mint dreams
pairing: rika/reader notes: for day 7 of rika week, free choice.
It's everything you've ever dreamed of here. You're safer and happier than you've been in a long while. And loved -- loved beyond belief.
Rika has her book held before the pair of you as you press your back against her front, enjoying her warmth.
You rest between her legs, and the sheets draped across you and the pillows you both recline against make for a cozy scene, but you're too alert to doze off.
As she reads, she trails a hand idly down your side, nails drawing shivers from you so that you shiver, and you squirm against her when she passes over your hip.
You've been her darling pageturner when she needs assistance, and while she's certainly been appreciative of your help, you're growing impatient with the lack of attention you've been getting.
You turn in her embrace, pressing yourself against her, nuzzling into her neck as you begin to drag your nails gently down her back.
You hear the soft sound of the book hitting the pillow, and then: “darling, that tickles.”
Her voice is a little breathy already, and you smirk to yourself at how easily you've succeeded.
“Could you stop with that touching? I want to read right now,” she says, but you wriggle ever-closer to her and wind your arms tighter around her.
“Mmn,” you protest, uncaring of how childish your voice sounds. You drop a kiss at the junction where her shoulder meets her neck. “Don't wanna.” You raise your head and pout, meeting her eyes and trying to look as sorrowful as possible. “I just wanna keep touching you.”
Rika chuckles softly, low and lovely, looking at you with fond wonder. “Just where on earth did you learn how to whine so lovely like this…?” She reaches out to brush a strand of hair away from your face. “Alright,” she concedes with a laugh, “you have a minute… but the next minute is mine, okay?” She levels a stern look at you, but you're too delighted by her permission to feel even the least bit intimidated. Not that you ever really needed to be, with her.
Her arms come to rest around your waist, and when you drag your hands down her sides, she shivers. “It tickles when your hand touches me. But it also feels good…” You repeat the motion and her eyes flutter shut. Her breath catches. “And it also… makes me chill.”
And that's exactly what you're hoping for. As you continue your caresses, her sighs become shakier, and when you begin to trail kisses down her neck, you can feel her fluttering pulse.
“I love you,” she sighs, and you blossom with warmth. “I can't imagine my life without you.” Her arms unwind, and she rests her hands on your hips. “I can't even remember how I endured all those times without you. Is it the same for you?”
“Of course,” you murmur. Your caresses slow so that you can meet her gaze. “We need each other. I can't imagine ever being without you. I love you too much.”
“Haa…” Her head tips back in relief, and she lets her eyes slide shut as she smiles. You place a kiss at her collarbone and she threads her fingers into your hair. “I feel so at ease.”
The next kiss must tickle, because she giggles, sweet and soft. Her laughter is the most beautiful music you've ever heard. “When I'm with you, I feel so comfortable, so at ease, I think I'm going to forget how to breathe.”
You can certainly see your effect on her breathing now -- shaky, shivering, deliciously quivering.
“You're the only one I can share my darkness in completion with.” You straighten a little now so that you can gently trace up her face, using your thumbs to make little circles against her jaw as you go, then you kiss her eyelids delicately.
Rika opens her eyes again at last and catches both your wrists in her hands. Voice stronger, she says, “I love you.”
And you believe her.
You move to continue your caresses, but she keeps hold of your wrists, shaking her head. “Now, I believe your minute is up.”
You pout, but she laughs, and begins to slide her hands up your thighs and under your nightdress. When she smiles, you shiver with anticipation. “There's no need for a face like that.” She draws closer, so close that she sends tingles down your spine as her lips brush yours as she speaks. “Won't you show me more of your lovely whines?”
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merinomeri · 7 years
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I caught a cold and missed all of Rika Week...
So I made sure to make something for the golden girl as soon as I could, even if it was small!
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tsuki301 · 7 years
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#rikaweek 6: Seasonal Fall💖 #mysmerika #mysticmessenger #mysme #rikasfundraisingassociation
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tsuqinoa · 7 years
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「Day 7 - Free Day」 
A simple chibi to finish the week \o/ It was a really fun event~ 
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aria-xue · 7 years
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Two Faced
My contribution to Rika Week, day 7! FREE DAY (HYPED)!!!!!!!!! I had so much homework to do over the week, but I finished in time!
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areshet · 7 years
Swap AU Rika
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Swap Rika is Rika, who lost her sun. She was great photographer before, but now she's blind. Jaehee is her best friend since their childhood. But even she doesn't know the truth about Rika. "V, you're my sun And my only wish is to see you again” When I was drawing it, I wanted to create ask art blog with MysMe swap AU characters. Idk, if someone would like to ask these cutie pies, let me know ^^
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lizzileth · 7 years
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I spend a whole hour thinking what to draw and in the end i just draw rika with a chocolate bar.......
