avzplays · 6 months
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Julian, the manliest among little men
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aashiyancha · 4 months
The introduction of Earthmate dancers for Project Dragon has got me thinking again about the rf5 siblings and their abilities when it comes to being Earthmates.
I also realize that I haven't talked much about how their farms are going lately. So let's go into detail about our last pair of farming Earthmates before they all go extinct.
So we've got the main farm behind the Silo that both Alice and Ares tend to.
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On the main farm Ares mostly helps by clearing and tilling the ground before the seeds go in.
Quiet often, Reinhard stops by and helps him out with the work. (He also helps out a lot at with one certain farm dragon but we'll address that later)
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This happens much to Alice's dismay because she feels that she absolutely needs to pay him for his assistance but has to fight him to take the money when he tries to refuse.
His argument is that he just felt like helping his friend on a whim and doesn't want money to be involved but Alice doesn't budge. He worked and needs to be compensated for it.
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When the land preparation is done Alice takes over the planting process. She harvests seeds to max level, has all the best fertilizers and keeps careful eye on them every day to produce the best crops!
She does all of the plant work either by herself or with Ares' help because their Earthmate touch is what makes the plants grow fast and in good quality.
They've tried having others help them with the planting part but results of an Earthmate's touch practically negate the second anyone else tends to a plant. It's like all the magic just vanishes.
On a different note, Cecil likes to come and help observe/take notes cuz he's really into earth and ocean sciences. So any learning opportunity is a good opportunity. Plus he has a good eye for detail and catches things that Alice should be weary of with her plants. She also gives him a salary for regularly assisting in plant inspection.
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Last thing about the main farm. While it does make use of the shipping bins to wholesale the bulk of the produce to Misa's shop as well as other shops in nearby towns, Alice also has a farmer's market set up next to the Silo. Here is where she has the on-rotation Rangers take shifts selling the highest quality produce at her assigned rates.
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Basically Alice is running a rather expansive farming business alongside her work as a Ranger.
I have a lot of concept art I wanna make for the dragon farms (especially the dark orchard) so I'm going to do another post later for Ares and the farm dragon friends that he's made.
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dawnsies · 8 months
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drew my version of Alice and Ares :V
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darkacey · 6 months
Ari’s interlude of Who Remembers a God is here! To celebrate the start of spring, read the first chapter on AO3 today!
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rainbow-nijisaki · 27 days
Hey is the farming sim supposed to be a Rune Factory/Harvest Moon reference?
It sure is!
People are free to imagine the crossover however they like (the concept is basically twewy x farming sim), but Story of Seasons (Harvest Moon) and Rune Factory were the inspirations at work when I drew it, since those are the farm sims I play.
Especially Rune Factory, in that a recent playthrough directly inspired this - but I decided on a more Harvest Moon/SoS flavor overall to give it a more general "farm sim" vibe.
However, I did leave in some Rune Factory elements. Typically in RF you start with an amnesiac protagonist and get taught how to farm by one of the eligible bachelorettes (except that one time it was a bachelor), so I'm imagining this opening scene being similar. Then there's the local Nature God being a dragon. Some people may have also caught onto the RF ties from the mentions of soil quality and the look of the seed bags, haha
As for whether there's combat and they fight Noise...possibly! I think that'd be fun, but I ended up not drawing anything for that, so I'll leave that one up to interpretation.
Thanks for the ask!
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princeofmints · 2 years
gonna play every farm game ever and rate the town layouts in a tier list based on imagining myself walking around them IRL
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thunderberryart · 2 years
Can't recall if I mentioned this, but I have given names/identities to the generic merchant NPCs you can invite to Selphia, as well as the NPCs you find in the overworld (with the exception of Tart, who already has a name.)
Fish Merchant: Hudson
Gem Merchant: Berilo
Clothing Merchant: Tay
Furniture Merchant: Ellen
Magic Merchant: Zan
Rune Ability Merchant: Leah
Fortune Teller (near the Water Ruins): Piet
Monster Expert (near Obsidian Mansion): Felix
House Salesman (by Maya Road): Kanan
Treasure Chest Guy and Mushroom Lady near Idra Cave: A young Randolph and Yuki from RF5
Sadly, the only one I've given a design to, as well as fleshed out their personality/backstory, is Ellen/the Furniture Merchant * SWEAT *
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chisungie · 4 months
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my hot take: rf4's main story (without grinding crafting) is easier than rf5's (again without mondo crafting) bur rf4's post game is MUCH harder than rf5's
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toyherb · 1 year
which rune factory town should I name my animal crossing island......
