#rhiona cousland
Happy Friday! For DADWC, I'm really digging the tarot prompts. How about (and I'm pasting the whole prompt here, but you can take from it what you like): "the chariot: sacrifice, struggle, travel; 'I’m sorry… I have to do this.' - possible AUs/settings/ideas: boss fight, (assumed) goodbye, traveller au" for Rhiona Cousland/Loghain Mac Tir?
Ooh, good prompt! Thank you! @dadrunkwriting
Rhiona watches Loghain and Riordan argue back and forth about the Archdemon as if from a great distance.
One of them was going to die.
Of course, all of them would, eventually; they'd succumb to the Taint, lose their minds, and lose all semblance of themselves. It was a Warden's lot in life to die by the hands of the darkspawn, one way or another.
But the horde was seen very close to Denerim, and one of them, if not all of them, was going to die.
"I'll do it," she says. They stop arguing and turn to her. "I'll take the blow. I'll kill the Archdemon."
The ache that creases Loghain's face scares her. He steps forward and snatches her hands in his. "You will do no such thing, Rhiona," he says angrily. His eyes are stormy where they bore into her. "I will not allow it. I cannot."
Rhiona shakes her head and pulls her hands back, to no avail. "Riordan is too injured to fight, and he's the most senior of us all; he can report back to Weisshaupt about the events here," she argues. "They'll probably send more Wardens to Ferelden, and he can lead them. You will add valuable experience to those forces, Loghain, you know that. They'll need you. Ferelden needs you, as loathe as she is to admit it. You are still the Hero of River Dane--"
"Not anymore, you know that--"
"But it doesn't matter!" This time he does let her go when she moves away. She fidgets with her braid and paces the stone floor. "It doesn't matter. You both are more important, more valuable. Me? I'm just--"
"You're 'just' you, is that what you mean to say? I won't hear it. Not one word, Ree. You are more than 'just' you. You are--you are--"
Loghain pulls her into his arms to press his forehead against hers. She hears the door click shut, Riordan leaving them to their discussion. "You are everything to me, Ree," Loghain murmurs. His arms are silverite bands around her ribs. "I can't bear the thought of living without you. Please don't make me."
Tears sting Rhiona's eyes. She clutches at his shoulders. "And I can't live without you," she whispers back. "I will never forgive you if you kill it instead. I will live out the rest of my days cursing your name."
"It's settled, then," he declares after a moment's pause. "Riordan will do it."
Rhiona barks out a surprised laugh, even as tears slip down her cheeks. She buries her face in his neck and breathes him in. He smells like clean sweat and sword oil, the scent of his herbal aftershave soothing. "I love you," she murmurs into his skin. "So much."
Loghain's arms tighten around her. "And I love you, more than I can say."
"Take me to bed?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
They walk out of the room hand in hand, Loghain leading her down the hallway to their guest quarters. Up ahead, Morrigan leans against a wall.
"Wardens. A moment, if you have one."
"Maker, I can't. I can't, not right now," Rhiona mutters to Loghain.
He squeezes her hand. "All right. I'll talk with her."
"Tell her I'll talk to her in the morning, if she wants. I'll meet you in the bedroom."
She watches him for a moment as he strides to meet Morrigan, then makes her way to bed. Rhiona undresses slowly and folds her clothes over the nearby chair before climbing beneath the covers. It's strange; even though she knows he's a moment away, the bed feels so empty without him, the room so big.
Rhiona focuses on her breathing and settles, closing her eyes. He'll be in soon enough.
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empresstress13 · 5 years
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My give-away prize for the wonderful @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul: Their lovely Rhiona Cousland! 
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nylahvellan · 6 years
OC Facts: Many expect the Cousland sisters to be different as night and day. Rhiona is gregarious, outspoken and opinionated. The elder sister has long since branded herself a troublemaker, every inch the daughter of a feared pirate queen. Elissa, fair where Rhiona is dark, finds herself enthralled by lectures and literature on every subject; study and contemplation are her arenas, debate her weapon. No one expects them to be peas in a pod, sides of the same coin, each other's first defender.
I love how well thought out their personalities and relationship is, I can tell you’ve put a lot of time into developing them into detailed characters 💕
Since you shared about your OC siblings, I’ll talk about mine. Nylah and her older brother Nerith are very close. After Nylah’s attack, he was the one to suggest she learn to defend herself. He was war leader of the clan and was one to teach her a lot of his fighting skills. Where Nylah is wild, free, passionate and confident, Nerith is cool and level-headed. They are very typical siblings, teasing and arguing with each other relentlessly, but they would step in front of a blade for the other.
