excaliburssword 2 years
Hot take on the SGE ships (part 1??)
So, sometimes I can really get carried away with the SGE ships, but I'm just gonna summarise this one down so it doesn't end up longer than the years the earth has existed 馃槶
Please note than none of these are in order, and all are situated out as my own opinion.
I guess these two are appropriate for each other, even though the toxicity of their relationship (I might post about this later) really unbalanced some things.
All in all, I'm fine with Agatha and Tedros as a couple since I seriously can't find someone else that would be appropriate for them, plus they'd make a quite capable pair on leading Camelot
2. Hophie
-This may offend many, but I just can't find it in me to even ship them 馃槶
First of all, it seemed like to me that Hort was continuously trying to force Sophie into dating him at least from books 1-3, and halfway through book 4. I ended up putting myself in Sophie's shoes, and found it to be actually quite annoying for someone who likes you whom you can't return the same feelings for repeatedly tries to date you.
0/10 (sorry).
3. Hestadil
One of my fav couples in the series. They were suitable for each other from start to finish, and really developed their relationship over time!
4. Nicphie
Eh, they're alright I suppose. Tbh it can end up as a really cute relationship if developed properly, kinda like enemies x lovers.
5. Hicola
I actually liked this ship more than Hophie, and that's saying something, given Nicola was only introduced in book 4 and started dating Hort in the exact same book whilst we knew him and Sophie since the very beginning.
Still, I wouldn't quite ship it, since it was a little too fast for me.
6. Rophie (Rafal and Sophie)
If Rafal wasn't realistically thousands of years old, I would've shipped this with my whole heart, aside from the fact their relationship was a little manipulative.
Firstly, like said before, Rafal is extremely old, making it hard for me to process this ship since he's basically an ancient creep that's hitting on a teenage girl because of some prediction/ prophecy.
Secondly, I'm not sure if it was just me, or he truly did love her, but it seemed like Rafal was trying to gain control of Sophie and manipulate her into doing his bidding.
Aside from all of this, I loved their relationship and ate it up in only 2 sittings! It was like a spicy relationship that kept me entertained for the majority of the time.
7. Rhophie (Rhian and Sophie)
Given all of my opinions on the other ships, it even surprised me when I told myself I'm actually okay with this one, when it was literally one of the most toxic and manipulative couples in the whole series.
But then again, (DON'T COME AT ME) as much as it wasn't Rhian's right to rule Camelot, I just think that he was a better king than Tedros for many reasons. Plus, I even felt sorry for him when he died towards the end of book 5.
I would've loved to see him ruling a kingdom (doesn't matter which one) with Sophie! And don't even get me started on their dynamics during ACOT! You may think I'm psychotic, but it is what it is 馃槶
8. Japaric
I'm okay with this one. They're in fact, so evil, they deserve each other 馃槶
This is it for now, but I might do a part 2 later, or talk a little more in depth of some of the characters/ships 馃榿
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hibiscus02 5 years
So I finally found a blank version of this ship chart thingy?? I'm so dense lmao
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Credit to the amazing @pumpkinpaperweight (who is also basically carrying the tumblr section of the fandom on their shoulders these days, so bless your soul)
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No multishipping we die like women
I left a lot of them blank bc I don't really have an opinion on them??? Mostly cause I don't remember one or more characters in it or idk, they're cute but eh
But we ain't shipping j*ric in this fucking house, because soman hates gay ppl now apparently (tbh you couldn't have given us worse implied rep now could you)
telip happened to place tedros as a useless bisexual so they're on thin fucking ice bc, I mean, it is tophie (which, ew)
triko is odd and idk where it came from and hester/dot just doesn't get into my head
I still need to make a post elaborating on my opinions on rhian (and rhophie, by association) but hhhhh not accepting criticism just yet
I'm probably forgetting to talk about something but at last, fuck this fandom for getting me attached to nicphie. Seriously. As if I didn't need another gay crackship who will most likely barely interact again, am I right?!
(I do have a fic for them on the works...a bad fic, but a fic nonetheless, because I could only find like 3 nicphie fics and only one placed them as the main ship (everyone say thank you pumpkin) "be the change you wanna see in the fandom!" sooo wait for that maybe? just don't get your hopes up me and Writing have a rocky relationship lmao)
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4evahaka 7 years
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#ArkansasBaptistCollege #RhoPhi #RhoPhiSigmas #D9Graduates #D9Grads #SigmaGraduates #SigmaGrads #GraduatingSigmas #PhiBetaSigmaFraternityInc #PhiBetaSigma #SigmaHistory #Sigmas #Sigma103 #PBS1914 #PBS #PBS103 #SigmaHistory #PBSHistory #SigmaHistoryISBlackHistory #SigmaLegacy #PBSLegacy @rhophisigmas
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4evahaka 7 years
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#ThinkHBCU #ArkansasBaptistCollege #ArkansasSigmas #RhoPhi #RhoPhiSigmas #PhiBetaSigma #SigmaHistory #Sigmas #Sigma104 #PBS1914 #PBS #PBS104th #SigmaHistory #PBSHistory #SigmaHistoryISBlackHistory #SigmaLegacy #PBSLegacy #PBS #PBS1914 #PBS104 #SexySigmas #ItsAllPhiBeta #BlueAndWhite #BlueAndWhiteFamily #4evahaka #4evahaka2 馃挄馃挌@4evahaka2馃挄馃挌馃悕 #CreditToOwner I Wonder 'Who' Designed This @thatmanstrick @rhophisigmas
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4evahaka 7 years
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#DeltaUpsilon AND #RhoPhi #SigmasStickTogether #SigmaLean #PrettyPoodlesSlay #PrettyPoodles #Poodles #PoodlesOnTheYard #1922 #SigmaGammaRho #SigmaGammaRhoUpdates #SGRho1922 #SGRho #SGRho95 #Sorors #SororitySisters #Sororities #Sisterhood #Service #Servitude #GivingBack #ServiceToTheCommunity #DeltaUpsilonSGRhos #EdwardWaters #ThinkHBCU #4evahaka #4evahaka2 @ewcsgrho @ewc_sgrhos
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4evahaka 7 years
#RhoPhi #RhoPhiPoodles #RhoPhiPoodles #SigmasStickTogether #SigmaLean #PrettyPoodlesSlay #PrettyPoodles #Poodles #PoodlesOnTheYard #1922 #SGRhoThroughTheYears #SGRhoHistory #SGRhoLegacy #SGRhoHistoryISBlackHistory #PrettyPoodlesThroughTheYears #SigmaGammaRho #SigmaGammaRhoUpdates #SGRho1922 #SGRho #SGRho94
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4evahaka 7 years
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#RhoPhi #RhoPhiPoodles #RhoPhiPoodles #SigmasStickTogether #SigmaLean #PrettyPoodlesSlay #PrettyPoodles #Poodles #PoodlesOnTheYard #1922 #SGRhoThroughTheYears #SGRhoHistory #SGRhoLegacy #SGRhoHistoryISBlackHistory #PrettyPoodlesThroughTheYears #SigmaGammaRho #SigmaGammaRhoUpdates #SGRho1922 #SGRho #SGRho94
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