#richard saker
hawkinsbnbg · 1 month
Steve had always been a daddy’s boy. Richard, though strict sometimes, still spoiled him plenty.
Thus, even when he went to college, he still texted and called his dad to ask for whatever he wanted.
There wouldn't be any problems if he hadn't mistaken one of his contacts for Richard's one bleary morning.
Steve: you told me to get a new car
Steve: but how can i get it without any money?
Prof. M: ?
Steve: don't ? me 😒 if you gave me back my card, i wouldn't have to wake you up this early
Prof. M: how much?
Steve blinked owlishly, surprised that Richard didn't start lecturing him on how to spend his money like usual.
He shrugged. Strange or not, he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Steve: it's up to you, daddy
Steve: also don't forget to send me this month's allowance 😘
Prof. M: ?
Steve: stop ?ing me
Rolling his eyes at his dad's weird behavior, Steve checked the notification when his banking app tinged and grinned widely.
This was a lot even for Richard's standard. If he spent carefully, he could buy more than just a new sport car.
Steve: thanks daddy 🥰
Steve: i promise to work harder next semester and won't skip classes anymore
Prof. M: it's not much, but can you stop calling me daddy now?
Frowning at the text, Steve pressed the call button, wanting to ask what was Richard's problem now.
"Daddy, are you mad at me again?"
"I'm not mad at you, Mr. Harrington, and I'm certainly not your dad, either," an amused voice sounded in his ear.
Horrified, Steve belatedly realized that he wasn’t talking to his dad at all.
He pulled his phone away as if he was burnt and saw Prof. Munson staring back at him mockingly.
"I'm so sorry, sir," He squeaked out. "I, uhm, didn't mean to ask for your money!"
"Don't worry," the man chuckled warmly. "If it means you won't skip my classes in the future, then it's worth it."
And suddenly, Steve remembered the massive crush he had on this man when he had followed Robin him into the criminal behavior class.
Those whiskey eyes would forever ingrain in his dream.
"But this is still too much, sir," Steve worried his bottom lip, feeling his cheeks and tummy warm with embarrassment. "I can return it to you, Professor."
"Just keep it," the man said calmly. "Can I call you Steve?"
"Yes, sir," Steve mumbled, heart thumping hard in his chest.
"So Steve, go get your car or whatever you want," the man huffed out a quiet laugh. "Just remember that you owe me all of my classes until you graduate."
When Steve put his phone down, he buried his face into his hands and squealed, kicking his legs and punching the air in elation.
In the following semesters, Steve was praised by his parents for improving his grades and not wasting money on "meaningless things" anymore.
They didn't need to know that it was all thanks to Professor Munson who had kept him in line.
And also lavished him with too many gifts and affection to be considered professional.
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umlewis · 8 months
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lewis hamilton at a kart race in 1997 📷 richard saker
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silverfoxstole · 1 year
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Paul by Richard Saker, 2011.
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exploring-the-past · 11 days
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Sharpe, Richard Bowdler. 1891. Aves, London : Printed by Taylor and Francis.
Supplied Caption: Cherrug Falcon. Saker Falcon. Scientific results of the second Yarkland mission published by order of the Government of India.
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bryonyashley · 1 year
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Rupert Grint for the Observer UK, January 2014.
Photo by Richard Saker.
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walterjenkel · 1 year
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©photography by Walter Jenkel 2023 Peregrine x Saker falcon (Falco peregrinus x cherrug) WALTER JENKEL @WalterJenkelwalter_jenkel
Thanks to the raptor reintroduction program led by Dr. Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente in Spain and together with the breeding system led by Professor Richard Fife in Canada, we can once again see the peregrine falcon fly in our cities and rural areas 🖤
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projectourworld · 8 months
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The team at the Orange Bird in Sheffield. The restaurant featured in OFM’s round-up of the best value places to eat across the UK as chosen by top chefs. Photograph: Richard Saker/The Observer #best #values
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hockeyklubbkul · 1 year
Är han den mest framstående spelaren?
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Edmonton Oilers - Mike David, den här säsongen har spelat en fjärdedel av NHL:s berömvärda statistik, Edmonton Oilers center gjorde 153 poäng, det mesta sedan säsongen 1995-96 Mario Lemieux från Pittsburgh Penguins gjorde sina flest poäng sedan han gjorde 161 poäng.
McDavid, i Edmonton Oilers tröjor, vann Rocket Richard Trophy med 64 mål och ledde ligan i assist med 89, och blev bara den tredje spelaren i NHL:s historia att leda i alla tre kategorierna under en enda säsong. Det har varit en otrolig säsong. Ledarskapet i laget fortsätter att växa, att vara exalterad när andra gör bra ifrån sig, och han är elit inom många olika områden. 26-åringen förväntas vinna sin tredje Hart Trophy, som delas ut till NHL:s mest värdefulla spelare, och Ted Lindsay Award, som röstas fram av NHL och tilldelas NHL:s mest framstående spelare.
