#riley x drusilla
riley-summers · 6 months
You know what?! Screw it, let's do this...
Riley ship opinions, pt. 1, M/F edition (m/m version here, polyship version here)
If I missed one you want to hear my opinion on, put it in the replies and I'll add onto this post in a reblog.
Buffy x Riley: Is canon. Is the ship this blog is supposedly "about". I like it. Not *super* fond of how it played out in canon, but they're real cute in S4 and have some very sweet moments, like in Hush and Goodbye Iowa. Wish there was more content for it, especially fixit, canon divergent, AU, etc.
Riley x Willow: Gonna be honest, when I started S4 I thought they were teasing this as a ship. They could be cute romantically, especially if they had like a nerd4nerd dynamic going. I think I like it a bit better platonic. I think a really sweet scenario is some sort of AU where Riley is also openly queer (I'm sorry but I'm never not gonna read that man as a repressed bisexual), and he and Willow are friends who support each other.
Riley x Darla: Ok they never met in canon but that never stopped me before. In a more canon sense, I feel like they could have a really fucked up thing where they'd both be obsessed with Angel (cause you know Riley was) and they end up sleeping together or something. I do think in an AU they could be sweet and wholesome but honestly that's most all the ships imo.
Riley x Drusilla: See above when it comes to not meeting in canon. Drusilla would keep him as a pet. Riley, as a psych student, would be fascinated by how her mind works. How... cute?
Riley x Maggie Walsh: "Hello, thank you for calling Mommy Issues Central, how may I direct your call?" But in all seriousness this would be fucked up in so many ways but also somewhat plausible and you know what? I am here for it.
Riley x Tara: Another one I'd prefer platonic. I'm not entirely opposed to Tara in het ships (I kinda like the reading of her character that she's more attracted to like... the person as opposed to gender?) but I usually prefer her in f/f ships. Also, I just don't think Tara and Riley had much chemistry romantically. I'd like them as friends in the same type of scenario as with Willow tho, that could be cute.
Riley x Anya: Not really my fav, honestly. Didn't see much chemistry between them, like with Tara. Not huge on them romantically or platonic.
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raisedbythetv89 · 4 months
I've been thinking about the invisible string of it all as it relates to spuffy for the last 48 hours and I'm still going INSANE about it 😹😭
So Liam/Angel/Angelus who uses young girls at best or abuses, psychologically torments and kills them at worst does the worst of the worst to Drusilla and once she's completely broken and hopelessly devoted to him and and only him he immediately loses interest which of course leads to the creation of Spike
Spike who is obsessed with slayers because instead of running from what is designed to destroy him he seeks it out and sees it as a fun and exciting challenge he learns from. Spike who killed two slayers, one who lost her weapon and the other who wished for death. Who's deaths are obviously instrumental in what brings about Buffy the Vampire Slayer being called (Spike also later both preventing the fulfillment of Buffy's death wish and helping her secure THE slayer weapon by giving her the strength she needs??? THE POETRY!!!!)
So Buffy is called when she's called because of all the slayer deaths that came before her and Angel's predatory selfishness and obsession with breaking young innocent girls leads to him eventually losing his soul. Which in combination with his need to constantly belittle Spike for genuinely loving for and caring for Dru aka being feminine and sensitive by taking Drusilla from him and constantly rubbing it in his face and making fun of him for being stuck in a wheelchair aka being weak and helpless (which only happened because he was trying to save Dru and heal her! Demonstrating how rooted in misogyny all of angel's behavior is soul or no soul) is what prompts the origins of Spuffy! Misogyny and cruelty at the hands of Angel combined with Spike and Buffy's determination to never give up no matter how hopeless the circumstances and never back down even if that means teaming up with your enemy is the birth of their relationship!!! They both would literally do anything for love!!! Be it an evil vampire saving the world or the Slayer teaming up with the Slayer of Slayers!!!! Which of course the truce is what causes Spike and Dru to break up which leads to Spike confronting Buffy with the reality about her relationship to angel and the true nature of it. Which of course angel is a manipulative monster who doesn't accept her breaking up with him and moving on so he threatens suicide and then they're back together and THEN once she's comfortable and secure around him, supported by joyce who both institutionalized and kicked buffy out for being the slayer - is like oop it's time to GO girl and breaks up with her in the dumbest most traumatic unresolved way possible and is what leads to her giving "normal" aka Riley a chance because Angel calls their relationship a freak-show and that she, the slayer.... should be normal.....
Which then in s4 Riley and the initiative try and tame and control both Spike and Buffy and when they can't they want them destroyed (the chip, the attempt on Buffy's life and her constantly feeling guilty for being stronger than him and being the slayer, Riley fake staking Spike for outing his betrayal to Buffy and literally blowing up their safe haven in s6) again pushing them together onto the same side, united against a common enemy in s4/5 or propelling them into growth in s6 when the goal was just destruction of Spike/Buffy's comfort in his presence and instead it starts the chain of events that leads to him getting his soul which allows Buffy to love him and let him back into her life and this time her own home without guilt or shame!!!
Then in season 7 both the chip (everything Riley represents) angel and even faith (with the most uncomfortable try hard flirting attempt I've ever seen the second hand embarrassment I get watching her try and hit on Spike is SO strong 🤢😭) try to come between them and pull them apart, create doubt or put them at odds, all fail as now they are an unshakable team that cannot be divided
Where before they were forced onto the same sides by outside forces they're now choosing each other again and again even in the face of outward hostility, disapproval and outright sabatoge from everyone in her life.
Spike and Buffy's relationship is the story of a young girl and a sensitive more feminine man turned vampire who were taught to hate their softness, their femininity, their big hearts, their otherness and were literally designed to destroy each other. Who when the universe kept forcing them together instead of destruction they alchemized the misogyny, abuse and homophobia (as the supernatural is used many times as a metaphor for queerness) they endured both individually and together into liberation for young girls (in the show but for the audience it's representative of liberation for all victims of abuse or oppression no matter your gender identity) everywhere while breaking all the ties that sought to control them and it was all started with Angel's destruction and subsequent abandonment of Drusilla! An abusive predatory man's actions unwittingly lead to the empowerment of THOUSANDS of super-powered young girls who are now able to fight back against monsters like him. Showcasing how abusers and tyrants always create their own downfall because of people like Spike and Buffy who in the face of adversity and pain grow better and stronger out of sheer determination.
There is also a fan theory that Dru was a potential who was about to be called and that's why she was plagued with visions so if all of this is like the ULTIMATE slayer's line revenge on both the council and the original cowardly men who used a young girl to fight their battles for them and on men like angel who lost his control over Buffy and had to watch her chose Spike over him both in s7 when she sends him away and in the comics that makes all of this even more iconic like the ultimate long game revenge but even if it's not and Dru wasn't a potential - an abusive monster who loves to target the weak and helpless tormenting and killing a young innocent girl starting the chain reaction of events that leads to the largest liberation of young girls who would have been exploited and controlled by the council and doomed to short lives full of nothing but fighting and isolation is just fucking incredible 😭 and that is what spuffy represents and what that relationship means to me and why no matter what shit joss tried to throw at us through the narrative or what the anti's say to this day - none of it ever sticks because spuffy is literally about dealing with abusive people just like him and overcoming the pain they cause and turning it into personal growth and healing.