Thanks for the ask and sharing your OCs with me 😘
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My Cousland, Rhiona, and Loghain were sort of/mostly an arranged marriage when she turned 25 or 26 (lol forgot my own lore). He didn't really need an heir, though that would have been good, as he still didn't really believe in his role as Teyrn of Gwaren. Fergus would have inherited Highever, and her younger sister Elissa was studying in Orlais at the time of the Blight. Rhiona needed married off, according to her father, though her mother was much more for allowing her to do her thing and allowed her much more freedom. It just so happened that Rhiona had been in (puppy) love with him since she was 17. So Eleanor, knowing that Rhiona wouldn't be happy with just anyone, and knowing that Loghain at least needed someone to run Gwaren, arranged for them a match. Rhiona could, potentially, birth an heir, and they would at least like each other well enough. So she talked with Loghain a year and a half after his wife died, and he agreed to marry her.
They became friends, and eventually fell into honest love. They were supposed to get married in the spring, but duty called regarding the darkspawn and the plans got pushed back. The idea was to successfully repel the horde and marry on the wings of victory.
She invited Howe to the wedding. "You're like an uncle to me, and it would mean so much for you to be there."
And Howe, being the actual villain in this AU, was all like "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Then the murders happened, Duncan saved her, and Ostagar went hairy. The Blight really fucked with everything. Everything went tits up, basically.
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What's something about your OC that has surprised you as you developed them? For an OC of your choice! (Or all of them ❤)
Myrini! Sorry it took so long to get to this ask. God, you could have sent this a million years ago and I wouldn't know. Sorry, I don't reliably get notifications about incoming asks 😭😭😭
So, since I can't decide on an OC to answer for, I'll answer for the ones I mostly write about!
Ilya Surana: She has a twin sister, and she's from the Denerim Alienage! When that little tidbit started growing, I was really surprised. Anara is a blacksmith and Therion is a scholar (who later goes on to travel, Brother Genetivi style, and ends up at Skyhold after Lavellan and Blackwall die and witnesses the elvhen fort in all its glory). The Surana patriarch came from an alienate in Nevarra and married a delightful woman, Lysea, and the Surana family grew up to be close friends with the Tabrises.
Rhiona Cousland: She ended up being the middle child, with Fergus being (I think) two years older than her and Elissa seven years younger. Rhiona has a wonderful relationship with her family, and what ended up surprising me was that Rhiona helped champion Elissa's proposal to study in Orlais to her family. Her parents, remember, are heroes of the rebellion, and had had some pretty knee-jerk reactions to the request, as did other members of the extended and found family. But Rhiona was Elissa's most ardent supporter, even though Rhiona has some issues about Orlais to work through herself.
Adrian Hawke: still fleshing him out, but what surprised me is that he is a mage who ends up romancing Fenris, not Anders. He wins Fenris over by being unreservedly honest with him. While Adrian may not always make the straight-and-narrowest of decisions, he values Fenris' opinion and expertise. He gets through to him by coming to him one day with a request for physical training, saying that he never wants to be solely reliant on his magic. This earns him some respect, and Fenris agrees to train him, and this starts their long, rocky road to romance.
Garrett Hawke: Red warrior Hawke but a simp for Anders. Full stop. I mean, I kinda assumed that was going to be the case, given my absolute apeshit-ness about Anders, but the absolute scary-dog-privilege meets "i want belly rubs now" juxtaposition caught me off-guard. Also, he goes to what passes for really shitty therapy after Leandra dies!! (It was a recommendation from Jethann.)
Elara Lavellan: Elara is *wildly* Dalish, like, almost nationalistically so, and when she romanced Blackwall it really surprised me. I went in thinking that it'd make the most sense for her to be a no-romo run, but damn if I (and she) didn't fall for that bear of a man. She becomes surprisingly sentimental about him, and they have a really rocky go at things, which is mostly resolved when she runs away from the Inquisition post-slaughter of Clan Lavellan and he follows her, but when they get home again, things get tense once more. What's really surprising is that after years of their romance and essentially raising the surviving clan children, Elara is demanded to choose between her people and Blackwall, and breaking against all that she was raised by and born into, she chose him.
