#rip barb
hawkinsincorrect · 2 months
Nancy Wheeler: Dear Diary, my teen-angst bullshit now has a body count.
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12am-motivation · 2 years
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pika barb
@anonnymaus-author @lilkittenofdoom
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disbear · 2 years
me when stranger things introduces a delightful new character and makes me love them only to have them brutally slaughtered in the same season
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alfhitchblonde · 1 year
More Stranger Things WIP
More of THIS
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Descriptions of a PTSD episode and mentions of Panic Attacks
The weight of weed kept her grounded. Kept her from spiraling. It wasn’t that serious. 
“Pass me the joint Chris?” Nancy held her hand to Chrissy who smiled, taking a long drag before handing it to her. 
“God I never would have imagined myself here,” Chrissy sighed. “This is lovely.”
“Yeah,” Nancy agreed, taking a long, hard hit. “Me neither.”
“I can,” Robin stared at the two women, a dopey smile on her lips. “I can’t count on anything after the Russians.”
“Robin!” Nancy gasped as Chrissy laughed. Which in turn made Nancy laugh. She felt so light. Who cared? Who cared about the mountain of NDAs they signed. They were higher than a kite and not like these guys had any clue. 
“Russians?” Eddie looked back at them, holding a tape in his hands. 
“Russians,” Robin nodded solemnly before giggling. “Oh my god Nancy you didn’t see them.”
“Were they hot?” Chrissy asked. 
“Absolutely not,” Robin shook her head. “These ugly ass men.”
“Ugh,” Chrissy collapsed on the floor. “Shame.”
“Okay…” Eddie glanced at them all which Nancy to laugh. This was all absurd and normal. Nothing in her life in the last three years had been normal. But here she was, watching movies with friends and getting high.The TV turned to life as Eddie pressed play and the girls quieted down. Nightmare on Elm’s Street flashed across the screen and Nancy felt herself relax. Nothing could be as scary as the shit she’d seen. Nothing could beat a demogorgon standing above you, millions of sharp teeth lunging at you. That, combined with the weed, should make this a piece of cake. 
Nancy had forgotten that the main girl in this movie had her name but it was fine. It was okay. 
“Fingernails? That made me remember the dream I had last night?”
Fingernails. Like Vecna’s long clawed fingers, like the vines that had crawled up her skin. Nancy took a deep breath, trying to ground herself. 
It is a fucking movie, Wheeler.
“Watch this!”
So what if Freddie Kruger looked a little like Vecna? The burnt, holey flesh reminding her of One. Sounded like him too. The rough, rasp of his voice was similar to how Vecna had sounded, the way he had growled. She was fine. Fine. 
Breathe Nancy. Fucking breathe.
Watching Tina floating, captured in her own nightmare made Nancy want to scream. She tightened her fingers into the blanket, trying to focus. She thought Tina’s hair was blonde not red? It looked so much like Max’s. How Max had looked floating in the air. Did Tina always looked like Max? The actress was a carbon copy, she sounded like her too. The wailing like Max’s when she couldn’t see before they had lost her for several days. 
Nancy could feel Robin’s eyes on her. She didn’t need them. She was fine. Fine. She was in Eddie’s trailer. She was in Eddie’s trailer.
Vecna was smiling, the pulsing under his translucent flesh shining in the lights. “Nancy Wheeler,” he sneered. “Sweet, selfish Nancy Wheeler. Look at you now. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A broken girl who uses weapons to get her way. Selfish, selfish Nancy Wheeler. Breaking the heart of two boys whose only crime was to love you. You say they are bullshit but you’re the one that’s bullshit. Can barely keep your friends, your brother alive. Almost too late this last time right? Almost missed it. Steve’s death would have been on you. Too slow. Too bad you couldn’t help Barb. Too bad you were so weak, so selfish. Barb was screaming your name when she went you know? Begging for her life. She loved you. Loved you. And you gave her up, left her alone. You could have saved her. Could have kept her alive. Her parents didn’t have to be childless, didn’t have to grieve. But maybe you wanted Barb to die? Didn’t you Nancy? Barb kept you from reaching your full potential. Barb was in your way, isn’t that right Nancy? And you don’t let anyone get in your way…otherwise they end up dead.”
