#right after he has one more mental break coming back to azeroth & goes on a rant about the sword in silithus a'la 'LOL wut sword' trolling
alteredphoenix · 2 years
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Checking out WotLK Classic. Decided to level and ding a nelf warrior to level 10.
I like to think this is my OC, Ardenn (from retail, and this is the same name I gave this elf), in his more innocent days, before the Burning of Teldrassil drove him insane and made him rage (and ultimately fail) against the Shadowlands.
Or maybe not. Maybe this is set in an AU where Sylvanas never becomes Warchief and Teldrassil doesn’t fall, therefore Ardenn never has his mental break and his familial bonds with his daughter never permanently shatters. Maybe he decides to stay an adventurer and join the Dragonscale Expedition to document their research in the Dragon Isles.
Naturally I’m a fan of Capital A ANGST and prefer my headcanon where he either (a) refuses to leave the Shadowlands until Sylvanas gets punished (a more spiteful version of the ending to The Searchers, and fat chance of that happening for him, so he stays there permanently unless there’s an off-chance she perma-dies, but if the power of capitalism has anything to say she wouldn’t so he’s shit out of luck) or (b) throws himself off Oribos as a fuck you to Pelagos when he sees his efforts were All For Nothing and may or may not have wound up in the past where the Burning probably doesn’t happen over and over again but his mind is so broken and exhausted that thinking of the possibility doesn’t register; if he recovers from everything post-Burning, he might be able to stop it - and Sylvanas’s ascension to Warchief - right before the assault on the Broken Shore...maybe.
Well. You decide.
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
faelilia gaillen
ooooh my werewolf girls :D
(*coughs* this..got long I’m so sorry)
*pulls pics out like a proud mother just in case anyone wants to see them*
Full Name: Faelilia Sherwood (Gaillen calls her “Sunshine”)
Gender and Sexuality: Female, bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Human/Worgen (class: druid)
Birthplace and Birthdate: Gilneas but I don’t have a date. I’d say she’s in her mid twenties. 
Guilty Pleasures: Sweets. Honestly, she just wants a peaceful life but you know..it’s World of Warcraft. She just wants to help people, enjoy nature, and just be with Gaillen. 
I wouldn’t call it a guilty pleasure but she does love to garden. Herbalism is one of her profs. As well as alchemy. She loves reading and she’d honestly be happy to just live in a little cottage in the woods, with her wife and live a quiet little life with all of these things combined and more
This is kind of a guilty pleasure. She does enjoy the thrill of the hunt which seems kind of weird for a druid. Maybe it’s the wolf in her or maybe it’s not.  She soothes her own guilt with the knowledge that it’s simply the cycle of life. She thanks them for their sacrifice and makes sure no part goes to waste. 
Simultaneously she still loves and cares for all living things. She might snatch up a rabbit for dinner and then take care of a bird with a broken wing later that day. It’s kind of contradictory I suppose but..the circle of life goes on. She can’t stand unnecessary suffering though and will step in if the situation warrants it. 
Phobias: Losing Gaillen again. She’s long made peace with the fact she will die one day but Gaillen? She doesn’t want to live through that again. She lost her once and she doesn’t want to lose her again. She’d never voice it but she hopes she dies before Gaillen does because she can’t do that again. No amount of optimism would be able to make that pain go away because she would be gone.
This isn’t a phobia but god she knows they’re a part of the ecosystem and all but she got fleas once? And it was TORTURE. She does everything she can to prevent that from happening again lmao. Same with ticks. 
She has nightmares about some of the people she killed the first time she turned. She feels..an immense amount of guilt for that but she’s slowly making peace with it. 
What They Would Be Famous For: Being an immensely powerful druid, being involved in a lot of charity stuff, and being one of the heroes who brought down some of the world’s biggest threats.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Hmmm breaking the law in order to save someone (or something. she loves nature and shit). 
OC You Ship Them With: Gaillen! Her undead DK worgen wife.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: My horde characters. Most of my ally characters are closely knit in a found-family kind of thing.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy and Sci-fi stuff. 
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Dark and Gritty
Talents and/or Powers: she became a druid after being infected with the worgen curse so she has her worgen form and then all of the other druid forms and powers as well. She ironically really enjoys her cat form. 
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s the biggest sweetheart you’d ever meet. She’d lay down her life for a stranger in a heartbeat. She loves so fiercely and she loves..a lot. She’s got a huge heart and it shows in everything she does. She was pretty much born to be a druid and finding her calling was like coming home. 
