself in the mirror in front of the table “oh don’t be so focused on that y/n, you look good but you will look even more fabulous once you’ve got your first belt” she laughed, poking at you, making fun of you.
“mom!” you almost screamed “why are you being so mean?”
“i’m not being mean y/n. i’m just telling you the truth! imagine going out to the country club and telling our friends that our daughter is a wrestler” she joked with your dad, making him laugh “it’s gonna be so embarrassing”
“so this is what is about?” you couldn’t believe your ears “you’re embarrassed! you think i’m gonna make you look good because if i become a wrestler you couldn’t brag about how your daughter it’s better than your friends daughters! because everyone of them have their destiny written and they can’t say no! it’s because you couldn’t handle me choosing what makes me feel good because you didn’t have a choice!” you raised your voice, making both of your parents angry “you didn’t have a choice mom! but that doesn’t mean i can’t have mine!”
“y/n don’t fucking raise your voice at your mother!” your father screamed. you didn’t like when he screamed. he always turned to be violent at some point.
“i made my choice! i wanted to stay at home and being a housewife because that was what was better for this family! for us!” she spat back.
“no, you chose to be a housewife because you got knocked up” but before you could even say anything else, a loud slap echoed through the room. your father’s hand still too close on your face while your mother stood back.
“that’s enough! i told you millions of times that you don’t have to scream at me, or at your mother. now, you either apologise to us or you’re gonna be in big troubles” your father said but you were tired of being controlled by your parents. you were tired of being their toy. so you simply left and hid into your bedroom.
both of your parents follow you up on the stairs, trying to open your door “get this door open or i’m gonna break it y/n!” your dad screamed.
“i’m tired!” you screamed from the other side of the room “i’m so tired of you not listening to me! i’m so tired of you choosing for me! it’s my life and i wanna make my choices, i wanna make my mistakes and learn from them! you are my parents and you should be supporting me not pushing me down! this is my life and i wanna live it the way i want it! being a wrestler is all i want and you can’t keep this from me!” you were crying at this point, your voice cracking everytime you spoke.
your dad broke the door down, entering your room with your mom and start searching for something. when he found a backpack, he gave it to you “fill this with some clothes”
“what?” you asked in disbelief.
“don’t make me repeat things twice. fill this with your clothes, brushes, books, anything you might need, and do it quickly!” he screamed again making you jump “you wanna be a wrestler and yet you’re scared of people arguing” he laughed.
you did as he told you, not even caring what you were packing. once he was satisfied enough with how full your backpack was, he dragged you down the stairs and into the living room, your mom following behind “you wanna be a wrestler?” he asked, waiting for your response.
“more than anything in this world…”
he dragged you to the front door, opening and letting some of the rain wash the entry carpet “then go! go live your dream and don’t come back” he was pushing you out and you were trying your best to resist him but he was bigger and stronger so it took you no time to push you out and leave you in the pouring rain “you wanna be a wrestler? go! but don’t expect us to welcome you back once you miserably fail…”
“what? mom…mom, you can’t kick me out! this is my home…i…what am i supposed to…where am i supposed to go? mom please” you were crying, begging but they wouldn’t have mercy on you.
“i’m sorry y/n but you made your choice, we are letting you go as you wanted…” she wasn’t even upset about the whole situation.
“mom…dad, you can’t kick me out, please…it’s dark and cold and…and it’s raining and i don’t know where to go…”
“no wrestler, no failure will live under this roof” your father said, before closing the door right in front of your face.
you were left there, under the rain, with only a small backpack and big dreams in your hands.
your screams could be heard in the every room of the hotel but you couldn’t help them, not when you were dreaming, not when your dreams turned into flashback of the past, making you live a real nightmare all over again.
damian’s room was opposite to yours and rhea’s was just as next so it took them one second to run out of their rooms when they heard you screaming.
rhea opened your hotel room with a kick while damian turned on the lights. it was clear to them that you were still asleep and they didn’t want to scare you awake.
“what do we do?” rhea whispered to damian, who was clearly as worried as the woman.
“i don’t know…we should wake her up, gently…” he said. his heart broke when he saw your eyes closed as much as you could, like you were crying.
damian slowly walked towards your bed, his hand resting on your shoulder, gently moving it as he was whispering your name to wake you up “y/n…please hermosa, wake up” he whispered sitting next to you.
rhea sat on the edge of the bed. in case she needed to held you back. you had nightmares in your past and it wasn’t new to them but you never had nightmares this strong.
