#rien mercury
inkxhan · 1 month
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sorry rien
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baby-chirp · 6 months
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In my honest opinion, you could make an arugment for either one of these guys having the biggest ego.
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shiningkayla · 7 months
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*emo hair flip*
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shiningauroraaa · 3 months
i see sn community is kinda alive in tumblr so I'm trying to dumb my stuff here ? \ o /
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wingsofninewheels · 7 months
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girl help,
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jackalopesao3 · 7 months
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Zoey’s jab at Mercury is fucking beautiful. I love her.
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nidhoggssoultrap · 7 months
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nikkiissleepy · 5 months
wanted to see all the events we havent got yet together
updated 17/06/2024
single ssr - none 😭
double ssr - qinyi/rien, nikki/momo, serena/helz, dream of the red chamber tv collab
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single ur - modric, glow
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double ur - god of styling/mercury (anni4), foxes, dragon/painter (cny24), spider/butterfly (w3)
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altered-tiababylo · 4 months
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THE DEAD CLUB © est un groupe de musique construit par cinq figures d'origine: bowie, lennox, sinatra, hendrix et lemmy, cinq amis qui se sont rencontrés sur dix ans et qui ont donnés naissance au groupe, suite à une passion commune pour la musique, pour les tubes des siècles derniers. autoproduit et aucune volonté de se faire signer chez un label, iels profitent juste de leur passion commune pour enflammer les planches des scènes underground de Night City, autoproduisent singles et ep de temps en temps, s'éclatent sur scène alors que leurs métiers de jour les confinent dans la responsabilité. rejoint par mercury & wonder, par la suite, puis siouxsie quand lennox a disparue. iels sont tous·tes amis, et s'iels se retrouvent essentiellement pour la musique, iels s'apprécient avec la même passion qui les anime sous les spotlights.
sur never fade away, un forum city-gang futuriste, je suis à la recherche des membres du groupe de musique THE DEAD CLUB ©, un groupe de musique pop-rock-électro alternatif, se développant sur la scène underground de Night City. Petit groupe d'amis qui se retrouvent régulièrement pour composer et pour jouer, qui s'entraident entre elleux du mieux qu'iels peuvent vis à vis de leurs vies respectives. Iels s'apprécient énormément et n'hésitent à compter les un·e·s sur les autres!
au niveau des places disponibles, il y a sinatra qui officie comme leader du groupe et chanteur, hendrix, qui officie comme guitariste et compositrice, lemmy qui n'est autre que lea bassiste du groupe, mercury qui n'est autre que leur agent·e indépendant·e et bookeur·euse de shows, et wonder qui est leur ingénieur son quand iels sont sur scène. Beaucoup de points sont négociables (à commencer par les FCs), et la majorité des rôles sont interchangeables, il suffit juste de venir comme tu es 🧡 tout ce qui compose les PLs sont des points clés, mais rien qui ne peut pas être modifiable selon tes envies, tes idées !
le forum en tant que tel est ouvert aux néophytes du genre, et on met un point d'honneur à offrir des event qualitatifs pour avoir un beau contexte évolutif grâce aux actions diverses des membres, on ne demande qu'un rp par mois, avec un petit recensement ouvert sur tout le mois ! bref, n'hésite pas à me mp si un pl t'intéresse ou que tu as des questions ! 🔥
>>> check les PL juste ici <<<
(pour vrai, venez venez, on est bien sur NFA 🥳 désolée, c'est pas souvent que je fais ma pub ici, mais l'occasion était toute belle, bref bsx à vous et merci si vous prenez le temps de regarder/de lire 🧡)
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】
Main Story “Myerson”
Volume 2 Chapter 15 “The pending resolution”
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】
Main Story “Myerson”
Volume 2 Chapter 15 “The pending resolution”
"Dangling Resolution"
Negotiation is a battlefield without gunpowder,
When the smell of gunpowder is strongest,
It only takes one small flame to make a bigger mess,
The door of the Myerson Federal Conference Room suddenly flung open,
The voices of the debate between the important officials of the Apple Federation and the Northland Kingdom were cut off immediately.
