#rick o'connell imagines
The first time I saw you I knew love at first sight must be true (Ardeth Bay x reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Ardeth Bay x reader
Universe: The Mummy (1999) / The Mummy Returns (2001)
Word Count: 1243
Requested: No
Warnings: mention of guns, blood and death of characters - just “The Mummy” plot
If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your wellbeing is important to me!
Summary: The one where two parts of the soul found each other after thousands of years. 
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They felt like all the air was taken from their lungs, and everything they heard was the beating of their own heart. Her eyes couldn’t leave the silhouette of the man standing before them. They only saw his dark eyes, and even if they saw them for the first time, they felt like they knew them better than anything. They watched how he raised his tattooed hand and uncovered his face, and they couldn’t help the small smile that came into their face. Masked people could start shooting every second, but at that moment, they could die as a happy person - they just saw the most handsome man on this planet. They saw it for the first time when they were awake but knew it was a face they had seen in their dreams. At the sound of his raspy voice, their heart lost a beat. The warrior moved closer, walking behind his people when Rick behind them said:  “I already told you I got him”. The Egyptian looked at them and felt silent for a moment. They could see a surprise in his eyes - as some memories had come to him. Both of them felt like everything was on the right track. It didn’t matter that the creature was alive - two parts of one soul found each other. They never wanted to believe in love at first sight, but when he stood before them, they couldn’t stop their heart from longing for him. Ardeth made himself raise his eyes at the American.“Know this, this creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop.” He moved his eyes at the women between them. “If you want to survive, leave this place.” At this moment, they could only watch his dark eyes, and then they nodded.“We will.” They hated how weak their voice sounded at that moment, but they could swear that the corner of his mouth rose just for a second, like he’d stop himself from smiling. They looked at each other before he turned and walked after his people. They didn’t turn their eyes, watching his silhouette disappear in the darkness. They couldn’t stop thinking about him the whole ride to Cairo. They tried to be helpful when Rick and Evelyn argued - they helped to patch up poor Mr Burns and rested a little before they’d tried to help Evy find a solution. They heard the woman screaming that it was their obligation since they woke up the monster, and they couldn’t agree more. When they were washing their hands, the water turned into blood, and they couldn’t stop a scream from their mouth. They were terrified when the fire started falling from the sky. It was a shock to see the man from the Hamunaptra in the museum. They exchanged a few looks, and it was enough for them to find a little peace in this madness, and for the first time in days, they felt safe. Madiaj told them the story of Imhotep and they started to get hope that they really could find a way to come out of this alive. When they finally agreed on what everybody needed to do and started walking to the car, they looked back at him one more time and smiled when they realised that he was watching them. “Miss/Mister…” he came closer to them, and they knew that Evy and Rick slowed a little while waiting for them, “Are you hurt?” At their surprised look, he moved his hand to point to a bloody stain on their clothes.“Oh, no... I’m not hurt. I was washing my hands when the water turned into blood...Thank you for asking. It’s very kind of you, Mr…” They smiled gently and noticed that the corners of his lips moved a little, just like he was close to smiling. “Ardeth Bay.” Her smile grew wider when they told him their name. The longing of their heart for him was surprising, just like how their body responded to even the smallest smirk. They wanted to know him better, even if they already felt that strange similarity in his presence.“I hope that all of your people are alright.” They wrapped their arms around themself to stop themself from trying to touch him. “They are.” They breathed with relief, nodding. “But they won’t hesitate to die if it will stop this creature.” Ardeth saw that pain came into their face hearing this sentence. He wanted to take it away from them, to hold them and keep them safe. He didn’t understand why he felt so attracted to them, but it was a nice feeling. They were like a breath of fresh air in the heat of the desert, and he wanted, no, he needed to feel it again. “I hope it won’t be necessary.” They heard Rick calling their name, and they turned to look at him. They knew that it was the moment that they should go. With every minute, Imhotep was closer to winning. They nodded at him and moved their eyes to the Egyptian. “Mr Bay, please be careful. I… I hope we meet again.” They gently touched his arm and moved to join Rick and Evy. Before they left the room, they looked again at Ardeth and smiled, and they could swear that for a few seconds, he did the same. Not everything worked in their favour. Egyptologist and Henderson were dead, Imhotep was nearly regenerated, and the only idea to beat him was only a legend. They anxiously walked after Rick and the rest of the team. Twisting their fingers, they watched how Evy tried to find the location of the Book of Amun-Ra. They were so lost in their mind that they didn’t notice Ardeth coming closer to them. He gently touched their elbow, making them jump. He looked at them apologetically, and they smiled nervously. “We met again.” He smiled at them, and they couldn’t help but laugh quietly. “We did. However, I hoped it could happen in a little calmer situation.” They looked straight into his eyes and felt like their heart had stopped for a moment. “I… I know it will sound weird if anything in that situation could be normal. I feel like I know you. Not from now, but like… like my soul finally was whole just by meeting you. It’s probably a wrong time to say it, but I felt like I had to do it.” They looked down at their shoes, feeling ashamed. They were afraid of his reaction, but who knows how long they would live. However, they didn’t see the smile forming on his face. He gently touched their chin and made them look at him again. “I know this feeling. Of everything being completed and in peace only because… you are here, next to me. I don’t understand it wholly, but maybe it also was destined in ancient times.” “Maybe that is the answer.” They smiled and touched his hand. Not caring about decency, they rose on their tiptoes and connected their lips. They felt his other hand fall on their hip, and their heart started beating faster. They found him, and they knew that whatever waits for them in future will end up happily. Two souls destined to stop the evil from ancient times found each other again. Like many times ago, they find a way to win.
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Author’s note: Thank you  so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivate me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspellings. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
Taglists are always open! If you want to be added fill this up or send me an ask!
