#rilakeila hc!jjk
rilakeila · 4 months
host club prince! gojo satoru
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"you're not falling for me, are you?"
he wagged his finger in front of his lady manager's face, who swatted his hand away.
truth to be told, gojo satoru was the one falling. there was no other woman for him, despite being the prince of the host club, where there are always girls begging for a sliver of his attention. his popularity because of his attractive looks and charming way to say his words reeled ladies left and right. hoping that she hears what he says to these girls, wanting to know that the true feeling of those words are directed to her. he couldn't help but glance at her every time he tries to woo his customer.
he wants nothing but to whisper those sweet words in her ear. he might receive a smack or two, but he would keep her in his embrace as much as she wanted him to. whatever she wanted, he would give it to her.
his eyes trailed after her, her hand leaving his with a grin on her face as she walked away to attend her duties.
oh, how he loved that smile. seeing that smile makes him undone. and he will do everything it takes to see that precious smile over and over again.
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, teaser (jujutsu academy)
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host club! jjk x fem!reader x ohshc
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club on an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
a/n: haven't planned out if it's a series or collection of one shots, might do both; an au within an au would be fun. let me know if you have any ideas
international jujutsu technology and science academy is one of the world's largest elite private schools, having many campuses around the world. their founding campus is in tokyo, japan. their primary educational directions focuses on the development of technology and sciences. they cater from pre-k to high school (+ college prep). one of the most popular clubs is the high school's host club, where they get to entertain students with too much time on their hands
gojo satoru.
the founder of the said club is gojo satoru, head of the gojo clan who oversees gojo co, one of the oldest construction companies in the world. they focus on architecture specifically traditional japanese architecture. due to the modernizing of the world, they focused on implementing modern taste to the architecture to also maintain competitive in the industry. one of their main projects is upkeeping of the tokyo campus.
geto suguru.
the spokesman/vice president, geto suguru. he is part of the brains of the host club along with kento. the heir of the geto corporations that started their organization due to biochemistry long ago. earlier generations of his family had a massive breakthrough with their research which allowed them to catapult to the top. suguru is currently leading and overseeing the company's subgroup, uzumaki, which is helping the advancement of merging bioengineering within the company.
nanami kento.
the actual brains of the host club, nanami kento. he runs the numbers and makes sure that everything is running well with their princess manager. kento's family mainly function in the banking industry within the financial services but dabble in the investment industry. he still questions as to why he spends his free time (and exerting a lot of effort) with the host club.
itadori sukuna.
just a member/bodyguard of the host club (because he's a giant so he's intimidating), itadori sukuna. the last entering member (satoru was really just curious about sukuna and invited him with the group, ended up being wowed by his host skills). his family is a line of top chefs, selling cookware and cookbooks, and also runs the culinary department of jujutsu academy. (pretty popular probably because his little brother, yuuji, shows up every so often).
shoko ieiri.
here for the shits and giggles, shoko ieiri. her family consists of doctors and engineers which would lead into medical technology. she decided to go down the doctor route but will eventually need to replace her mother's position soon as she (her mother) would be retiring. ieiri joined the host club, just to accompany satoru and suguru, but has not minded the club activities since joining.
haibara yu.
here for the shits and giggles pt. 2, haibara yu (actually, kento asked him to take part of the host club with him). his family is one of the oldest toy manufacturers in japan, as well as branching out to confectioneryand theme parks (which have been successful endeavors). he also supplies all of the treats and tea imports for the host clubs, cutting down the expenses severely due to a large discount (but they do get new recipes sampled for free, just have to pay if they choose to keep it in their lineup)
(y/n) (l/n).
the dear princess manager of the host club. she works behind the scenes with the help of mostly kento but as well as suguru. her family is just old money rich, starting as medics way back during history. due to housing multiple patients and lost people, the business went from medical to hospitality. they moved around, dropping seeds down as they go. it eventually bloomed heavily, leaving a fortune. there's no rightful heir as her and her siblings must work together to figure it out (however, she seems to be the commander of it all)
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, intro 3: beware of physical exams
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host club! jjk x fem!reader x ohshc
final intro details the last thing to check off before the start of the exchange event!
