#decision were made today that I will get screamed at for next week :]
ameliathornromance · 2 months
Just wanted to add quick trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse and assault from husband, but not Orc BF because he's better than that.
This was written and inspired by Run by Daughter, I recommend listening to it while reading <3
“Careful!” Your Orc whispered to you.
Clutching onto the vines of the tower you descended from, you gave a cautious look down to him.
His arms were spread open, wide and prepared to catch you in case you fell.
You couldn’t believe that you were actually doing this. The two of you, imprisoned by the same wretched man were finally getting away.
Your husband, the Earl was an awful man. He was nasty to the servants, if one dared brush too close to him, his bellows of rage were enough to shake the earth.
When something wasn’t done exactly according to the orders the Earl had given you, he would make sure you would get his orders right next time, in the form of a strike to the side of the head.
There were days where you wondered if there was any way out of the suffrage you were forced into. Then your Orc arrived.
The Orc you had fallen for, was captured by the Earl and forced to be your body guard. Your need for a body guard had only become apparent after a run-in with some highway bandits, who took everything of value from your carriage after returning from a Royal Gala. “This creature ought to keep you safe,” your husband proclaimed lazily. After jerking the chain around the Orcs neck, he added, “don’t worry, I’ve made sure he’s tame.”
The two of you lamented over being captured and trapped by the same man. It was strange, the way you two bonded over that. Even more a miracle that the two of you got along together. Both of you shared stories of your lives before you met.
The Orc had been caught by one of many of your dear husbands hunting parties. He and his friends had ambushed him and shackled him. They had beaten him senseless the whole way back to the Manor in which you resided. You apologised for the harsh treatment of your husband. But your Orc dismissed it: “It is not any fault of yours.” He smiled, “I only thank that you are nice, treat me well and sympathise with me.”
You couldn’t recall exactly when you had fallen for your Orc Boyfriend, only that it was some time a few weeks earlier. You and your Orc had been chuckling about something on your way to the dining hall.
You couldn’t remember what it was you were laughing about. Your husband appeared from thin air – and for some reason took great offence to you enjoying yourself – as you arrived at the dining hall.
After shouting obscenities at you, he raised his hand to strike you. Closing your eyes, recoiling, you braced for the sharp flash of pain. Yet nothing happened.
Cautiously, opening your eyes, you saw that your Orc had caught the wrist of the Earl.
Everything was a blur from that point. Your Orc was taken down, dragged out of sight and returned to you later, one of his eyes swelling and turning purple. When you worried over him, he simply smiled at you, “my job is to protect you, my Lady. After all your kindness if I didn’t I…” Your Orc sucked in a deep breath and sighed. “I’d do it again in a heart beat.” It was in that moment, that the two of you knew you loved each other.
Even if you could not say it out loud, you knew he loved you.
It was in the soft touch of his hand on your back when you were anxious, in the smile he gave you as you told him excitedly about a plot twist in a book you read. How he would hold you as you cried into his chest, another scathing from your husband fresh in your mind, from when your Orc couldn’t be there to protect you.
Today had been the last straw for the both of you. Another screaming match, followed by another strike to the face, you and your Orc made the decision to run.
It was now or never. Your Orc had been trying to talk you into it for weeks. The both of you spoke about it in hushed whispers as you walked through your garden. A common, secret excursion, only afforded by your deep sleeping husband and the darkness of night.
Moonlight shone down upon you both as he told you, in a hushed voice: “He would never dare come for us.” He assured you taking your hand, “we could be free, away from that monster.”
“But my family-” You began to protest.
“They are not your family.” Your Orc glowered at you. “Those people knew what that man was like and they gave you to him anyway. What kind of loving family does that?”
He was right, you knew it he was. You hadn’t heard or seen from them in years, only doing what they had to do to be kept comfortable. Your marriage was just that: A means to keep comfortable.
This realisation, broke your resolve to stay. Given what a horrid day it had been, you couldn’t ignore it any longer, the stinging on your cheek a painful reminder. You had to get out of here.
Sucking in a deep breath and turning to that bright shining moonlight, you sighed. “Alright. Let’s do it.”
A few days passed before everything was ready to go, your Orc had been meticulous in his planning. You, yourself, couldn’t do anything to pack, those who were loyal to the Earl – a select few of the servants, who he bothered to treat with some semblance of decency – would tell on your plans. Questions would rise… You didn’t want to find out what would happen if they were asked.
But if it was your body guard, no one would dare question the Orc sauntering through the halls, clearly on an important mission.
Finally, the day came when you two would set off. You did your best to act like there was nothing amiss, doing your duties with your Orc following behind you. He was more vigilant than usual. Although your husband had gone hunting for the day, whose to say that he would return with nothing, furious with his lack of game and try to take it out on you.
When night fell, the two of you made for the salon. It wasn’t time to go just yet. The sun had coloured the sky orange, the two of you would need the cover of night. As soon as the two of you were out of sight of prying eyes, he cupped your face with his hands and kissed your lips.
“I will go and get the horse ready and collect our supplies,” Your Orc whispered to you. “When the Earl is asleep, you climb out of the window and I’ll be waiting down by the bottom of the tower.”
“What if I slip?”
“Then I will catch you, my Love.” Your Orc smiled.
Letting out a soft chuckle, you rubbed your thumbs over the back of his hand, clutching onto them. “I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too.”
The two of you departed to your respected quarters after that.
You had prepared a special drink for your husband that night. It was nothing dangerous, just a sedative your Orc had managed to get a hold of. Before bed, you offered it to your husband.
“You’ve been stressed recently.” You lied as your husband entered your bedroom. “So I made you some Camomile tea.”
The Earl hmphed. Snatching the tea cup and saucer from your hand, he gulped it down in one go, without saying a word to you. This was how he was when he wasn’t berating you.
You were glad you’d never have to breathe the same air as this man ever again.
Within moments of getting into bed, he was asleep.
And here you were now, descending the tower wall. The drop, coupled with the soft blushes of wind made you question why you couldn’t have just taken the stairs. But the thought of being spotted making an escape made you shudder.
As if sensing your unease, he vine in your left hand quivered, then snapped. You let out a shriek, causing you to lose your grip, your feet slipping. Grasping onto any remaining vines you could, your body soared away from the safety of the tower.
Your Orc caught you within seconds, your shout silenced with a hand clapped to your mouth, mortified by your mistake.
Heart thumping in your chest, you looked up at your Orc Boyfriend. His eyes were fixed on the bedroom window. Neither of you moved, still as statues, waiting for someone to come looking for the source of distress.
The wind blew, trees rustled and leaves billowed in the breeze. But no guard came by, and your husband did not stir.
Sighing with relief, your Orc set you down on the ground and whispered, “you’re not hurt, are you love?”
You shook your head, “sorry.” You breathed.
Your Orc Boyfriend shook his head, smiling, “let’s get out of here, quickly. Last I knew, my clan were headed East.”
Holding his hand, the both of you took off into the forest, never to be subject to the torture of man again.
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gojos-fr-bae · 3 months
Daddy's Day
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Heavy Heavy angst, cussing, dyuszcbjsuifk
Word Count: 884
A/N: Heyy, so I've been experiencing writer's block recently with Liar pt.7 so I decided to take a break & write this. Loving the Gojo family au. Also, this was ipired by something written by @zuffer-weird-girl (I love her writing so much, omd)
Hope you enjoy <3
(Requests open)
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Satoru had been away for the past week on a mission that had been meant to last two days.
He stepped into the house, expecting to be welcomed by you and your son Kaito at the door, but he was met by complete silence.
All the lights in the house were off except for the one in the living room and the kitchen. He walked into the living room and saw his son Kaito seated on the couch facing the tv which was playing whatever cartoon it was that he was obsessed with recently. He was in his dinosaur onesie and was hugging his monkey plushie tightly against his chest.
“Hey buddy!” Satoru said, walking to Kaito with his arms open,ready to give him a hug, but the seven-year-old looked up at his father with sadness coating his features before he got up and ran to his room, slamming the door behind himself.
To say Satoru was confused would be an understatement.
He slowly walked into the kitchen and saw you seated at the counter drinking whiskey…WHISKEY.
You only even drank whiskey when shit was getting deep, so now he knew for sure that something was wrong.
“Hey wifey, " he said in a soft voice, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, placing a kiss against your cheek.
“Mmm”is all you could respond to him, you didn’t even have the energy to respond to it.
“What’s up, and why is Kaito so upset?” he inquired, taking a seat next to you. You stared down at your drink ,swirling it slowly in your glass.
“Satoru, where have you been? Your mission was only meant to last two days.”
“Yeah, I know, but the mission ran a bit later and I also chose to stay back an extra two days after we finished just to make sure that there were no more curses left in the area.” he responded nervously, not sure where you were going with this. 
“So, yesterday, and today, you were away…by choice?” you questioned in disbelief.
“Y-yeah, um…why?” 
“Satoru, what promise did you make to your son? What day was it yesterday?”
He was so lost, he was trying to wrack his brain and remember wha- oh. Oh Fuck.
Oh no. No No NO NO NO NO NO!
How could he forget? How the fuck could he forget?! 
Yesterday, all the kids in Kaito’s class were meant to come to class with their dads, and Kaito asked Gojo if he would be able to make it, and he promised he would.
“Satoru, Kaito waited, and waited, and waited, and you didn’t show up. All the kids in his class started making fun of him, telling him that you didn’t even love him enough to show up. Satoru, he was crying for HOURS! And he hasn’t spoken to me, or anyone else the whole day. And you didn’t show up BECAUSE YOU FELT THAT DOING A JOB YOU WEREN'T EVEN ASKED TO DO! WHAT THE FUCK GOJO!?” You screamed, eyes tearing up as you lost your patience with your husband.
Shit. Words couldn’t even begin to cover how much Satoru HATED himself right now. He was actually an awful father. He was speechless. He couldn’t even move, and his breath was stuck in his throat.
“Please, go talk to  him, he needs it.” you said softly, patting his back softly, before making your way to bed.
Satoru could feel his eyes begin to sting as he was beating himself up. He could only imagine how Kaito must have felt. He had to go through all of that because of his stupid decision. 
He slowly made his way to his son’s room before knocking on the door gently.
“Kai, it’s daddy, please I come in.” he said softly.
No answer.
He opened the door and saw a sight that absolutely broke his heart. Kaito was sitting on his bead, with his back against the wall, facing the door. He had brought his knees up  to his chest and he was clutching his monkey plush as hard as his tiny fingers could. But his eyes were bloodshot and he had tears steadily flowing down his face as he sobbed softly.
“Buddy,” Satoru’s voice broke as the buy completely broke down and started wailing uncontrollably. 
Satoru ran to him and pulled him into his chest, hugging him tight, as he felt his own stray tears flow down his cheeks.
“I love you so much, buddy, and I’m so so so sorry.” He kept on apologizing over and over again, until Kaito had cried himself to sleep. He  slowly tucked Kaito into bed, before kissing his forehead and leaving the room.
He slowly dragged himself to your room, closed the door behind him before sliding down with his back against it. You looked at him and made your way to him as he broke down. He clutched you with his all as painful sobs racked his body.
He was beating himself up for being a horrible father and you tried to console him but nothing seemed to be working. He wanted to be a good father, and a good husband but he couldn’t even seem to do that. 
How was he meant to be the strongest when he felt so weak?
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Hope you enjoyed!
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
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8myass · 4 months
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.. sunshine .. pairing. jeong yoonoh/jaehyun x female reader genre. slight angst, fluff pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) synopsis. your ex-boyfriend still wanted to spend his birthday, and Valentine’s Day, with you. wc. 0.4k cw. slight stalker!jaehyun, ex-boyfriend!jaehyun tw. pet names (excessive ‘jae’ usage), second chance a/n. birthday boyyy. this is the first work in a series of works i’m completing and posting for jae’s birthday! it’s a week-long birthday writing event! i will post a finished piece for him every day between now (14) and the following wednesday (21). i just wanna say thank you to everyone who is supporting me and my works, i’m super excited to write these for y’all!!
Sitting in your bed, it was unexpected when your ex-boyfriend showed up at your door the previous morning. You were shocked, to say the least. You had every reason to kick him out, to yell in his face to leave you alone, just as you’ve done in the past, but for some odd reason, whatever that might be, you didn’t. 
He was now preparing food for you in your kitchen, knowing his way around the place like he’d been here hundreds of times before when you’d only just moved in a few months after the two of you broke up. You watched him for a good amount of time earlier, pretending like you were just curious about what he was making, but that wasn’t it at all. He knew where everything in your house was. He needed salt? Top shelf in the rack next to the fridge. Mixing bowl? In the cabinet under the sink, thrown in with all the rest of the pots and pans. 
You weren’t an organized person, but your kitchen was the place you stayed in a lot after you and Jaehyun had broken up. It was your safe haven, more or less. So when you realized he knew his way around your house, especially your kitchen, it made you genuinely curious about how he had gotten so used to navigating his way around your place like that. 
When he walked into your bedroom, taking his time and being extra careful not to spill the orange juice on the floor or let the plate slide off the tray before he could get it to you, you were grateful to have him around again after so long, always loving taking a break from cooking every now and again.
You sat up in your bed, letting him place your food on your lap as he sat down on the bed next to you, his own plate on his lap. You were shoving food down so quickly you nearly choked, giggling as you looked over at him with that smile spread across your face that he always adored, “It’s so good, thanks so much, Jae!”
You two talked and talked and talked, you had so much to discuss. You haven’t spoken since the damaging day you broke up, so it was odd having a full-blown conversation with him that didn’t involve screaming or cursing each other out or things being thrown all over the room in a fit of rage. It was calming, and actually very soothing. 
“I wanna be with you again,” he finally broke through the awkward silence the room was sitting in for a good minute, only making the awkwardness stronger and more present.
“Huh? Jae, we weren’t good for each other, you know that,” you sighed, locking tired eyes with his gleaming ones. 
“Nonsense. We can make it work, I promise you. I know how to treat you now, I know what I’ve done wrong in the past and I won’t repeat those mistakes. Please, just give me a second chance. I will make it up to you this time, I will be your perfect man,” he pleaded, all but dropping onto his knees with his hands thrown together in prayer.