She’s gentle, patient and kind. She’s a goofball too. Her endless capacity of love for others, animals, nature is just so admirable. She’s brave when she  needs to be and fierce when it comes to protecting those she loves. 
She’s super playful and just..a generally wonderful person to be around. You know those people that seem to radiate warmth and affection? That’s her.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Some might consider her annoyingly optimistic and naive. She’s probably too quick to forgive and gives way too many second (third..fourth) chances. People who hate “treehugger” types would despise her. She’s all about that life.
She sometimes let’s people walk all over her since she’s not good at speaking up for herself. She’s getting better about that. Gaillen helps. Er..when she’s not trying to attack the person who upset her sweet cinnamon bun. 
How They Change: Hmm. When she was younger she was very shy to the point of being kind of skittish/meek. The worgen curse, the fall of gilneas, finding druidism has helped her build confidence in herself. Losing Gaillen (and then finding her again) was a big part of that too. Gaillen in general is a big part of it.
She still struggles with letting people walk all over her but she’s making progress. Gaillen and helping others is what has given her the strength she’s built up. She’s more likely to let someone get away with hurting her but someone else? an innocent person? never. She will stand up and fight. 
In her younger days she would be more apt to keep her head down and stay out of it despite feeling immensely guilty for just..standing by. 
Hmmm Legion was rough on her and this new expansion is going to be extremely painful for her. Being a druid she feels Azeroth’s pain very deeply and the Teldrassil burning down was like being kicked while you’re down. That’s..the only home she had left since Gilneas was destroyed. 
And she’s angry deep down because of what the Forsaken have taken from her but she’s repressing that anger because she doesn’t want to hate anyone. She wants peace. she’s struggling with that and needs to learn she needs to allow herself to grieve for her people, her home, for what they’ve lost and anger is a part of that. She can do that and not hurt anyone in the process.
Why You Love Them: Ughhh she’s such a sweetie. I just love how much she..loves. She has so much love for every living thing. (and undead things..like her wife asldhlfd) She’d give Sargeras himself a second chance if he sincerely asked for redemption. (like that impossible level of faith is painfully admirable but also kind of sad since people are awful)
I also love how she took the worgen curse and said..no, this isn’t a curse. It’s a blessing. She absolutely embraced it and that led her to druidism with is where she really “found herself” so to speak. Turning something awful into something beautiful is just..well, beautiful.
I had a tiny ficlet that I never posted with my nelf huntress Diily mourning Teldrassil and Fae was the one who stepped forward to comfort her and despite being in the aftermath of all that death and destruction she had the heart to sit down, brush some of the ash from the ground and show her this tiny little sapling. Barely there but very much alive. 
To let her know nature will persevere. It will heal and so will you. 
They’ll heal together.
Also her building her confidence is super admirable. She went from so shy to finding her confidence because she found things to be brave for.
And her love for Gaillen is just..unconditional. Some people would have blamed her for turning her. She didn’t. Not even for a second. Some people would have rejected Gaillen after they reunited and Fae found out she was a DK. I think druids would be especially prone to bias in that regard given how much they cherish and protect life. (and the scourge is the literal opposite of that) but never Fae.
In fact she finds beauty in it? There can’t be life without death and there cannot be death without life. Death is just as much a part of the natural world as life is. Unnatural means or not..those two things go together. Life can spring from death and death is the fate of all living things but..life will still go on. (think of decomposers in the ecosystem) It all works together. 
(although i suppose there are immortal beings in WoW but…well we all know that doesn’t last. I’m looking at you, elves.)
She finds beauty in even this. Because that’s what she does.  She was just hurt Gaillen didn’t come to her sooner. That she let her think she was dead after coming back.
Her fiancee is alive and that’s all that mattered to Fae and she knows without a shadow of a doubt that Gaillen is no monster.
Full Name: Gaillen Hayes
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Worgen/Human/Undead-DK (?)
Birthplace and Birthdate: Gilneas and once again dont have a birthdate because that’s..difficult. She’s somewhere in her late twenties (I have to check if that matches literally any of the timeline but..I don’t feel like digging through the mess that is Blizzard’s WoW timeline right now)
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking. I’m not sure if this counts as a guilty pleasure but she can get very carried away in battle. She enjoys it and honestly that scares the shit out of her. 
She doesn’t feel guilty for enjoying hunting animals but..enjoying hunting people? It makes her uneasy. Even if they are bad people it makes her feel like she’s a danger to everyone.
