#right before that was adora saying 'I never hated you!' which...ouch
videogamelover99 · 2 years
i’ve seen a lot of people talking about chuuya losing his trust in dazai and how it will lead dazai into accepting his feelings, finally having The Talk(TM), and apologizing. what’s your opinion on it?
Dropping this She Ra clip for...reasons: https://youtu.be/-1UicFp5DnI
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“Broken Noses and Bad Ideas” - Glitradora Fanfic Part 7
It has been so much fun getting back into this! Enjoy!
Catra bared her teeth at the lanky blonde. Double Trouble grinned and threw their arms around her. “Oh Kitten, I missed you! We left on such bad terms!”
Muttering curse words, Catra shoved them away. “Yeah, and whose fault was that?”
“Well, usually I’m never one to admit fault, but we can go halfsies on this one.”
“Halfsies?! Are you fucking - you know what, forget it. What are you doing here, DT?”
“I wanted to visit. Am I not allowed to see you anymore?” 
Catra bit her tongue and tasted blood. “Come outside and we’ll talk.”
She stormed out of the house with Double Trouble in tow. She leaned against the van, arms crossed, tapping her foot in the dirt, while they stood before her with a wicked grin. 
“Well?” she snapped. “What do you want?” 
“I told you - I wanted to visit. We haven’t seen each other since-”
Double Trouble snickered. “Not one for reminders today, are we?” 
“I told you to stay away from me!” 
“Oh, come on.” They grabbed her chin and leaned close. “Did you really mean that?”
Catra slapped their hand away. “Yes, I did. I meant it when I told you to stay away from me, I meant it when I said I hate you, and I meant it when I said I never want to see you again!” 
“Ouch. That stings, Kitten.” 
Catra lurched towards them. “Stop calling me that!”
Covering their mouth with their hand, Double Trouble laughed and walked in a slow circle around her, watching her suck her anger back through gritted teeth. “Me-ow! So agitated! I mean no harm, you know.”
“What. Do. You. Want.” 
“I heard you and your little band were playing around here and decided I wanted to visit.” Standing behind Catra, they drummed their fingers along her shoulders. She clenched her teeth and watched them from the corner of her eye. She knew this game. “Well, more than that.”
Of course.
“I have a bit of a proposition. I take it you’re still working for everyone’s favorite edgelord?”
“What makes you think that?”
“Yes, then. I was hoping you and I could go back to our previous arrangement.” 
Catra bristled. “If you think I would ever-”
“Not that arrangement. Our original one. The one where I find the people your boss sends you after and you give me a generous stipend for my efforts. Take some of the stress away so you can focus on your personal ventures.” 
“Personal ventures. Like you.” 
They grinned and wrapped their arms around her shoulders. “I didn’t say it.” 
Catra laughed coldly. “You don’t have a job, do you?”
With a gasp of indignance, Double Trouble jumped back. “I am in between roles, thank you very much! There’s not much in the way of the Etherian theater scene.”
“How long have you been here?”
“A few months now. I found a lovely hotel I’ve been staying at between auditions.”
“You can afford a hotel?”
“They don’t check the cars in the parking lot.”
“There it is.” 
“Which is why you should bring me back onto your team. What do you say?” They dragged their long, sharp nails down Catra’s arm. “Just a few trips down memory lane?”
Catra hesitated. The worst distraction in her life behind Adora was back, right when she needed her focus the most. She had to deal with Hordak, she had to keep up with her work, she had the band to manage. And now with this old case coming back to haunt her, her and Glimmer…
Glimmer. She had to keep all of this away from Glimmer. She only had to keep this up long enough for the heat to blow over, for the cops to move on to another cold case, for Hordak to send her along to another city and away from the mess she fell into. Away from Glimmer. Maybe she could convince Sparkles to come with her. 
No. No, she couldn’t even entertain that thought. There was no way that could even happen, not with Adora hanging around.
Fuck, of course she had to be here! Of course she had to end up being Sparkles’ best friend, too. Why did this shit always happen to Catra? 
She bit her tongue. Dealing with that case was her main objective at this point. It couldn’t hurt to have someone dealing with the other aspects of her work, could it?
“Fine,” she finally said. “You find my targets for me, like you used to, and that’s all.”
“Oh, wonderful! I knew you’d come around, darling!” 
“And you’re sleeping in the driveway in your car.”
Double Trouble forced a smile. “Always a catch with you. I’ll go get my things and be back tonight.”
They started for their car. Just as they grabbed the door handle, Catra called to them. 
“And just so we’re clear, Trouble, this is business.” She narrowed her eyes as they turned back to her. “What happened between us? Never again. Ever.”
They winked. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Kitten.”
“And don’t call me that!” 
Double Trouble took off with a roar of the engine and a cloud of dust. Catra coughed and wiped the dirt out of her eyes. She watched their car until it disappeared down the road. Biting her tongue hard, she spun on her heel and marched back inside. 
She swung the door open, and Scorpia stumbled back from her place pressed against it. The taller woman laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck. “Oh, hey Catra! I wasn’t listening.”
“They’re going to be staying in the driveway for a while. Just while they’re in between roles or whatever.” 
“O-Okay. Um, why are we letting - oh, alright.”
Scorpia stepped aside as Catra swept past her. “Don’t worry about it,” she dismissed.
“Noted.” Scorpia hovered near Catra’s shoulder as she sat at the table. “Didn’t, um… Maybe this is a sensitive subject but, uh, didn’t you two have a, well, a thing?”
“Scorpia,” Catra snapped, “what part of ‘don’t worry about it’ wasn’t clear to you?”
“Yep. You got it. Hear you loud and clear.” She paused. “But just so we’re on the same page-”
“Okay, shutting up now.” 
“Thank you.” 
Catra’s phone rang. She bristled at the name on the screen. 
Scorpia bolted for her and Lonnie’s room without further comment. 
Catra answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Catra,” Hordak growled. “I have another job for you.”
“Already? How extensive is your business in Etheria?”
“That is none of your concern. Your job is to go after who I send you after. Am I understood?”
“Yes sir.” 
“I will send you the details. Take care of it.”
“You had to call me for this?”
“Watch your tongue,” he barked. “We have more business to discuss. The case we discussed - what more have you found out?” 
Did she give him Glimmer’s name? She had to. He would kill her if she didn’t and he found out!
If he found out.
“Nothing. I haven’t heard anything about it.”
“Excellent. I expect regular updates.”
“Of course.”
The line went dead. A text message with addresses and names popped up on screen the next moment. Catra dropped the phone onto the table and took a deep breath. Pushing her fatal lie from her mind, she grabbed the car keys and left, hunting down another poor bastard who crossed the wrong man. 
How long until her name was on that list?
Glimmer called just as Catra stumbled back to the van, covered in blood that was not her own. She sighed and let it ring as she fished a stained rag out of the glove box. She wiped away as much of the blood as she could, taking special care to get it off her face before tossing the cloth somewhere in the back seat. 
The ride home was quick. She was greeted with loud squabbling coming from the kitchen, something to do with Kyle as usual. Only Scorpia greeted her, and she waved her off, retreating to her room. She plopped down on the bed with a heavy sigh. 
She picked up the phone and dialed Glimmer’s number. She needed to have some fun tonight.
The punk princess answered after two quick rings. 
“Hey, Sparkles.” 
“Catra! I was starting to think you weren’t going to call me.” 
“Ah, work stuff. Got pulled away for a little bit. What, did you really miss me that much?”
“You wish.” 
Catra laughed. “Damn, alright then. So does that mean you wouldn’t be interested in joining me at the club tonight? I’m in the mood for dancing.”
“Don’t you have a performance?”
“Not tonight. So Princess, are you in or out?”
“I’m in. What time?” 
“Meet me outside the Seaworthy Tavern at nine tonight.” 
“The Seaworthy? Isn’t that place a little seedy?”
“Oh, the magic princess is bougie now. I found you laying in a pool of blood the second time we met and you’re worried about a place being a little seedy?”
“Okay, I get the point. I’ll be there.” 
“Good. See you then, Princess.” 
Catra tossed her phone aside. She smelled at her shirt and recoiled. Fuck, she needed a shower. Running her hands through her shirt, she headed for the bathroom. 
Double Trouble was standing outside her bedroom door when she opened it. “What’s this I hear about clubbing tonight?”
“Ah! Fuck! How long were you standing there!”
“That’s besides the point. I’ve been waiting to have some fun in this town. Can I come? Oh, pretty please?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever, I don’t care. Just leave me alone.” She shoved them aside and continued. Their eyes bored into her back as she left. 
Glimmer waited for Catra outside the club. Scorpia and the rest of the band tagged along and parted from her with a wave. Double Trouble headed straight inside with them, not noticing Catra slip away to join the pink and purple leather clad girl standing on the edge of the building. Catra wore tight black leather pants and a red corset with a long leather jacket over it. Her wild hair was pushed back from her face. She stood in front of Glimmer, who was focused on her phone, without speaking. She looked up after a moment and immediately went red in the face, violet eyes wide. 
Catra snickered. “How do I look?”
A string of nonsensical noises left Glimmer’s mouth before any real words formed. “You look, um, well, you - wow.”
“That good?”
“Right back at you, Sparkles.” 
Glimmer blushed again and tucked her hair behind her ear. She nodded towards the door. “Want to head in?”
“Sure.” Catra offered an arm that Glimmer accepted, holding onto her as they strolled inside. 
The club was lit with blue and green lights that rippled like water on the walls. The dance floor was packed with people and more crowded around the bar, tossing back shots and chugging cheap beers. Cigarette smoke hung in the air. Glimmer squeezed Catra’s arm and headed for the bar. 
“What are you drinking?” she asked. 
“Vodka cranberry,” Catra said with a nod to the bartender, a tall, built woman with a bandana and a messy white undercut. A fish hook tattoo was inked on her neck. 
“Whiskey on the rocks for me,” Glimmer added. 
The bartender nodded and made their drinks. She passed Catra hers and then slid the other to Glimmer with a coy smirk. “Yours is on me,” she purred. 
Catra growled, nearly cracking her glass in her grip. She swooped in before Glimmer could respond, wrapping an arm around her neck and flashing her fangs with a sneer. She leaned into Glimmer.
“Thanks for the offer, but you can just put it on my tab,” she drawled. 