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gicette · 7 years
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sweater weather
pairing: rika/mc (named) notes: sometimes you just need some downtime with your girlfriend and a soft sweater. for day 6 of rika week: seasonal.
Taking a booth seat seemed like a much better idea when she thought that Sun-hwa would be arriving on time. As it is, she can’t see the door without peering around the booth wall, and it’s not making the wait any easier -- particularly considering that it was Sun-hwa who suggested this café in the first place.
Rika’s in the middle of sending her third “where are you??” text in an hour when Sun-hwa announces herself by setting down two mugs on the table and sliding one closer to Rika, then saying, “here.”
And then, as she settles in across from Rika, she says, “I mean, I assume that text was to me.”
It takes Rika a moment to find her voice. “--how do you know? Maybe I was just going to complain about the service.”
“Aw, you wouldn't do that. Too much of a softie.” Rika huffs but inclines her head, conceding the point. Sun-hwa's smile turns sheepish. “I am… so sorry, babe, clean-up at work took way longer than it should have and my phone died before I could text you that I was running late.”
Rika gives her a Look. Sun-hwa rests her chin on her hands and flutters her eyelashes in response. “Do you forgive me if I tell you it was because I was too busy thinking of you to realize the battery was getting low?”
In spite of her conviction to be firm, Rika’s heart thuds pleasantly.
She turns her face away so her reaction is less obvious. “I suppose that's okay.”
She can still see Sun-hwa beam. “Love you too, babe.”
Rika's heart thuds again, and when Rika places her hand palm up on the table, an invitation, Sun-hwa places her own hand over Rika's, threading their fingers together. The end of Sun-hwa's sweater sleeve drapes over her hand, soft and a little warm from her body heat.
A slow, fond smile spreads over Rika's face, and as she caresses Sun-hwa's hand with her thumb, she murmurs, “I wish they wouldn't ask so much of you. You're always staying late. Didn't they already ask you to extend this shift?”
“Mmh. Yeah. That they did. Sure as hell wish they wouldn't, but… it'll look better when I actually make a case for that supervisor position.” Rika squeezes Sun-hwa's hand -- it was by Rika's suggestion that Sun-hwa started thinking seriously about a promotion that was, to Rika, long overdue. “And… it helps pay for my apology. ...no, don't look around, it's not here yet, we've already established that my timing is off.”
Rika laughs, stopped from doing just that. “Alright, alright, I'll let you keep your secret. But these aren't part of that?” She gestures to the mug that Sun-hwa had pushed towards her.
“Oh, no, sorry, that's just cocoa. Damn good cocoa, as you know, but no surprise there,” she says, and Rika nods. It's one of their favorites at this particular café. Rika had, in fact, already finished a mug before Sun-hwa arrived -- although her first cup didn't have nearly as much whipped cream. Much of it has already lost its form and melted into the cocoa, but there's still enough to rise above the edge of the mug.
Rika raises an eyebrow at Sun-hwa, and her girlfriend shrugs. “Thought you deserved a treat.” So Rika obliges, and with her free hand, reaches to take a sip of her cocoa.
“Still good, even with all that?” Sun-hwa asks. “Might’ve gone a bit overboard.”
“Mmh.” There's no possible way it could be sweeter just because Sun-hwa brought it for her, and the mountain of whipped cream is the most obvious culprit -- and yet, it seems like it's more than that, somehow.
Sun-hwa laughs -- and then she perks up at something behind Rika. “Oh,” says Sun-hwa, “here it is. Thank you.” This last part is directed at a waitress who has stopped at their table.
Sun-hwa lifts their entwined hands and places a quick but delicate kiss to Rika's thumb, then lets go so she can accept a plate from the waitress.
As she sets it down, Rika sees what it is: a slice of apple tart, apple slices placed prettily in a blossom pattern.
“You didn’t want one for yourself?”
“Nah, not today. Although since you’ve offered…” Sun-hwa plucks an apple slice from the top before Rika can stop her, and she laughs when Rika pouts.
“...here, scooch.”
Sun-hwa slides out of her seat so she can sit next to Rika, and they nestle into each other. There’s nothing so comforting as how easily Rika fits into Sun-hwa’s side. She still pulls the plate towards herself protectively as Sun-hwa nears.
Sun-hwa kicks her legs up and drapes them over Rika’s lap teasingly.
“Y’know,” she says, as Rika begins tracing idle circles on Sun-hwa’s thigh with the hand not occupied with tasting the divine tart. “I didn’t realize we were going to match today.”
She’s right. They’re both wearing variations on sweaters, though the style is fairly different.
Rika’s is a close-fitting dress, simple but still elegant in its deep wine red color, reaching her mid-thigh. Sun-hwa’s looks a little more casual -- shorts, tights, and what may be the most comfortable sweater Sun-hwa owns, large enough that the burnished orange wool drapes over most of her shorts and the sleeves cover her hands. Still, they make a rather striking pair.