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sunnydaleherald · 14 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, September 11th - Part One
Xander is walking in a deserted street and sees Angel and Faith approach. XANDER: Hey guys! Man, where you been? You gotta find Buffy. She's going to her place and stocking up on ... Angel casually smacks Xander in the jaw without breaking stride. Xander falls limply to the ground. Faith doesn't even look at him. ANGEL: That guy just bugs me. Angel and Faith continue marching down the street.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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BtVS Triple Drabble: Always In Trouble by badly_knitted (Buffy, PG)
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Weekly Drabbles #170 — Soothing by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Hello, Old Friend by RavenLove12 (Giles/Ethan, E)
Negotiating by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Darla/Drusilla, M)
GRAVE DISTRACTION by KNZ1 (Buffy, Xander, M)
There's a Different Feel About You Tonight by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, M)
Glimpses of the Wasteland by Harlow_Turner (MadeInGold) (Buffy/Angel/Spike, Giles/Maggie, Riley/Graham, T)
Not Without Permission by Regent_Rando_nsfw (Regent_of_RarePairs) (Giles/Spike, E)
Secrets & Apologies by Regent_of_RarePairs (Giles/Spike, T)
The Other Kind of Lust by LiraelClayr007 (Giles/Spike, M)
Retaliation by sassaffrassa (Buffy/Spike, E)
Can't hear you... by LiraelClayr007 (Giles/Spike, E)
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"Yeah...." Joan sighed, blowing out smoke from a second procured cigarette and stifling a cough... by hiddenbysuccubi (Buffy/Spike, unrated)
Outline: ... btvs / ats selfinsert au by asleepmottley (Angel/Spike, unrated)
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Glimpses of the Wasteland by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
What the Drabble? Vol. 2 - ch. 70 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Foregivenss - ch. 38 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Spies, High Stakes, and Secrets - ch. 1 by Rippertish (Buffy/Giles, E)
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Finding Peace pt.13: Wanting (Spike x y/n) by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, unrated)
Soul Mate Magic - Chapter One by emma-m-black (Giles/OC, rated M)
Soul Mate Magic - Chapter Two by emma-m-black (Giles/OC, rated M)
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Next To Me - ch. 2 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Because the Night - ch. 8 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences - ch. 24 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy - ch. 38 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
Mysterious Destinies - ch. 9 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Into his mind - ch. 3-4 by rossshin (Buffy/Spike, G)
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Next to me - ch. 2 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sweet Dreams (Or A Beautiful Nightmare) - ch. 3 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
To All We Guard - ch. 24 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy - ch. 38 by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Banner: 🎨 Banner Art #21 — For ThreeWordApocalypseFest by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Artwork: ☀️ATS 221. Through The Looking Glass ☀️ by tmcarlee (ensemble, worksafe)
Artwork: Little piece of buffy inspired art I made (A5, acrylic and ink on card) by jaw-jar (worksafe)
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Artwork: i love you liar girl by bugaboooooooooo (Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: Discord shenanigans resulted in this by isevery0nehereverystoned (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Red ink test. by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Ep. 2×03 "School hard" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, NSFW-ish)
Artwork: Ep. 5x07 "Fool for Love" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer // I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Sleater-Kinney by whale-music (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Fanvid: [Is Anybody Here?] by buffyannegiles (Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Moodboard: Sanctuary Mood Board Watch Here (x) by theoverlookedoneedits1997 (ensemble, worksafe)
Manip / Wallpaper: A Big Rock by revello-drive-1630 (Drusilla, Angel, Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [5/6] Faith/Buffy "You know what the messed up thing is?... by lovebvffys (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: [when the words of a sister come back in whispers] by detectivedawnsummers (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: Tara Maclay + Outfits (Season 5) by clarkgriffon (Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: Otpsource's 4 Year Anniversary Event DAY 1 - 'SCREW DESTINY': Bangel by buffyscmmers (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: Behind the scenes of Once More With Feeling, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode (x) by stronglikeayellowcrayon (ensemble, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (2x05) ʀᴇᴘᴛɪʟᴇ ʙᴏʏ by likeafantasy (ensemble, worksafe)
Gifset: 2.01 Judgment | 2.18 Dead End Angel [1999 - 2004] by dailyats (ensemble, worksafe)
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Fanvid: Monster | Buffy/Faith by thequeentaylor (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Fanvid: Mum - Buffy, Joyce & Dawn (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by TheOverLookedOne (Buffy, Joyce, Dawn, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Made a list of my favorite episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by the order in which they aired in their respective seasons... by coraniaid
Out of Mind, Out of Sight Fashion Part Three by theoverlookedoneeddits1997
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Book rec: btw this is great and I love it... by lilithhedwig
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ISO: Limitlesstoys7 seeks reading order and recs for Buffy novels
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Slay-o-Ween Exchange 2024 [nominations now open] by fandomcalendar
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INPRNT shop link and commission info by tubesock86
[Revamped IWRY Marathon: signup now for both fanfic and art] by iwillrememberyoumarathon
Fic prompt: Buffy and Dawn, childhood memories [seeking fic fill] by buffyversekinkmeme
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halograve · 5 months
OCQuestions - 01
god save me i have work in an hour and im so board. wehh
🐺Nate Baskerville 
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1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who? 
Nate’s voice claim is blaidd (Scott Arthur) from Elden Ring 
2) Who's your OCs best friend? How did they become best friends?
Dexter is Nates best friend. They met very young when they were taken in by The Operator (and inducted into Amuns cult) and have remained close ever since. Nate was probably around 10 when they met. 
3) What song describes your OC?
The Killing Moon by Echo & The Bunnyman 
Medicine by Fitzroy Holt 
A Sad Cartoon by Loathe 
Chokehold by Sleep Token
4) What song describes your OC and their partner/love interest?
I peg the song Beautiful by 10 Years to Nate/Drusilla 
5) Do you ship your OC with a Canon character? If so who?
I do ship him with my partners oc Drusilla. They are deranged and married 
6) If your OC is in a fantasy setting, what profession would they be in the modern day?
I mean he is a tattooist in my fantasy modern setting thing but he’s also a slasher/hunter so yeah just tattooist but he’d also do shit like be a mechanic maybe. Bitches who loves motorbikes...or actually he'd be part of the army. his family are entangled with a lot of those occupations
7) Vice-Versa! If your OC is in the modern day, what fantasy class would they be? Would they be a different race?
I think for a DnD AU he’d be a tiefling :3c
8) What hobbies does your OC have? What do they do to unwind?
Metal working 
Riding and zooming on his motorbike aka his baby 
9) How does your OC handle their physical health? Do they take care of themselves?
Yes he does. He likes keeping up with it. Tries balancing it out best he can but most times, as a informant or hunting, hes often on the road so in those periods its just being cramped in a car trying to do exercise whenever he can 
10) How does your OC handle their mental health? Do they take care of themselves?
Oh god he tries but. The horrors. Relatively good but when he has weeks where its shit then its pretty low energy. Saying that he tries keeping up with his meds for his mental health lol. He smokes loads from stress. cigs and spliffs
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
Im going to kill myself but its that guy Stephen Hart from Primeval 
12) Does your OC interact with other people's OC? If so, who's their best OC friend?
Mainly with my partners ocs ill list his besties in order 
Dexter monroe, bestie since childhood. They work together. Nate is his bestie. They make out x 
Drusilla Greyworm. His wife!!! idk who her bestie is. probably Riley
Jobe Greyworm / Amidst Cavallero. They were taken in by the same cult and have also grown up together. His little brothers. Besties together
13) Does your OC have a rival? How did it start?
Not anybody in particular but maybe uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Milo. not even a rival more of an annoyance. Milo met him in hell. Nobody knows how milo got there but he was there for a fun time x snuck in while nate was suffering. Milo is a werewolf fanatic and while nate isnt a werewolf he's still a puppy and therefore Milo is gripping onto him. They honestly met by chance
14) Who's a character your OC cannot stand! It's on sight when they see them!
15) Will your OC ever retire? Do you see them making it?
16) How's their relationship with their parents? Are they alive?
His cult family made him kill his mother to obtain her demon so no. his dad WAS alive but he got battered to death by Nate after he fucked his wife. Oops 
17) If your OC has kids, are they a good parent? Do they ever feel guilty if they have to leave them?
Oh god he always feels some guilt when he goes away for long periods of time but he knows they’re well off from his parenting and teachings of self defence. He has four daughters 
he's very ptsd from being parented by his father and family so he really tries his best. always make sure to spend a lot of time and go to all their things. good boy
his lil family tree :3c + with his succubus ex. He doesnt have a relationship with Rodwen, his first son, and is a little awkward about it.
and id say he loves Marlow but she had been gone for years to be a hunter. something he strongly didnt want her doing so in that regard they butt heads and have more arguments. But he'll be there for his daughter anyway when shes going insane
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18) What are their pronouns? What would they like to be called?