So yeah! Those are my main OCs! Thanks for asking what was probably back in the Cretaceous Age!
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10 for Rhiona!
10: How does your Warden deal with stress?
She finds a training dummy and hits it repeatedly. Or spars with someone. It was easier with Loghain before the war, when he'd spend time at Castle Cousland, ostensibly conferring with her parents on the state of the nation. He'd spar with her on the training grounds and would whoop her ass but she was always grateful for it. She spars with Sten and Alistair during the Blight and enjoys it beyond stress relief.
Rhiona also likes to journal. She does it in the wee hours of the night, and keeps a journal throughout the Blight. It helps her get the thoughts out of her head, get everything organized so she can dwell on it. She's definitely a ruminator, overthinking things.
Ask me about my Wardens (Rhiona Cousland or Ilya Surana)!
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OC and worldstate thoughts - Wardens
Ilya Surana
Born: sometime during 9:05, possibly 9:06 Dragon
Class: Mage | Spirit Healer, Arcane Warrior
Love Interest: Zevran Arainai
Character Tag: Ilya Surana
She's the best friend of Jowan and Anders. They were a trio in the Circle; if you found one, the others weren't far away, despite Anders being older than Ilya and Jowan. She befriended all the party members and had high enough approval ratings that no one left. She killed Loghain with lightning and asked Alistair to do the Dark Ritual with Morrigan, letting them both live. In her original canon, she romanced Zevran; in the AU that I actually kinda prefer, she, Zevran, and King!Alistair form a polyamorous triad. I'm considering making Alistair stay a Warden, but I don't really wanna do that to him in DAI (*sobs*) (but I might anyway because The Drama Is Delicious). She has taken a spirit of Justice into herself much like Wynne, which is why she's not upset when Anders allows himself to be possessed (she's just mad that he left in the first place. She is legitimately in love with him in Awakenings and has been since the Circle). Unlike Anders!Justice, who remains "Justice", her spirit toes the very fine line between spirit and demon, though they are always in alignment, unlike Anders and Justice. When the party first visits the Denerim alienage, she discovers that she has two siblings, her twin sister Hanara, a blacksmith, and Therion, a scholar.
Rhiona Cousland
Born: Bloomingtide, 9:03 Dragon
Class: Warrior | Specialization: Spirit Warrior, Champion
Love Interest: Loghain Mac Tir
Character Tag: Rhiona Cousland
Rhiona is the middle child between Fergus and Elissa Cousland. She takes heavily after her mother, being enthusiastic about battle, and is a Highever guard/military personnel. Her father kept trying to marry her off before the Blight, but she refused and continually sabotaged his efforts. It isn't until her mother secures an offer of engagement from Loghain in 9:26 that Rhiona stops fighting it and agrees, with the promise that Loghain wouldn't stop her from being a fighter, and would actually appreciate her wit and proficiency with a sword. She and Loghain court for a year before the engagement announcement, during which they become genuine friends and fall in love. She's been in puppy-love with him since she was seventeen, having met him at a military generals' conference held at Highever. She threatens/convinces Eamon to stop bidding Alistair as king in favor of Anora, and she and Alistair have a strong friendship until she, unable to kill him, conscripts Loghain into the Wardens. Alistair leaves but then eventually comes back to the Wardens and becomes the Warden Commander after she basically begs him to return. They renew their friendship, though it starts off bitter. She's fairly agnostic, and agrees on some things with Andraste, though is anti-Chantry as a whole.
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WIP Name Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Tagged by @starklyjd. Thanks, friend!!
Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips... (goodness if I did that I'd probably have to tag like. a thousand people.)
(I'm just gonna pick and choose a few for a couple franchises I've got going on right now)
Critical Role:
Playing Ball [Fjord/Caleb]
Sea Legs [Fjord/Caleb]
Still Dreaming of Your Face [Molly/Caleb]
The One About Mollymauk's Girdle Comment [Molly/Caleb]
Felis Interruptus [Essek/Caleb]
I have a certain pattern going on, eh?