Phobias: That somehow she’ll snap and hurt someone or Fae again. Whether it’s the worgen curse or the Lich King’s influence. It’s irrational. She has full control but she’s terrified of it happening again. 
She hates, hates any kind of magic that can control you. (for obvious reasons) Fear spells, etc. They fuck her up whenever they happen to her and it takes her a while to come out of that. It can take this big strong werewolf and reduce her to a shaking, crying mess. 
Losing Fae is naturally her worst fear. She’s extremely protective of her girl. And Fae getting hurt is guaranteed to just completely..shatter her. 
Anything scourge related sets her off. There are still remnants out there and when she comes across them it puts her in a bad mental place. (she’s got some serious PTSD if you haven’t guessed). First it sends her into a rage and then she breaks because no, no, no not again. what if she would have hurt someone who didn’t deserve it while absolutely destroying the enemy.
She never does though because she doesn’t want to. 
That’s not who she is.
What They Would Be Famous For: Ah. She’s famous for being one of the Lich King’s top dogs (im sorry I had too). She may have been mind controlled but other people especially victims of the scourge..have a hard time understanding that. 
However she did go on to be a huge part of bringing Arthas down. She’s proven herself a hero I think. A grumpy hero but a hero nonetheless. After she went on to fight many other threats as well. Like my whole ally crew ayy.
What They Would Get Arrested For: She’s got a nasty temper so fighting someone. ESPECIALLY if it’s her defending Fae. 
OC You Ship Them With: Her wife, Fae. :’)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Horde Characters
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Dark shit but she also likes romance novels with happy endings but shh don’t tell anyone.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: She says she hates unrealistic happy endings but it’s not hate. She likes them..she’s just scared because she thinks she doesn’t deserve one so she feels as if it could be snatched away from her at any second.
Talents and/or Powers: She’s a Death-Knight so she’s got all that. She’s an incredibly talented warrior. She’s very proficient with swords but she is more than happy to rip into someone purely as a worgen. No weapons. just teeth and claws. She’s good at it too.
Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s a sarcastic lil fucker. It’s amusing.(not many people like her except those who know her well like Fae or her friends)
She’s got a heart in there. She’s brave. She’s loyal to a fault. 
Her love for Fae is just absolutely heartwarming. Her soft spot for her wife is enormous. Like she lights up like a Christmas tree whenever she’s around. It’s always been that way and it always will be. That’s her Sunshine.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s an asshole. She’s snippy and aloof. It makes her on the surface a generally unlikable person. 
There are people that hate her for what she’s done while under the Lich King’s mind control. It’s not her fault but  there will always be victims who blame her and hate her for it. No amount of heroism will change that for some. She doesn’t blame them. She doesn’t take shit normally but when it comes to that she will let people rip into her because she hates herself for it that much.
How They Change: She’s always been a bit grumpy but not nearly as harsh and cold as she can be now. Not as cynical either. The worgen curse, being the one who bit Fae, losing her home and so many of her people, dying for her people and then being brought back by a maniac who made her kill countless people via mind control, and then all the shitty events that follow? 
She’s bitter and I think she has a right to be. Not to be an asshole but to be angry at the cards life has dealt her. It’s been quite cruel to her.
She never had the sheer amount of self loathing and guilt she struggles with now either. She’s got a lot of blood on her hands and it really doesn’t matter how many people tell her that it wasn’t her fault? She still believes it is and she still remembers everything she’s done. Entire villages. Children.
She still hasn’t forgiven herself for infecting Fae either despite Fae never, not even once, blaming her for it. Also Fae has a very different outlook on the curse. She sees it as a blessing. Gaillen sees it as a curse.
(wow gaillen why does Nikki let you have TWO curses)
Anyway, now that she’s found Fae she’s learning how to at least live again. 
All these shitty things though? They just made her braver and stronger. She’s trying to make the world a better place even when she has a hard time believing it’ll ever work. I think..that’s says a lot about her. She’s not willing to accept cruelty and injustice. She might be a dick to you but she’d save you in the same breath. And then be a dick to you again. ;)
Why You Love Them: She’s strong and I don’t mean just physically. She’s been through a lot and she’s still trudging on because she isn’t going to give up. She won’t give those who’ve wronged her the satisfaction. I’d say she’s living out of spite but that’s not the only reason why. (although that’s certainly a factor. fuck you, arthas)
She’s brave and she’s more than willing to fight for what’s right. She has her flaws (don’t we all) but she’s not even close to the monster she thinks she is. 