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sleepboysummer · 7 months
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chasingmidnights · 10 months
'Tis the Season: Holiday Special
Day 7 - Rick O'Connell - what the holiday season might look like with Rick O'Connell. Living in London was something that you never dreamed of and is magical around the holiday season. Your favorite activity is taking long walks throughout the city, especially at night when all the Christmas lights are lit up. One day, Rick even convinced you to go dog sledding, which you admit was a lot of fun. He's always trying to get you to go on adventures with him. On Christmas, Rick surprises you with a small kitten, causing you to smile.
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libraryofgage · 24 days
Meddling Kids
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two | Three 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two Scooby Gang One (you're here!) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One
From the girl that brought you that silly little Spicy Six Scooby Movie post (I've been thinking of making that post into one of those social media series things on Tumblr but imma let that cook a little longer actually lmao) is a brand new Stranger Things and Scooby Doo crossover
Anyway, we're here for good vibes and fluffy Scooby gang, so definitely don't point out any typos hfjkds
Have fun reading!
People coming.
Steve freezes, looking at the possum that's scurried into the room and sidled up next to him. He takes a deep breath and forces his shoulders to relax. People have come to explore the abandoned lab before; usually, it's just older kids daring each other to stand inside for a few minutes. There's been that lady recently who likes dressing up as a weird rat-thing, but she hasn't bothered Steve or his friends. Actually, she may not even realize Steve is here.
"Is it the lady again?" he asks, his voice low as he places a hand on the possum's head. He feels its nerves flow through his palm, and it pushes its head against him, snout nuzzling against the 004 on his arm.
No. Four big ones and a beast.
Four adults and a dog, probably. Steve frowns slightly and gets up, carefully making his way across the dirty floor toward the window. He lifts the corner of the curtain and stares at the bright blue, green, and orange van parked in front of the building. Four adults are standing around with a big dog, which isn't looking too happy about being near the place. Steve can't blame it.
He slowly pushes the window open a crack, straining his ears to hear one of the adults say, "Okay, gang. Daphne, Velma, and I will look around downstairs. Shag, you and Scooby will take the second floor. We'll meet back in the lobby in an hour."
"Can't we just, like, not explore the creepy abandoned lab for once?"
Steve assumes this is the one called Shag, and he hopes the other man agrees to just leave. That would make his life so much easier. He hears the dog, Scooby, agree with the sentiment and hopes the other people can understand him, too.
Unfortunately, one of the women says, "C'mon, guys, the monster isn't real. Here, I'll give you some Scooby Snacks for the road."
And that seems to be the end of that. The man and dog accept the snacks, the people enter the building, and Steve resigns himself to hiding for however long they stick around.
He bunkers down, leaning against the wall beneath the window, and goes back to coloring the floor with markers. This entire room is covered in drawings that reach only a few feet up the wall. Steve isn't tall enough to go any higher.
Right now, he's drawing all the animals in the building. There are the ones that were there to begin with (mostly rats and rabbits) and the ones that moved in after the bad people left (possums and raccoons and cats and more rats). He doodles them marching across the floor, a relaxed smile tugging at his lips as he colors a cat purple.
He's putting the finishing touches on the final animal in the line (the very same possum that came to warn him about the people) when he hears a scream from down the hall. Steve blinks, looking up just in time to see Shag and Scooby throw open the door, slide into the room, and slam it behind them.
They lean against it, sinking to the ground, and finally notice Steve sitting against the opposite wall. "Like, Scooby, please tell me I'm imagining that kid over there," Shag says, his voice wavering and cracking near the end.
Scooby starts out looking as scared as Shag, but then he tilts his head. He hesitates for a few seconds before dropping low to the floor and slowly moving toward Steve. "Scoob, what are you doing?" Shag asks.
Not a ghost, Shaggy!
"Not a rhost, Raggy!"
Steve blinks, frowning in confusion. Scooby talked. Like, actually talked. He talked out loud and Shaggy (it makes as little sense as Shag in Steve's opinion) understood him. "There, like, can't be a kid here!"
By the time he says this, Scooby has reached Steve, looking up at him from the floor with hopeful eyes and an eagerly wagging tail. Steve holds himself back for all of two seconds before reaching out and scratching behind Scooby's ear.
The dog lights up and tries to squeeze into Steve's lap, licking his cheeks and covering him in slobber. Steve laughs, trying to evade Scooby's tongue and utterly failing. "Stop, stop!" he shouts breathlessly, still giggling even when Scooby finally gives him a break.
"Oh, man," Shaggy says, slowly moving from the door to approach Steve. When he's a few steps away, he stops and crouches. "What are you doing here, little guy?"
Steve blinks, glancing at Shaggy before turning his attention back to Scooby. He reaches up, scratching under Scooby's chin and trying to ignore his nerves about talking to another human after being alone for so long. "This is my home," he says.
Your home?
"Your rome?"
"Like, man, this is not a good home," Shaggy says, looking around at the dust and the cobwebs and the possum in the corner of the room. "Don't you have, like, parents or something?"
"Not really."
Can we keep him, Shaggy?
"Can re keep him, Raggy?" Scooby asks, his tail wagging hopefully as he looks at Shaggy over his shoulder.
"Gee, Scoob, I don't know," Shaggy says, frowning slightly as he finally sits down on the floor and hunches over. "A kid's a lotta responsibility, man. We gotta feed him and clothe him and, like, make sure he doesn't get sick."
Steve looks between the two and can't help a slight smile. Shaggy is nice, and Scooby is a dog, which automatically makes him good to Steve. He doesn't mind helping them out a little. "You're here about that lady, right?" he asks.
"Like, what do you mean lady?" Shaggy asks.
"The one dressing like a rat," Steve says, wondering how they didn't make that connection themselves. Haven't they already realized it's not a real rat-thing?
"Oh, man, I guess Velma was right," Shaggy says, a relieved laugh bubbling out of him as he slumps even more. "We gotta tell the gang, right, Scoob?"
Yeah, yeah!
"Reah, reah!"
"Are you trying to catch her?" Steve asks, looking between the two once more.
"Well, like, the rest of the gang's gonna want to."
"I can help with that," Steve offers, smiling reassuringly at the concerned looks that Shaggy and Scooby give him in return.