Dragon Age:
The Cullistair One [Cullen/Alistair]
Vows Broken and Made [Sebastian/Hawke]
Fenders 80s-Night Porn [Fenris/Anders]
Fear in the Dark [Surana/Zevran]
Rhiona Cousland/Loghain - Bedsharing For Warmth [Cousland/Loghain Mac Tir]
@thevikingwoman @dreadfutures @midnightprelude @barbex @everestv-themuse @pikapeppa @dismalzelenka @talesfromthefade @contreparry @nirikeehan
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8. What, if anything, shocks or offends your Warden? for Ilya Surana 🌷
Ilya is shocked/offended by people being cruel and cavalier about it, especially if it's against mages or elves. She has understandably Strong Feelings about that and is ready to throw hands (and chains of lightning) at anyone who says one bad word about them. Or if anyone says they dislike cats. Ilya loved the mousers in the Circle. She specifically will entice strays to the Vigil if no one is watching (and even if they are, let's be real).
Ask me about my wardens (Rhiona Cousland or Ilya Surana)!
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Prompts Menu
Welcome to my Prompts Menu!
Feel free to pick a prompt from any list, and send me the line in an ask! Please send me the whole line and what list it's from, not just a number; I have so many prompts available, I want to know what you want! :) 
I write primarily for Dragon Age (primarily for DA Drunk Writing Circle, for the main three games), but I also want to get into writing more for Critical Role (Campaign 2, The Mighty Nein) and Voltron: Legendary Defender (no Keith/Lance), so feel free to send me prompts for any of those franchises!
Dragon Age:
I have multiple world-states and playthroughs, so here's a run-down of what I like to work with, ship-wise!
Rhiona Cousland (Warrior)/Loghain Mac Tir
Ilya Surana (Mage)/Zevran Arainai/Alistair Theirin
Ilya Surana/Anders
Nathaniel Howe/Anders
Zevran Arainai/Alistair Theirin
Canon & Canon
OC & Canon
Adrian Hawke (Warrior)/Fenris
Garrett Hawke (Warrior)/Anders
Garrett Hawke/Anders/Nathaniel Howe
Garrett Hawke/Varric Tethras
Mari Hawke (Mage)/Varric Tethras
Fenris/Anders/Nathaniel Howe
Canon & Canon
OC & Canon
Elara Lavellan (warrior)/Blackwall
Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
Inquisitor!Anders/Dorian Pavus
Inquisitor!Anders/Dorian Pavus/Garrett Hawke
Inquisitor!Anders/Garrett Hawke
Thom Rainier/Gordon Blackwall
Canon & Canon (no Cullen)
OC & Canon (no Cullen)
Thanks in advance for the prompts!
Touches Ask Game Sex Tropes Settings Prompt List The Way You Said I Love You Kiss Prompts Tarot Prompts Difficult Recovery Prompts
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Hi!! If your OCs were dogs, what breed would they be? (Or maybe cat breed if that's more fitting for them?) 😊
I don't have many of these pinned down yet, actually!
Ilya Surana: Probably some sort of tabby. She's feisty, but once you earn her trust she's incredibly loving and protective. Plus, she's got a mischievous streak when she puts her mind to it.
Rhiona Cousland: In-game, a mabari. She's fiercely loyal and protective. Out of game, probably a German Shepherd. She's courageous and intelligent, and has a noble heart.
Adrian Hawke: A pit bull, maybe? He's confident and sure of himself, but loving to his family/chosen people. He's patient but takes no shit from others.
Garrett Hawke: An orange tabby. He's pretty laid back and the relaxing type. He can be a fighter and will be if needed, but he'd much rather kick back and relax.
Elara Lavellan: A Bengal cat, maybe? She's fiery and needs connection from her chosen people, and can be wild in nature.
These aren't written in stone, but are my most immediate thoughts!
Ask me about my OCs!
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For the DADWC: “You’re always on my mind.”
Thanks for the prompt! @dadrunkwriting
Rhiona Cousland x Loghain Mac Tir
-:- -:- -:- -:-
He's surveying the city from the palace battlements when he receives the letter, worn in the corners and the address almost smudged off the front of the envelope. Loghain shoves it beneath the neck of his chainmail shirt, hidden and protected by his armor. It slips his mind as he works, watching busy people in the market square, the Chantry sisters outside their cloister walls. Ser Cauthrien watches his back with a list to check off. Together they assess the defenses of the city, of the palace. Having seen the darkspawn at Ostagar, he knows they can ill afford to be caught unawares.
