#richard romagnoli
tempi-dispari · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2022/11/08/imaginary-place-nuovo-album-di-paolo-recchia/
“Imaginary place” nuovo album di Paolo Recchia
Il 4 novembre esce “Imaginary place” il nuovo album di Paolo Recchia, sassofonista jazz (alto e soprano) di grande sensibilità, dal timbro caldo e in grado di emozionare già al primo ascolto. La continua ricerca del suono, di una propria voce timbrica quale segno distintivo, ha raggiunto in questo nuovo prodotto discografico ancora più spessore e maturità artistica.
Paolo Recchia, per la quinta uscita discografica a suo nome, firmata dalla neonata etichetta Birdbox Records, si presenta con un quartetto composto da musicisti superlativi ormai riconosciuti dalla stampa e dal pubblico del jazz: il pianista Luca Mannutza, il contrabbassista Giuseppe Romagnoli e il batterista Nicola Angelucci. Registrato a Città della Pieve, nel teatro degli Avvalloranti, grazie alla collaborazione con Nightingale Studios di Lorenzo Vella e Città della Pieve Promotion.
“Imaginary place” accoglie l’ascoltatore in un luogo immaginario, uno spazio fantasioso dove le idee musicali dei membri della band, si intrecciano e creano un nuovo terreno comune, unendo la tradizione jazz con elementi contemporanei in una sintesi personale. Album generoso realizzato da musicisti legati da una sincera amicizia e uniti da una profonda intesa musicale, maturata nel tempo, concerto dopo concerto. Registrato in presa diretta, in teatro sfruttando il riverbero naturale, con microfoni “vintage” per ottenere un suono di insieme il più possibile naturale e rotondo.  
Il lavoro è composto da materiale originale, da standard della tradizione jazzistica e brani di autori contemporanei. Alcune di queste composizioni appartengono a musicisti che hanno avuto un’influenza diretta sul modo di suonare di Paolo Recchia e sono fonte di ispirazione sotto il profilo armonico, melodico e ritmico.   
Il contraltista Paolo Recchia è uno degli artisti jazz più apprezzati della scena italiana. Negli anni ha dimostrato una crescita professionale costante che gli ha portato riconoscimenti nazionali ed internazionali. La ricerca del suo “suono”, di una propria voce timbrica quale segno distintivo, è ad oggi riconoscibile. Lirismo, swing e timbro caldo, sono le caratteristiche fondamentali di questo artista dalla grande sensibilità musicale.
Paolo Recchia si è esibito come leader, guest e sideman in Festival e Jazz Club della scena italiana e negli Stati Uniti d’America, Cina, Francia, Romania, Germania, Inghilterra, Olanda, Serbia, Svizzera, Turchia, Russia insieme a Dado Moroni, Joel Frahm, Alex Sipiagin, Luca Mannutza, Andy Gravish, Roy Hargrove, Jeremy Pelt, Rick Margitza, Stephane Belmondo, Flavio Boltro, Fabrizio Bosso, Peter Bernstein, David Kikoski, Mark Sherman, Sam Yahel, Johannes Weidenmueller, Marco Panascia, Andrea Pozza, Claudio Filippini, Pat Bianchi, Frank Avitabile, Michel Rosciglione, Alain Jean-Marie, Aldo Bassi, Roberto Gatto,  Pietro Tonolo, Giovanni Tommaso, Lorenzo Tucci, Sam Yahel, Johannes Weidenmueller, Kengo Nakamura e molti altri.
Track List
Work (Thelonious Monk) 7:27
Fear of Roaming (Seamus Blake) 08:08
Too Marvelous for Words (Richard Whiting) 05:58
Wee (Denzil Best) 07:26
Emmanina (Paolo Recchia) 07:25
Zhivago (Kurt Rosenwinkel) 08:22
All Rise (Ben Van Gelder) 06:39
Esc (Luca Mannutza) 08:59
Line Up Paolo Recchia: sax alto Luca Mannutza: pianoforte Giuseppe Romagnoli: contrabbasso Nicola Angelucci: batteria Credits:
Recorded at Teatro degli Avvaloranti, Città della Pieve (PG)
September 7-8th 2020
Recording Engineer: Matteo Spinazzè Savaris
Mixing Engineer: Lorenzo Vella
Mastering Engineer: Bob Katz Artwork: Nerina Fernandez Backstage photography: Nightingale Studios, Palombara Sabina (RM) Discografia:
“Introducing Paolo Recchia featuring Dado Moroni” (Via Veneto Jazz distribuzione EMI MUSIC, 2008);
“Ari’s Desire” (2011);
“Three for Getz” (Albòre Jazz, 2013);
“Peace Hotel” (Albòre Jazz, 2015);
“Imaginary place (Birdbox Records, 2022)
Contatti: Info per radio, stampa e TV: [email protected]
Stefania Schintu: +39 347 0082416
Album acquistabile direttamente dallo shop della label
Sito web Label: Birdbox Records Pagina artista/Label: Paolo Recchia – Birdbox Records Shop cd  Imaginary place: Imaginary place – cd Shop Master Tape Imaginary place: Imaginary place – Master Tape Shop Video concerto Imaginary place: Imaginary place – video recording Youtube Birdbox Records
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ragazzoarcano · 5 years
"Uno dei segreti della vita è proprio quello di non ingigantire i problemi, di riconoscerli come opportunità e come sfide da affrontare per apprendere delle lezioni che ci faranno apprezzare di più la nostra vita."
—Richard Romagnoli (Ho imparato a ridere)
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lunamagicablu · 2 years
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Per migliorare la tua vita impara a lasciar andare.
Impara come l’arte preziosa del lasciar andare può migliorare la tua vita. Solo così potrai incamminarti verso il tuo futuro, con bagaglio leggero.
Scorri come il fiume, avanza leggero come le nuvole. Lasciar fluire, lasciar andare: immagina di essere su un ponte a osservare l’acqua che scorre.
Dovremmo imparare quest’arte preziosa che rende migliore la vita.
Richard Romagnoli
To improve your life, learn to let go.
Learn how the precious art of letting go can improve your life. Only in this way will you be able to set out towards your future, with light luggage.
Flow like the river, move light as the clouds. Let it flow, let go: imagine you are on a bridge watching the water flow.
We should learn this precious art that makes life better.