Hawkins is supposed to be a vacation. Sort of. There's a possible mystery in the town, but even Velma couldn't confirm for sure, and Daphne had encouraged them to just relax.
Steve is inclined to agree with her, especially when she buys them a house with a pool that Scooby immediately launched himself into.
Still, he can tell that Velma won't relax unless she gets a chance to look around, so he finds her to go on a grocery run. "Oh, you're right," she says when he points out the lack of food in the house. "We'd better get something before Shaggy and Scooby start chewing on the walls."
"We'll set up the bedrooms while you get groceries," Fred says, grinning at them from across the living room. He digs in his pocket and pulls out the keys to the Mystery Machine. After making sure Steve is ready, he tosses them over.
"Please just don't put me in that plaid room," Steve tells him, catching the keys and passing them to Velma.
"I think that would count as cruel and unusual punishment, Steve," Daphne calls, her voice coming from down the hall where she's no doubt started setting up her room. She pokes her head into the hall, smiles at him, and adds, "Don't worry. We'll put Shaggy and Scooby in that one."
"Knowing them, they'd like it," Velma says.
As if he was just waiting for his queue, Shaggy leans over the second-floor railing and shouts, "Dibs on the plaid room! It looks groovy!"
Steve snorts as Velma rolls her eyes with an amused smile. "Come on, Steve, let's get going."
The drive to the grocery store is quiet, with Steve paying more attention to the town around him and Velma focusing on driving. He notes anything that looks weird, like the lack of people walking around. They pass other cars, of course, but even when they drive past what could be called Downtown Hawkins, he doesn't see anyone walking around.
He tucks that away for later, seeing nothing else of note until they park near a pile of bikes at the grocery store. "They're not locked," he says, nodding to them.
"It's a small town, Steve," Velma says, unbuckling as she turns the radio down so their ears aren't blasted when they get back. "They probably don't feel the need to."
"I guess," Steve mumbles, hopping out of the van and waiting for Velma to round the front. He walks next to her and holds the door open when they reach it. "Maybe we can get sandwich stuff."
"We'll have to wipe out their entire deli section," Velma says, sighing as she grabs a cart and pushes it towards the produce aisle. "At least we never have to worry about food waste."
Steve hums in agreement, easily falling into their normal routine of Velma calling out items and him grabbing at least five of them if there's enough in stock. "What do you think about that mystery?" he asks, placing a bag of apples in the cart.
"I think that forest out there is prime real estate," she replies, leaning on the cart's push bar. "Get a watermelon, too, Steve. Anyway, demon dogs aren't the weirdest we've run across."
"They were demodogs. Not demon dogs."
"I still think that was just a typo. Either way, I'm sure we can walk around the forest later and, you know, learn what the squirrels have seen."
Steve crinkles his nose, glancing at her as they make their way towards the deli. "You know the squirrels are too flighty. We're better off with the raccoons. Or, like, the sparrows."
He looks over to see her smirking and realizes she was just teasing him. Steve huffs and grabs as many sandwich meats as he can, getting everything but ham since Velma can't eat it and it gives Daphne migraines.
"Well, whichever animals you interrogate, I'm sure they'll clear up this mystery in no time."
Steve hums in agreement, follows Velma into the cereal aisle, and is about to say they should consider focusing on field mice when a voice from the other side of the shelf says, "Dude, spray cheese isn't gonna help us against the demodogs."
He blinks, pauses, and looks at Velma. She tilts her head, holds a finger up to her lips, and waves off the smirk he gives her at being right about demodogs not being a typo. "Yeah, I know," another voice says, followed by the clatter of grabbing a few cans, "but I want Cheez-Whiz."
"That stuff is gross," a girl's voice says, her tone flat in a way that Steve almost recognizes. He frowns slightly, tilting his head as he silently places a few cereal boxes in the cart. "It tastes fake."
"That's the point, El."
"Shouldn't we focus on lighters and hairspray?"
"I mean, this is technically a spray, right?"
Steve glances at Velma, raising an eyebrow before gesturing to the end of the aisle. She nods once and starts pushing the cart in that direction, huffing in amusement when Steve drops in a few more boxes along the way. "You'd think we're feeding an army," she says, tone dry.
"We might as well be," Steve replies, feelings his shoulders relax at the routine exchange.
They round the corner to see three kids down the aisle, two boys and one girl. One of the boys has curly hair and a baseball cap while the other is wearing a basketball jersey, and the girl has short hair that falls to her shoulders. They're all looking at the shelf, but the girl glances over when Velma and Steve enter the aisle.
She meets Steve's eyes, and he wonders if he's met her before. Her eyes narrow slightly, more in confusion than anything else, and her gaze travels down. He feels it on his arm as she lands on the 004, and her eyes widen as she steps away from the shelf.
Steve glances down at her arm in turn, sees the 011, and feels like his breath has been punched out of him. "Eleven," he whispers.
Next to him, Velma shifts closer, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I'm here," she says, her voice low and more reassuring than she'll ever know.
"Four," Eleven says, walking up to him without another glance at her companions. "Are you here to hurt me or my friends?"
Steve blinks. "What?"
"Are you violent? Kali, Eight, was violent. And angry. Are you angry?"
As she talks, the two boys move to flank her, looking between Steve and Velma with something between suspicion and confusion. "Is this one of your siblings, El?" Basketball Jersey asks.
"Yes. Four. He was...transferred a year before the Upside Down. Four, these are my friends Dustin and Lucas"
"I go by Steve now. And, uh, no, not violent. We're grocery shopping," Steve says, awkwardly gesturing to their cart.
"Steve? You can name yourself and you choose Steve?" Dustin asks.
Steve blinks and frowns. "I didn't name myself. I asked the smartest rat I knew to name me."
The two boys blink as El nods in understanding. "The rat chose well," she says.
"Dude, how many people are you feeding?" Lucas asks, seeming to finally notice the shopping cart.