Nancy felt the vines slithering over her, saw Vecna staring back at her on the scream. The screams of Nancy’s friend, Tina were too much. They sounded like Barb. Maybe they were Barb? Barb screamed and screamed and Nancy hadn’t heard, didn’t hear. She felt sick, felt vile, unclean. 
Can be read HERE
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ohposhers · 6 months
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shitpost drawpile with myself from last night cause these trolls are a disease in my brain
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lemonadeslice · 2 years
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hello lgbt community. i have a new favorite movie(s).
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
Part of me wants to believe that Barbatos is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely petty, and the entire Devildom knows it. Absolutely the kind of guy to end entire livelihoods over a minor inconvenience.
What's that? A store failed to deliver his latest tea shipment on time and they refused to provide a refund? Eminent domain, bitch. That land is now belongs to his Majesty, Lord Diavolo, and that store is getting bulldozed over to make room for yet another holiday home.
If Dia didn't put a lid on his time powers, he'd be popping off bloodlines for breathing too loud in his Lord's presence. Dia knows this, because they lost about 5 noble families before he finally gave Barbs the mandate.
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I already am and will be even more horribly late with day 6 and 7 of the megop week, so in the mean time please enjoy; me disrespecting megs, Earthspark megs and the sketch of day 7
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dyslexicsquirrel · 4 months
This is a super rough draft and I'm working to polish it up for AO3 but have some childhood friends who kissed (no homo) second chance romance(?) Harringrove
I haven't posted anything in forever and this idea took over my body so uh I hope you like it? If you don't? Don't tell me lmao
Now I'm thinking about childhood friends Steve and Billy who practice kissing and whatever it's totally not gay. But Steve is like imagining their life after high school together, how they're gonna go to the same college and be roommates. Maybe if they get to kiss sometimes still that would be fine.
He tells Billy about it cause they're best friends and they tell each other everything. He thought Billy was on board. He helped Steve study, made sure he graduated.
So he's a little surprised when he gets to the school and Billy's Camaro isn't there cause he was running late but Billy always did like to make an entrance. Except Steve keeps checking down their row in the stadium and Billy never shows up. Doesn't come running onto the field when they call his name.
When he goes to return the cap and gown and pick up his diploma after the ceremony, the lady at the table check's her list and tells Steve "Looks like Billy picked his up the last day of class."
There's a big hole in the middle of Steve's chest that never really quite goes away. Not through college and parties or meeting his wife and getting married. Having his kids helps a bit but it's always there, sharp and jagged just like the boy who made it.
Steve focuses on work and raising his kids and maybe that's why his marriage falls apart. His wife handed him a big Manila envelope with sadness in her eyes. "You're a great dad and there's a part of me that will always love you, but I don't think you ever loved me, Steve, and I deserve better than that. We both do."
He agreed to everything, got split custody, and moved into an apartment in the city. It was beige and empty, but he covered it with pictures of his kids and ignored the way the hole in his chest started crumbling inward, growing every morning he woke up to silence until he felt hollow.
Steve got the kids for the summer and rented an RV. They were driving to California cause the kids had never seen the Pacific, he told his ex. She shrugged and sent them all off with hugs and kisses on the forehead. If a tiny voice in the back of his head called him a liar, he ignored it.
They ate at hole in the wall diners off the highway, but Steve splurged on hotels with pools cause sue him he was too high maintenance to live without soft sheets and good shower pressure.
Somewhere in Kansas or Colorado, Steve couldn't remember where they were right then, he saw the gas gauge getting low and pulling off at the next exit to find a place to get gas.
Steve almost ran a red light when he saw the sign at the convenience store on the corner. It had his brain lighting up like fireworks, memories of a past he didn't normally let himself think about crashing against the inside of his skull like waves.
There was no way. It was just a coincidence. He made sure the kids were fine and swung into the parking lot after the light turned green. "Dad's just a little tired. We'll find a place to check in after I fill up the tank."