And underneath everything she really does have a heart. It shows if you know her and know what to look for. If she didn’t have a heart she wouldn’t be trying so desperately to make up for what she’s done (while simultaneously knowing she never can). Nor would she feel the overwhelming guilt she feels.
Her love for Fae is super heartwarming honestly like ahhhhhh. She adores her with everything she has. If you want to see her soft side all you have to do is watch her with Fae. She’s gentle and loving. She loves that woman more than anything.She’s playful with her. Extremely protective. It’s a whole different side to her than the one she lets everyone see. She’s always there to support her and she’d honestly do anything for her. All she’d have to do is ask.
After she was released from the Lich King’s control she wanted to go back to Fae. More than anything but she couldn’t. She was too ashamed of everything she’s done. She believed she was dangerous. She still believes she’s a monster and thinks Fae deserves better. But she let Fae think she was dead for a while after being freed from the Lich King’s control. Because she couldn’t face her. 
She broke when they reunited in Wrath of the Lich King. Because it’s her girl, her fiancee, her sunshine and she’s missed her so goddamn much. And she’s so sorry.
They had quite a bit to work through after that because mhm Fae doesn’t get angry easily but she wasn’t happy Gaillen legit didn’t tell her after being capable of it. She might not have ever told her if they didn’t accidentally run into each other and that hurt Fae so much. It took her a while to understand why she did that.
But they did get through it. They got married post wrath of the lich king. And damn it life kinda sucks in general because its Azeroth and there’s always someone trying to destroy it and they’re constantly having to go fight to save it but..together? they’re happy.
They’re so in love. It’s !!! too sweet
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odessii-dragonblade · 7 years
(( Transcript of an RP between myself and Calartis! A bit long below the cut, fair warning! Some alterations made for the sake of consistent grammatical tense. ))
Odessii walked away from the courier after handing off a pair of missives for the Commander at Lilydale. She made a mental note to write similar missives - but not too similar - to Lady Ludlow, once she was done. Turning her head she spotted her spymaster, making a gesture for him to walk with her. "Bull is in our grasp, Timmy... All this bloodshed, it can stop - once we know where he is, we can formulate a plan to end him. Once he's gone... His cult will crumble; the Broken, and the Void, will be no threat to us here, and we can get back to the real mission."
Calartis followed Odessii as ordered, his gaze would wander around the camp. He'd be silent for a few moments then speak, "This Bull must be powerful indeed to gather such a following, how can we be sure that destroying his physical form will be enough?" His left hand would rest upon the hilt of one of his daggers. "Not that i'll shy away from a kill... But i'm a rather mundane man, not so gifted with fighting things like void spawn."
"He's an Eredar. One with Void magic, aye, but still a demon... And we're in the one place where demons die for good... All we need is one fatal blow - one kill. That will end him. And bring justice for those we lost... Those lost to Lady Ludlow, and Commander Schofield..."
As they approached the cage, a pair of soldiers - both Dragonblade, and looking to be taking their duty seriously - bowed their heads, stepping aside to let the pair passed. The Krokul kneeled in his cell, hood drawn over his eyes as they stared at the ground, presumably. At the sound of footprints, he looked up, Fel-cursed eyes glazed somewhat. "You will learn nothing from me. The Master is all-knowing - I will not betray Him..."
Calartis chuckled "Guess he knew you'd fail then friend." He'd then look towards Odessii. "This is your show Ma'am, how you want me to handle him is up to you, I can break limes or rip out unimportant bits, put some non-lethal but highly painful posion in his vains and such, or  simply talk to him." Cal would take out a few vials from a puch and start to apply them to a needle looking dagger, he'd turn his gaze to the broken. "You'd best hope she only wants to talk, you won't be the first or last thing i'll get to brake open."
Odessii looked to Cal, almost glaring at him. "No. No poison, no torture... We're better than our enemies, not as bad for a better cause."
She looked to the Broken, furrowing her brows. "I know your Master well... I knew him when he acted the part of a man, spending his days in a..." Did they know what a bar was? Damn, she should know more about Draenei culture. "In an inn, with my friends and I. It was long ago, but I can tell you, he is not all-knowing." 