"Well, one of them is a Great Dane," Velma says. "Hello, El. I'm Velma, one of Steve's...guardians, I suppose. How would you like to come by for dinner? El and Steve can catch up, and you can tell us about those demodogs you mentioned."
"Were you spying on us?" Lucas asks.
"You weren't exactly being quiet," Velma tells them.
Before Lucas or Dustin can start arguing, El cuts them off, "We will come by for dinner. I am glad we met again, Steve."
"Yeah. Me, too," Steve replies, smiling at El and wondering if they'll have to explain how Scooby can talk.
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nhaneh · 4 months
wait so if Kea and Y'shtola basically follow the Rick and Evey O'Connell method of child rearing with little Matoya, does that make Y'mhitra the Johnathan Carnahan in this scenario?
imagining emet-selch as the mummy in this
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musewrangler · 4 months
Five fun facts: since the last one was Star Wars as The Mummy, how about The Mummy as Star Wars?
Ohoho. I like how you think. I had a great time with this, so thank you! Here we go.
Rick O'Connell hates her already. The MOMENT he busted her out of the cell on the flying Death Ball---Death Star, whatever---she was bossing them around just like a librarian. He half expected her to shush them as they blasted their way from detention. The money had BETTER be worth it.
"For kark's....!" Evie gripped Jonathan's hand and bodily hauled him out of the weapons room. "We are escaping!" she snapped at her idiot brother. "You do not have time to steal weapons and sundries, you utter nerf!" Jonathan looked somewhat abashed as they sprinted down the black corridors of the Death Star as they hunted for Dr. Bey. He'd promised to take out the tractor beam but they hadn't heard from him in too long.
Rick pretty much expected everything to be kriffed at this point. He had the Falcon gearing up and the insane girl was aboard, but there was no sign of her brother or the old guy who knew far too much about the Force and these Jedi weirdos. Color him unsurprised when that thieving little sleemo roared out of the hangar bay ahead of them in a TIE fighter no less. Evelyn slapped at the Falcon's comms without ASKING. "We TALKED about this!" she screamed. "I stole a ship!" crowed her brother. "It's useful. Let's go!"
"Darth Imhotep will not stop hunting you now," the Mando said, voice slightly flattened by his helmet. "Then help us!" Evie pleaded. "You know more about this than we do." The Mando sighed, tilting his helmet to look at Rick. "I know someone who is very familiar with the ins and outs of Coruscant and the Empire," he stated. "But it will take some time to convince him. He swore he'd have nothing more to do with the Emperor and his minions after being Marshall Commander there for years." Rick was impatient. Even now, Darth Imhotep could be entering the system. And Jonathan had disappeared somewhere to 'train' whatever he meant by that. "We're persistent people," he said, batting his blaster. "Tell us how to find him."
Ardeth Bay, the 'Fox' of the Corrie remnant, removed his helmet and gazed up at the bright explosion in the sky over Endor. "Think they managed it?" he asked Jonathan, who clipped his lightsaber to his belt and limped over to join him. "Yeah," he said after a beat. "I can feel Evie's irritation from here. No doubt Rick got himself shot again. But they're alive." Bay nodded. "It is well. I am in your debt---long have I sought to slay that evil." Jonathan grinned. "In our debt, huh? I imagine we could work something out."
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In honor of the big win, could I request a Rick O'Connell X Fem!Reader and they both go treasure hunting? Maybe the reader saves Rick or something? Super fluff and a bit of some teasing? Thank you! 😘
You'd be lost and alone without me
Pairing: Rick O'connell x reader
Description: You and Rick confess your feelings for each other after saving him on your journey in Indonesia
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You ran as fast as you could being chased by the group of people after the ancient artifact that you and Rick had been after and found to take to a museum in the US. The two of you had heard of an ancient jewel that was hidden in ruins of the Indonesian jungle immediately agreeing not only to go and bring it back to the states but also going together surprising the both of you who didn't know about each other for the first bit until you saw each other smiling and hugging, you and rick had been on expeditions before in Italy, Spain, and Israel meeting through your mutual friend Ardeth Bey who you had known for years since childhood growing up for a few years in Egypt where the two of you met and were friends before moving back to the US meeting him again when he joined the two of you in Spain and joining the two of you on your expedition in Israel. You both developed feelings for each other half way through your Italy trip and they soared during and after the two trips after as you both secretly thought of how to tell the other and what to do if the other rejected but all the plans for that went out the window when you saw him on the ground surrounded filling you with fear and anger jumping off the tree you had climbed running top speed jumping on one of the men hitting him with a rock followed by pulling 4 men off of rick and using your gun shooting them not to kill them but to wound them enough so they couldn't move for a bit. You grabbed rick's hand and the both of you ran until you were on the side of the road not too far from the hotel you were both staying at where ardeth was waiting for you both to come back with the jewel taking a few breaths before walking back checking behind you to make sure it was just the two of you and no one following behind grabbing waters and fruits from locals who could tell you were out of breath, you met with ardeth giving him the jewel to keep and hide until the next morning when you would meet up with him before going to the airport heading back for your home in the US staying your final night together in the hotel eating dinner and watching tv until you both fell asleep in your beds waking up to get a drink quietly hearing the fridge a few feet away from you open.You turn seeing a half asleep rick talking to each other as you went back to the other room watching tv until he walked over sitting next to you feeling a sudden feeling of warmth and comfort. You looked at each each other slowly leaning towards each other only a few inches away "I have loved you since we met and I haven't been able to not love you" before you could finish or stop for him to say something back he grabs your face pulling you to him with his hands on your face and in a kiss that was way more than you ever imagined when you thought about having a kiss with rick making you feel even more warmth holding each other smiling as you fell asleep with your head on his chest.
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localravenclaw · 1 year
Currently in a tomb-raiding RP with Mercenary Sebastian and I am not coping with how Rick O'Connell he is being rn please send help!
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Now, I know I said in the past I wouldn't be sharing the AI images I've been hoarding, but oh my word, this is how I am imagining him in this RP and I JUST NEED TO SHOW THEM TO YOU BESTIES OKAY?!?