The calm and calm footsteps are very different in the silent and tense meeting,
Who is the uninvited guest who stepped into the council hall?
"Nice to meet you, I'm Rhine Mercury."
The dark fog filled the venue at some point,
Entrenched in the dome of the hall, like eyes looking down indifferently.
The faces of the noisy people were distorted, and the peaceful appearance was torn apart abruptly.
The strong malicious fission created countless gullies, blocking all channels of communication and reconciliation.
Is the mist created by the human heart, or does the mist distort the human heart?
Suit Display ::
Original :: Beautiful Night Fashion (旖夜风尚)
Recolor :: Beautiful Night Wind (旖夜風尙)
Collection :: Federal Style
Designer :: Ryan or Rien (瑞因)
Rarity :: SR
Attribute :: Sweet
Date :: 11/05/2023…..
Type ::
Main Story • Vol.2 Ch.15
(Workshop Design) (Journey Suit) (Chapter Sets)
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inkxhan · 11 days
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🎉 happy happy birthday rien 🎉
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megaera-of-pigeon · 6 months
Like if nothing else, surely the possibility of putting Rien Mercury against Mercury Mercury should be intriguing enough for us to host a second manwhore competition
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Qin Yi: Blissful Cloud
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Designer's Reflection: Blissful Cloud
Obtained: welfare
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Magnificent Cloud
Story - transcripts from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - New Play Begins
Chapter 2 - Coming On the Stage
Chapter 3 - Unending Excellence
Chapter 4 - Curtains Never Fall
Story - summarized
Qin Yi is a master actor. He can play any role.
One night, he performs for a special guest from Pigeon. So, he chooses to do a play about a young child abandoned by a wealthy family. When the child grows up, they return and kill their family and assume control of all the assets.
After the play, Qin Yi meets with Mercury, the special guest. Mercury knew the play was a loose adaptation of his life, and he's impressed with Qin Yi's extensive network. But he's not ready to make a deal yet.
Qin Yi leaves that night to visit the matriarch of the Qin family. Their meeting is short, but it gives him enough time to hint to his stalkers that he is ready to do anything "for the family."
He's brought to Mercury again, who reveals that he knows Qin Yi tricked his way into the Qin family. He reveals photos of Yi's real mother, and he uses this blackmail to obtain the actor's unwavering loyalty.
But all this was part of Qin Yi's plan. He needed Mercury to feel he controlled Neverfall Troupe, so that he could gain access to the money, resources, and businesses at Mercury's disposal.
Qin Yi is a master actor, constantly taking on new personas from a prideful heir to a humble liar. He will take on any role to gain power.
-Qin Yi's backstory of tricking his way to becoming the heir of the Qin family is told in Mind Maze Chapter 3. He wanted to get away from his abusive troupe master, so he gave himself the butterfly birthmark and pretended to be the missing son.
-In Flower in the Mirror, Qin Yi has an internal crisis: because he acts so much around others, he isn't sure who he truly is.
-For the prologue of Chapter 3, Qin Yi and Rien Mercury meet up. Yi uses his plays to flatter and win Rien over to his side, just like he did with Mercury, but the youth sees through the charade and says he wants to be straightforward.
-Yi's main strategy for gaining allies is to act submissive to them and pull the strings from behind, but when Zoey visits him in her Reflection for Traveler's Robe, she notices this and tells him to be more upfront with her.
Fun Facts
-For Qin Yi, his whole life is an act. Even when he talks to the narrator in the Reflections, he still treats his memories like another performance. He's always on guard.
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aaaaahhh yes, the taggame that each time i get tagged for it, makes me consider changing my url 😁 thank you @frostlikeashes and @psycho-next-door for the tags 🍀🍀 bet you thought i'd skip it 😄
so i had a think about which theme to use this time (yes, it's not the first one) and decided to go with randomly youtube suggested songs, let's see how far i get..