The Broken stood, wrapping his hands around the bars of his cell to steady himself. "You have not seen the power He posesses - you have not heard of those He serves. The Void is inevitable, coming closer and closer... Yet He masters it. Stands in it unflinching, unblinking. You... You have not seen what happens to those who fail him, as I have... I will not fail him further by helping you..." 
Calartis arched a brow. "If you did fail him would be come here himself and kill you? Or simply send more to die in his stead like a coward? How powerful can he be if he hides in the void? You said he was a master, then why not plung us into the void? finish us off?" His eyes never breaking contact with the brokens. "I'll tell you why, he's a puppet nothing more, he pulls your strings while something worse pulls his." Cal would put his vials away and wipe the blade clean of poison before putting it away as well. "Oh and you're already dead to him friend I suspect we'll find nothing but your husk here in a few days once he eats you from the void."
The Broken slammed a fist against the bars of his cell, glaring at Cal. "The Master wastes not his time on trivial things like you! He sent us because you are an annoyance to him - his work is grander than you or I! The Void comes, and he heralds its arrival - he keeps us safe from it, if we serve him well. I failed him here, but he will reward me for my secrecy. For my loyalty!"
Odessii placed a hand on her blade as Azel grew agitated, looking to Timmy with concern, but not for the Spymaster's words. "Bull holds no loyalty to you, no care... You're just a pawn to him. Look around you - look at this world. Before your Master was with the Void, he was with the Legion - he was one of their eredar, one of the ones who ruined this world. Now he grasps for power, while the Legion falters - and you're just a tool for him to gain hold. Don't let him use you..."
Calartis nodded. "The only reward he'll give you is a swift death, and from what I understand thats only if he's in a good mood, he'll probably just feed your soul to the void for more power." He'd shrug. "But you're loyal to the last, well unless the last means death... Then you break." Cal would give a sad chuckle while shaking his head. "You're dead and those we set free will also die and all the while this Bull grows in power and you will simply be another number of those he has slain for his insane grab for immortality or whatever his end goal might be."
Azel looked between them, shaking his head defiantly. "No... We serve to be rewarded. For salvation from millenia upon millenia on this cursed world. The Master brings salvation... We will be saved."  
Odessii looked to Cal, furrowing her brows slightly. "I know Bull... He had moments where he seemed to love others. But he was always just looking after himself. It's who he is, whether or not he showed you. Please... Help us - and we'll stop him before he can hurt you, or any of your people, ever again..."
Calartis locked eyes with the broken again. "Or don't and die, this IS your only chance at redemption and more then likely living."
The Broken looked between the two of them, brows creasing together as he gripped the bars on his cell. "He showed us his power... He is chosen by the inevitable Void."
Odessii stepped forward, bending down just enough to be eye-level with their prisoner. "Nothing is inevitable. No Demon is unkillable. Your master has fed you all lies, empty promises... When all he wants is more power for himself. He'll see this world destroyed, and then mine - please, help me stop him. Help us stop him."
She looked back at Cal as the Azel slumped, staring at the ground and shaking his head. "I... I have failed him already... If the Master is what you say - if my people and I have been lied to..." He shook his head, looking up at Ode. "If I am to die, then I will have died aiding you... If you are right, the false God will fall, and my people will live on... That is all I ever wanted..."
Odessii stood straight, turning back to Cal with a smile, before gesturing towards the guards. "Open this cell... Take our new friend to our maps so he can mark a location, aye?" She walked back to Cal, crossing her arms over her stomach as she looked about the still battered camp. "What supplies we have will have to be ready to move - wherever Bull is, this location isn't safe now... We ought to leave before another attack, before more people die..."
A pain showed through her eyes - blaming herself for their losses. She made little effort to hide the thought from her most-trusted adviser, though it might not be entirely clear what she was thinking, just that she was troubled.
Calartis waited for the broken and the guards to have left before he spoke. "You seem troubled and I could probably venture a guess why, but regardless it's not your fault, these things happen...." His gaze would turn to the damaged camp. "I should know, I'm usually the one doing them to our enemies, even the most highly trained and well planned out defense can suffer losses, it's just the nature of war and in this war we should be thankful we still live let alone have enough supplies and soldiers to make a real difference." His gaze would return to Odessii. "And more over we have a new ally and are but weeks, maybe even days away from ending this battle and putting an end to Bull and his crazed machinations." Cal goes quiet and looks at the ground for long moments he doesn't speak. "I understand Bull was your friend, if you find it hard to strike him down, I'll do it."