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thewolvesof1998 · 1 year
temptation tuesday!
Tagged by the amazing @wikiangela @heartbeatdiaz and @spotsandsocks
I have a lot of temptations, I’ve already talked about my main two, Buddie Mafia AU and Buddie street racing AU, plenty of times before so here are some other ideas, and temptations that plague me:
The Mummy AU: Buck is Rick O'Connell and Eddie is Evelyn, need I really say more
Buck goes invisible/becomes a ghost (instead of Coma dream?) and he sees how his disappearance affects those around him
 A fic based on the movie Query, specifically the ‘Lets kiss’ scene https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJqDv1v1/ Buck or Eddie is questioning and the other offers to kiss them to help them figure it out. 
Eddie telling off Buck after the whole Bicycle chase in season 6 (which might lead to some sexy discipline) not sure if this would be getting together or established relationship. 
Buck 1.0 and Eddie fic based on this video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJqDwx2D/ I can see Buck 1.0 (like before joining the 118) not wanting to have a relationship with men and Eddie wanting that so much, wanting Buck so much. or potentially Eddie not wanting the relationship and Buck wants it. It really could go either way. 
Eddie returning to El Paso inspired by ‘A View Between Villages’ by Noah Kahan. ANGST. 
Eddie and Buck breakup fic inspired by ‘Stick Season’ by Noah Kahan. MORE ANGST but with a happy ending because I wouldn't be able to help myself. 
Buck or Eddie Depressed fic inspired by ‘Call your mom’ by Noah Kahan OH LOOK MORE ANGST I don’t know, I just like the idea that either one would drive the whole night to be there for the other (can you tell I've been listening to Noah’s album nonstop) 
A smutty fic based on ‘I can see you’ by Taylor Swift (technically already have a fic based on this song but it's more about Speak Now (tv) than ‘I can see you’)
Sandra Bullock /Keanu Reeves Inspired Fic- Two actors who work together on a film and they both had crushed on each other but the other didn’t know. Years later an interview resurfaces where Buck had confessed to having a crush on his costar, Eddie Diaz and it goes viral. In a shocking twist, a popular tv show host asks if Eddie knew about Buck’s crush and Eddie admits that he also had a crush. Since they're both trending their agents think it's a great time for them to work on a project together and milk the publicity. Buck’s a little apprehensive to be working with him again but agrees. Now that everything is out in the open will it be awkward or will sparks fly? Inspired by this video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJqDcb5v/
Teen Buddie AU: Buck actually goes to school with Eddie and Shannon. Eddie is a jock, Shanon a cheerleader and Buck is the troubled kid who lives next door to Eddie Based on You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. 
Top Gun Maverick Buddie AU: Buck and Eddie are Hangman and Rooster and they are ex-lovers/future lovers  
Fic inspired by Taylor Swift’s song ‘Timeless’, WW2 Buddie or Eddie’s an army medic on the western front and Buck’s a soldier he’s had to patch up one too many times. Their love might survive the war, but will it survive returning home where a love like theirs is illegal? There's going to be longing, hurt/comfort, a secret relationship, angst and smut.
Some other temptations that I’ve posted about before and still can’t stop thinking about:
Chef Buck AU: The bear/No reservations inspired: like can you imagine Buck in his chef whites saying "Yes Chef" to Eddie while looking up at him through his eyelashes, smirk pulling at his lips because I can and it haunts me.
Eddie was in the K9 Unit in the army- When he's back state side he needs help with his dog, enter Dog trainer Evan Buckley
Body Guard Eddie - need I say more -yes- Eddie's back from his second tour, needs a job when an old buddy reaches out to him, he need someone to guard Evan Buckley (Actor? Son of a rich man? Politician?) A mix between The Bodyguard/Bodyguard
AU where Buck and Eddie meet in the army and start sleeping together - angst, whumpage, Eddie deals with his gay crisis
Sign language Buck and Eddie -thats it
Tagging (no pressure): @wikiangela​​ @wildlife4life​ ​ @alyxmastershipper​ @prince-buck-diaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @heartbeatdiaz @bekkachaos @buddierights  
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Imagine Clark, Bruce, Barry, and Oliver with a bf who's the oldest son of Rick and Evelyn O'Connell. They've been together long enough to learn about their secret identities. One day, he gets a call from his parents about a family emergency, and he has to go visit. After heading off, the League gets an alert about an undead sorcerer from Egypt that has been revived and plans to raise an army of the dead to take over. So they're sent out to deal with the threat.
When they arrive, they see him and Rick fighting off a bunch of mummies with swords while Evelyn is trying to translate the spell to stop the ritual. Their bf is only slightly surprised to see them, he was hoping they'd finish quickly so he could head back. When asked about this being a 'family emergency', he responds it wasn't a lie, his family has a history of undead sorcerers trying to conquer the world.
Clark is concerned to say the least, but willing to help.
Bruce is definitely not happy about being kept out of the loop on this, but he goes to help Evelyn as best he can.
Barry uses his powers to shove away the mummies and help, completely out of his element as a scientist amongst magic.
Oliver shoots a mummy and is annoyed when it has little effect. He runs up to Rick and steals his guns to shoot them since Rick's occupied. "Hey there, sir. Bit of a bad time, but I'm the guy that wants to marry your son."
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spoonyglitteraunt · 2 years
So, with Dracula coming to an end today and reading the epilogue, I finally realised what Mina and Jonathan remind me of.
Evy and Rick from the Mummy.
Same I would throw myself into hell and back for you, ride or die, complete adoration, give them the prize for most disgustingly in love couple you can think off but you can’t hate them for it because they are just so dang adorable, relationship goals™ dynamic. (not to mention ALL the queer vibes and potential polycule options) And I’m not saying we need crossover fic, buuuuuut..
Okay yeah that is what I’m saying.
And also I checked the years you could totally make a case for Quincey Harker potentially being friends and having grown up with the Carnahan siblings. And if you think about it mummies and vampires are both sort of undead creatures. So now I’m imagining Harker O'Connell team-up monster fighting adventures.