The bartender scowled at her. She stuck out her tongue and steered Glimmer away. Glimmer laughed as they found an empty spot along the wall. She leaned her shoulder against the wall and sipped her drink. 
“That was a lot,” she remarked, raising an eyebrow. 
Catra grunted. “Didn’t like her face.”
“Are you usually possessive like that?”
“Why? Turn off?” 
Glimmer shrugged. “We’ll find out.”
“Is that a proposition, Princess?”
“Dance with me first and you’ll see.”
Catra grinned and abandoned her drink. She let Glimmer pull her onto the floor, their hands landing on each other as they moved to the music. Catra watched Glimmer, completely enraptured by the way she glowed and sparkled in the dim light, staring at her eyes as they lit up. The bass from the speakers boomed in her chest and amplified her own pulse pounding in her head. She sucked in a sharp breath as Glimmer wrapped her arms around her neck, their bodies pressed together. 
Glimmer sighed, her breath hot on Catra’s ear, and pressed a soft kiss to her neck. Catra tried to hide her shiver. 
“Thank you for showing up in my life,” she murmured, her voice cutting through the music. “You’re the only thing keeping my head on straight lately.” 
“That’s a bad thing to rely on me for.”
“I don’t care.” Glimmer tangled her fingers in Catra’s hair and tilted her head back to look at her. “There’s something about you that I can’t name.”
“My charm? My wit? My dashing good looks?”
“Not that.”
“Ouch, Sparkles.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. It’s something else. Your edge, maybe, or the fact that you can go whatever you want. I wish I had freedom like that.” 
“Mm. I’ve got more responsibilities than you’d think.”
“What responsibilities do you have tonight?”
“Nothing but what you tell me.”
Glimmer giggled, her lips brushing Catra’s. “I like the sound of that.”
Catra pressed her lips together. They spent a brief eternity on the dance floor, squeezed together in the crowd, their hands and lips on each other’s skin. Even with so little liquor in her system, Catra was drunk off the feeling of Glimmer against her. At one point, they pulled apart and pressed their foreheads together, simply swaying as a slower song played. 
“I wish we had more chances to see each other,” Glimmer said. “Besides going to your shows.”
“You know Adora would kill me if this got back to her,” Catra pointed out. 
“I know.” 
“Is the thrill of sneaking around losing its edge?” 
“Life is more entertaining with you.”
“The feeling’s mutual, Sparkles.” She kissed Glimmer’s cheek. “I’m going to go get us another drink. Same thing?”
“Make it a double this time.”
“Got it.” 
Glimmer stepped off the floor and went to stand with Scorpia and Lonnie by the wall while Catra went to the bar. She exchanged a quick glare with the bartender. As she watched the woman make their drinks, she sensed someone standing behind her. 
Double Trouble leaned on her with their arm draped over her shoulder. “Now tell me, Kitten,” they said, “who on earth is that tooth-achingly cute ball of glitter you’ve been dancing with all night?” 
“A girl I know,” Catra said dismissively.
“Oh darling, that is not how you act with ‘a girl you know.’ That’s why you were so angry about me showing up! You didn’t want me butting in on your little romance!”
“I didn’t want you showing up because I hate you.” 
“You and half the theater business. So, give me the details! What’s her name, how did you meet, is she good in bed?” 
“Shut the fuck up. You said you would leave me alone tonight.”
“I lied. Buuuuuuut maybe I will if you give me a little information.” 
“That’s all you care about, isn’t it?”
“Information runs the world, darling. I thought you would have learned that by now.” 
Catra snarled and turned away. “Her name is Glimmer. That’s all you’re getting.” 
“For now.”
Catra grabbed the drinks and stormed off to find Glimmer. The moment she found her, she pulled her into a searing kiss and pushed the drink into her hand. 
“Finish that quick and let’s get out of here,” she growled. 
Glimmer grinned. “Let’s skip it and go straight back to my place.”
“Sounds good to me.” 
Catra couldn’t get back to Glimmer’s apartment fast enough. Glimmer pulled her into a harsh, bruising kiss the moment the door closed. Catra barely locked it before Glimmer pulled them towards the bedroom. Their clothes ended up discarded on the floor. 
Catra stopped them just as they fell onto the bed. “Are you sure you want to do this? I know last time you said-”
“I’m fine. I want this.” 
Glimmer grinned and pulled the covers over them. 
They laid awake in the middle of the night, curled up with each other in the low candlelight. Glimmer’s head rested on Catra’s chest. Her hair was messy and swept back from her face. Catra carded her fingers through it as Glimmer traced the various scars covering her body.
“What’s this one from?” she asked. 
“Adora and I went rock climbing when we were little and she fell so I went jumping after her.” 
“Yeah. Let’s talk about a different one.”
“Okay.” Glimmer reached up and traced a long scar stretching from the back of Catra’s neck down her shoulder. “What about this one?”
“I got into a fight and the guy pulled a knife on me.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m completely serious. I ended up winning, too.”
Glimmer propped herself up and leaned over Catra. “How do you get into so much trouble being in a cover band?”
“Hey, we have original songs, too.” Catra’s mouth continued before she could stop it. “And I have more business than the band.”
“Like what?”
“Just… dealing with people. Fights. Issues people have with us and stuff like that. The music industry is surprisingly cutthroat, you know.” 
“Hm. Weird.” 
“Mm.” Catra yawned and stretched. 
“A little.” 
Glimmer snuggled up to her and closed her eyes. “You can stay the night, you know.”
Catra smiled and laid back. “Whatever you want, Princess.”
She woke up with Glimmer still cuddled under her arm. Late morning light streamed in through the curtains, casting a halo around the sleeping girl. Rubbing her eyes, Catra stretched her arms above her head. Glimmer stirred as Catra untangled herself. Catra smiled.
“Good morning.” Glimmer rolled over and draped herself over Catra’s stomach. “How did you sleep?”
“Good enough. You?”
“Good. What are your plans for today?”
“I’ve got to get back to the house eventually for rehearsal. Scorpia starts getting anxious if I’m gone too long.” Catra brushed Glimmer’s hair out of her eyes. “What about you?”
“I have stuff to get done around the store. It’s the one day I’m closed so I have to get paperwork and cleaning and stocking done.”
“Wow, sounds boring.”
“Is it,” Glimmer whined. 
Catra chuckled and brushed the side of Glimmer’s neck, tracing the purple marks on her throat. “You should probably cover these before you go anywhere.”
“Ugh, who cares? I would rather stay in bed all day.”
“You know, you could always-”
Catra jumped at the sound of Adora’s voice. Glimmer flinched. “Son of a bitch, Adora, what are you doing here?” she hissed. 
“Does she usually just show up unannounced?” Catra growled. 
“Yeah, she does. Coming, Adora!” 
Glimmer hurriedly changed into new clothes, picking a shirt that covered her neck. While she hid their clothes strewn around the apartment, Catra had enough time to pull on pants and crawl beneath the bed. 
Glimmer crouched and frowned at her. “What the hell are you doing?” she whispered. 
“What part of ‘Adora will kill me’ do you not understand?!” 
Glimmer rolled her eyes. Catra made sure she was hidden as Glimmer answered the door, but she maintained a clear line of sight into the living room. She caught a glimpse of Adora’s stupid peppy face over Glimmer’s shoulder. 
“Hey, I haven’t heard from you, I wanted to check on you,” the blonde said. 
“I’m fine, I’ve just been working,” Glimmer dismissed. 
“Are you cold? Why are you wearing a turtleneck?”
Catra bit back a laugh. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I just woke up feeling cold.”
“Are you sick? Here, let me feel your forehead.”
“Adora, Adora, stop. Get off, I’m fine!”
“Okay! Look, we were - wait, is that liquor? Were you drinking again?”
“Adora, you are this close to getting kicked out if you don’t leave me alone.”
Catra raised an eyebrow. Interesting… 
Adora raised her hands. “Alright, I’ll stop. Anyway, Bow and I both have nothing to do today so we were gonna go check out the ice cream shop we used to go to and maybe walk around town. Do you want to come?”
“Adora, I’ve got so much paperwork to do and-”
“Please, Glimmer? I can help you finish when we get back and it’ll get done in five minutes!” 
“Ugh, fine. Wait for me downstairs, okay?”
Adora disappeared downstairs. Catra crawled out from under the bed as Glimmer stepped back into the bedroom. Catra raised an eyebrow. Glimmer cringed and jerked her thumb towards the door. 
“I have to go deal with that,” she said. 
“Yeah. Have fun with that.”
“Look, I had a lot of fun last night. I’ll call you, okay? You can stay as long as you want and eat something before you leave if you want.”
“Thanks, Sparkles. I’ll be out of here once Adora is.”
“I didn’t know she was going to show up.”
“I know.” Catra grabbed Glimmer’s collar and pulled her into a harsh kiss. Glimmer smiled against her lips. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you.” 
Catra collected the rest of her clothes once Glimmer was gone. Slipping on her shirt, she looked around the empty apartment. 
She grinned. Perfect. Now she could find some information.
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Adora has always been Shadow Weaver's favorite student, but after making one mistake, she's left to spend recess alone with the baddest kid in fourth grade -- Catra. But Adora finds herself with some strange, warm-fuzzy feelings inside her chest, and she wonders if Catra truly is as bad as everyone says she is.
(Human AU where they’re all kids; Shadow Weaver is their fourth grade teacher. Takes place in early 2000s around Christmas.)
Fandom - She-Ra (2018)
Pairing - Catra x Adora
Rating - G
Words - 5134
Adora wiped her finger-paint stained hands on her overalls as she admired the work of art sitting before her. Her Christmas card was coming along perfectly! With the perfect amount of cotton pompoms as ornaments and glitter sprinkled all over, she’d created the most beautiful Christmas tree she’d ever laid eyes on. The only thing left was the star on top; she tapped her chin in thought, getting glitter on her face. 'What should I use for the star?' she thought, pawing through the various art supplies sitting in front of her. 
As she leaned across the table, Adora caught a glimpse of Bow's Christmas card; he'd topped his tree with a little piece of silver pipe cleaner bent into the shape of a star. "Whoa, you're a genius!" she exclaimed, cupping her cheeks. "Where'd you get those fuzzy sticks at? I wanna put one on my tree, too!"
