makibelievesinsanta · 10 months
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thankful for the gift that is sunshine in the mirror, episode 7.
so much rikomari content.. my comfort ship.
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uranohoshi-jogakuin · 3 years
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A handful of party cards - Love Live! School Idol Festival
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daijoboob · 2 years
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do yall like daredevil (netflix) and rikomari
elapsed time: 6 hours
(click on the image for higher quality!)
extras and notes under the cut:
i like how the version without the dark overlay looks!
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this isn’t a solid au or anything, i just..finished rewatching the first two seasons of the series and had feelings. the second season was a bit frustrating but electra’s death admittedly DOES get me every time.
pairing riko and mari as matt and electra seemed like a fun and decent enough match, especially in dynamic. 
who would the other characters be? no clue. please tell me if you have ideas. maybe i should think more on these ideas at some point haha
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horseyhorseless · 3 years
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So abt that new rikomari ur
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glittervomite-blog · 5 years
youve heard of red and blue gays now get ready for pink and purple lesbians
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llsifrares · 5 years
posh gfs on an afternoon tea date
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augusteensblog · 5 years
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maririko is my life
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chilopawbi · 6 years
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some art ive done thats never left the LL HP discord server i was playing head girl dia in. its been a while but i should post now. and how can i not mention arthya’s LLHP art, tho. check it out !   if you like my work, please consider checking out my art twitter @lrihgo and my kofi, i currently have writing commissions up.
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bosshuton · 6 years
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theyre valid
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lutzsan · 6 years
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RikoMari requested by anon
Totally not inspired by this
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mini-draws · 6 years
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somebody ( specifically @itstidal ) mentioned this earlier and now i’ve found myself here right now looking at this.
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bunyehz · 6 years
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thecuriousinferno · 6 years
Skyrim AU where Mari is Thane of Solitude and Riko is her suffering housecarl that begs her to respect the law
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doodlefox2 · 7 years
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a nicely colored rikomari from this bc i liked the doodle
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sunokasai · 6 years
On the Crossroads of Love - Chapter 5
[backlog refilled with 1 chapter - big thank you @icaruswings87 for editing again <3]
Sometimes their trip does not go as planned. Sometimes the itinerary doesn’t matter, because sometimes the two women decide to stop somewhere in the middle of the road because one of them spots something interesting or beautiful. And sometimes it is Mari stopping without giving any warning while poor Riko is busy looking through all of her photos. They are on the way to Germany when this happens
Surprised and even scolding Mari a little for pulling such a stunt while she was handling her camera, Riko finds her ire fading quickly as she realizes why Mari had stopped the car. Interest flares inside of Riko in an instant as she and Mari stare at the ad for an Aquarium that’s not too far from their current location.
The Aquarium d'Amnéville.
A quick search via the internet fuels their interest even more, learning how much there is to discover, solidifies Mari’s decision to stop. Maybe, just maybe, this Aquarium can match the one in Awashima. Both girls doubt it, but it is worth a shot.
So, a couple minutes later they find themselves surrounded by massive tanks full of crystal blue water and dozens, if not hundreds, of different species that live within. It’s different than the one at home, but  at least Awashima and this aquarium have something in common right from the start: both know how to present the jellyfish properly - because here they are also lit up by beautiful colors.
Eventually they come across a tank with some really special inhabitants: isopods. Riko chuckles as she takes them in, causing Mari to look at her with hint of confusion.
“You don’t remember?” Riko asks, prompting Mari to shake her head ‘no’. “When we were all visiting the aquarium on Awashima and how Hanamaru-chan fell in love with the isopods there? I bet she would like these here as well. There are so many.”
“Ah! I remember!” Mari exclaims excitedly. Yes, she does. And she also remembers how cute Hanamaru had looked, crouching down and talking with those little guys. So, Mari does the same, greeting the French isopods in the name of their Japanese friends in Awashima and the human that came to adore isopods. It is kind of adorable, Riko thinks.
“Riko‘cchi! Riko‘cchi! Look! Lots of Nemos!“ Mari, suddenly exclaims, getting up as she spots something else she deems interesting right across the room. She unceremoniously grabs Riko’s hand and drags her to the display. The movement is so sudden that Riko doesn’t even have time to process the hand in hers. Or to blush.