The gas pump was old fashioned, not a single card reader in sight, and Steve shook his head with a chuckle, before rounding up the kids and heading inside. They dumped way too many snacks on the counter when they got to the front of the line. "Can I also get $40 on pump 3?" here told the guy behind the counter who was restocking cigarettes.
Short blonde hair, wide shoulders under a worn t-shirt, jeans so tight they molded to his ass and had Steve biting the inside of his cheek because he was in public, for fuck's sake.
He had to be really hard up if he was on the verge of making a spectacle of himself over some rando in a gas station. A grunt and the guy turned, pinning Steve with the brightest blue eyes Steve had ever seen.
Ones that haunted his dreams. "Billy?" he whispered, wallet slipping out of his numb fingers.
The guy who couldn't be Billy blinked at him, except he said, "Steve."
Robbie tugged on the hem of his shirt. "Who's that, dad?"
"Dad?" Billy repeated, sounding confused and a little accusatory. And seriously, fuck him.
"Just someone I used to know." He needed to get out of there before he made a scene of a different kind by jumping over the counter and punching Billy in his stupid, perfect face. "How much do I owe you?"
Billy's frown deepened. He bagged up all of the snacks, no longer meeting Steve's eyes and said, "Don't worry about it" when he handed them over.
Nope. He was not making it that easy. *You left. You left me. Why did you leave me?* clamored to get passed his lips, but Steve refused to be that pathetic when Billy obviously hadn't cared as much as Steve. He got his wallet off the floor and slapped his credit card on the counter, handing the kids the bags to hold.
Billy rolled his eyes, the way he had whenever they were kids and Steve did something Billy thought was stupid. They stood on silence except for the chatter of his kids and the bell chiming over the door when someone else came in. Steve took his receipt without a word.
"Come on, you two, let's go." He herded the kids toward the door, determined to walk out on Billy the way the other man had walked out on him, but Steve never did have much self control.
Billy was still watching him and their eyes met when Steve looked over his shoulder. "You know a good hotel around here?"
"There's a Best Western a few blocks down. Nicest place in town."
Was he imagining the question in Billy's eyes? Steve didn't know. Grace whined, "Come on, dad," the way only teenagers could and Steve let the door swing closed behind him.
Part of Steve was anticipating the knock at the door after the sun had set and the kids were both curled up in their beds. The other part called him an idiot for still holding a torch for the guy who broke his heart.
The rap on the door was soft, but Steve still jumped, tripping over his feet when he got off the couch.
There was Billy on the other side of the door, a cigarette dangling from his lips, hands shoved into his pockets.
Mindful of his kids, Steve stepped outside, leaving the door cracked behind him, while they stared at each other, the weight of all the years between them.
Billy broke the silence first, pulling the cigarette from his mouth, ash flicked from the tip in a cascade of sparks. "Where's Mrs. Harrington?"
That was about all Steve could take. He shoved at Billy's chest, still as solid as it had been back in high school, the prick. Billy didn't budge an inch. "I got divorced last year."
Billy took a long drag, a quiet "Shit" exhaled on a cloud of smoke.
"Yeah." Steve took the cigarette from Billy like they used to. He hadn't had a drag in years and almost choked.
There was no laughter, no jibe at Steve forgetting how to smoke. Instead, one of Billy's hands rubbed circles against Steve's back. Just that one touch unlocked something in Steve, all the years of longing, of loneliness, of regret. He wrapped his free hand around Billy's waist and tucked his face into the other man's chest.
"Why?" It came out garbled and wet from his tears but Billy understood all the same.
His answer made his tears run faster. But it was okay because size Billy's arms wrapped around him, holding Steve together. "Because I loved you too much."
"You're a fucking asshole."
"I know."
"I loved you too."
"I know." Of course he had.
They stayed like that until Steve got himself back together, the cigarette left to snuff itself out on the concrete. His eyes red and puffy and Billy wiped the moisture off his cheeks with his thumbs.
Steve leaned into Billy’s calloused palms, pulling the scent of Marlboroughs and warm skin into his lungs. He sniffed loud, echoed by the crickets and the distant traffic. He needed to say something or else he’d start crying again because Billy was looking at him the way Steve always secretly dreamed Billy would look at him one day.