"Right over there!" Bow said, gesturing to a little plastic basket sitting in the middle of the table. Only then, however, did he realize that the basket was empty. "Oh... I guess someone must have used the last of them. Sorry..."
Adora glanced over to Perfuma, who was sitting on the other side of Bow; she had constructed a 3D tree with pipe cleaners. 'So that's where they all went.' she thought with a grumble, flopping back down onto her chair. How else could she top her Christmas tree? She refused to draw her star with a crayon; no, Grandma Razz deserved a card better than that! Standing up from her chair, Adora approached the teacher's desk. "Miss Weaver...?" she asked shyly.
Shadow Weaver looked up from the test on her desk she'd been grading; Adora couldn't help but notice all of the red marks on it, and a chill went down her spine. 'I hope that's not mine...' she thought.
"What is it?" Shadow Weaver asked.
"Um, we ran out of the fuzzy sticks at my table." Adora said. "Can we have some more?"
"There's no more left in the art closet, unfortunately," Shadow Weaver said, but gestured across the room with her pen. "But if you're lucky, there might be some left at the other kids' table. Go and ask them, I'm sure they'd be willing to share."
"Okay!" Adora beamed. As she made her way across the room, she passed Catra who, as always, was sitting alone in the corner at her own smaller table. Adora peered over her shoulder as she passed to see if she had any of those fuzzy sticks; but she had nothing. No finger paint, no glue, no glitter, not even a single pompom. All that sat in front of the freckled girl was a piece of paper and a box of crayons. 'That's not fair...' Adora thought, her smile fading. 'Why didn't Miss Weaver give her any fun art stuff?' Catra noticed her staring and glared up at her. "What?" she hissed. Adora immediately turned away. She reminded herself to worry about her own business and not be so nosy, and continued towards the table on the other side of the room.
"Could I borrow some of the fuzzy sticks, please?" Adora asked, folding her hands politely. "Perfuma used all of ours, and I need just a tiny piece for my tree."
"Alright, but only if you give us some more glitter!" Lonnie said, handing Adora a handful of pipe cleaners.
"Thanks!" Adora said, snatching up the pipe cleaners. "I'll get you some glitter in just a jiffy!" she added, skipping back towards her own table.
"No skipping, Adora. Walk when you’re indoors." Miss Weaver said, not even looking up from the papers on her desk. Adora wondered how she'd managed to even see her skipping; but she obeyed, and carefully walked the rest of the way to her table.
"Can you hand me the glitter?" Adora said, dropping the pipe cleaners into the empty basket in front of Perfuma. "Lonnie's table needs some more."
"Alright, but tell her not to use all of it!" Glimmer said as she handed Adora the jar. "I might need some more for my tree!"
Adora look one glance at Glimmer's tree, seeing that every square inch of it was covered in a thick layer of glitter. "I doubt it, but okay!" Adora snorted, turning to head back over to the other table.
But as she made her way across the room, she tripped on her untied shoelace and stumbled to her knees, spilling the glitter all over the floor. "Ouch!" Adora whined, rubbing the knee that had banged against the floor.
"Adora, what did I just tell you?" Miss Weaver scolded, rising from her desk.
"B-but I didn't run or skip this time..." Adora whimpered.
"Then you should learn to be more careful." Miss Weaver said, gesturing to the huge pile of glitter sitting on the floor. "Look at the mess you've made! Are you going to clean it? Because I'm certainly not."
Adora's cheeks burned with shame; everyone in the room was staring at her right now. "Y-yes, I'll clean it..."
"Good." Miss Weaver said, finally turning her gaze away from Adora. "Everyone, clean up your messes and line up for recess."
And just like that, Adora was no longer the center of attention; all of the kids scrambled to place their artwork on the drying rack and grabbed their winter coats and hats from their hooks. Adora, on the other hand, pulled herself to her feet and dragged herself over to the closet in shame, searching for the broom and dustpan. Catra started to get up from her seat, but Shadow Weaver cast her a glare and she immediately sat right back down. "You know the routine, Catra." she scolded.
Once all of the kids were lined up, Shadow Weaver led them out into the hallway, and Kyle (who was at the very back of the line, as always) gave Adora a sympathetic look before closing the door behind him.
Tears were streaming down Adora's face as she struggled to sweep up her mess; she'd never missed recess before! She was always Shadow Weaver's favorite student; but all of that seemed to have changed over a silly little accident. The more she tried to sweep up the mess, the more glitter got all over the broom and her clothes. With a whine of frustration, Adora dropped the broom onto the ground and burst into tears, sitting down on the floor, defeated.
"Geez, calm down already." Catra groaned, leaning back in her chair. "I know you're a goody two shoes and all that, but it's not like the world's ending."
"You wouldn't understand!" Adora snapped, clenching her fists at her sides. "You're used to being in trouble! I never do bad things!"
"Well, you'll get used to it too." Catra snorted. "Today you spilled glitter; tomorrow, you'll probably get an F on your test. By the end of the week you'll probably get your first detention, haha!"
Adora gasped; what if that paper with all the red marks was hers? But Catra had no way of knowing that... With a huff, Adora crossed her arms. "Never! I'll never get in trouble as much as you! You're the baddest kid in fourth grade!"
"Yep, and proud of it!" Catra giggled. "I'm just sayin', Miss Weaver could find a new teacher's pet any day now. She's starting to like Glimmer a lot lately, you know."
"No! Shut your mouth!" Adora protested. Remembering the mess she still had to clean up, she began scooping up glitter into her hands and throwing it into the trash can, deciding the broom wasn't much help. "I'm a good student... I just made a little mistake. Doesn't make me bad."
"Alriiight..." Catra said, her tone basically saying "I don't believe you." Adora rolled her eyes, turning her focus back to the glitter on the floor.
"So, why do you always wear overalls?" Catra asked. "Do you live on a farm?"
"Yeah..." Adora said, unsure why Catra was suddenly trying to make conversation. "I help my grandma take care of the ponies."
"Ew, I was joking." Catra snorted. "Didn't think you actually did."
"It's not ew! Horses are beautiful!" Adora huffed.
"They smell like butts." Catra said.
"No they don't!"
"Yeah, they do!"
"Their stables are kinda smelly; but the horses aren't!" Adora insisted. "They're beautiful, majestic creatures!"
"They're ugly and smelly and stupid." Catra giggled, clearly amused by the reaction she was getting out of Adora.
"Are not!" Adora almost shouted.
"Are too!" Catra responded. "Besides, they're lame. You know what's even cooler than horses?"
"What?" Adora crossed her arms. She didn't believe there was anything cooler than horses, but was willing to hear Catra out.
"Cats." Catra held up the piece of paper that'd been sitting in front of her, showing Adora the drawing she'd done of two orange cats.
"Whoa..." Adora gasped, putting her anger aside to admire just how good Catra was at drawing. They certainly weren't better than horses, that she knew for sure; but her drawings were almost as good as a sixth grader's! "Did you draw that?"
"Yep. All by myself." Catra said, beaming with pride. "This is Firestar, and this is his mate, Sandstorm."
"Why do they have such weird names?" Adora asked.
"Because they're warrior cats, duh!" Catra rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What's a warrior cat?" Adora asked. She scooped up the last of the glitter with her hands, dumping it into the trash can. Remains of it stuck to her hands, which she brushed off on her overalls.
"They're clans of cats that live in the forest and fight for territory and prey!" Catra explained with a toothy grin. "And they have special names that change as they go up in ranks. I've even started my own clan! I'm Bloodstar, leader of NightClan!"
"Ohh..." Adora said, not fully understanding but still intrigued all the same. She pushed the trash can back to the corner of the room where it belonged, glancing up at the clock. 'Ugh, I hate the clocks with hands...' she thought, wishing she could figure out how much time she had before recess was over. "But wait, you said they're clans of cats, so how do you have a Clan?"
"Because..." Catra paused, glancing around the room to make sure nobody else could hear. She stepped closer to Adora, grabbing her hand. "Can you pinkie promise to keep a secret?"
Adora hesitated, but wrapped her pinkie around Catra's. "Yeah, I think so."
"Alright." Catra leaned closer and whispered into Adora's ear. "I'm actually a warrior cat in a human girl's body."
"What?" Adora gasped. "No way!"
"I'm serious! I mean -- it makes so much sense!" Catra said, holding a hand up to Adora's face. "Look at my nails! They're so sharp! And I have fangs, too!" Catra gestured to the pointed canines in her mouth. "And one time I meowed at my cat and she meowed back at me. I think she understood me! Also, I can see in the dark -- well, sometimes."
"Whoa..." Adora said, looking Catra up and down. She wasn't fully sure she believed it, but with the proof right in front of her, it was hard to deny... "That's awesome!" she finally exclaimed.
"Right!" Catra giggled. "But you gotta promise not to tell anyone. They'll think I'm crazy -- crazier than they already think I am, anyway..."
Adora reached for Catra's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Well, I don't think you're crazy! I think it's awesome that you're a cat! I promise, your secret is safe with me!" Adora pretended to zip her mouth closed with her hand, and gave Catra a reassuring nod.
"Thanks, horse girl." Catra said, blushing a little. She turned and looked out the window to the playground, sighing as she saw their classmates having fun in the snow. "I just hate being cooped up inside all day... A warrior should be outside, breathing in the fresh air. Miss Weaver hasn't let me go out for recess in over a month, now."
"Oh yeah, I've noticed that." Adora said. "Why is that?"
"Because I don't do my homework." Catra huffed. "I keep telling her none of it makes sense, but she just tells me I'm not trying. And she told me I can't go out for recess anymore until my homework is done." Catra turned to her isolated table on the other side of the room. "That's why I'm always sitting all by myself, too. She thinks I'm a 'distraction' to the other kids. How am I supposed to form my clan if I can't even talk to anyone?"
"Aw..." Adora sighed. It didn't seem like Shadow Weaver was being very fair... Even if Catra goofed off in class, she didn't deserve to be alone all the time! "I'm sorry, that sounds awful..." Adora said. "But... you know what?"
"What?" Catra said.
"I may not be a cat, but I still wanna join your clan!" Adora exclaimed.
Catra's eyes widened. "For real?"
"Yeah, for real!"
"That's awesome!" Catra bounced up and down on her feet, grabbing Adora's hands and spinning her around. "And since you're the first one to join my clan, you can be my deputy!"