Odessii shook her head, sighing. "I'll be able to strike the final blow if I have the chance... After all of this? The man I once called a friend doesn't exist... Maybe never did."
She looked to Calartis, a sadness coming over her features, barely kept in a neutral expression despite the emotion visible through her eyes. "This is my fault... Bull must have known we were looking for him, known where we were... Known I was here... He didn't attack us, this camp, these people, he attacked me, and everyone else was just in the way. The blood of the dead is on my hands, and too many weren't mine to bring here."
Calartis shook his head. "Thinking like that is what he wants, this is a war and people will die, it's up to us to make sure they didn't die in vain."  He'd point a thumb towards the damaged camp. "Nearly all of the soldiers in this camp would give their lives for you and Azeroth, and sadly that is what we are asking of them." Cal's eyes hardened into a stern look. "We must never let the soldiers know we are hurting, physically or mentally... I know this isn't easy for you, but we can't falter know, we need to push these emotions away and show these fiends that nothing can break us." He'd place a hand on Odessii's shoulder. "And once this war is over we can break down, but no sooner."
Odessii shook her head,  but accepted the hand on her shoulder. "I can put on a brave face for our people, Timmy, but nothing will convince me that this isn't my fault... When we assault Bull's location, I want our people to be safe - that has to be our priority. However powerful he's become, Bull is still mortal - a few of our specialists can take him. You, me, Arker, my brother... We'll stop him, or someone else will, but I'll not have more death if I can prevent it. Thoughts?"
Calartis removed his hand from her shoulder with a nod. "Of course."  He'd look at the damaged camp one more time. "I suppose this is the best we can do for now, i'll try and see if I can't have the scouts get us a safer path to Bull." He'd once more turn his attenction back to Odessii. "I'll be the vanguard for this scouting mission with your permission, with any luck we won't lose anyone, I might even get a new trophy or two."  
"You have my permission, aye... But don't risk your neck for a new trophy, hm? We'll need you in the fight to come... For now, I'm going to go work on a plan of attack - one that will keep our people safe, and get us to Bull." She looked to Calartis, smiling a bit fondly at the man. "Thank you for everything, Timmy - once this is all over, we'll have to celebrate. Gives us both a reason to survive through it, aye?"
Calartis touched a Dwarven made alcohol skin on his belt. "Aye I could go for a bit more Stormpike stout myself, and nothings better then a few victory drinks after a battle, morn the dead and praise the living, that sort of thing." His hand moved to a pocket that contained a map of the local area, which he took out and scanned over. "And i'm sure the men could use a day or two of rest and relaxation." While speaking he'd trace out lines with his finger on the map. "Well assuming we get that much time."
"We can rest along the way... But if Bull was able to find us here, it's best we keep moving until we reach him." She nodded at the man, looking back to her tent. "I'm going to get to work on a plan of attack. We'll set out soon, once Adisor returns from his mission with Lady Ludlow's people." 
Once more she looked back to Calartis, smiling. "This will be over, soon - then we can put a stop to the Legion, and be home by Winter's Veil." 
With a final nod to her spymaster, she turned to make way for her tent - there was much work to do, and it had to be done right.
(( Mentions! @lindon-schofield @eveshadows @elizebella briefly in the beginning. ))
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theironleaf · 7 years
Someone once sent me an ask meme for couples and asked me to fill it out for my OTP. I just found it again and reposted it, cause I can’t reblog!
Okay, this kinda is a mix between my modern!AU and Azeroth, but bear with me.