The letter sits against his breastbone for the day. He only sees it when it falls out of his shirt when he settles at his desk for the evening's work in the late hours of the night. With a frown, Loghain picks it up to read the envelope's stained face. The script is steady, familiar, though he can't quite place it despite his running through recent memories. The letter itself looks like it was stomped by a bronto into a mud pit on its way to him. Sure enough, he can make out his name. With a sigh, he slides his fingers beneath the seal and earns himself a fine papercut along his index finger.
Loghain, it read--
You sound so different now. It's hardly believable, to hear it all throughout the countryside. I can't help but wonder: is there any of the old you to hang onto, to remember you by?
I can't help but think of you. You're in so many of my thoughts. It's hard to bear, knowing what you've done, or perhaps have let happen. I hope it is ignorance that has prevailed, and not malice. I don't remember you being malicious--may it be that you are not.
Everything in me wants to storm Denerim and see you myself, to rage against your actions since Ostagar. You do not understand, Loghain: you need more than your soldiers to protect us. The darkspawn destroy all they touch. They roam the bannorn and consume everything in front of them. We cannot afford for Denerim to fall. You know this, I know.
Please, lift the bounty on us. Let us do our work unheeded, so that we may bring to Denerim an army to help protect our homes. To protect our queen, and our Landsmeet. To meet your soldiers as allies, not enemies. We need to do our work. Please, Loghain, do the right thing and let us work to end the Blight together.
I would say I'm still yours, but I have my doubts--I don't know how I can be yours after all this.
There are water stains amongst the pages, small droplets that warp the paper into very slight waves. The letter is unsigned, but Loghain knows by the pit in his stomach that she had sent it. Rhiona doesn't understand: the bounty is for her protection, not anything else. He needs her where he can see her, touch her. The bounty on any remaining Wardens was his attempts to find her.
But she's alive. Some unknown breath he's been holding for the long months since the massacre at Ostagar releases at the way her strong script marches along the discolored pages. Rhiona is alive, and obviously well enough to send a letter to him. Where was she when she'd sent it? Where is she now? The not knowing is a painful clenching in his chest.
He misses her. Maker, he misses her, far more than he'd ever thought. To him, she had died at Ostagar. He hadn't had time to mourn her, only having had scouts sent off to Castle Cousland for reconnaissance, but now the tears fall, slowly, one by one.
I don't know how I can be yours after all this, she wrote. A nail in his coffin. It cuts him to the core. How had he fallen so deeply for this young woman, that a single sentence can shake him so badly? They had only courted for a year and a half before the engagement notices were sent out.
Things are quickly spinning out of control. Civil war stands on his doorstep, no matter how much he tries to stem it. Anora is nowhere to be seen, mourning in private. The Landsmeet is restless and vocal in their opinions on his actions, but they have no idea of what he's dealing with in the fallout of Cailan's death. Howe has grown increasingly demanding of his time and attention, regardless of how little Loghain himself wants to see him.
But Rhiona is alive and, he hopes, well.
Loghain sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling the furrow there. He puts the letter away in his desk, in the left-hand drawer for important correspondence. There is no use in tears. He has work to do.
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for dwc! “War’s End” kiss with rhiona and loghain?
for you and @dadrunkwriting!
Post-game, post-reconciliation Ree x Loghain fluff!
“So there’s going to be… four of these garish things. Highever, Denerim, Redcliffe, and Gwaren. My visage, all across Ferelden.” Rhiona pinched the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut. “Will wonders never cease?”
“At least they’re flattering images,” Elissa supplied. She settled among the pillows of Rhiona’s bed, grinning gleefully. 
Ree threw up her hands in exasperation. “Of course they are! Their Majesties have only the best sculptors in the Thedas creating these horrific things.” 
Elissa coughed. “And what does Lord Loghain think of these wonderful works of art?” 
She slanted a glance at her sister, her hands finding the frayed tail of her loosening braid by habit. “He thinks they’re the least Ferelden can do, of course, even if they feel positively Orlesian.” Rhiona sighed. “Isn’t it enough that I gave what I could? That I fought, and fought, and fought? Must I be faced with the memory of that war for the rest of my days, Elissa?” 
Her sister shrugged, the mantle of Teyrna rippling over her shoulders. “Who knows,” she said. “I certainly don’t.” Elissa quieted, then: “Do you think Alistair will be at the unveiling at Denerim? Or here in Highever? Or--” 
Ree couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of her, despite her frustration. “Someone has a crush,” she said archly, earning a furious blush to paint over Elissa’s pale features. “And anyway, Alistair lives in Amaranthine, now. He’s too busy with the Wardens for romance, I think.” 