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
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in preparation for the upcoming days, ouran had required the attending schools and its own school clubs to complete their physical examinations. everyone knows that physical exams are just for the niceties, no matter where you go. it was also just a show for the students especially those who are fond of the host club. (y/n) was well aware of the popularity physical exams went for the guys, which is why she and ieiri always opted to do their exams the day prior to manage the sea of girls and help them when they need it (there was only a single time where she genuinely saw a flash of immediate help from them).
"(y/n), i didn't get to pre-pump my muscles, it would be such a bad first impression if my muscles aren't at its greatest," satoru said but he had been using his water bottle to do bicep curls.
"pump or not, girls will still find you attractive," (y/n) rolled her eyes, knowing that they would still come flocking to him, shirtless or not.
"i don't know, satoru-senpai, but you still look great," yu showed him a thumbs up in which the white-haired male grinned and threw him a thumbs up as well.
following the crowd of students into one of the grand halls, the sight was filled with many doctors and nurses on staff. in contact with kyoya, he mentioned that nurses will categorized my schools and would recognize their patients. no further actions were needed
"gojo-sama, please follow me this way."
"haibara-sama, please follow me this way."
soon, each member continued to get picked out until ieiri and (y/n) were left. a nurse showed them to seats near the changing tent for jujutsu academy to wait for the guys. the nurse looked at them, "front row seats just for you both, i'm sure your boyfriends will be out in a second."
a shiver went down ieiri's spine while (y/n) almost felt her lunch come up. ieiri laid her head on her manager's shoulder, popping a lollipop into her mouth. the rush of foot traffic dulled down as patients found their rooms or finished up their check up. sounds of cheers and squeals would be heard from a couple of hundred meters. they watched the ouran host club each get their chests measured for the exception of the munchkin and the androgynous one, only to for them to burst out chuckling every time the girls screamed.
one of the things (y/n) most enjoyed about her time with ieiri was how they can just enjoy the silence together, occassional words, but just getting each other as they people watched. this type of calmness only came so often for them both, seeing who they were surrounded by on a daily basis. great appreciation found for each other without being said.
"if you all can follow me, we will end your check up with chest measurements. feel free to change in the tent," the nurse directed them. there was no way they would be changing behind the curtain. sukuna's shirt was already unbuttoned all the way, chest tattoos on display. (y/n) scanned each of the boys, the walk as they followed the nurse, each were already undressing their button up except for kento. he was the only one who undressed behind the curtain, for the reason that he would be able to hang the shirt on the hanger.
the crowd from the few hundreds immediately formed, causing (y/n) and ieiri to lean against the wall with their feet on their chairs to avoid being trampled.
"he has tattoos at this age?!"
"he's so muscular!"
"they're shaped like volleyball players!"
"their uniforms hide their bodies too well."
something that the jujutsu academy host club prided themselves in was sports. it was the perfect getaway to escaping the baggage of the expectations of their life. one of their favorite ways in integrating club activities with sports is holding philanthropy events such as a baskteball tournament or baseball, their most recent one. the highest bidder got an individual date with their favorite host.
with this, their constant activity has led to their in shape physique, training together during gym time and volunteering their time with the sports teams when they can.
the two female members' face dropped in distaste, watching satoru take the show with his poses. though even if it was only their president actively changing his stature to appease the girls, it was obvious that the other four enjoyed the attention, smiling for them as their name got called to take a picture from someone's phone (ieiri, by (y/n)'s orders, snapped a couple pictures to upload for their online fan cafe).
"look at them, just casually taking my customers, again," was heard, knowing that it was tamaki once again. at least, he wasn't clawing at the ground this time around.
"alright ladies, make sure to come to our club specialty on thursday and our friday morning popup," satoru mentioned about their upcoming events, buttoning his shirt, while smiling for a photo.
"we also can't wait for your support during our sports days," suguru smiled, as he led the group. the crowd parting as they exited, (y/n) and ieiri making sure to keep up on the sidelines.
cue a lightning struck for the dramatic effect.
the two host clubs faced a showdown once more in the crowd, tumbleweed making its way.
the jujutsu academy host club president stepped first with certainty in his every step, as he leads his people through the doors, pushing through the ouran members.
satoru was feeling confident after accumulating all of this new attention, a plan of slowly reeling these students little by little, making them question their loyalty to their enemy. even if it was no stakes, the club pride is on the line, he'll do everything to protect it.