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Zaphaleth. He is small and angry. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? No one, they’re way too mature for that and Zaphaleth would probably have a anxiety attack if leaving was mentioned. Been left alone a little too often. They’ll calm down and just talk it out. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? - Who trashes the house? Zaf sometimes gets a little too angry and breaks something, but then he usually calms down again. Do either of them get physical? Holy fuck, no!!! Mendoriel hit Zaphaleth ONE TIME back when they were friends and he has regretted it ever since. Zaf also already has a history of being abused before, so…no!!!! just no. How often do they argue/disagree? Rarely, really. Both of them are pretty chill and Mendoriel rather gives up before starting an argument. Who is the first to apologise? Mostly Zaphaleth, cause he known he is the one that is less  sensitive with things and mostly the one who wants to be right so desperately. He’s a little know-it-all :)
Who is on top? Mendoriel Who is on the bottom? Zaphaleth (it’s always like this) Who has the strangest desires? Zaphaleth usually comes up with the stranger things. Any kinks? They’re not really kinky what it comes to sex, but sometimes BDSM stuff comes into it, but only soft bondage. Who’s dominant in bed? Mendoriel for most of the times. He’s dominant, but really, really affectionate. Is head ever in the equation? Always. If so, who is better at performing it? Zaf, but that’s no surprise. Sucks dick like a champion. XD Ever had sex in public? Nah, they really prefer privacy and their own beds. Who moans the most? Both of them moan a lot, depending on what is going on. But I’ll go with Zaphaleth. Who leaves the most marks? Zaphaleth, Mendoriel’s arms, shoulders, chest, tummy and hips are full of love bites and sometimes even bite marks. XD Who screams the loudest? Zaf, also. :D Who is the more experienced of the two? Zaf, by far. Mendoriel was a virgin before him, despite being ~ 1800 years old already when they first did it. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love, definitely. Rough or soft? Soft. :) How long do they usually last? Quite long, but I don’t wanna say something unrealistic :D I’m not experienced enough. Is protection used? Nope. Does it ever get boring? Sometimes, yes, but Zaf usually knows how to spice it up again. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? In the stables. But they reaaally prefer beds.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? They already raised Zaf’s daughter Keona together. But maybe in the future when Zaf’s illness gets better, they will adopt another child. Zaf is not too fond of children. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? - Who is the favorite parent? Keona loves them both to death really, but she runs to Zaf all the time cause he is very casual about things. Who is the authoritative parent? Mendoriel, probably cause his dad was kinda authorative too. (shit, I fucked up the format)
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Zaf, but only if Keo does not feel good physically/mentally. Education is important guys! Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Both of them really don’t mind some junk food and sweets as long as it does not happen too often. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both of them! Zaf does his best at parenting and for Mendoriel of course does too, both know the importance of it. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both! Who changes the diapers? They switch, but Mendoriel had to do it most of the time, since Zaf was pretty miserable when Keona was a baby. (shit, I did it again!)
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Zaf, he was awake anyways. Fucking insomnia and nightmares. Who spends the most time with the children? Mendoriel spent a lot of time with Keo, Zaphaleth a little less cause he still needed lots of rest. Who packs their lunch boxes? Mendoriel. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Zaphaleth, he does not give a damn and does never beat around the bush. Who cleans up after the kids? Mendoriel, usually. He’s a little tidier than Zaf, but just a little. Who worries the most? Mendoriel, Zaphaleth knows his kids are going to be fucking badass. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Zaphaleth, he swears all the fucking time and does not even notice.
Who likes to cuddle? Boooth! :D But Mendoriel is really really cuddly and just casually seeks it out ALL the time. Who is the little spoon? Zaf Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? …Zaf. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Both of them, really. XD But Mendoriel has the better self control. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Like forever. Who gives the most kisses? Mendoriel…HE CAN’T STOP What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Probably going out together, enjoying nature, culture and maybe take a long walk. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Couch and bed. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Mendo touches Zafs butt a lot when no one is looking. How often do they get time to themselves? Sometimes. Mendoriel is usually busy all day training the troops of his father and Zaf does some engineering work or theorizing in the meantime. They have the evenings and the days where Mendoriel has the day off.
Who snores? None of them, Zaf sometimes makes funny noises tho. If both do, who snores the loudest? - Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed. Still have seperate rooms in the manor tho, but they spent most time in Mendoriels. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? They start by cozying up, Mendoriel does usually not move at all while Zaphaleth does fucking gymnastics in his sleep. Who talks in their sleep? Zaf babbles a lot. What do they wear to bed? Different at times. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Jesus, yes, Zaphaleth is Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Yeah, alongside a whole fucking bunch of Meds Zaf has to take …BUT MOST OF THE TIMES HE WON’T…does not like meds, at least not the psychotropic ones. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Mendoriel just lays there like dead while Zaf just throws his leg over him or just lays on top of him. So yeah. Zaf does a lot of things in his sleep. Who wakes up with bed hair? Zaf always has perfect hair, as we know it. …not really, he has really funky bed hair going on. Mendo’s stays fairly decent. Who wakes up first? Zaphaleth Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Mendoriel, as Zaf sometimes just won’t leave bed at all. What is their favourite sleeping position? Mendoriel really like spooning Zaf when he curls up and Zaf enjoys having his back protected by the warrior. Who hogs the sheets? Zaf. Do they set an alarm each night? Not really.
Can a television be found in their bedroom? Nope.