"Awesome!" Adora said, though she wasn't fully sure what that meant. "And I want my warrior cat name to be..." She hummed in thought, trying to remember how the names worked. From what she remembered, they all seemed to be two words mashed together... "Ponytail!" she exclaimed.
"Ponytail?" Catra raised an eyebrow. "That's a weird name for a cat, but it technically works so... Welcome to NightClan, Ponytail!"
"Yay!" Adora clapped her hands. "Is that all it takes? Am I official?"
"Well, almost." Catra said, reaching into her hoodie pocket. She pulled out a black Crayola marker and tugged the lid off with a pop. "There's one last thing I need to do before you're a true NightClan member!"
"Oh?" Adora said as Catra reached for her hand. She drew a crescent moon shape in the middle of her palm. "There. Now everyone can know what clan you're in!" Catra said, opening her hand and showing the matching moon shape to Adora.
"Ohh, awesome!" Adora said.
"You might have to re-draw it after you wash your hands, though, since it's not a permanent marker, but still!" Catra got down on all fours. "Now that you're part of the clan, let's go hunting!"
"Got it!" Adora said, getting down onto the floor as well. "What are we hunting for?"
"Mice, birds, rabbits -- anything you can sink your claws into." Catra said, crawling under the table and pretending to sniff around.
"Oh, right!" Adora said, following Catra's lead; she crawled around the room, admittedly feeling a little bit uncomfortable with how hard the floor felt on her knees and bare palms, but she tried her best to ignore it. A warrior cat had to be tough!
"Over there!" Catra exclaimed, pointing to a black winter glove lying on the floor. Adora recognized it as Mermista's; she must have dropped it on her way out to the playground. "A crow!" Catra pounced on it, sinking her "fangs" into the "crow" and shaking it around like a dog that had just gotten a new toy.
"Nice catch!" Adora giggled.
"I try." Catra said once she decided her prey was dead enough, dropping it onto the floor. "Now let's eat!"
Adora scooted over to where Catra was sitting and pretended to eat the "crow" she'd hunted. "Yummy -- tastes like turkey!"
"Uh huh!" Catra said.
"Y'know, you're really fun to play with." Adora said. "I'm sorry I said you were the baddest kid in fourth grade."
"I'm sorry I said horses were smelly." Catra said, staring down at her hands. "Well, they kinda are -- but I'm sure your horses are still cool."
"They are! Maybe one day I could show them to you." Adora suggested.
"Maybe one day." Catra sighed.
Adora heard the sound of a whistle outside; recess was finally over, and the class would be coming back inside any minute, now.
"Well, I guess we better get back to our seats before Miss Beaver yells at us." Catra said.
Adora burst into laughter. "Miss Beaver?"
"Don't tell her I called her that!" Catra snickered.
"I promise, I won't." Adora said, pulling herself to her feet. "Can we play together at recess tomorrow, too?"
"I don't get recess anymore, remember?" Catra said.
"Oh, right..." Adora frowned. "Maybe -- maybe I can help you finish your homework so you can go outside again!"
"That'll take a million years." Catra sighed. "It's fine, though. We'll find some way to keep NightClan going, even if we don't get to play together at recess anymore..."
Adora's heart sank; she wanted to say something to comfort Catra, but couldn't think of anything, and as she heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway she hurried back to her seat and folded her hands, not wanting Shadow Weaver to see that she'd been playing with Catra. The latter slowly dragged herself back towards her own isolated table and sat down as well. Adora let out a sigh; why did someone as fun as Catra not get to play like everyone else? It just wasn't fair...
Adora rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she made her way into the classroom the next morning, hanging her book bag and coat up on the rack. She changed out of her winter boots and into her sneakers, spotting Catra out of the corner of her eye. She was standing by Adora's mail box, as if she'd just put something in it. Once they made eye contact, Catra blushed and quickly ran back to her seat. 'What's she up to...?' Adora thought.
Adora went over to her mailbox and reached into it; she pulled out her daily worksheet and a few graded papers (all As and Bs, thankfully), but in addition to that, there was a folded up piece of notebook paper. "To Adora", it read. As Adora walked over to her assigned seat, she unfolded the piece of paper and her eyes immediately lit up.
It was a drawing of two vicious looking cats; one was black with blood-red stripes, and the other was solid yellow with bright blue eyes. The former was labelled "Bloodstar", while the latter was "Ponytale", and at the very top of the paper, in black crayon, Catra had written "NiteClan 4ever!" Adora hugged the paper to her chest and sighed happily, turning to smile at Catra; but she was facing the other way and didn't see her.
"What's that?" Glimmer asked, leaning across the table.
"Nothing!" Adora responded defensively, shoving the picture into her folder.
"Ooh, did you get a love letter?" Perfuma giggled.
"No, gross!" Adora said, sticking out her tongue. "It's just a picture that my friend drew for me..."
"A friend that ~mysteriously~ doesn't have a name?" Mermista teased.
"Come onnn, tell us more! We know you've got a secret admirer!" Glimmer bounced eagerly in her seat.
"Guys, leave her alone." Bow said. "If she doesn't want to tell you about it, you can't force her!"
"Okay, fine..." Glimmer pouted.
"Thanks, Bow." Adora said, still blushing. In all honesty, she wasn't sure why she was being so secretive about it... Maybe because she was always treated as the "good" kid, and if they found out she'd been playing with Catra, they might try to tell her to stop. 'But if they knew how much fun she was, they wouldn't think of her as a bad kid anymore...' Adora thought, glancing over towards Catra again. She'd finally turned around to look at Adora, apparently having overheard the conversation going on at her table; Adora smiled at her and held up her palm so she could see the moon symbol, which she'd freshened up with a marker earlier that morning. Catra's expression immediately brightened, and she lifted her hand up to do the same.
A warm-fuzzy feeling rose up in Adora's chest. 'Nothing will tear NightClan apart...' she thought, clenching her fists. 'I gotta find some way to play with Catra today... But how?' She remembered what had led to her missing out on recess yesterday... But wouldn't dare get herself in trouble again.
She slid down from her chair and tiptoed over to Shadow Weaver's desk. "Miss Weaver...?" she asked in a shy voice, folding her hands politely.
Shadow Weaver had just finished re-organizing her desk, and looked as if she was ready to start class any minute. "Hm?" she said.
"Um, I have a little bit of a cold today." Adora said, faking a cough. "And I don't wanna play outside in the snow when I have a cold, because my Grandma Razz told me I could get ammonia that way. Could I stay inside the classroom at recess today and draw?"
"Hmm, alright." Shadow Weaver said reluctantly. "I don't think that'd be a problem. Now go back to your seat, it's almost time for math."
"Thank you!" Adora smiled, grinning as she hurried back over to her desk and sat down. 'Perfect!' she thought, just barely resisting her urge to bounce with excitement. 'I can't wait to play with Catra again!'
The first half of the day went by at the pace of a snail; Adora struggled to focus on her school work, her mind always going back to how excited she was for recess. Her heart fluttered whenever she thought about Catra, and every now and then, she'd take a peek into the folder to get another look at her drawing. The feeling in her chest confused her; she'd had many friends before, friends who she loved a lot and always got excited to play with, but Glimmer or Bow never gave her these kinds of butterflies in her chest. There was something about her... The freckles that dotted her pretty face, her hair that never seemed like it was properly brushed, her eyes that were two different colors... 'I wonder... Could this be a--'
"Adora!" Glimmer said, waving a hand in front of Adora's face and snapping her out of her little daydream. She jumped to her feet, her cheeks bright red. "W-what?"
"We're lining up for recess! Come on, sleepy head!" Glimmer giggled, reaching for Adora's hand.
"Oh! Um..." Adora blushed, slowly pulling her hand away. "I'm not going outside today! I-I told Miss Weaver this morning, I have a cold and don't wanna make it worse, heh..."
"Oh... okay." Glimmer said, looking rather disappointed. "Well, feel better soon! See you at lunch!"
"See ya at lunch!" Adora said, faking another cough just to keep Glimmer from being suspicious.
Adora watched as all of the kids filed out of the class, and as soon as she heard the door click shut, she jumped to her feet and skipped over to Catra's table. "Hiya!"
"Hey!" Catra beamed. "Are you okay? Don't get too close to me if you're sick."
"I'm not sick, silly!" Adora giggled. "I just said that so I could stay inside with you!"
"Really...?" Catra blushed, turning her gaze down to the table. "Don't... don't do that."
Adora's expression fell. "What...? But... I thought you wanted to play with me!"
"Yeah, but still! You didn't have to lie to get out of recess for me! That's so stupid!" Catra snapped. "You're supposed to be the goody two shoes, and now you're gonna get in trouble because of me, and ugh!" Catra buried her face in her hands. "I really am a bad kid... And I'm turning you into one!"
"Catra..." Adora rested a hand on her shoulder. "I promise, it's not like that! I just... really wanted to play with you again. You're a lot of fun, and you're not bad, not at all..." Tears welled up in Adora's eyes, and she brushed them away with her sweater sleeve. "I wish everyone else could see that..."
"If I'm not a bad kid, then why do I always have to sit in the corner?" Catra said. "Why can't I play outside at recess? Why do I always get bad grades on my homework?"
"That doesn't make you a bad kid!" Adora said. "Just because you break rules sometimes, or because you get bad grades -- that doesn't make you bad!" Adora continued. "And I'm not bad either, even though I did a bad thing..." Adora wiped another tear from her cheek, turning back towards her table. "But... if you don't wanna play with me, that's fine. We don't have to play NightClan anymore..."
An awkward silence filled the room as Adora seated herself back at her table; she buried her face into her arms, letting out a sigh. Catra leaned back in her chair and stared up at the ceiling, sighing dramatically. "If I'm gonna be honest... I don't really like being the bad kid all that much. I just... really don't understand any of the homework she gives us. And I didn't understand anything in third grade, or second grade, or first grade... But at least my other teachers helped me! Miss Weaver thinks I'm just not trying... And since I don't understand the homework, I don't understand the tests... and since I can't play at recess, the only way I can really have any fun around here is by goofing off in class. So that's how I got stuck here in this corner."
"That's awful..." Adora said, slowly sitting upright. "I wish I could make Miss Weaver see that you're not a bad kid, and that you just need some help..."