“I… I’m not so sure, Jae. It’s a big decision, a big step,” you rubbed the back of your neck uncomfortably, taking a deep breath to calm your growing nerves. You did want him back, you still loved him. And today only made you all the more aware that you were still in love with the man that he was and always will be. 
“It’s okay to love me. Please, love me,” he frowned, genuine sadness filling his expression at the thought of you rejecting this proposal. You were so on the fence with this whole scene. On one hand, you didn’t want to take on the responsibility of working on the relationship and possibly taking all the blame when it doesn’t work out again. On the other hand, you do love him and you do want to work things out with him, or, at least, try to. “Consider it a birthday gift for your valentine boy.”
His smile was genuine and it sent butterflies all throughout your stomach. You couldn’t help but cave, pulling him into a hug, arms wrapped around his neck as your face buried into his hard chest, his own arms finding residence on your waist, “Fine, Jae, let’s make us work again.”
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bagdaddyb · 8 months
A Prehistoric Halloween
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Summary: Your first Halloween with Wanda and the twins.
Pairing: fem!Reader x milf!Wanda
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff.
AN: I love love love love LOVE milf Wanda. Can't wait to write more of her.
You stood by the front door with a large smile on your face. You were dressed up as a dinosaur standing at your girlfriends front door handing out candy. It was silly, but the twins begged you and you could never say no to them. You loved this holiday, it always excited you to see the new and classic costumes every year. But what made this year so special was it was your first Halloween with Wanda, not only your first Halloween but first big holiday all together. You'd been dating the red head eight months in the twins life for six and you were living on a cloud. Your life felt so perfect you often found yourself toxically waiting on the pen to drop on reality to hit. You're sure you could only blame past relationships for that mindset so you often pushed it to the back of your mind, choosing to enjoy the here and now. You handed out candy to the next set of children as you waited for your own family to get prepared in their costumes. Your mind raced with thoughts of Wanda and the twins. You were serious about this. With all of them. You wanted to wake up next to Wanda every morning, walk the twins to school, help them with their homework when they got home. You wanted to get a family cat or two, have barbecues in the summer and make smores in the winter. You wanted to make memories take family photos you wanted them. The smile couldn't be wiped off your face as the hopeful thoughts of your future raged on. Only snapping out of it once the door behind you opened. Tommy and Billy stepped out dressed as small dinosaurs, your matching costumes largely their idea that you were eager to take part of.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
They screamed simultaneously overly excited by all the commotion of today.
"Look look! We're a family of dinosaurs."
Your heart melted at the term. Happy tears threatening to fall.
"We look awesome. Let me hear your best roar."
The boys both roar at you loudly causing laughter to trickle out of you.
"That's very convincing I hope we don't scare anyone too badly."
"Well don’t you three look scary."
Wanda says with a light tone as she makes her way out of the door. She is dressed as a dinosaur as well but in a much more comfortable outfit a rather sexy take on a pterodactyl and you can't help the way your eyes wonder.
"Well are you two ready? We can probably hit the next two blocks before it gets too dark out."
You say as you place the bowl of candy on the porch for kids to grab. The two boys cheer in response waddling away with you and Wanda close behind them.
"Thank you for this, the boys haven't been able to stop talking about this all week."
"Of course believe it or not I may have been just as excited. This costume is actually pretty cool."
Wanda smiles softly intertwining her fingers with yours as you walk the crowded sidewalk of her neighborhood going door to door with the twins. As the sun sets and the night begins to chill you make the decision its time to wrap it up.
"Alright boys two more houses then we should head back. It's getting cold, and if we're going to watch the Nightmare before Christmas we need to start it soon."
The two dinosaur heads that nod at you in response before scurrying off causes you to laugh. Wanda's eyes have been sparkling at you all night. This halloween has been perfect. The twins haven't even asked about their father who bailed on them again even once. Upon returning to Wanda's you quickly get a few pictures with the twins and Wanda before stripping out of the costume letting out a sigh of relief.
"It was fun at first but after a while it started to get stuffy."
Wanda smiles at you knowingly helping you stash away your costume as the boys run off to change eager to return for hot chocolate and the movie.
"Tonight was perfect."
Wanda whispers to you and you wrap her in your arms covering her face in kisses. Light giggles leave Wanda as her arms wrap around your neck keeping you close.
"I'm glad I could make it so. I.... I love you and the boys Wanda. Here's to many more perfect halloweens."
You say as you lean in and kiss the red headed woman. Wanda can't wipe the wide smile off her face. It was the first time you'd told her you loved her. While she'd heard it and many other things in your in your thoughts many times she never spoke on it, wanting you to do it in your own time.
"Mom stop kissing (Y/N) I wanna watch our movie."
Tommy says causing a giggle from Wanda against your lips. You smile and let go of her moving to Tommy and scooping him up easily.
"You're just jelous you don't get any kisses."
You say sprinkling kisses all over the boys face causing giggles to screech out of him. Billy soon rounds the corner and gets the same treatment quickly scooped up by you before you carry them both to the kitchen for hot chocolate. As you settle in for the movie Wanda cuddled into your side. Billy in your lap, Tommy at Wanda's side you can't think of anything better than this moment. This was your family, you were home.
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hii can you do where reader comes back home crying because of people at work making fun of her and saying bad stuff about her relationship with ney
of course lovely :)) thank you so much for your request !! I’m not sure if by “people at work” you meant her co-workers or customers but I just made it where the customers were being rude.
consequences / neymar jr
pairing : neymar x reader
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When I said yes to Neymar after he asked me be his girlfriend , I didn’t realize all the criticism it would come with.
We met at my job - a jewelry store. He had went in looking to buy a birthday gift for his mom , I just happened to be the only available employee.
I didn’t know who he was at first , until after he had asked for my number and left. My co-worker basically screamed once I told her and she revealed to me who he was.
And after that everything was history between us. He was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for , the best partner I could ever have.
He had his own way of loving , and it’s one of the main things that made fall for him so quickly.
He’s easily a charmer.
On our first couple of dates he would always surprise me with small gestures - flowers , books that I had mentioned I wanted, small jewelry pieces , and much more.
I would always protest and insist how he didn’t have to buy me any of that stuff - that those weren’t the reasons why I accepted to going out with him but he would always brush me off , saying how he wanted to give me all these things.
He showers me with compliments any chance he gets , making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
I also deeply enjoy his touchy side. Kisses everywhere - no matter where we are or what we’re doing. His hands somewhere on me at all times when we were together. He claims he can’t sleep properly through the night if I’m not there next to him - or wrapped in his arms.
But all that aside - he’s very attentive to me and my feelings.
He always makes my feelings valid , he always insists on talking everything out with me. I don’t think there was ever a time where he’s been unthoughtful towards me.
I was iffy at first - to open up to him about everything but he made me feel so welcome in his embrace , and I easily was able to tell him anything that would be wrong with me.
But today - that all changed. I had never dealt with hatred towards me like this before.
When me and Ney started our relationship I made it clear to him I still wanted to have a normal life - I didn’t want him to expose me to the media.
Sure he would post pictures of us , but none ever showing my face.
We thought we were safe up until 2 weeks ago when the paparazzi took a clear picture of me and ney outside his house.
I tried covering my face once I noticed the paparazzi but it was too late.
The media soon found out who I was through Neymars following - I made the stupid decision of not making my account private.
My co-worker had tagged me in a photo of a work party we had - also tagging the location. I’m guessing that’s how Ney’s die hard fans found my job.
Every day since then it was a lot more busy , people specifically requesting me to take their orders.
When the pictures got out to the public , Ney insisted I quit my job and just let him work for the both us - something he’s been trying to make me do for moths.
But me being me - I told him nothing about his fans going to my job and acted as if the paparazzi spotting us changed nothing in my life.
I now realize that was a stupid mistake.
Earlier today I was helping two girls who had walked in and came straight to me for assistance. One blonde and another brunette , both seeming to be around 16 or 17.
It was all going swell until the questions started.
“So Y/N - how did you manage to snatch Neymar all for yourself ?” The brunette asks.
“I don’t discuss my personal life with customers.” I tried to remain as calm as possible , giving them a small fake smile. This was the first time anyone had actually mentioned our relationship to me.
The brunette looks at her friend , turns back to me and laughs.
“No seriously - are you like a you know service girl of some sorts ?” The blonde asks me now, whispering the last part.
Is this what people think of me?
“Excuse me? I am not!” I fight back , trying to hold back any tears. I have no idea what to do or say.
“Come on , Neymar couldn’t have seriously chosen you for no reason - I mean just look at you. You don’t have much to offer.” The blonde continues , her eyes raking down my figure , gaze filled with disgust.
I shamefully look down. My hands start to shake and no words come out of my mouth.
The girls start to snicker to each other. I can’t make out all the words that their saying because of their low tone but I do hear the words -
“If I knew Neymar went for the first hooker he saw on the street I’d been on that street months ago.”
“Security ! Please escort there two girls out.” I finally get the courage to speak.
“What ? We haven’t done anything! We’re simply shopping for a pair of earrings.” The blonde says , putting on a fake voice.
I look up at our security - Marcus , me and him get along very well and he’s been very aware of all the fans coming in and out of the store.
I mouth a “please” to him , just wanting these girls gone as soon as possible.
“Ladies please do not make me drag you out of the store. The exit is that way.” Marcus firmly says.
The two girls look at me and roll their eyes before walking out of the store.
I grab all of my stuff from the back room and clock out , not caring to warn anyone about me leaving.
I get into my car and rush home. As soon as I step into the house I burst into tears , letting myself fall on the floor.
When I left the store I didn’t even check the time - 5 pm.
The exact time Neymar gets home from practice.
My mind was so fogged with everything that had just occurred I didn’t even have time to notice Neymar on the couch.
His eyes look up and meet mine. He rushes up off the couch and comes to my side.
“Amor what’s wrong ? Por que minha linda garota está chorando?” He softly says holding me in his arms. [why is my pretty girl crying ?]
I’m so dumb. I should have went to my friends house or something instead of coming here. The last thing I wanted was to tell Neymar about the humiliating things they told me at work.
I bring my hands up to my face and wipe my tears off , trying to get out of his tight grasp.
“It’s nothing Ney , I’m fine.”
“Y/N everything is obviously not fine. I’m not letting you go until you tell me what is wrong.”
“I’m serious querido , everything is fine.” I try to get the words out and put a smile on my face but my tears betray me.
My thoughts going back to what those girls said of me , making me cry ever harder.
“Look at me” he whispers.
I look up into his eyes , my vision blurry with tears.
“Take your time amor. I’ll wait here for you to tell me what is wrong , you know I am always here for you. What ever it is you are going thru I won’t leave your side.”
He won’t budge , and it’s no use to keep it in , im sure those girls will upload the conversation we had to the media and Ney will find out one way or another.
“These - these -” I try to get out but more tears end up falling.
“Breathe amor breathe , I’m here for you , I’m right here.” He whispers , kissing my temple.
I take in a deep breath and finally calm myself. Ready to tell Neymar everything that had been happening.
“Ever since the pictures got leaked there’s been more and more customers coming into the store , specifically requesting me to take their orders - I’m sure you can figure out why. Everything was fine tho , no one asked any questions just eyed me a lot and looked very excited to be assisted by me. Until today - these two girls came in and told me the most horrible things.”
I can tell he’s bothered by me not telling him about the customers coming in but I continue before he has a chance to scold me about that.
“They asked me -”
“God. They asked me if I was your whore. They said I had to be a worker in that department of some sort because there’s no way you’d choose me out of thousands of girls.”
“Y/N -”
“Before you get mad at me for not telling you about all the people coming into my job , I’m sorry I really am - I should have spoked up earlier. I now see you are right about the whole quitting my job thing.”
“Meu amor I could never be mad at you , specially over something like that.” He begins
“What those girls said is no where near true and we both know it. You know why I chose you-”
“Do I really know why tho? Why did you chose me Neymar? You could have any woman you want.” I interrupt , a wave of insecurity going over me.
He drops his arms from around me and helps me to stand up , walking me over to the couch. He sits down and grabs my arms causing me to straddle his lap ,bringing one of his hands up to the side of my neck and letting the other rest on the outside of my thigh. Reaching up he gives my forehead , cheeks , and lips a small kiss before speaking -
“I chose you because when I walked into that jewelry store my eyes went straight to you. I could not take my mind off of you for the next week after that. I had to make you mines. I found any stupid excuse to go back there and just speak to you.”
“You have changed my life im so many unexplainable ways Y/N. There’s no other woman that I could ever dream of when I have you right here - all for me. You are the light of my life. I love and adore every single thing about you , you have bewitched me mind and soul.”
“I like to believe you were made just for me because there is no other woman on this earth that can make me go crazy like you. I will continue to show you-”
He leans forward laying gentle kisses on my neck.
“Every single day-”
His hand on my thigh starts slowly finding its way to my clothed center.
All my thoughts from what those girls told me earlier completely vanished , my focus now being on Neymar’s words and his hands making every inch of my body hot with desire.
I can tell he’s doing this to take my mind off things and it’s definitely working.
“That you are -”
I can feel his hard on under me so I decide to move forward - just a bit to tease him.
“The most utterly breathtaking-”
His hand at my neck now making its way to my behind , giving it a tight squeeze , causing me to roll my hips forward onto him again.
“And perfect woman for me.”
His face comes up from my neck before he smashes his lips on mine , i kiss him back immediately with everything in me.
I pull away to look him in the eyes and wrap my hands around his neck.
“I’m tired of us hiding linda. Eu te amo , e você merece ser mostrada como a beleza que você é.” [I love you and you deserve to be shown of like the beauty you are]
“Eu te amo mais.” I say back pecking his lips.
“And okay amor you win. But I’m really going to miss our privacy time together.” I add.
His hand leaves my center and comes up to my behind , giving me a squeeze before picking me up , causing me to squeal.
“We can have privacy time all the time princesa, just give me a heads up , the answer is always yes.” He says smirking before carrying me up the stairs while ripping off all my clothes.
“You’re crazy Ney.”
“Only for you meu amor.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a/n : okay first off - i had to use the pride and prejudice quote i just had to. i know it’s definitely not something ney would say but this is all fiction so let’s imagine like he would lolll.
also i feel like i drag out these imagines a little too long or i go a lot into detail , that’s how i like my writing but if you guys do feel like their a bit long please let me know and ill make them short or if you guys enjoy them this length or even want them longer please let me know.
finally thank you again for who ever sent in this request i really appreciate you taking interest in my writing and thank you guys so much for 100 followers ♡
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kanmom51 · 11 months
Feels appropriate today, doesn't it?
