#richard tehan
myxomycota · 10 months
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an Elaterid (click beetle) on Stemonitis splendens (chocolate tube slime mold)
by Richard Tehan
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news-china-com-au · 3 years
总理莫里森将重组内阁 应对疫情后经济复苏 | 联邦总理莫里森 | 病毒 | 贸易 | 澳洲唐人街
总理莫里森将重组内阁 应对疫情后经济复苏 | 联邦总理莫里森 | 病毒 | 贸易 | 澳洲唐人街
联邦总理莫里森预计将在周五晚些时候宣布内阁重组名单,以应对病毒(COVID19)疫情后的经济复苏。这将是莫里森自去年大选获胜后首次改组内阁。 据悉尼晨锋报网站报导,莫里森的优先事项将仍会集中在贸易、旅游、就业、技能、培训和老年护理等领域,这些领域被认为是他的政府从疫情大流行中恢复经济的核心。 维州议员泰安(Dan Tehan)已被广泛预计将从教育部长转任贸易与投资部长,应对与国的紧张贸易关系。 就业、技能、小型与家庭企业部长卡什(Michaelia Cash)或将接管部分教育方面的工作,以更好地将教育与就业联系起来。 目前仍不清楚联邦老年护理部长科尔贝克(Richard Colbeck)是否仍会保留次级部长的职务,但该部工作的最终责任将可能由现任内阁部长承担,可能是卫生部长亨特(Greg Hunt)亦或是政府服务部长罗伯特(Stuart Robert)。 据信,内务部长达顿(Peter…
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careerjugglr · 6 years
Victorian tasks will stream from weapons exports, Tehan says
Victorian jobs will flow from weapons exports, Tehan says
Australian Army soldier Private Anthony Brown conducts a range shoot with the EF88 Austeyr rifle at the Taji Military Complex, Iraq. Picture: ADF
Then Veterans Affairs and Defence Personnel Minister Dan Tehan Coalition CH-47 Chinook Helicopter on the way to the Afghan National Army Officer Academy to meet with Australian soldiers of Task Group Afghanistan in July 2017.
Victoria will benefit from a federal government plan to make Australia a top-10 global arms exporter by 2028, according to Wannon MP Dan Tehan.
The government this week released its new Defence Export Strategy that calls for $20 million in additional annual funding to support Australia’s defence exports.
“Exports will provide our defence industry with greater certainty of future investment and support high-end manufacturing jobs for Australians for generations to come,” the strategy stated.
Ararat’s most recent involvement in the defence industry is through electronics manufacturer AME Systems.
The Land 400 project was designed to deliver vehicles for Australian military use rather than for export.
AME Systems declined to comment on the Defence Export Strategy as it had yet to evaluate the full document.
Ripon MP Louise Staley and AME Systems managing director Nick Carthew in the turret of a BAE Systems AMV35 armoured vehicle. BAE will select AME Systems for a major electrical wiring contract if it wins an army vehicle bid. Picture: PETER PICKERING
Mr Tehan said the strategy would expand on the government’s $200 billion of domestic defence spending.
“We want to do more to support Australian companies, including companies in Victoria, to access even more opportunities through the defence export market,” Mr Tehan said.
“Exports will unlock the full potential of Australian defence industry to grow, innovate and support the Australian Defence Force’s future needs.
“This will provide our defence industry with greater certainty of future investment and support jobs for Australians for generations to come.”
The export strategy will also make billions of dollars of financing available to Australian companies in the defence sector.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Australia was ranked 21 in the list of global major conventional weapon exporters, with US$127 million in estimated exports in 2016
The number one weapons exporter, the United States, had almost $10 billion in exports.
Over the past few years, Australia’s defence manufacturers have exported between $1.6b to $4.2b in weapons, technology, equipment and vehicles each financial year.
Australian manufacturers would have to keep their exports above $3.3 billion a year to make it into the global top 10 for total defence exports.
Australian Greens leader Richard Di Natale said increasing defence exports would contribute to overseas conflicts.
“We need to export renewable energy technology, advanced medical technology and education services, not killing machines,” Senator Di Natale posted on social media.
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aucitydaily · 5 years
墨尔本大学15名研究人员获得联邦政府研究基金 | 澳洲都市报
近日,墨尔本大学的15名研究人员获得了澳大利亚研究委员会 (Australian Research Council) 的未来研究基金 (Future Fellowships),总计1380万澳元,用于帮助为国家带来健康、科学和环境效益的研究。
联邦教育部长Dan Tehan宣布了100名“未来研究基金”的获得者,他们将获得为期四年的研究经费。
墨尔本大学主管研究的副校长Jim McCluskey教授说:“我们的研究人员正在寻找澳大利亚如今和未来几十年面临的重大挑战的答案。这些重要的研究将为国家带来改变,以及社会和经济效益。
Dr Kate Macdonald:扩大自愿可持续性标准的影响。
Professor Tom Wilkening:土地再分配的市场设计
Dr Andrew Cox:器官生长和再生的代谢控制。
Professor Kirsty Gover:理解和承认原住民法律和法律体系。
Professor Elise Bant:揭露公司欺诈:为现代重新利用古代法律。
Associate Professor Lee Skerratt:利用合成生物学提高生态系统中的抗病性。
Professor Jizheng He:全程氨氧化细菌对土壤硝化作用的贡献。
Professor Howard Bondell:数据科学时代的统计建模:理论与实践。
Dr Katharine Greenaway:增强澳大利亚的社会联系和情感健康。
Associate Professor Colette Boskovic:金属基分子材料:从电子结构到功能。
Dr Daniel Heath:设计具有卓越细胞相互作用的功能性生物材料。
Associate Professor Eva Alisic:因家庭杀人而丧生的年轻人。
Dr David Garrett:碳控制论:神经科学的新一代工具。
Associate Professor Charles Kemp:分类、交流和当地环境。
Professor Richard Sandberg:通过整合模拟和建模来解开湍流之谜。
来源:澳洲都市报(Australian City Daily) 微信公众号:AuCityDaily
原文地址: https://www.aucitydaily.com/science-technology/8521.html
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