excaliburssword · 2 years
Hot take on the SGE ships (part 1??)
So, sometimes I can really get carried away with the SGE ships, but I'm just gonna summarise this one down so it doesn't end up longer than the years the earth has existed 😭
Please note than none of these are in order, and all are situated out as my own opinion.
I guess these two are appropriate for each other, even though the toxicity of their relationship (I might post about this later) really unbalanced some things.
All in all, I'm fine with Agatha and Tedros as a couple since I seriously can't find someone else that would be appropriate for them, plus they'd make a quite capable pair on leading Camelot
2. Hophie
-This may offend many, but I just can't find it in me to even ship them 😭
First of all, it seemed like to me that Hort was continuously trying to force Sophie into dating him at least from books 1-3, and halfway through book 4. I ended up putting myself in Sophie's shoes, and found it to be actually quite annoying for someone who likes you whom you can't return the same feelings for repeatedly tries to date you.
0/10 (sorry).
3. Hestadil
One of my fav couples in the series. They were suitable for each other from start to finish, and really developed their relationship over time!
4. Nicphie
Eh, they're alright I suppose. Tbh it can end up as a really cute relationship if developed properly, kinda like enemies x lovers.
5. Hicola
I actually liked this ship more than Hophie, and that's saying something, given Nicola was only introduced in book 4 and started dating Hort in the exact same book whilst we knew him and Sophie since the very beginning.
Still, I wouldn't quite ship it, since it was a little too fast for me.
6. Rophie (Rafal and Sophie)
If Rafal wasn't realistically thousands of years old, I would've shipped this with my whole heart, aside from the fact their relationship was a little manipulative.
Firstly, like said before, Rafal is extremely old, making it hard for me to process this ship since he's basically an ancient creep that's hitting on a teenage girl because of some prediction/ prophecy.
Secondly, I'm not sure if it was just me, or he truly did love her, but it seemed like Rafal was trying to gain control of Sophie and manipulate her into doing his bidding.
Aside from all of this, I loved their relationship and ate it up in only 2 sittings! It was like a spicy relationship that kept me entertained for the majority of the time.
7. Rhophie (Rhian and Sophie)
Given all of my opinions on the other ships, it even surprised me when I told myself I'm actually okay with this one, when it was literally one of the most toxic and manipulative couples in the whole series.
But then again, (DON'T COME AT ME) as much as it wasn't Rhian's right to rule Camelot, I just think that he was a better king than Tedros for many reasons. Plus, I even felt sorry for him when he died towards the end of book 5.
I would've loved to see him ruling a kingdom (doesn't matter which one) with Sophie! And don't even get me started on their dynamics during ACOT! You may think I'm psychotic, but it is what it is 😭
8. Japaric
I'm okay with this one. They're in fact, so evil, they deserve each other 😭
This is it for now, but I might do a part 2 later, or talk a little more in depth of some of the characters/ships 😁
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
Wizard Guessing Game
Somebody sent Tedros to the insane asylum (not literally) in TOTSMOV41. Guess who.
I'm sure you've all heard of: "Which witch is which?" Well, this is: Which wizard is this? Feel free to write out your reasoning. I'm curious.
Tedros’ head lolled to the side. “'Tis ungodly, my hears. Ears. Myne eyen hear. 's the Evil wizard, foul, foul." He laughed to himself as if he had witnessed a joke no one else was privy to. His head snapped to the other side sharply, his gaze unfocused. "No—foul fowl!” he burbled in a daze, approaching incoherence.
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Despite Rhian being both Evelyn and Rafal’s favorite, Japeth is actually the one who’s most like them.
He killed his brother and then stole his identity, all to raise his lover from the dead, a lover who never loved him at all.
They loved Rhian because he was what they wanted to be. Good.
They hated Japeth because he was what they were. Evil.