He wanted to know what the hell he ‘loved him too much’ to stay meant, but this thing—could he call it a thing? Robin would probably call him a dingus right about now—was too shaky, like a house built on a cliff during an earthquake.
So instead, he said, “You know I meant why’d you pick that name when I asked why, but thanks for the declaration, I guess.”
Steve felt Billy’s chuckle where their chests still touched. “Now who’s the asshole?”
And, okay, Steve really was curious because Billy had to be the one who owned that place and had the balls to slap Pretty Boy on the front of a building.
Which meant he thought about Steve and the nickname he bestowed upon him enough to name his business after him. To have to see it every day and think about Steve.
So he was curious, but not enough to stop and ask when Billy was angling Steve’s head with the hand still holding his cheek to press their lips together.
It had been decades since the last time Steve and Billy kissed and it was still the best feeling in the world. The feeling of a full beard was new, but Billy’s hands felt the same, cradling the back of Steve’s head, the other pressed low on his back.
He still tasted like cigarettes and the mint gum he liked to chew.
Steve didn’t pull away until he heard the bathroom door close inside the room and even then he didn’t go far, pressing their foreheads together so they were still sharing the same air for as long as possible.
“How long are you here for?” Billy whispered, like he was afraid if he spoke too loudly, he would shatter the moment like spun glass.
“Just until tomorrow. The kids and I are going to California for the summer.” Saying it out loud, in front of Billy, made it feel like a dirty little secret. Billy knew why Steve was going there of all places if they way one side of his mouth kicked up. Steve had missed that smirk. He’d missed a lot of things if her were being honest.
“Maybe you can swing back through on your way back.”
The hopeful note Steve heard made him feel bold, reckless. “You should come with us.”
“To California. You should come with us. I got an RV so there’s plenty of room. We could take turns driving. Grace and Robbie are cool kids, I swear. I’m realizing now that I said that that it’s kind of weird. Forget it—” His nervous rambling was cut off by Billy’s lips.
“Shut up, pretty boy. I’ve been wanting to go to California with you my whole life.” And, oh. Well, Steve was done for. His hands curled into the fabric of Billy’s shirt, holding on for dear life, scared if he let go Billy would disappear. “Besides, I should probably get to know your rugrats before I ask their dad to marry me.”
Steve's eye went comically wide and his heart stopped and that hole in his chest felt like Billy had slapped a patch over it. He wheezed. “Huh?”
“You think I’m letting you go again, Harrington?”
That was fine with Steve.
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tipzycat · 2 months
Do you think that human/vampire Kuro's tongue feels the same as a cat's tongue?
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Role Swap AU where Chrissy Cunningham is the queen bee of Hawkins High. She’s bitchy and a little cruel and she runs around town with Tammy Thompson and Tammy’s boyfriend Jason. Everyone hates her, they love her, they want her, they want to be her. And Chrissy has set her sights on Jonathan Byers, the only guy in school who seemingly does not even remotely care about who she is or what she’s doing, she’s obsessed. She’s not used to having to make the first move, usually boys come to her and she decides who is worth her time, it’s a process this change in dynamic. So when Jonathan’s friend Nancy’s little brother goes missing she has her opening. She invites Jonathan and Nancy and Nancy’s friend Barb -- that she never goes anywhere without -- to a party, just to get their mind off of things. It’ll be fun.
Nancy doesn’t go, “She just doesn’t know how to let loose and have a little fun Jonny,” is Chrissy’s answer, “it’s so sweet that you brought Barb though I bet she never gets invited to parties like this.” Cause mean girl shit is always just a little different than mean boy shit. Barb still goes missing. Chrissy and Jonathan don’t sleep together but he does stay the night.