Richard Romagnoli
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digireale · 4 years
Richard Romagnoli: lo yoga della risata
Esiste la risata spontanea e poi quella “spintanea”. Richard ci insegna a ridere e mai come ora ne abbiamo veramente bisogno.
La felicità secondo Richard è una scelta
L’intervento di Richard Romagnoli ad InspiringPR 2014, evento svoltosi a Mestre il 17 Maggio 2014. Con “il potere della tua risata interiore”, il relatore…
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  392J. Albrecht DÜRER 1471-1528, Translator Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621?
Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro : Nuouamente tradotti dalla lingua Latina nella Italiana, da M. Gio. Paolo Gallucci Salodiano. Academico Veneto. Et accresciuti del quinto Libro, nel quale si tratta, con quai modi possano i Pittori, & Scoltori mostrare la diuersità della natura de gli huomini, & donne, & con quali le passioni, che sentono per li diuersi accidenti, che li occorrono. … Opera à i Pittori, e Scoltori non solo utile, ma necessaria, & ad ogn’altro, che di tal materia desidera acquistarsi perfetto giudicio.
Venetia [Venice] : Appresso Roberto Meietti, Hora di nouo stampati. 1594.            $15,500
Folio, !6 A-L6 M7 N-P6 Q8 R-Z6 .  Bound in contemporary limp vellum.
In this book there are hundreds of woodcut illustrations on almost every opening in the book, each representing the proportions of the human body depending on the age, the sex and the personal development. Each body is drawn/represented a frontal, side and in motion ,view  while the heads are shown in different positions, such as looking upwards or downwards. Depicting which kind of perspective the artist should take in order to represent a person better.
In the first three books Dürer discusses methods of measuring and representing human proportion. The third book concludes with a passage on the relationship of art to God. The fourth book discusses the representation of movement and bent postures.
Most of the illustrations are close copies of those in the first, German edition (1528).
This book is a cornerstone  in the history of the human representation.
  The work was published for the first time posthumously in Nuremberg, in 1528, with the original German title Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion. 
  The first book was mainly composed by 1512/13 and completed by 1523, showing five differently constructed types of both male and female figures, all parts of the body expressed in fractions of the total height. Dürer based these constructions on both Vitruvius and empirical observations of “two to three hundred living persons”.  The second book includes eight further types, broken down not into fractions but an Albertian system, which Dürer probably learned from Francesco di Giorgio’s ‘De harmonica mundi totius’ of 1525. In the third book, Dürer gives principles by which the proportions of the figures can be modified, including the mathematical simulation of convex and concave mirrors; here Dürer also deals with human physiognomy. The fourth book is devoted to the theory of movement.
Appended to the last book,  is an essay on aesthetics, which Dürer worked on between 1512 and 1528, and it is here that we learn of his theories concerning ‘ideal beauty’.  Dürer rejected Alberti’s concept of an objective beauty, proposing a relativist notion of beauty based on variety. Nonetheless, Dürer still believed that truth was hidden within nature, and that there were rules which ordered beauty, even though he found it difficult to define the criteria for such a code.  In 1512/13 he wrote that his three criteria were function (‘Nutz’), naïve approval (‘Wohlgefallen’) and the happy medium (‘Mittelmass’).
However, unlike Alberti and Leonardo, Dürer was most troubled by understanding not just the abstract notions of beauty but also as to how an artist can create beautiful images.  Between 1512 and the final draft in 1528, Dürer’s belief developed from an understanding of human creativity as spontaneous or inspired to a concept of ‘selective inward synthesis’.
In other words, that an artist builds on a wealth of visual experiences in order to imagine beautiful things. Dürer’s belief in the abilities of a single artist over inspiration prompted him to assert that “one man may sketch something with his pen on half a sheet of paper in one day, or may cut it into a tiny piece of wood with his little iron, and it turns out to be better and more artistic than another’s work at which its author labours with the utmost diligence for a whole year”.
  Adams D, 1055; Cicognara 321; Durling/NLM 1299; Mortimer, Italian 169 (in nota); Wellcome II, 1920. E. PANOFSKY, Albrecht Dürer, I, pp. 244-245:
«Dürer was the firstartist, who, brought up in the late-medieval workshops of the North, fell under the spell of art theory as it had evolved in Italy. It is in his development as a theorist of art that we can study in vitro, as it were, the transition from a convenient code of instructions to a systematic and formulated body of knowledge».
•Selz, Albrecht Dürer: le peintre, le graveur et le théoreticien (1996);                                •A. Dürer, The writings of Albrecht Dürer, tr. and ed. W.M. Conway (1958);                                        •E. Panofsky, ‘Dürer as a theorist of art’, in E. Panofsky, Albrecht Dürer, vol. I (1943), p.260-84.;                                                                                                                                                  •E. Panofsky, ‘The history of the theory of human proportions as a reflection of the history of styles’, in Meaning in the visual arts (1955), p.55-107;                                       •V. Mortet, ‘La mesure de la figure humaine et le canon des proportions d’aprs les dessins de Villard d’Honnecourt, d’Albert Dürer et de Léonard de Vinci’, in Mélanges offerts à M. Emile Chatelain (1910), p.367-71.
   2) 398J.  Antoninus Florentinus
Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio… Add: Titulus de restitutionibus; Conclusiones et decisiones in foro conscientiae; Versus decem praeceptorum ac septem peccatorum mortalium
Venice:  Venetiis : Impressum per Petrum Jo. de q[ua]rengijs Bergome[n]se[m] 15 February 1499.
Imprint from colophon (leaf z3v) which reads: Explicit vtilissima [con]fessio[n]alis su[m]mula cu[m] tractatu[m] de Restit[uti]o[n]ibus … Reuerendissimi b[ea]ti Antonini archiepiscopi florentini … Impressu[m] p[er] Petrum Jo. de q[ua]rengijs Bergome[n]se[m]. die. 15. febrarij. [sic] 1499.                       $5,500
  Octavo  (150 x 102 mm), a-y8 z6 contemporary reversed vellum from a Medieval manuscript, preserved in a red velvet box, ff. [182].Gothic type 13:69G and 17:98G. Text in Latin on 2 columns, Gothic type, 33 lines. A large woodcut at colophon, repre-senting a blessing angel. In this book Antoninus deals with the authority, science and doctrine of confessor and illustrates all the methods to question the penitent soul.  Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence. Shows us the  the powers of the confessor, the seven deadly sins (the initial of each of the seven sins capitals ordered by their importance: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Ira, Gluttony, Invidia and Accidia (pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and laziness) (book 2, section 2), the manner of interrogating people of different social and professional status (including butchers, bakers, musicians, jewellers, physicians and pharmacists, book 2, section 3), together with absolution and imposition of penance.