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in music room 3
"tama-chan, what are you doing with those pictures in your phone?" honey peered over his kouhai's shoulder, who was deeply interested in his phone.
tamaki's face reddened, caught red-handed. in his defense, he wanted to study what made them so popular with his ladies other than good lucks and perfect physique. however, there was one trait that he probably could test. he flipped his phone towards his members, showing a certain pink-haired male, "what do you think if i got these tattoos?"
"boss, you have to look as tough as he does for it look good," kaoru tried to say through his fits of laughter while hikaru couldn't even manage to get a word in.
"hmm... how do you think they got this muscular?" he pressed the right button on his phone to show geto and haibara.
"but what if i want more of like a slimmer but muscled build like them?" tamaki continued with showing gojo and nanami.
"well, scientifically, you would more likely have a build closer to those two if you were to work out," kyoya pushed his glasses, leaning forward to examine the last picture better.
hikaru pressed the left button twice to comment on sukuna's picture, "there's no way he looks like that. it's like a 25 year old body."
"maybe, he's on steroids." the twins shrugged.
"what is that?"
"if you don't know, then you don't know."
"itadori-kun is super skilled in what he does with kendo, as well as gojo-kun, isn't that right, takashi?" honey questioned as he sat on his cousin's shoulders.
"yeah, that's right."
"alright, men, it seems to me that we are lacking in the athleticism department, and apparently the ladies really like an athlete type. for the rest of the day, we need to exercise to the fullest," tamaki commanded.
"sir yes sir," the twins and honey saluted.
"hold on, senpai, we have less than a day to prepare for the athletic events, and we shouldn't tire ourselves out the day prior," haruhi recommended, it would put them more of a disadvantage than they already in for day 2 and 3.
"have some faith, haruhi! we just need to have enough work in to get whatever this pump is," tamaki pumped his fist in the air. twins already attempting to do pushups, meanwhile honey sat on mori's back with usa-chan as he completed full reps of pushups. she questioned where the gym machines came from, clanking of metal sounded as tamaki also attempted to complete such arm exercises. kyoya watched, as he always does.
'we're definitely losing this week.'
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all intros completed.
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, ep 1: the battle between the two brutes
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host club! jjk x fem!reader
ep. overview the former kendo champs, sukuna and mori, face off in a kendo duel. let's see how this goes!
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
a/n: erm, the next two events will def be more interactive with the ohshc, the club specialty ep will def have a lot of ohshc/jjk interactions. im just being indecisive rn
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the clashing of the shinai (sword made of bamboo) sounded through the room reserved for jujutsu tech. the early morning awoken by the continuous practicing of techniques against the dummies. it wasn't as if there was some sort of waver in sukuna's confidence for the upcoming event later in the day. perhaps, it was the weight of his club's reputation because of his greediness and pride from the prior day's small conference despite it was his doing.
he shook off the thought by striking the side of the body with the outer third of the shinai. his concentration was broken only to hear snoring, causing him to sigh. he brought satoru and (y/n) to accompany him. for the former, they were supposed to train together, and for the latter, she was only there for moral support. endearing, really.
trailing over to the sprawled out figure, he dropped the tip of the shinai onto his stomach, causing satoru to jolt and immediately sit up straight, arms at ready to fight. his eyes followed up to the shinai and its holder, "oh, it's just you. what time is it?"
sukuna glanced over to the clock, "8:06."
"ugh, it's so early," satoru plopped down onto the ground, stretching his limbs star-like. he looked over to their manager, "and, she's still sleeping."
(y/n) was slumped over, neck surely hurting. she was at first delighted to watch the two spar and prepare for their martial arts games. she watched intently, handing genuine praises out, knowing both thrived off of them. sukuna would never display his appreciation for them, but she noticed he holds his head a little higher, more tilt in his smirk. as time passed, satoru tapping out by 6:00, both succumbed to slumber.
without much thought, sukuna lightly poked her head with the shinai, causing satoru to swat away the stick. she stirred, only to snap her eyes open, remembering where was, "what time is it?"
hearing the time, she laid down, resting her eyes, "it's too early."
"tch," sukuna turned around, swinging around the shinai.
"my neck hurts," she groaned, trying to massage the crick.
"i'm surprised that you didn't move around," satoru flailed his arms around on top of her, which he earned a heavy hand to the stomach.
"if you two are both going to lounge around, then leave," sukuna chastised.