He / Him 
19) What's their sexuality? What's their love language both giving and receiving?
Bisexual. Love language is physical affection and receiving its the same. Words of affection are cute too 
20) If they fight, what's their weapon of choice? 
Gun. a knife or big wolf form 
21) What song best describes their relationship with their enemy?
22) Fight or Flight? Are they a lover or a fighter? 
23) Is your OC reliable? Can I call them up at two in the morning if I have a flat tire?
Yes!! Even at stupid o clock he will be there 
24) Can they play any instruments? If so, what do they play?
He plays the guitar, piano and the Crwth
25) Are they the kind of person who can't resist a good song? Can I catch your OC singing to themselves while they do the dishes?
Yes teehee 
26) What flower do you associate your OC with? 
Black roses 
27) What's their spirit tamagotchi? Or an animal you associate them with?
Black hound. Their tamagotchi is Kuyokuyotchi bc it reminds him of his daughter Enid and it looks funny 
28) What clique would they be in? (Draw them in the clothes of said group!)
Ill draw it later but he’ll be in with the punks or greaser guys 
29) what is your ocs favourite fruit?
He’d scran down Jackfruits or gold kiwis 
30) what is your ocs nationality? 
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dovebuffy92 · 6 years
Ranking of Canon Relationships in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1. Tara/Willow
2. Buffy/Angel
3. Willow/Oz
4. Giles/Jenny
5. Xander/Anya
6. Spike/Drusilla
7. Willow/Kennedy 
8. Cordelia/Xander
9. Spike/Buffy
10. Buffy/Riley
11. Angelus/Drusilla/Spike
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Behind the Romance- Tom Rosenthal x OC
Tom Rosenthal x Sofia Riley
Description: Tom and Sofia are invited to the internet show “Behind the Romance,” where they’re shown the progression of their relationship in the form of videos and clips.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Welcome back to another episode of Behind the Romance,” Sofia greeted, only for Tom to chuckle at her. “What?” She asked, glancing back at him.
“Just straight into it?” He questioned, looking considerably entertained. “No beginning thoughts or anything? Ryan and Lucy did, and so did Joel and Isabel.”
“Do I look like any of those people?” Sofia jokingly sassed. Tom hummed thoughtfully then leaned a bit closer to her with his eyes squinted.
“Come to think of it, you and Ryan do have similar noses.” The girl rolled her eyes playfully then pushed him away.
“You’re stupid.”
“Love you too,” the boy replied with a smug smile. Sofia shook her head at him then looked at Sarah with a playful grin.
“How’s that for an intro?” She joked, making the woman laugh.
“Perfect,” she responded simply. Sofia giggled as Tom looked at the camera.
“Anyway, my name is Tom Rosenthal and I am here in my pajamas with my lovely girlfriend, introduce yourself, Sof.”
“I know what to do,” the girl sassed before grinning at the camera. “I’m Sofia Riley and the amazing people of Behind the Romance have kindly invited us to watch some videos of us being cute together behind the scenes.”
“That’s right,” Tom continued. “So settle in, maybe grab a glass of wine like us, and enjoy this episode with us.” As he mentioned the wine, both he and Sofia grabbed their already filled glasses.
“And for anyone wondering, the wine we’re drinking is Pícaro de Aguila, a brand of Rosè mixed with white wine,” Sofia finally added before clinking her glass against his and taking a sip, Tom doing the same.
“Right, and let’s get to it,” he said before pressing play.
It was the series 2 episode “The Best Men.” Marcus was Aurelius’ best man while Stylax and Grumio were groomsmen. The groom’s bride-to-be Drusilla had chosen Karisa as her maid of honor and Helena and Daphne as her bridesmaids. The day of the wedding arrived and Aurelius revealed to Drusilla that he changed his mind and the wedding was off in front of the entire attending guests. That, in turn caused a huge fight to erupt between both of their families but rather than participate, the wedding party instead took the cake and went home amidst the chaos.
“I’m just saying real quick, it wouldn't have lasted,” Karisa spoke as she took another bite of cake. Helena, who had just sat down and handed a plate of cake to Stylax, nodded.
“Definitely,” she agreed, leaning back in her seat. “You should have seen the way she was talking about him at her Doe Party.”
“What did she say?” Marcus inquired curiously. Karisa shrugged and moved her legs so they laid across his lap.
“Just that he probably wouldn’t make ends meet since he was only a waterboy, but she doesn’t want to get a job because ‘it’s my job as a woman to be a homemaker.’ Yeah, she’s one of those girls.” Stylax groaned dramatically, which made the girls laugh.
“If I ever get married, I want to make sure my husband knows that we’re equal. There’s no such thing about men working while the woman stays home and cleans in my house,” Karisa continued with finality. Marcus made a noise of agreement then lifted his fork. The girl took that as her cue to clink the handles of their forks together before they both took a bite. Before anyone could do or say anything, Sofia gasped as she felt something smear on her cheek. Her head snapped to the side to see Tom holding back a laugh while holding a finger up that had icing residue. Behind her, she heard the others begin to laugh.
“Let’s see how you like it then,” she grumbled before picking up some icing and slathering it on his nose. He gaped at her as she began laughing, then a smirk appeared on his face.
“Now you’re gonna get it!” He picked off a small piece of cake and flung it at her, only for her to sidestep it and it hit Joel. That meant war, and it started a whole food fight between the six of them until the director Sam Liefler called cut.
“Wow, what a way to start us off,” Sofia giggled upon pausing the video. Tom nodded with a small chuckle.
“Yeah, that entire food fight was improvised. I was just trying to mess with Sofia then that happened. Such a mess.”
“Have you considered the fact that you’re literally the one who started it so it’s technically your fault?” Sofia questioned.
“That’s a sound theory,” the man hummed thoughtfully. “Have you considered shutting up?” That made her burst out laughing, which put a smile on Tom’s face.
“I’d just like to say before we move on, this is just how we show affection. We’re not actually being mean to each other so I don’t want to see anyone online saying that we’re toxic,” Sofia added quickly.
“I do,” Tom spoke, making her jokingly glare at him.
“Shut up.” She gave him no room to argue before playing the next video.
This one was a clip from Friday Night Dinner, episode 4 of series 2 if they weren’t mistaken (which they weren’t). Ava had gotten a call from Jonny saying that her grandfather was drunk at their house wanting to celebrate Wilson’s birthday with them, but they were out at the moment. She promised to go get him and lock the house afterwards, then made her way over to the Goodmans’ home.
Just as she prepared to open the door, someone opened it from the inside. Her eyes widened as she took in the man’s attire, quickly realizing that he was a burglar. She screamed in surprise, which scared the thief enough to push past her rather roughly and run away with what looked like Martin’s fax machine. She fell onto the concrete doorstep with a grunt, flinching when she felt a stinging pain on the palms of her hands. She didn’t have time to worry about that before remembering that her grandfather was still in the house.
“Papa!” She screamed, scrambling to get up then stumbled inside. “Oh thank god you’re okay,” she breathed out, relieved and she noticed him in the living room. She practically ran over to him and hugged him tightly shortly before hearing several pairs of footsteps running towards them. She whipped around, then sighed in relief when she realized it was just the Goodmans.
“We saw the window and door open, what happened?” Jackie asked worriedly.
“There was a burglar here. I think he stole your fax machine, but nothing else,” Ava answered. “Scared the living daylights out of me,” she added, wiping her hands on her jeans absentmindedly then flinching, remembering the hard way that she had hit concrete with her hands.
“I’ll go phone the police,” Jackie stated before heading for the kitchen.
“Alright, cut,” Martin Dennis (the director) spoke into the megaphone. “Sof, are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” the girl responded, glancing at her scraped palms. “Got my hands good, though.” She looked up when she felt someone move closer to her. Tom walked over with a couple of bandaids in his hand.
“Let me see them,” he instructed gently. Sofia obliged and watched as Tom placed them over the cuts as carefully as he could. He apologized when she flinched then lifted both her hands and kissed her palms.