There are  three  versions of the Confessionalia which are distinguished by their incipits, the first one (GW 2075- 2079) “Curam illius habe” which is in Italian and sometimes known as “Medicina dell’anima”, and the second “Omnis mortalium cura” or “Specchio di coscienza”, again in Italian, to which various other texts are appended (GW 2152-2176). The third, found here, “Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio” (GW 2080-2151) is by far the most printed and is known not only in Latin but was translated into Italian and Spanish,
This work is of considerable interest for the student of medieval and renaissance social history.
PROVENANCE: Inscription Ad usum Jo. Ant. Romagnoli  on the title-page.
ISTC ia00830000 : Goff A831;GW; 2138 (variant colophon); Hain,; *1206 ; IGI 653; BSB-Ink A-591; H 1206*; Pellechet854; Richard 43; IDL 347; IBP 413; Sajó-Soltész 244; Sack(Freiburg) 225; Lőkkös(Cat BPU) 35; Gisi 28; Sack 225:Husung 111 .
  3). 388J  Gisbert Cuper. 1644-1716
Gisb. Cuperi Harpocrates, Sive Explicatio imaguncluæ argenteæ perantiquæ; quæ in figuram Harpocratis formata representat Solem. Ejusdem Monumenta Antiqua Inedita. Multi Auctorum loci, multæ Inscriptiones, Marmora, Nummi, Gemmæ, varii ritus, & Antiquitates in utroque Opusculo emendantur & illustrantur. Accedit Stephani Le Moine Epistola de Melanophoris.
Utrecht: (Trajecti ad Rhenum) Apud Franciscum Halma, Acad. Typogr., 1687.       $1,800
Quarto. *4, A-Z4, Aa-Pp4, Qq2. (Two blank leaves follow Qq2 which may or may not be integral.)
This book has an added engraved title, forty-one text engravings, seven folding engravings, and one text woodcut. It is in bright, crisp condition throughout,
“Gisbert Cuper, a Dutch critic and philologist, born at Hemmendem in 1644. He was for many years professor of history at Deventer, and published serveral valuable works.” (Thomas’ Pronouncing Dictionary)
Harpocrates was adapted by the Greeks from the Egyptian child god Horus, who represented the newborn sun, rising each day at dawn. Harpocrates’s name was a Hellenization of the Egyptian Har-pa-khered or Heru-pa-khered, meaning “Horus the Child”. Yet  to the Romans, who misinterpreted Harpocrates as the personification of silence, and this particular work is a study of statues and other art from classical antiquity that depict these later figures of silence.
STCN ppn 833724266; Brunet 6, no. 22603; Cicognara 3212; Ebert 5512; Graesse 2,308)  The engraved frontispiece,  depicts Harpocrates standing on a pedestal, around him gods like Apollo, Hermes, Serapis and Isis, and in the foreground Tempus, who shovels for Egyptian antiquities.  Woodcut printer’s mark on the title, motto: ‘vivitur in genio’, ‘only through his genius man survives’. there are 3 cul de lampe vignettes, text engravings on 39 pages, small woodcuts on 2 pages; 6 plates depicting ancient monuments) This is a philological tour de force of the Dutch classical scholar Gisbertus Cuper. In the second century B.C., and who was connected with the mystery cult of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Cuper’s research began, he tells us in the preface, with a small silver statuette which he saw in the famous collection of his friend (and scholar) Johannes Smetius, whom he visited in 1674 in Nijmegen. The statuette was found in the ground of the collector’s hometown Nijmegen. It is a sculpture of a small boy, almost naked, and with a lotus flower on his head. He is winged and wears a small quiver on his back; the boy holds the index finger of his right hand against his lips, as if to enjoin silence. (p. 1: ‘manus dextrae digito indice premit vocem, & silentia suadet’) From his right arm hangs a small bucket (situla), and around his left arm coils a snake. His left hand rests on a club, around which another snake coils, and to which a goose has been attached. At the boy’s right foot sits a rabbit or hare. At his left foot a small bird of prey (accipiter vel alia avis). (p. 2) As soon as Cuper saw this aenigmatic figurine, he decided to examine it, for he could not imagine that all those attributes had been added without any intention. He recognized the boy from a Egyptian hieroglyph as Harpocration, whom Egyptian superstition brought to Rome. He immediately realized also that this boy did not ask for silence (non silentium tantum digito suadens), but that he represented the Sun (verum Solis imaginem referens). (p. 2) In the rest of the book Cuper closely examines all the relevant passages concerning Harpocrates’ iconography in ancient authors, in mythology, coins, inscriptions, amulets etc., to prove his point, that Harpocrates’s finger was misunderstood, from the Roman scholar Varro to Augustine, and that the boy was not a diety of Silence at all.  This 1687 edition is a reissue, considerably augmented with ‘Gisberti Cuperi Monumenta antiqua inedita’ (ca. 70 pages) in which Cuper discusses recent finds. He examines various inscriptions in leading his reflection on the various cults Hercules, Diane.  He offers a description and image of the finds, and tries to explain matters with the help of ancient sources and the work of contemporary scholars. At the end has also been added ‘Ad Gisb. Cuperum De Melanphoris epististola’ (30 pages) written by the French orientalist Stephanus Le Moine, 1624-1689, who lectured in Leiden from 1676. His letter is a treatise on the black clothes (melamphoroi), which the members of the Isis fraternities wore when they lamented.
Cuper was one of Pierre Bayle’s Dutch correspondents who was an important source of information for the Nouvelles de la &Republique des Lettres and the Dictionnaire historique et critique was Gisbert Cuper (1644-17 i6), a well-known humanist and professor of history at Deventer. A recognized numismatist and author of several scholarly works on aspects of Roman history and culture, Cuper was also a magistrate and a deputy from the province of Overijssel to the Estates-General from i686 to I693. In recognition of his scholarly interpretations of Roman medals and coins, he was named as one of the first foreign correspondents to the Academie des Inscriptions.
Because he was in the mainstream of both the scholarly and political life of Holland, Cuper was an invaluable correspondent for Bayle. Because Cuper was an important source of material and information, Bayle could use him for his own publications. Also Bayle, who was often under attack for his unorthodox views on religion and politics, was in need of the favor and protection that can be offered by respected and influential people. Cuper was on good terms with conservative elements of Dutch society of the times, such as the Orangists, and thus was in a strategic position to be helpful.