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ranchstoryblog · 9 days
Piczle Cross: Rune Factory Announced!
If you enjoyed the Story of Seasons Piczle Cross game, get ready for some Rune Factory flavored puzzles coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch in 2025! The official website lists:
300 nonogram puzzles with both classic and color variations!
20 collage puzzles, made up of many smaller puzzles, both in classic and color variations!
Fight and capture monsters!
Uncover villagers and bachelors!
Customise your farm, pick your spouse and choose your weapons!
Unlock entries in the in-game Compendium and learn about the characters in Rune Factory!
Unlock entries in the in-game Bestiary and learn more about the beasts of Rigbarth!
The most feature-rich nonogram experience available!
Dozens of Quality of Life features, as well as aides for newcomers and a challenge mode for experts
Challenge yourself, ...or don't! There is no wrong way to play!
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avzplays · 6 months
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Dual Riding
One thing I love about Rune Factory 5 is the option to ride some of the monsters you tame together with your party members. I think it's such a cool added feature which makes this game stand out among others.
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aashiyancha · 1 year
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The main farm
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Oooh~ how about a Rune factory 4 & 5 ask for Scarlett ,Dolace and Clorica with an S/O that's the opposite of them personality wise. They're just hyperactive, bubbly and a bit mischievous
(Rune Factory 4/5) Scarlett, Dolce, and Clorica with a hyper S/O
I just started replaying RF4/5 so I'm very much at risk of vanishing again, but I will try my best not to. (Project Zomboid and painting my space marines is doing a good job of that anyway)
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Scarlett's duty as a ranger of SEED is to make sure the peace is maintained in Rigbarth.
Which her lover does a very good job of disrupting, much to her annoyance.
Whether it's indulging Cecil and his tendencies to investigate "mysteries", going along with Ludmilla's plans, or whatever the hell Ares and Alice was up to, S/O was at the scene of the crime.
Her fingers pinch the bridge of her nose as she sighs in frustration.
Meanwhile, S/O just laughs and bats their eyes innocently.
(S/O) "Hello, Scarlett!~"
(Scarlett) "Do not use that tone of voice with me. What are you doing?"
(S/O) "If I tell you, will you not get mad?"
Scarlett crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
(Scarlett) "That depends on your answer."
Though truthfully, Scarlett is grateful that S/O is with her at all, despite their difference in personality.
She's aware of her tendency to be a bit square and rigid, yet S/O loved her all the same.
Their overbearing love teaches her to loosen up, at least in some capacity.
Because sometimes, it was a bit too much.
(Scarlett) "S/O, I refuse to let you redecorate your room!"
(S/O) "Aw, but it'll be really cute!"
(Scarlett) "My face plastered all over your walls is not cute!"
(S/O) "...Palmo thought it was a good idea-"
(Scarlett) "CEASE AND DESIST!"
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Dolce's face remains unchanged as both S/O and Pico engage in tomfoolery around Selphia.
Especially the fights where they fight for her "eternal love".
(Pico) "NO! Milady is MINE!"
(S/O) "Dolce would choose me, right sweetie?!"
(Dolce) "Call me that again, and I'll choose to do violence to both of you."
She dares not utter a word of how much she enjoys watching S/O brighten her day, lest she never get to live it down.
Pico and S/O would tease her about it until the end of time.
And since Pico was already a ghost, she actually could do that.
Rarely, Dolce cracks a smile as they both get reprimanded by Nancy.
(Nancy) "S/O, Pico? What have we talked about regarding fighting during breakfast?"
Nancy's menacing smile is enough to get both of them to sit up straight almost bend 90 degrees to apologize.
Making Dolce giggle softly.
(Dolce) "So that's what it takes to make you two be quiet? Maybe I should ask for Nancy to come with us at all times."
(S/O) "N-Not that I'd mind but...!"
(Jones) "Now now, Dolce. Us old timers shouldn't be interfering with your love life."
Dolce's eyes widened a little at Jones' teasing, making Pico and S/O laugh now, with even Nancy joining in.
Dolce glares at the two of them.
(Dolce) "I will kill you two."
Every dramatic and affectionate gesture makes Dolce blush madly, as she tries her best to keep her poker face intact.