"I don't think that's gonna happen." Catra pouted. "But... it still feels nice that you care about me. Especially enough to risk getting in trouble..."
"I'm not gonna get in trouble." Adora said. "And if I do, that doesn't mean you made me a bad kid! Everyone gets in trouble sometimes, even Bow!"
"Pfft, no way! He's even more of a goody two shoes than you!" Catra cackled.
"I know, right? But I've seen it happen with my own eyes!" Adora insisted. "One time when I was at his house, one of his dads got mad at him for putting his shoes on the couch."
"Wow, what a rebel." Catra rolled her eyes.
"But anyway... That doesn't matter right now." Adora said, fidgeting with her sweater sleeves. "Maybe it wasn't right for me to lie to Miss Weaver, but... since I'm already here, and the damage is done..." She hesitated for a moment, turning towards Catra and meeting her eyes. "You wanna play NightClan?"
A soft smile spread across Catra's face. "Well... Okay! I guess, since you're already here... Let's go hunting!"
Giggling with excitement, the two girls got down from their chairs and onto the wooden floor.
"Follow my lead, and keep your ears pricked for any invaders!" Catra said, and Adora nodded. "Got it!"
And like magic, they were no longer two fourth graders goofing off in a classroom; no, they were Bloodstar and Ponytail of NightClan, and they had a territory to defend! The two girls began crawling around and scouting the classroom for prey, making little meows and purring sounds here and there. At one point, Adora caught a "mouse" (which was really just a crumbled up ball of paper that had missed the trash can earlier), and they fought off a bloodthirsty badger (aka Shadow Weaver's rolling desk chair).
"Hey Catra -- I mean, Bloodstar." Adora said as they settled down after their night of hunting, making their "den" underneath Adora's table.
"I've been thinking about it, and... I'm not gonna skip recess anymore." Adora said. "Because I've got a better idea for how we can keep NightClan going -- and maybe even expand it!"
"How's that?" Catra asked, pretending to lick her paw.
"Maybe tomorrow, you can come over to my house!" Adora said. "I can give you my phone number so you can call me, and I'll ask my grandma, but she usually lets me have friends over on the weekends! And maybe I could help you with your homework... Maybe we won't get all of it done, but I still wanna help! And after that, we could play NightClan! We'll have all the time in the world to go hunting -- oh, and I'll also invite Bow and Glimmer over so they can join the clan!"
"Oh..." Catra smiled sadly. "I dunno if that's a good idea. Bow and Glimmer will probably find this whole clan thing kinda weird, and my parents probably won't wanna take me over to your house..."
"That's okay, my grandma can pick you up!" Adora said. "And I'm sure Bow and Glimmer will love NightClan!"
"Well, if you're sure... And you really think they can keep my secret?" Catra said. "Because if not, I'll claw their faces off!"
"Yeah, yeah, I promise!" Adora reassured. "I promise, they won't tell a soul. They're good friends, I've known them forever!"
"Okay... Then in that case, yes!" Catra beamed. "Give me your phone number! And I'll give you mine, just in case you wanna call me, too."
"Got it!" Adora said, grabbing the notebook and pencils from underneath Catra's chair and tearing out a sheet of paper. She ripped the paper in half and wrote down her phone number on one piece, and Catra did the same. Then, they both exchanged papers and shoved them into their pockets. Excitement bubbled up in Adora's chest, and she could feel that strange warm-fuzziness from earlier returning as well. 'Could this be... what I think it is?' she thought, but shook off that thought right away. 'No, don't be silly! She's just a friend... And she probably doesn't like you that way, either.'
Adora heard the sound of the recess whistle blow outside. "Well, guess it's time to go back to our seats." she said, beginning scoot herself out from underneath the table.
"Wait!" Catra said, grabbing Adora's hand. "Before everyone gets in here, um..." She blushed, turning her gaze down to the floor.
"What is it?" Adora said, her cheeks flushing bright pink.
"I, um..." Catra shyly played with her hair. "Thank you for being so nice to me. Even when I was a jerk to you earlier... I like you a lot, Adora."
At first, Adora assumed that she only meant it as a friend; but once she saw the look in Catra's eyes and the blush spreading across her freckled cheeks, she was fairly confident that Catra had that same warm-fuzzy feeling in her chest. Adora smiled softly, squeezing Catra's hand. "I like you too, Catra."
And with that, she finally let go of her hand, and the two girls went back to their seats.
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bow-woahh · 4 years
Heal Me After Hurting chapter 2 DVD commentary ask?
Send me your favorite scene/chapter from one of my works and I’ll post a DVD commentary on it.
Heal me after hurting! it's been a while since I've revisited this so I'm excited to talk about it! It's crazy to think it was nearly a year ago when I wrote it. It genuinely feels like just yesterday.
Chapter 2 ("Sick of saying nothing back") is the chapter where Catra and Adora actually start to communicate their feelings about each other and past together (hence why it's pretty dialogue heavy).
Catra has obviously just woken up from a nightmare and is still feeling pretty out of it, so it makes sense she'd be a little less closed off as a defense mechanism. Plus after hours of not actually speaking to Adora, she actually really wants to.
"Catra? Hey...hey, babe— don't, don’t cry, what’s wrong?”
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Adora says babe at least once every chapter. Maybe just one and two. But yes, that was purposeful.
(“For many, closure is a good tool to put an end to lingering questions and thoughts in one's mind, for others, all it does is remind them of things you needn’t reminders of. Over due time, you’ll figure out whether you want that closure or not, or whether to move on and look towards the future.”)
It's so sad that S5 completely destroyed the Micah as Catra's father figure/advice giver character but hey I still love the idea of this dynamic and I stand by it with him as her therapist in this fic.
Also, closure is a very important theme in this chapter, as neither of them got that: Catra because she literally wasn't allowed to get any and by the time she was it was too late; Adora because although she did break up with Catra, it was over text and was the last thing she wanted to do. Lots of unresolved issues were left behind.
“You—” Catra stops herself, takes a breath, then tries again. "You just...disappeared out of my life, left."
There's an obvious reason as to why Adora left and completely cut her off (because of Catra's mental health and how she wasn't just a danger to herself but others too) but it's so unlike her that Catra wants to believe that there was some other reason, that is wasn't just because—in her eyes—that she wasn't good enough. And actually, she turns out to be kind of right.
“I wasn’t well,” she says, mouth dry and words meek. It comes out like an excuse, even though it’s anything but.
This is at the moment the closest Catra can get to an apology, because she knows what she did was wrong and has grown a lot since then, but it's still so hard to admit that, especially to the person the hurt the most.
"It's just, I just...I dreamt about—"
Adora scoots closer. "Everything that happened that night? Yeah, I, um…I do too sometimes. It must be worse for you though, especially because…” she hesitates, then says, “still– you're not supposed to use your voice, you need to fully recover, okay?"
She cares SO much like ❤️🥺
"I didn't know what to do, or say, what was allowed." Adora replies, still apprehensive.
Adora likes rules, and boundaries. Before, although their relationship was obviously still kind of convoluted, for all it's faults it worked. After the incident, even once Catra was leading a healthier life, Adora had no clue how to approach her, if she could approach her. All the boundaries once there were gone with new ones that were so blurry that there was no point in trying to cross them. It was as if they were strangers, which is something Adora wasn't equipped to deal with.
Adora also says before this: “Everyone said– they said to give you space. So you could recover. So...I listened.”
Because she didn't know what she could do, what the boundaries were, she followed the guidelines set for her by others, which may or may not have been the right thing to do.
“You still care,” Catra whispers, bringing her knees up to her chest, head starting to pound as she begins to regret the bold statement.
Despite everything, despite Adora taking care of her the whole day, it's only now that Catra realises (or let's herself acknowledge) that Adora does still care greatly for her. Adora is obviously amazed at how Catra can even imply otherwise, because Adora never stopped caring and she thought it was pretty obvious.
Closing the lingering distance – the lingering tension – between them, Catra moves to sit opposite Adora.
“Adora... I’m sorry. For everything. I wish that– I wish things were different. That I was different.”
This!! Line!! Okay first — the fact Catra said the same thing in S5...I'm a prophet. But also, this is so important because now, just like in the show, now that Catra's finally admitted to the person she hurt the most that she does feel remorse over her actions, she can move forward now. Obviously, the contexts are a little different but I'd say it mostly applies.
Maybe things were always destined to happen this way.
Listen Catradora are simply star crossed lovers, but only for a little while. I just feel like in every universe it only makes sense of they fall out/grow distant before coming back together. They get their happy ending, but it just takes a little while yknow?
"No, it wasn't right, I should have spoken to you sooner, instead of lurking in the background…" the colour seems to rush to her face at the statement, and Catra can't help but be curious about what she actually means.
I remember when I was outlining literally writing how Adora would like,, low-key stalk Catra to see how she was doing. Nothing like super creepy, maybe just sitting in one of lectures or watching her with Scorpia and Catra at a coffee shop that she just happened to go to as well. Completely coincidental.
Catra wants to say 'me too'. She wants to shout it out at the top of the lungs, because all throughout when she was recovering she thought of Adora, love or hate – or a mix of the two – she thought of her.
Obviously drawing from the show here. Like it was clear they never really stopped thinking about each other and the same can be said here. Catra could never quite get rid of Adora from her mind. Partially because of how much she cared and loved her but also because of the fact she'd had so little closure from Adora.
“I didn’t even have my phone. The old guy was pretty careful with who I talked to in the first month or so. But…” she halts, and can’t help but wrap the arms around herself tighter.
A little extra info that I never put in the fic because it just relevant — Catra has a dad in this, which is who she's referring to here. Also, if you couldn't tell from the few context clues here and there, Catra is also pretty rich too. She wasn't exactly spoilt when she was growing up because, for a while, her dad was married to SW (picture evil step mum) but by the time she was around 16, 17, she's out of the picture, because of an,, unfortunate accident. Shadow Weaver is either present or dead in all the fics I write, okay?
“[...]They all told me to cut all ties with you, so you’d be able to focus on yourself, so I could do the same, and what I had wanted to say wasn’t exactly what everyone else expected.”
[Adora taking about the message she sent to Catra] I imagine before Adora agonised over what to say to Catra for days, much to Glimmer and Bow's dismay that they ended up sitting down and helping her right the message that she actually sent, but she obviously hated it then wrote the message she actually wanted to send in her own, before being unable to send it and going with the other one.