Cuper and Bayle first began corresponding in July, I684, soon after the first issue of the Nouvelles (March I684), in which Bayle reviewed the former’s commentary on a cameo, L’Apotheose d’Home’re grave’e sur un marbre.  Subsequently the two corresponded on a fairly regular basis over a period of twenty years, exchanging information on scholarlv activities underway on the continent and Cuper’s work, Apotheosis seu coissecratio Homneri (Amsterdam, I683), is re- viewed in the Nouivelles for March, i684, art, VIII.
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The frontispiece signed and dated in the plate: Joh. van der Avele invention and fecit. Title page in red and black. This edition is enhanced with a letter of Etienne Le Moyne; this text has a half-title and the second text: Monumenta Antiqua. Cuper’s research are a precursor to art history and Winckelmann. Many Greek and Hebrew quotations in the texts. 
4)  389J Anonmyous
The humours, and conversations of the town, expos’d in two dialogues, the first, of the men. The second, of the women.
London : printed for R. Bentley, in Russel-Street, in Covent-Garden, and J. Tonson, at the Judge’s-Head in Chancery-Lane, 1693.                                    $2,000
Octavo A⁶ B-G¹².
    Wing (2nd ed.), H3720;  Macdonald, Hugh. John Dryden; a bibliography. Oxford, 1939, p. 275-276.
  5). 393J Lucretius
Venice: Aldus Manutius and Andrea Torresani di Asolo, 1515        $4,500
Octavo. *8a-q8  (*8, q78 blank except for device on q8) This is the second Aldine edition, the first edited by Andrea Navagero (1483–1529), the editor of all the last Latin editions published by Aldus from the Cicero of 1514 onwards, and considered  superior to the edition of 1500.   Bound in an18th century stiff vellum with label and gilt-lettered title at spine, yellow edges. This books was published one month before Aldus’s death, on February 1515 and contains his last preface, addressed to Alberto Pio, prince of Carpi.The title-page was restored and remounted; honest copy with short margins.
This book is a classical enchiridion, in the octavo format with text in Italic types, with no accompanying commentary or printed decoration. De rerum natura of Titus Lucretius Carus, the first century B.C. Roman natural philosopher, expounds, in the form of an epic poem, the cosmological theories of his teacher, the Greek philosopher Epicurus, demonstrating the workings of his model of a universe based on the atom as the fundamental particle. In the preface Aldus notes that although much of the philosophy expounded by Lucretius is repugnant to a believing Christian, t is much of value in his work and he should tfore be read anyway. Aldus, now sixty-five, would die within a month of publication of this, his last production. Thus his complaint concluding the preface becomes the more poignant: “But, if it weren’t for the bad health with which I have been rather harshly afflicted for some months now, quite a bit would have been added which would testify to all of our diligence, and would have made [the text] of Lucretius itself fuller.” From all accounts, Aldus simply wore himself out (as the eulogy in the 1515 edition of Lactantius states). This 1515 Lucretius is one of the celebrated Aldine editions of the ancient classics in the handy small 8vo format.
Lucretius was the first of the Latin classic poets printed by Aldus, selected for both his elegance and his philosophical interest. Although De rerum natura has notably anti-religious undertones, its psychedelic vision of swerving atoms enchanted early modern readers—including Pope Sixtus IV, Aldus’s preoccupation with the integrity and correctness of the original text lies behind the publication of his edition of the Epicurean poem De rerum natura .It might be  a strange choice if one considers the controversial nature of the text often in contrast with Christian beliefs–as the publisher himself points out in his dedicatory letter–but a natural choice given the philosophical nature of the text, in line with Aldus’s interests in scientific and philosophical texts from the Antiquity. Aldus’s admission that the text has also been chosen in view of the classical elegance of the verse introduces a new element of interest in the text.
In the preface Aldus notes that although much of the philosophy expounded by Lucretius is repugnant to a believing Christian, there is much of value in his work and he should therefore be read anyway. Aldus, now sixty-five, would die within a month of publication of this, his last production. Thus his complaint concluding the preface becomes the more poignant: “But, if it weren’t for the bad health with which I have been rather harshly afflicted for some months now, quite a bit would have been added which would testify to all of our diligence, and would have made [the text] of Lucretius itself fuller.”
Gordon, Bibliography of Lucretius, 6; Adams L-1651. New UCLA 130;Davies, Devices of the Early Printers, no.236).; Renouard AA p. 74:11;  Kallendorf & Wells #127; Dibdin II 198-199. Renouard, 74.11.;Keynes.H.1.33, fol. q6 recto; Censimento 16 CNCE 37499; Texas 126;
  6) 223J  Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640. Barbé, Jean Baptiste,; 1578-1649. Galle, Cornelis,; 1576-   1650. Leczycki, Mikolaj,; 1574-1652. Pázmány, Péter,; 1570-1637.
Vita beati P. Ignatii Loiolae Societatis Iesu fundatoris.
Romae [Rome, Italy] : [s.n.], 1609          $3,800
Engraved architectonical frontispiece of important founders of the Society.
Quarto, 2 leaves plus 79 numbered cuts. This book consists of 81 copper engravings (including title page and frontispiece)–attributed either to Jean Baptiste Barbé or Cornelis Galle, the elder. Nineteen drawings for the engravings have been identified as the work of Peter Paul Rubens. Cf. The Rubens engravings of The life of St Ignatius (St Omers Press, 2005), p. 107-108; Diccionario histórico de la Compañia de Jesus, v. 4, p. 3428; Dictionary of art, v. 12, p. 16 (under Cornelis Galle)./
Commissioned by the Society of Jesus in 1605/1606 and issued in 1609, the year of Ignatius’ beatification. Each engraved plate includes a descriptive caption in Latin, attributed to Nicolaus Lancicius (i.e. Mikolaj Leczycki)–and Cardinal Peter Pázmány. Cf. modern edition: Vida de San Ignacio de Loyola en imágenes (Ediciones Mensajero, Bilbao, [1995])./ Title within architectural border depicting significant members of the Society of Jesus.
81 copper engravings (including title page and frontispiece) 19 after Rubens. Small (4to) 18×13.5 cm (7×5¼”) Later vellum ornamented with stamps of gilt St. Benedict, spine lettered on red morocco label in gilt, modern marbled endpapers. 
