king-crane · 1 year
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛
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bastard-basket · 2 years
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@rinnahtheskinchanger snarly face
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            "Oh? Well, I am tall, perhaps I could go with you?” 
He hums, excited by the idea of picking fresh apples. They were his favorite fruit for some reason, even though they did not have much of an extreme taste like he normally liked out of human foods. However, he loved the texture, and the slight sweetness that they gave him. Also apple pie was pretty great, more so around this time of the year, topped with ice cream. Hmm.
@rinnahtheskinchanger​ // closed.
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xaallo · 3 years
I love xaa avoiding his 'mons, thinking he'd traumatize them...but animals are very chill (compared to 'intelligent' beings) when it comes to limb loss. Honestly they're probably more upset by him not being anywhere in sight. If they did see him, they'd probably have some concern, but would most likely just try to cheer him up in some way.
Yes, Xaallo is doing the typical human thing where he's projecting his own concerns onto his 'mons. That said, I do believe 'mons are a bit more sentient than typical humans, especially psychic types (one of which he has).
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¿ [ rin's the kind of person who goes with tentative touches, feeling things out before diving in (if receiving a positive reaction) this includes: carefully resting a hand on an arm, thigh, or her companions own hand. sitting next to someone and gently moving her thigh closer to theirs. if they're closer than just acquaintances she will very carefully and slowly move in to lean against them for her own comfort, as well as making her presence known ]
Mike typically looks at her as she tentatively touches him, perhaps smiling wryly as she continues. He’s kinda like a sheepdog, in the sense that he lets just about anyone pet him and touch him, as long as he doesn’t hate them.
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Dallas' reaction to a S/O of Nordic descent that only recalls the cows through kulning? (Check Jonna Jinton on youtube)
dallas would think that it’s honestly so beautiful and so soothing to listen to . he’d try , or he’d want to try , and learn to recognize their different kulning ( is that the right way to phrase it ? ) , just so they know where they are and if they’re okay . but honestly , he finds it utterly beautiful . a lot prettier than yodeling . 
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deliciousfear · 4 years
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Penny blinks in confusion, “But... you hardly have room to bury treasure on your person?” He grunts out, his mismatched eyes moving over her, “You barely even have pockets...” He motions, feeling like he was missing something, 
                                   “... am I being stupid?”
@rinnahtheskinchanger​ // closed.
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itsagoodtouch · 4 years
Krieg didn’t usually think about his clothing. Sure, he had gotten a bit more ‘juicy’ after the fall of Hyperion, since he actually had time to eat and take care of himself. For once his legs actually looked giant enough to support his torso, and his torso was less of a tower now and more of a broad wall of muscle and meat.
Of course, with the new meat, other parts of him had grown to be more proportional. He had thought nothing of the growth of his pecs until he would catch people staring. What was so weird? He had always been shirtless before. Should he start actually wearing something now?
Grunting in frustration, the man walked through the corridors of Sanctuary III, hardly noticing the small figure that bumped into him, though as soon as he felt her face buried in his chest, he felt the need to apologize, and proceeded to do so, stumblimg over his words.
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restfuldead · 5 years
Daeshim Clarence Song-Kim was not known to be one to just sit while his Kingdom was working. As the Goliaths fed the Skags and tended to the fields, as the psychos battled each other in gladiator rings, and as the Marauders polished and rigged their weapons, the Crown Prince of Slaughter roamed his territory: all of Three Horns.
Preparation for war against the Children of the Vault was coming, but hopefully it would be far off. The giant Nomad had his metal shield chained to his back and his shotgun in his hands as he roamed Three Horns Divide. The Bullymongs left him alone for the most part, and he didn’t really notice much else till he got to where Sanctuary used to sit. Sitting at the edge of the crater was a tiny, white-haired woman. He almost mistook her for a Psycho Midget, which would have been unfortunate. She probably heard him from a mile away with his armor clinking and his shield rustling. All in all, the man weighed around 700 pounds; most of it was armor and muscle, and the rest was gear and padding. His footsteps made the ground beneath his feet rumble as he approached the smaller woman.
“A pretty sight, huh?” He mumbled. The entrance to the Caustic Caverns was just below them.
“I was brought to Pandora on the Sanctuary, back when it was a DAHL mining ship.”