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discjude · 1 month
Hi prequel community. If I said that I think the reason why there were only two prequels compared to the three that the other parts of the series got (3 TSY books and 3 TCY books) AND the reasons why Rhian's eye colour changes miraculously from Rise to Fall from green to blue (I think he's described as having green eyes in Rise? someone might have to correlate me on that) is because in Rise he's supposed to parallel TSY Sophie (green eyes, doubtfully good, multiple boyfriends) and then in Fall he's supposed to parallel Japeth (blue eyes, fratricidal, insane, gets cool one liners) how would you react to that
#the brackets make this unreadable im so sorry#but like you've got to hear me out on this right. right.#im cooking something I dont know what it is but its being cooked#the downsides ive spotted here is that I don't know if Rafal goes from TSY Agatha --> TCY Rhian that is a problem#but I might've just not spotted it#there's def some rhian sader in rafal cause of the whole “idc if you're evil and I'm the One (true king) we can still rule together”#and the whole Getting Murdered#I didn't pick up much of Agatha in him in Fall but the Sophie parallel was DEFINITELY there for Rhian#and “the One” being introduced as a parallel to “the One True King” makes way too much sense#this is also a convenient explanation for the wrong eye colours (though that also doesn't apply to Agatha. applies well to TCY twins though#is “cool one liners” solely a japeth trait? no. did he get the best ones? absoLUTELY. “welcome to hell then” okayyyyy go off#submitting this for peer review#there's so many little observations I have about prequels that I don't want to make full posts about#for example how the school masters' colours in the movie are the rise + fall ones#but whatever#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#fotsge#rotsge#sge prequels#japethposting#if anyone spots any more parallels that I missed pleaaaassseeee tell me I need to build a case file for this#rafal mistral#rhian mistral#oh also this was accidentally inspired by a wisteriaum post so thank you 4 that#MORE TAGS oh my god sorry I just remembered that Rhian gets described as serpentine/snakey a LOT in Fall that's def something
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autisticagathasblog · 1 month
A critique I do find myself agreeing is how often the book tries to be subversive while also counteracting subversive? Which is the issue I had with the beginning of the world without a prince. With it counteracting messages of the first book. But I keep seeing characters like Evelyn, Rafal, or that one guys in the Camelot series (I don't feel like adding his name) being labeled as the mascots of that flaw and it's like uhhh not really true.
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Imagine an AU where Rafal and Rhian are still immortal sorceresses however now they have to RAISE the children the Storian deems worthy of its story like- imagine them taking care of toddlers
Hester arguing with Sophie
Hester: Can I say a bad word?
Rafal: Uh-
Hester: Can I say a bad word?!
Rafal: Yeah-
Rhian: That is 2 bad words. Time out for you missy
Rafal: *cracking up*
Rhian holding Sophie: she is beauty she is grace she can't punch you in the face because she just got her nails done and her creams are too expensive to risk for her to sweat
Rafal: You spoil that one too much
Rhian: NU-UH
Rafal(Agatha confuses him): This one is so controversial *holding Agatha*
Tedros: *hits his leg repeatedly with a stick*
Rafal: Cease such foolish behaviour or I shall have you doomed
Tedros looking up at him: ... *Swings the stick again*
Rafal: that's it
Agatha and Tedros: *both in time out*
Rhian: Did you eat All the chocolate chip cookies?
Dot covered in chocolate: no...
Rhian: You're damn lucky your father gave me that cloak *mumbling*
Rafal: Aaaaah. Augustus! Good to see you old friend-
Rafal: Bad Rhian. Bad. The seers are our friends
Rhian with Sophie: Yes yes yes you'll do a lot of murder by being fabulous✨!
Rafal contemplating to raise Sophie's mother from the grave
Rhian: So... Here *throws the second twins and runs*
Rafal: *catches them with magic* . . . I'M AN UNCLE?!?!?!?!?
Rafal: what- 💀
Rhian: For the last time Caliss we just follow orders we can't give you your daughter back-
Callis: I just came to give her, her toys.
Rafal: ...Callis that's a bunch of sticks rocks and a hay ragdoll-
Callis: And you hold the wand like this-
Rhian: let her be. We'll need Sophie's prince to burn a witch on the rug later on
Rafal: I can't with you-
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SGE movie spoilers below :)
(basically a movie lesso and dovey rant)
I don't remember where she was from in the books (I think Netherwood or something like that idk man) but she was from the woods.
Since she was taken as a young girl, does that mean she never had Aric? I mean that's a good thing like have you seen the boy but it's also a significant part of her character. A failed love for her son that makes her so closed off, her fully aware of her abandoning him means abandoning her past life and turn to the school for evil instead.
Lesso ily but that's Evelyn's job. Since it's Lesso in love with Rafal and trying to bring his true love to him, does Evelyn even exist in this world? That's the very foundation and purpose of Evelyn Sader and the events in the second book. We also see no sign or even mention of August Sader despite him being the one who really guides this tale. Does he still have a place in the movies?