"awww, kuna, but we've been here since earlier. we're both more than ready."
"we all need to leave, the announcements start at 8:30. i can't have you both missing breakfast either," (y/n) rose to her feet, trying to pull satoru up with her. she eventually quit, when he went deadweight. "sukuna, you don't start until 8:45 later, and your first opponent isn't really anyone that i've heard of. you'll be fine. be at breakfast soon."
the pink-haired teen grumbled, but his stomach seemed to reflect his sound. breakfast doesn't sound too bad.
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"look, there's itadori-kun"
honey pointed through the glass windows of the gymnasium. there was sukuna, preparing for his first round of the day with (y/n) holding his men (helmet). he was fastening his kote (gloves), which he soon put his helmet on, bonking the top of (y/n)'s head in the process.
"he looks scary with all of that on," kaoru commented.
the ouran host club gathered around honey senpai at the window, watching the match get started. sukuna and his opponent bowed to each other before bowing to the officials with the referees. now, the match was on.
sukuna's personality reflected how his techniques and how executed kendo. teasing, he had a sway in the way he holds his shinai, falsifying whether he would initiate an attack. this would allow catching his enemies off balance, which is when he first strikes.
"kote!" ippon, the perfect strike.
the red flag raised to signal a point to sukuna. cheers echoed in the gym, and the host club couldn't help but cheer with them. the players reset once more in the middle before resuming the match at the referee's call.
"he moved so fast," hikaru exclaimed.
"itadori-chan hasn't changed one bit with his techniques. he's still so fun to watch!" honey said. he eyed takashi, who used to look up to sukuna's techniques when they were all younger. the two never formally met the pink-haired student, however, it's hard to miss those colored tufts with loud cheers when passing through the championships.
the ouran host club watched intently, if they took their eyes off, they might miss an important attack.
however the other player wasn't making any offensive moves, probably unsure how to attack him. sukuna lessened his tough stance, hoping the other would just charge at him, but there was no budge. he started to quickly swing at the shinai, hopefully waking up the sorry guy. however, there was an opportunity that sukuna doesn't ever miss. he trapped the player, giving him the opening to thrust the tip of the shinai to his neck.
the red flag goes up once more, and the bell signalling that the match was over. they go to their respective starting positions, wrapping up the match. cheers roared through the gym, as sukuna removed his men off.
"woah, he's so cool," kaoru marveled, the twins pretending to be kendo players with imaginary. tamaki was already taking pictures with his phone during the entirety of match, which his members caught him ("it's just for reference.")
"his last kendo tournament, he only lost as the referees were paid off to let the other person win. since then, he hasn't been seen competing," kyoya stated.
"he was supposed to compete in takashi's last tournament but he pulled out of it last minute," honey added, earning a nod from the taller male.
truth be told, sukuna only missed that tournament as the host club had a beach vacation at the special request of kento. no one wanted to pass over the opportunity to a holiday or how kento asked for something.
"well, mori-senpai, we'll be rooting for you in your kendo match," haruhi smiled before the twins dragged her into the gym, trying to find seats.
"you'll do amazing, senpai!" tamaki shared a grin before quickly following the trio, shouting after them.
a small smile on takashi's face at the encouragement from his members. honey noticed the contentment on his face, knowing how grateful he was despite the little words the taller expressed. he pulled his cousin down, enough to pat the top of his head, "good luck out there."
even with nothing said, he just feels everything completely.
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"the next two sections, martial arts and table tennis, will be happening concurrently at around 10:30. so try to support both groups as best as possible," (y/n) read off from her clipboard, earning a salute from her members. ieiri and yu were participating in the table tennis duo matches, while satoru would be participating in the martial arts (which he found out that the specific art was karate aka not his favorite).
"and what sport will you be participating in, miss manager?" suguru questioned, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"none, everything is all on you guys today," she answered, in honesty, she wasn't feeling any of the individual events and would rather wait until tomorrow to expend any of her energy.
"that's no fun, but it'll be great having you support all of us. i expect the same amount of attention from you when i prepare for the relay," suguru pointed to the fact that she was helping sukuna prepare for his round earlier.
