#rinnah tag
buginiium · 3 years
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deliciousfear · 3 years
romantic headcanons.
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name: Penny Robert Grey alias: none gender: gender-fluid sexual orientation: pansexual romantic orientation: panromantic
preferred pet names: sweetheart, love. relationship status: single
opinion on true love: Penny is obsessed with the idea of it. He does believe it exists, someone whose love is just so pure, and brings nothing but joy and happiness to his life. Someone he can dote on forever and ever and never get tired. He wants it really bad.
opinion on love at first sight: He believes it is true because of the rom-coms that he indulges in all day every day. Honestly, they really gave him a lot of ‘unrealistic’ expectations when it comes to love and meeting that special someone.
how ‘romantic’ are they?: disgustingly romantic, once he is comfortable enough to really express it to his full capacity. He would probably drive many people crazy from it. 
ideal physical traits: Penny finds it really depends on the person. 
ideal personality traits: kindness, gentleness, fearless, openminded, Straightforwardness. Loyalty.
unattractive physical traits: Penny, honestly couldn’t think of anything.
unattractive personality traits: Dishonesty, Impolite, Callousness, generally any traits that make someone unkind and cruel.
do they have a type?: Penny has many types, he is generally attracted to those who are nice to him. But he does like the many different looks of people, from bad boys to e boys to stylish folk. He just likes people who he can have a conversation with, that doesn’t automatically dismiss him or think he’s strange.
opinion of public affection:  yes. please.
favourite canon ship: no canons ships since he is au IT. favourite non-canon ship: Penny & Eddie @kaspbraakspeaking , Penny & Rinnah @rinnahtheskinchanger , Penny & Henry @vicariousphotographer , Penny & Gwen @montanamiracle​ .
tagged by: @ sassgardkeep  tagging: EVERYONE!
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hurttheoneyoulove · 5 years
‘ROMANCE’ Headcanons Dashgame
Name: Jacob David Amos
Nickname: Krieg Gender: Male Romantic orientation: Panromantic Pansexual Preferred pet names: Big Guy, Baby, Hon Relationship status: Single, formerly married Favorite canon ship(s): Does Psyren count?
Favorite non-canon ship(s): Oh boy. Krieg/Rinnah, Krieg/Diana, Krieg/Moxxi, Krieg/Dove, Krieg/Salvador, Krieg/Lilith, Krieg/Hammerlock, Krieg/Axton
Opinion on love at first sight: Love at first sight is how he fell in love with his ex-wife. He believes in it, but he also believes there has to be actual substance. You can’t have flames without a spark, but you also can’t let your attraction to someone sit there without knowing them.
How romantic are they: Not conventionally romantic, but extremely romantic in his own way. He has never once forgotten a single anniversary, even when he was separated from his wife and in a Hyperion prison, he would make a notch on the wall for every important day that came up; their first date, their first kiss, their wedding anniversary, valentine’s day. He very much has an idealized view of romance, mostly because he doesn’t need much except for physical and emotional intimacy. When he was younger, all he would read were romance novels which irritated his parents. Krieg has never been overly protective of his partner; he knows that if they need his help with something, they would trust him enough to ask him. He knows they’re strong. That being said, if you DO hurt his partner, expect the deaths of everyone you love. Ideal physical traits: Shorter than him (not necessary tho), little bit of chub or curves or anything he can hug, grab, or touch Ideal personality traits: Bloodthirsty, Compassionate, Confident, Honest Unattractive physical traits: None really Unattractive personality traits: Cowardice (there is a difference between cowardice and fear), Rudeness, Greed, Lack of Empathy, Disloyalty Ideal date: He would take his partner to the highest peak of the planet and set up a picnic of things he prepared himself and a secret whiskey his family has brewed for generations that he’s been working on for years. He will be quiet but eagerly sees what you think of the food and the view and then lay down and watch the stars with you. Do they have a type: He doesn’t really have any type of person he would necessarily say no to but he does like short and chubby. If you have thick thighs, he’s fucking dead. Average relationship length: 2 years is the minimum for any relationship before he would feel comfortable enough breaking things off himself. He has had two relationships that lasted 10 years, one was the worst, one was the best. He can become codependent very easily and fall to another person’s toxic behaviors. Preferred non-sexual intimacy: Holding hands, holding his partner in his lap. Commitment level: THE most committed. If it came down to it, he would drop everything for his partner. Opinion on public affection: Loves it. Past relationship(s): An arranged marriage that was cut off before he was to be wed when it was discovered how abusive his partner was, several flings as a bounty hunter, a wife on Pandora whom he was separated from and assumed dead
Tagged by: @tophats-tits-and-tipjars
Tagging: @rinnahtheskinchanger @xburntchildx @white-bird-ripped-wings
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xaallo · 3 years
Rinnah glanced over a Kjoll, studying him a moment. She knew he was related to Xaa, and wasn't going to make any assumptions, but that didn't mean she'd look weak around him. Rinnah stood tall, in lycan form, and rolled her shoulders before yawning as wide as she could, showing off every tooth. Never hurt to let someone know you were armed.