Her character was so flighty and jolly and it was exactly the outer appearance that you would expect from someone so devoted to Good. It's only when she talks with Agatha does the outer shell dissolve. She acts that way, especially in front of her students, because she has to. Over the years and constant tales won, Good has become vain and mushy without real honor and valor. When Agatha set the Wish Fish girl free, Dovey becomes more down to earth with her and sees real hope for Good in Agatha
They have amazing chemistry and I was practically screaming whenever they stood next to each other lol. However, by the end of the movie is when they see that good and evil can be more than just enemies. The awkward almost-hug at the end says that it's the beginning of their new-not-really-new friendship. After seeing the Evers and Nevers talking and laughing amongst each other they see each other in a new light. I honestly thought they would have already been friends like in the books but I also thought Lady Lesso would hold on to her own personality instead of Evelyn's-
That one particular scene where Dovey drags Lesso into the library Lesso calls Dovey "princess" as a little insult but I thought it was cute asdfjkkl
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bellatrixnightshade · 5 months
how do you think everyone from sge (including the prequels ofc :3) would sound like????
Sorry if my grammar sounds bad lol
I'm actually not the best at imagining voices while reading silently but here goes:
Agatha: I can imagine her with a somewhat strident voice most of the time. Or maybe she comes off as pressed when she really isn't. She also may have "strict mother" vibes to her tone as well. I do think she can sound softer when the situation calls for it, so much it surprises you.
Tedros: Someone loud and who has a slightly condescending tone of voice, or like that "I'm all that" tone. But also, really cheerful, passionate, and energetic.
Sophie: I don't exactly see her as high pitched, but maybe somewhere in between? I can also see her trying to have some "sophisticated" (or, Sophiesticated. Drown me.) accent. Her tone is mostly snobbish, and I imagine she can squeal super loud too..
Hort: I imagine him with a whiny voice.. I'm sorry. He's one of the only people with a clear voice in my head when I read in silence and that is the literal tone I hear.
Japeth: I imagine his voice very whispery and sibilant, like a snake.
Rhian 2: I imagine someone like a real good public speaker, so sure of himself and hardly messing up in his speech.
Rafal (prequels version): Hmm, perhaps very monotone most of the time. Or like, "whatever." When he gets mad though, then I assume he'll be louder. Also, I'm sure he would sound more charming when he's about to manipulate someone.
Rhian the First: I imagine a cheerful, down to earth sort of voice. Someone who likes to laugh and just seems to always be full of sunshine. Until Fall, I guess.
Thank you for this ask! It was an interesting one, and while I didn't necessarily put EVERYONE, I put the more popular ones for now. If you want, you are free to send more asks, or suggest more characters for me to assign a voice to!
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irlwakko · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time some guy named rafal kidnapped a teenager for their magical blood, I’d have two nickels
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
Carolyn: If you kill him! You kill me!
Rhian: Awww
Japeth: Then I'll kill you both.
Carolyn & Rhian : ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ
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thebeigewitch · 2 years
not me thinking this mf was Sader the first entire hour of the movie-
Tumblr media
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excaliburssword · 2 years
Crack theory on Aric's dad (obviously contains spoilers) (part 1??)
Like said in the title, this I gonna be absolute chaos, and literally some of it (maybe all of it) might not make any literal sense.
As the SGE bookworms out there know, in book 6 when Sophie, Bettina, etc. were walking in that one wizard tree scene with all of those "flowers", one of them had urged Sophie to open it up, and as a reward, it would reveal who Aric's father was.
From that moment on, something automatically clicked that his father may actually be a big part in the plot of the series, since Soman can't possibly be stupid enough to just throw that question in out of no where.
It'll probably be revealed who it actually is further on in the Rise series, but I'm trying to collaborate why out of all people, Soman chose Hook to be one of the main character(ish) in the book.
It could be because it was later revealed that he was Hort's father, or it was just because Soman wanted some angsty tension between Rafal and Rhian.
I really don't know why yet, (it's 1am and I haven't read the series in a while, so feel free to cringe behind your scenes if I state something wrong all of a sudden), but he's obviously going to be developed as a character further on in Rise.
Aric's appearance and background
It was stated that Aric's eyes are (were *wink, wink*) a lethal violent tint, and he has spiky "raven-black" hair along with pale skin, all in reference to Lady Lesso's appearance too, so he obviously adapted her looks.
It's also explained how he grew up in Bloodbrook, which may I remind you, where Hort grew up in (is that where some pirates were too, or was that just Neverland? Cause if there were some pirates in Bloodbrook, that can also be more proof that Hook was Aric's father too *sorry, again I haven't read it in a long time*) 😅
I'm not saying that just because he grew up in Bloodbrook, it automatically turns him into Hort's step-sibling, because that's literally like saying Anadil and Hort can be SibLIngS too.