Did we mention that 8 July was 2800 days count from 8 November 2015?
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And today we have the book spoilers.
I have sinned, I admit it. Could not wait to next week for my book to arrive and went and read the spoiler pages.
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The way they talk about that trip.
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We get confirmation that it was ever ONLY about the two of them.
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We get confirmation that this trip meant EVERYTHING to them.
Not like we didn't know that already. But it's nice to hear it once again from the horse's mouth, so to speak.
The joy JK got from those little supposedly insignificant moments. Staying up all night because JM was looking through his phone, walking the streets and JM's feet hurting.
Do we see the connecting thread here?
Well, beyond it all being about the one person he also made the star of his creation - JM.
It's all about the mundane!!
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They got to be a couple. Alone. Outside of their idol lives. Well, tried their best. And the gift of anonymity with their Halloween costumes. This was just what they needed.
So this trip, it wasn't about a start of a relationship (let's be real, they were 2 years into the relationship at that point). This trip was about them trying to be 'normal' human beings, a 'normal' couple, doing the 'normal' things couples do. No security, no managers, no fans (well they wanted that). Just being themselves together doing the mundane.
All of this isn't happening in a vacuum either. It's happening when they are struggling with their fame and life decisions (some of which were made when they were very very young).
A word I mentioned before too.
Because that's what gave them joy in this trip.
Because discovering that everything you felt for each other also survives that test, the test of being a 'regular', 'normal' couple. That is EVERYTHING.
Take all of that and add the effort that JK went to with arranging the trip. Paying for it. The timing (just almost their 2 year anniversary), the room number choice.
So yes, we get the significance of GCFT. And the significance of it's release date: 8/11/2017.
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Do we remember JK's excitement one GCF Tokyo was uploaded?
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Almost 6 years on, reading those lines, and JK's choice for GCFT kind of hits you hard, doesn't it?
I woke up pissed off today And lately everyone feels fake Somewhere, I lost a piece of me Smoking cigarettes on balconies But I can't do this alone Sometimes I just need a light If I call you on the phone Need you on the other side So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river I'll be there for you I'll be there for you When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper I'll be loud for you But you gotta be there for me too But you gotta be there for me too Last year took a toll on me But I made it with you next to me Around the world and back again I hope you're waiting at the end But I can't do this alone Sometimes I just need a light If I call you on the phone Need you on the other side So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river I'll be there for you I'll be there for you When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper I'll be loud for you I'll be loud for you I got you, I promise But let me be honest Love is a road that goes both ways When your tears roll down your pillow like a river I'll be there for you But you gotta be there for me too But you gotta be there for me too Boy, I'm holdin' onto something Won't let go of you for nothing I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you There was a time that I was so blue What I got to do to show you? I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you Said, I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you But you gotta be there for me too But you gotta be there for me too
And then you take Letter
Baby, don't leave, just stay with me, yeah To you who saw me greater than my little self (to you) So that I can only deliver as much as I received (Uh-oh) So that I can keep my word (Uh-oh) Don't worry, just stay by your side, yeah Because I don't know what days awaits us (Yeah) I'm scared even though it looks like it (Uh-oh) Don't forget to always say "together" (don't forget)
JM's reply?
I absolutely adore these young men.
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I am still to read the book. Can't wait. I'm sure there will be more to add. But at this point, from the few pages shared, I think it's also safe to say that 2018 issues were not about their relationship. Far from it.
They were struggling with themselves. Adjusting to stardom. As much as they wanted the success, as much as they wanted it all, when that dream became a reality is when it hit them that being a star, being famous, being successful, it comes with a price. And that price is at times hard to accept, hard to digest, hard to adjust to and to some impossible to live with. And that is what they were going through. What next? How far? How long? How much? Is this what I really want to do with my life? What price? Is it worth the price? Each of them dealing with it in their own way. JM and JK there for each other, helping each other through it all.
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lovely-peace · 8 months
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Summary: "You know, who has you as friend doesn't need any enemies."
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: past toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious , fake dating, This takes place after the game. In the next part I will write what happened before this. Wc: 0.9k(this is short i am sorry 😭
Prologue - - - Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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The atmosphere in the room was calm. After everything that had already happened today, I was incredibly excited about what Sirius wanted to show me. Maybe, just maybe, he actually liked me after all.
"Whisky, how are you?"
The voice was eerily calm, almost serene. Her eyes didn't look at me the way they used to. They didn't scrutinize me anymore. She stood before me with a drink in her hand, which she probably had to get for herself for the first time.
"I'm doing well, Seraph."
She smiled. Her face was relaxed, and it was actually quite nice. But I could see that it didn't reach her eyes. That's how she looked at the teachers when she had to talk her way out of something.
"I believe you. I'm still quite amazed by you, I admit it." She chuckled softly.
"I never expected that from you."
It was almost as if I heard Sirius' voice. As if I heard him saying to me as he did earlier today: Don't listen to them.
Why couldn't I just do that?
"What do you mean?"
The smile that followed sent a cold shiver down my spine.
"Your little charade with Sirius."
Now, everything was over.
"Hey are you ready to be blown away?!" Sirius smile was shining brightly but I couldn't look him in the eyes. It was to much. I almost forgot... How this overwhelming guilt felt.
His hand reached out for mine but it all felt so wrong... So played.
"I promise you, you will absolutely love it! My friends helped me, even though Remus was complaining... But it was all worth it!"
I regretted every single decision I made, as I saw his smile fell as i pulled my hand away.
The silence was overwhelming and the pressure his gaze held unbearable. He took a step back and only then I realized how close he was before.
"Is... Something wrong?"
I couldn't quite place the feeling I was feeling. Guilt could try to describe it but it was much worse.
"I.. Was just thinking and I thought that maybe..."
He almost took a step to come closer but he kept his distance as he watched me stutter.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"What?! No, no you didn't do anything wrong! I was just thinking that maybe we should stop with this fake dating stuff..."
I heard the little screams from the party. I heard the exciting bubbling of the lake. I heard the drunk singing from the common room.
And still.
It was still so damn quiet.
Why aren't you saying anything? Why are you just standing there? Why do you keep this distance to me? Why-
"What did this snake say to you?"
His voice was sharp nothing compared to his excited voice before.
Now he took a step towards me and for the first time of this whole act, of this week he was intimidating.
"What in the GODDAMM HELL did she say to you this time?! Did she say of how bad of a boyfriend I was? Did she talk about the times I didn't give her my full attention? Did she talk about how all of this is just an act for me to make her jealous?"
"I- what are you saying?"
He held me in my place and almost stared me down.
"Y/n, be honest with me, okay?"
I couldn't say no to those eyes. I nodded slowly almost frightened if I didn't.
"Seraph talked to you, didn't she?"
You're a horrible liar, you know?
"Why do you think that?"
He chuckled and his grip became more stiff. Why was this so scary? Why was he so scary?
"Do you think I am dumb?" Sirius eyes were cold. They reminded me of the evening my hair lost it's natural color. How he stared seraph down.
"I know the girl I dated. She wasn't just your friend, you know, I was in a RELATIONSHIP with this little devil!" He was almost forcing me to look at him.
"I know her smile when she wants something from me. I know the face she makes when she isn't satisfied with the people around her. And I know how she thinks she is in power of everyone. She likes to mess with others especially for revenge."
"But that's not-"
"And I know the girl I am dating right now."
"Do you really think I don't know you? I know how you act when you want something but you are scared to ask. I know when you think you don't deserve to be with anyone around you. And I know how you shut everything down, when you are with seraph.
I have seen that for YEARS. "
"Sirius, you know me for like a week! You don't know..."
I didn't know what to say so I just shut my mouth. His grip on my loosened. He laughed bitterly.
"Do you really think I never remembered you beside Seraph? We talked lots of times, hell we even had to work in a transformation project together!"
"I didn't think you would..." Remember that.
"Tell me, darling..."
He let me go and looked me in my eyes. And I saw something glittering in those eyes.
"Why do you believe her words more than my actions?"
She didn't even see the pile of roses that were hiding behind the boy with the black hair.
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Taglist: @theofficialmadman@fanboyluvr@fjdjsiskcjfj@starsval@olkathedestroyer@helloitsmeeeeeee@xamapolax@maripositanoctruna@ancientimes@cloudlst@marina468@regulus-black-223048@loving-and-dreaming@tarzanathetumblingwarrior
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canirove · 3 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 15
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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“Another party?”
“Another party” Lucy said while closing the door behind her, the pizzas that had just been delivered on her hands. “That greasy friend of his was coming out of the lift with a girl on each arm.”
“Yes, that one who doesn’t know what an encyclopedia is.”
“Oh, you mean Grealish” I laughed.
“Same thing. He has greasy hair, so” she shrugged.
Rúben was throwing a party. Again. Like after every game at home they had had lately. It had become his new favourite thing to do once his parents and Ivan had left for Portugal to continue with his recovery there. 
Most of them lasted until pretty late, but the walls were thick and neither Julia, nor her mum or I, were hearing things we didn’t want to hear. Though most mornings we would cross paths with a different girl leaving his apartment, and it was all because of me. 
The moment I came back from London I went to speak with him, to tell him everything that had happened with Aaron. And he hadn't taken it very well.
“I knew something like this would happen after you hung up. I just knew it!”
“No! He took advantage of you, you know? You said it yourself, you have little to no experience with men. He noticed and took advantage of it.”
“He didn’t, Rúben. Like I told you already, I said yes to it, I did it willingly.”
“As if that made it any better” he snorted.
“I need to be alone” he said, storming out the door, those words being the last we shared.
“Anyway” Lucy said, bringing me back to the present. “What Chris Evans' movie are we watching today?”
“The Red Sea Diving Resort.” 
While Rúben was partying and doing God knows why, this was what I had chosen to do to cope with what had happened between us: watch Chris Evans’ filmography while it was just Lucy and I at home. It probably was the worst decision ever because he kept reminding me of Rúben and because Chris is a bit… special picking roles. But the time we were spending together was priceless.
“It sounds… interesting.”
“People say it is boring, but I’ve seen gifs online and he looks so hot.”
“Then it’ll be worth it” Lucy said, handing me a beer. “To Chris Evans’ boobs.”
“And America’s ass” I laughed. 
“Yes, grandma. I’ll go.”
“This may be it, you know?”
“I know. That’s why I’m going. See you next week, ok?”
“Ok. Love you, sweetie.”
“Love you too” I said, hanging up and walking into the lift. The moment it started moving, it made some weird noises, and when I was almost on my floor, it stopped. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Please move.”
But it didn’t. The lift had stopped. 
I pressed my floor’s button again, but nothing was happening. Well, not really. The lights were flickering. 
“No, no, no, no!” I screamed, pressing the emergency button, hoping someone would answer or come see what was going on. But it wasn’t working. Julia had pressed it more than once and it usually made a ring noise. Not today. 
And then, the lights went off. I was in complete darkness.
“This can’t be happening. No, no, no” I said again, unlocking my phone and calling Roger. He had been at the door when I came in, he should be answering. But he didn’t. I tried many times, and he didn’t pick up.
“Ok, breathe. Just breathe” I told myself, my hands shaking. I needed to get out of that lift. 
I tried calling Roger again, but it was pointless. The buttons still weren’t working and I was starting to feel very hot, so I sat down, trying to focus on my breath, closing my eyes and thinking that I was in my room, sitting on my bed, relaxing… But that didn’t work out either.
“Fuck!” I yelled, starting to cry. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
I unlocked my phone again, not sure about what I was doing. And then, for the first time in months, I called him.
“Rúben!” I cried when I heard him picking up. “Please don’t hang up, Rúben. I’m scared. Please.”
“Are you ok? What happened, where are you?” 
“Home, stuck on the lift. Please come get me out of here, please” I said between sobs.
“I’m on my way home from training. I’ll be there in ten minutes, ok?”
“Please” I cried.
“Ten minutes. I promise.”
I’m not sure if it took him ten minutes to arrive or not, but it felt like an eternity. When I heard noise above my head, I thought I was dreaming. Or maybe going crazy. But then the lights turned on again, and the doors of the lift slowly started to open.
“I’m getting you out of there, ok?” Rúben said. “I’m here.”
He was the one opening the doors.
“Give me your hand” he said once there was enough space for me to go through. I did as he told me, and I was suddenly flying, finally leaving that damned lift. 
“Rúben” I gasped when my feet touched the floor, hugging him and starting to cry again.
“It’s ok” he said, hugging me back. “It’s ok, you are ok. I’m here.”
“Feeling better?” Rúben said, sitting on the couch next to me. “You’ve stopped shaking.”
“Yes, I think the tea is helping. Thank you.”
“Of course. Do you need anything else? Do you want me to call Lucy?”
“No, no, it’s fine. Don’t ruin her date.”
“Is she seeing someone?”
“Yep. And she doesn’t want to tell me who he is, which isn’t fair. I’ve told her everything about me and now she is keeping secrets.”
“What about you? Are you seeing someone? Ramsdale, perhaps?” 
“Oh, no. We’ve texted a few times because he wanted to know how I was, but nothing else.”
“I'm sorry about everything I said that day" Rúben said after a few seconds in the most awkward silence ever. "About the way I shouted at you. I shouldn't have done it, I regret it so much…”
“It's ok.”
“No, it isn’t. I had barely slept, then during training Pep had gotten mad at me because I wasn’t focused, and even though it isn’t an excuse, when you told me what had happened in London I just exploded and made you pay for everything. And I shouldn't have done that. You didn’t deserve it, you had done nothing wrong.”
“I made out with another guy and ended up in bed with him.”
“But we weren’t dating, were we?” Rúben said. “And we hadn’t discussed if we were exclusive or the type of relationship we had.” 
“I guess, yeah.”
“I’m sorry” he said again. “I really am. If I could go back in time and do things differently, I would. ”
So would I, I said to myself.
“What about the parties, tho?” I dared to ask. After his apology and basically clearing out things between us, I needed to know if he was seeing someone. If he had moved on. “Would you also change that?”