“Catra, I’m here babe, talk to me,” Adora says
She said babe again?!? Damn I went to town lmao
“Don’t...don’t cry,” Adora says, unconvincingly and accompanied with a weak smile in an even weaker whisper of her own. That’s all it takes for the dam to crumble completely and overflow. When those tears finally pour down, her first sob sends shivers down her spine, and it quickly worsens from there.
Ouch...this scene hurts to read. I'm sure when I was writing it I was laughing manically at the pain I was going to inflict on you all but...damn. Like the way Catra is trying so hard to stay strong but as soon as she sees Adora distressed again she just breaks down. God how an I getting hurt by my own fic??
Carefully, cautiously even, she wipes a straggling tear from her cheek, and with her lips just slightly upturned, mismatched eyes piercing through sky blue ones, she whispers, “it’s okay now though? Isn’t it?”
This moment is. Everything. So far, a lot of this has been Adora comforting Catra, Adora literally looking after Catra, but this is finally Catra reciprocating that by comforting Adora back, by letting her know ‘I'm here for you too.’ Also the brief tension that this causes.. wonderful.
Catra can see, smell, is Adora, and her lips are right there, looking soft and alluring like they always have, like they'll be enough to dissipate all worries, cast away all her doubts. But she’s scared, scared for this to happen, because it’s all so soon, too sudden, and moments before they'd been crying, and what if she messes up, what if this gesture messes it up?
I loved finding out how I actually fooled people into thinking they were gonna kiss. I'm sorry. But I'm not. Most people actually said they were glad they didn't, which was very much the response I wanted, so I was pretty happy with it.
“I was kinda worried you'd never come around, or that we'd get close and one of us would shut down once the serious stuff was brought up. If I’m being honest, I nearly didn't come— when Scorpia asked.”
"I don't see why she asked or why you'd want to." Catra shrugs
Yes. Scorpia was 100% being a bit of a shit stirrer. She knew these two fools needed to talk to each other.
Casually, Adora let's out the next statement as if it were fact. “They weren't you.” she answers with a shrug.
At this point Adora has long accepted that there's no one like Catra. That there's no one who can replace her. What she was to her. Obviously she tried, but Catra was still there the whole time in her mine. Catra is just it for her and she knows that. So for her, admitting this is as easy as breathing because she's come to terms with it.
But she can't, she's too far behind, she's still processing, and she hates that, because Adora feels – is – a million miles ahead of her, and she wishes it could be easy, that she could be easy on herself, that she could let Adora hear what she wants, no, needs to hear…though she just isn't there yet.
I feel so bad for Catra here because she feels like she can't keep up with Adora's pace, how well she's handling this, but it's not even her fault, like, it's just harder for her to deal with it like :((
Catra never saw the need for it anyway– Adora already looks stunning without it. Expecting her brain to chide her for even thinking that, Catra is practically amazed when there’s no little voice in her head condemning her for thinking such a thing, for going back there.
Progress,, we like to see! Obviously, in the last chapter we see more of this as well, which is great.
Adora, who broke up with her. Adora, who was once her everything. Adora, the one she had hurt the most, was here; talking to her, accepting her, smiling at her, forgiving her.
Callback to chapter 1,, we love to see it lmao
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry it took 59 years but to make up for it, chap 8 of bloom will be up in like 2, 3 days! (:
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theskyexists · 4 years
the amazing she-ra 5
i am LOVING this first episode. they’re TRULY the underdogs now. people are hiding with magic. they live in tents. they’ve lost their edge. they’re actually leaning into the horrors of war now
Shadowweaver says OOC stupid things but it doesn’t matter because the princesses shut it down satisfactorily. Adora is weighed down by responsibility in a cool way.
Catra is staking out the enemy and weaseling her way in. (yessss)
‘You don’t need to say it! I know. I made that choice. I’m living with the consequences.’ I LOVE THIS ADORA
I LOVE THIS WRITING. Catra and Glimmer are THE greatest pair ever. Glimmer is smart enough to poke right through Catra’s defenses - and NOW they’re in the same situation - Glimmer says so - and immediately the prison wall fades away - and they’re both invited for dinner. THAT DELICIOUS WRITING
i do love how shadowweaver has been this snarky aunt for two seasons now.
Hord Prime shows us Adora in danger and Catra is like; FUCK YOU ADORA’S MINE (TO DESTROY) !!!!
I love Hord Prime’s wonderfully manipulative dinner. And I love glimmer quietly crying and I love Catra being like HRMMMM I DONT LIKE THIS. the subtle animations are so great - the close-ups
the way Catra speaks to Hord Prime - the way she’s really fuckin scared and the way Hord Prime says ‘little sister’. The way they make him seem unbeatable. I LVOE IT.
jezus but how few people really live in etheria ?
the propaganda and the tech to boost prime’s image everywhere....ugh it’s delicious. im also happy Entrapta is back and on the good side instead of helping Catra be a bitch to Adora. and im glad the princesses are wary of her.
hahahaah awww Bo came to give adora breakfast and then he panics when she’s lying on the floor. I ALSO LOVE BO AND ADORA TOGETHER BEST
goddamnit Bo YAH! finally somebody who effectively protects someone from the masses. fuck off micah!
Love the princesses acting on their own - love Scorpia mediating, love mermista stepping up, love Entrapta using her .....intelligence
I love how Hord Prime manipulating Glimmer is used to show us more about his empire.
‘i only want to bring peace’ - but also i destroyed all these worlds. how is that...how is that even surface compatible?? like no attempt is made to align those two things.
wait....the heart of etheria will destroy the universe? why??? why is that the assumption. and why...does Hord Prime want that? i....
the comedy of the princesses doing a mission alone is GREAT
IM SO HAPPY THE PRINCESSES GOT TO HIT ENTRAPTA WHERE IT HURTS. now THIS is the right level of comedy versus hurt
the way scorpia rolled to cover frosta in her bulk!
i love how adora is like - HAH sleep is great actually! wow!!
because of the underlying grievances that we EXPERIENCED as audience, this friendship moment actually LANDS
I REINSTATE MY HOORAY!!! (hahahaha god i love scorpia). oh my god Micah saying he trusts glimmer’s friends to save her - fuckin hell - heart squeeze
LOOK AT THAT SHIT. LOOK AT IT!!! Glimmer being angry at Catra - but then recanting and showing vulnerability. Catra showing vulnerability by acquiescing. GOD!!!
‘why did you do it?’ OH GOD ARRGHGHHG THATS SO FUCKING PAINFUL. why does Catra scratch Adora? Because she doesn’t understand - seems to not make the effort to understand!! because she’s never understood that everybody always hurt her - she never fucking saw when it was right in front of her. THat’s even worse in a way than being hurt.
god the fuckin scale. the planet getting bombarded from space....jezus christ.
theres a hallway with light and dark at the end - its implied she goes into the dark - BECAUSE SHE INTENDS TO HIDE FROM WHO FOLLOWS HER
wow she instantly realises he’s hordak. ha!
Catra is being so open with Glimmer. She’s REALLY REALLY! off balance
they have a talking ritual!!!! THEYRE BONDING ABOUT ADORA BEING A DORK!!!!
Catra realises that nothing she was doing on Etheria had any value to her!!!! I LOVE THIS SEASON SO MUCH
I love how Adora gets to be such a badass dork this season!!!! Bo and Adora + Glimmer and Catra are the BEST COMBINATION
godDAMN they made these clones creepy. damn i LOVE Hord Prime!!!
she pushes her onto the bed and kneels before her, holding her hands. DUDES. MY DUDES!!!! catra is they gayest cat in existence
‘do one good thing in your life!’ - oh OUCH god, you can feel the whole weight of all the hurt and injustice she’s experienced in ‘dont talk to me like you know me!’
HAHAHAHAHAHAH BO losing his mind and Adora being a hilarious himbo is SO GOOD
‘im alway going to be your friend’  - ‘i’ll never say sorry to anybody’ GODDD
‘all i do is hurt people, there’s no one left in the entire universe who cares about me’ - a reasonable assumption based on your behaviour except for the fact that Adora has been trying to reach you for 4 FUCKING seasons with hand outstretched
the animation in this goddamn season is CRAZY and INCREDIBLE
I ADORE Catra the self Martyr i ADORE that she’s going to go through the wringer still in Hord Prime’s hands.
well i guess that was pretty good with Adora. wish they had made that a little bit longer
i love entrapta. she’s such a perfect element to throw into the mix. and her connections with AI’s are great
that scorpia and swift wind talk is so beautiful. they are also the PERFECT pair. ‘gosh have you ever noticed how many moons we have here? it’s weird.’ HAHAHAHA
they’re visiting a planet that’s been conquered by Prime...
I love how they made Entrapta flirty with her tech ahahahaha
i love how Adora is like: oh??? you’re coming to me??? for emotional advice??? uhhhhhh ok haha nice
i love swift wind’s drunk history retelling of what’s going on on Etheria - especially his impression of shadowweaver and his batman micah
Bo sure is very bad at forgiveness himself lol
‘well im NOT! running awayy that is. i AM smart’ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! i love you adora
Adora spewing all her bullshit about Catra to total strangers ahahaha
this was SUCH amazing teamwork!!!
jezus christ !! that was good!!! i take it back - it was a stupid interruption (they could have just had Bo respond ‘eh’ at an attempt at apology from glimmer....maybe) but they made the final apology INCREDIBLE
‘i can’t just leave her...’ the voice acting in this is sO GOOD
Catra made her whole plan to keep Adora away from Prime based on the assumption that if Glimmer was in Prime’s hands, then Adora would come to rescue her no matter the danger. So she saved Glimmer. But SHE FAILED TO REALISE THAT ADORA WOULD DO THE SAME FOR HER AHAHAHAHAHAHAA
the amazing thing about these highly tech advanced societies is that none of them have invented security cameras
glimmer getting some ptsd flashes
I KNEW that the heart of etheria was built by the First Ones to fight Hordak. Makes Mara’s decision a bit more ---- hMMMM not as great. Because Hordak has killed countless worlds since!
the hive mind lol. jezus Prime is so terrible.
oh my god the very concepts of Prime when behind a fictional buffer are so archtypically delicious. Catra’s glowy green eyes and full bow. hohhohhohho. that uniform also looks great
so Prime could do this to everyone but he chose to surround himself with clones. goddamn.
oh damn that lean-in, those hands on her neck. hmmmhm. gay
she FLINCHES when Prime lays a hand on her shoulder. DAMN. love it
‘you will give me she-ra’ ---- isn’t that what she’s been offering all along? lol
brainwashed Catra is really sexy and disturbing hahahahahaha
this fight is so well choreographed. Catra letting herself almost fall, Adora gathering her into her arms, the scratch across the back, the damn knee into the midriff (OUCH), the dangling her in turn.