“Maybe it’s because we were thinking of each other,” Rika says.
Sun-hwa hums a contented note, and wraps an arm around Rika’s waist. “I’d like to think so.” And then she says, “You smell nice, babe. Apples and… what is that?”
“Cedar,” Rika says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “And probably cinnamon, and caramel, and pumpkin, and honey…” She makes a face of mild distaste. “We unveiled our new autumn line today. It took forever to scrub off most of the sample scents. But thank you.”
“If anybody could make an unholy fusion of a dozen different perfumes work, it’d be you, babe.”
Rika ducks her head, flushing at the compliment.
“Hey,” Sun-hwa says after a moment. “You said you’d be getting the grade back on that presentation today, yeah? So…?”
Rika pauses, setting down her fork. “...the professor liked it,” she says, unable to stop a smile from spreading over her face at the memory. “Only had minor critiques. She thinks I’ve ‘got it down pat.’”
“That’s wonderful!” Sun-hwa exclaims. “You’re one step closer to leaving perfume purgatory behind.”
“Let’s hope so,” Rika says softly, but Sun-hwa takes hold of her hand so that Rika will look at her, then says, earnestly, “I know so. You’re gonna pass at the top of your class and be so successful you’ll be booked up years in advance just doing what you love.”
The thought is enough to make Rika’s breath catch, and she has to pause to recover. “...thank you,” she says simply, afraid that anything more really would make her tear up. “...and, thank you for this.” She gestures to the now-empty plate. “It was a lovely apology.”
“Oh, good, I’m glad you think so,” says Sun-hwa, “because I also ordered a full tart to take home. As a preemptive celebration. Or… as consolation, but I figured you’d make it. Kinda banked on you liking it, but--”
Rika cuts her off with a kiss.
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robultrash · 7 years
The Sun and Her Little Storm
This was written for #rikaweek here on Tumblr! I'm posting this early to get the news out, but also I already want to write more for the first prompt anyways! She's an amazing character, and I am happy to participate in this! This was written for day one's prompt Daily Life//Nature. You don't have to use both, but I kind of did in mine, but I want to write two for each prompt, one solely focused on Rika's relationship with others, and one solely RikaxMc stuff! I hope a lot of people participate, and let me know what you think! I love Rika and Saeran, so I hope I wrote them with justice.
When I look up at the sky, I think about the past. Not the good parts, not the bad parts, just the moments I was able to look at it. It was blue, I didn’t know it could be anything else for so long. I imagined freedom being the color of the sky.
I don’t want to look away from the clouds. I have been laying in the grass for a long time. Sometimes, after physical therapy, I refuse to move. My legs hurt more now than they ever did before. It’s easier to be tied in one spot.
No, wait-
“Saeran, you’ve been outside for hours.”
I don’t want to leave my mind, but suddenly sunshine fills my eyes. No, not sunshine…
“Rika!” I cheer, I always get excited seeing her. She sits down next to me and I sit up to meet her. I know she says I shouldn’t think of her as a hero, but I can’t help it. V and her saved me, they were saviors.
“The sky is very nice today, isn’t it?” She says, and my smile brightens. I don’t smile often. Even when they want me to, I can’t always do it. I have bad thoughts in my head, but I can make them go away when I think about the sky, or or the sun. I like the sun. Saeyoung once said it was made of fire, but I like to think it’s made of flowers instead.
“Isn’t it always nice?” I ask, though I already know the answer. I have seen rain, and I’ve seen fog. But sometimes I pretend they don’t exist. I like playing pretend sometimes. I was really good at it back then.
She chuckles slightly, and I feel accomplished. I want her to tell me the truth, despite already knowing it, and already hating it. But I want it anyways. When Rika tells me things, they have to be true.
“Sometimes it rains and blocks out the sun.” She’s quiet when she says it, and I wonder if I’ve made her sad, don’t be sad! I don’t want to see you sad. I’ll take your sadness away.
“But, then we get rainbows!” Saeyoung once told me what a rainbow looked like, but V is the one who showed me pictures of them, and explained that they are a mix of the rain and the sun. I don’t like rain, but the sun is warm and comforting.
“Ah, I forgot about rainbows.” Rika smiles again. Good. I like it when she smiles.
“The run and the sun, they make something good together, don’t they?” I look back at the sky. Rika used to say the sky was blue because God knew it was the most beautiful color. I don’t agree with that. Rika tells me I should believe in God, that God loves everyone, but how could there be anyone that loves me? And besides, I don’t think blue is the most beautiful. I prefer yellow.
“Saeran, do you like it here?” She asks me this a lot. I don’t like this question.