Elissa pouted, wrinkling her nose. “I never said anything about romance,” she protested. “I just…” Elissa pulled a pillow over her face. “He’s wonderful,” came her muffled voice. “Beautiful, and wonderful, and just... so amazing.” 
“By Andraste’s sacred pyre, I have never seen you flustered, and over a man, no less,” Rhiona laughed. “And Alistair— Oh, Elissa.” Ree sobered, her smile wavering. “Oh, Elissa.” 
Elissa shook her head against the pillow. “Is it that bad?”
“He’s a good man,” Rhiona supplied, “and a good friend. I just… Elissa...” 
“You don’t have to worry about me, Ree,” Elissa said. She peeked up to catch Rhiona’s worried gaze. “I know. Alistair Theirin. As in, rightful King of Ferelden, who gave up his own name in order to live his life away from the throne. A man with a sword hovering over his head.” 
“You don’t know—” 
“But I’ve heard it. And I’ve already heard the rumors that he’s elf-blooded. I know he’s Warden-Commander now, but…” She trailed off, biting her lip. “But you got your happily ever after once the war ended, why can’t we?” 
“Oh, my love.” Rhiona swept her sister into her arms, cradling Elissa against her chest just as they did as children, her chin nestled against Elissa’s crown. “I’m not saying that he can’t, or that you can’t,” she murmured. “Just that, if you try to court him, it will be hard for both of you.” 
Elissa deflated with a lingering sigh. “I know, I know,” she finally said, slowly drumming her fingers against the planes of Rhiona’s back. 
Ree hummed. “Well,” she said, “the war is over. Who knows what will happen now?” Her fingers deftly wound a braid into Elissa’s hair. “Who are we to know the Maker’s will?”
“Who knows,” Elissa echoed, a touch mournful.
“But,” Rhiona continued, “Alistair is a wonderful friend. I would be glad if you two got to know each other better. He’s so dear to me, and you are so very precious.” 
Elissa’s lips twitched with the beginning of a smile. “Even though he may be elf-blooded?” she asked quietly. 
“I wouldn’t care if he were a spirit in disguise,” Ree said, “and I’ve seen enough of those to last a lifetime.” She pet Elissa’s hair. “Alistair is a wonderful person, regardless of his heritage.” 
Rhiona leaned against the parapet wall of Castle Gwaren, her hands rubbing, restless, against the stone. Below them, artisans and craftsmen worked to place the massive statue, a woman with her sword held aloft to the sky done in pure white marble. ‘The Hero,’ they called it. Simple. Subtle as a ton of bricks.
Ree grimaced at the smile on her carefully carven face. 
“Am I going to be surrounded by the memory of war forever?” she asked. 
Loghain stood beside her, hands held sternly behind him. “They’re making you a living saint.” 
“That’s a way to put it.” She pressed into Loghain’s side, taking in his solid warmth. His arm slipped easily over her shoulder to tuck her close. “Elissa wants to court Alistair.” 
“Brave woman, your sister.” Loghain snorted. “Idiot boy, though. It’s a wonder he can tell his arse from his elbow.” He pressed a kiss to Ree’s crown. “You’re thinking of setting them up, though, aren’t you?” 
Rhiona sputtered, only to lose the will to protest, however feebly. “I--well. With Mother gone, who else will set up the match?” 
“Have you considered that they are both adults?”
“It wouldn’t be proper,” she demurred. 
“Bah. Hang propriety. Isn’t that what you told me, all those years ago?” 
Rhiona turned in Loghain’s arms to glare archly at him. “And did you?” 
He chuckled. “No.” Loghain’s hand found the edge of her jaw, caressing gently as he threaded an errant lock of hair back behind Ree’s ear. “And I should have.” 
“And you should have,” she agreed. A smile crept over her face. “I suppose I might be convinced to let them find their own happily ever after,” she conceded. 
“‘Happily ever after’?” 
Rhiona laughed. “That’s what Elissa calls this,” she said, gesturing between them. “A dream come true.” 
“The war is over,” he murmured. “As I am frequently reminded.” 
“It is,” Rhiona said, “and your sainted love is home again.” 