(Totally irrelevant, but Hort also had "Raven-black" hair. Prob one of the least important points that link back to Aric, but oh well, it's better than nothing).
Ever-never handbook hints
In the "frequently asked questions" chapter, there's literally a question of Dovey answering to literally "who was Aric's father?"
She answered with "a hulking, well-muscled man" had apparently come to the School's gates, asking for Lady Lesso, to which the Dean had refused to see him right after Dovey explained his appearance.
At the end, it said something like "he's out there in the Woods alive, just waiting," or something similar.
Seriously, Soman, how obvious are you willing to make it for the readers that we all already know his dad as a character, just not who he exactly is yet?...
Aric's relationship with Rafal
Sometimes I wonder how the hell these two came to be BudDiEs fOrevEr during book 3.
Was it because Rafal liked watching Aric pick on his mother as "revenge", or because he knew who his father was, and they had an unstable-but-okayish-sort-of-friendship in the past. (Maybe it did refer to why Rafal gave Aric the becoming the second dean, and I just don't remember lmao).
And besides, apparently those two even conspired to create uniforms together according to the Ever Never Hand Book💀
How on Earth can Rafal be "close" to the son of a woman we all saw he was annoyed at?
Linking back to my two points above, it was either because they bonded over the love of talking sh about Aric's poor mother, or Rafal knew who Aric's dad was all along.
And thus brings an end to this exceedingly long theory (remember, it's supposed to be chaotic, and I'm probably 90% wrong, but you never know...)
I'm tired asf right now, and it's exactly 1:39am now, (it really took me 39 minutes to write all of this, and it probably has errors everywhere, but oh well).
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hi, do you have any takes/opinions or analysis of japeth? sorry if you've already posted something and i've missed it, i'm just eagerly hunting for japeth content 🫡🫡
I haven’t really done any substantial #japethposting, or anything exactly full-scale, but he has been a part of certain sections of some of the analyses I've done. You can find some of them by typing "#japeth" into the search bar of my blog. Or, if anyone wants me to, I could look for the links and send them to you. And, this overall precedent doesn’t mean I won’t possibly post about him in the future, potentially if/when I start my reread of The Camelot Years.
Generally speaking, I don't think I've paid enough attention to him to be able to analyze him in great depth. That said, I will redirect you to @discjude as she/they is/(are?) the Japeth expert, and her/their analyses are phenomenal! (Please tell me if I've gotten your pronouns wrong and sorry in advance if anything is wrong, Jude.)
Though, I will leave you with one meager headcanon: it seems unlikely, but if Japeth were musically-inclined, I think he’d play atypical instruments, like the serpent and the ophicleide because of course he would. Music could be his opportunity to rebel, defy what's expected of him, while also referencing his snake symbolism.
Here, you can listen to some orchestral performances involving these instruments. If you start the first of the videos around the timestamp 3:38 and listen to the end, you can hear the deeper, foreboding, lower-pitched parts and some tense, stringent parts that sound higher, like his Scims whirling, to my mind. There's a very obviously sinister "march" of sorts, with ghastly, winding, serpentine "movements," twists, and turns.
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WIP for a fanfic, I guess
  Dinner was a tense affair. The meal itself was lovely, of course, Camelot’s chefs not knowing how to make any other kind. A lush, creamy, goat-milk, lemon, and mint soup with a side of pan-fried potatoes wedges. Six separate salads, three of which were composed entirely of fruit. Roasted nuts and seeds dipped in a salty black sauce. Cuts of nearly every kind of meat imaginable, waterfowl and poultry, white meat and black meat, livestock and game, all so tender they bled juice the moment a knife sliced through their crust.
  Sophie ventured into the topic of conversation near the start of the sixth course. Her jade green eyes focused on the man seated across the table from her, taking note of the fact that his plate was a mirror of her own, treated more like a prop than something he was actually going to use.
  “Japeth, darling, do tell me about yourself. Your brother and I already get along so swimmingly”—sitting on her right, Rhian gave a wane smile, as if he was amused with her half-truth—“and since we’re going to be roommates I thought—“
  Japeth’s head snapped up. “What did you just say?”
  “There’s no need to throw a hissy-fit around it, I’m not any happier about this than you are,” Sophie sniffed, nibbling on the edge of a cucumber sandwich, “your brother’s the one who suggested it.”