“Better?” Sofia couldn’t help but blush at the gesture and nodded.
“Yeah, thanks Tommy,” she responded before kissing his cheek.
“Alright,” Martin said. “If you guys are ready, we can move onto the next scene.” The couple nodded then followed Simon out shortly before the camera cut.
“I’d like to point out that Sofia wasn’t meant to fall over,” Tom said after pressing pause. “Jack, the extra who played the first burglar, was only supposed to push past her, not just push her out of the way. So I was genuinely worried when she fell that hard. Like, we could hear her hit the ground. So I uh, I grabbed a few bandaids that were nearby right before we were supposed to run inside.”
“Aww,” Sofia cooed teasingly. “It’s like you care about me or something.”
“Something like that,” Tom chuckled.
“It was very sweet though, I thought it was really adorable,” she continued, leaning over to kiss his cheek. That made his smile widen and he glanced at her.
“Ready to move on?” Once she nodded, he pressed play.
“Alright. Hello guys,” Sofia greeted her Twitter live video, still in her costume. “So, I am here with the babies Elena and Gabriella Todorova, who both play Binny in the next episode of Plebs. Uh, everyone is out for lunch right now but I offered to take babysitting duty. I just wanted to show you guys how cute they are.” She paused and turned the camera to show the two twin girls playing in their little portable playpen. They were each playing with their own respective toys and laughing every so often, which made Sofia coo.
“They’re so adorable,” she all but squealed. “Oh by the way, their mother Rose gave me permission to video them beforehand so you don’t have to worry about that.” Before she could continue, there was a knock at the door.
“Yeah?” She answered. Tom walked in also in costume and smiled at her.
“Hey, I wasn’t hungry so I figured I’d come hang out with you three. What’re you doing?” He questioned as he walked over to her. Sofia explained that she was on live and he greeted everyone watching as he took a seat beside her. The actual live lasted close to an hour but to save time, the crew had cut it down to random bits. One of them was Sofia watching Tom carefully rock Gabriella back to sleep when she became fussy during a nap. She commented about how good he was with babies which made him smile. Another clip was of the four of them playing together.
“That was such a good live video,” Tom commented with a small smile.
“Yeah, the fans quite literally went crazy about it. I’m pretty sure that was when they started having their suspicions about us dating,” his girlfriend added.
“Oh yeah, we hadn’t told them about us at that point,” he remembered, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
“Yeah, we hadn’t said anything until series 2 of Friday Night Dinner,” she reminded him.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Sarah added from behind the camera. “Why did you guys wait so long to announce your relationship?”
“Because we liked having a private life,” Sofia shrugged. “When you’re famous, not much about your life can be private. It felt like our own little secret.” Tom nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, the only ones who knew about it were our families, and it felt amazing. Of course we’re happy to be out in the open, but being exclusive gave us some time to prepare for all kinds of reactions we knew that we’d receive.” Sarah hummed thoughtfully.
“I hadn’t thought of that,” she admitted. “But I get it. Proceed.”
“There’s only like two minutes left of this so I’m assuming that this is the part where it’s just random clips, right?” Sofia asked upon looking at the screen once more. Sarah nodded, which the girl took as her cue to press play once more.
The next clips were probably some of Sofia’s favorites. During the Friday Night Dinner episode “The Fox” while Tasmin, Mark and Simon are doing a scene together, they suddenly hear Tom scream. They run to the garage and see Tom staring at Sofia shocked while she was cackling on the floor. Upon asking what happened Sofia tells them that Tom wanted to scare Sofia with the dead fox prop only for her to jump out with the fox and scare him. Another one was Tom making funny faces at her from behind the camera while filming for an episode of Plebs. The next one was Tom absentmindedly pulling Sofia closer during an interview for Friday Night Dinner followed by a small compilation of Sofia grabbing Tom’s arm every time she laughed. Sofia expected to see more videos, and was rightfully confused when words began appearing on the screen.
“Now that that’s over with,” she mumbled aloud as she read, leaning closer to see better. “There is something that Tom would like to say.” Sofia glanced at her boyfriend confusedly, but he just gave her a small smile.
“Keep watching,” he instructed gently. She stared at him for a moment before slowly turning her head back to the screen. Once the words went away, a video appeared that looked like it was filmed on a phone. It began with Tom making sure that the camera was steady before his hands went to his lap.
“Alright, sorry if this looks awkward,” he laughed out. “Hi Sofia. So I wanted to make this because I know you’re excited about being on Behind the Romance this weekend. But before we finish, there’s something I want to say. I love you, Sofia. And I don’t just say that out of habit, I say it to remind you how much you mean to me. I’m not joking when I say that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. We have been dating nearly ten years, and honestly, I believe I’m ready for the next step. So, I will let future me take over from here.” He could be seen reaching towards the camera shortly before the video turned to black. Sofia’s head whipped around to look at her boyfriend, only to see him holding out an opened small velvet box, which contained a princess cut diamond ring inside.
“Will you marry me, Sofia Riley?” He asked nervously. Tears immediately welled up in her eyes and she nodded vigorously.
“Yes!” She exclaimed before practically tackling him in a hug. Around them, she could hear the crew cheering, which made her laugh. Once they pulled away, Tom slipped the beautiful ring on her finger.
“Until forever?” He inquired with a bright smile.
“Until forever,” she repeated with a nod, hugging him much gentler this time. The two shared a quick kiss before Tom looked at the camera.
“Before we leave I’d like to thank the amazing people at Behind the Romance for helping make this possible as well as Simon Bird for helping me come up with this idea,” he started.
“Simon helped you?” She questioned with a small laugh. Tom stuck his tongue out at her, but he was too happy to actually continue their banter as he looked at the camera once more.
“I hope you guys enjoyed this episode because this has become my personal favorite. We hope to see you guys next time. And now, I’m going to go celebrate with my new fiancé. Bye guys!” He waved excitedly, which caused Sofia to do the same. Sofia then held up her free hand to show off the ring then kissed Tom. Then finally, the cameras cut, which let Tom and Sofia move onto the next chapter of their lives.
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ao3feed-spuffy · 2 years
A Night Without Day by HappyWhenItRains
by orea_domina
The girl in question is Buffy, of course. But what would have happened if Spike had blown off Angel's search for the Goran head and gone after Buffy instead? What if their reunion uncovered a corrupted Angel's evil agenda?
Upon breaking out of a dungeon, incompetent thief Andrew Wells helps Spike and Buffy, recently reunited and cursed by Angel. Angel's curse prevents the pair from ever being in each other's presence except at twilight, so they enlist Andrew in a dangerous plot to return to LA, overthrow Angel and break his evil enchantment.
Inspired by the 1985 feature film Ladyhawke and the novelization by Joan D Vinge.
Starts at the bar fight scene between Angel and Spike and veers sharply into my own little AU where Angel really does want to join the Order of the Black Thorn and he is unapologetically and lavishly evil.