“Ree, I...” 
She grinned. “I know.” 
Loghain’s arms tightened across Ree’s back and she smiled, raising her hands to crush the velvet of his jacket between her fingers. She rose on her toes to catch his lips, pressing her smile against his own. 
“I love you, too,” she breathed against his lips, before kissing him again, and again, and again.
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for dwc “You haven’t lost me.” with ilya and zev or rhiona and logain?
Have you ever made yourself cry while writing? I did. Thanks, you jerk I MEAN thanks, I love you.
Also, posting now because I’m a dork and can’t wait. Instant gratification who?
Evening fell like a wet blanket, smothering in its closeness. Tension grew around the fort in fits and was only abated by the interspersed fires and rings of tents. It would be soon, Rhiona knew, both the fight and the mysterious Joining that would seal her to the Grey Wardens forever. Duncan had told her as much when they arrived. He could feel the horde come nearer and nearer.
But soon was not tonight, and Rhiona let out a grateful breath when Duncan’s assistant, Alistair, let her know. She stood from the Wardens’ fire and made her way to the General’s tent, ignoring the muttered protests from the other recruits.
“General Mac Tir isn’t receiving guests. He’s busy.” Loghain’s guard shrugged. “War’s going on and all that.”
“Tell him,” Rhiona started, only to hear the warble in her voice. She cleared her throat. “Tell him it’s important. Please.”
The guard huffed and crossed his arms. “Yeah? And who might you be?”
She pursed her lips. “Rhiona Cousland,” she answered, “Lady of Highever and Grey Warden Recruit.” And? the man’s eyebrows asked. Rhiona hesitated before adding, “Lord Mac Tir’s betrothed.”
He snapped to attention and saluted. “My lady! Uh, just a minute. I’ll check with the General.” The guard wasn’t gone a minute before a loud grumbled response came from the tent. Both Loghain and the guard emerged from the canvas doorway.
“Ree,” Loghain started, confusion plain on his face. “What are you doing here?” He crossed the short distance between them to take her hands in his own. “I heard the Warden Commander came back from Highever with a recruit this afternoon, but…”
“It was me.” Rhiona stepped into his embrace, shaking against his chest. “I--I need to see you. Can we have a moment?”
Loghain pressed a kiss against her hairline before leading her to the tent. He speared his guard with a scowl. “Unless it’s the King himself calling for me, no one is to interrupt me for the rest of the night. Do I make myself clear?”
“Like crystal,” came the reply.
Thank you for seeing me,” she murmured, stepping inside. His hands on her shoulders gently turned her back to face him.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were waiting at Highever until after the battle.” Loghain’s hand crept up to cup her cheek and she leaned into it gladly, biting her lip. “Surely your father didn’t let you go, he wouldn’t— Ree, what’s wrong?”
She choked on a sob. “They--they’re dead,” she whispered hoarsely. A fresh wave of tears pricked at her eyes. “All of them, Lo, murdered in the dark of night. Mother, Father, my sister-in-law, my nephew. Even the servants.”
Loghain blanched in the flickering lamplight. “They… but Castle Cousland has stood for generations,” he muttered in shock. “It can’t be…” He searched her face and brushed away a stray tear from her cheekbone. “Oh, Rhiona.”
Rhiona wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek to the silverite of his breastplate. “I don’t know what to do,” she cried into his chest. “I—my family—I only survived because of Duncan, and now—”
“—and now you’re sworn to the Wardens,” he finished slowly. Loghain carded one hand through Rhiona’s hair and smoothed the other over her back as she cried. “I’m… I’m so sorry. Words can’t possibly explain.”
Rhiona wept against his chest until she could no longer, her throat raw and eyes burning but dry. She squeezed her arms tighter around the unforgiving metal of his armor. “I’m scared, Loghain,” she confessed. “What if he finds me, or Fergus, or Elissa?”
“He?” Loghain murmured into her hair. “Who did this? Do you know?”
For a moment she was back in her father’s hall, smiling as she pressed the gilded invitation into Arl Howe’s hand. “With the goings-on at Ostagar, we had to rearrange the wedding for this fall, instead of spring. I want to give people time to settle back home after the battle, just in case it is a broader conflict than expected,” she had explained with a sheepish smile. “We both hope you can make it, Lord Howe. I know you are a busy man, but you are like an uncle to me, and it would mean so much to have your family there.”