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Kjoll looks at her, unfamiliar with the beasts of this land. Such pretty white fur, and such teeth! And from this planet, well, anything poached from protected planets had an extra value to them. Some idiot would buy it then boast to his friends about slipping the Confederations notice, a symbol of his craftiness.
The mazrats were looking in her direction too, all of them together solidly outnumbering her. Waiting for Kjoll's order to tag and bag...
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rinpromptu · 8 years
RULES: Tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!!
Tagged by @lv70​!
Name/Nickname: Rinnah | idk my friends jokingly call me Rinners sometimes
Gender: Female
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: a whoopin’ 5′0″
Sexual orientation: food I’ve been identifying myself as demisexual but recently I’ve started to think I’m litho?
Hogwarts House: idk man lolol
Fave color: Blue!
Fave animal: i really,,,, like cats,,,,,
Average hours of sleep: It used to be 6 but now I’m getting 7-8
Cat or Dog person: C a t s
Fave fictional characters: oh man,,,, Natsume Takashi? Kanda Yuu has a place in my heart as my first favorite character of all time, and right now I’m really into Ouma Kokichi,,,,,,
Number of blankets I sleep with: One in the summer, and 2-3 in the winter > v <
Fave singer/band: I actually don’t know if I have any,,;;
Dream trip: A trip to Canada or Europe sounds cool
Dream job: Professional napper
When was this blog created: I,,,, haven’t kept track at all,,,,, I don’t remember,,,,
Current number of followers: 268. Bots aside, I’m honestly not sure why some of you still follow me haha my blog is a tagless mess
When did your blog reach its peak? Maybe??? A year ago?? I don’t normally keep track of this stuff;;
What made you decide to make this Tumblr? Mostly because of friends haha
I have to tag 20 people but tbh I’m exhausted from binging through Chapter 1 of Danganronpa 1: Trigger Happy Havoc so I’ll offer to anyone else that might want to do this tag!
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princehenry11 · 4 years
Ep: Leo Megma – Unforgetable
Ep: Leo Megma – Unforgetable
Download Leo Megma Unforgetable Ep Zip Fakaza
Leo Megma Unforgetable Ep. Check out as Deep Obsession Recording company presents this 3 track exciting project from the stables of Leo Megma tagged Unforgetable.
Grab the tracks below:
Leo Megma – Buder Prince (Deeper Mix) Leo Megma – Rinnah (Original Mix) Leo Megma – Marion (Untouchable Mix)
Stream, Listen and Download Zip Free.
Download Ep: Leo…
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buginiium · 3 years
( ive got a few asks in my inbox & replies to get to!! hopefully i'll be tackling them this week xD )
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deliciousfear · 3 years
romantic headcanons.
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name: Robert Grey alias: Bob gender: male sexual orientation: pansexual romantic orientation: panromantic / demiromantic
preferred pet names: good boy,  relationship status: single.
opinion on true love: Robert rolls his eyes at the idea, since he doesn’t care for love so he really doesn’t care for true love. Besides, what even is that? How can one love be more true than the other? It’s stupid, humans are stupid.
opinion on love at first sight: He rather not.
how ‘romantic’ are they?: depends on where he is in a relationship / what he is trying to get out of that person. In the case that he and his partner are well into a ‘stable’ relationship he can be romantic on occasion ( more than he wants to admit ) but if he is just wants something from some one he can be superficially romantic. Where he can pull of romantic gestures without actually meaning them or really caring for the person, as long as they like it and it brings him closer to whatever he wants in that moment.
ideal physical traits: Robert loves nice butts and has a thing for hands, all kinds of hands. idk man.