  “Than he can un-suggest it.” Japeth snarled, tightened his grip on his knife, wearing the resigned expression of a dog who knew a beating was coming but was too tired to try and defend himself.
  Rhian didn’t look up. In the low light cast from the fireplace at the other end of the room the scar on his head looked like a thick, pink rat tail. Sophie had to fight the urge to reach over and brush it off.
  “I’m not going to answer you while you’re emotional like this, Japeth, it’s unbecoming for our family.”
  “Control your emotions, Japeth.” Rhian reprimanded, with the inflection of someone who was saying something so obvious it didn’t merit repeating.
  Like wiping a chalkboard clean, Japeth slowly managed to ‘control his emotions’, as Rhian had said, although not without some effort. Sophie was disappointed, she’d been hoping that they’d kill each other.
  “Better?” Japeth spat through clenched teeth.
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discjude · 2 months
(book 6 spoilers. very heavy. like two of the big plot twists in this one)
I like book 6 for a lot of reasons but the biggest reason is the absolutely fucking inSANE three chapter run in it that is possibly the worst whiplash I've ever gotten from a book. I am of course talking about the Snake Eyes - Flesh And Blood - The Agatha Quartet run. So we've got
Snake Eyes - the (frankly. insane) reveal that Rafal is the TCY twin's dad. insane. unreal. Why would they do that. who's going to tell Sophie. Mad. Surely we need a Moment to recover from this very important revelatio-
Flesh And Blood - not even kidding it's all of the japeth lore. just like all of it. The first half of the chapter is literally just the events leading up to book 4 from his perspective. So surely the second half is some cool fight scene ri WRONG. ARIC. suddenly turns into (in my opinion) the most devastating chapter in book 6. we get some of the best Japeth Dialogue (tm) (oh??? you genuinely actually would've like given up the crown for him? Aric essentially tells him the best course of action is just to kill himself? right! okay!). it's not actually Aric and japeth like works it out or whatever but okay. okay. I'm prepared this time. Third devastating chapter. I can deal with-
The Agatha Quartet: haha guys they don't know which one's the real Agatha!!!! and Sophie's got to work it out!!!!!!! by asking them silly little questions!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a normal chapter progression!!!!!!!! This is so fun and silly!!!! im in literal tears
Absolute madness. This is why book 6 is second in my ranking
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fourleafclovxr · 1 year
liveblogging fotsge because i just bought it
alternatively: soman please don't disappoint me
i have no recollection of what happened in rotsge. fair warning.
"young lad with dark red curls and a smattering of freckles" oh a school master? i want to think he's a sader & a seer so i can say that my sader meta is supported by soman but this desc reminds me of tristan/yara actually...
did soman forget his own lore. didn't august sader tell rafal that he needed the readers.
hook is actually quite a good character and pissing off BOTH twins! good for him.
these evers are. wow. incredibly in character. they rly do capture the essence of good for the sake of being good? on that note, the commentary on evers being spoiled and bored in this duology has been pretty okay (if a bit. pointless? to be honest these books were pointless)
NAMELESS BOY? rhian love interest?
the idea of pan's world is actually really interesting. a place that doesn't follow good and evil, but rather chaos, which places good and evil as the opposite of chaos— order? and hook says "that's why it's so dangerous" which i guess does make sense from his pov but. i hope this concept gets explored more later
kyma questioning whether they're good is also v interesting! comparing the good pirates to evil pan (their roles are reversed, the pirates usually evil and pan usually good— also kyma seems traditional which explains her traditional fairytale view)
"close-shaven black hair [and] violet eyes" HELLO??? lady lesso??? what is your ancestor (?) doing in neverland (it can't be a coincidence right... knowing soman it could be though) one of pan's lost boys huh?
kyma IMMEDIATELY going against pan as soon as he threatened a fluffy animal. and getting them into trouble.
pan is getting more and more creepy though... especially for a thirteen-year-old?
SADERS WORKING WITH PAN????? guys look my meta was right. the saders being on the side of CHAOS instead of good and evil?? because it'll turn out better for them??
"three children who go exploring an enchanted island" rafal i'm pretty sure that's kind of important for you...
kyma is so. good. and her conversation with the ingertroll is oddly touching. she's like the sensible, good version of evelyn sader and i am HERE for it
i deeply enjoy midas' character. i wonder what the significance of the name is? midas, the greedy king, ruined by his greed? (greed for what?) (also he said gay rights. happy pride!)
i also have to say that soman writes homoeroticism incredibly well and that he should have done this more if he wanted people to think his books had good lgbtq+ rep because they would eat it up
luoto bakthi is really. the villains in this series are a lot more sinister than in the proper sge series and i'm actually kind of impressed?
that was over really quickly! good job kyma!