“I like you.” I say. She always likes that answer, it makes her smile. And I am not disappointed when I see her lips curl up.
“Do you like V?” Why so many questions today? I don’t like talking much, it hurts my throat. I used to make hand signs or knocks on the floor, but I soon realized that only Saeyoung knew what those meant. I start to miss him…
“I like him too, but I wish my brother was here.” I say this a lot, but no one ever tells me where he is. They say they saved him before they saved me, but where was he now? Why couldn’t he be with me?
“Hm…” Rika thinks a moment, a silence falling between us. I know better than to ask where Saeyoung. They say I’m too young, but that he’s thinks of me often. I don’t know why I’m too young to know. I sometimes feel like they think I’m too weak. Just like Mommy…
But then I think better. Because they are better than her. Rika wouldn’t hurt me, she wouldn’t tie me up, or lock me away. She’s warm and kind. She hugs me when I have nightmares or bad thoughts. Even V has rocked me to sleep a few times. It’s embarrassing to think about. I’m getting older. I’m, how old again? I’m nine, right? I forget sometimes. Saeyoung knew how old we were. Without him, I forget things about myself.
I’ve lost in my thoughts for a while, but Rika hasn’t said anything either. Maybe she wants to tell me something?!
“Saeran, imagine Saeyoung like fog.” She suggested. I tilt my head. I try to picture him as a body made of fog, but the image is scary, and I stop, looking back up to the sky.
“It comes with rain, and goes with the sun. If Saeyoung was here, I couldn’t spend all my time with you. If he was here, V couldn’t tuck you in at night, he would have to tuck him in.” She sounds so sincere, but I don’t like her words at all.
“I-I wouldn’t care! I would share you guys with him!” I would share anything with Saeyoung, if only he were here. I miss him so much. I hate that he’s gone.
Rika sighs. I’m not happy with her, but I keep that to myself. I don’t want to lose her love, but I wouldn’t mind sharing it if it meant Saeyoung could come back.
“Saeyoung is somewhere where he can heal, and you are with me, so you can heal.” I want us to heal together.
“Saeran, I know it’s hard for you to understand, but in the future you will see that I’m doing this for you. I want to help you find your own rainbows, and I can’t let fog get in the way.” I don’t quite understand what she’s saying. Sometimes adults compare things to other things to confuse me. I don’t like being confused. But I don’t argue, I know better. Rika would never get mad at me, but I’m still afraid to lose what we have.
I start to rock back and forth a bit. My head hurts. Tears sting my eyes. I’m not angry or upset, but sometimes my emotions don’t work properly. This time it works in my favor anyways. Rika stops talking about nature, and lifts me in her arms. She’s stronger than she looks.
“Don’t cry, it’s okay.” I believe her.
“This world doesn’t understand people like us. But that’s okay, we have each other. We’re a family.” I don’t know what she means by people like us, are we different from others? Is that why Saeyoung can’t be with us? I rest my head on her shoulder. She picks me up because she knows I’ll hurt myself otherwise. Maybe that’s what she means. People who hurt themselves. I’ve seen her do it too. She acts like me, sometimes, even if you couldn’t tell from the way she’s always smiling. I look as dark as I feel, but she feels that way too.
“Rain and Sun makes rainbows Saeran. We’ll make a rainbow together, you and me.” I want to ask if V is part of the family too. He doesn’t hurt himself like me and Rika do. I want V to be with us, but I don’t want him sad either, so I stay quiet. I don’t want him hurt.
She pets my hair, and I can feel and hear her humming something lightly. It calms me. I wonder if this is what paradise is.
“One day, we’ll make everyone feel like this.” She promises. I bury myself a bit deeper into her hold. I don’t want to share this with everyone, but if everyone means Saeyoung as well, maybe I could relent a little bit, one day.
“But, for right now, let’s just enjoy it together.” She seems to read my mind. I’m still crying, even though I feel very happy. I can’t help it sometimes. I hope she knows I’m happy. I hope Saeyoung knows I’m happy. I hope he knows that one day, we could make everyone this happy.
But for right now, this rainbow is mine.
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tsuki301 · 7 years
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#rikaweek 5: AU Rika with her daughter💖 #rika #mysticmessenger #mysme #rikasfundraisingassociation
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a queen’s desires
pairing: rika/mc (named) notes: rika had better not let anyone know what really brought on the change of heart that saved the would-be crown thief. she’d have to execute anyone who tries to make a quip about “stealing her heart instead.” royalty au for day 5 of rika week for the prompt “aus.” the last one wasn’t particularly gay so this is extra gay. a back-and-forth of trying to out-gay each other.
It’s a well-kept but bitter secret that she doesn’t exactly need to be present for these trials to take place.