“y/n…” damian whispered again.
you felt him touching your shoulder, in your mind he was someone who wanted to hurt you so you woke up with a loud scream, trying to shove damian’s hand away.
“hey hey…it’s me y/n, it’s damian…” he talked softly, his voice low.
“please…please don’t hurt me, i promise i’ll be good, i’ll go to college but please don’t hit me again…” your held up your hands, shielding your face. you were visibly crying, still confused as you didn’t recognise that you were in a hotel room and not your house, that you were with damian and rhea and not your parents.
“hey mariposa…no one is going to hurt you…” damian soft voice spoke to you, bringing you back to reality. you slowly slowed your hands down, opening your eyes and meeting damian and rhea.
they both had a scared look on their faces. they didn’t know what to do.
“it’s me…it’s damian…” he wanted to wipe some of your tears away but when his hand tried to touch you, you flinched away, making him stop his movements.
“hey love…” rhea spoke to you, tears in her eyes “no one is going to hurt you, i promise you, no one’s here…”
“it felt real…” your broken voice spoke “like it was happening again…”
“can i touch you?” damian gently asked you and you nodded. he slowly opened his arms to let you rest on his chest, helping you calm down “deep breaths…deep breaths y/n…”
you tried to calm down as he instructed you to do, and after a few minutes your breathing became natural. tears were flowing down your face, you couldn’t stop them.
“i’m sorry if i woke you up” you apologised, feeling guilty.
“it’s okay love…” rhea softly smiled at you. they both were genuinely concerned.
“what happened y/n?” damian asked gently , not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“i’ve had this flashback…of when, you know, they kicked me out…and this time it felt so real, like they were here again…like everything it was happening all over again just because she reminded me…” you still cried in damian’s arms.
“who reminded you? who’s she?” rhea asked, looking up at damian.
“liv…i saw her last night, in the reception hall and she said how much of a burden i’ve always been to the judgment day…she said that finn told her everything about my past, about me still being in therapy, about how finn was tired of me complaining and crying…she said awful things that made my flashbacks click in i guess…why would finn told her everything about my past? was i really a burden to him? to you?” you asked, looking up at damian with sad eyes.
“no, no, absolutely no. i told you y/n that you would never be a burden for us…i care about you so much and everything you went through is awful…but i promise you that we will always be here for you…” he delicately wiped your tears away and kissed your forehead.
rhea was fuming.
she couldn’t believe that finn would say something so delicate and private to liv. finn knew everything you went through and he was always there to support you and help you. finn was the one who insisted on you going to therapy and he was the one who would accompany you to the sessions every week. he would wait in the car for hours, but he would wait just to make sure you were okay. he never once left you going alone.
so rhea couldn’t understand why finn used everything about your past against you when he was the first person to come to the rescue when you were in a bad place with your mind.
“rhea?” damian called her when he saw her looking at the door.
“liv is dead. and finn’s too…” she said before moving out your room.
she started looking for the pair’s room. looking for liv first, she started banging on her door, not caring if it was three in the morning.
finn, who was on the next room, woke up when he heard the noise coming from outside “what is going on? what is this noise?”
rhea turned to face him, walking toward him.
“rhea what’s going on?” he asked but before he could continue, she punched him right in the face.
“you’re a fucking bastard!” she screamed, punching him again.
liv came out of the room, trying to separate rhea from liv.
“get your fucking hands off of me! you’re not better that him” she pushed liv away.
“rhea what’s going on?” finn asked, a little concerned from the whole situation.
“why would you tell her? y/n didn’t deserve that…finn, she cared about you, she cares about you, she admires you…why would you do that to her?” rhea kept screaming.
“rhea what?” finn then remembered telling liv about y/n’s past. he didn’t want to, he never meant to tell her but he was upset when you joined damian and rhea instead of joining him. so, that night, he told everything to liv, full of rage and anger, he never imagined liv would use this against you “rhea what happened?” he asked, a worried look on his face.
“she’s not feeling good, thanks to you…” rhea looked at both liv and finn “liv, you’re mad at me, you’re mad at the world, i get it, but don’t use someone’s past against them…you have no idea what she’s going through…” rhea said tired “you’re a woman, be more than this…”
in the meantime, you were sure your screamed woke everyone in the hotel. but rhea was making it worse, you could hear her from your room.