Nineteen drawings for the engravings have been identified as the work of Peter Paul Rubens. Cf. The Rubens engravings of The life of St Ignatius (St Omers Press, 2005), p. 107-108; Diccionario histórico de la Compañia de Jesus, v. 4, p. 3428; Dictionary of art, v. 12, p. 16 (under Cornelis Galle)./ Commissioned by the Society of Jesus in 1605/1606 and issued in 1609, the year of Ignatius’ beatification. 
Each engraved plate includes a descriptive caption in Latin, attributed to Nicolaus Lancicius (i.e. Mikolaj Leczycki)–and Cardinal Peter Pázmány. Cf. modern edition: Vida de San Ignacio de Loyola en imágenes (Ediciones Mensajero, Bilbao, [1995])./ Title within architectural border depicting significant members of the Society of Jesus.
to (20.5cm), attractive binding in contemporary limp vellum with gold fillets on boards and central fleuron, golden edges (some marginal repairs to a few leaves, light browning).  First edition of this iconographic biography of St Ignatius Loyola, which was the result of an international collaboration: the two promoters, the Jesuit Nicholas Lancicius (Polish) and Philip Rinaldi, supported by the Hungarian P»ter P?zm?ny, composed the Latin text, while it is possible that the images used for the engravings by Jean Baptiste Barb» were drawn by Rubens, at the start of his collaboration with the Jesuits (although another hypothesis is that they are the work of Cornelis Galle). The author, a skilled Latinist, is particularly known for his history of the JesuitsÌ early ventures to Asia. He refers here to IgnatiusÌs friend, Francis Xavier, and the mission to the East Indies and Japan, which Xavier had embarked upon in 1541  (Quaritch Cat. 1226, 132). Cicognara 2139; Thieme-B. XIII, 106; Hollstein VII, 169-249.
The book was published in Rome in 1609, on the occasion of the beatification of Ignatius of Loyola. Includes 79 copper engravings (in addition to the cover page and portrait) that illustrate the life of the founder of the Society of Jesus, since its inception in 1491, its conversion, its journey to the Holy Land and so on, until its death in 1556. Surely the book was in preparation for some time and was part of the Jesuit strategy to make S. Ignazio’s figure more important to the public. 
Backer-Sommervogel,; v. 6, column 409, no. 13; as well as  Vol XI col 1485(Quaritch Cat. 1226, 132). Cicognara 2139; Thieme-B. XIII, 106; Hollstein VII, 169-249.
7) 583G  Eleven works bound together, .
1) Vindiciae doctrinae societ: Iesu a Calumniis patroni torunensium anonymi. [Bound with] 2) Apologia Roberti S.R.E. Cardinalis Bellarmini, pro responsione sua ad librum Iacobi     Magnae Britanniae … [Bound with]                                                                                                                                         3) Controversia de ecclesia verbo dei, conciliis, summo pontifice, certis conclusionibus comprehensa. [Bound with] 4) Monita Calvinistarum privata & publica, generalia & specialia, ex libris illorum, dictis, & factis collecta … [Bound with] 5). Pax non pax seu rationes aliquot, quibus confoederationis Evangelicorum cum Catholicis pacem … [Bound with] 6). Obronarozsadku o niedopuszczeniu Budowania Haeretyckiego zboru wpoznaniu narespons … [Bound with] 7) Krotkie a Zwiezne otworzenie oczu [Bound with] 8) Symbola tria. Catholicum. Calvinianum. Lutheranum. Omnia. Ipsis eorum auctorum verbis expressa. [Bound with] 9) Symbolum Lutheranum [Bound with] 10)Theses Catholicae, de vocatione ministrorum evangelicorum. [Bound with] 11) Veritas catholica [in Hebrew] Tres divinae personae pater, filius, & spiritus sanctus in una essentia contra obstinatos Iudaeos, Arianos, & Anabaptistas.            $11,500
  Quarto, 7.25 x 6 in.   The collations for all ten works are as follows: (1.) A-G4 (2.) *4, A-K8 (3.) *2, A-B2, A4 [-*3, *4] (4.) A-E4, F2 (5.) A4, B6 (6.) A-M4 (7.) π, A4, B5 (8.) *4, A-F4 (9.) A-D4 (10.) π, A4, B6 (11) A3, B-E4, F1
This sammelband is bound in the original Eastern European binding of blind tooled calf with ties. The binding has been strengthened as the sewing supports were virtually non-existent. The works are all in very good condition, a minor tear to D3 in the sixth work, and the work by Brezeski, the third work, lacks two leaves of preliminaries.    This sammelband contains eleven Catholic controversial works of mainly Polish and Lithuanian origin the majority of which are by Jesuit authors. Most of the works could not be located in any institution world-wide. 1. Tyszkiewicz, George (1571-1625) The author of the first work was a long-time professor of philosophy and theology at Posen and at Lubin in addition to serving as rector of many of the different colleges. This work, a response to the second work of Patronus Torunensium that attacked the doctrine of the Jesuits, is not recorded by OCLC and no copies could be located world-wide. Krakow: in Officina Andreae Petricouii S.R.M. Typographi, 1616.
2. Bellarmino, Robert (1542-1621)
Bellarmino, who taught the humanities for many years at Florence, is well known for his controversial literature of which, this work is an example. Bellarmino wrote this work under the pseudoname “Matthaeus Torti” in response to England’s king James I “Triplici nodo triplex cuneus,” an apology for the oath of allegiance and consequently an attack on papal authority which James associated with he antichrist. The “Triplici” first appeared in 1607 and Bellarmino’s response, in 1609. This edition is one of five editions that appeared in 1610. 3. Brzeski, Albertum Stanislaum. Brzeski taught philosophy and theology in the Jesuit school at Alma and this disputation took place on June 21, 1626. Interestingly, the author thanks George Tyszkiewicz, the author of the first work in this volume, as the overseer of the school in which Brzeski teaches. This author is not in Sommervogel and no books by him appear in OCLC. 4. Kaczorowski, Kacorovius (1578-1628) Kaczorowski taught grammar, rhetoric and math. There is an interesting note in De Backer/ Sommervogel questioning the authorship of this work and offering the possibility that it was written under pseudonym. The “Monita” is very much in the vein of other sixteenth and seventeenth century controversial works. Kaczorowski has, as he states on the title page, collected information from the books, sayings and deeds of the Calvinists to produce this attack on their doctrine. One copy only  OCLC. First edition Crachow: Typis Francisci Cesarii, 1616
5. Bembus, Matthieu (1567-1645) Bembus entered the Jesuit order in 1587 and soon after taught taught philosophy and theology. He was named rector of Posen and then superior of the house at Crachow before his death in 1645. Joseph Lukaszewicz, another Polish Jesuit and Polish historian, held Bembus in high regard and penned a elegy upon his death in 1645: “in sacred eloquence, he occupies the first rung after father P. Skarga; his sermons are not only a monument of eloquence and style, but a mine of documents for the history of Poland.” TWO copies  recorded by OCLC. First edition. [no imprint info, but dated 1615]
6 and 7.  Not much is known about these two Polish language works. Neither work is recorded by OCLC. The printer, Roku Panskiego, produced mainly catholic works and these two works join the five works recorded by OCLC (all appearing before 1600) as having been issued from his press. The first work is dated 1616 and the second 1624.