Meanwhile Will Byers has a lot going on. His best friend is missing, his mom just got remarried and now he has a sister that people keep calling his twin, and Max found a boy in the woods with a number tattooed on his arm. He likes Jane, they were friends long before Mom started dating her Dad but he doesn’t like that all of a sudden he’s supposed to act like they’re some big happy family. Luckily his Mom is still adjusting to housing and feeding two more people and Dus(ten) can hide out in the attic and Will can sneak food up to him without it being too suspicious. Dustin has weird powers, keeps tapping into the radio his Mom leaves on or accidentally making his walkie talkie pick up Hopper’s police radio.
Karen Wheeler is on her last fucking leg. Her son is missing, her baby boy, and Ted’s only suggestion for help is to keep plying her with uppers so she can stay awake longer wondering when her son is going to be home. Things come to a head when she faints in the grocery store, she’d been light headed all day and something about reaching for Mike’s favorite cereal had her giving way completely. When she comes to, she's staring up at Claudia Henderson, such a lovely woman, a nurse at Hawkins General she set Mike’s arm after he’d had an accident playing with Ted. She asks if she can go with Karen to search the woods again for Mike. Rounded curves, rounded smile, Karen can’t believe that someone believes her that something has taken her boy.
Nancy Wheeler just won’t stay out of Chrissy’s fucking way. She’s asking questions and poking her button fucking nose into everything. And what’s worse now she’s stealing her fucking boyfriend. Maybe it’s wrong. Maybe she’s let Tammy get too far into her head, but it’s a little satisfying ripping up her stupid little notebook.
Dustin can feel Mike Wheeler. Can feel that boy in the bad place who loves his friends and his dragons and his Mom. Dustin keeps trying to get to him, and his new friend Will keeps telling him to stop making all the radios in the house scream and fuzz.
Her head aches. She’s tired. Coffee is safer than those little pills that Ted keeps giving her. A new bottle every time he finds something he doesn’t like in the house. Dinner is late, more pills. The pillows in his chair are flat, more pills. They stare at her but they leave her unfocused and jittery. She has to be focused. Mike is so close, she can feel him. Claudia doesn’t judge her, but Karen can see the way she looks at those little bottles. So different from the way she looks at the lite-brites that are spread across the basement.
It’s not a smear campaign. Not when perfect little Nancy Wheeler is cornering her boyfriend in the dark room. It’s just the truth, Chrissy knows the kind of stuff she’s gotten up to in the dark room, or the kind of things she wanted to get up to if she weren’t worried about getting called a slut. Maybe Nancy should have worried a little bit more about optics and a little bit less about getting to the bottom of things, she’s a reporter shouldn’t she know how vicious the rumor mill can be. The sight of a pistol tucked into a pocket book, the feeling of well manicured nails against her cheek make her think for the first time that maybe she shouldn’t have let Tammy convince her to write rumors on the bathroom wall. 
Dustin says he can get Mike back. That the body they saw in the quarry wasn’t real. Will believes even if Jane and Max are skeptical.
Chrissy goes to the Wheeler house, she’s turned the tides of the rumor mill. Tammy has become a tonedeaf, jealous bitch -- and one of those things is true -- and Nancy has become the victim. Jonathan is there, and she tries to convince herself that there was nothing to worry about until he’s shoving her out the door telling her to run to get out. She does. She doesn’t. There’s a monster in the Wheeler house, it crawls from the basement.
And so it goes.
Then Claudia finds a rain soaked boy in the woods. He’s so small. She takes him home.
Then the Sinclairs move in down the road from Chrissy. A sweet family, it’s hard though to see a family with two small children moving in when she knows there are monsters in the world now. She tries to pretend that everything is normal, but the strain is there, and whether it’s her or Jon things are going bad. It’s hard to blame Nancy Wheeler for it this time.
There’s something wrong with Mike. Something is wrong with her baby. It’s so fortunate that Claudia is a nurse. She’s been cutting back on her shifts at the hospital, but she had told Karen that she could call anytime.
The shoe drops. Jonathan is sweet when he ends things, but Chrissy has never been one to let things go without a fight. She’s prepared to apologize. To ask for one more shot. When a red head with an attitude grabs her. She’s pretty sure her dog ate her step brother and Chrissy seems more capable than Hopper. Next thing she knows she’s got the Byers-Hopper kids, Max, and the neighbor kid from up the road hiding in the back of a bus while she tries her best to backhand spring her way into knowing how to swing a softball bat. Max’s dog looks an awful lot like the monster from the Wheeler basement.