Something or other followed the O'Connells home again, because of course it did, and shows up right when the very-nice-and-completely-normal-never-saw-an-undead-creature-in-their-life-we-swear next door neighbours the Harkers are visiting. So now Evy and co are scrambling. Trying to keep the evil minions of the undead whatevers away from their childhood friend and his parents without being obvious.
Cue Ardeth is-it-Imhotep-again-or-is-he-just-chronically-unable-to not-know-whenever-the-O’Connells-have-messed-with-something-they-shouldn’t-have Bay popping in because his medjai senses were tingling. How did he get here? Who knows. He’s here and he’s queer down to kick ass. What they do know is that’s one more thing they have to try and explain away to the Harkers, while also discussing the next apocalyptical threat off to the side. And making sure her brother, her kid, and maybe Quincey’s kid, don���t get themselves in ever increasing amounts of trouble which they have a knack for. (Let’s be honest, it’s the family curse really. Rick’s blood pressure has never been the same after he met the Carnahan siblings.)
Meanwhile the Harkers are watching this pantomime go down with ever increasing baffled amusement. Knowing something is up but not what exactly. Until undead minion or minion of the undead crashes the (tea) party.
So now the undead cat is out of the bag and Evy is ready to just throw hands. Because no, you do NOT crash her tea party and break her best china and ruin whatever relationship she had with these people. Because they are nice and normal and this will be a shock to their nice and normal sensibilities. Look at them they are just the sweetest older couple who are nice and normal and never had any excitement in their entire lives, how do we possibly keep them from freaking out and keep them safe?
At which point Mina cool-under-pressure-age-only-made-her-more-competent Harker turns to her husband and goes, are you calling the boys and Van Helsing, or am I?
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
I was thinking about my MC (who is male) and Imre living together.
I imagine my MC everyday giving massages to Imre before sleeping. Massaging his feet, his back. Maybe kissing him too in between massages. Making sure he is relaxed. And always making sure Imre has a glass of water on his nightstand. My MC also makes sure the bed is warm on Imre's side when the weather is cold.
And if Imre needs to go out during the day, my MC always prepares him a lunchbox. And, as he always will do when Imre leaves the house, he kisses his cheek goodbye.
The lunchbox always includes a little letter with a little love message. Maybe also a drawn heart.
Quite often they would go on dates. Maybe the cinema. Maybe the theater. Perhaps they make a tradition to go see the Nutcracker each December? Maybe, once the movie released, they take inspiration from the fashion of The Mummy. I see both dressing a bit like Rick O'Connell. But everyone is hot in that movie, so I know they would talk about the whole cast.
They for sure go to restaurants once in a while. And Imre always has his parties, and my MC will try to go to all of them, even if he doesn't like to be around people. Being close to Imre is worth it, to him.
Maybe the also they travel together, be in North America or the rest of the world. I imagine my MC sending postals to Sally and Percy where he and Imre pose to the camera with a landscape behind them. And my MC also would also bring some gifts to them.
All this rambling, after the last paragraph, made me wonder one thing. How would MC's relationship with Imre's parents be like? We know Imre's father is rather distant, but we know very little else. And for Imre's mother, we know even less.
Mmm... Now I wonder if MC and Imre visit Imre's family often, or at all. With my MC being male maybe they relationship is a bit icy at first (since it's not the best look for a the mayor's campaign, I imagine, at the time, and also because it means Imre could not have a biological kid). And given what we know of MC, it probably would be more thanks to Imre than to MC that that relationship improves. After all, my MC may be polite and as kind as the game allows, but charismatic he is not.
I may think way too much about this IF, and Imre specifically.
That final sentence though ☺️
With Imre he’s torn with liking it and feeling like he’s dating a servant? He’s very self sufficient he likes to do things himself and he doesn’t want a regular groupie? Like everyone else. He wants mc to have a life outside of him to be a person outside of him so it’s like this dilemma between his selfishness and god like complex and his gentleman morality
I can’t say much about Imre’s parents and how that relationship will go. Anything I say might be spoilers. From the little I’ve given you you can guess it would not be good
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elcoraz0n · 2 months
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❛ what!? who wants me dead? ❜ – rick to evie @ourcharade
❛  A  GREAT  NUMBER  OF  PEOPLE,  I  IMAGINE.  ❜  she's  pleased  with  herself,  worn  on  her  lips  with  a  haughty  little  twist.  her  restlessness  manifests  as  she  flutters  about  the  space,  collecting  tomes  piled  on  top  of  one  another.  a  practiced  grace,  one  she'd  spent  far  too  much  time  cultivating  to  let  it  be  wasted.  evie  is  halted  by  his  mere  presence,  it  seems  he  might  be  the  only  one  in  existence  to  do  so.  though,  always  with  a  kiss  of  bashfulness  dancing  across  her  cheeks.  stack  of  books  discarded  with  a  respectful  heave  to  the  oak  table  at  her  side.  the  humour  still  ignites  her  features,  fingertips  gliding  down  the  lapel  of  rick's  jacket.
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eyes  a  richer  hue  than  the  finest  whisky  drink  him  in  with  a  bashful  glint.  though,  fire  still  sparks  at  the  tip  of  her  tongue.  ❛  my  brother  mentioned  something  about  a  botched  game  of  craps  and  belly  dancers...would  you  know  something  about  that  mr.  o'connell?  ❜
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hrefna-the-raven · 1 year
Notes: I had a dream about Rick O'Connell having a dream, so here I am writing that dream into a fanfiction about Rick and Evy from The Mummy^^
Words: 1053
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Rick woke up with startled, his body aching in ways he couldn't remember feeling before. As he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a sight that left him stunned. Confusion drifted through his mind, slowly enwrapping him in a thousand questions as to where he was and how he had gotten here. The last memory that plagued his thoughts was him insulting Gad Hassan walking away from the ever so tiny prison cell he was locked in. It was so different from what his eyes gazed upon right now, throwing that absurd notion of his cell being rather comfortable in comparison at him. The land before him was completely devastated, remnants of the flood that had swept through the town scattered everywhere, leaving the homes and buildings that had once stood tall in nothing more than muddy rubble, and the few trees that had once dotted the area were now nothing more than bare stumps, ripped out of the ground by a force he was lucky to not have felt firsthand. Whatever happened here, Rick felt blessed to have been as far away as possible from this disaster happening. His eyes wandered off, glancing over the area in hope of finding anything useful. His gaze stopped at the strangest occurrence. Amidst all the destruction, there was one building that stood tall and unscathed. It was the library, ironically the only wooden building in the entire town. It was as if some ancient magic spell had protected it from the water's wrath, and while Rick firmly believed magic to be utter humbug, he still silently thanked whatever divine power had transferred him from his cell to this very place.