“Really? You all seemed to be having lots of fun.”
“Then none of those girls you were with made the cut?” I said, arching an eyebrow. He noticed and answered like I expected: with that smirk of his, making the last bits of the knot in my chest disappear.
“They are Jack’s friends. Very hot, but if you ask them about... I don't know, Stradivarius, their first thought is the shop, not the violins. They’ve probably never heard about the violins, to be honest.”
“Rude” I chuckled.
“But it is the truth. Do you want another one?” he asked after I left my mug on the table.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“I’ve missed you, you know? This. Us.”
“I’ve missed you too” I said, looking up at him. God, I had missed him. I had missed him so much. Seeing him in photos from the games or in training wasn’t the same as having him here, in the flesh, just a few centimetres away from me. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
And before I had time to blink, he was already doing it. And it was a movie worth kiss like all his kisses were. 
“Rúben” I whispered between kisses, both of us laying on his sofa. “Let’s go to your room.”
“What?” he said, lifting his head from my neck and looking at me. 
“I want to go to your room.”
“Are you… are you sure?”
“Yes. C´mon” I said, getting up.
“You can stop me whenever you want” Rúben said, kissing my stomach.
“I know. I've heard you the other eighty times you’ve said it” I giggled. 
“Just eighty?” he said while looking up at me, that smirk on his face.
“Eighty-one with this. And again, I’m telling you I don’t want you to stop. I want to do it. All of it. And I want to do it with you.”
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barcalover86 · 11 months
Can u do a pedri angst where him and reader finally make it official after months of him chasing after her but the next day the paparazzi find him getting cozy with a girl qnd its all over the media and she feels embarrassed but he doesnt think its a big deal so they get into a fight but make up in the end
Breaking News- Pedri Gonzalez
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S, f, a
I saw that you also asked someone else and they did it, but I am gonna still answer you, so I hope you will like this as well. Enjoy!
So here is Pedri's version:
Pedri fell in love with you months ago, and he knew that he wasn't your type. His schedule was always busy, and he didn't have time to be in a relationship, and you wanted something serious. That hurt him a lot, but he didn't want to give up on you. For weeks, he did everything to show you that he loves you and that he wants something serious, too.
After a lot of work, you agreed to be his girlfriend and it was the best decision. He was a sweetheart, always made time to be with you. You would go to his games to support him and he would always be there when you needed.
People knew that you were together, but it was not a secret, but a private kind of relationship. He tried to keep you away from all the social media, knowing how they could destroy couples. He tried so hard to be yours, and he didn't want to lose you.
Now, Pedri was coming home after a hard day. It was really late and he was tired, especially that people were all over him. He barely could drive, so he decided to open the window and to sign some things and make some photos for the fans.
He stayed there a lot, and right when he wanted to leave to come home to see you, a girl shouted his name to make a video of her. Pedri sweared in his mind before smiling at her phone. When he thought that she was done, the girl went over and kissed his cheek. People started to scream in surprise. Everyone was with cameras, and Pedri felt so bad.
He couldn't say much thing, especially to shout at her, knowing that this was going to be on all super media. He only said that what she did was rude and his face was really angry.
He left the place and went home to see you on the couch, waiting for him, sleepy.
He smiled at you and kissed you. The kiss started to become more hard and after some time you were both naked on the couch.
"If you are too tired we can-"
"No, no, please" Pedri interrupted you. "I really want it"
You smiled at his words and then continued what you were doing.
Next morning, you woke up in his bed, naked. The blanket being the only thing that was covering you.
Pedri was already awake, and you went to sit on his lap while he was playing with your hair. He put the blanket over your shoulders and kissed your neck slowly. The night you two had was magic. He made sure to make you feel good, and today, being his off day, made it even more perfect. You could be all day together and that made you both happy.
After he told you that he's going to take a quick shower, you went through your phone to see if are some news.
You were on ig and saw a lot of videos and photos of Pedri and some girl the night before. You knew it meant nothing, but the way he acted made you sad.
She was way prettier than you and you were afraid that he enjoyed her kiss.
When he came back from his shower and saw your uncomfortable face, he asked you what happened.
"C'mon, Y/n, please tell me!"
"I said nothing, Pedri!"
He stayed silent for some seconds before speaking again.
"Did I do something wrong..?"
"Oh, really? I don't know, did you?"
"That's why I asked you!"
He was getting on your nerves now.
"I-" he tried to speak after you showed him the videos.
"I'm not mad"
He seemed to calm down at your words a bit.
"I..I'm just...sad? Disappointed? Embarrassed?"
"Why!? Y/n, look, I'm really sorry, but I don't think it's a big deal..?"
You were shocked by his words. Not a big deal?
"Ok" you replied simply before dressing up and wanting to leave the house.
"Where are you going?!"
"Not a big deal, Pedro."
"No, no, don't go. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please stop. Let's talk about it, please."
"What is it to talk? You already made a conclusion. Exactly as you said 'not a big deal', right?"
"I don't want to hear it."
"Please, don't leave me. Let me at least explain!"
"What to explain, Pedro, if for you it's not a big deal!?"
"I'm sorry I said that! It was so stupid, but I promise to you that I only said it to not talk about it because I felt horrible when it happened!"
"Oh, and you decided to not tell me, but sleep with me! How mature, Pedro!"
"No, no, please-!"
"Please, what?"
"Let me explain what exactly happened"
"Go on, then. Make it quick."
He explained everything that happened. Ehy he didn't want to make a scandal and just left without going into a fight. How he didn't want it to affect your relationship and how he is really sorry.
You also explained that you weren't angry with him or mad. You just felt insecure and embarrassed that he chose you out of everyone.
"For me, you're perfect, and I only love you, amorcito. Trust me, you have all my attention"
You smiled at his words and kissed him. That day, he did exactly what you told him, in a way to be forgiven. You were laughing at his silliness, but were so happy that you were spending time with him.
All day, he made sure to tell you how pretty you are and how important you are for him. He also promised that if something like that is going to happen again, he would make clear again that he has a girl home that he truly loves.
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fran-in-the-deep · 8 months
maybe if u wanna do this request i was thinking right. high school au with hange where they’re super geeky, and reader is popular but was nice to them and reader wants to ask hange to prom! i was thinking it could be a little angsty because maybe they would think it was a prank but they go together in the end >_<
also if u don’t want it to be a highschool au it could be like a college party maybe! i love ur work btw <33
A/N: First of all, thank you so much, this is such a cute request and because it got so long I didn't even get to the party part, I might have to write a second part for that. Then obviously sorry for taking so long, but I still hope you have a good time reading it! I decided on the Collage AU because where I'm from we don't really have an event that has so much significance like a prom and Collage AUs are just my passion now I guess.
1,3k words | Collage AU | mainly fluff, a little angsty | just two idiots in love
Wait, really?
You stood outside, back against the white concrete wall of the building E where the natural sciences where located. A flyer whose aesthetics screamed graphic design is my passion by the way the green letters for End of Semester Party have been printed onto the orange background, the cheap paper already starting to disintegrate in your grasp. Maybe your hands were sweating because you were nervous, maybe because it was the middle of July and you had been standing in the midday sun for about half an hour by now, contemplating about a matter that had nothing left to be contemplated about.
The decision to ask Hange out had already been made weeks ago and every day you spend an hour over lunch with them and the occasional text had you received when the Marine Biology major had found another paper about some weird species with a long latin name, you scrambled for a good occasion to finally ask them out. The problem was just that all of their interests, as much as you adored them and were fascinated, were way out of your comfort zone and you really didn’t want to embarrass yourself on what could be a first date. But then you didn’t want to pressure them into anything they wouldn’t be comfortable with either. You weren’t exactly in the same social circles after all.
Like, you could just go somewhere and people would know you, there was always someone to talk to and that worked out just well for you but-
“Heyyy! Are you heading to the cafeteria as well? We’ll have to hurry up if we still want to find some good seats.”
As you whipped your head around, Hange was leaning against the wall next to you, wearing a t-shirt with a long fish captioned Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri). You had no idea what this meant, nor how you did not hear them approach you, nor how the hell you were supposed to ask them now. So you didn’t.
“Sure, I was just waiting for you actually.” Well, that was true at least.
“Let’s hurry, I think they have pizza on the menu today.”
Hange waited for you to join them on the way, all too happy to tell you about their shirt. Wahoo was a real fish apparently that often was confused with mackerels or barracudas, but the name was funny.
Over lunch they asked you about your day, letting your rant about how bad group works were and then told you about that paper on this newly discovered sponge they read the last night, but in terms a normal person could actually understand. And when you asked about the other sponge paper you tried and failed reading after they send it to you, their eyes were just sparkling and they were brimming with excitement and it was just so infectious. You had never seen anyone be so happy about a sponge they wouldn’t ever get to see in real life. Just, how were you not supposed to have at least a crush on them?
Hange with their funny patterned shirts for every occasion, who was so unashamedly themselves and passionate about the things they loved while never hesitating to share this enthusiasm and passion with others.
So on the way back to the train station you finally whipped out the flyer as if it was sword to fight this battle with. Just that a crumpled piece of paper wasn’t exactly sharp enough to stand against the absolute boulder of how badly prepared you felt for this. It wasn’t like you to be that nervous. Although apparently now it was.
“Have you heard of the End of Semester Party? The student councils of the different faculties coordinated it together and every faculty will also have booths and games and stuff. So it’s not just about getting drunk or anything. I thought you’d like that, so I wanted to ask whether you wanted to go there with me?”
You felt like you sounded like an 80s teleshopping segment, all that was missing was a look at the camera and listing of the phone number to call to order the absolutely legit product.
“Wait, you mean like a date? You’re not serious, are you?” Hange laughed nervously, averting their gaze.
They thought you weren’t serious. The realization hit you like a cold bucket of water. Or the boulder, or maybe the bucket had this Wahoo fish in it, whatever nonsensical metaphor would be the most appropriate to describe a verbal slap to the face.
Was it because they wouldn’t consider you as someone to go out with? But then they would have just said no, or something nicer to reject you, they didn’t even have to bring up the date. Did they think it was some kind of prank? The kind of things that were always pulled off in highschool? Maybe Hange had bad experiences with that. People were assholes after all.
But Hange was the last person who deserved to be treated like that. Damn it, they deserved all the love and appreciation and being asked out, even if they would end up turning you down. You would deal with this somehow.
“Yes, I’m serious. A date on that party, you, me. I thought we could participate in those games as a team or so. Of course you don’t have to say yes.” At this point you were flailing around with your hands, or at least it felt like it. It felt awkward to show so much vulnerability first, but then, maybe it was the right thing to do. Hanges eyes widened slightly.
“Wait, does that mean you’re asking me out right now?”
“Yes, that’s what I mean.” After this you would be the most confident person in the world, because how the hell would you be able to keep talking now otherwise.
Hange covered their face with their hands. “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry. I screwed this up so bad.”
“What? No no, don’t be. It’s alright. Don’t worry about it.” Some beats of silence, or maybe it was your heart not beating, you were unsure. “If you want, you can think about it for a while. Don’t feel pressured or anything, it’s all good. I just hope we can stay friends.”
“Yeah, of course- I mean, we can stay friends. Ah no, I mean- I’d like to go to that party with you. On like the- the date. The date. With you. You and me. On that date. On that party.” Now Hange was flailing.
“Wait really?” You had this whole communication thing down, definitely. But then, being nervous should be okay. Considering Hange was just as much of a mess as you were.
“Yeah, really. I just didn’t think you’d ask me out. I mean I guess I haven’t really been asked out before? And then you’re so popular and I thought you already were in a relationship… seems like I was overthinking again.”
Hange just gave you the sweetest smile in the entire world as their tension eased and even let out this little laugh that you adored so much and if you weren’t smiling like some love struck idiot yourself you would be surprised. They had agreed and the happiness made you feel all fuzzy and happy and it was perfect despite the awkwardness, because it was just you and them.
“Not only you. But at least now we can be overthinking together. And you really need to tell me where you get those shirts from.”
So that’s what it was, a party, a date. Hange and you.
A/N: Hange's shirt this time was presented by the following meme from my fish meme folder:
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callithecreature · 2 months
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes
Will, Mike & Lucas: *screaming* Max: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Lucas?! Will: Wait, why are you asking Lucas that when Mike and I are also here? Max: Because Lucas wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Dustin: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall? Will: His cats' names are Walter and Rose. Dustin: That's not what I asked. Will: That is all the information I have.
Dustin: A decision had to be made. El: And you fucked it up!
Will: I’m the smartest person in my friend group. Robin: You hang out with Dustin, Lucas and Mike. Robin: It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
Steve: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, and wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. El: That's deep. Dustin: That means that ketchup is a smoothie. El: That's deeper. Will: ...You guys are idiots.
Robin: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Lucas and Max's convo? Dustin: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Steve: I'm in the washing machine. Will: I'm in the closet. Dustin: We accept you Will. <3 Will: No I'm literally in the closet. Dustin: Love is love. <3
*El and Will looking at a locked gate into a park* El: Aw. :( Will: You know what they say. El: Please don’t- Will: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate* El: Frick-
Max: I want to be like a caterpillar. Dustin: Explain. Max: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful. Mike: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right? Max: Max: That's just another highlight!
Dustin: El and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Robin: What did you do? Dustin: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- El: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Steve: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Mike will and will not eat. Max: Grass? Yes! Steve: Moss? Yes!! Max: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Steve: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Max: Worms? Sometimes! Steve: Rocks? Usually nah. Max: Twigs? Usually! Steve: Robin's cooking? Inconclusive! El: How did you… test this? Steve: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. El: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Robin: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Lucas: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. Mike: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
Max: Something tells me Will's going to be a bit more unhinged today... Will, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, Steve isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
Mike: You can take away my rights, but can you take away my lefts?
Dustin: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Dustin. Will: But you're Dustin. Dustin: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Lucas: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Dustin: Put spaghetti in it. Lucas: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Max: Put spaghetti in it. Lucas: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Mike: Put spaghetti in it. Lucas: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Mike, to Max: If Robin doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check. Robin, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!
Mike: Who's in charge here? Will, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
Max: BWWAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, you hear that? That's the wrong opinion alarm. Mike: That is not something you actually have installed. Max: Sorry, say again? I couldn't hear you over my alarm that YOU SET OFF with your WRONG-ASS OPINION.