Non je ne regrette rien - Edith Piaf
Once in a lifetime - Talking Heads
Thunderstruck - 2cellos
Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python
Father and son - Cat Stevens
Relax - Frankie goes to Hollywood
A natural woman - Aretha Franklin
I'll never find another you - The Seekers
Der Kommisar - Falco
Our house - Madness
Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra
Radar Love - Golden Earring
Everlong - Foo fighters
Da da da - Trio
You've got a friend - James Taylor & Carole King
Eye in the sky - The Alan Parsons project
Leaving on a jetplane - John Denver & Cass Elliot
Love is a stranger - Eurythmics
One night in Bangkok - Murray Head
Wolf totem - The Hu
Ain't no sunshine - Bill Withers
Noah - The Jubalaires
Downtown - Petula Clark
Barcelona - Freddie Mercury & Montserat Cabbale
Look what they've done to my song, Ma - Melanie
Universal soldier - Buffy Sainte-Marie
Extreme ways - Moby
tadaaaaaa, made it 😄 actually...that was pretty fun 😊
forthis particular taggame i never tag anyone but if you want to join in or want to do a random yt stroll, consider yourself tagged 🫵
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🇱🇺 Lussemburgo /
TALI è un'artista, insegnante di canto, insegnante di musica e la prima partecipante lussemburghese all'Eurovision Song Contest da oltre 30 anni!
Recentemente è stata in viaggio con il suo gruppo musicale a New York, dove si è esibita in locali tra cui RockWood Music Hall, Mercury Lounge, Arlene's Grocery e The Delancey.
Nel 2021, ha pubblicato il suo EP di debutto Lose You , che ha scritto insieme a Francis of Delirium. TALI sta ora lavorando al suo album di debutto con una nuova band chiamata Blue Stripes.
Oltre alla sua fiorente carriera pop e di cantautrice, ha recitato nel cortometraggio indipendente Agua , e ha anche forgiato una carriera di successo in teatro, interpretando ruoli come Tzeitel in Fiddler On The Roof ed Eponine in Les Miserables .
Lyrics of Fighter
French / English
T'as plus 20 ans
T'as plus le temps
De faire l'enfant
De faire que la fête
T'as plus d'argent
Pas d'élan
Tu vas vraiment
Droit vers la défaite
Et j'entends au loin au loin au loin
Cette petite voix, chant de sirène
Qui me dit mais viens
Vas-y prends ma main
Allez je t'emmène
Qui me dit tout bas
I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
In your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
Et j'entends au loin au loin au loin
Cette petite voix qui me répète
Nan mais tu vas où ?
J'avoue j'avoue je sais pas
Je veux tout rien à la fois
J’finirai complètement folle
Et voilà
T'as pas le droit
D'rester comme ça
Faut faire des choix
T'as quoi dans la tête ?
Mène des combats
Crois en toi
Le monde est là
Pars à sa conquête
Et j'entends au loin au loin au loin
Cette petite voix, chant de sirène
Qui me dit mais viens
Va vers ton destin
Faut pas que tu freines
Qui me dit tout bas
I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
In your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
Et j'entends au loin au loin au loin
Cette petite voix qui me répète
Nan mais tu vas où ?
J'avoue j'avoue je sais pas
Je veux tout rien à la fois
J’finirai complètement folle
Et voilà
J'avoue j'avoue je sais pas
Je veux tout rien à la fois
J’finirai complètement folle
Et voilà
Hear the sound of your dreams
You are so near
They are so near, look around
Hear the sound of your dreams
Not of your fears
And just open up your heart
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literarygoon · 2 months
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I had so much fun doing Tartuffe.
This was my first Mercury Players production, and it was a great chance to hit the stage with some old friends and some new ones. It was also the first time I've been directed by my friend Rien Vesseur, who will also be taking the helm of my play Messages in the Dust this summer.
Thanks to Paige Amon for taking these awesome photos.
Did I tell you I'm on the board of directors now?
The Literary Goon
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