"he's just been on edge since this morning, figured the least i can do is help him with his equipment," she said, causing suguru to hum in response.
currently, the tall member from the ouran host club, morinozuka-san if she remembers correctly, was completing his kendo round. based on the portfolio kyoya built for them, he was a national kendo champion. the clicks of the bamboo swords heard through the gym. morinozuka currently playing the defensive side, as his opponent continued to play with a set of aggressive attacks.
it was already 1-0, due to morinozuka taking an advantage in the first minute of the match. however the round of kendo were only set for 10 minutes, and it looked like morinozuka-san was now playing for time before he strikes.
that was what sukuna was talking about during his morning session. he was already thinking about what was three steps ahead of him, as he usually does. sukuna brought up as him and morinozuka's strategies and techniques are about the same, and their match might have an extending round.
"look at him go, he has great balance," satoru commented as he watched.
"yeah, he's kinda the same to sukuna with the way he fights, but somehow very different," yu mentioned the fighting style. (y/n) thinks how morinozuka isn't as badgering as sukuna, probably has more patience and firmness.
morinozuka slipped through a weakness of his opponent, catching him completely off guard.
ippon! strike to the neck, and it was game.
"he ended the match, just like sukuna-senpai did," yu exclaimed.
cheers erupted again once the bell signalled the ending of the match.
"10 minutes until the final round with sukuna and that guy," ieiri said as their pink-haired host trailed in behind her, carrying his bag of items with him.
"that was fast, final round already?" suguru questioned. there were matches happening concurrently, but there should have been a couple of dozens.
"a lot of them forfeited kendo and martial arts, seeing who their competition was," kento answered. he was on patrol for (y/n), updating her on any information in terms of matches and the entire exchange event.
"losers!" satoru cried out, laughing, seemingly the only one who found it funny. "oh, come on, guys."
"alright, sukuna, you're up next!"
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this is annoying. sukuna's pride and need to be irritating (according to (y/n)) always got in the way. sometimes, it worked in their favor, sometimes not. and in this situation, it's biting sukuna's ass. he never exerted extra efforts unless the outcome severely aided him in his favor. and now, he's stuck going toe-to-toe with a national kendo champion because he decided to say some shit (even if himself is champion, also)
typically, (y/n) or kento saves him (or satoru and suguru) when he's mouthing off, but they didn't.
he sighs while hopping back to resume his stance.
two options: give up by letting up or let run time
both options would result in failure in some way. the latter, in kendo rules, would result in an extension, and he still has to continue playing. the first would honestly just ruin his reputation, and morinozuka would see right through it. however if he forgoes both options and tries, it would seep into the second option regardless.
he's not the type to do it for anyone but himself, but why does he have the sudden urge to just do it for the club. no, he'll do it for himself despite if there's nothing to gain from it. what's the point if he can't win?
sukuna scanned the player in front of him, figuring out what would be the best way to earn a perfect hit. the height difference between both of them wasn't off too much, him just being a little taller than morinozuka. there wasn't many weak points to strike, but he would be able to test the waters.
he pulls the first offensive move since the beginning of the match. the bamboo sticks ring through the gym, both trying to earn a point. at this point, there shouldn't be much time left on the clock.
"this match is a little boring," hikaru yawned, to viewers, the match seemed to be rather long.
"we're going to find something more entertaining," kaoru completed his brother's thoughts, almost walking away until tamaki stopped them.
"hey, wait a minute, it's the last match and the least we can do for mori-senpai is to watch him," their boss made them sit back down, but they couldn't go without a huff. "what do you think will happen, honey-senpai?"
"it's hard to say. i bet both of their motives are for the clubs. since their techniques mirror each others quite well, i think the officials will send them to a draw without a round extension and give both a point in team points," honey said, as he downed a piece of his cake.
takashi tried to lunge and strike sukuna's left side of his torso, until it was blocked. there hasn't been a match where he was so unsure of what he planned to do for an attack, but here, this pink-haired teen has him stumped. they seem to mirror each other's movements and the plan of defense was, and even when he tries to do a technique he has never done, it's blocked. and it's back to square one.
sukuna almost plans to make a fool of himself and just charge without a technique, but it would give kiddish and actually tarnish his name. he could play dirty and force him out of bounds or make him drop his shinai.
however the bell rings, signalling the end of the match. the red and white flags raised. the two concede, finishing with the formalities to end a kendo match, waiting for the call from the officials.