Who has nightmares? Zaphaleth almost certainly has some nightmares if he forgets to take his meds. That’s why he does sometimes refuse to go to bed if he is actually tired for once or just wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. His sleep is the worst. Who has ridiculous dreams? Mendoriel. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Zaphaleth? Mendoriel really does not move, not even an inch so he mostly just climbs onto his partner. Who makes the bed?  No one. It’s a mess. What time is bed time? Midnight at the latest! Mendo needs lots and lots of sleep. Any routines/rituals before bed? - Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Zaphaleth. Needs coffee.
Who is the busiest? Zaf. Who rakes in the highest income?Also Zaf. Are any of your muses unemployed? - Who takes the most sick days? Zaf. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Zaf has his own schedule and the troops need to wait for Mendoriel. Who sucks up to their boss? - What are their jobs? Zaf is an self-employed engineer and scientist and Mendoriel is the general of his fathers army. (Modern!AU: Zaf is the CEO of his own corporation Ironleaf Industries, they work in the biomedical research and medical field and produce medical equipment, and Mendoriel is an emergency room/casualty department doctor) Who stresses the most? Zaf. Please chill. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? They both love it. Are your muses financially stable? Yep! Very much so.
Home: (if both lived in a home together with none other!)
Who does the washing? Mendoriel Who takes out the trash? Mendoriel Who does the ironing? Zaphaleth Who does the cooking? Zaphaleth Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? …none, really. Who is messier? Zaphaleth Who leaves the toilet roll empty? No one would dare to do so. But I’ll go with Mendoriel. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Mendoriel Who forgets to flush the toilet? Yuck. No one. Who is the prankster around the house? Zaphaleth. But it’s only minor pranks like putting googly eyes on the fotos of Mendoriels family. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Zaphaleth! Who mows the lawn? They switch. Who answers the telephone? Zaphaleth. Who does the vacuuming? The vacuuming robot Zaf built. Who does the groceries? Both of them. Who takes the longest to shower? Mendoriel. Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Zaphaleth
Is money a problem? Nope. How many cars do they own? They probably would own two. Do they own their home or do they rent? Their own home. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Near the coast. Do they live in the city or in the country? Would probably live in the country, city isn’t unlikely either. Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yeah, very much so. What’s their song? Skillet - Comatose What do they do when they’re away from each other? Where did they first meet? Auberdine, before the demons wrecked it. How did they first meet? Mendoriel treated Zaphaleth as he was down with a very serious illness. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Zaphaleth Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Zaphaleth also. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Both of them laugh their asses of. Any mental issues? Zaphaleth suffers from C-PTSD, depression and probably some more shit, Mendoriel has depressive tendencies. Who’s terrified of bugs? Mendoriel. Who kills the spiders around the house? Zaphaleth, as Mendoriel is terribly afraid of spiders. Their favourite place? Bed. Always bed. Who pays the bills? Zaphaleth probably would. In azeroth, they live in Shadowdancer manor, so Sephestus sustains them. Do they have any fears for their future? Mendoriel and Zaphaleth both really worry about Zafs health and state of mind. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Zaphaleth loves taking Mendoriel out. Who uses up all of the hot water? No one, Zaphaleth takes a short shower at first and then Mendoriel just uses up the rest in his long shower. Who’s the tallest? Mendoriel is the taller one with 7′7″ (230cm) and Zaf’s much shorter with just 6′7″ (200cm) Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Zaphaleth, but Mendoriel does it too. Who wanders around in their underwear? Zaphaleth. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Mendoriel, Zaphaleth hates singing so much. What do they tease each other about? Being clumsy, stupid verbal errors, funky pronunciations (you know, when your mouth just gives up on you), scientific inaccuracies and their little, but adorable flaws. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Zaphaleth. Mendoriel really does not take clothing as seriously as he does. Do they have mutual friends? Mendoriels whole family and their friends. :D Who crushed first? Zaphaleth Any alcohol or substance related problems? Zaphaleth sometimes goes a little haywire with his meds when he’s feeling very bad. Mendoriel has to look after him so he doesn’t does all kinds of pills together and takes them at once. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Zaf would, but Mendoriel does not allow him to go out alone since he does a lot of stuff he is not supposed to do and gets in danger sometimes. The engineer probably would end up in jail because he was drunk as fuck. Also Zaf has had an alcohol abuse problem and they both do not want him to relapse. Who swears the most? Zaphaleth, so much. SOOOO MUCH.
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