‘i always hated that guy in particular - and also all the other guys i hit on the way in.’ LOLOLOLOL
‘you’re such an idiot!’
‘yeah! i know!’
‘im going to take you home’
Adora watches Catra probably die and fall off into a endless pit. JUMPS IN AFTER HER ONE SECOND LATER
Prime really did miscalculate lol - his ship’s been destroyed by one stab at a server.
all the fucking crying is so good
‘I kNOW YOU ALL HATE ME!” ‘I NEVER HATED YOU’ ‘Then you’re dumber than I thought’ HAHAHAHAHA i love how Catra cannot accept Adora’s friendship because she cannot forgive herself. but Adora never fucking gets it because she has the emotional intelligence of a crab!!!! the problem is that Adora is the exact shape of Catra’s heart - which is one big open wound. And if she presses - all she does is cause hurt
Catra is so adorable looking god.....
SPINERELLA AND NETOSSA KISSED!!!!!!!! awwwwwww they’ve been so cute for so long and they only got more and more screentime and Awwwww
Not-Hordak and ‘dehydrated protein slaw’ AhAHAHAHA
how did they find us? UHHH THERES A CHIP IN CATRA’S SPINE????
their first impulse is to hold each other at the ship shaking.
SHE-RA CAN LITERALLY FLY THROUGH SPACE - well. make matter from light, breathe in a vacuum, jumpt from one asteroid to another....
Catra is very lucky that her biggest likely hater is already on her side: glimmer
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPINERELLAAAA. what a fuckin bait and punch goddamn! making them so cute and then foreshadowing it perfectly and then BAM
catra is so effortlessly cool sitting in the window sill
i am actually loving that they have a not-Hordak with them. it humanises those clones a lot
this prince has farsight but they NEVER thought to recruit him BEFORE???
FUCKIN - I LOVE how spinerella and netossa have gotten so much more screentime - relevant to the plot and also revealing their characters. i wish we’d got this from the start!
well now i ship perfuma and scorpia lolololol
HAHAHAHAHA i LOVE this Seahawk and Mermista hiding behind a bar because of ex victims skjsfajfklds
Prince Peekabloo has an AMAZING design, but also he must be a fake. IT MUST BE DOUBLE TROUBLE. double trouble has TASTE
MERMISTA LOOKS SO COOL IN THAT OUTFIT - but also especially chipped and in shadows. they do love chipping people’s love interests
SCORPIA SACRIFICING HERSELF TO SAVE PERFUMA. jezus christ so much love interest drama suddenly wow
‘happy anniversary’ that is HEARTBREAKING
what a great ending to a very silly episode. that’s the balance. a last message from the last soldier standing...
‘WHY DOES SPACE HATE ME SO MUCH!?!?!’ hahahahaah
Catra’s fingers shake......
‘take it from somebody who’s defeated you guys, like, a lot’ AAHAHAHA
chipping everyboddy so they’re like zombies was a great story idea.
catra upset at her signs of upset. CUTE
why the FUCK is Adora’s hair out of her spacesuit ahahahahahahaha. IM SO GLAD THAT BO AGREES WITH ME ON THE ADORABLENESS OF CATRAS HELMET HAHAHAHAHAA
catra is happy to see adora laugh again.... : ‘)
I LOVE how Catra is like, WHAT THE FUCK at having lost to these people
Entrapta trying to deal with Wrong-Hordak in existential crisis is a hilarious premise
oh wow! a first ones colony! very cool! this whole planet works against intruders and plays tricks on them. i do like how first ones are definitely like, still imperial shitlords like subtly. i love how Wrong-Hordak has a realisation arc in the background.
CATRA IS PETTING A CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
catra is working on not lashing out :’) <= literally adora and also me
Melog is so ADORABLE and imprinted on Catra and LOVES ADORA and AGHGHGHG
I love how Adora can make her eyes glow on command
Castaspella was blushing at Shadowweaver being so close lolololol. wow this is the first time Castaspella has been interesting. ‘and stop me, if i take the power for myself’ i love aunty shadowweaver.
AAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH WHAT HAHAAHHAAAAHA Catra notices she’s holding Adora’s hand and goes ARGGH and doesn’t just take her hand back but throws it away ahhaahaha. Adora doesn’t even respond. that was so hilarious for some reason.
‘is what i would have said before i joined you. go team’ hahahaa
‘you’re wearing hooded cloaks. that’s highly suspicious’ AHAHAHAHAHA fucking meta
I LOVE HOW ADORA IS THE ‘oh god my fuckin friends blowing our cover great’ person here
Spinerella and Netossa are so BADASS and i love their fight. it’s so deliciously painful and cool hehehehehe
so the only person im fighting here is!.....my own wife...
spinerella is so op lololol - why did she barely do anything for them when they were still fighting hordak
wrong hordak is so fucking cute ahahahahaha
goddamn that reunion was touching and funny at the same time. and i can actually believe that Prime is having trouble with this slippery team of magic users
I love Netossa’s analysis of the princesses weaknesses. Adora: can’t act to save her life. also extreme hair envy with she-ra
BUT GLIMMER: crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris AHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA
PERFUMA DON”T BE A BITCH TO CATRA. (even though yeah Catra did treat Scorpia bad) she’s right you need to fuckin go for the neck (this episode is gonna show us that you need to damage the chip AND get through to scorpia and it’s going to take catra and perfuma ofc)
awwwww glimmer and bo.... bo is really worried about his dad :’( . this is the first time ive found myself shipping bo and glimmer.....the way he sighs into her arms, turns his face into her neck. Yes....
perfuma is really getting on my nerves here. ‘we dont throw tanks at our friends’ uhhhh shes trying to kill you. just let perfuma get electrocuted adora
AH THEY FINALLY GIVE AN ORIGIN STORY FOR ‘GRAYSKULL’! ha! i do love how they keep elaborating on the First Ones as tyrants as well
hmm perfuma was right i guess. i didnt really like that development. urgh god perfuma is so grating lol..
i wonder how shadowweaver and catra are gonna....deal with each other....
hah. shadowweaver tries to weasel in with Adora again. but Adora won’t stand for it again....
Melog literally acts out Catra’s emotions and jumps adora playfully. hehehehe
shadowweaver is such a fucking bitch. i wonder if we’ll ever get her to admit guilt or apologise
no adora. you have to fucking defend catra to shadowweaver. THAT is what you have to do now that you can!
shadowweaver preying on Adora and Catra again goddddd. let this be an episode in which they finally shuck her off. Adora fucking THINK, the only reason you could transform in the first place was BECAUSE of Catra.
Melog lies half on top of Adora while Catra watches her.... god fuckin hell Melog being an extension of Catra’s feelings is so fucking AMAZING
holy FUCK that confrontation. (i love how every confrontation between adora and catra starts in roughhousing - their language is extremely physical). this is the softer version of catra’s and adora’s dynamic. Catra loves Adora and she wants Adora to choose HER, LIFE WITH HER. ‘what do you want?’ (WHAT ABOUT ME??) But Adora always chooses some higher hero purpose over her. and she doesn’t want to watch Adora die....
‘i dont have to watch it happen...’
god fuckin hell this season.
shadowweaver BELIEVES that she did the right things - of course. and that’s fascinating. and I love that Adora finally totally truly was like: YOU RUIN PEOPLE AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. fuck yeah!
so when was the moment that Adora couldn’t become she-ra anymore? think it’s when she lost track of Catra....
I love Melog - I love how Catra cannot hide from her feelings anymore - at all.
the way glimmer asks adora ‘are you scared?’ ugh MY HEART
i love martyrs. i fucking LOVE martyrs.
oh my god hallucination Catra touching foreheads with Adora.....
EVERYTIME Glimmer just straight up shows Catra affection? that’s some good shit. i thought we were gonna have Glimmer going after Catra for her mother’s death at one point but no....not at all. and i dont mind it
the fights this season have been SO! GOOD!
i love how they’ve set up that Glimmer is a fucking POWERHOUSE. she can turn the tide of battle in a blink!
naturally they pit Micah against Glimmer. jfc this poor family....
there is something important about Prime not remembering Mara....
catra has such a soft heart really. she still, after everything, loves shadowweaver. god....
EVERY SINGLE LINE IS SO GOOD, so well-acted. the ‘im ready’ the way she says ‘catra’ like she can’t take anything anymore
i couldn’t write anything for the whole rest of that i was just covering my mouth with my hands
The fuckiN KISS! the look of PURE LOVE on ADoRA”S FACE
which in the back of my head - they cannot actually cut that in any way - it’s impossible to cut
adora with those blue eyes in the blaze, the magic is beautiful adora excising prime from hordak’s mind (WOW), adora and catra touching foreheads and the slight PURR you can hear, adult bo and glimmer (lookin so nice), adult catra (LOOKING SO HANDSOME in her prom-y outfit,) Glimmer chasing Catra, just, GOD, THE UTENA FUCKING REFERENCE, the way they say they love each other, my GOD, Scorpia being like woah perfuma you look nice, MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD THEM GOING TO SPREAD MAGIC TO THE UNIVERSE GOD!!!!!!
every single thing in this season was worth 4 seasons of enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, frustrating and meh. WOAH! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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valen-but-not-tine · 6 years
tezz, blake, agura, and mermista for that ask meme pls?
Fair warning a lot more of the questions have to deal with shipping than I thought when I first reblogged the ask meme this is for a /while/ ago, and I’m not really a big romance person (except one of these is in a HUGE ship of mine and I’m certain that was intentional ave.
got long, it was a long meme, and 4 characters
Tezz Volitov
What I like about them
well. that’s really hard to answer. to quote you, avery when I mentioned having trouble w this question, “I like him because he’s Tezz”
He’s everything that normally annoys me but done well to where it doesn’t?
cocky arrogant tech savvy bastard. but he has extremely strong sense of morals. Like boy took one look at the red sentients and was immediately ready to fight a war by himself and dedicated himself to being a one man rebellion.