"morinozuka takashi and itadori sukuna, the match ends in a draw. both performances leading up to this round have been tallied, which assumes into a draw. the games of table tennis and martial arts will start in an hour, please proceed."
"hmph," sukuna bows to takashi once more before mirroring his footsteps to exit the middle of the gym. he was rather unsure how to feel about the ending. he finds his members gathered together, waiting for him, grins all on their faces minus kento who only smiles softly.
"you did great, kuna!" their president first hugs him, which ends up piling everyone into embracing their cocky member. despite the uncertain ending to his kendo match, there was no doubt of the one skip in his heart as his club congratulated him.
that's enough skips for one day.
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"do you ever get nervous fighting or like before? do you feel anything during match days?" (y/n) questioned, watching sukuna adjust his equipment.
"no, i don't feel anything," he answered. though, he knew that she wouldn't have a random question without a reason, "what makes you ask?"
"just wondering." she fiddled with the flaps of the bottom of the helmet. "i don't know, i was also thinking about how angry i would be if i was playing a sport and so close to being a champion, only for me to lose because people got paid to alter the outcome."
he remembers that day vaguely, as he just wanted to push out the emotions that filled in him in those moments. so, it was a lie that he doesn't feel anything, that day, he felt everything. not even in a good way.
"that day, once i figured out the referees were paid off for the last round, why try if the result was already set in stone," he blankly stated, pulling his gloves on. the thing was he did try, he tried the best he was able to, everyone was counting on him that day. his host club, his family, but it just had to be paid off. so close to reaching his one goal, only to be snatched away by greed.
"is that why you stopped participating in kendo? because it might happen again?," she always knew, and he wasn't sure if he hated that she always knew.
"no," he was going to answer, but he wasn't sure how to respond anymore without giving her any leverage. he did lose the passion of participating in his club outside of the academy, as well as the one at jujutsu tech.
"hmm.. just a thought. but i wouldn't let anyone take what i enjoy away from me." she handed him his helmet with a soft smile on her face, "just so you know, we all knew you won that last point. we knew you won that day."
with that stupid smile on her face, he snatched the helmet.
and with that stupid skip in his heart, "get out of here."
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ep 1, complete.
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, intro 2: what's a bit of risk?
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host club! jjk x fem! reader x ohshc
intro details the two clubs need to settle the terms, but someone decides to take the stakes of this competition too seriously
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
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"you guys just couldn't say no, we can be going through this exchange event for fun," (y/n) groaned, stretching her arms, intentionally whacking satoru, who was behind her, in the face.
"hmph. watch your arms, lady manager," he aggressively poked her waist that was wide open as she stretched, earning a scowl with her fiery eyes. satoru just sheepishly whistled, acting innocent. "besides, who says it's not fun? it's way more fun if we single out a team."
"i agree, there's nothing more fun than playing dodgeball with competitive intent to throw at full speed," sukuna mentioned oh so casually, as if he beats people up on regular basis. he doesn't but one look from him can for sure kill.
"can we not just play normally? just for the fun of it?" (y/n) questioned.
"no." they (except for kento and ieiri) said in unison.
"yu, come on, you're on their side?" (y/n) groaned once more, he always on her side.
he shrugged as he snacked on his freebies, "it'll be fun. having a competitive spirit lets us team up together as one!"
"yes, that's right, yu. i promise we'll behave," suguru assured, more so attempted to, knowing that his promises such as these were empty to (y/n). during the last summer camp with different schools, sukuna, satoru, and suguru each given a student a concussion in a dodgeball game, in which their defense, they should have ducked or caught it. the amount of compensation and apologies (y/n) had to do was astronomical.
"if it weren't for who your parents are, we would have all been toast, anyways, here's music room 3. please behave and remember the information i said about each host," she glared at each of them (aka triple s).
she opened the door to the music room, bright lights came to be, rose petals flying towards them with violins heard in the background.
"oh, it's just you guys," a pair of disgusted voices said. it was coming from those orange-haired twins (the hitachiin twins according to her own research).
"show some respect, men. there are still ladies in their club," tamaki said. he somehow appeared in front of them at the entrance, bowing in front of ieiri and (y/n) to offer them his white roses. "for you, my ladies."
the two females just exchanged a look and shrugging before reaching out for a rose. it was harmless until, sukuna and suguru decided to snatch them, casuing tamaki to gasp.