McDavid i den ljusa matchtröjor hockey är på eftersom han kan göra saker i toppfart som andra behöver stanna upp och tänka på. Hans instinkter, smarta spel och förmåga att spela med stor hastighet är oöverträffad.
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news24fr · 2 years
jeC'est lors du réaménagement d'une partie d'un musée de Scarborough, il y a plus de dix ans, que les constructeurs ont trouvé une porte bloquée. Derrière, ils ont découvert des sacs remplis d'amiante et, en dessous, une collection d'animaux empaillés qui avaient été collectés par un chasseur de gros gibier victorien et laissés au musée.Négligés, dépassés et éthiquement problématiques, la tentation a peut-être été de refermer les artefacts. Au lieu de cela, les musées et galeries de Scarborough ont choisi de faire autre chose avec les archives léguées par Col James Harrison – certaines d'entre elles sont beaucoup plus difficiles moralement que des têtes d'antilopes empaillées.Le résultat est Du local au mondialune exposition à la Scarborough Art Gallery qui aborde de front l'héritage de Harrison et examine non seulement les objets qu'il a collectés, mais aussi la manière dont le musée et d'autres institutions ont bénéficié du colonialisme.Harrison a rassemblé les couteaux de cérémonie, les défenses en ivoire et les photographies exposées, et a écrit des journaux détaillant ses chasses quotidiennes aux animaux - "De nouveau à l'aube. Tué deux gentils zèbres... Joué au tennis après le thé.Mais il a aussi ramené chez lui bien plus que des animaux du État indépendant du Congoune vaste zone d'Afrique centrale considérée à l'époque par Roi Léopold de Belgique comme son bien personnel.Une antilope naine en peluche. Photographie : Richard Saker/le gardienEn 1904, Harrison amena en Grande-Bretagne quatre hommes et deux femmes de l'ethnie Mbuti, et les a visités autour du pays dans ce que le conservateur Dorcas Taylor a décrit comme «un zoo humain”. Le groupe s'est produit à l'hippodrome de Londres pendant 14 semaines, est apparu au palais de Buckingham et au parlement et a été vu par environ 1 million de personnes en Grande-Bretagne.Une des femmes, Amuriape, a donné naissance à une fille à Bedford en 1906, mais tragiquement, elle était mort-née. Amuriape ​​s'était produit sur scène jusqu'à deux jours auparavant, et le bébé avait été très attendu par les journaux comme "l'atome puissant". Cependant, ni le vrai nom du bébé ni ce qu'il est advenu d'elle après sa mort n'ont été enregistrés.Ce sont des histoires importantes, mais difficiles à raconter, dit Taylor, et bien que certaines des photos de Harrison du peuple Mbuti puissent être vues en contexte sur le site Web du musée, elles n'apparaissent pas dans la galerie. "Nous n'avons pas pensé qu'il était approprié de les soumettre à nouveau à cet examen minutieux", a-t-elle déclaré - bien que des enregistrements phonographiques des membres chantant puissent être écoutés lors de l'exposition.Les discussions sur la décolonisation sont certainement pas nouveau dans le secteur des musées, et Scarborough est loin d'être la première institution à se tourmenter pour certaines parties de sa collection. Plus récemment, la Wellcome Collection a suscité des critiques après avoir fermé l'une de ses galeries qui comprenait des artefacts de l'époque coloniale, la qualifiant de "raciste, sexiste et capacitiste".Défenses d'hippopotame. Photographie : Richard Saker/le gardienDéfendant la décision, le directeur de Wellcome, Sir Jeremy Farrar, a déclaré l'exposition avait initialement « fait le choix de ne pas se focaliser sur les personnes, souvent marginalisées et exclues, qui fabriquaient et utilisaient les objets collectés. Nous ne considérons plus cela comme le bon choix.Scarborough avait également reçu des critiques, a déclaré Taylor, "à la fois de la part de certaines personnes qui pensent que nous n'en faisons pas assez, jusqu'à d'autres personnes qui pensent que ce n'est pas l'histoire britannique, et nous, en tant que musée, ne devrions pas nous impliquer dans ce genre de problèmes. Mais c'est tellement important que nous ne nous cachons pas de ces histoires.Inscrivez-vous pour Première éditionNewsletter quotidienne gratuiteArchie Bland et Nimo Omer vous guident à travers les meilleures
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terisrog · 4 years
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Iain Glen by Richard Saker at the Old Vic Theatre (London)
“I've been lucky enough to photograph Iain Glen on two occasions and a true gent he was both times ...as brilliant on the stage as he is on the big screen..this shoot was done during a brief break from rehearsals at the Old Vic theatre in London.” — Richard Saker
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maddennfl86 · 5 years
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Richard Madden for the Observer on November 21, 2013 in London, England ▫️ ▫️ ▫️
📸 Richard Saker
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Tom Burke by Richard Saker [x]
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tomhiddleslove · 6 years
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" Blessed, in part, with the differences in the scripts I've been able to take. It was a strange experience, finishing Archipelago, where we'd all moved into the actual house in the film, for seven weeks, to read and then live and improvise the story; then fly to LA for this $150m sci-fi epic. But that's what I love. I've always admired those actors who constantly surprise you. Ralph Fiennes, Anthony Hopkins, Daniel Day-Lewis. The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience. "
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Tom Hiddleston by Richard Saker.