“damian…should we do something?” you asked, your head still resting on his shoulder..
“no, rhea will take care of this…i’ll stay here with you, close your eyes mariposa…you should rest a little” he whispered softly.
you nodded, too tired of answering. you were exhausted and waking up in the middle of the night after a big evening of working took a toll on you.
damian felt for you.
you didn’t deserve all of this. he knew that finn was mad with rhea and him so he couldn’t understand why would finn put you into this.
“is y/n okay?” finn asked to rhea, visibly worried.
“no she’s not, thanks to you…” she couldn’t even watch him in the eyes.
“rhea i - let me talk to her…” finn almost begged while liv watched from the side, realising that she might have overstepped and gone too far.
“absolutely not! you are no longer welcomed around her, not after you just put her through…she woke up crying, begging for us to stop hurt her…i don’t know what you told liv, but y/n is hurting right now and it’s all on you!” rhea said before leaving.
finn stood there, too stunned to speak.
dom heard everything from the other side of the door. he knew that if he got out he would cause more damage cause he also said some things about you to liv. and right now, he was feeling like shit.
finn was battling with himself. hating himself for hurting you.
“let’s go inside finn…” liv whispered but he shoved her away, wanting to escape from that moment.
rhea came back to damian and softly smiled when she saw you sleeping against his chest “should we stay here?” rhea asked, watching your figure as it was peacefully sleeping.
“i don’t think i can move rhea, she fell asleep on me” damian chuckled “you can go back to sleep rhea, i’ll stay here in case something happens” rhea nodded and left the room. she knew you were in good hands.
“what are you doing here?” you shockingly asked when you opened the door of your new florida home.
“it’s nice to see you too” your mom joked “won’t you let us in?”
“no…no i won’t, now get lost” you said trying to close the door but your father stopped you.
“that’s not nice y/n…we taught you better than this” he said and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“really? you fucking abandoned me!”
“we know” your mother said “and we came here to apologise”
“no, i don’t believe you” you scoffed “ there has to be another reason if you came here today. is it because of money? you need money? what do you need from me?”
“we…” your mother couldn’t lie “we have been watching you since you joined wwe” she said smiling, suddenly feeling like a proud mother “and we are so proud of what you accomplished”
“what do you want from me?” you asked again, getting irritated.
“listen we had some problems and we had to sell my car…” your mom said, quite ashamed of that “and we told everyone that we were actually fixing it but money are quite low and…”
“and? and you expect me to give you money because of? it’s gonna make you look bad at the country club or are you that broke that you are not even allowed at the club anymore?” you asked, already knowing the answer the moment neither of your parents answered you “like i thought…” you chuckled “listen to me you either go away or i’ll call the cops”
“are you threatening us, young girl?” your father asked looking angry as always, but this time you were a little less scared.
“no, this is a warning. i don’t wanna see you ever again or next time i’m filing for a restraining order…” you said closing the door right in front of their face just like they did with you.
you woke up again that night, the thoughts of your parents never leaving you.
damian sensed that you were awake but it was only 6 am, he knew you could sleep a couple of more hours so immediately he went on alert.
he looked down at you trying to see if you were crying, but he saw you were looking at the ceiling probably thinking of something or someone “hey…you okay?” he asked softly.
“uhm…yes…” you didn’t know what to answer.
“talk to me…” he whispered.
“they are still here somehow, i still feel their presence and i hate it…i hate them, and…and everything they put me through…but i feel them everywhere i go, everywhere i look, i can hear my mom saying how disappointed she is or my dad saying that if i don’t do well or if i fail i’m gonna be in big trouble…and i can’t do this anymore, i felt like i was doing good with therapy…i felt like i was starting to live again and then…then this shit with the team happens and i feel like i’m getting kicked out all over again…losing finn and dom hurts, i cared so much about them…” you didn’t want to cry again but you couldn’t stop a few tears that fell from your eyes.
“hey…just wanted to remind you that it’s okay to feel sadness, it's a natural part of life but please remember, you are not alone in this, i’m here for you, rhea too…you’re not alone in this journey, you are stronger than you think, and better days are just around the corner…i know this will pass, healing takes time, and i will always admire you for reaching out for help…and you are so brave and strong, i promise you we are with you all the way through this…we are so proud of you ” he told you, making you reach for that comfort you lost many years ago. it was the comforting voice of an adult, of someone who cared for you. it was the comforting words, the words that you begged your parents to say but never said.
and that comfort you found it again in damian’s embrace.