8. Cnoglerus, Quirinus The present work, the “Symbola Tria” was edited by Cnoglerus and was printed with his explanatory notes by a press operated by the Jesuit order in Vilnius, Lithuania. The work consists of parallel columns of extracts from various Catholic, Calvinist and Lutheran authors and Cnoglerus’s commentary on them. Copies are located at the National Library of France, In Sweden at the Kungl. Biblioteket in Stockholm, in addition to four loacations in the United Kingdom including Oxford. Vilnius: Ex officina typographica Societ. IESU, anno, MeDIatorIs ChrIstI [or 1592 or 1602, but probably the latter]
9.and 10 Cnoglerus, Quirinus Another work by Cnoglero follows in this sammelband and like the earlier work, it is another controversial work directed this time against the Calvinists in Vilnius in Lithuania and like the previous work, it was printed by the Jesuits. No copies could be located world-wide. Vilnius, typis acad. societ. IESU. 1603
11. Pikel, Sebastien Very little information is available on this author. Even De Backer / Sommervogel mentions that their records contain little or no information on this author. Pikel wrote one other work that made it to the press, another controversial work printed in 1642 and like the preceding works, executed by the Jesuit press in Vilnius in Lithuania. No copies of this work could be located world-wide. First edition. Vilnius: Typis Academicis Societatis Iesu, 1642.
1. Sommervogel VIII: 331 Oclc 2 copies Rome & Poland 2. Sommervogel I: 1213.  Oclc 1 copy Mannheim Germany 3. Not in Sommervogel. Oclc no copies 4. Sommervogel IV: 894.  Oclc no copies 5. Sommervogel I: 1279. Oclc 2 copies both Rome 6. Not in any major reference work 7. Not in any major reference work 8. Jocher I: 1977 .  Oclc 5 copies 9. Not in any major reference work. 10. Sommervogel VI: 749
    9) 399J     Benjamin Jenks
A letter to a gentleman of note, guilty of common swearing. Recommended now to all such of that rank, as are under the same guilt. And fit to be perused by all Their Majesties good subjects, that would please both God, and the king, in helping to suppress this crying sin By B.J
  London: London Printed for Randall Taylor 1690.                   $900
      Wing (CD-ROM, 1996),; J618A; McAlpin,; IV, p. 388; ESTC (RLIN),; R008925.kesU
Free Library of Philadelphia
Harvard University
Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery
Princeton Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary
Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
  §§                                                                                       00                                                                                §§
  10).   397J.   Balthasar Mentzer, d.ä.
Concordia. Pia et unanimi consensu repetita confessio fidei & doctrinæ electorum : principum et ordinum imperii, atque eorundem theologorum, qui Augustanam confessionem amplectuntur: cui e sacra scriptura unica illa veritatis norma & regula, quorundam articulorum, qui post D. Martini Luther felicem ex hac vita exitum in controversiam venerunt, Solida accessit declaratio. Ante haec tempora communi eorundem electorum, principum ac ordinum imperij consilio, nunc verò singulari Serenissimi Saxoniae electoris Christiani II. mandato, instituendis & erudiendis subditis, Ecclesijs atq[ue] scholis suis, ad posteritatis memoriam typis vulgata.
[bound with]
Exegesis Augustanæ confessionis: cuius articuli XXI. breviter & succincte explicantur & Succincte explicantur, & subiecta antithesei ton heterodoxon Papistarum, Calvinistarum & Photinianorum, illustrantur. Authore Balthasare Mentzero SS. TheologiÆ ejusq olim in Marpurgensi, nunc Giessensi Academia Professore, & stipendiatorum Ephoro. Editio quarta castigatior & multo auctior.
Lipsiæ : Abrahamus Lamberg , Anno 1618.                                                                                                                                                                                               & [bound with]                                                                                                                                                     Lubecæ, typis & sumptib. Samuelis Jauchij. M. DC. XVII
Very thick Octavo. 6 1/2 x 3 3/4 inches ;  a8-b8, c4, A-Z8,  Aa-Zz8Aaa-Lll8.                                                                                         [bound with]                            (?)8, A-Z8, Aa-Ii8
adII VD17 1:080914U Balthasar Mentzer], a German Lutheran divine, greatly noted for his decided opposition to the Reformed Church theologians, was born in Allendorf Hesse, February 27, 1565. He studied at the University of Marburg, where he excelled by the display of unusual talents and knowledge. After preaching for several years at Kirtorf, he was appointed in 1596 professor of theology at his alma mater. While in this position he was involved in many controversies because of his prince’s tendency towards the doctrines of the Reformed Church. Mentzer was especially radical in his opposition to their views on the doctrine of Ubiquity, on Iconoclasm, the Lord’s Supper, and the Decalogue, and in 1605 was actually forced to quit Marburg, and, together with’ his colleagues, Winckelmann and Leuchter, removed to Giessen; to take a position in the new university founded by landgrave Lewis, and there became one of the most renowned teachers. He died Jan. 6, 1627, at Marburg, to which place the university had been removed in the mean time.