And so it goes.
The summer comes and Chrissy needs to get away from her mom. She gets a job at the mall, but she’s waited so long the only places hiring are in the food court, absolutely not happening, and the record store. The record store where she ends up working with Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson.
Eddie didn’t plan to work at the mall, he didn’t want to work at this neon colored capitalist hellscape, but if he gets busted for possession one more time he’s not sure that Hopper is going to look the other way. The record store is hiring at least, he plans on taking full advantage of the employee discount this summer. Then Queen Chrissy walks in in all of her Ralph Lauren Gap glory.
Chrissy was not a good person in high school, she knows that, but she put her head so far down last year that she managed to graduate early. The hostility coming off of her new coworker is a lot more than she expected. He’s started a board to count the number of times a guy comes in to hit on her and critiques each one ruthlessly. Nerd, jock, and tragic each category has several tallies in it. Maybe it’s the popular kid solidarity or maybe she is becoming a bigger person through the power of babysitting, she feels bad that Steve Harrington is the only one who ends up getting included in the Tragic category. He comes in a lot in his tiny blue Scoops uniform but he hasn’t tried to talk to her once.
Unexpected as it seems, Queen Chrissy is apparently the founding member of the Hawkins chapter of the babysitters club. It’s a never ending parade of children marching through the door and demanding to see her. The Byers boy is his favorite, but the Wheeler kid that had gone missing a couple years ago always has a haunted look on his face. The little curly haired one with the gap teeth seemed to startle her when he came running by, he’s loud and has no sense of what should be an inside thought and not an outside thought, but once he assures her that his mom knows where he is she’s letting him and the oldest Sinclair in through the back to sneak into the movies.
Something weird is coming in through the radio Dustin tricked out with his powers for her. It’s picking up a lot more than the rock station from Indianapolis. Max knows Chrissy will be able to help, she doesn’t expect her new neighbor to be working with her babysitter but she’s heard the shit he gets into at night he should at least be able to figure out if she’s just picking up a radio station all the way in Russia. She brings Erica with her, Lucas has been weird lately hanging out with Dustin a lot lately and ignoring her. She’s not jealous but if he’s gonna hang out with other people she can gossip with his younger sister.
And so it goes.
She’s got no right to be jealous. She is though. Who the hell does Robin Buckley think she is, stealing her kids. All Max can talk about is how cool Robin is. How she doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her. How she’s in the band. How she’s going to teach Max how to play the drums. Oh Chrissy, did you know that Robin speaks three languages? Chrissy, Robin’s gonna teach us how to say Italian curse words. Robin stood up to Jason for us. Robin, Robin, Robin. Who the fuck is this girl who can just swoop in an make her kids fall all over themselves to sing her praises. They don’t even like Eddie this much and he’s a DnD playing rocker with an unlimited stash of weed. But somehow a band nerd whose only friend is second year senior Steve Harrington has her kids wrapped around her stupid finger.
The last thing Eddie Munson ever expected was to stumble on Steve Harrington lurking at skull rock. Or at least not lurking alone. He startles when he sees Eddie, not fear, just surprise. There’s something desperate and haunted in his eyes when he looks up at Eddie. And then the captain of every team of Hawkins high is begging, begging for Eddie to hand over anything he’s got that will make him forget he’s even a person. He doesn’t deal anymore, not really. He’s promised Wayne and Chrissy and Red and even Karen fucking Wheeler that he would stop. Sticking to stuff that nature provides doesn’t feel like lying. Eddie really doesn’t want to leave someone as fucked up as Steve here alone. It doesn’t hurt that he’s pretty and that shaky little laugh that Eddie manages to pull from him. It’s only a little lie when he tells Steve Harrington to meet him at the trailer park after the game.