“go back to sleep y/n…you can sleep a couple of more hours and i promise you that i’ll be here once you wake up” he smiled, making a promise he wasn’t going to break.
the voices about a fight between the members of the judgment day flew quickly through the hotel walls. everyone woke up with the news of rhea attacking finn and liv but no one knew why. somehow they knew you were involved but they didn’t know why.
drew got worried when he didn’t see you in the gym. it was like an habituè, every hotel you were in, you were always hitting gym in the morning so he couldn’t understand why you weren’t there.
“shayna” he called when he saw the dark haired woman entering the gym “do you know where is y/n? or damian? or anyone from the judgment day ?”
“oh…you didn’t know?” she asked.
“know what?” he asked, a little worried.
“there was a fight between rhea and finn tonight, i think about y/n not feeling good or something, i really don’t know but punk said there was a lot of noise, especially from rhea screaming” she informed drew before starting her training.
drew was left there, speechless.
you were hurt?
he flew out of the gym and went towards your bedroom.
damian and rhea were both there, you were already awake but too tired to do anything. crying took a big toll on you. your eyes were heavy and red, your head was pounding heavily and you were tired.
you all heard a knock on your door and damian went in protective mode, fearing it would be finn as rhea went to open the door. she was met with a worry drew.
“drew” she whispered.
“is she okay? i’ve heard she wasn’t feeling good…” he asked, looking at the man who was shielding you.
“she is…but it’s not the right moment” rhea wasn’t stupid. she knew there was something between you two and even if she didn’t like it a little bit, she couldn’t help but be grateful that someone like drew was worrying about you.
“rhea who’s at the door?” you stood up, walking alongside with damian “oh…hi drew” you tiredly smiled at him.
“hey…” he smiled, observing your face. you were tired and it was clear to anyone that you had a rough night “can i please talk to you?” he asked and you nodded, smiling at him.
“guys…it’s fine i promise, i’ll let you know if it isn’t” you said, trying to let them go.
rhea nodded and damian smiled at you “we are one door away” you thanked them as they left.
you sat on your bed and drew followed you, his eyes never leaving your face. he was trying to see if there was something, anything that could tell him what was going on but he couldn’t find any sign.
“is everything okay? how’s your back?” you asked him. his heart melted, loving how caring you were even when it was clear that you were the one in pain.
“i’m okay…my back is okay, thank you” he smiled at you “what about you? you don’t look fine y/n” he said but you couldn’t find any words to explain what was going on.
after what happened with finn you didn’t know if you could trust him with something so delicate as your past. you knew he wasn’t finn but you’ve always valued the irish man like family, like someone who you could count on but after last night you didn’t know who to trust.
“talk to me…please” his eyes almost begging. he saw the redness around them, he knew you cried but he didn’t know why.
“it’s a long story and i’m sure you have more interesting things to do…” you smiled at him.
“i have all the time in the world for you, i wanna make sure you are okay, and clearly you’re hurting right now…” his clear eyes never leaving yours.
so you told him everything.
you told him about your family. how your dad was abusive and violent. how your mom used to make fun of you. how they never supported you. how they kicked you out when you were only a teen. how they threatened you and came back once you got famous. how you had to file a restraining order against them because they wouldn’t leave you alone. how, thanks to them, you’ve been doing therapy sessions for years. how you thought you found a new family in the judgment day. how broken you were when the team split up because to you was like living all that happened with your family all over again. how you trusted finn with your secrets and how he went and told everything to liv. how liv used it against you last night causing you the worst breakdown you’ve had in a long time.
drew was speechless. he couldn’t understand how your own family could turn their backs on you. you were their daughter and they were supposed to protect you. so he couldn’t really understand how some parents were capable of damaging their kid so much.
“and that’s it” you said, avoiding his eyes “pretty fucked up, isn’t it?” you tried to laugh but it was more of a sarcastic laugh.
“i’m so fucking sorry you had to go through all of this…there are no words to express how sorry i am, i can’t imagine what you had to deal with and i can’t imagine how painful it must have been and i swear finn is a dead man” drew said making you laugh, a genuine laugh.
“i think rhea took care of him already” you smiled.