MALICE ROOM 66???????
"a bug crept into the plot" ie rhian spying idk this is reminding me of agatha in her cockroach form
aladdin is so annoying. please don't call kyma your soulmate you are fifteen years old. kyma is so right stop thinking about yourself!!
SADER LORE... whose side are the brothers on? pretending not to see hook and kyma? exceptions to them aging ten years for pans? THEM TELLING HOOK TO GO TO SCHOOL?
"how much these two paying you?" "not enough." i laughed sorry mistral twins. pay your employees right!
MIDAS HAS GOLD POWERS??? ok maybe the name had a more obvious meaning. should have expected that
hephaestus and the pirate captain are such an iconic duo.
midas saving rafal was the obvious choice to be honest. which brother has been a manipulative lying asshole? not rafal! and his little speech about it being midas' choice was nice.
uniting the schools under pan huh? i see where tlea rafal got the idea from
aladdin ffs STOP being jealous of hook i'm pretty sure he has more love interests (cough. rhian and rafal. cough) than kyma??? and you have more important things to worry about???
rhian is. so evil. i see it now. literal snake
fala is back!!!!
midas has THREE school masters fighting over him. it's pretty easy to forget he's the First ever reader but that says something about him.
"what he'd assumed about himself had guided his actions, and because of his actions, his true nature had irrevocably changed." this is such a clever thing to say actually! the it's not who you are, it's what you do messaging is rly coming through.
the storian guiding pan... writing his story for him... and to HELP him... i could say a lot about destiny but i won't bc it wouldn't be coherent
midas :(
i'm becoming a rafal supporter tbh,,,
rafal & hook reunion! finally!
(can't only men be seers. anyway) sader family showdown!! the elders supporting rafal the boys supporting pan and marialena??
the storian "keeps [their] world alive with its tales"?? how??
RHIAN????????????????????? i mean it makes sense the evil school master but like. But Like. school years trilogy rafal?? what??
the saders having different visions Precisely because the divergence was necessary for the future to become reality. this says a lot about seers. they're not all-powerful nor all-knowing, they're just tools trying to enable the "best" future, the stable one, the one that doesn't result in what. death?
whose side are they on?? their own or this grand unknown destiny's??
midas having nothing but rafal. okay soman. OKAY.
BOTIC REALLY IS A LESSO??????????????????
so pan has the power to change the future? to get the story back?
pan's thoughts on free will vs a good life are actually pretty interesting.
marialena you SNAKE. but also her being evil and her family being good. the interaction between good & evil, and the seers who are seemingly above it. huh. but why would she support rhian... what is her big picture...
midas is being so soft with rafal i really. i'm becoming a midas supporter too i fear
ok rafal is still evil never mind
holy shit rhian just MURDERED a guy. he's plenty evil.
so what happens when both brothers are evil? by nature or by choice?
midas :(((
how is botic a lesso. man is pathetic
"good always wins" rhian doesn't that go against your ENTIRE philosophy of balance
NOT THE GOLDEN ARROW it is NOT midas' fault.
the rafal -> hook -> kyma relationships. nice.
"his princess" no more aladdin!! yes!!
"when a lost boy serves his purpose, it's time for him to grow up. only there is no growing up in my world." that hits deep tbh.
MIDAS :(((( his lines about how he became more than a boy in gavaldon... how it's not The End... his belief in rafal to his last moments... rafal BETTER make this right
oh my god the gold. seriously. the entire school?
"two brothers, eternal once more" wow. AND WHO WAS THE GUY FROM THE FIRST SCENE. i doubt he's a sader but??
the tale of pan and pen?????
the concept of pans being good and their shadows being evil is v interesting especially when you remember that you kill pan by killing his shadow.
the evil always wins, it always destroys the balance. so the evil has to be eliminated by the storian. and that's why the shadow is the thing that has to be killed. wow.
"a gold-soaked corpse ready to fly" soman rly did write quite a few good quotes in this book
"far from the tyranny of men" midas :( kyma :(
rhian you bastard
how is he the school master
i mean i knew it made sense but. this is incredibly unsatisfying.
oh the pirate captain is blackbeard is he.
do they KNOW it's rhian?
uhh is he calling himself "deviant and perverse" for being. straight. i mean. okay i guess.
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