Oh, she proclaims the final judgment, and she watches over the proceedings with a stern, queenly eye, but really, the trial could be conducted from start to finish without her. She can’t even truly feel like it’s a display of her power when she has to be here to strike reverence into the nobles or else risk murmurs, a seed of discontent she cannot allow.
The fact that they’ve actually bothered to gather up dusty nobility to witness a trial with an outcome they saw coming the moment the thief was caught in the royal treasury is just… dull. All this pomp and circumstance is enough to bore her to death.
She straightens, making sure to keep her pose statuesque, and thinks with a flash of annoyance that if the thief had just been courteous to just aim for something a little less high-profile than a ceremonial crown, they could have just cut her head off and be done with it before it came time to take her tea.
As it is, this rigidity seems designed to make her suffer rather than the thief – who, as far as Rika can tell, doesn’t even react to the charges, keeping her head bowed but standing tall without even a hint of nervousness to explain it.
The thief’s arms are bound behind her back, and she is flanked by guards, one on either side taking hold of an arm to prevent her from bolting. There’s evidence of some wear and tear in her clothes, enough that Rika can spot it from her throne – though of course, how much came from a scuffle with her guards and how much was present before her arrival, she can’t say. The thief makes a rather pitiful figure, although she would perhaps garner more sympathy from Rika if her stance were out of respect and not out of impudence, as it now seems.
But, at last, they seem to be nearing an end to this drawn-out affair, and it is finally time for her to do her part.
Rika clasps her hands delicately in her lap, a picture of poise and power. “Now, with your crimes laid bare before the crown, have you anything to say for yourself?”
The thief lifts her head at last – and Rika’s pulse stutters.
In the moment that the thief straightens and looks towards the throne at last, Rika sees what she could not before – that she is brilliantly gorgeous.
Even bound and scuffed up as the thief may be, Rika is rendered at a momentary loss.
The thief gives a wide, sheepish grin, tossing her head to push away the sleek, dark hair that’s fallen into her eyes, and gives her response: “Sorry?”
She offers a flippant shrug, or as much of one as she can with her arms held in place. One of the guards pulls pack roughly on her arm, and she wavers slightly, stumbling, and when she catches herself, her eyes narrow with mirth.
“–your majesty.” She adds. Her voice is no more respectful than before, but Rika finds she can’t bring herself to care, not when it is such a sweet-sounding voice, low and smooth and wry.
Rika refolds her hands and steels herself imperceptibly, then says, “…let her come closer. I want to have a look at her.”
The guards on either side of the thief make as if to move with her, but Rika raises a hand. “No. On her own.”
If they find fault in her desires, they are wise enough not to show it, although they do release her with enough force to set her stumbling forward.
She rakes a hand through her hair as she approaches, and Rika can see as she approaches that there’s some nervousness beginning to enter her eyes.
Rika keeps herself calm and still as the thief comes closer, only to stop at the steps. When Rika beckons her closer still, her expression shifts to open shock before she smooths out her features again.
Rika remains silent, letting the thief stew in uncertainty for a few moments as Rika studies her. She’s even lovelier up close – even with obvious suspicion marring her expression, Rika can’t help but notice the how clear and deep her eyes seem, how alive.
“What is your name?” Rika asks, in a voice meant only for the woman. There is a small pleasure in knowing that all else in the room will be straining to hear.
The thief blinks her lovely eyes, as if the question has caught her off guard. “Sun-hwa, your majesty.”
Oh, dear god, Rika can’t execute her, she’d never be able to live with herself; her voice is even sweeter now, without distance to get in the way. Still, Rika tilts her head inquisitively, and asks, “what do you believe will happen to you now?”
The thief – Sun-hwa – winces. “I… suppose I expect to die, your majesty. Though if you feel inclined to mete out a lighter sentence, I wouldn’t object.”
Rika merely gives a slight, indulging smile, and Sun-hwa winces again as her light-hearted comment seems to fall flat. “Hmm. Now, knowing that, why would you ever chase this impossible task?”
“Got offered money for it. Paid me half in advance. I couldn’t turn it down.” Sun-hwa’s tone is matter-of-fact.
“No? And why not?”
“I… owed a debt, your majesty. Paid it off in full with just what I got when I agreed to, ah…” The sheepish look returns. “Rob you blind.”
“And who was it that paid you this… I assume rather exorbitant sum to ‘rob me blind,’ hmm?”
“It’s–” There’s a moment where Sun-hwa hedges, and then she seems to come to a decision. “Fuck it, they can’t get me anyway, now,” she mutters, and then louder: “The Paynes. Of Ashweald. The eldest son, anyway; I never dealt with anyone else. But…” She shrugs.
Rika’s eyebrows raise. “That little backwater province?” Sending a message, perhaps? Attempting to mock her? Interesting. “One more question before I make my final judgment.” Sun-hwa bows her head. “Why didn’t you just run?”