He found himself drawn towards the library, his feet moving almost of their own accord, pulled by an invisible and irresistible force. As he got closer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He headed to the only building, that was not only built out of the weakest material but got spared where stronger houses crumbled, not even a trace of the flood visible on it outer walls. There definitely was something strange about the way this particular building had weathered the storm. It was almost as if it had been deliberately spared, as if it had been deemed too important to destroy, which would of course be utter nonsense of someone asked his personal opinion. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should enter or not. But something deep inside of his soul urged him forward, and before he knew it, he was standing at the library's doorstep, his hand turning the knob as he pushed open the door and stepped inside. An unexpected sight greeted him at the other end of the door. Despite it being a library as the sign on the outside claimed, the shelves were not filled with books, row after row of them stretching out before him, filled with ancient papyri, just as he would have imagined the great library of Alexandria to look like before it was engulfed in flames. But these were not ordinary scrolls. He grabbed one, unfurling it and holding it into the light shining through the stained-glass window. The writings were strange and unusual, hieroglyphs recounting ancient stories of magic and dread, of horrors whose names were erased rising from death’s deep slumber to annihilate all life. Rick found himself lost in the scrolls, fascinated by how he suddenly possessed the skill to translate any of them, unable to tear his eyes away from the words unfolding before him. It was as if the papyri were calling out to him, urging him to read on and discover their secrets.
However, as he reached out to grab another scroll, he felt a strange sensation, almost like an electric shock. Suddenly, everything around him began to change, and Rick found himself back outside the library. The town had been restored to its former glory, and there was no sign of the flood or any destruction. He jumped at a gentle touch on his shoulder, his training kicking in, and he spun around, ready to face whatever danger was lurking behind him. What he saw, however, left him stunned. A young woman, with beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes, stood before him, a serene expression on her face. Rick couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen her before, and yet there was something familiar about her, a strange feeling of remembering something that hadn’t happened yet. She looked harmless, almost innocent, but Rick's instincts told him to be cautious.
"Can I help you?" Rick asked, his voice his voice laced with suspicion and caution.
The woman's smile widened, and she took a step closer.
"I hope so," she breathed, "I've been looking for you, Richard OConnell."
"How do you know my name?", Rick frowned.
The woman's eyes gleamed, slowly pacing around him while she ran her fingers around his shoulders, stopping at his chest.
"I know many things," she said cryptically. "But what I need you to know that you should accept the offer proposed to you."
"What offer?" Rick demanded in a low and serious tone.
The woman chuckled and pushed him away, Rick started screaming as he seemed to fall into the towards the ground but never hit it but instead continue to fall, engulfed by the darkness around him. Stunned, Rick shot up from the ground in his cell, breathing heavily, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Had it all been just a dream? It felt so real and yet here was back again in his dusty small cell breathing in the horrible stench of the prison in Cairo. Could he have stumbled upon a magical library that transported him through time? No no no, that was ridiculous, there was no such thing as magic! The answers to this mystery eluded him, and Rick slumped back on the ground, wondering if he would ever find out the truth behind the strange and unusual events that had transpired, his eyes suddenly widening in shock as he spotted the same woman, accompanied by a tall, thin Englishman, dressed in a typical cream-colored jacket and shirt, along with a set of matching knickerbocker trousers, blue ascot and plus-two stockings, both being guided towards his cell by that damned Gad Hassan.
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astroboots · 2 years
So thot - I was watching The Mummy and I couldn't stop thinking about Marc!Rick O'Connell being your guide to Hamunaptra, and being barely able to control yourself because he's a badass and a flirt the whole trip. Things built up when you are too excited for finding a thomb so Marc fucks you against the nearest wall.
Sorry, I'm just a whore for the moon bois and egyptology.
OH MAI LOOOOORD!!! Mummy!Moon Knight AU!?!?!?!!? That is fucking brilliant?!?!?! Just -- FUCKING IMAGINE IT!?!?!?!
Oh god I'm in love with this idea!!! That's so fucking brilliant! Just imagine him in the prison scene when you first meet him dishevelled, face covered in dirt and grime and that gorgeous thick beard of his and by the time you meet him next he's clean shaven, hair trimmed, and you can't help but think to yourself, with a jaw and cheekbone as sharp as that he could have just as easily cut through the bar cells with them!!
Imagine him in that same getup! the white shirt, the suspenders!!! THE GUN HOLSTERS!!! fuck fuck FUUUUCK! i am going rabid over here. This was a lovely and amazing thot, I am so grateful to you.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Miss Something
Rick O’Connell x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: violence, some insecurity
Author’s Note: Bruhh, Rick! I love Brendan Fraser he slaps lol. I hope you enjoy!
Requested: by anon, Maya, darling! May I request a Rick O’Connell x reader? I’d love to see something where reader was absolutely gobsmacked when she first met him but convinced herself that it could never be after seeing how smitten he was with Evie at first. Reader fails to notice Rick’s growing affection for her, much to his annoyance. That is, until they save each other from a near-death situation towards the end of the story and, when he tries to flirtatiously compliment her on her heroics, he only is further frustrated by her obliviousness and pulls her in for a kiss instead. Thanks so much!!