ideal personality traits: fearless, openminded, Loyalty.
unattractive physical traits: ???
unattractive personality traits: Those who think they are better than everyone ( little bit of irony there but ok ) or brags every two seconds.
do they have a type?: Robert’s type is pretty flexible, he likes those who are bold and straightforward, normally. He can like someone meek, but it really depends on the person to be honest. 
opinion of public affection:  yes. please.
favourite canon ship: no canons ships since he is au IT. favourite non-canon ship: Penny & Eddie @kaspbraakspeaking , Penny & Rinnah @rinnahtheskinchanger , Penny & Henry @vicariousphotographer , Penny & Gwen @montanamiracle​ .
tagged by: @ sassgardkeep  tagging: EVERYONE!
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instructions: rate your muse on the following aspects as truthfully as you can. repost, do not reblog!
NAME: Rinnah Bergström
height: 5′0″
strength ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dexterity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
health ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ( + 3 when protecting others in a life or death situation. She'll be able to keep fighting for a while after sustaining serious injury. Whether or not she'll recover...that's another story )
energy ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
beauty ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
style ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
hygiene ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ( Not a clean freak, but has those nordic sensibilities about hygiene )
perception ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ( More than most humans, but can still make mistakes )
communication ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
persuasion ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mediation ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
literacy ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ( Not illiterate, but certainly not big on academics )
creativity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dancing ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ( Not a fan, and not really coordinated in this area, specifically )
cooking ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tech-savviness ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
combat ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ( It's purely a survival form, but she hits what she means to, and hits HARD )
survival ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ( Best hope she's by your side if you're stuck out in the wilderness. Everyone's making it out alive )
stealth ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
street smarts ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seduction  ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
luck ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
handling animals ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pacifying children ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
intelligence ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
happiness ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
spirituality ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
confidence ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
humor ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anxiety ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patience ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
passion ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nice ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ mean
brave ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ cowardly
pacifist ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ violent
thoughtful ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ impulsive
agreeable ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ contrary
idealistic ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ pragmatic
frugal ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ big spender
extrovert ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ introvert
collected ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ wild
charisma ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
empathy ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
compassion ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
generosity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wealth ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mystery ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
honest ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ deceptive
leader ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ follower
polite ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ rude
political ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ indifferent
higher power ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ( God beings? Sure. Them orchestrating how life goes? Nah. )
fate/destiny ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
magic ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
soulmates ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
good and evil ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
luck ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
family ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
friends ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
love ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
home ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
health ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
praise ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
justice ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
honor ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
truth ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
knowledge ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
power ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
fame ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
wealth ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
TAGGED BY : @king-crane​
TAGGING : anyone interested!
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your result: Neutral Good ( 85% )
you are more of a modern kind of good. you are willing to break or use the law to defeat those you see as evil, and, though you prefer the truth, you are willing to lie to get those who are evil imprisoned or exposed. if you are working for an evil villain, you most likely are using him as a way to stop greater evils.
additional top scores: neutral ( 81% ) chaotic good ( 74% ) lawful neutral ( 44% )
mun’s notes: Rin is the type of person who doesn’t go out of her way for everyone. Sure, she knows what’s right and wrong, but due to the events of her life, has had some bits skewed. There is a relatively good moral code that she follows, but ultimately Rinnah will follow the first to claim her loyalty, and give her some sort of “affection” in return. Make her feel wanted, and she will do as you bid, more afraid to be a disappointement, than anything else. She is somewhat corruptable, but once you’ve caught hold, she will be a more loyal follower than you’ve ever had.
tagged by: @thisbecoming [ borrowed, wasn’t tagged!! ] tagging: @egyptiandeathgod, @hurttheoneyoulove, @celestialspitfire / @bigfuckingbarbarian, @deliciousfear, and anyone else
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RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! TAGGED BY: @celestialspitfire​ B|  TAGGING.   anyone who wants to torture themselves
FULL  NAME :   Rinnah  NICKNAME :   Rin, Rinrin, Puppy, Wolfy, Wolf, Pipsqueak, Half-pint, Furball, Fuzzball, Fluffy, etc. AGE :   19 BIRTHDAY :  August 31st ETHNIC  GROUP : Mixed blood (Dad has some of the Eastern blood in him, hence the lion), but she looks stereotypical white (Nordic, specifically) NATIONALITY :  Skin-changer (Nordic in modern/Earth) LANGUAGE / S :   Common Tongue/English, most animal languages SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Panromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS : Single and hoping to find someone that she can trust and love completely. Hasn’t had the best life, so having a stable, caring partner would do wonders to help her. CLASS : Skinchangers don’t really have classes, but she’s the granddaughter of the chief. Whether or not that’s recognized by the other denizens of Middle Earth really depends. I wouldn’t think that many hold her kind in high regard. Probably most think they’re savages, or something, really. HOME  TOWN / AREA : The Withered Heath, in the far North of Arda. CURRENT  HOME : She’s a wanderer, though whether its by nature or necessity is actually quite hazy. PROFESSION :   A hunter, guide, muscle for hire, etc. Rin does what needs to be done in order to survive, whether it’s selling wares, or letting people pay her to help them in some way.