“When you got your advance. You didn’t run off with the money. Why? Is it loyalty? Ambition? Overconfidence? Were you really afraid of nobles who can’t even angle for somewhere nicer than marshlands?” Rika rests her chin in her hand as she waits for a response.
“Oh, God no,” Sun-hwa scoffs, and Rika nearly laughs. “I’m pretty sure I could have been clear across the sea before they’d even realized I changed course. But… they might be able to use the weight of their fancy titles to, ah… track down people I’d rather not involve in this. Family, and the like. You know how it goes.”
“And yet, you accepted their offer.”
“Well, I never said I wasn’t also overconfident.” And the self-assured smile decides it for Rika.
“You’ve answered my question. Now, would you like to know a secret?”
Sun-hwa hesitates, then nods. Rika leans a little closer, and Sun-hwa follows. “You did get much closer than any have ever gotten during my rule.”
“Forgive me, your majesty, but I think I’d take more professional pride in that if my head wasn’t about to be on the chopping block.”
Rika does laugh this time. “But it means that you're… useful. And you should be glad of that. You may wish to start considering how you might show your gratitude for being allowed to avoid this fate.” Before Sun-hwa can ask what she means by that, Rika stands and addresses the court.
“I have made my decision. The sentence is…” Rika lets her gaze pass across the court, letting the anticipation build. “…she will live in service of the crown, and right what she has wronged.”
There is no cry of shock, no attempts to stop her, but there is a burst of murmurs. Rika has no scepter to bang decisively against the stone, but the icy stare she levels across the court does the job just as well.
“Listen well,” Rika says. She places a hand on Sun-hwa’s back – goodness, standing really didn’t close the gap in that height difference, and Rika has to reach a little – to urge Sun-hwa forward. They descend the steps together. Rika’s movements are far more graceful than Sun-hwa’s, who wobbles a little without her arms as balance, but with Rika’s hand to steady her, they make it down and stand before the court.
“This girl, this poor girl – you expect her to do this on her own? To plot such an act of treachery by her lonesome? No, this poor girl was used – manipulated by an enemy of the crown. But we will not allow this. She will be allowed to live so that she may atone for her mistakes by rooting out those who would seek to harm us. So long as she is useful to us, we will show her this clemency.”
And, wisely, no one dissents.
Sun-hwa waits at the bottom of the steps until the court is cleared out. She remains flanked by guards until she reaches Rika’s chambers, where a pair of maids await their queen.
“Now,” says Rika as one maid begins to unlace her bodice and the other plucks a nightdress from the bed, “I’m sure there’s much more to be learned about these traitorous nobles you can tell me. And, perhaps, a great deal more about others who have hired you, hmm?”
Rika meets Sun-hwa’s eyes as she steps lightly out of her dress and the maid begins to work on her corset.
Sun-hwa stares resolutely back at her. “A great deal indeed, my queen.”
“And your talents can be put to use in other ways, of course.” She says this as she stands nearly bare before her before she allows the second maid to step forward with the nightdress.
“Most assuredly, my queen.” Sun-hwa’s expression is amused.
“Oh, but don’t worry–” Rika rolls her shoulders as her nightgown settles and her maids step back. She waves a hand, and they bow and depart. “We won’t put you to work at every moment; you will, of course, be allowed generous free reign when we do not have specific need of you. And on that note…” Rika beckons Sun-hwa closer and waves a hand so she’ll turn, then gently undoes the bindings.
“There,” says Rika softly. “Much better.”
Sun-hwa rubs at her wrists and bows her head. “You have my thanks, majesty. Forgive me, but… might I ask how long you intend to keep me? If my usefulness has a limit, I’d like to have an inkling of what that is.”
Rika laughs. “No limit. You’re here, now you’ll stay.”
Sun-hwa folds her arms and cocks her hip. “Pardon?”
“You can be very useful to me, my dear, more than you may think. You seem very talented, and besides…” Rika perches on the edge of her bed, stretching herself out to put her décolletage on display. “I think you’ll enjoy your time here.”
Sun-hwa’s eyebrows raise. “My queen, are you implying something?”
“Rather forward, aren’t you?”
Sun-hwa’s first reaction is to let her arms go slack, her posture straightening as she begins hastily, “I–” And then she halts, taking in the way Rika’s shifting to give her a better view, and the rising alarm drains out of her all at once. “…have been told so, yes, my queen.”
Rika smiles. “Excellent. I suspect you’ll be working… closely with me, and I do so admire those who know how to chase what they want.” She leans forward and crosses her legs, and in the process, loses a silk slipper, which slides across the floor. She tilts her head slightly and aims an innocent look towards Sun-hwa. “Would you mind?”