But once they are there, standing right before the glass, Riko perks an eyebrow up in confusion as she looks at Mari and then at the fish in front of them.
“Nemos?” Several orange-white striped fish are swimming around, some bigger than others. Riko has to admit that they look quite pretty, maybe cute even. “I am pretty sure they aren’t called ‘Nemos’. They have a different name..”
She is already leaning to the side to take a look at the species’ proper name, not noticing the look Mari throws at her: utter disbelief.
“See they are called- what?” Riko backs away with her head a little upon finally noticing Mari’s expression. There is a bad feeling starting to form in her stomach. Did she do something wrong?
“You really don’t know?” Mari asks, voice barely above a whisper.
“Know what?” Yeah, the knot in her stomach definitely gets worse.
“You have never seen the movie called ‘Finding Nemo’?”
Riko has to blink as she tries to process this information. All of this because of a movie? This is why Mari looks at her like this? While she is glad that it is just a movie and not something she has done, it is the fact that it is just a movie that makes her sigh.
“No? Obviously I didn’t.”
“We need to change that!” Mari declares, a sparkle in her eyes. “Which means we will have a movie night soon. The next hotel we are in I am going to look the movie up with your laptop and then we will watch it. Deal?”
Not knowing what all of this is about or how some fish are connected to a movie, Riko just nods. If this means she will get to spend more time with Mari then she’ll gladly agree. And a part of her hopes that they even get to cuddle a little while watching.
...And she can feel her cheeks getting hot at that thought.
“And while we are at it...” Mari takes her hand once again and drags her to the next glass pane, this time with a blue fish in it. “We can watch ‘Finding Dory’ right after.”
“Sure. We can do that. Sounds like fun.” The smile that Riko gets in return has her heart melt a little. It is scary how easily she can feel happy with Mari around, because whenever Mari smiles like that her heart makes a little jump and Riko is so much more at ease. Even if that smile is not directed at her.
“Okay, sweet. So… what else does this Aquarium have to offer?”
They walk around aimlessly but Riko notices quite fast that Mari seems to be looking for something specific, even if all the other stuff here manages to excite her. It shows in the way she looks around when they go to the next attraction.
And when they finally come across some sort of map Riko sees her hunch confirmed as Mari’s shoulders slump ever so slightly. Barely noticeable to any onlooker, but it is very much noticed by Riko.
“Something specific you are looking for?” She asks innocently, as if she doesn’t know the answer already.
“Yes...” Mari pouts a little. “I was hoping they’d have some seals here but they have none...”
“Yes. They are like the cutest thing on this planet. If they look at you with their big round eyes and their chubby nose… how can you not just melt on the spot?”
Smiling fondly, Riko watches as Mari starts to daydream just a little about seals. Of all the  animals, she would have never guessed it would be seals that managed to capture Mari’s heart. But it seems like they have and Riko feels kind of sorry that there are none of them here.
“If you are looking for seals you should visit the zoo that is right beside the aquarium.”
Riko and Mari turn around to look at another tourist right behind them who is waiting on the rest of his family to catch up with him after they had gotten distracted by some fish called green swordtail a couple meters away.
“Here, look.” The man comes over to them and shows them a brochure. And indeed, there is the aquarium and there is the zoo. He even shows them a timetable and Mari pokes Riko in her side and her arms and it is a bit annoying until Riko shoves Mari a little and looks at her, silently asking what is up.
“They have a seal show there.” Mari squeals. And Riko already knows what Mari’s next request will be.
“They were soooooo cute!” Mari, obviously, is super happy after they had just watched the seal show, always pointing out one of the animals. And at some point Mari had even started giving them names. “Though, I think Alfio is the cutest of them all.”
Riko hums and nods along. She is listening, she just doesn’t know who out of the dozens seals they had just seen was Alfio.
“Like, this cute little spot on his forehead.” Ah, that one. “I wish I could’ve pet him right there.”
Then Mari stops and looks at Riko, a very familiar spark in her eyes. One that Riko recognizes means trouble. And with Mari, there is no telling what kind of trouble she’s going to drag her into this time.
“Mari, no.” She has to stop it before it begins. Otherwise Mari will get a stupid ide-
“Do you think they’ll let me keep him? And all his brothers and sisters?”