Max: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere* Lucas: Where did you get that? Max: My pocket. Lucas: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket? Max: Skills.
Mike: Pros and cons of dating me. Mike: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Mike: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Will: Do you ever think? Because I do not.
I had to physically pull myself away from this generator.
Anyways here's the link
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi! So sorry you’re having a bad day, same here honestly 😓 it’s times like these where I think we really need a lovely soft Joe Quinn to cuddle 🥰 perhaps a sweet spooning session in bed after a hard day for both reader & Joe? Idk whether I want reader snuggling into Joe’s chest or the other way round, I’ll leave that up to you, either way, snuggles & hair playing. Soft vibes. Oh now I’m thinking about using Joe’s tummy as a pillow as reader lies between his legs while reading to de-stress! Can’t make decisions to save my life 😅 it’s that kinda day! Anyways, sorry for the ramble, hope your tomorrow is better 😊 take care love! ❤️
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Honestly, I needed to read this over today after having an even worse day at work than yesterday 🙃 I think it's time for fluffy snuggly af Joseph, need a bit of him
I hope your day's been better today! Lots of love x
Tysm for the lovely request ❤
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Joe sprawled across the sofa watching you as you slammed the front door shut behind you, ignoring everything in your path as your eyes made a bee line for the other side, you stomped into the bathroom and flung that door shut to. Today had been simply awful, and you were ready to sob your heart out alone.
You sat on the toilet seat, your head falling into your hands, silently screaming as you had done the whole day, work was really stressful and demanding this last couple of weeks and today had been the cherry on top for you to break. Usually, you were one to keep leaving bad days at work, but you seriously couldn't on this occasion.
A knock came from the side of the door.
"Y/N, are you ok in there?" You sniffled slightly as a single tear fell.
"Love, talk to me, tell me all about it if you want to, or don't I can just be there for you in silence too."
Joe was the sweetest and he was the only person who simply was able to calm you once you were in that state of mind.
"Open the door baby, please. For me." He cooed lowly.
How could you deny him? Simple answer, you couldn't. You unlocked the bathroom door and it creaked open; you stood looking the most vulnerable you had for a long time, and it simply broke Joe's heart to see it.
"You know what you need, you need a bit of snuggle time." You nodded slowly as he gazed into your sorrowful, puffy eyes, your cheeks had gone a little red and your smile he loved to see was nowhere to be seen.
"Come on, let's get under the covers. Let me make it all better." You wrapped yourself around Joe's arm, his fingers intertwining with yours as you tilted against him, slowly walking to your bedroom. Joe lifted the covers back for you to get in. Hopping in, you turned onto your side and in an instant, as soon your head hit the pillow the tears began to fall once more. Joe swooped in next to you, holding himself against you and wrapping his arm around your chest, the other snaked between the pillow and your neck to enable him to close the full space between you, he laid his head down and held you tight for the next few minutes in silent bliss. "We don't have to t-"
"Just keep holding me Joey, that's all I need, that's all I've craved all day." His nose nuzzled into the back of your hair.
"You got it beautiful."
A little later, you rotated around to face your man, your faces meeting at the same level, he gave you a sweet smile, caressing your cheek and wiping the rogue tears from your face. "I thought you'd fallen asleep for a second there."
You shook your head, lips remaining in a straight line but at least you'd stopped crying.
"I don't like seeing my girl like this."
You stayed silent moving downwards so your face could press into his chest, his scent was so homely and calming to you. Joe kissed the top of your head, enveloping you with his arm once more.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"I don't think so but ugh my head hurts so bad."
Joe had a lightbulb moment as he sat upward slightly, breaking the embrace and you furrowed your brows at him. "Why did you move, I was enjoying that."
"You'll enjoy this more. Come lay in between my legs, head on my stomach."
You did just as he said, switching positions and claiming the covers over your body once more as you were whisked away into a glimpse of heaven once Joe's fingers started to play with your hair.
You hummed at the small warm-hearted gesture.
"That feel good, babe?"
You nodded up to him, a slight smile creeping onto your face.
Joe's eyes lit up as he briefly saw the mere glimmer of expression. He took a deep excited inhale. "What's that I just saw?"
"What do you mean?"
He sat up further which slid you down to his thighs, leaning as close to your head as he possibly could. "That little smile trying to peak through."
"I don't know what you're talking about." You tried to hide the sudden giggle that fell from your lips. Joe grabbed a hold of your arms and pulled you up, you were now sat on his lap faced backwards against his chest, he moved your hair out of the way, kissing your neck in a swift motion. You giggled again.
"Y/N Y/L/N, was that ANOTHER giggle?" He said it as if he were talking to a child, you couldn't help but shake your head.
"Fibber." Joe sniggered back.
You were beaming from ear to ear now, his fingers began to tickle your sides and you barked out the biggest howl of laughter, purely because you didn't enjoy being tickled but in the weirdest way possible, it cheered you up.
"Joe... Joe! Joseph... stop!!" Your laugh was infectious to him and instead of tears of sadness, the tears that rolled out of your eyes this time were tears of joy.
Joe placed you down gently onto your back beside him and leaned over you, stroking your head and pushing your chin up to meet his gaze once more. "There she is my baby's back."
You took a sigh of relief. "I can always count on you."
"What for, love?"
"To make me feel good again, I don't know how you do it - you barely do anything, but you're just you and that's enough, I know I'll never be sad for long, so long as I have you. I love you so much."
You could almost see water in Joe's eyes, your words electrified him, he couldn't have loved you more. Your bad day suddenly washing away as you shared a passionate open mouth kiss. Joe spoke his next words so tenderly, "As long as you're smiling, my darling, I know I'm doing right. I love you too."
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Hello Anna, how are you? I'm new here, so I'm sorry if you're not accepting requests.☺ So, you could do one where the reader is Harry's new neighbor, and when he sees her, he's completely in love and obsessed with your beauty and in love with you? But lol, we have a problem!! Harry already has a girlfriend
i do take requests! it just takes me a little time to get to everyone's. enjoy, it's a long one!
Knock Three Times
“I don’t understand what the big deal is!”
“Are you kidding me? Harry, these are my parents!”
“You’re acting as if I’ve never met them before. They invited us to lunch. Which I never said yes to, by the way.”
“They’re going to be so disappointed, Harry!”
“We saw them last week for lunch! Same time, same place and everything!”
Reaching across your bed for a stray pillow, you covered your face with it and groaned.
You’d only been in your new apartment for about a month, but you realized that not only were the walls thin, but the floor/ceiling that separated you from your neighbors upstairs were practically paper. They were always fighting. And if they weren’t fighting, they were fucking. The girlfriend had a loud and whiny voice that came off as trying too hard in your opinion, and the guy was just as obnoxious. You weren’t sure which of the two disturbances you preferred, but they’d already had this argument three times today, and you’d had enough.
Getting up from your bed, you grabbed a couple flyers from your nightstand, grabbed your keys, and left your apartment. Taking the stairs two at a time, you followed the sounds of the screaming match all the way to your neighbors’ door and knocked.
The screaming didn’t stop right away, in fact, it only increased. Something about the guy never hanging out with the girl and her family, and the guy defending himself saying he only missed two family gatherings.
Not that you cared about any of that. You knocked harder than before, and this time the shouting ceased. There was some mumbling and shuffling, and then the door swung open.
You were met with wide green eyes. Long hair tied up in a bun with a headband pushing back the stray hairs. He looked like he was on his way to or had just come back from the gym with his hoodie and athletic shorts, but all you could really think about was his face. It was angular and sharp, but soft at the same time.
“Can I—Can I help you?” he asked, breaking you from your reverie.
“Yeah, um,” you handed your flyer to the guy. “My band and I are performing next weekend. You and your girlfriend should come.”
The guy took the flyer and scanned it quickly. “Your band?”
“Yeah me and my friend started it in high school and we’re pretty decent and now we play where we can. It’s not just us, though. We’re, like, a proper band.”
Both you and your friend's parents weren't exactly supportive of your decision to pursue careers in music, but both of you believed in your dreams so much that you had to see them to fruition. You had a small following, but the gigs you played were always packed and you had enough original songs to make up an album, and that made for a good life to you. You had to keep a day job to pay the bills, but you didn't really mind.
"That's cool," the guy said. "What do you play?"
"Drums, mostly," you said, tightening your ponytail. Your friend often joked that the only time you knew what to do with your hands was when you had drumsticks in them. "I play bass and a little keys, but mostly drums."
"That's great, really, but I meant, um, like what kind of music...does your band play?"
"Oh right, of course," you said, feeling silly for misinterpreting his question. "Um, I don't like using the term, but I guess we'd be classified as indie? With a little alternative and pop thrown in there. I don't know, Luke just says we make what we like."
You shrugged. Playing music came easy, trying to explain it was the hard part.
"That sounds great," he said. His eyes flicked down to the flyer again. "And a Halloween show too. That should be fun."
"Yeah, we were really lucky to get the slot."
There was silence after that, and you weren't sure how to fill it. You were conflicted, though. Should you stay and keep him from going back to arguing with his girlfriend, or go and hope that you'd interrupted them enough for them to stop for a little while?
"Are you new to the building? I haven't seen you before," the guy said, making the decision you'd been debating for you.
"Yeah, I live on the floor below you." You didn't tell him that you lived in the apartment right below him. Your goal was to stop the fighting, not embarrass him by revealing that you knew more about him and his rocky relationship than he probably wanted you to.
Despite your best efforts, he seemed to understand. "I'm sorry if you've heard...anything. We'll try to keep it down in the future."
"Thank you," you said. "You're more than welcome to—"
"Baby, who is it?"
A woman appeared beside Harry, and she immediately looked you up and down, like you were there for much more than handing her boyfriend a flyer. Still, you didn't want to start anything, even if all your interactions would be brief and take place in elevators or the lobby. You smiled and took a small step back.
"I'm Y/n. I live just downstairs. I thought I would be neighborly and invite you guys to my band's show on Halloween."
"Did you invite everyone on this floor? Or just him?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at you.
The guy closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Babe, can you please be civil for once—"
"What? You think she just came up here by chance? She's obviously seen you around before and thought she'd try to flirt with you or something. I bet this whole Halloween thing is bogus—"
"It's real, I promise," you reassured. You were going to take the path of least resistance, but to be accused of trying to hit on someone who was clearly taken? You weren't going to let that stand. "But I'll be honest, I came up because I couldn't stand the constant screaming that could be heard from upstairs. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and sleep before you two start back up again."
You left without another word, hoping that your little speech made them both realize that they needed to learn a little thing called common courtesy. You thought the guy seemed decent, but anyone who put up with that woman had to be kind of a dick, right?
When you got back to your apartment, you flopped on your bed, happy to not hear anything from your upstairs neighbors.
Harry was in trouble.
Since you'd shown up on his doorstep, he couldn't get you out of his head. He'd spoken to you for less than five minutes, but that was all it took to mesmerize him. He wanted to know more, to talk to you longer, to sit and talk to you about music.
In short, he was a dick.
He and Courtney had been together five years. He loved her. How could he even think about anyone else?
Courtney was driving insane, that's how.
Leaving her for someone else? What the hell was he thinking? Harry had been unhappy, sure, and there were moments where he considered ending things with Courtney, but he wasn't about to jump into another relationship, no matter how much you intrigued him. His mind was just frayed from their last argument, that's all.
He didn't know what happened to them in the last few months, but things just weren't the same. They were constantly fighting, they couldn't agree on anything, and the only thing they seemed to be in sync on was the sex, and while that had been enough for Harry at the start of all their problems, he was starting to realize it wasn't enough anymore. He knew he couldn't let this go on, that the longer they stayed together, the harder it would be to break up with her, but he needed to choose the right moment. Courtney was crazy possessive, and he couldn't break up with her if he thought he was leaving her for someone else.
So why was he walking into a club on Halloween instead of going to his girlfriend's family's party? He wasn't really sure. He'd gone the last five years, and it wasn't what a Halloween celebration should be. Not by his standards at least. He was going to go anyway, but Courtney was so pissed at him that she told him not to bother. She didn't actually mean it, of course, but she needed to know he couldn't boss her around. He wasn't some doll she could drag from place to place. Not once did she ever ask what he wanted to do for date night, or how he wanted to redecorate the apartment's living room, or what he thought looked good on him.
Harry loved Courtney, but things needed to change, he needed to start living his own life again. Sometimes he worried that he didn't have an identity outside of his relationship, and that thought terrified him.
So he was here at your show.
The club was packed, bodies lined up at the bar and moving together on the dance floor, all in varying states of costume. Harry didn't feel like wearing the couple's costume Courtney picked out, so he just went in his own clothes, though the printed button down and black skinny jeans were things he hadn't worn in ages because Courtney thought it looked tacky and juvenile. So in a way, he was dressed in a costume: a version of himself that he'd hidden away to please his girlfriend.
Finding a place at the bar, Harry ordered his first drink and wandered over to the stage. If the flyer you handed him last week was to be believed, the show would be starting in fifteen minutes. In that time, Harry sipped on his drink, awkwardly smiled and waved at people who made eye contact with him on the dance floor, and got another drink. By the time he shuffled back to his spot, the lights on the stage were dimming, alerting everyone that the show was about to begin.
Silence fell over the crowd as bright flashing lights illuminated four figures, each taking their place with their respective instruments. Harry's eyes went straight to the back where you were sitting down behind your drumkit. When the lights stopped flashing and revealed each of your flashing faces, Harry gulped.
You were dressed in a black fitted bodysuit with a bowtie around your neck and a big blonde wig covering your hair. You looked marvelous, and not at all the kind of person who should've been in the back of a band. He thought you should've been front and center.
When he was shook out of his haze, Harry was able to listen to your band's set properly. You were right in your stilted description of the band's sound, and he found that he liked the music. It was calm, but still high enough in tempo to get the crowd moving, the lyrics meaningful but catchy enough to sing along to.
And all the while he kept his eyes on you. He knew he shouldn't have, but he just couldn't help himself. You looked so...alive. Like each time your drumsticks pounded against the drums you were filled with energy. You smiled as you pressed your lips against your mic and sang backing vocals for the lead singer, a tall skinny blond guy who was also very talented. The whole band was.