“yeah, i heard” he laughed “but i want you to know that i’ll be here for you, what i said last night, i meant it…y/n i like you, i like all of you” he slowly reached your cheek with his hand, making sure he wasn’t overstepping “i like you when you go out in the ring and kick asses, i like you when you are just you, the normal you, i like you when you’re sad or happy, i like when you shy away from a compliment…i like you and i wanna be here for you, if you’ll let me”
and again, you weren’t good with words so you replicated the actions from last night. you moved closer to his body, your hands both around his neck while you moved closer to him. your lips meeting his in a delicate and gentle kiss, almost like saying “thank you”.
he smiled into the kiss, his hand resting on your cheek “thank you for trusting me with this y/n” he whispered before meeting your lips again.
there was an awkward silence for a few seconds. where you just tried to avoid drew’s eyes while his eyes couldn’t leave your face. he understood that you were a delicate person, who’s been through hell and more. and he promised to himself to never hurt you like your family did in the past. he wanted to see you smile every day, he wanted to be the reason for you to be happy, he wanted to be there for you so he made a promise to himself, he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you again.
part 6 will be out after monday night raw cause i need ideas, let me know in the comments if you have any idea you would like me to add!
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simp4strongwomen · 2 years
It’s Not That Funny
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Based on this post :https://at.tumblr.com/dialouge-prompts/thats-not-funny-i-think-its-hilarious/0e0jguqo6c07
Rhea Ripley x Reader.         Becky Lynch x Platonic!Reader
Rhea sat behind you, to where you could only see her through the mirror placed in front of you. You were sitting in hair and makeup getting ready for your match against Bianca tonight. You had just finished telling Rhea and your hairstylist a story that you thought was pretty traumatic from when you were younger. All the Aussie could do was laugh hysterically, falling sideways onto the couch with tears rolling down her face. At least Laney your hairstylist could keep somewhat of a straight face.
“That’s not funny Rhea. I’m pretty sure it caused me so brain issues. Like you’re laughing at your girlfriend who could have brain issues and not even know it.”
Once Rhea calmed down slightly she was able to get out a sentence before she started dying of laughter once again. “You’re right that’s not funny, I think it’s hilarious.” Even this time Laney couldn’t keep her composure. Soon 3 of your other friends walk into the room to get their hair and makeup down. Asuka taking a seat next to a hysteric Ripley, Bianca on the couch on the opposite wall, and your best friend since the day you started your professional career in wrestling, Becky Lynch sat right next to you.
Becky spun her chair around to face the still laughing so called “nightmare”. “Aye, what happend to the big scary one back there?”
Rolling your eyes at the fact that you’re going to probably end up retelling the story you just told your girlfriend. You sighed in defeat. “I told her a story of something that happened to me when I was a child. And yes before you ask me to tell it I already knew you were gonna do that so I’m just gonna get it over with.”
You looked around and everyone was attentive towards you, rhea even managed to stop laughing for a short period of time, just enough to hear you retell this story that caused her tears in the first place.
“So, when I was about 5 or 6, my mom and I had lived with my grandma and 2 younger aunts in this really big house. We had this amazing black fluffy Newfoundland named Charlie, and he was like my favorite pet in the world. So one day I was walking out of my room to go downstairs to find my grandma, well I had just seen Charlie walk down the stairs, and well you know how they walk down stairs. So me being the curious little child I was decided to try and walk down this flight of stairs like a dog.” You could hear snorts coming from all the women in the room as they could only picture what would happen next. “So this flight of stairs had at least 30 stairs, and I had only made it down like 7 of the 30 stairs safely. I ended up tripping on the rug we had on the stairs and proceeded to tumble down the rest of them.”
Rhea was once again in tears along with Asuka and Bianca, Becky just laughing at you, expecting nothing less from a younger you. “So by the time I stopped I landed on my head on this really hard ground at the bottom of the steps, and you want to know what the dog does? Mind you he literally sat and watched me fall down these stairs, he came over to me sniffed around me then proceeded to sit one me. This 100 pound dog came and sat on me and I weighed at most 45 pounds. Some being me I started yelling for my grandma who at the time couldn’t hear me because she was outside mowing the lawn. So moral of the story her girls,I could have major brain damage, and here you all are laughing at me.” Pouting and crossing your arms as everyone in the room are in hysterics with Bianca somehow managing to end up on the floor and rhea thrashing around wildly. Becky leans over and rubs your arm.
“Oh don’t pout sweetie, we would still love you the same. And I know for a fact that Rhea over there loves the one with mental issues.”
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