Words: 22572, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series, Ladyhawke (1985)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike (BtVS), Andrew Wells, Rupert Giles, Angel (BtVS), Drusilla (BtVS), Lorne | Krevlornswath, Riley Finn, Willow Rosenberg, Angel Investigations Ensemble (AtS)
Relationships: Spike/Buffy Summers
Additional Tags: Crossover, Ladyhawke x Angel the Series x The Adventures of Spike That Don't Exist Anywhere But in my Head, true love is a many splintered thing, I just love Spuffy and no one can stop me, except themselves, Evil Souled Angel, I mean cartoonishly evil I'm not even kidding, That's the character, Justice for Dru, Andrew Wells is a Big Fat Idiot, Everybody Loves human on vamp crotch sniffing right, Cat!Spike, Owl!Buffy, vampire purring is canonical right, Buffy Making Jerks Pay, post show, episode rewrite: The Girl in Question, The thing no one asked for but I did anyway, a ridiculously happy ending
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41278911
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dailybuffysummers · 7 years
liz talks too much sometimes aka sorry for the long post
so this is the list for my buffy relationship list. tbh i wasn’t sure if i wanted to keep it super secret but what’s the point. they’re not fancy oh-la-la and i wanted to open it up to suggestions too! 
we’re a big fandom family and everyone HERE loves buffy summers. some prefer certain ships over others (i try to keep this blog as neutral a place as possible concerning the more popular ships - please let me know if you ever feel it slipping) and, as in all fandoms, there are always relationships - whatever type those ships are that we feel didn't get the attention they deserve. 
which brings me back to the opening it up to suggestions. under the break is the list i have so far; what i have planned and what's finished, what's working, blah blah. some of them aren't even actual relationships, just ideas i had wanted to make (ie: weapons) so really your options aren't limited to 'buffy x people' xD  
i can't promise au gif sets because while i do have a good deal of movies that are generally cross-overed with btvs, i'm not sure i'll have what everyone in particular wants. but you can always ask!  warning: they may turn out more as parallel sets because i'm shit with au
OKAY WOW this turned out way longer than intended. initially it was a few sentences but it's too late for that now. it's just... i, as well as you all, know how important buffy summers is to each and every one of us. this may sound stupid or sappy but as i've been going with this list i've grown really attached to it, more than i thought i would. i just hope you guys are enjoying them as much as i am
& finally, kudos to any of you who stuck through this extremely long, sentimental and possibly repetitive post. i’ve been awake too long to double check that part - liz
a normal life
amy madison
anne steele (/chantrelle/lily)
anya jenkins
cordelia chase
daniel osbourne
dawn summers
faith lehane
the first evil
the first slayer
high school
the initiative
jenny calendar
joyce summers 
kendra young
the master
mr gordo
pop culture
potential slayers
riley finn
robin wood
rupert giles
the scoobies
tara maclay
the watcher’s council
wesley wyndam pryce
willow & xander
willow rosenberg
the wishverse
xander harris
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buffylikescoke · 7 years
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 11#7
"I'll be in my bunk" ~ Willow Rosenberg
At first I found this issue quite decent, though maybe a bit boring but after giving it some more thought I can say with full conviction that "Disempowered" is this season's weakest moment.
The issue opens with secretary Reyes announcing a permanent solution to the supernatural problem. The government gives the zone denizens an option of being drained of magic or, as the fascist pig puts it, of what makes them a threat. Those that agree to go through the process are free to leave the ghetto. Their legal status is to be normalized and records expunged - expunged of what, exactly? The crime of existing? Fascists. Later on Lake, Willow's devoid of personality ex-girlfriend, even calls it an amnesty. Fucking fascists. Oh, and they might get some reintegration assistance - a carrot before the stick as Willow and Spike point out and hey, Willow and Spike can talk to each other, without Buffy in the panel, how cool is that? So how does the zone's population react? Some are delighted actually, but those that cannot survive without magic obviously are not and soon fights start breaking out between the two groups. During one of such fights stopped by Buffy, a nu-pire accuses a werewolf, very happy to get rid of his wolfhood, of abandoning his own kind. The vampire is afraid that when the majority leaves the zone, those that can't or won't take the government's deal will face ethnic cleansing. About that werewolf. He looks like garbage. If I didn't learn that this is supposed to be a werewolf from the dialogue I'd assume that it's just a dude in a fursuit or a were-rabbit (were-bunny?) or something! Not happy with werewolves holding conversations in their wolfed-out state either but since that already happened in season eight, I can't complain, I suppose.
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But what about Scoobies? Their main worry is that the newly announced magic draining process is a smaller scale version of the machine the government is secretly building and that the endgame might be to zap the entire country with de-magicking ray. Spike suggests that Buffy and Willow accept the government’s offer, lose their powers and try to stop whatever is happening from the outside since apparently it's impossible to escape. Excuse me, what the fuck did Willow do in the previous issue? She walked out of the camp, with Buffy. So what keeps her from, again, walking the fuck out, grabbing Buffy and teleporting the fuck away? Not enough power? Isn't Willow, like, overflowing with power from all the wiccans she drained? Is it the wiccans that keep her inside? Later Willow talks to her coven and suggests that the witches still in the zone should take the deal and reveals that she might as well. OK, but what exactly makes them unsafe inside of the zone? I get that it's full of vampires and demons but we haven't seen any actual violence directed at the wiccans, not a single one of them was even attacked! If they're in such danger, then why not show that hypothetical danger instead of just constantly talking about it? The witches repeat the arguments we've heard in the previous issue, when Willow was doing the draining ( spiritual mutilation, violation and so on ) After the coven's meeting is done Calliope comes to talk to Willow about her decision and Willow reveals that she has a plan. Kind of. We don't learn what this plan entails in this issue but I'm hopeful. Willow asks Calliope to trust her, Calli ( can be Calli? Callio? 'Liope? ) kisses her but Willow stops her yet again because it's not right. Calli promises to break up with her girlfriend but Willow tells her not to. Basically, Willow's worried that Calliope is attracted to her because of the situation they're in and that Calli might feel differently when they're out of the zone. Willow's attitude here kinda reminds me of Oz a little bit in season two which is interesting. Anyway, is Calliope really the best the writers can do in Willow's love interest department? The bar was set impossibly low with Lake and so far, Calliope just doesn’t look like an improvement. In the end Calliope takes the deal and leaves the zone.
Buffy has more doubts about giving up her power and guess who shows up to help her make up her mind? Yes, it's captain cardboard and his wife. Buffy points out that without her power she'll be defenseless against everything ever that wants to kill her. Sam is quick to say that Buffy can take self-defense classes and grab a gun ( We had a scene like this in retreat by the way, with Buffy and Giles - derivative much? ) It's stupid. No amount of guns and Krav Maga can protect Buffy from the likes of, say, Drusilla? And yeah, sure, normal humans aren't exactly defenseless but normal humans haven't been pissing off the forces of darkness since they were fifteen! Of course, Riley says that Buffy's really worried about Spike, and I mean, sure, Buffy is worried about leaving Spike in the zone but reducing an issue this complex to just Buffy's love interest the way Riley does is ignorant, even for Riley. Buffy expresses more of her concerns in a conversation with Willow and Spike later at night. Visually, this scene is breathtaking, it’s wallpaper material, the writing, however, is just atrocious. The more you read into it, the worse it gets. It's like an onion made of shit, a shit onion if you will, the more layers you peel off...well, you get the point. What we have here is Willow spewing a nonsensical, pop-psychology polluted speech. For goodness' sake, Willow doesn't even talk like that, she doesn't make speeches at people, this reads like Buffy at her most pretentious pretending to be Willow. Anyway, according to our witch magic is what makes Buffy and Willow special. This is why they're afraid of taking the deal. They don't want to become normal, like Xander and Dawn. So we just have to believe in ourselves, says Willow, who we are without all the bells and whistles. Which I fully admit is scary as hell. Willow, seriously, you managed to restore magic without those bells and whistles, you lose those bells and whistles practically every season - so what could you possibly be afraid off at this point? Willow also equates Buffy's fighty with her witchy. Problem is, those two things are nothing alike, one is a birthright, the other is a skill. Everybody can do magic in Buffyverse, even the normal guy Xander. Willow's a turbo-witch because she put in the effort. Acquiring of power is basically 90% of her story and she's very much proud of having earned that power. Xander spent years figuring out how to kick ass, says then Buffy. As opposed to Willow? Shaking my head. Even if Willow says all this only to convince Buffy to take the deal, even if the intention here is to parallel the closing scene of "Wrecked" it’s still just monumentally stupid. Oh, and that cheerleader obsessed with clothes and shoes line is kinda ironic seeing how Willow's much more of a fashionista than Buffy these days.