As he watched, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Harry played guitar most of his life, and had hopped from band to band while he was in college. He wanted to keep it up as a hobby, but Courtney said he was too old to be playing just for fun. "You're an adult now, Harry," she'd said. And he'd listened. He'd been too busy with his new job to really play on weekends and week nights, anyway, but seeing you and your band have the time of your lives made him want to get his old guitar out of storage and start playing again.
When the set was over, club music started back up again, and everyone went from swaying and jumping around to dancing as close as people could get. Harry wanted to listen to your band more, but he was pretty sure that was it for the night.
He waited at the bar for you and the rest of the band to finish packing up your things. After about twenty minutes, Harry ordered a water and walked over to where you and the lead singer were standing and talking. Unsure of how to interrupt, Harry weakly cleared his throat and hoped that was enough.
It was, and you turned, eyes widening with recognition. "You came!"
He was only slightly hurt by your surprise. "Yeah, I thought I'd come check you out."
The blond mumbled something to you and you nodded, patting him on the shoulder before he walked off with only a small nod in Harry's direction.
"Sorry, he's kind of shy," you said.
"He didn't seem like it just a little bit ago," Harry replied, though he wasn't really offended. He wanted to talk to you anyway.
"Luke saves all of his extroversion for the stage," you said with a shrug, and Harry's eyes suddenly fell on your tattoo sleeve. Flowers and clouds and other things he couldn't make out in the minimal club lighting.
"You look great by the way," he said, admiring the costume up close. "The bunny tail was a nice touch."
Smiling a little, you turned around and moved your hips back and forth. "Thank you! I wasn't sure about it, but I love Dolly, so it felt like a no brainer."
"Dolly? As in Dolly Parton?"
You nodded. "Yeah. It's her Playboy cover outfit. The perfect mix of classy and sexy, a classic Dolly move if there ever was one."
After thinking about it more, Harry thought that the sparkly pink cuffs and white bow tie did have an air of Dolly Parton about it. "Creative. Did you make it yourself?"
Harry listened as you talked about the process of putting together your Halloween costume. You spoke so passionately, even about the most mundane of things like staying up late to glue rhinestones on a bow tie and finding black bunny ears. To him, it just seemed like you were so fulfilled, and he realized he wanted to be like that too.
After a few more minutes of talking, he finally remembered the glass in his hand. "I got this for you. Thought you might be thirsty."
He handed you the drink, and you took it, but didn't drink it. Grimacing a little, you told him, "Sorry, I just have a thing against taking drinks from strangers. I know we technically know each other, but I've only met you once, and—"
"No explanation needed, I understand," Harry said. He would never do something as evil as spiking someone's drink, but he understood your precaution.
Your shoulders sagged with relief. "Thank you. Sometimes guys blow up at me about it, or ask if something's happened to make me so cautious, but I don't think you need a reason to be vigilant."
"I agree," Harry said. "Maybe I can escort you to the bar and let you get your own drink? I'll pay, of course."
A smile flickered on your lips, but it winked out. "Where's your girlfriend?"
He'd been having fun until he was reminded of her. If that wasn't a sign, he didn't know what was. Harry was honest with you, telling you about the fight he and Courtney had gotten into before he left, how she told him not to come, so he didn't.
"I don't want to be rude and ask the obvious question, but I will. Why are you with her?"
Harry sighed and gave you the answer he'd been giving himself lately. "We've been together for five years. It's hard to just throw it all away on what could just be a rough patch. There was a time where we were happy," he said. He felt like he had to say it. As much as he had his issues with Courtney, he didn't want you to think that she was some kind of she-devil. She was just a little high strung and liked things a particular way, something that had been helpful to Harry when he was just starting universtiy. You balanced each other out, but now Harry was afraid the scales were tipped heavily to one side.
"Well, I hope it works out, then," you said, itching underneath your large wig. "But perhaps in a counselor's office or not so late at night?"
You sounded like you were joking, but Harry knew how he and Courtney could be. "Again, I'm really sorry about that. We'll try to be more conscious of our surroundings."
"Much appreciated."
Harry wanted to say more, to sit and talk to you a little bit longer, but he was also attracted to you. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it was enough to make him feel like he should steer clear until he figured things out with Courtney.
Harry didn't see you again for another month.
Not that he went out of his way to see you, but he never saw you at the mailboxes or going in or out of the building's front doors. You weren't in the elevators or at his door telling him he was being too loud. It was like you were a ghost, haunting him for a little over a week and then disappearing.
He sometimes wondered what you were doing. If you had a day job or if you dedicated all your time to music. He knew he shouldn't have, but he did. He thought about you, more than he cared to admit.
And the more he thought about you, the more he realized how unhappy he was. Harry was suddenly aware of Courtney's nitpicking. From the way she chose where he got his hair cut, to the movies they watched in his apartment, even the shoes he wore with his belt. She'd somehow taken over his life, and he hadn't even noticed, or cared to notice.
But now he did, and he found himself constantly irritated by his girlfriend, pushing back whenever she tried to monopolize something that he should've had control over.
And she noticed too. It only resulted in more fighting, but subconsciously that was what Harry wanted. Perhaps he was a coward and an asshole for it, but he was hoping Courtney would break up with him if he rebelled enough, but she never did, and he knew he would have to be the one to do it.
But when? The holiday season didn't seem like the right time, and then Valentine's Day was right around the corner after that, but by then it would be too late and he would probably chicken out. Harry had to do it soon, he just had to grow a pair and rip off the bandaid.
The bandaid ripping day came sooner than he thought. They were on their way home early from a date, arguing the minute they got in the car and all the way to the entrance of Harry's building.
"You always do this! I've never cheated on you, and I never will," he said. It was true, and in this instance the words left a bad taste in his mouth.
"You were clearly flirting with her! Right in front of me, Harry! How do you think that makes me feel?"
"I was being polite! She was our server! What did you want me to do, ignore her all night? That's ridiculous!"
"Oh, so now I'm ridiculous?"
Harry thought that the rolling of one's eyes wasn't necessary, but in this case he thought it was warranted. "That's not what I said."
"That's what it sounded like," Courtney fired back.
Harry knew that it was his turn. He was supposed to say something to defend himself, then she would respond by putting words in his mouth, and they would go back and forth until they were in his bed or she stormed off. He knew he was supposed to say something, but the words never came. All he was able to mutter was, "I can't do this anymore."
"What?" Courtney sounded more shocked than irritated, like she wasn't expecting him to go off script, either.
"I said, I can't do this anymore," Harry repeated. "I'm so tired, Court. Aren't you tired of all this fighting? It's all we ever do."
She seemed at a loss for words, her mouth opening and closing. "I—It's not all we do. Is it?"
"Baby, I love you. I think a part of me will always love you," he said, taking her hand in his. "But we've drifted apart. We're not the same people we were when we met."
He was trying to be gentle, knowing that listing all the things she did that caused all that drifting would not be helpful at all. And he was to blame too. This relationship was a two way street. It just wasn't working anymore.
"I don't know what to say," she whispered, hugging herself in disbelief.
"I think you need someone—No, I think you deserve someone better than me. Someone who likes the things you like and isn't fighting with you 24/7."
"And you?"
"What about me?"
"Don't you deserve that too? Or are you just being nice? Softening the blow to clear your conscience."
Was he doing that? He didn't think he was, but perhaps that's how it came off. When he took too long to answer, Courtney scoffed. "You're an asshole, Harry. But you're right. I do deserve a lot better than you."
She turned and walked off after that, not once looking back at him.
A wave of emotions washed over Harry. He was relieved that it was over, but sad too. He'd grown apart from Courtney, but she was still someone that mattered to him for five whole years. You don't just get over a relationship that long just like that.
He was still outside the apartment building, the streets empty because of how cold it was. Harry hesitated to go inside, though. He wasn't ready to walk into a home that was chock full of reminders of the relationship that just ended—picture frames, furniture they bought together, the lasagna they cooked the other night that was now in the fridge, Courtney's things. It was too raw, so he walked down the street, opposite of where Courtney had gone.
Harry wandered for a while, thinking about all the things that led him to this point. He didn't know when it happened, when it all came crashing down. It was like one day he was happy, and the next he was less so, and on and on until he finally had to let Courtney go.
One thing he didn't feel was regret. It was hard, and the next few weeks and months would certainly be difficult, but he didn't regret breaking up. Amongst the grief and mourning of such a long relationship, Harry also felt lighter, freer.
He ambled until he found a dive bar, one Courtney would never be caught dead in. There was a neon sign, but only half the words were lit up, making it hard for Harry to decipher the name. He didn't care much about the name of the establishment, though. When his eyes caught on the lit up "Open" sign, we pushed his way inside, finding a seat at the near empty bar.
"You look like you could use this."
Looking up from where his hands had been folded on top of the bar, Harry found himself looking at you. You were in all black, a rag thrown over your shoulder as you slid a shot glass with something clear in it.
"Thanks," he said, tossing it back without hesitation.
You took the glass back and filled it again, and Harry drank it swiftly, wiping his mouth with his coat sleeve. "Wanna talk about it?"
"Not really," Harry said around the strong taste of vodka still coating his throat. "But thank you."
You shrugged and slid him a glass of water, which he also chugged. "I occasionally lean into the stereotype of bartender/psychiatrist."
Harry laughed, but he wasn't feeling much joy. The longer he sat there without Courtney by his side, the more he realized he didn't really know how to be alone. She was a lot of things, but his girlfriend was always there for him. Getting over that would probably Harry's biggest hurdle.
"It's occurred to me that I haven't got any friends," Harry said absentmindedly.
You'd left him to his own devices, refilling other patrons' glasses and collecting checks, but you heard him. "How so?"
"I was friends with all of my girlfriend's friends, but now she's not my girlfriend anymore, so," he shrugged, not really sure how to complete his sentence.
"Ah. I see."
Harry didn't think you sounded surprised, but you weren't judgemental either, which he appreciated. "I know I had to, but that doesn't make breaking up with someone any easier, does it?"
"No, it doesn't," you said. "I know it's totally not the same, but we just had to say goodbye to our guitarist. He got a pretty sweet job opportunity outside of the band that's going to take up more of his time, and since he's got a wife with a baby on the way, he couldn't really turn it down. Like I said, not the same thing, but I empathize with you."
Harry appreciated that you seemed to understand his particular brand of melancholy. "Thank you."
He had a drink in silence after that, watching you occasionally, but mostly staring down at his drink. When he decided he'd had enough drowning in his own sorrows, he paid his tab and stood up to leave.
"If you know anyone that plays guitar, please let me know. We've got a show next week and we're desperate," you said, sliding him his card and receipt.
His ears perked up at that. You still fascinated him, perhaps even represented a part of his life he wanted back. Harry knew he wouldn't be ready to be in a relationship for a while, but as he'd said earlier, he was in need of some friends, and you'd just offered some up on a silver platter.
"I, um, I play actually," he said tentatively. He didn't think he sounded confident, but maybe you were more desperate than you let on.
"Really? Would you be willing to help us out for a night? It won't pay much, but it's a ton of fun, and Luke's mom is coming, and she always brings brownies."
Harry already knew he was going to say yes, but he thought it was cute that you were trying to sell him on what was practically his idea. "Can't say no to brownies, can I?"
eight months later
Harry knocked on your door, then one more time, then another. He'd come to know that even though you said you were ready to go, you never actually were. When he asked you about it, though, you told him you didn't know what he was talking about.
When you finally opened the door, his heart skipped a beat. You were in a Janis Joplin t-shirt and cheetah-print pants, a staple in your wardrobe, Harry quickly realized.
"Ready?" you asked.
Harry nodded, taking your hand in his and leading you towards the elevator.
Your relationship was a slow developing thing. You introduced him to the rest of the band, and you all gelled instantly, like he'd always been a member. Seeing him get along so well with some of your closest friends made butterflies erupt in your stomach, but since you knew he was fresh out of a relationship, you kept any inklings of a crush at bay.
You and Harry built a friendship first. You showed him all your favorite spots in the city and invited him to poker night with all the old ladies who lived on your floor. They seemed to like him too, not so subtly hinting at you that he was a keeper the more he came around. And the more you spent time with him, the more you seemed to realize it too, but he didn't seem interested.
Harry was very interested, but he wasn't sure what was a respectful amount of time before he started dating someone again. Every day that he knew you, that he learned more about you, he realized that you were rather perfect. He thought your passion would be reserved for music, but it was in everything you did, and he wanted you to be passionate about him too.
For months, you two danced around each other, pretending that you didn't notice each other staring longingly or hugging each other just a little bit longer than normal friends would.
It wasn't until about seven months into Harry being a part of the band that you finally became more. The whole band was in the studio working on a couple songs when the two of you were ushered into the recording booth under the guise of doing some backing vocals for a song. But then the doors were locked and Luke just shrugged. "The tension was fun to watch for about two months. This has gone on long enough."
And that was that. So close together in the small booth, you couldn't ignore this...thing palpitating between the two of you. Harry had tried to speak, tried to voice his feelings, but you didn't want to talk. Leaning up, you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him close, threading your fingers through his hair when he kissed you back.
And now you'd been together about a month. You were taking things slow as per Harry's request, but you didn't really mind. He held your hand and brought you coffee in the morning and made you tea at night. He gave you space when you needed it and you did the same for him. It felt like you were still friends, the only thing that changed being the fact that you now held hands and kissed. A very welcome change, you both thought.
You and Harry were meeting the rest of the band at rehearsal. You were playing one of the biggest venues you'd yet to play, and everyone was super excited. You'd been up all night talking to Harry on the phone last night, even though he was literally a floor above you. You liked those conversations, though. Sometimes you waved from your balconies, sometimes you knocked on his ceiling with a broom if you couldn't be bothered to unplug your phone. Sometimes you worried Harry would grow tired of your semi-childlike behavior, but he never did.
"I'm thinking pizza after the show tonight."
You were practically skipping down the sidewalk next to Harry, but you slowed to look at him. "How can you think about anything after the show right now? All I can think about is being onstage."
Harry chuckled and pulled you to his side to kiss your temple. "I am, but we can never decide on where to go once the set is over, so I'm voicing my opinion now."
You rolled your eyes, but didn't pull away from him. Harry seemed to be the only one who could quell your energy, at least for a little while. You liked that, though. Sometimes you needed a reminder to take it easy, to relax, and Harry was very good at that.