HAIR :   Bright white; a product of Leucism. It really depends on how she wants it cut. Grows relatively fast, so there are times when she lets it grow to her waist. Other times, it’s cut into a crest that becomes midback length locks. Either way, there are two side pieces, and it’s been likened to a lion’s mane, as her father’s was. Soft to the touch, but doesn’t lie flat and silken. EYES :   Heterochromatic. Her left eye is a golden brown/amber, while the other is a vibrant green (inherited from her mother) NOSE :   A medium length nose, with a slight bump in the middle. The bottom is not overly wide, and slightly upturned. FACE :    Her facial shape is not remarkably feminine, more androgynous, though her features definitely point towards her being female. Her brows are a bit heavier than most women, and with a semi-strong jaw. (Think Norn of Guild Wars 2) LIPS :   Nice, full lips, plush for sure.  COMPLEXION :  Not pale, but not too dark. She has the permanent tan of someone who is always outside. No freckles or acne. Skin is pretty clear for the most part, though in the cold there can be a need for something to give it moisture. BLEMISHES :   Only occasional things. Dry lips, sometimes, maybe dark circles if there hasn’t been much sleep. SCARS : General wear and tear, as to be expected. There is also a massive burn scar on her left side, from hip, to under the bust, but not crossing over her center or spine. Two rips on back and front each of her right side, from massive fangs. Three claw marks over her left eye from forehead to midcheek. TATTOOS :   ...there’s, uh, some tribal stuff on the top of her...dick HEIGHT :   137 cm / 4′6″ WEIGHT :    50 kg / 110 lbs BUILD :  Rinnah is toned, but not sculpted. She has an endomorphic body type (reference is Samantha Wright, mostly). There isn’t too much going on, bust-wise, and there’s a bit of broadness to her shoulders, but her hips are decidedly wider, giving a more pear shaped appearance, though her upper body is nothing to sneeze at. FEATURES : Thick thighs, thick ass. Got a bit of a happy trail going on (white peach fuzz) ALLERGIES :   Nope! USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :   Let it loose! Though she has been known to braid her crest, braid it when long, or just tie it up to keep it out of the way. USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Generally curious, interested. Not necessarily happy, but there’s no resting bitch face either. USUAL  CLOTHING :  Think vikings, with more bones and furs, and no shoes.
FEAR / S :   Being alone, rejection, abuse ASPIRATION / S :   To find whatever it is that she’s looking for. ( Rin, herself, doesn’t know what it is, but it’s to find someone that cares for her (in any sense of the word) and/or a place that she can have purpose. POSITIVE  TRAITS :   Strong, loyal, gentle, caring, protective, brave ( for others ) NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   Pushover, nervous ( under the surface ), easily influenced, gullible ZODIAC :   Virgo TEMPEREMENT :    Easy-going, yet a bit on the shy side, until she gets to know/trust you. Then, she’s a fluffy whirlwind of fun, if you let her be. SOUL  TYPE / S :  Server. Click the link on the actual “soul type” thing to find out what that means! ANIMALS :   Wolf, Lion, Horse, Hawk ( Her and her immediate family’s forms )
VICE  HABIT / S :    Tendency to isolate herself, despite the fact that it makes her feel horrible,  Is very secretive, and tries to give out as little information as possible, until convinced that she can trust them completely,  Easy to corrupt with her eager-to-please nature and fear of rejection
FAITH :  Believes in the Valar, mostly because she has met two of them, so it is not possible for her not to believe at that point XD GHOSTS ? :   Eh AFTERLIFE ? :  Everyone is told the story of what happens, and being that she has met two of th Valar, proving their existence, Rinnah isn’t quite sure on the matter. REINCARNATION ? : I don’t think Rinnah wants this to exist, the possibility of coming back, and not having her family the way it was. She refuses to think about it. ALIENS ? :  Modern verse? Certainly POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :   True neutral. Rinnah will making decisions based on who gets to her first ( and shows some form of affection/care, even if they’re faking.
ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :   Skin changers are not known for being materialistic. They might have a home, but everything has its purpose, and is usually crafted by them, themselves. SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Granddaughter of a chief, but that really doesn’t mean much in her society. Everyone is inherently equal, in their eyes, though your behavior and prowess can sway it. EDUCATION  LEVEL :  Basic survival/self care. A bit of domestic knowledge, but no formal schooling. Can’t really read or write that well... (main verse only)
FATHER :   Folkvar -Deceased- ( The White Lion ) 7′6″, broad and thick muscled. White hair, and blue eyes. A traveller by nature, until he met his match, Selehna, in the Withered Heath. He is jovial, and kind, though a big flirter as well. Has shared his bed with many people, of all races and genders when they’re interested. Doting father to his twin daughters, though Rinnah is his favorite, which everyone knows, but there is no problem with it. MOTHER :   Selehna -Deceased- ( The Knight Mare ) 6’4″, more slender and wiry, reminiscent of Elves. Dark red hair, and green eyes. Described by her husband ( and agreed upon by many ) as a Warrior Goddess. She has a temper, to be sure, and is not quite as cuddly as Folkvar. Though, her daughters are a different matter. Sinha is her favorite, and similar to her in many ways. Selehna is the beat down first, ask questions later type when it comes to intruders, or anyone threatening her family. Other times, she is cool and calculating. SIBLINGS :  Sinha -Deceased- 5′7″ ( At age 13 ) Fraternal twin to Rinnah. Lighter red hair than their mother ( not fiery ), and blind ( blue eyes ). Takes after their mother in build, and a bit in temperament. Sinha is not entirely fun-loving, but will do all sorts of playing and fun things with her sister, and their father should Rinnah be present. Calm, assertive.
EXTENDED  FAMILY :    Unknown on father’s side. Mother’s, however, which made up many of the tribe, were not fond of an outsider marrying their most sought after daughter. Were abusive to Rinnah when her parents took Sinha away to find a better healer. They are the source of all her scars, stunted growth, and psychological problems NAME  MEANING / S :    Folkvar: “guardian of the people”, Selehna: “Moon”, Rinnah: “Shouting for joy”, Sinha: made to match Rin’s HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   N/A.
BOOK :   N/A MOVIE :   N/A 5 SONGS :  N/A
DEITY : Orome and Ulmo ( because she’s met both, and finds them to be quite pleasant )
HOLIDAY : N/A MONTH :  Probably September, when it’s not too cool, but Fall has begun. SEASON :  Summer/Fall PLACE :  She wanders too much to have a favorite. If she did, then there’s a good chance that there would be no more traveling for her. WEATHER :    Sunny days, warm, but not too warm for someone who...wears a fur coat -wink- SOUND :   The sound of fire crackling, the animals of the forest, rain on a roof, or on the leaves SCENT / S :   Baked treats and bread, roasting meat, freshly cut wood TASTE / S :    Savory, meaty flavors. Freshly baked bread, deserts of all sorts FEEL / S :    Leather, fur, crunching leaves, smooth river stones ANIMAL / S :    Dogs and horses, and bears NUMBER :  N/A. COLORS :  Golden yellow, warm browns
TALENTS :    Good, scrappy fighter, ready to use whatever weapons she can find, and her body if she can’t. Cooking and singing. Very good listener. BAD  AT :  Reading, math, fitting in with more “cultured” people, especially the women TURN  ONS :   All sorts of things, really. Mostly anything that takes away her control, and even possibly belittles her. Teasing is good, verbal or otherwise, but nothing too cruel. Facesitting is pretty awesome (especially when someone else is doing the sitting). SIZE DIFFERENCE HELL FUCKIN YEAH. Experienced partners, and a reasonable amount of roughness. Put a hand around her throat, maybe pin her down completely, make her cum over and over until she’s begging you to stop, or the reverse is good too. TURN  OFFS :   MAKING ANY SORT OF NEGATIVE COMMENT TOWARDS HER GENITALS (The existence of, moreso than being like “oh gosh it’s so small, because that kind of comment makes her feel all hot and embarrassed and she loves it.)  HOBBIES :  Woodcarving, hunting, singing, traveling, sleeping in sun beams AESTHETIC  TAGS :   Animals of all sorts, gorgeous landscapes, carved wood, bone jewelry, all sorts of weapons (more along the primitive/medieval aspect), rustic dishes (bread and meats predominantly) GPOY  QUOTES :  N/A. Look at the musings tag on my blog
MAIN  FC / S :   Emilia Clarke & Samantha Wright ALT  FC / S :  Isla from Plastic Memories (For any non-live action) OLDER  FC / S :   N/A YOUNGER  FC / S :  N/A VOICE  CLAIM / S :   Nora Patterson of Royal Teeth, I think, is probably the best I can find? GENDERBENT  FC / S :    N/A
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?          A1 :   Oh geez, this is definitely a very tough question. Personally, I don’t think there’s really much of a way to do a movie about her. I mean, the beginning would be fun, probably, with the antics of her and Sinha, as well as just enjoying time with the parents. Then everything would just become depressing, more depressing, and then a bit indifferent as she went on her own. After all, She doesn’t have anything big that happens, she’s just another denizen of Middle-Earth.
Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?          A2 :   Ooh boy, Instrumentals all the way for this one. It fits best with the world she lives in, and a lot of the Lord of the Rings stuff would fit for that reason. However, while it’s good on the epic/battle fronts, it doesn’t have quite as many happy and depressing songs that would fit for her. For that reason, I could actually see Ghibli type music working well. It has a whole range of emotional songs, from the most light-hearted, to the most heart-wrenching. Princess Mononoke would definitely have good instrumentals, as well as Spirited Away.
Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?          A3 :  Well, I had her as a character in my mind since I first read The Hobbit in second grade. (I was really good at reading) There have been multiple revisions over the years (as children tend to make sort of mary-sue characters, but that’s not their fault), and I finally really settled about 2009. (other than the average hair changes because people don’t have to stick to one style)
Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?          A4 :   BEORN WAS MY FAVE IN THE HOBBIT AND I WANTED SO MUCH MORE!!! I would have loved a book about his life, and more of when the Company stayed at his home. Shape-shifting characters have always been a draw for me, but I wasn’t quite as fond of the one’s who had even more power than that. Trust me, being able to change into one animal is enough to make a character interesting, without overdosing on coolness and power.
Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.          A5 :   Being that Rinnah is naturally so friendly, and her culture pretty open, I have a lot of trouble when it comes to rp partners thinking that she’s trying to get into their pants. She also has a lot of fears and conflict when interacting with others, so I can’t always proceed the way I would like, in threads. Pleasing the character she’s interacting with is her top priority, so sometimes it can be pretty limiting.
Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?          A6 :   We both stay quiet about our own problems, and will constantly try and help people while we, ourselves, are just treading emotional water. I personally, emotionally carried like half of my fellow Honor students in college through every midterm and finals week, while completely freaking out in my own head.
Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?          A7 : She’d probably be really excited to have someone like me as a friend. Interacting with me isn’t as emotionally taxing, because of my laid-back nature, so it would be very comfortable for her.
Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?        A8 :  Ya know, I can’t make this shit up. With, like, 90% of villain characters, she will become like someone they absolutely love to be around, some even ask to marry her, while others mostly go out with her, if she hasn’t been adopted by them. (And yes, I’m including the ones who really are not fond of other people, like; Gisborne, Smaug (in multiple cases), Bolg, Ganondorf, Hades, Gregor Clegane, Hyde (from BBC’s Jekyll), etc.
Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :  Music, mostly. If I’m listening to some good shit I will check tumblr so many times for notifications hoping that it’ll be time to write XD My other inspiration is all of the positive feedback I get from my partners, as well as my want/need to do the best that I can for them.
Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?          A10 : Don’t....don’t even..please...
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“I love the way your ass bounces when I spank it…” -Gregor (please tag @gotwomennoonewants so I dont miss this please)
@gotwomennoonewantsRinnah pulled the blankets tighter around herself, chin resting on her knees. “Why am I not surprised to hear that?” Cheeks tinged red, and she bit her lip. “Like to hear it, though, and enjoy it.  Hope you’re gonna keep doing it for years to come, too.”
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