"hey, suguru, that's mine," ieiri reached out for the flower, but suguru was dangling it too far up, teasing her almost letting her grab it only to take the opportunity away.
(y/n) didn't even get a chance to argue for hers. if it was sukuna to win against, forget it. however after he discarded the white rose, he handed her his signature flower, geranium. she pressed her lips together, but he managed to catch the massive side eye, "thanks, i guess."
"those flowers were for the ladies," tamaki cleared his throat, "anyways, we're here to discuss the terms of our competition."
the blonde snapped, out of nowhere, the red couches appeared. one for each club, and the coffee table separating them. he was already sitting in the middle, and the rest of his host club gathered in a strategical position, it seems. jujutsu academy's host club followed suit, the girls with yu take the couch, and the four stand in the back.
it's as if a tumbleweed can just past through the middle. both groups sat so close but felt like they were miles away.
based on (y/n)'s lecture of each member of the ouran host club after accepting the showdown (courtesy of some fan website), they were able to differentiate who is who, but as the world is small, some families have already worked together.
"to break the silence, i have made print outs of each club roster and through extensive research, i have added a brief family background and hobbies to add a fair ground," the glasses, which was ootori kyoya, placed a manila folder onto the coffee table. "as well as the events that will be taking place this week."
(y/n) liked this guy already: well prepared, does his research. she grabbed the folder, seeing that the events and its schedule were pasted on one side. she distributed the paper of the ouran members around, seeing in depth information. there were pictures, names, personality traits, and hobbies added onto the profile.
some of the members such as haninozuka mitsukini and morinozuka takashi were more on the athletic side. judo.. martial arts...
however, the rest of the members didn't have much information on them except traits. hitachiin twins, determined and conniving. haruhi, normal. tamaki, determined and obnoxious. kyoya, calculated.
based on the schedule, the days were as followed, tuesday and wednesday were athletic days, thursday was club specialty, and friday was a free day, ending with a gala at the end of the day (satoru already scheduled a fan meeting on friday morning).
in honesty, there was no point in this meeting as the entire exchange event is through point accumulation, and the winner would be announced after the events on thursday.
each team that signed up needed to participate in a maximum of four athletic events in the first day. however, they were also required to do the team athletic events the next day.
"we are all required to do volleyball and dodgeball. we will end up facing each other at least once. there are some overlaps with some events such as judo and martial arts," (y/n) started off, skipping around the paper, looking at the activities, "well, i guess, we can discuss with our groups of what events to do for 10 minutes and then reconvene afterwards."
she looked up to see the ouran host club, thinking as one, looking up as if there's a giant air thought bubble in the sky. once she turned to her group, they were doing the same. "hello?"
"ah yes yes, that sounds great. men, let's get to work," tamaki answered for the entirety of his group, but she knew that kyoya would be leading regardless.
"we have this. they technically have one and a half athletes, still not too sure about the munchkin over there. but, the only trouble might be how the tall one is a judo national champion," suguru commented, pointing at mori's image on the paper.
"are you underestimating my skills, geto?" sukuna (aka a kendo champion) questioned, obviously already feeling threatened.
"no, no, just pointing out a fact. we're not doubting your skills, kuna. just thinking about how you lost your last tournament," satoru (won one martial tournament and thinks he's hot shit) patted his pink-haired friend on the shoulder.
the loss wasn't devastating to sukuna in any way, he knew that the last call to where he lost was because the referee was paid to make the other the champion (they were the favored to win). sukuna shrugged off satoru's hand who only laughed at the former's expression.
"oh, let's do the 1600 meter relay," yu pointed at the words on the paper, in which (y/n) and ieiri gave him a thumbs up.
on the other side, tamaki and the twins were trying to attempt to enlarge his ear tenfold in order to eavesdrop on the other team.
"boss, the subjects seem to be laughing at us," hikaru and kaoru heard the hearty laugh of satoru.
"we don't have much athleticism in the host club except for mori-senpai and honey-senpai. outside of team events, we can't use the same pairing more than twice for each day," haruhi read one of the guidelines outloud before someone would be able to chime in to rely on the third years.
"we can do the relay race, with the running that we play games like daruma ga koronda, it'd be similar," kyoya recommended. the host club had started indulging in commoner activities recently.
"takashi and i can participate in the martial arts events!" honey munched on a piece of cake as he volunteered themselves to what their kouhais would be relying them on, in which mori nodded in agreement.