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Next day Buffy and Willow go through the procedure. They put their hands on a panel of an occult machine and with the mundanity akin to an X-ray test, it's done, they're magic free. Yes, again. OK, how many times were Buffy's powers taken away from her in the TV series? Once, in "Helpless", it’s ~30 minutes out of seven seasons. You know why it was done only once? Because it's not an action series when the protagonist can't do action. This is the third time this is happening in the comics - Tibet, Robot Buffy - fuck you, it counts! And Willow! With the exception of season 10, the Willow can't do magic storyline has been done in every season since season six, every fucking season they do this shit. Six - Willow's addicted, seven - a Wicca who won't-a, eight - twilight and goddesses and whatever, nine - no seed. And now, after a season where a common complain about Willow was that she's just constantly getting her ass kicked, they do it again. When you do it every season it's not exciting, it's not interesting, it's just obnoxious. And what else is there left to explore here anyway?! In a twelve issue season?! There's five issues left and now we have an action series with two leads that can't do any action, that's like making a musical with actors that can't sing oh wait.... But don’t worry, they'll just bring Faith over to handle the ass-kicking and possibly rename the series to Faith and her bitches. Jesus. But that's nothing, really. If that's the story the artists choose to tell then whatever, I’ll deal. You know what's the real problem with this issue and the rest of this season? The characterization. Buffy and Willow show no initiative! And they weren't like this in the TV series, quite the opposite actually, so what changed? And if you're gonna tell me that they grew up I'm gonna super-literally bitch slap you through the internet! They don't act, they're acted upon, submit, completely passive. So far it's been an entire season of we can't do this, it's impossible, it'd be a suicide. Give me back my action-fucking-heroines! Now! I demand!
On her way out of the camp Buffy is given the scythe back because why would a magic hungry government even want to keep one of the most powerful magical artifacts in existence? Jordan throws the weapon at Buffy, which topples her over because the scythe is apparently heavy. What? I know that Willow probably picks up heavy things and puts them down occasionally because I've seen her ass but come on, she's been running around with the scythe for months just fine. Heavy? This is nonsense! So...what did I like? I liked Buffy and Spike! They're funny, they're sexy, they're entertaining! I have to give credit where credit is due, all the coupley stuff is actually pretty top notch in this issue! Yeah, the missing I love you felt forced and unnatural and why is it even such a big deal but other than that, it's all good! The art, aside from that werewolf, looks incredible - the inking is super-sharp, the colors beautiful and vibrant. Art team, one, writing team, zero!
Wow, seven fucks! Yeah, "Disempowered" is trash. It's a derivative, boring, nonsensical mess. But hey, at least we're finally out of the safe zone. I hope to be proven wrong but with five issues to go, I'm afraid that pacing will turn out to be an issue this season.
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So I did the Buffy and Angel favorite character sorter from this link (x)
Also the Episode sorter (same link)
The results of the character sorter were unsurprising, largely, though I might tweak the order a little if I were making it myself.
On the episode one, there were tons I didn’t remember at all, so I had to pick the one I knew (obviously more memorable/better) unless I knew it was one I *hated*. Also was left with no opinion when I was faced with two I didn’t remember. Which made the whole thing take so much longer.
Restless, at lesst, was exactly  at the bottom, where it belongs.
Favorite Characters
Amy Madison
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
Cordelia Chase
Xander Harris
Faith Lehane
Lilah Morgan
Willow Rosenberg
Winifred 'Fred' Burkle
Buffy Summers
Charles Gunn
Rupert Giles
Tara Maclay
Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne
Dawn Summers
Daniel Holtz
Jenny Calendar
Lindsey McDonald
Allen Francis Doyle
Riley Finn
Anne Steele
Anya Jenkins
The Mayor
Joyce Summers
The Groosalugg
Gwen Raiden
Holland Manners
Ethan Rayne
Harmony Kendall
Jonathan Levinson
Robin Wood
Andrew Wells
Nina Ash
Gavin Park
Mr. Trick
Dr. Walsh
Linwood Murrow
Marcus Hamilton
The Master
Warren Mears
The First
Favorite Episodes
1Smashed 2Wrecked 3The Witch 4Gingerbread 5Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered 6The Gift 7What's My Line (Part 2) 8The Killer in Me 9Chosen 10Dirty Girls 11Family 12Consequences 13Bad Girls 14Graduation Day (Part 2) 15Graduation Day (Part 1) 16Becoming (Part 2) 17What's My Line (Part 1) 18Becoming (Part 1) 19Choices 20The Initiative 21Triangle 22Checkpoint 23New Moon Rising 24Primeval 25Prophecy Girl 26Phases 27Halloween 28The Zeppo 29Enemies 30Doppelgangland 31Faith, Hope & Trick 32Once More, With Feeling 33Wild at Heart 34Tabula Rasa 35The Harsh Light of Day 36Doomed 37The Replacement 38Band Candy 39Who Are You 40This Year's Girl 41Goodbye, Iowa 42The I in Team 43Real Me 44Angel 45School Hard 46Welcome to the Hellmouth 47Innocence 48Surprise 49The Prom 50The Harvest 51Earshot 52Dead Man's Party 53Lie to Me 54Lies My Parents Told Me 55Storyteller 56Out of Mind, Out of Sight 57Helpless 58A New Man 59Anne 59The Freshman 61Passion 62Pangs 63Revelations 64Entropy 64Grave 66Seeing Red 67Doublemeat Palace 68Bad Eggs 69Homecoming 70Selfless 70Sleeper 70Never Leave Me 70Bring on the Night 70Showtime 70Potential 76Conversations with Dead People 77The Body 77As You Were 79Go Fish 80Blood Ties 80Forever 82Gone 82Older and Far Away 82Normal Again 85When She Was Bad 86The Pack 87I Robot... You, Jane 88The Dark Age 88Something Blue 90Lovers Walk 91The Wish 92The Puppet Show 92Inca Mummy Girl 92Fear, Itself 95Killed by Death 96Bargaining (Part 2) 96After Life 96Flooded 96Villains 96Two to Go 101Into the Woods 102The Yoko Factor 103Beauty and the Beasts 103Amends 105Buffy vs. Dracula 106Bargaining (Part 1) 107Never Kill a Boy on the First Date 107Some Assembly Required 107Ted 107No Place Like Home 107Fool for Love 107Shadow 107Listening to Fear 107First Date 107End of Days 116Superstar 116Out of My Mind 118I Only Have Eyes for You 118Him 118Get It Done 118Touched 122Hush 123Where the Wild Things Are 123Hell's Bells 123Beneath You 123Same Time, Same Place 123Help 123Empty Places 129Beer Bad 130Living Conditions 131Teacher's Pet 131Nightmares 133Reptile Boy 134Crush 134I Was Made to Love You 134Intervention 134Tough Love 134Spiral 134The Weight of the World 134Life Serial 134All the Way 142Dead Things 142Lessons 144Restless
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I was tagged by @alkenifanfiction Top 15 characters? 1.Faith 2.Angel 3.Buffy 4.Xander 5.Gunn 6.Giles 7.Wesley 8.Spike 9.Willow 10.Cordelia 11.Lilah 12.Illyria 13.Tara 14.Fred 15.Lorne Favorite Minor Characters? Lilah, Lorne, Harmony, Drusilla, Darla Ranking of favorite seasons for both shows? BtVS:3,2,1,5,7,4,6 AtS:2,3,4,5,1 Top ten episodes of both shows? BtVS:Passion, Becoming II, The Zeppo, Faith Hope and Trick, Homecoming, Bad Girls, Graduation Day II, Restless, Once More With Feeling, Who Are You? (No particular order) AtS:Hero, Sanctuary, Epiphany, Redefinition, Are You Now or Have You Ever Been, Lullaby, Soulless, Orpheus, Smile Time, Not Fade Away (No particular order) AtS or BtVS? My immediate response is to say Angel but idk they are about equal for me Least favorite main character? I'm gonna cheat and say Riley(he was in the title sequence so is it really cheating?) Top Ten Ships? 1.Spangel, 2.Fuffy, 3.Faith x Happieness, 4.Xangel, 5.Cangel, 6.Twillow, 7.Weslyria, 8.'Sup English (Gunn x Wesley), 9. Spander, 10.Dangelus Do you write fanfic? Nah I'm nowhere near motivated enough for that What fanfic do you read? Really long fics, usually happy endings When did I start watching? 2015 Show recommendations for Buffyverse fans? Idk I watch a lot shows but these kinda are in the same vein as Buffy, Supergirl is pretty good, the Netflix Marvel shows are good, Lucifer Do you own/collect anything related to the shows? I read the comics so yeah I got a fat stack of Buffyverse comics How often will I watch an episode? Usually 1 or 2 a week or a whole season in two days no in-between How many times have you watched through either show all the way through? Marathoned both shows twice all the way but I like to hop around mostly Five unpopular opinions? 1. I guess liking Xander is unpopular? 2. I think Beer Bad is hilarious 3. Didn't mind season 7 that much could've been done way better but they had to end it on the spot so I give it a pass for the most part 4. Liked Spike more on Angel than on Buffy(double meanings) 5. Indifferent towards Kennedy see #3 Least Favorite thing about the fandom? The same discourses getting rehashed over i.e. comparing Spike and Angel, why Xander is the worst human ever, why Willow isn't a lesbian even though she says she is Tagging: @bisexualdarla @dreadfulcalendarwoman @sunnydaleslut and whoever else
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mysticalquinnfabray · 6 years
fandom: buffy the vampire slayer
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Buffy.Least Favorite character: Glory, also Riley.5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Buffy x Angel, Tara x Willow, Xander x Anya, Jenny x Giles, Drusilla x Spike.Character I find most attractive: Spike.Character I would marry: None of them if I'm honest. Character I would be best friends with: Buffy? Willow? Dawn?a random thought: Spike is just a 90s Klaus.An unpopular opinion: Buffy and Angel were soulmates.My Canon OTP: Buffy x AngelMy Non-canon OTP: Buffy x Alaric (don't ask.)Most Badass Character: Buffy obvi.Most Epic Villain: The First Evil.Pairing I am not a fan of: I'm gonna get a lot of flack for it sooo yeah, not gonna mention it.Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Xander.Favourite Friendship: The Scooby Gang.Character I most identify with: Buffy. (especially in I Was Made to Love You. That episode makes me sob every time.)Character I wish I could be: I don't have one? I don't think I'd want to be any of them. I love them all, but offs.