“Not at all.” Sun-hwa closes the distance and kneels before Rika, looking up at her from beneath her eyelashes. Rika is suddenly aware that although Sun-hwa doesn’t have the advantage of personal tailors to accentuate her figure, she does have some strategic rips that seem oddly alluring on her, and fingers that make Rika shudder with the feeling of electricity when they rest against her skin. “I look forward to showing you what I can do,” she says, fingers skittering slowly up Rika’s calf before pulling away.
Rika’s mouth goes dry. She can hardly wait.
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rose tea, rose glasses
pairing: technically none but there's definitely some Feelings towards mc on saeran’s part, and some Interest from rika notes: spoilers for v’s route up to the end of day 6
The lull in conversation is comfortable, punctuated by the gentle clinking of spoons against porcelain and soft warbling of nighttime creatures.
It’s a particularly lovely batch of tea today, tinted violet from the petals of the roses that grow in this very garden. She chooses which particular blossoms will be used for the pair of them -- although she leaves the actual preparation of the tea to someone else, of course.
Ray, seated across from her, seems to be enjoying it, just as she does, although his cup contains several heaping spoonfuls of sugar more than hers.
When she’d chided him gently that he should take care to savor the natural sweetness of the tea, he’d looked so sorrowful that she couldn’t help but laugh and rescind her scolding. “If it makes you happy…” she’d said, and he beamed with grateful relief.
It's pleasantly warm tonight, and the breeze is heavy with the garden’s many flowers. All in all, a lovely night for tea. But there is more to settle than just idle conversation.
“You seem pleased,” she says, setting her cup delicately on its saucer. “More than usual. I'm glad to see you in such high spirits, but I suspect there's something more than the success of our plans behind that, hmm?”
Not that she has any doubts that this is true, nor, indeed, does she have to wonder what else might be the cause of his happiness, given how enthusiastically he's been describing their newest resident to her. Still, she's not yet sure whether he's aware of how… deeply he's been affected by this. She'd like to hear it in his own words.
He sets his cup down hastily, eager to respond.
“Everything is going exactly as you said, savior. They haven't realized a thing, and they may even be on the path to salvation sooner than we’d hoped. And she…” He cuts himself off and averts his eyes slightly. Is he flushed? How interesting. “...she plays her part well,” he says.
Rika rests her chin on her hand, leaning forward slightly, and Saeran takes this as his cue to elaborate.
“It's only been a few days, but most of them trust her already. She's… very admiring of the game, but determined to root out their secrets. She trusts that I'm -- that this is real. She can tell that that traitor is hiding something--” His face twists in disgust before he smooths his expression. “...but, she's coaxed out information from him. She hasn't spoken a word of Magenta. And…” He bows his head shyly. “...she's kind. She listens to what I say, follows everything I request of her. She even asks about me. Everything about her feels… warm.”
His voice has diminished to a reverent whisper by the end of it. He raises his head now, meeting Rika’s gaze. “I think you'll like her, and I'm sure she'll adore you.”
He glances around the garden, a gentle, absentminded smile growing as his eyes linger on stems heavy with deeply-blooming flowers.
“...I think she'd like it out here. I want to show her the gardens, with your permission. Maybe… one day she could join us here, for tea?” His expression is hopeful.
Rika chuckles. “If she's as lovely as you say, I'm sure she'd make a wonderful addition to our meetings.”
Rika takes another sip of tea and sets the cup down, nearly empty, but the motion does not go unnoticed, and he halts whatever he was going to say. “--ah, Savior, forgive me.”
He stands and takes hold of the ornate teapot, then circles the table to stand beside her. With delicate motions, he fills her cup with the fragrant liquid.
When he begins to rise, she places a hand on his arm. “Ray.” He holds the teapot steady and looks at her with open curiosity. “I'm looking forward to meeting her,” she says simply.
And it's true. In fact, she believes she should pay a visit to this girl who has so thoroughly ensnared his attention, shouldn't she?
His eyes widen, and then his face splits into a beatific grin. “I'm glad, Savior, I'm… so glad.”
He's so excited, he trembles slightly, and so she touches the teapot gently to remind him to set it down.
“Be careful not to distract yourself from your goals, Ray,” she warns, and then she smooths her hand down his arm to settle over his hand. “...but it's nice to see you brought to such happiness.”
She lets her hands rest in her lap now. “Remain diligent, and they will all be brought to happiness at last.”
He nods, but asks, childish in his uncertainty: “And she…”
“Will remain as a source of your happiness, as long as she is loyal to us. And so she will stay, won’t she?”
His nod is fervent now. “Thank you, Savior,” he says, voice dripping with desperate gratitude. “I won't fail you. They will all join us in paradise.”
And she smiles.