One more thing Chrissy can’t stand about Robin, she’s somehow got Eddie attending a basketball game. They’re all there to support Lucas but normally it’s a fight to get the nerdiest of them in the stands. Sure he’s spending more time looking at Steve Harrington, warming the stands with the rest of them now, than he is at Buckley but she knows the band geek is at fault here somehow. She’s really trying to not be a bitch about it but maybe jealousy like her hair and her eyes is just one more wretched thing she got from her mother.
Steve Harrington is floating, and not in the way people usually claim to when they come to Eddie. His eyes are blank and unseeing and Eddie is sure that he’s about to watch the once captain of the basketball team die right in front of him. Then Robin Buckley, screaming and inconsolable and inexplicably in the passenger seat, bumps the radio in her frantic rush to get to her best friend. Bowie starts blaring from the speakers, the neighbors dog starts barking, Max comes out of her trailer and screams. Then Steve Harrington falls out of the sky.
If she could get one thing out of life it would be to finally be free of the Upside Down. But instead she’s in a fiery red hellscape with her ex boyfriend, her platonic soulmate, her arch nemesis, and the human embodiment of a golden retriever. Insult to injury, injury being the giant fucking chunk missing from her side -- maybe now her mom will lay off for a bit, surely now she’s at goal weight -- and the insult being how hot Robin looks covered in the barest hints of demo blood. Even if she won’t shut up about rabies.
Steve is handling this much better than Eddie did the first time. Bouncing around literal hell, sticking very close to his side. It makes him feel a little braver, this beautiful boy looking at him like he’s an action star. He just hopes they all make it out this time. He’s got a bad feeling.
And so it goes.
Steve Harrington is probably going to be hard of hearing for the rest of his life, blood leaking from his ears and left arm broken in two places by the time they take care of Vecna. Robin lost a chunk of her large intestine -- and half a tit, let’s really focus on the important things here Cunningham, I was already only a B cup. But they’re both alive. They’re all alive. Eddie’s been posted up by Steve’s bedside, slowly and patiently teaching a prep sign language, something he wouldn’t have even thought about doing a couple months ago.
Chrissy, the most oblivious bisexual that Eddie has ever had the misfortune of trauma bonding with, has fallen ass over tit for Robin Buckley and refuses to do anything about it. It’d be sweet if it weren’t so goddamn sad. They’re holding hands on Robin’s hospital bed, laughing at a soap that’s playing on the TV. Until Steve screws his face up into the most intimidating little jock scowl he can, a look that doesn’t work as well outside of the locker filled halls of Hawkins High, and demands she stop stringing along his best friend. Robin looks mortified but the challenge lights something up in the late Queen Cunningham. She sets her sights on Robin now. Chrissy Cunningham may not be queen anymore, but she’s still a little bitchy and she always gets what she wants.
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
Tie Whumpee up with barbed wire, then run some electricity through it.
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spacecasehobbit · 7 months
So many fics where Eddie finds Billy alive in the Upside Down post S4.
Meanwhile, I keep thinking that maybe I should eventually return to my fic where Billy gets a surprise rescue from Barb, the first person to survive in the Upside Down after being left for dead, and who teamed up with a still living Bob Newby after S2.
Then Billy gets a loving and supportive parental figure in Bob, Barb and Billy both get a queer sibling who they start off hating and end up protective as hell over, and Bob doesn't have to rethink the nerdy 'team name' he came up with after Barb saved him and they started working together to survive the Upside Down.
They get to help each other process their various sources of trauma, experience lots of found-family shenanigans, and argue over whether it's Steve or Nancy who has bad taste for their interest in the other one (though Barb does have to concede the point a little bit upon learning that Nancy eventually dumped Steve for Jonathan) while Bob indulgently attempts and fails to mediate.
And with the addition of Billy, maybe The B Team can finally find their way out of the Upside Down.
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artcinemas · 15 days
i think it would be funny that dunk and egg show pulling out a bridgerton and we see the real slim shady bardcore version playing in the background as dunk gives aerion a wedgie or is it just me 😔
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ensiriustea · 2 years
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2020 art
Finally! The first art of my Barbatos x OC Lysias (barbsian ship name) in this account. I have a plenty of older ones but I am too shy to share those so have this as a first instead HAHA I adore them a lot, I'm warning you all now~
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