0 notes
sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 21
SPIKE: Hey! Hey, let's be reasonable about this. (Riley slams him up against a pillar.) RILEY: You may have noticed, Spike... (he punches Spike in the face) RILEY: I left reasonable about three exits back.
~~Into the Woods~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pillow Talk by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Five times Angel made chocolates for Buffy and the one time she made some for him by Liana_Medea (Buffy/Angel, G)
For Emergencies by Bobbie23 (Giles/Jenny, G)
By a whisker by squiddz (Spike & original cat character, Buffy/Spike, T)
Brick by Boring Brick by Wretched_Little_Words (Buffy & Kendra, G)
Это уже не смешно by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, G, in Russian)
Riley's Special Spike (the plastic one, you ninny) by InvariablyStupidIdeas (Spike/Riley, M)
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On a subway? by scooby-group-texts (Spike, Dawn, not rated - mentions of canon violence)
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Something Red by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Pillow Talk by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, anthology rated PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Going Astral - Chapter 1 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, M)
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Across Ages, Ch. 27 by Isabeau (Buffy/Spike, R)
Ties to the World, Ch. 33 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Bites, Ch. 4 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences, Ch. 14 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
In Any Life, Ch. 12 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Hand in Flightless Hand, Ch. 4 by tragic (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn: In The Dark, Ch. 3 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sweet Dreams (Or A Beautiful Nightmare) Ch. 2 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Tortured Slayer Department, Ch. 1 by BewitchedXx (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Ripple In Time, Ch. 1 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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To All We Guard, Ch. 12 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Gargoyle, Ch. 4 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Centerfold, Ch. 2 by all choseny, Passion4Spike, MissLuci (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Something Blue painting by novivi (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Fanvid: Look What You Made Me Do by starryeyesxx (Buffy)
Gifset: The Albatross by detectivedawnsummers (Buffy/Spike, worksafe, includes canon death scenes)
spike + textposts by spikespeaches ()
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Re: Can’t decide between S2 & S3 as the best season of Buffy by occidentaltourist
the dichotomy of band candy by shiteatinggrin
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 5/2, Part Four by QualifiedApathetic
Coming to the end of my 16th rewatch by Xandertheokay
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfic Rec – a list by alwaysakin
[Fandom Discussions]
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Contextless Jenny musing #47 by hal-1500
Re: you have to work on a group project with Oz, how does it go? by momsforroadhead
I cannot with s4 ending with Xander as “the heart.” by nicnacsnonsense
Crack Fic Idea: Bucky x Reader x Spike Love Triangle [Marvel crossover] by scoonsalicious
Okay, just some musing about Buffy Summers by deus--auri
When someone tells me "I normally don't like Riley but I like the way you write him." by riley-summers
Drusilla (the incredible layers of Drusilla added to the scene in Destiny) by thedeathscar
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If you were to use one episode to represent each couple which would you use? by jdpm1991
What is your favourite headcanon that you one-hundred percent believe in? hosted by RavenNight789
Did anyone else feel Faith's arc would be played wildly differently if it had somehow continued on Buffy by sadhungryandvirgin
Full 180 on Dawn by Stellz04
Angelus in s2 out-Spikes Spike by Due_Resolution_8551
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, July 25th
XANDER: You gotta have something. (Looks at Buffy) Gotta be with movin' forward. BUFFY: (like a proud little kid) Like a shark. XANDER: Like a shark with feet and ... much less fins. SPIKE: (like a proud little kid) And on land! GILES: Very good!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Death Reborn by Anonymous (Darla/Drusilla, T)
apocalypses and tacos by Anonymous (Fred/Faith, E)
wonder, still i wonder... by guin_ramble (Buffy/Giles, E)
Husband Hunter by simple_nothings (Buffy/Giles, T)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Plus Jamais, Chapter 13 by Wencel (Buffy/Angel, Wednesday crossover, T (in French))
hit rewind, Chapter 67 by untiljanuary (Buffy/Spike, M)
The Family Business, Chapter 25 by lou1spr1nce (Ensemble, multiple crossovers, T)
Autobot Meets Vampire, Chapter 7 by Philister (Faith, Transformers crossover, M)
A Reincarnation in Sunnydale, Chapter 41 by DracoRim98 (Buffy/Angel, M)
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Chapter 110 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow/Tara, E)
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Thirty Minutes or Less, Chapter 9 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Waiting for You, Chapter 14 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Over the Hills and Far Away, Chapter 4 (complete!) by Rea (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
What She Deserves, Chapter 2 by flootzavut (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Buffybot Falls In Love, Chapter 1 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy by Grayson R. Aveyard (worksafe)
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Comic manip: rewatching buffy vs dracula and spike saying drac owed him money gave me moonknight vibes so by morguemoss (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy sketch by Dangerous-Ask694 (worksafe)
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Vid rec: Take Me To Church by Afterthebattle (Buffy/Spike) recced by operasanna
Vid rec: buffy+spike; we both still believe [season7] by misstheSlayer recced by spuffylife
[Community Announcements]
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Last Day Of Round 1 Of The Regular WIPBB Artists Claims at wipbigbang
[Fandom Discussions]
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does anyone have thoughts on this the wish - fool for love parallel ["death is (y)our art"] by chasingfictions
thinking about how spike and his shitty poems would have done numbers on insta by gingerteaonthetardis
How does “the father will kill the son” actually help Sahjahn achieve his objective of getting rid of Connor? by nicnacsnonsense
Randomly thinking about Buffy’s season 1 statement, “I’m 16. I don’t want to die.” And season 2 statement, “You have a choice. It’s not a good choice, but it’s a choice” by reality-schmality
I would watch a show where an Incan mummy gives kisses of death to stay alive by redhatmeg
The romantization of vampires in Lie To Me by redhatmeg
I love that Buffy is kinda protective of Giles [in The Dark Age] by redhatmeg
Buffy: Sometimes I wish to go back to the times when everything was normal by redhatmeg
Ted is such a unique episode by redhatmeg
"Slayer? Here, kitty, kitty!" by agirlinsearchof
Y’all remembering this scene where Giles and Ethan are having drinks at a pub? by amourcafecreme
It'd be cool if Wolfram and Hart had a lawyer at the Initiative by anonymous and riley-summers
I’m so glad they didn’t just use Spike as a one time villain in buffy by anonymous and sadisticretrieverbf
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Are Slayers always an only child? by nightshade
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Xanya and Money in S6 by Holden Norgorov
Buffy and Angel, slayer and champion by CanIBeAnne
Buffy's costume from HIM will be auctioned off in August by flow
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One Of my Few Pet Peeves With the Show [the spell system] by Silent_Torches
emotional spike [in Lovers Walk] by user294859382
Favourite vampire universe between Vampire Diaries, Buffy/Angel and True Blood. Why/why not? by No-Translator-2144
What's your favourite Buffy Summers being Buffy Summers quotes? by Ardjc87
Where to go next? by alljuggledup
Angelus x Buffy by bangeldreamer
The first song we here in the Bronze: Spring Monkey - Believe by Nervous-Apricot4556
One of my favorite shows of all time by alexsolren
The print above Giles’ Fireplace by Final-Vehicle9023
Wesley and Angel by hereforbooksandshows
These two [Statler and Waldorf] are watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What would they be saying? by MonsterTournament