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tsuki301 · 7 years
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#rikaweek 3 : Animals I drew her with her dog, uhm. I'm not good drawing dogs ○| ̄|_ #rika #rikamysme #rikasfundraisingassociation #mysticmessenger
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pairing: rika/reader notes: for day 3 of rika week – volounteering/animals.
No dog, Rika says. That’s the one concrete limitation she has here. She’s been feeling that ache of something missing for a while now, but she can’t deal with the heartbreak of another dog. Not again. Not after Sally.
It doesn’t stop her from bending down to coo at the dogs in the shelter when she volunteers, and asking about the regulars, but. She won’t be swayed on this.
Not that you have any intention of doing that, anyway. Pretty bad basis for getting a pet together, especially for the first time – and even more so considering Sally.
But, aside from dogs, everything else is, at least, up for consideration.
You toss ideas at her in the weeks after she confesses that she feels ready to let something new into her heart and house.
It’s not that you’re trying to take the role of a passive observer in this process – it’ll be in your house too, of course, so you’d better be on neutral terms with the idea, at the very least – but it means something to Rika that’s… not quite there for you.
So – a cat? A fish? A bird? A ferret?
Fish are fine, she says, but not what she’s looking for. Birds aren’t quite her thing, as ferrets… bother her for some reason she can’t quite place. Cats – well, she’s already given up the most beautiful cat in the world to someone else, so it’s a little late on that count.
She laughs at the more ridiculous suggestions, and takes more of them seriously than you might have thought.
There’s no point in trying to rush her. She’ll know when she knows. But, weeks later, and there’s still no leads.
Until she gets the phone call from the volunteer worker.
You were already planning on going out that day – nothing fancy, just walking around the city some, a chance to spend some time together – so when Rika slips her phone into her pocket with an odd look on her face and says that someone from the shelter asked her to meet at her house as soon as possible, it’s not too much trouble to make your way there first.
Honestly, it’s a little bit ridiculous that the girl even had Rika’s number, but then, Rika herself has volunteered there long enough that she must have some information on record.
When you get to the address she texted, her face is familiar in a vague sort of way, but you cannot remember her name for the life of you. Of course, what’s much more eye catching is the snake she winds gently through the fingers of her left hand.
It’s a delicate little thing, small enough to fit through her parted fingers but long enough to curl around her wrist and down, and patterned in alternating buttery yellows. Occasionally it pauses and flicks out its tongue and then continues meandering along, seeming contentedly curious.
“Sorry to call you up so suddenly,” says the girl, absentmindedly holding her other hand up to the snake to let it expand its playground. “I wasn’t sure who else to go to.”
Rika elbows you when you mutter that literally anyone who gets paid for this sort of thing would have worked.
The girl rattles off the details of the story that Rika told you on the way there – corn snake, probably not too old, maybe a year, near as she can figure, but that’s mostly guesswork. Owner was a casual acquaintance of hers who took advantage of the fact that she volunteered at a shelter to drop off a snake they no longer cared to deal with on her, without checking whether the shelter was equipped to deal with it.
And it isn’t, of course.
“I don’t even have a real tank for her, just…” And the girl gives a weak shrug, motioning to a sad little tupperware bowl, empty now but, you presume, meant to act as a makeshift home for the snake.
“So… what are you gonna do?” you ask. You’re watching Rika, rather than the girl, but turn back when the girl starts to shake her head, looking nervous. “I can’t – I can’t leave her here, my parents would freak out.”
“May I?” Rika holds out her hands.
It’s almost comical how quickly the girl presents the snake to Rika, letting it test her fingers curiously and then begin to wind through them. The girl’s face shows stark relief, as if you’ve solved her problem all at once.
“She… knows there’s no reason that we would have to take the snake, right?” you murmur.
“Oh, hush,” whispers Rika, voice light even as she scolds you. Louder, she says, “well, she definitely needs a more permanent home, and something more… fitting than that.” She nods to the bowl.
She lifts her hand to examine the snake closer. It gently nudges against Rika’s nose before looking for another place to explore.
“She is a pretty little thing, isn’t she?” Rika asks, seeming faraway. “Does she have a name?”
“The snake? Probably did, but I don’t know it.”
And oh, you think, watching the softness of Rika’s eyes, this is it.
“Well…” says Rika. She half-turns to you, and the snake takes that motion as a cue to start trying to climb up the side of her face. “What do you think, dear? How do you feel about harboring her at home, for now? Give her somewhere a bit more suitable to stay until we find her a more permanent home?”
You stifle a laugh as the snake begins winding around Rika’s hair and Rika absentmindedly strokes its head. “Yeah,” you say, “for now. I think that sounds best.”
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tsuqinoa · 7 years
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「Day 6 - Seasonal」 
I had a first different sketch for this prompt but it was really plain, so here’s a weird-looking snow globe composition instead!
The result is better than I expected//
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