All the while, Pico is either hissing, or encouraging S/O.
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Clorica is unused to the sheer energy S/O brings to her. And here she thought Amber was a lot sometimes.
But it wasn't unwelcome at all. Having someone so bouncy was helpful in keeping her awake.
...Most of the time.
Whenever she performed her duties around the castle, she always had S/O to talk with, usually about something amusing happening around Selphia or just nothing in particular.
(S/O) "Cloricaaaaa!"
Clorica spun around and caught S/O, who leapt into her arms dramatically.
She almost fell over, but managed to stand her ground, letting out a soft giggle.
(Clorica) "Hello, S/O. I just got done with my duties for now. Would you like to get lunch?"
(S/O) "Heck yeah! I'm starving, let's get going already!"
Clorica is almost dragged along, making her smile even bigger.
Despite how enthusiastic they were, they always made sure to never force Clorica to do anything.
And even S/O understood that sometimes, she just needed the nap.
(Clorica) zzzz.....
(S/O) "Wow! It never fails to amaze me that she can sleep while cleaning!"
(Vishnal) "I aspire to reach that level of efficiency!
(S/O) "Maybe I can ask her to teach us that!"
(Lest) "I...don't think anyone can be at Clorica's level when it comes to that..."
(Frey) "Not even us."
(S/O) "It's a worth a shot! I'm already halfway there, she taught me how to fall asleep on command! Watch-"
(Clorica) "...Huh?"
Clorica's eyes slowly blinked open before her head fell down, and went back asleep.
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darkacey · 8 months
Post-Game Rune Factory 5 Headcanons
When Hina’s old enough to take on more adult responsibilities at the general store, Lucy (who was working there prior) goes to work at the bathhouse instead and improves the spa side of things with the knowledge Simone taught her about medicine.
After Beatrice decides to live in Rigbarth permanently, she asks Randolph and Yuki to let her work at the bakery. Priscilla (who was working there prior) happily lets Beatrice take the job so she can pursue her own dream.
Priscilla’s dream is to start a library/used book store that also carries some cute notebooks and stationary supplies. Building it right next to the bakery, she uses her organizational skills to recommend great books for everyone, but her favorites are still romance books (same as Beatrice, a frequent visitor and donor). Priscilla is successful enough that she needs a part-time employee.
Cecil decides it’s time for him to start a side job and begins working at the library as the self-appointed mystery book expert. When the front desk is slow and there isn’t much to shelve, he works on research for Terry’s detective agency.
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Been thinking again about the "haha half of Rigbarth is autistic" thing, because I've noticed that there's kind of an interesting phenomenon going on there.
Which is that, okay, Martin is obvious and I think we're all on the same page. Then real ones acknowledge that Lucas is at least autistic-adjacent.
And THEN there's the people who have their "...and that guy, too!" character. I've seen Scarlett, Reinhard, and Cecil for this so far! And I support all of those even when my personal headcanons differ, because half the whole point of fandom is looking at characters from different points of view, and this specifically seems to be dependent on who sees themselves in whom and what/why, which is absolutely fascinating!
...So far, I'm the only person I've encountered whose "that guy too!" character is Terry. He just pings my sensors really hard! I mean, he's an eccentric detective, and that's a whole trope. He wears dark glasses everywhere! He has dialogue about how people say the way he talks is rude but he isn't sure why! His food tastes give the impression that he only eats like six things! And putting together blank jigsaw puzzles just seems like a pastime for people with weird visual processing.
Also like... His cut dialogue hints at a very specific type of damage. Just the way he doesn't hesitate to describe his childhood self as "awful," and seems convinced he's inherently unlovable. All of that rang really familiar to me. :(
Plus, it's just interesting! "Autistic adult as scuzzy dirtbag burnout" isn't a common archetype in fiction, despite being pretty common in the real world. And part of why putting him opposite Lucas is so compelling to me is that they seem like they have a really similar way of being in some ways, but it only highlights the difference between someone who always took it for granted that This is How Things Like Me Are vs. someone who was probably treated pretty poorly for it and got the idea that how they are is Bad and Wrong.
(And yeah, even if the RF world doesn't conceptualize these things the same way, there's no question that Cecil is completely clued-in. "You two remind me of each other!" "Wha? We're nothing alike!" "Yeah, I know, it's kinda weird.")
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