[ Excerpt from The Observer -  February 26, 2011. ]
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jmarrtyr · 7 years
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Johnny Marr, photographed by Richard Saker for the Observer.
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unkindness313 · 5 years
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mtfjohnscp · 2 years
MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" Unit-17 Member List as of ██/██/████
John/Jane Okamoto (Chief) - Leader of Unit-17
A former guard at Site-19, he was promoted to his current position due to his loyalty and attention to detail, making him ideal for catching potential breaches before they happen. He is friendly and kind to those he works with but tries not to let that impede his job. He’s insecure about several things, especially his art. He is married to and lives with Jin Okamoto and their two adoptive kids, Kit & Killian. Due to side-effects of a Magical!Anon ask, John frequently switches sexs. This transformation occurs while he/she is asleep, and align with whatever they feel most comfortable with that day.
Harvey (Heavy) - Weapons Specialist
A huge titan of a man, Harvey handles all the weapons and ammunition for the team. His heart is just as big as he is, and he’s always ready to hang out with his friends. He shouts a lot. He likes big guns and is perfectly willing to talk anyone’s ear off about them.
Johnson (Sarge)  - Tactical Officer / Communications Officer
Old and exhausted, Johnson is the planner of the team, coming up with strategies to make capturing and containing things as smooth and easy as possible. He has quite a few stories to tell if you’re willing to listen.
“Fix-it” - Technician / Field Mechanic
A friendly and helpful Texan. Knows his way around nearly any machine, anomalous or otherwise. Always ready to help. Seems to know a bit more than he should. Never goes anywhere without his toolbox and bag. No one knows his real name.
Sarah - Memetics Specialist
Junior researcher to field agent. Her knowledge of memetic agents keeps the rest of the unit relatively safe. Not very talkative. Is often loaned out to other units and field teams as needed. She is a prototype Saker that escaped from Anderson Robotics.
Walter (Bones) - Field Medic
Calculating and a little distant, Walter is the one whose job is to keep everyone alive and kicking. He knows the human body inside and out, better than almost anyone. He never takes his gloves off for any reason other than to change them out. He’d never admit it, but he’s slightly paranoid that at some point he won’t be able to stitch one of his teammates back together.
Richard Klein (Spooks) - Logistics
Cold and unimaginably anti-social, Richard Klein is aggressively against any form of human interaction, preferring to remain at his desk and work endlessly. He is pale and unnervingly tall & thin. He wears a black two-piece suit with a black tie at all times. His glasses make it hard to see his eyes.
Conner (Wolf) - Scout/Tracker/Sniper
Calm and cool, Conner is a bit of a wild card. Rather than work with his team directly, he spends most of his time out on his own, equipped with his custom Barret .50 Cal rifle and followed by his two dogs, Richie and Theo. He also has a cat named Quint. He keeps mostly to himself.
Edgar (Locksmith) - Containment Specialist
Edgar is the one in charge of making temporary containment procedures. He’s been called a bit of an anomaly whisperer, given how well most entities react to him, with obvious exceptions. He vastly prefers the anomalous to the mundane and normal. He has been known to stutter, while also being a bit of a "Mad Scientist" at times.
This is an SCP role-playing blog. By default, John answers asks unless he is unavailable or you specify who you're talking to.
In-character posts will be tagged and colored according to the characters involved. Posts involving anyone other than John will be tagged #unit-17
OOC posts will be tagged #mod.txt
M!A's allowed.
Suggestive asks are allowed, but will likely not be reciprocated. No NSFW (barring certain conditions).
All of these guys are mortal. No killing or mortal wounds unless I say so.
No god-modding without my permission. These guys are mine.
This blog is owned by @steam-powered-typewriter
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