"thank you, honey-senpai, mori-senpai," tamaki cheered while kyoya marked the events off.
after 10 minutes passed, all of the hosts reconvened, allowing their spokespeople to communicate their chosen events. seeing that ouran was the home campus, they were at an understanding that they can choose who went first. however since the 'managers' were speaking, kyoya allowed (y/n) to speak first.
"we decided to choose martial arts, kendo, table tennis, relay race based on my team's penchant for competing," (y/n) listed the events. "and, it would allow you to leverage the third years."
"it seems that we all chose the same events, easy enough. the third day is which club has the best specialty. with the way the event is set up, it takes away the challenge of keeping points. whoever has the most points wins this little charade," kyoya said. so, he agrees. this entire competition was stupid.
"so what happens if you lose?" of course, sukuna would try to raise the stakes more than it needed to be.
"why, nothing of course, but having the title of the best host club," tamaki stated.
oh boy, here it comes.
"that's a little boring, don't you think?" sukuna questioned, a malicious smile curling onto his face. "what about this, whoever loses has to abolish their club."
"I agree it's more fun this way," suguru chimed in. however, he was little less than confident about the idea, buthe figured that someone needed to back up the idea to avoid the blow on sukuna.
it felt as if a lightning struck through the room. frozen expressions found their way to the entirety of the club (for the exception of nanami, mori, and kyoya), the worst being their club presidents.
"well, that isn't very fair," the twins moped with a tongue sticking out to sukuna, arms crossed.
kyoya has the assumption that sukuna knows that table tennis, martial arts and kendo can go either way, relays will go to jujutsu tech, but the bulk of points can be found in club specialties on day three. ouran has a home advantage due to the majority of the students attending this event would be their own students. there was a high chance of winning, and even if they lost, who's to say they couldn't just create another club with the same intentions.
and with the way their lady manager is thinking, she also knows this, too.
"we'll do it," kyoya answered for them, there was going to be little harm.
"kyoya, you can't just make decisions for the club," it was the first time the tone of their ouran president has changed into something more serious.
(y/n) nodded in agreement that they would indulge into sukuna's idea, holding her hand up for kyoya to initiate this 'contract.' with no going back, kyoya sealed the deal with a shake of their hands.
however with the way the rest of her club was silent, she was hoping that they all realized that there were truly no stakes involved. sukuna was known for provoking his rivals, it ran through his family, of course.
"I have deep trust that our manager understands the risks, and what's life without a bit of risk?" satoru asserted. at first, it did rattle him to hear his hard efforts would be at waste, but their advantage lies in the athletic department. they would just need to blow it out of the water for day 3.
with that, (y/n) stood up followed by ieiri and yu, she bowed to the ouran host club, "let the games begin."
we'll see you then!
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"kuna, why did you have to do that to us?" satoru was shaking the pink-haired teen back and forth who just whistled.
"thought it would be more fun this way. the twins and their idiot king more than likely don't realize they have the competitive advantage between us," sukuna said, pushing his president away from him.
"even if we abolished, it's not like there won't be girls following us around. the host club is just formalities and for us to make some sort of extra profit," ieiri muttered as she twirled her hair.
"plus, me and nanami wouldn't have to work overtime upkeeping this club of yours," (y/n) pinched satoru's cheek in annoyance before continuing to walk.
"yeah, it's a busy season everyday here," nanami would be (is) the club's biggest hater, only because he had to exert more effort than he needed to.
"are you saying you hate being a host? that you hate this club?" satoru dramatically questioned.
"we'd be lying if we said no," (y/n) and nanami said, nonchalantly, in response satoru gave a hmph.
"but it's always fun times when we're all together, right?" yu came in between (y/n) and nanami, wrapping his arms around their necks. the two made a noise of agreement. being part of the host club was fun because despite serving guests, the time together prior and after club time was always well spent.
"let's just think of this time as another vacation. let's just play," suguru dragged ieiri and satoru in the same manner as yu did.
even if sukuna and satoru seemed to drag them into big messes everywhere they go, it was always a great time with jujutsu academy host club.
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intro 2 completed.
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rilakeila · 4 months
loving the host club au🫶🫶🫶🫶
rahhh tyy ! it's really great to hear enjoyed the host club au!!
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