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painandabsolution · 5 years
Dazed and Confused
Damian would be the first to admit he did not particularly enjoy the company of canines. So far the ones he had encountered were the rabid, diseased mutts infected by the Weald, and though he felt sympathy for them, he felt even more annoyed at the way their teeth sank into him before he could even return the favor.
Ana, Mr. Frederick’s hound, was a likable little lady, but the Flagellant did not see much of the Houndmaster.
No, he did not have much experience with canines in the slightest. So when his nose picked up a distinctly canine scent and shapes danced in his dead eyes of an impossibly beautiful creature, he was surprised at how his body reacted. It was not long before he had closed the distance and his hands ran through the beautiful creature’s white mane. Though she was massive, Damian was even moreso.
“What is a beautiful creature like yourself doing out here? It is dangerous for living things like us.” He murmured. “Did the Light send you to me?” His voice was uncharacteristically gentle, even if it was also hoarse from his constant screaming.
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hurttheoneyoulove · 5 years
Measure of a Life
Krieg had never been one to believe in... well, anything to do with faith. If you couldn’t see it, do it, touch it, or feel it, then it wasn’t real.
As one might guess, this belief system made him alienate himself from most. Coming from the Tribal and highly religious planet of Promethea, he never really connected as the Crown Prince. It was why he took so well to bounty hunting. He could hold money. He could hold a gun. He couldn’t hold the stars or his ancestors.
And then he arrived on Pandora (unwillingly). Despite all signs pointing to his eventual death, Krieg somehow defied them. Even in the face of overwhelming and certain doom, the mountain of a man stayed on top. And it overwhelmed him.
8 years after he had arrived on Pandora, 5 years after the death of Handsome Jack (at his own hands, no less), and one night after he had started believing in soulmates. It had all started with Rin. He’d met her shortly after escaping Hyperion custody and they had been through this fucking hellhole of a planet together.
He had stopped wearing the mask, instead relying on Zed’s medicine to keep his breathing in check, as well as routine physical therapy and detox sessions. He was starting to feel less like a monster, and more like a man.
And when he looked at Rinnah... shit, he couldn’t imagine losing her. Couldn’t imagine a life without her.
And so here they sat, side by side on one of the giant, craggy spires in the Dust, his massive hand resting on hers. Slowly, he sneaked his other hand into his back pocket.
He had taken something with him when he left Promethea, something not even Hyperion could take from him; a wedding ring, passed down to him from his forefathers. Even after centuries of wear, the Amos family heirloom stood true.
Gently but firmly he squeezed Rinnah’s hand and turned her attention to the ring in his comically oversized fingers. “W-w-will... you be mine?”
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king-crane · 10 months
💞 OC x canon
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no but oc x canon is unironically the foundation and backbone of nearly every single fandom ever. i have roleplayed with far more ocs than i have ever roleplayed with other canons, and i adore them to bits (@rinnahtheskinchanger @arkhamcalamity @elisethetraveller @noetic-noesis-noein @the-arkham-librarian JUST TO NAME A FEW!!!!) and yes your honor i ship ocs with crane. i love ocs to death and i also love shipping to death, so it just makes sense.
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bastard-basket · 2 years
can  you  swear  i’ll  be  yours ?
     A sturdy hand moved to gently tilt Rin’s head upwards just as Vola’s gaze fell to meet her’s. There was tenderness somewhere in those wild, fiery eyes despite the eternal whirlwind of wrath and rage burning within.
     “Until you eventually get tired of my bullshit, darlin’,” she purred jokingly to Rin before dipping down to place a little kiss onto her lips.
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Kharon looks up when he feels someone familiar, his eyes softening as a smile pulls up the corners of his mouth. His features are just pleasantly surprised to see them, how long has it been? years? It felt like years. But Kharon was never good with time, he was always too late or just too early. 
                         “I wasn’t expecting you here, but... it’s nice to see you.”
@rinnahtheskinchanger​ // closed.
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xaallo · 3 years
Thank you! Very kind of you <3
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"(─‿‿─)" [ been a while lol, but she is a great cuddler ]
“Hello, Rinnah.” Mike said nonchalantly as she snuggled up to him. His facial expression didn’t move one bit, and anybody who didn’t know any better would think he was annoyed at the gesture. When she got nestled in, he leaned in to sniff her hair, which was the cuddle tax.
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