Mentzer was a pure Lutheran; his Christian faith was a truly orthodox belief in the Christological dogma as furnished in the idiomatic and ubiquistic doctrine. He published many works, most of which bore a polemic character. His Latin works were afterwards collected and published by his son: Opera theologica Latina (Frankf. 1669,2 vols. 8vo). His apologetic works against Romanism aid the Reformed Church contain the Exegesis Confessionis Augustance (Giessen, 1603). Similar to this is his Repetitio Chemnitiana. Challenged by the work of the Romanist John Pistorius (Wegweiser fur alle ves fuhrte Christen), he wrote Anti-Pistorius sui disputatio de prcecipuis quibusdam controversis capitibus (Marburg, 16 ( “Engelischer Wegweiser (Marburg, 1603); and many others. He engaged in a controversy with John Crocius, profesor Marburg, against whom he sent forth Abstersio calumniarum J. Crocii, Apologetica, Anticrocia, Collatio Augustance Confessionis cum doctrina Calvini, Bezoe et sociorun (1610). He had also a controversy with John Sadeel, of Paris and Geneva, Matthias Martinius, at Herborn, Paul Stein, at Cassel, Schinfeld, and Pareus: Elencheus errorumn J. Sadeelis in libello de veritate humance naturce Christi (Giessen, 1615): — Elencheus errorunm J. Sadeelis in libello de sacramentali manducatione (Giessen, 1612): Anti Martinius sive modesta et solida responsio, etc. (Giessen, 1612); and many others. These polemics concerning the human nature of Christ, the sacramental use of the Lord’s Supper, and the idiomatic use of impanation, give an idea of the logic of the Reformed criticism and the tenacity of the Lutheran defence. The humanity of Christ, the “Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” are the principal points of Mentzer’s theological grounds. He condemns his opponent’s view as Arianistic: ” Non igitur existimo, unquam exstitisse inter Christianos, qui Christo homini vel naturse ejus humanae minus gloriae et auctoritatis et potentale tribuendum censuerint, quam Martinium hunc Freienhagensem” (Anti-Martinius, p. 167). In a communication to Martinius, Mentzer’s assertion, “Ipsa divina pruesentia juxta sacras literas est actio,” provoked another controversy with his colleagues at Giessen, professors Winckelmann and Gisenius. This controversy was settled by the landgrave’s personal interference only, who in 1607 imposed silence and peace on all parties. Mentzer’s principal work is Necessaria et justa defensio contra injustas criminationes L. Osiandri, M. Nicolai, Th. Tummii, in qua multi de persona et officio Christi erroris deteguntur et refutantur (1624). This was answered in 1625 in Thummi’s Acta. In 1618 Mentzer was called to Wolfenbittel to give his opinion on Calixtus’s Epitome theologice. He never went thither, but sent a criticism to his son-in-law, superintendent Wiedeburg, acknowledging the eminent talents of the author, but judging his epitome from his own narrow and exclusive stand-point. See Witten, Mem. Theol. 1:223 sq.; Strieder, Hessische Gelehrtengeschichte, vol. viii; Walch, Relig. Streitigkeiten innerhalb der Luth.-Kirche; also, Streitigkeiten ausserhall der’ Luther. Kirche, 3:505; Henke, Georg. Calixtus, 1:123, 282, 307, 321; 2:23; Memor. Theol. 1:223 sq.; Gasz, Gesch. der protest. Theol. 1:277, 278; Walch, Biblioth. theologica, 2:654; Dorner, Doctrine of the Person of Christ, 2:243 et al. (J. H. W.)
11) 342G.  Jean Hermant   1650-1726
La storia delle eresie, nella quale si descrive con ordine Alfabetico il nome, e la Vita degli Eresiarchi che hanno turbata la Chiesa dalla Nascita di Gesucristo fino a nostri tempi, e gli errori che vi hanno disseminati. Con un Trattato tradotto dal Latino di Alfonso de Castro, Il quale risolve molte Questioni generali intorno all’Eresia     
Venezia, Appresso Francesco Pitteri, in Merceria all’Insegna della Fortuna Trionfante, 1735 [Venice: Pitteri, 1735].                                  $2,800
The first volume is mostly a history of heresies and what makes an heresie.  Followed in volume two and three a list of heretics in alphabetical order with brief listings of their crimes from (one of my favorites ) Abelardo to- Zuingliani, it it a little disturbing that I have read most of the books by these guys.. go figure?
Three duodecimo  volumes A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa-Lll4.              pp. 448 to first volume, pp. 432 to the second one, pp. 450 (ther last leaf is blank) to the third volume. Text in Italian.                        Each of the three volumes are bound in full matching vellum binding, handwritten title at spine, marbled edges .  Provenance: I. Handwritten inscription to the first fly-leaf of volume I (partially erased), Continet hoc liber xxxx Delle Hesie (sic) Tom Primo | Pro Medarum Biblioteca | Pater Conradus | a | Castro S.ti Joannis | Dicavit | Amodo Rev.di Patres | Mon(a)st(e)ri | permissu. II. On the verso of the front fly-leaf of each volume, handwritten inscription Ad uso del P. Corrado di Castel S. Gio. dedicato alla Lit.a di S. Fra.sco di Medes con licenza del Sup.e Pro.le.
  Palau [49088].{CCPB 000353019-1; ICCU.; Toda 6030}
Fascicule XXII 11 more books . Media Plaga ‡ Aprili MMXX 'VIVITUR INGENIO' 392J. Albrecht DÜRER 1471-1528, Translator Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo.