What I dislike about them
how long it took me to answer the first question, he’s not my normal type, like for real I think his archetype normally annoys me, but for some reason the exact way he’s written gets around that.
Favourite moment
the entirety of the episode “Lord of the Kharamanos” Tezz making friends with tromp and once again showing his strong sense of morals with his absolute refusal to leave the kharamanos alone to fight the Vandals. I think this ties into why I love him so much, normally his archetype would have been the one willing to leave them to fend for themselves, helping them is a risk, but Tezz doesn’t even consider leaving, and is insulted by Vert considering it for even a moment.
Least favourite moment
The best quality version of his introductory episode on youtube is cut into 2 parts and the uploader split it /right/ in the middle of dialogue.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
BACK! STORY! what’s his family life like? what did he eat when he was stranded?
An interesting AU for this character
This is pretty general for bf5 as a show, but in the the bf5 fused webisode “Cold Fusion” Sage is shown making an instruction type video for if they lose, somebody else could potentially take up the fight, and she deletes it at the end as Vert tells her the war will end with them. But what if she hadn’t. And then. what if they had lost? Tezz wasn’t part of the team yet, if the bf5 lost before he joined, but someone else (Grace?) found the video and picked up the fight, and then he joined? I don’t have much thought (well actually I have more than I’d like to admit) put into this idea, but ever since seeing that 50 second webisode, I’ve had that hmm what if idea in my head, and the only way I can really “see” it happening is if there was a similar situation to the shadowzone episode, where our bf5 meet the group that took up the fight when they died, team led by grace, with tezz, zen, and the rest of the group is ocs, but if this were a plotline I’d love for one of the team to be one of Agura’s brothers who came looking for her when she dropped off the face of the planet.
A crossover
umm I was really into storm hawks at the same time as I was into bf5, tho bf5 has withstood the test of time, so combining the 2 is something I’ve put some thought into before, but really w bf5′s setup of being able to go to different dimensions battlezones writing a crossover for really any show wouldn’t be hard.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I don’t have a lot of ships for bf5 as a whole, if I had to say one Tezz/Sherman, I love the interaction where someone asks if tezz is the brains of the operation and sherman says tezz is the left brain and he (sherman) is the right
Other ships?
Tezz/AJ I guess, in the finale when they sent the og team in bc “they started it, you should be the ones to end it” they had some cute interactions
Tezz and Tromp, lord of the kharamanos gave us so much good tezz content.
bf5 didn’t have a lot of romance, so there was never a set up that made me go NO but anyone with zoom is a full stop for me, there’s no canonical ages, but zoom reads as 16 to me, and most of the other cast as young adults, but adults.
An assortment of headcanons!
He’s Autistic!
Boy had a Bad Home Life, the boy was like 9 when he got himself stranded in a battlezone, and wanted to get back to earth because it’s where he’s from, but he /never/ mentions getting back to people. like it’s one thing if his parents just let him do whatever and he was experimenting in his free time, but he didn’t try to find anyone when he got back. and he immediately was ride or die for the bf5. the show probably just didn’t have time to touch on it, but with what we were given I can not see him having a good relationship with his family.
Blake (asuming Belladonna)
What I like about them
Listen I love revolutionaries. love me some characters fighting for a cause. Blake don’t back down.
What I dislike about them
how much Sun is tolerated lol
Favourite moment
When she stared her abusive ex in the eyes after he asked “what made her think she could win this time” and said “I don’t have a choice, I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I’d never leave them agian. So I’m not dying now!”
you tell him blake
Least favourite moment
90% of the scenes she shares w sun lol. why couldn’t we get more time with her parents? oh right sun took up any time they could have had lol.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
An interesting AU for this character
au where Adam never touched her.
A crossover
She-ra and the princesses of power, blake/yang and catra/adora, blonde jock and their cat gfs interacting
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Uh Bumbleby without a doubt. they’re the slow burn we never get with queer couples, and while they’re not “canon” yet, that’s because they’re a slow burn, and they’re getting proper developement, but even so, them having feelings for each other is canon, to a point where Arryn Zech, Blake’s va got a motherfucking bee tattoo. like they’re /the/ main couple of rwby, Arryn mentioned Yang as someone who was in love with blake at a panel and had to be reminded to mention Sun. that’s cast tho, their interactions in show?
Yin/yang symbolism where they’re both both at different times, beauty and the beast allusions, character with abandonment issues/character who has a tendency to run, excellent fighting synergy? I could literally talk about how much this ship means to me for hours (you’ve heard a lot of it sporadically ave) and it truly means a lot to me, I’m not normally a romancey person, but something about a show I was into before knowing (or really admitting to myself) that I was queer giving me that rep? in 2 of my favorite characters? I’m used to seeing shows w queer rep bc I heard there was rep and decided to check it out, but Bumbleby seemingly happened around me already here. they’re not a queer bait. one of them isn’t going to die. and they love each other so much.
Other ships?
Listen. no other possible ship for blake (or yang) holds a candle (ha sweet burning the candle reference) to bumbleby. I’m not gonna go into it explicitly, bc the person who sent this ask isn’t there yet >:) but (as much as irl, friendship is just as important as romantic relationships, and I hate the idea of romance being “more”) the show has built up yang and blake in such a way that if anyone else wanted to be even considered they’d have to compete with the other. if you’re considering getting into rwby, Heroes and Monsters was the ep that a lot of the fan base realized that hey, they’re actually doing bees? and that’s bc there’s a scene that is so powerful with the 2 of them. from a storytelling perspective no other ship has the substance to compete with the bees.
Blacksun. Blake and Sun work better as friends than they ever could as romantic partners, Sun has feelings for Blake, but they’ve always been one sided, and the only time he’s been on screen that didn’t have me rolling my eyes or wishing he’d leave blake alone so her parents who she hasn’t seen in years could maybe get some of the screentime he’s hogging was when he was recovering from being injured and blake is all “this is why I had to leave, my friends get hurt bc of me” and he was like “that’s our decision to make, I’d do it again, and I know Yang would do the same” like yeah he continues to flirt while in menagerie (sp?), but as soon as he realizes that she didn’t run off to fight the white fang alone he spends his time trying to get her to go back to her team.
Tauradonna. I’ve also seen the “ship” called Animal Abuse and ouch if that doesn’t just hit the nail on it’s head.
An assortment of headcanons!
when blake and yang kiss for the first time her ears are going to twitch.
Agura Ibaden
What I like about them
listen the second thing she does in the show is tear a robots head off do I need to give more words than that?
What I dislike about them
I mean one of my only complaints w bf5 is I want more girls, does that count? I wanted to know more about her backstory in general too, like 5 brothers? at least one nephew? warrior princess? give me
Favourite moment
The first time Vert isn’t there and Stanford challenges her right to be second in command and she just shuts him down hard and takes charge.
Least favourite moment
uhhhhh. idk whatever made agura/stanford a bigish ship in the fandom
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
Listen. The toy line, which technically yeah sure not technically canon, but the toyline. calls her a warrior princess. was this just to sell toys? yeah probably. am I still intrigued. most definitely. Is Agura a motherfucking princess!!??
An interesting AU for this character
I can’t use the au I used for tezz, cause she’d be dead in that one. hmm. I just had a galaxy brain idea but what if everyone on the team got weapons with their vehicles and not just vert.
Give Agura a big sword.
OH SHIT I forgot about an idea I’ve had in the past but I don’t want to erase the give sword idea, one of those swapped aus shows have, agura and tezz are swapped tezz is on the team since the begining, is a little better w people, not by much he’s still but he didn’t spend his childhood alone fighting robots and sentients, and Agura got stuck on Vandal and becomes warlord within a year. Basically, trapped on alien planet--> I run this now. by time bf5 meet the vandals they’re allies not conquerors.
A crossover
yeah really just read what I wrote for tezz’s, the only way agura’s would change is if she’s a warrior princess like xena that could be fun, but cars and bf5′s whole thing would be super out of place.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
don’t really have any, Agura/Grace if I have to
Other ships?
Agura and the Cortez brothers!
any straight ship with her is lame
An assortment of headcanons!
I know I’m not over the toyline but like. what if she was just a princess the entire fucking time. and was just way chill about it. imagine the shutdown
Stanford: ~I’m 189th in line for the throne~
Agura: cool I’m 2nd, but if it becomes relevant before my nephew is an adult I’ll be acting monarch until he’s old enough for the responsibility.
Stanford.exe has stopped responding
What I like about them
I like swimming, she’s a mermaid
What I dislike about them
she’s vaguely got rude older sister in a sit com where the younger brother is the main character written by people who don’t have siblings, but like not really?
Favourite moment
“mermista will swim through the sewer system” “I’m sorry mermista will what?” but she still does it.
Least favourite moment
hhmmm not sure, she was in 5 episodes and I liked her, I guess early on when I saw her and sea hawk interact before I knew what their relationship was like and I thought she genuinely didn’t like him her intro scene was kinda :/
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
well I’m expecting a princess with fire powers eventually (I haven’t seen original she-ra so I don’t know if that’s an accurate assumption) and fire/ water powers are always cool to see interacting.
An interesting AU for this character
maybe I’ve been reading too much of that she-ra dnd blog but she’s an eldritch knight with the control water cantrip and that’s gud
A crossover
it’d be neat to see her and Lapis Lazuli interact
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Mermista/Sea Hawk. It’s a twist on what we normally see where the guy in a het relationship is emotionally distant and the girl does all the emotional labor, but even then mermista obviously cares about sea hawk a lot, she is just not comfortable expressing affection, and he respects her boundaries and absolutely adores her.
Other ships?
did you see how she looked at adora after she transformed into she-ra? I don’t actually ship them but every princess is gay for she-ra
With what we have so far I’d like to say frosta, just cause water/ice powers.
I don’t think I’ve seen anything with her that I had a negative reaction too   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean I guess frosta, we don’t have confirmed ages for any of them except for forsta who is decidedly way younger than the other princesses.
An assortment of headcanons!
the girl is bi
she had the mermaid tail before the people legs, and the tail is the default setting
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