So what do you think of Dawn's relationship [with Xander] in comics? by Morena1188
Spike's Behavior by Aromatic-Emotion-637
Question about 7x1 Lessons by HardBoiledOne
Buffy comment forums on AV Club - all disappeared by Geeta25
giles and joyce together by user294859382
"So Angel lives in LA and Buffy lives in... Wisconsin?" by doometteowo
Weird Crush [on cave!Buffy] by Organic_Individual52
OMWF & Hush. Thoughts? by You_were_myth-taken
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, April 8
BUFFY: (surprised) I'm full of love? I'm not losing it? FIRST SLAYER: Only if you reject it. Love is pain, and the Slayer forges strength from pain. Love ... give ... forgive. Risk the pain. It is your nature. Love will bring you to your gift.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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That Long to Wait (Buffy/Riley, T) by MadeInGold
Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down (Drusilla/Spike, not rated) by Scar_Eve
X: Xander/Spike -Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Xander/Spike, G) by Levi_Rivaille933012
I-5 North (Jenny/Giles, T) by belledamn
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Walking a Tightrope (Buffy/Spike, PG) by honeygirl51885
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Dusk Rising Chapter 40 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by HappyWhenItRains
The Watcher Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by In Mortal
Truth and Consequences Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, R) by JamesMFan
We're Going to be Friends Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Spike Has A Girlfriend Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
Celebrating You Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by DeamonQueen
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A Little Poet in Her Monster Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Desicat
Anything But Ordinary Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
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Ripped Stockings Chapter 1 (Giles/Jenny, E) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
Angel Doesn’t Know Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by My_Barbaric_Yawp
Come Hell or Whatever Chapter 1 (Batman crossover, T) by TheActuallyKid
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Tarot cards by isevery0nehereverystoned
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Podcast:Episode 23 - Kendry and Buffa: What's the Flum? (What's My Line Part 2) by thesunnydalediaries
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Interviewing Original "Buffy" KRISTY SWANSON soon - got questions? Please post! by Infinite_Zucchini214
[Fandom Discussions]
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30 Day Challenge: BtVS vs AtS continued by multiple posters
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
Elimination Game : Writer's Best BtVS Episode continued by multiple posters
All We've Ever Done is Dance continued by multiple posters
Spike and the First continued by multiple posters
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Discussion of 6.02 "Bargaining Part 2" - Aired 10/2/01 (UPN-US) by Buffy Summers
How long (or often) was Xander considered a potential love interest for Buffy ? continued by multiple posters
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S2 E6 Halloween …..creeps by Queerdooe
3x17 the best scene in all of Angel AND Buffy by ukcountrylover
3x16 …. It happened by ukcountrylover
What if…Buffy had a dad and a female watcher? by ginime_
Could you see the ANGEL season 6, Angel & Faith comics happening on TV? by jdpm1991
Is there anything you like or love about the comics? by jdpm1991
Tara by Slayerette444
Why was Slayers cancelled? by little_moustache
Worst Actor/Actress on the show… by DanTrueCrimeFan87
Which show do you prefer? by brwitch
The Scoobies would not like later seasons Wesley by The810kid
I really don't like Joyce by BusinessResource5324
Season 4 Issue - First Time Watcher by AppropriateYou5011
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 7
BUFFY: Y'know, I never stopped thinking about you. RILEY: Me neither. All I had in there was this one little part of you. (Gives her bandana piece) BUFFY: It's just the scarf part of me really. RILEY: Sure it is. Just knowing you were out there...that you cared...
~~This Year's Girl~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pieces by CoffeeHunt (Fanged Four, M)
Research by skargasm (Xander/Spike, T)
Poem: the spark by LiraelClayr007 (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Untitled ("big anya problem") by scooby-group-texts (Xander/Anya, not rated, worksafe, posted as an image)
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Partly Cloudly, Eclipse 1999 by Saranac (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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First Day by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy, anthology rated PG-13)
Me and My Shadow by Chelle (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Surviving Together, Ch. 17 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Something Lost Something Found, Ch. 8 by Safire (Buffy/Spike, R)
Love Lives Here, Ch. 46 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse) Ch. 11 by Asokatanos (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Wilderness Retreat OR Super Mega Happy Kill-A-Rama! Ch. 3 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Gargoyle, Ch. 2 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Boyfrenemy, Ch. 5-8 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Celebrating You, Ch. 5 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Scoobies in Neptune, Ch. 30 by Buffyworldbuilder (Veronica Mars crossover, FR7)
When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Ch. 9 by SplitEnz (Rambo crossover, Xander, FR15)
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An odd Couple of grumpy old Brits, Ch. 11 by Julikobold (Giles & Spike, Buffy/Spike, G)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Ch. 29 by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
To All We Guard, Ch. 11 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 25 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Tarot card design: Andrew my little strudel Page of Cups by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Meme: Positive reminders 🫶 by shewhosleepsalotincemeteries (Faith, probably worksafe, canon-typical manslaughter)
Giles/Jenny screencaps captioned with text posts by vampswritings (probably worksafe, somewhat nsfw text in a small font)
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I tried drawing Drusilla from memory. Thoughts? by Coochie_Von_Moochie (worksafe)
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Queer Buffyverse Moodboards by MadeInGold (Buffy, Dawn, Darla, G)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Fredless by evolutionleftovers
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Buffy S7E2: Beneath You | Booze & Buffy
Superstar by Buffy the Vampire Straya
Pop Culture Role Call: Angel Series & Buffyverse Wrap-Up
[Recs & In Search Of]
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All time favourite Spuffy fanfics recced by williamprattz
[Community Announcements]
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alexsrousseau made an 18+ Buffy/Giles BtVS server
[Fandom Discussions]
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People are too harsh about Kennedy from btvs by explosionshark
So Jesse’s death was supposed to be a twist right? by nicnacsnonsense
Watching the episode with Marcie... by nicnacsnonsense
I feel like ppl write the Slayer off too quickly. by theredpharaoah
I was thinking about Willow's will-be-done spell from S4... by ashmaenas
Re: favorite BTVS character arc? by breathing-and-stuff
Xander becomes such a compelling character when you imagine... by felixsfishnets
AU... where Spike is just a little more overtly bisexual than he is in canon, and Andrew gets turned... by lierdumoa
Re: If you could have given Riley a B-plot in an episode he didn't have one... by riley-summers
Riley ship opinions, pt. 3, Polyship edition by riley-summers
Tara and Riley friendship headcanons by riley-summers
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Andrew - comic man-child or naive nuisance? (cont'd) by multiple people
Re: Where are people from, do they write, and has upbringing or location affected their work? by DeepBlueJoy
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Which [AtS] “bad guy” character deserved another chance? by buffyangel468
willow x faith could have actually worked by Saturneinyourhead
How do the vampire origins, ubervamps, The Master, and Kakistos all work together in the Buffyverse lore? by cre8ivemind
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