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“I don’t know why you’re making me come when you already have O’Connell and Y/N,” Jonathan said to his sister. You rolled your eyes, holding the strap on your bag tightly.
“I brought you because it’s something you stole,” Evie said.
“I made sure you came because I like to see you freak out over dust,” you said laughing. Jonathan rolled his eyes.
“Did you not see me in the coffin the other day?”
“I did and I imagine when you see one that’s not in a museum, you’ll freak out,” you quipped. You had been friends with the Carnahan’s for as long as you could remember. The three of you had been partners in crime since sandbox days. You had practically become an extra member of their family, considering how much time you spent together. You had all gone into similar fields of work which meant you got to see each other as often as you liked. “Who is this O’Connell anyway?”
“He’s awful,” Evie said. “I’m having second thoughts about letting him come along. He looks dirty and unkept and-”
“Who’s dirty and unkept?” All three of you turned around to meet the eyes of whom you assumed was Rick O’Connell.
You were instantly gobsmacked. He was so handsome. You smiled kindly, averting your eyes as he surveyed you.
“I don’t believe we’ve met. Are you another sibling?” Rick asked, extending his hand. You shook it, dipping your hat to him.
“No,” you said. Rick’s eyes went wide.
“Wonderful. If you aren’t in their bloodline, maybe you’ll be sane,” he said, letting your hand go. You smiled a bit and he smiled back at you.
“Well we have a boat to catch!” Evie said, turning around quickly as she lugged her things along with her. You and Rick walked beside each other further up the ramp to the boat.
“He certainly cleaned up,” Jonathan muttered to his sister like the rest of you couldn’t hear. Rick turned to you as he walked.
“How did you get roped into this?” he asked quietly.
“I’ve been friends with Evie and Jonathan since I was a kid. I just tag along when they want me there now,” you said, laughing gently. You had to make a serious effort not to stare into his eyes too long. He was so handsome. “Evie told me you were about to be hanged?”
“Yes ma’am,” he said, like he was proud of it. “They almost got me too. Would’ve if my neck had broken.” You made a disgusted face. “Hey, I made it out didn’t I? And minimal bruising.” He put his hand to his neck to demonstrate the lack of bruising.
“I’m glad. Hopefully you know what you’re doing Rick,” you said, finally stepping onto the boat. His eyes lingered on you as you walked but you were trying too hard not to turn around and stare at him to notice. Jonathan nudged Rick.
“That’s my sister,” he said.
“Not by blood I hear.”
You sat below your competitors. Underneath the floor they were stepping on in fact. Evie was messing with the statue that was the reason you were all there, you thought.
“I would prefer actually if you would not touch anything,” Evie called back to all three of you. You rolled your eyes.
“I know history too Evie,” you said. You were ecstatic about the findings, probably more so than her. You didn’t have any actual hopes going into this expedition. “I know what not to touch.”
Part of the ceiling fell down beside you. It happened so fast and if Rick hadn’t had his arm on you already to pull you away, you might have been crushed. You gasped, jumping into Rick’s arms. You were all startled for a moment and then you backed away from him, clearing your throat.
“What did you touch?” Evie questioned. You rolled your eyes.
“Nothing. I didn’t touch anything. It was probably Jonathan’s fault.”
“No, I think I’m going to blame O’Connell,” Jonathan concluded. You stifled a laugh at Rick’s sudden accusatory face.
“I was right beside Y/N!”
“Alright children,” Evie said. “That’s enough.”
You sat around a campfire with the others, glad that everyone was safe for the time being. Eveyln had found a book. The competitors had put down their weapons in order for one night's sleep. You were glad for it too. You just wanted to go to sleep. You could feel your eyes drooping as you sat beside the fire.
“Here,” Rick said. You looked up at him and noticed he was taking off his jacket. He put it over you like a blanket. “Just drift off,” he said. “No one will notice.” You smiled warmly, trying to hide your flustered emotion.
“Thank’s Rick.”
“You want a good pillow?”
“Hmm?” He scooted closer to you. You raised an eyebrow but nonetheless put your head on his shoulder. Your eyes closed and you could feel sleep take you over quickly. In just a moment's time, you were fast asleep, breathing even.
“She likes you,” Evie noted. Rick wanted to shrug but didn’t want to wake you.
“I’m hoping so,” he said honestly, a thin smile on his face. He looked down at your sleeping complexion.
“You best leave her alone,” Jonathan said. He looked disheveled and so out of place it was almost comical. “You don’t deserve her.”
“I don’t think she’s catching my hints so I believe you’re safe,” he said. Evelyn shrugged.
“She’ll come around. She’s bright, she just doesn’t...want to believe things sometimes,” Evie explained. Rick looked away and took a swig of his drink. Hopefully that was true.
“Rick!” you yelled but he was yelling at someone else. His scream echoed as he ran toward the group of oncoming enemies, sword in air. You cursed under your breath and kicked up a sword of one of the already fallen men. You had never used a sword before but there was a first time for everything.
You ran forward as well, throwing your arms in the air and clashing with another sword.
Soon you found yourself back to back with Rick, slashing and screaming, killing every one of the undead things in your way. You turned at a steady pace together, moving in sync until there was nothing left for you to get to Evelyn and Jonathan.
Out of breath you moved away from him, stomping your foot down beside the dead enemy.
“That was amazing,” Rick said, paying you a rare compliment. You smiled.
“Thank you,” you said. He rolled his eyes. You would never catch the hint would you? He turned to you and contemplated for a moment.
He crashed his lips to yours. After a moment of deliberation you leaned forward into him, putting your hand on his cheek. He pulled away.
“Did you catch that one?” he asked. You laughed.
“Have I been missing something?”
“Yes ma’am you have.” You couldn’t help but giggle as you moved away from him. You held your sword up.
“Wonderful for you both!” Jonathan said, running up to you. He hadn’t been there a second before. You turned to look at him. “But can we please save my sister!”
Rick grabbed your hand tightly and pulled you along, running after Jonathan.
“We’re going, we’re going!”
Tagging: @sunflowersturn
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