Harry walked beside you, listening to you talk about the show and all the things you were excited for. He learned that he was more of a listener than he was a talker, something that Courtney didn't necessarily understand, always wanting him to participate in conversation. She would accuse him of not paying attention, but that wasn't the case, he just didn't have a lot to say. He chose his words wisely, not wanting to waste a single one.
You, on the other hand, could talk for hours, but Harry didn't mind. You never pushed him to participate more than he was comfortable with, and you always seemed to know that he was listening, taking in every word you spoke. It was like the two of you had a language all your own.
"Have I ever told you how happy I am to have met you?" he asked out of the blue.
"Mm...No, I think I would remember a compliment like that," you said, your cheeks reddening at the incoming compliment. He loved giving them, and you loved receiving them, but that didn't make you any less flustered.
"Well, I am. You've made me very, very happy, Miss Y/l/n."
"And you make me very happy, Mr. Styles."
Grinning, he kissed you, smiling against your lips. The road he'd taken to get to this point was a little rocky, but he would do it all again if it meant he could share this exact moment with you.
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
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Chapter 1: Welcome to the Race
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Word Count: 3,786
General Synopsis: S_Class started off as a street racing team, built between friends but as the adrenaline rush died down, racing wasn’t enough. N/S was formed. What started off with petty crimes, quickly spiraled into a string of organized crime. 
Warnings: swearing, drug use, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, reckless driving, (please let us know if we missed any)
A/N: RACING HYUNE RACING HYUNE RACING HYUNE anyways welcome to chapter 1!!! Uhh yeah, anyways as per usual this chapter was proofread by a team of leebits &lt;3 -Mini NYOOOOM - Kitty
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, this does not represent the idols mentioned in any way.
please DO NOT rewrite, translate, or repost this fic. Thank you.
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“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law.” The officer continued to recite your rights, as he cuffed you. Everything fell in slow motion, like scenes in a movie when everything goes wrong, when the absolute shock finally hits and nothing is processing normally. 
This wasn’t supposed to be how it went. None of this was supposed to happen. No one was supposed to die. Now here you are, being aggressively placed in the back of the cop car as Oddinary bled out on the street. Maniac screaming at the top of his lungs on how he’d gut everyone in the vicinity if they didn’t let him go, if they didn’t let him hold her. Just as the cop shut the door, the sudden feeling of hopelessness sank in. There was nothing you could do, Oddinary would die there. Maniac was uncontrollable, and Phobia was silently standing over the body, blood covering his hands. 
How the fuck, did it come to this? 
Six months earlier: 
Moving to Seoul, may have been one of the worst decisions your family has ever made. You enjoyed the quieter country sides, you never wanted to live in the city. You had to transfer schools mid-year and you already had a hard time making friends at your old university. You unfortunately were not hopeful that this school was going to be any better than the last, nor would it be the last school you’d attend by the time you graduated. 
You always had a smaller group of friends, keeping your circle small. It’s not that you necessarily had a hard time making friends, it was simply that you couldn’t care to expand to more than 4 or 5 people at a time. It’s already been a week at this new university and you haven't spoken to anybody besides your professors. Off to a great start, Y/N.
During your free period in the afternoon, you made your way outside. A little fresh air could always help the stress of being that new person - the one everyone stared at but never approached. As you wandered the campus to your new spot - a bench that was shrouded in heavy unkempt foliage obviously forgotten by the groundskeepers. To your surprise you found a boy hunched over on your usual bench. Still you made your way over.
“Fuck-” he stammered, “You scared me Jesus Christ, I thought you were a security guard or some shit-” 
“Oh, no. I’m not.”
“Good.” He continued back on what he was doing, lighting a hand rolled cigarette. He took a long drag from it, coughed a few times and extended it to you. “Want some?” You examined it carefully, took it between your fingers, bringing it to your mouth to inhale its fumes. 
“Your weed is shit.” You sighed as you sat beside the boy, who looked at you amused. 
“Yeah well, that’s what happens when it’s mostly shake.” He laughs, “Was supposed to get more, and my guy didn’t show today. Fucking prick.” 
“Get yourself a better dealer.” 
“No shit, wish I would have thought of that!” The two of you spent a few minutes passing the joint back and forth, sitting in silence as you slowly built up a high, “Jake, by the way.” 
“Y/N,” you laugh, “nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” he sticks his hand out to shake yours. You take it and give his hand a firm shake making him laugh. You both sit in a comfortable silence as you continue to pass the joint to one another. You’re pulled from your rhythm when his phone rings. “Yeah?” His smile quickly fades and annoyance takes over his features. “Bro I’ve been waiting here for like twenty minutes,” He rolls his eyes dramatically, throwing his head back in frustration. “Yeah, yeah whatever dude. Just tell Toronto to get his ass over to our spot in fifteen, or I’m fucking slashing a hole in his tires.” He hangs up his phone and aggressively drops his hand in his lap. You tip the joint towards him and he looks at you and smiles before taking the joint and inhaling deeply.
“Yo! Finn!” You hear a deep booming voice coming from behind the foliage, you can't see who it is yet, but you assume it's a teacher about to catch you and your new acquaintance doing illegal activities on campus. 
“Fucking Venom, what are you doing out here?” Jake says to the young boy who just walked out of the trees.
“Dragging your ass back, your boys are looking for you.” The deep voiced boy smiles as he looks you up and down, very obviously checking you out. He’s not very subtle, is he?
“Thought your name was Jake?” You turn back to your smoking pal, creasing your eyebrows in confusion.
“It is, love,” Jake says as he lets out a light laugh. 
That was your first encounter with them. You never really expected to see them again. Fortunately for you the next day, Jake ran up behind you placing his arm around your shoulders. You rolled your eyes as you turned your head to face him, 
“What are you doing, shake boy?” Jake feigns a shot to the heart, dragging you closer to him as he grasps at you to hold him up. “Let go of me you freak.” You laugh as you attempt to shrug him off of you.
“You wound me,” He smirks, “And here I was, just coming to say hello to my new friend.” 
“Oh is that what we are?” you smirk back, elbowing him lightly in his side.
“You smoked my shitty weed, so yeah. I don’t just share willy-nilly with random strangers! Now if you’re willing to pay for it, that’s a whole other story,” he says, poking your sides in an attempt to annoy you.
“Paying for such shit weed? Sorry bud, I don’t carry cash on me,” you tease, making a ridiculous sad face at him.
“Then I guess you’re stuck being my friend” he beams a huge smile at you, pulling you tighter into an awkward side-hug. “Anyways, don’t act all weird about it, I’ve seen you around and you don’t talk to anyone, so I guess I’m doing you a favor too you know.” 
“Ouch, no need to point that out. But thanks for your charity I guess,” you say rolling your eyes at your new ‘friend’.
“You can thank me later,” he laughs, “I figured you could join me tonight.” 
“Asking out your ‘friend’ so soon?” you wiggle your eyebrows at him. You found it kind of weird how comfortable you were around him already.
“Nah, don’t get it twisted, girlie. I’m tryna bring you around so people can get to know you. You know why no one talks to you right?” At first you thought he was jokingly asking, but when you looked at him, he was quite serious about it. “You’re new, you came in during the middle of the semester, everyone’s got their groups, and people here, well to put it simply, they don’t take well to new people. It’s easier to pretend you don’t exist, then to have to adjust to bringing someone new into their groups.” He shivers slightly, as if he was remembering something before he shakes his head and refocuses on you. “So, I wanna bring you somewhere so people can see you’re not some… boring outsider.” 
“Is that what people think of me?” you ask quietly, not meaning to sound so upset about it.
“Take it with a grain of salt, these are Seoulites. More often than not, country folk come here and prefer to keep to themselves quietly, hence not even bothering. But I, as your new best friend, know you prefer to have some fun.” he proclaims, quite proudly. 
“So where is it you want to bring me, exactly?” Your curiosity has definitely peaked now.
“Meet me in the parking lot after class?” He looks at his watch and jumps. “I gotta go or I’m gonna be late, but don’t forget! I’ll see you later Y/N!” He yells as he begins sprinting to his class. You shake your head and laugh to yourself. How the fuck did I suddenly become someone’s best friend?
Your class was let out earlier than expected, you carefully considered your option of just going home instead of meeting with your self proclaimed best friend. Sure going out could be fun, but being introduced to a group of people who in general could care less if you went or stayed home sounded uninviting. As Jake said, these people didn’t want to know you. They had all made their assumptions about you before you had even gotten the chance to say hello. Was there any real reason to try and impress the ‘Seoulites’ of your university? 
Jake seemed nice enough. He was willing to bring you out, introduce you to people and all of this over smoking a bit of weed with him? Were there conditions to becoming friends with people here? Were they really just scared of people they considered ‘sticks in the mud’? So what if some people preferred to keep to themselves? Who cares? What kind of activities could these people be doing that would worry them so much they’d prefer to ignore someone than to attempt to get to know them? 
Seoul was full of people who preferred to keep to themselves. What difference did it make if you came from the city or the countryside. These people act so high and mighty, acting as if there were some vast difference between the two types of people. Sure, those from smaller towns may keep to themselves, but contrary to the belief of the people of your university; the people from smaller towns tend to have more fun. Moving from a small town to a city is intimidating. Which in your opinion is probably why so many of those before you kept to themselves. It’s hard going from a town where everyone knows everyone, to a city where you could see someone one day, and never see them again for the rest of your life. 
You missed home, more importantly you missed your friends. You miss the nights of climbing your old high school and drinking on the roof. Watching as your friends would dance around the edge. Days you’d skip class with your best friends and drive to the city, tripping absolute balls in the back seat of her boyfriend's car as he wove through the crowded highways. Wandering the downtown streets of the city as the acid kicked in, and you watched the city skyscrapers morph and move with the wind. Or the nights Experimenting in the basement of your best friend's house, while you were uncontrollably giggly. You’d stay wide awake, talking absolute nonsense with your friends while the mixture of shrooms and molly would course through your body; no topics off limits. No one, off limits. And the best this city could offer you was a boy smoking shitty weed? That’s what these so called city people called fun? 
As you were reminiscing about your hometown and your friends, you heard someone screaming your name, quickly pulling you from your thoughts and your head whipping around to find the source of the screaming.
“You got out early huh?” Jake waved you in his direction, putting his joint back up to his lips. He was perched up against a silver Honda Civic decorated with stickers all over his back windshield. He has a sticker with the name ‘FINN’ in big orange lettering, another of the word ‘LIMITLESS’, and a third ‘7PM’.
“Mmm, I did; you’re quite observant.” you tease, pulling the joint out of his mouth and nodding towards his rear windshield. “What’s up with the tacky stickers?” 
“What can I say,” he shrugs, “And don’t go calling my stickers tacky, they’re my branding.” he says as he puffs out his chest a bit, obviously proud of his so-called ‘branding’.
“Branding,” you scoff, “So Finn, is limitless at seven pm?” you laugh, 
“Common now doll, don’t be like that. If you want to know what they mean you can just ask.” he teased you as he stuck his tongue out at you, taking his joint back from you.
“Alright then, Ken. Go on, tell me what they mean.” 
“Get in, and I’ll tell you on the way.” Jake opens the passenger door, motioning for you to take a seat. You give him a nod, and hop in. Placing your bag on the floor of the overly clean car. You don’t think you’d seen a car this clean in a while. No one cares about their cars this much do they? It was practically spotless if it wasn’t for the ashtray in the center console, and a half empty water bottle beside it. “So?” You say as he starts the car. The engine roars as it starts. Pressing down on the clutch, he carefully brings the car into reverse. Bringing it out of its spot in the parking lot, and slowly driving it off the campus property. 
“Mmm, well. Finn’s my name.” he says nonchalantly, as if he didn’t tell you that his name was Jake literally yesterday. Except you do remember that one guy who barged in on you two smoking calling him Finn.
“Now here I was thinking it was Jake.” 
“It is, but where we’re going you call me Finn. Don’t even mention my other name.” he says seriously, looking at you quickly to make sure you understood his seriousness. When you gave him a small nod he continued, “Limitless is the name of my crew.” 
“What about seven pm?” you ask and you can see him flinch just a little bit, his grip on the steering wheel tightening a little bit.
“Just a time.” Jake waves it off quickly, dismissing you. “Don’t think about it too much, I just enjoy the sticker being there. Someone gave it to me.” 
As he turned onto the highway, your body chilled. As if the temperature in the car had dropped significantly. You looked at him, as his eyes narrowed. Completely focusing on the road in front of him. “Now, I’m going to ask this once.” He smirked, a mischievous smirk that should have warned you about what you were about to get into. “How do you handle reckless driving?” he asks as seriously as he can, the smirk not falling from his face. His finger was tapping on the steering wheel, as if there was some sort of impatience in which he couldn’t contain. 
“Do what you want, not my car. Not my rules.” you shrug, honestly you were just curious on how ‘reckless’ he could be. Your answer was what he was waiting for before slamming down on the clutch, fiddling with the gear shift, as he brought the car from 80/km per hour to 150/km per hour in just a few seconds. He was swerving through the traffic, and in some moments you could swear it’d have been a near miss of a crash if he didn’t turn at just the right time. 
You watch him as he drives, the grin that was previously plastered on his lips has now turned into a full blown smile, his mouth slightly agape from laughing lightly as he swerves through the traffic. He was enjoying himself and you smiled to yourself as he hollered in excitement. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he kept speeding up. The faster he went, the wider the smile, the louder the laughter. 
Finally, he pulled off the highway. Your heart was pumping at an alarming rate as he continued on speeding down the streets. There was no chance of him slowing down, even as he drove through the red lights, on his way to whatever location he was bringing you to. He took a sharp turn into a large parking lot of what looked to be an abandoned factory. The turn throwing your body against the door of his car. You held onto the handle of the door, to stabilize yourself. 
The parking lot was full of cars, engines roaring; people walking about going from car to car. Groups of people huddled around their cars as they watched Jake speed into the lot. He pulled the parking brake quickly, drifting into the middle of their meet. A smug smirk came from a man standing near a large group of people, his arm hung over a girl with long black hair. 
“Looks like Finn has finally fucking arrived!” The man called out. Jake smirked at him as he began to roll his windows up, bringing the parking brake back down and slowly driving his car into the spot that was left open. Presumably for him. 