Rendon Howe had smiled at her, so warm, and tucked the invitation into his belt with a promise to attend. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“A monster,” Rhiona breathed, voice shaking, “wearing a trusted friend’s face.” She pulled away to dry the remaining tears from her face. “I’ve lost them. I lost it all. My family. My friends. My home. My own name.”
“You haven’t lost me,” Loghain said softly. He cupped her jaw and tilted her face to meet her eyes. “I am here. We will find a way.” Loghain stroked his thumb across the corner of her mouth before pressing a soft kiss against her lips.
She curled her fingers around the edge of his armor, brushing the warm skin of his throat, and pulled him closer. Rhiona plastered herself into a long line against him, the kiss growing frantic even as he tried to soothe her. Her hand buried itself in his dark hair and fisted clumsily around the thick strands.
“My lady,” Loghain warned, even as one of his hands found her hip and squeezed.
“Let me stay.” The plea should have been harder to say but it fell easily from her tongue. “Hang your honor, Loghain. This time tomorrow I won’t be a Cousland anymore, and you’ll be released from your promises, so, please…” Rhiona’s voice broke on the word. “Love me and let me stay.”
He sighed, and Rhiona could see the tears welling in his own eyes. “Please,” she begged.
“I do love you,” he murmured. “Warden or not, you will always be Lady Cousland to me.” Loghain took her hand in his and laced their fingers together before leading her through the tent to his personal quarters.
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“Do you not dance, Rhiona?”
Rhiona startled from her reverie and turned from the dancing on the main floor below. Her smile grew, unbidden, as she took in Loghain; he was always striking but tonight he was quietly resplendent, dressed in shades of sapphire blue and edged with gold.
“Did you misplace your mask, my Lord Loghain?” she asked, tapping the green enameled leather of her wyvern mask. “Or is a costume party too Orlesian for you?”
“Do you always answer one question with another?” Loghain joined her at the balcony, resting his hand along the balustrade beside her. “It is simply a safety matter. Should I choose frivolity instead of security, here in the palace? A mask is easily made into a distraction.” He scanned the swirling mass of couples below. “But it is Satinalia,” he allowed with a nod.
She laughed. “Yes, the frivolity is highly encouraged. Look there, even my mother dances. The Maker’s miracle, here in the flesh!” Rhiona eyed him playfully. “If you would like to be so careless, your secret is safe with me,” she teased.
Loghain chuckled and turned to face her. “Are you asking me to dance, Lady Cousland?” he asked, brow arched.
Her stomach quivered at the way the sconce light fell upon his face, highlighting Loghain’s raven’s-wing black hair, sharpening the cut of his jaw. “Is that a ‘no,’ Lord Mac Tir?”
His gaze trailed over her face like a caress. “It is not,” he answered, stepping closer. ”But I would ask a temporary favor.”
“A favor?”
Loghain gestured to her mask. “If I may?”
She nodded and watched unblinkingly when his hands approached, fingers brushing over the edges of the leather. Loghain followed the ribbons that held the mask in place and deftly plucked them from their bow. Her skin trembled where the ribbons dripped over her bared neck and shoulders. 
Rhiona had never felt so naked.
Loghain tied the mask loosely to his belt, letting it drape down his hip, before offering his hand. “It hid your eyes,” he explained. His hand fell to the curve of Rhiona’s waist and they moved into the dance, her long gown swishing over the carpeted floor.
A hot flush scorched over her cheeks and she focused on the steps, ignoring the way her hand fit in his, how easily she followed his lead. “Wouldn’t want that,” she murmured, looking away from his intense gaze.
His fingers squeezed lightly at her own and he hummed in agreement.
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🔥 spring
Spring is one of Rhiona’s favorite seasons! Things are blooming, animals are bandying about, fucking in the woods isn’t exactly off the table...
No, seriously. She and Loghain get so mad at each other that an argument finally leads to “I hate you, but I still love you, but I hate that fact, and I’m glad we survived the Deep Roads” sex against a boulder halfway to Redcliffe from Orzammar.
After the blight is defeated and they retire to Gwaren, Rhiona makes sure to celebrate that particular anniversary with a picnic by a hotspring, where they... well, they fuck, haha. They might be nobility, ish, but man do they not particularly act like it sometimes.
Send me  🔥 + a word and I will write a NSFW headcanon for my muse. 
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