“Mari, no. They won’t. And besides… where would you even keep them?”
“I am rich, I can probably turn a room in the Awashima Hotel to suit their needs.” Is the immediate retort.
And just as Riko wants to protest and say no, she thinks that Mari probably would be able to pull this of. Which doesn’t change the fact that Mari shouldn’t even think about it at all.
“They still belong to the zoo, Mari. We can’t just take them with us.” Riko tries to be reasonable.
“But I already gave them names matching their personalities.” Mari pouts. And she knows what effect that pout has on Riko.
Riko has to stay strong.
“I… Mari, we have no room in the car, and we certainly don’t have the time for you to organize something like that - it would take too long. And they still belong to the zoo.” And if rationale doesn’t work, Riko might as well try something else. “And imagine all the children who were just as excited to see them as you. They’d be sad if the seals were gone all of a sudden.”
Mari pouts more but she nods weakly. She gets it, of course. She just wishes she could spend some time with them, pet them even.
“You’re right. Sorry for bringing it up.” Mari turns away, running her hand through her hair. “Come on, let’s go and see the rest before we continue driving.”
“Mari...” Riko is fast to catch up with her companion when she sees it out of the corner of her eyes. The wheels start turning in her head as she gets an idea that might be ridiculous. But if it manages to cheer Mari back up it was worth it. So, she reaches for Mari’s arms and stops her, telling her to wait for her at that corner while she gets something.
And she really gets something. Because as soon as Riko returns to Mari’s side, she tells her to stick out her right arm. And as Mari turns around to do just that, her eyes widen.
Right there in front of her is Riko, tying a bunch of balloons in the shape of seals to her wrist. And before Mari can ask what this means, Riko pulls one of the balloons down, takes a pen out and draws a circle right on the seal’s forehead.
“There. Just like Alfio.” Riko smiles, looking at her work.
Mari lacks the words of a response as she just stares at the dozen balloons on her arm. She would have never expected something like this and is more than just surprised. She even sniffs a little before she gives Riko her brightest smile, pulling at Riko’s hand to bring her in for a hug. It is a little sudden but afterwards Riko relaxes into the hug little by little. It is Mari, after all. And a hug from Mari is the best response possible. Perhaps the best thing possible, ever. She smiles into her friend’s shoulder.
“Thank you, Riko’cchi.”
And as Riko just nods, she thinks she’d probably do anything for Mari.
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hitomishiga · 6 years
can i have rikomari for the meme 👀💦
sure can my dude (others have already done it better but i can try)
1) who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunterim stil focking in love with the idea of riko, scared of dogs riko, meek and wallpapery riko, being turned into a werewolf on accident. so i guess in this case hunter mari might actually know a thing or two abt reversing the curse
2) who’s the mermaid and who’s the fishermanrikos a city slicker who like sails the unmitigated, natural ocean for the first time and asks, ‘hey are there supposed to be like, mermaids here,’,
3) who’s the witch and who’s the familiarthere’s been arguments for witch riko and cheshire familiar Mari and that’s great and good. also consider: riko as a witch who doesn’t even KNOW she’s a witch, who gains mari as a familiar without even KNOWING
4) who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addictrikos the barista. I guess it just has to be that way! I feel like sometimes mari goes into like normal people shops, to see how the peasants live. and if there’s a cute barista there then it doesn’t really matter if the coffee beans aren’t imported straight from the gates of arcadia, does it
5) who’s the professor and who’s the TAprofessor mari, ta riko. maybe rikos even finishing her final year as honorary student and mari is just that wee bit older.
6) who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)knight riko, princess mari. again, it just has to be. in this case tho I can imagine riko being more of a squire type figure, sort of lower ranking and low key, not supposed to be out fighting shit but more like… a symbol of her family or smth lol. maris the troublemaker princess of a neighbouring kingdom. bam.
7) who’s the teacher and who’s the single parentteacher riko, single parent mari. I feel like it’s either daycare teacher or middle school music teacher riko, that feels right. mari has a bratty only child. hm.
8) who’s the writer and who’s the editormaybe not so surprisingly, mari edits! and riko writes. it’s lesbian fiction, jsyk
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