“Y/N.” Jake called your name in a serious tone, you looked over at him. “Like I said, my name here is Finn. Don’t bring up the name Jake here. Ever. Don’t ask questions, let them come to you. You’ll stick out less that way okay?” 
“Dude, your scaring me a bit,” 
“Trust me yeah?” 
You had no reason not to trust him so far. You only met him yesterday, but so far he’s been kind to you. Unless he brought you here to kill you… Nahhhh. It should be fine right? You nod your head, and he smiles in return. Opening his door, and swiftly walking to your side of the car; opening your door for you. You step out of the car and instantly he wraps his arm around your shoulders, bringing you in close to him. He leans over to whisper in your ear, “They’re animals. I’d rather you stay close, yeah?” 
“Looks like Finnigan’s finally fucking got himself a girl, good for you kiddo.” A girl laughs, as she makes her way across the parking lot from her own group of friends. Jake's friends all look to each other as the rest of the new person's friends begin to trail behind her. Another girl making her way up right beside her. 
“Looks like Noeasy can’t mind her damn business again.” a guy from Jake, no, Finn’s friend group said.
“Shut it Hoshi.” the other girl barks. 
“Oh common now Oddinary, why do you gotta be so hostile with me all the time?” the boy smirks, 
“Who’s the girl Finnigan? You don’t just bring people into S_Class territory without telling one of us, you know the rules kid,” the taller girl says, not really paying attention to you. 
“Oddinary call me Finnigan one more time, and I’ll-” 
“You’ll what huh?” a man from the other group approaches behind the girls. He’s a little scary looking in your opinion, tall, light brown hair, leather jacket tightly drawn against his broad shoulders. 
“Cool your jets, Maniac. He’s not gonna do shit to Oddinary and you know it,” the shorter girl says, putting her hand up against the guy, Maniac’s, chest.
“She’s new here. Got no name yet.” Jake Finn says, tilting his head toward you. “She’s in school with me, I vouch for her.” 
“Vouching for a new girl in your school? Bold of you kiddo.” Oddinary smirks, Finn goes to open his mouth to defend his choice, knowing well that the girl before him was judging the both of you.
“You know we have a long vetting process, Finn.” Noeasy sighs, looking you up and down. 
“She’s with a Limitless member, who the fuck are you two to be talking right now?” a voice from behind you barks. A tall, skinny, black haired guy comes up from behind you and Finn. He sizes up the two girls in front of you. You definitely did not want to get on this guy's bad side.
“She’s been brought to a race organized by S_Class, that's who the fuck we are to talk The8.” Oddinary pushes at him, you honestly couldn’t tell who would win in this fight. “Don’t fucking ever get in my face again.” 
“Take a step back The8, you know the rules, this isn’t new. Come on, we’re all here to race, don’t start causing problems before the fun begins,” another guy says from behind you. He walks up to The8 and carefully leads him back to Finn’s friends behind you. The8 reluctantly goes, mumbling something under his breath as the other guy shakes his head.
“That’s right, listen to your boy. S.Coups knows what’s good.” Oddinary smirks, teasing the boy who could only clench his jaw as he looked over. “Well no name, welcome to the race.” She walks up to you, and gets close to your face, “Just saying, if you want to witness actual racing, drop the Limitless loser.” she whispers, “Finn,” 
“You have a race. Why not let Phobia take care of your girl, show her around, and explain the rules to her while you lose.” Oddinary looks at the other girl, who's smiling up at her. Sharing whatever plan they had between each other with only a look. As if they were speaking completely telepathically.
“I won’t lose.” 
“Doubt it,” Oddinary laughs, 
“Phobia! Get your ass over here!” Noeasy yells
“What? Stop yelling at me Noeasy, I’m literally right here,” a tall lanky, and in your opinion gorgeous, man walks up to the girls in front of you, his light pink hair styled up and away from his forehead. This man could be a fucking model.
“Meet no name. She’s with Finn, but he’s got a race to lose, so we need you to show her around, tell her the rules, you know the deal,” Noeasy explains as she peels you away from Finn.
“Shouldn’t one of the Limitless freaks do it?” Phobia runs his hand through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“You’ve been given a fucking order Phobia. Get to it.” Oddinary backs up her friend. 
“Fuck. Fine.” 
“Excuse me?” Noeasy questions.
“Yes Ma’ams,” he says as he rolls his eyes.
“That’s better,” Oddinary smiles. 
The power and control these two had over their group. Their dynamic. THAT was what made your skin crawl for the first time that night. It wasn’t the absolute adrenaline rush from Jake’s driving, it wasn’t the crowd of people who looked like they could eat you alive. It wasn’t the8’s way of sizing them up, or how Maniac almost looked ready to kill when Jake spoke to Oddinary with the slightest of attitudes. It was the way these two had complete control over the situation, how both groups seemed to listen to every word that left their lips.
Was this a fucking cult?
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Tags @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @elizalabs3 @multeciahucho
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munsonology · 1 year
Okkaaay here we go i had a thought and had to tell ya🤍 sooo lets say on a day Nunny is running late to meet up with Eddie another Nun takes interest in him (Eddie isn’t interested he is low key in love with Nunny) when Nunny comes out she sees said Nun playing with his jacket , Eddie is visibly annoyed he spots Nunny right and he whispers in the other Nuns ear “meet me out back by the shed next to the graveyard at midnight” Nunny doesnt know his plan she is heartbroken she had bought sexy lingerie for their meet up this afternoon that got interrupted by another sister, sooo he ends up telling Nunny to meet him in that same place and time , the other Nun was running a little behind but when she opens the shed she is met with Eddie railing Nunny and when they realize they are being watched ohh they dont care, Eddie is taunting the other Nun while plowing into Nunny whispering the dirtiest things to her telling her he belongs to Nunny & Nunny is his😌🫦
I’ve been waiting all day to answer this!!!! IM SCREAMING 😭🫠🥵🥵🥵
He so would! He’s a fucking menace! Sister Hazel is a pain in Nunny’s ass, she can’t stand her. She’s always in Nunny’s business.
All of the sisters would get so flustered when one of the bikers would drop off their weekly donation jar for the children’s book fund. Especially if eddie stopped by. Sister hazel made it known (when father wasn’t around) she had a thing for eddie.
Nunny would hear whispers in the convent of sister hazel trying to get close to him. It pissed her off to no end.
Nunny put on her newest lingerie, a white lacey set with garters and stockings. She couldn’t wait to show Eddie what was under her habit today. She made it to the courtyard when she sees sister hazel with her hands all over Eddie’s chest. Her fingers play with the necklace resting on his chest.
Nunny clears her throat interrupting them. “Sister hazel, I thought you had donations to audit.”
Sister hazel rolls her eyes, but not before smirking at Eddie. “I’ll see you in the graveyard shed. Midnight on Friday, just like you asked.”
Sister hazel bumps her shoulder into nunny on her way to the office.
Nunny’s eyes grow wide at the revelation. “I should’ve known you were no good.”
“Nunny it’s not what you think.”
She runs off back to her room, passing by two other sisters. “The children are this way, dear,” one of the nuns directed. Nunny kept marching off.
“Fuck those kids.”
That Friday, nunny collected her mail to see she had a letter from Eddie.
Meet me at the graveyard. 11:30pm. I’ll explain everything.
Nunny met Eddie at the graveyard just like he asked. It was the best decision she made all week.
At midnight, sister hazel made it to the graveyard. The shed was just a bit away, the light already on. She held her head high knowing he was waiting for her.
When she pushed open the door she was met with the most unpleasant sight.
Nunny naked in nothing but her habit, getting fucked from behind by eddie. One knee on the ground, eddie pounded into nunny’s cunt.
“Fuck! You like that sister?”
“Yes eddie! Fuck me!”
“You’re a fucking sinner nunny!”
Eddie shoved nunny’s rosary into her mouth. “You wanna say a prayer? Use your words?”
“Oh my!” Sister hazel clutches her chest.
Eddie yanks nunny’s head up by her habit. “Look at her baby, you want her to watch you get fucked? See how good you take it? Fuck, just wait until she sees how your ass sucks me dry.”
Sister hazel says a prayer. Eddie slows his fucking down. “Hey! You tell anyone, even in confession, of what you saw and I’ll unleash the wrath of satan upon you.”
“The power of God—”
Eddie’s eyes darken to pure black. Sister hazel screams seeing a dark shadow rise behind him on the wall. Horns and wings sending a message of eternity.
Sister hazel passes out cold.
“She won’t bother you again, nunny.” Eddie says sweetly with a kiss on her cheek. “Now, what else can I fill you with?”
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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"I'm fucking gay" I said to myself sometimes louder, sometimes quietly, unfortunately I think several people heard the loud part because they were looking at me, especially Danny was running after me. "Lando, are you grumpy for saying that? Because everyone hears it.” "I am, and when we broke up I was even grumpier, leave me alone, if you want me to, I'm still pregnant with twins from Ollie." Ollie Bearman? What the hell have you been doing?” Danny stopped me from speaking, then tears appeared on my face and I ran away crying. ,,Lokiii where are you????? I want to go back to the fucking fucking hotel!!!!! I can not stand!!!!" I started hitting his chest shaking and throwing up again. "Relax Lando, there are only free training sessions with a break between them." ,, BELIEVE I'M NOT EXCITED I WANT TO GO BACK THERE I HATE IT HERE FUCK ME!!!!" "Deep air says I can do it in myself." "I can do it, I believe in myself, even if I carry two beans Jankó." "MR Norris, we need to talk about beans after training." "No, and I will not have an abortion, this is the final decision, sir." "If he plays for the suspension, then the game has begun." "I'm afraid, Loki, they're not only idiots, they're also strict and they give diets that are impossible or borderline impossible to follow, on top of that they constantly measure our weight and check how much we exercise every day, it's no longer sick, it's fucking pathological."
I leaned against the wall with tears in my eyes and could only scream at the top of my lungs. Leave it!!!! I won't get into that fucking car if they force me to do so at gunpoint." "Well, come in." "Will, Jon, no, these fuckers up there don't even know what I want or what I feel, so no, I'm going to have someone else take my place today and this year." "Leave him for real." "Dude, what will happen to me? We had such a good time together, but what about the photography?" "I'll take photos of the little ones or I don't know if we move to the new place, but the fact that I won't stay in Monaco is fixed." "Do you want to move?" "Yes, everyone has been obsessed with me for a long time, when they see a girl next to me, the tabloids say she's my new girl, when I fuck the boys I loved it, I hate being there." "We understand. Where?" Burying my face in my hands, I started to cry even more and shook my head. "I don't have the faintest idea where America might come into question, I don't know, New York especially Upper, Miami, Los Angeles, but back to England and Bristol and its surroundings or London, I don't have an idea yet, but it's far from there and from the people there."
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The news made my fucking blood run cold, I went to see Lando through the journalists because he just said all this in public. ,,A thousand apologies... Fuck you Lando, you said everything openly, even what you shouldn't have!!!! Now you're going to be all over the headlines because of your breakout!!!! "Osc, who excites the bitch, fuck them, they need to know what a fucking little world Formula 1 is and what a fucking little puppet we are for them that they can play with as they please and like, they can suck my dick." We didn't even pay attention, but all the cameras took us and everyone took pictures of us, and even Lando gave them the fucking horse. ,,This is serious? You know you can't say." "Yes, fuck me, just like I'm tired of shit, I'm not acting anymore here, if that's what I want, I'll go to a fucking casting and I don't care how many weeks I am, I'll do it if I get in, okay, but no, as a child, if you didn't know, I was a child actor . Stupid child and I would choose this place over the shitty place right now. Get it.” I ran after him and slapped him. "You know, I was also a child actor, but now it's not about that, it's about what you said shouldn't have happened."
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"Child actor, Child actor" I muttered to myself and looked for a cigarette in my back pocket, and for my lip ink, "mhhh Benefit is expensive but... How seriously did you take Oscar from me and throw it away?" Your good fucking mother!!!!!!” I took it out and imitated a fake kick in the ass, and he showed me how the hell you put on makeup if you can't see it. "Because if only you knew that I've been doing this since I was fourteen." ,,Landooooo fuck fourteen???? Are you screwed???? Good tests, huh?” I showed him it was full of liquid flavoring, it was undrinkable and the color was strange, it didn't smell like anything, but it did have a sparkle. "Liquid highliter and put it down, it flows very well." ,,This? It has bristles, but it's also cool." ,,That mascara and eyebrow gel, put my fucking make-up stuff down Osc this is fucking not funny!!!!! That's my contour stick, my foundation, concealer, bronzer, that's my fucking blush, that's my eyeshadow palette, and put it all down. Damn" "Good, okay..." I left Lando, who was just putting some cream on himself. "MR Piastri, where is his teammate?" "I don't know, I think he's already gone with him boyfriend, he has a date today, he said he went there, sir, I can't give him an interview, I'm sorry." I ran back panting with messy hair. ,,What's wrong?" "Fuck the fucking gossip press and they're asking about you." We looked outside and a good number of people gathered, none of us dared to go outside when ten minutes later we heard a knock. "I'm Loki, may I come in?" ,.Of course it is." "This is a fucking crowd, what the hell happened?" "I don't know either, except that some asshole asked me where Lando was, and I lied and saved the best and said that he was on a date with his friend, so I thought he wasn't here anymore." "Oscar, you bastard, we're going down because of you, everyone will know that me and Lando are a couple!!!" "Good, but I didn't tell you he was pregnant." "You wordy bastard Australian, can't you be like that?" "Get me, I'm confessing to them, you scumbags" I ran out angrily, slammed the door behind me and instead did everything against myself, kept my mouth shut, "I'm telling you he's on a date with his partner, leave him alone and on top of that, Lando Norris is gay, so he's not with a girl if they ask you idiots !!!!!” I looked in my phone and all the gossip sites were full of me, "Formula 1 driver Lando Norris is gay." I ran after Oscar, but I didn't really see spit anywhere, "Kill Oscar Piastri, you're bisexual or stupid!!!!" I felt Loki's palm on my back, bit my lip and killed him, "Fucking big scandal and it started as I predicted." "Yes, but I think we should go because I have a reservation at the restaurant at nine in the evening."
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