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ferfuchibol-blog · 5 years
Miércoles 31 de octubre
Tumblr media
Chelsea 3-2 Derby Country -> Fikayo Tomori, autogol 1-0 (5′) | Jack Marriott 1-1 (9′) | Richard Keogh, autogol 2-1 (21′) | Martyn Waghorn 2-2 (27′) | Cesc Fábregas 3-2 (41′)
Arsenal 2-1 Blackpool -> Stephan Lichtsteiner 1-0 (33′) | Emile Smith-Rowe 2-0 (50′) | Paudie O’Connor 2-1 (66′)
West Ham United 1-3 Tottenham -> Heung-Min Song 0-1 y 0-2 (16′ y 54′) | Lucas Pérez 1-2 (71′) | Fernando Llorente 1-3 (75′)
Copa del Rey
Melilla 0-4 Real Madrid -> Karim Benzema 0-1 (28′) | Marco Asensio 0-2 (45′) | Alvaro Odriozola 0-3 (79′) | Cristo González 0-4 (90′)
Leonesa 0-1 Barcelona -> Clement Lenglet 0-1 (90′)
Deportivo Alavés 2-2 Girona -> Pedro Alcala 0-1 (18′) | Ruben Sobrino 1-1 (63′) | Martin Aguirregabiria 2-1 (88′) | Eric Montes 2-2 (90′)
DFB Pokal
Bourssia Dortmund 3-2 Unión Berlin ->Chirstian Pulisic 1-0 (40′) | Sebastian Polter 1-1 y 2-2 (63′ y 88′) | Maximilian Philipp 2-1 (73′) | Marco Reus, penal 3-2 (120′)
Leipzing 2-0 Hoffenheim ->Timo Werner 1-0 y 2-0 (48′ y 56′)
Serie A
AC Milan 2-1 Girona -> Suso 1-0 (4′) | Alessio Romagnoli, autogol 1-1 (56′) | Alessio Romagnoli 2-1 (92′)
Liga Nacional de Guatemala
Malacateco 3-0 Sanarate -> Fredy López 1-0 (53′) | Kenny Cunningham 2-0 (65′) | Juan Valenzuela 3-0 (75′)
Siquinalá 4-3 Chiantla -> Diego Orozco 0-1 (5′) | Sergio Blancas 0-2 (18′) | Marvin Avila, autogol 0-3 (44′) | Juan Cardona 1-3 (45′) | Marvin Ávila 2-3 (55′) | Oscar Isaula 3-3 (79′) | Oliver Rodas 4-3 (90′)
Guastatoya 0-0 Xelajú
Antigua Guatemala 1-2 Petapa -> Agustin Herrera 1-0 (19′) | Erdon 1-1 (60′) | Albert Barrientos 1-2 (64′)
Cobán Imperial 2-1 Iztapa -> Josué Flores 1-0 (50′) | Edi Guerra 2-0 (84′) | Eliseo Diaz 2-1 (88′)
Municipal 2-0 Comunicaciones -> Héctor Moreira 1-0 (41′) | José Martínez 2-0 (45′)
Copa Libertadores - Semifinal
Palmeiras 2-2 Boca Juniors (ida: 0-2 | global: 2-4) -> Ramón Abila 0-1 (17′) | Luan 1-1 (53′) | Gustavo Gómez 2-1 (61′) | Dario Benedetto 2-2 (74′)
Final -> River Plate vs Boca Juniors
Copa MX - Final
Monterrey 0-2 Cruz Azul -> Elias Hernández 0-1 (34′) | Martin Cauteruccio 0-2 (53′)
Brooklyn Nets 120-119 Detroit Pistons
Minnesota Timberwolves 128-125 Utah Jazz
New York Knicks 101-107 Indiana Pacers
Chicago Bulls 107-108 Denver Nuggets
Los Ángeles Lakers 114-113 Dallas Mavericks
Phoenix Suns 90-120 San Antonio Spurs
Golden State Warriors 131-121 New Orleans Pelicans
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vecchiorovere-blog · 2 years
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Condividere è amare e creare tempo prezioso L'umanità si è potuta evolvere solo perché c'è stata condivisione di saperi e di talenti... Richard Romagnoli Jean-Claude Deutsch    Jane Birkin
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universewayhealing · 6 years
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Me and Richard Romagnoli, master trainer and ambassador in the world of laughter yoga #cannellesiracconta #universewayhealing #meditation #yoga #meditationtime #guru #meditationart #art #instagood #instago #instalike #instalikes #like4like #awesome #amazing
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ragazzoarcano · 5 years
"Ho ricevuto molti più doni sorridendo che piangendo, anche se è stata la sofferenza ad insegnarmi il vero valore della risata interiore."
— Richard Romagnoli | ho imparato a ridere
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ilquicchio · 7 years
New Post has been published on il Quicchio.it
New Post has been published on http://www.ilquicchio.it/besozzo-arriva-lo-yoga-della-risata/
A Besozzo Beauty Wellness (25 giugno) il benessere è in passerella. Fra miss, stand fieristici, conferenze e work-shop incentrati sull’arte di stare bene, non mancherà un importante testimonial: Richard Romagnoli, esperto in yoga della risata, che svolgerà terapeutici work-shop di 20 minuti e spiegherà in che cosa consista questa tecnica. Una anticipazione: Lo yoga della risata (Hasyayoga), è una forma di yoga che fa uso della risata autoindotta. La risata è un fenomeno naturale, e non necessariamente implica la comicità o la commedia. Da un’idea del medico indiano di Mumbay Madan Kataria ha avuto origine il primo Club della Risata, nato in un parco pubblico il 13 marzo 1995 con un minuscolo gruppo di membri attivi. Oggi si contano oltre 6000 club in 72 paesi circa che fanno di questa forma di yoga un fenomeno di portata mondiale. La risata si sviluppa facilmente in gruppo, quando si combinano insieme contatto visivo, giocosità tipica dell’infanzia ed esercizi appositamente studiati per stimolare il gioco. La risata simulata si trasforma presto in risata autentica. Lo yoga della risata favorisce un maggiore apporto di ossigeno al corpo e al cervello, perché ingloba la respirazione yoga, profonda e diaframmatica. Si basa sul fatto,che il corpo, tanto sotto il profilo fisiologico quanto psicologico, non distingue tra risata forzata e risata autentica e pertanto i benefici che si ottengono sono identici. Le sessioni di yoga della risata iniziano con semplici esercizi di riscaldamento, che comprendono stretching, vocalizzazioni, battito delle mani e movimenti del corpo. Tutto ciò aiuta a far cadere le inibizioni e a sviluppare sentimenti di giocosità. Gli esercizi di respirazione si usano per preparare i polmoni alla risata; sono poi seguiti da una serie di “esercizi di risate”, che combinano elementi di teatro (azione sostenuta da tecniche di visualizzazione) con la giocosità. Questi esercizi, quando si combinano con le dinamiche di gruppo, portano a una risata incondizionata, prolungata e sostenuta. Gli esercizi di risate sono intervallati dagli esercizi di respirazione. Venti minuti di risate sono sufficienti per sviluppare benefici fisiologici importanti. Una sessione di yoga della risata può terminare con la cosiddetta Meditazione della Risata. Quest’ultima è una sessione di risate destrutturate, dove i partecipanti sono seduti o sdraiati e lasciano che la risata naturale scorra dall’interno come una fontana. Alla fine, possono essere inseriti alcuni esercizi di rilassamento guidato. Richard Romagnoli è Master Trainer e life coach di molte celebrities. Una curiosità: domenica 7 maggio sarà la Giornata Mondiale della Risata.
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