#rita farr x femreader
Keep your mouth closed
Warnings: Reader is a witch and she is over 200 years old, secret relationship, a bit of internalized homophobia, fluff.
You have to watch "Doom Patrol" because it is the best series IN THE WORLD
Word count: 2.2 K
Pairing: Rita Farr x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Rita and Reader have a secret relationship, but Reader is tired of hiding her beautiful girlfriend from her best friends, it all ends in an ugly argument.
Requests: OPEN
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My alarm clock rang, reminding me that I had to train with Victor at exactly 6:00 AM. 
So, I got up, went to the bathroom to relieve myself, brush my teeth, brush my face, braid my hair, put on some leggings, a sports top, my tennis shoes and left my room, meeting Victor who was already warming up on the stairs 
"Good morning, Y/N" I only replied with a grunt "wow, someone got up with the left foot" 
“Is it really necessary to go out and exercise today?” 
"Of course it's necessary, do you want to be a great hero?" 
"Is this where I have to say 'Yes'?" 
"Forget it, just follow me, today is a hot day and the later we start, the hotter it will be" 
Going to exercise with Victor was synonymous with torture; sit-ups, squats, running long distances, carrying large amounts of weight, fighting each other, so no matter the weather, we always arrived at the mansion full of sweat, but, on a day like today, with 84.2 ° F, it was logical that we were going to arrive, sweating and wanting to have a big glass of ice water. 
When we arrived, everyone was already awake, Larry was making breakfast, while Dorothy and Rita were sitting at the table, having breakfast, Cliff was in the living room, watching as Jane finished painting a picture. 
“Good morning” Victor greeted, letting Larry, Rita and Dorothy know of our arrival. 
"They're drenched in sweat, Ewww !" speak Dorothy 
"I want to die" I let myself fall into a chair, in front of Rita 
“Do you want a smoothie?” asked Victor 
"Yes, but, I'll take a shower first" I got up slowly, until I was behind little Dorothy "but, first, I want to hug my favorite person" 
I hugged the girl, causing her to burst out laughing and did her best to get out of my arms, until I looked at Rita, who was laughing. 
"What's up, red, do you want a little hug from the sweaty lady?" I let go of Dorothy and started walking towards Rita 
"Don't even think about it Y/N" he stopped me just raising his index finger, so I stopped, but I ruffled his hair a bit 
“I leave you alone, because I want to, not because you ask me to” 
I walked to the stairs and went up to my room to take a shower. 
I opened the door and realized I hadn't brought my cell phone up so I wouldn't be able to listen to music, so it had to be a quick shower. Just wash my hair, my body and wait a bit for my body temperature to drop, so I can go out. 
Outside, I brushed my teeth, put on my face creams, dressed in a cute skirt and little crop top, put a towel on my head, and went back downstairs to the kitchen to find Larry, Cliff and Rita sitting while Victor I finished preparing the smoothies 
"Here you go" Victor handed me my glass and I gave him a small drink, thanking with a grunt "by the way, while you were taking a bath, someone called you, a certain Monica" 
I spit out some of the milkshake 
"Yes, the same" Victor started patting me on the back with a strange look "who is this Monica?" 
"Yes, Y/N, explain us, who is Monica?" speak Rita, not taking my eyes off of me 
"She's a friend, but I haven't heard from her in years." 
"Come on, Y/N, you don't react like that if it's just a friend" Cliff spoke "and tell us, are you fucking her?" 
“ Clif !” shouted Larry. 
“Come on guys, are we going to pretend we don't hear the strange noises coming from the bottom of the hall? Literally the only 2 people in there are you and Rita, and I'll bet Victor's dick that the one having fun at night is you, Y/N." 
Without giving me time to protest, Rita got up and walked to her room, while Cliff just looked, Larry looked down, shaking his head and Victor was more confused than at first. 
"You're a fucking asshole, Cliff." 
I got up to go after Rita, while listening to some reproaches from Cliff himself. I stood in front of the redhead's door and knocked repeatedly. 
"Rita, open me please" 
I was ready for some warning and to insist again, but to my surprise Rita just opened me up and sat on her bed, coming face to face with me. 
"Who is Monica?" 
"No one relevant" I sat next to she, but looking at the ground "but, something relevant was your attitude, what kind of scene of jealousy was that?, you're not being very discreet to say" 
"I'm sorry" now I turned to see her profile, and his eyes that looked at nothing "you know what my insecurities are, and my biggest fear is that…"
“I know love, I know. Hey, look at me” I took her chin between my fingers and forced her to look at me “Honey, I understand your fears, insecurities, traumas and all the pain you carry, and guess what? I love you, in spite of everything; but it seems a bit incongruous to me that you ask me to keep silent about our relationship, when you make those comments in front of everyone- I started kissing her neck tickling her and making her laugh a little- that's why I thought we should tell them now "
"Y/N, you know I can't…"
I walked away, tired of this conversation
"Rita, I understand, but I'm tired of having to hide, I hid for more than two centuries, I don't want to do it anymore" Rita didn't even deign to look at me "Is it because you're ashamed of me?"
"What? Of course not, I'm very lucky to be your girlfriend" Rita kissed my cheek "I just... I don't want them to know that I'm... this" 
That's when I started to feel my anger going to my head, so I stood up to face her fully. 
"Aren't you what?" 
"Come on, Rita, say the word" I started to raise my voice 
"I can't" I saw how her eyes began to fill with tears, but the fury took over me, so I ignored them 
“Yes you can, SAY IT!” 
"I'm not...g...a..." 
“Yes, you are gay, Rita, say it, you are gay, you are a fucking homosexual woman, where is the harm in that?” she didn't answer, she just tried to dry her tears "sure, do you think that of me?" My voice also began to break "Do I disgust you for saying that I am homosexual?" 
Rita just kept quiet 
"Oh, thank you. Your silence calms me down a lot” I felt my throat begin to close, as a warning of my violent crying, so I turned my back on her and started to walk to the door “you know what, Gertrude?, all this time you were right, You don't deserve even an ounce of love." 
Without more I left his room, going to mine, where I threw myself to start crying, I felt bad for that last comment I made, but anger was stronger than my reasoning. I can't believe I've been in love with such a...so...a person like Rita for a year. 
Without realizing it I fell asleep and after many hours Victor woke me up.
"Hey, you went up and didn't come back down"
"Sorry, I came here really wanting to sleep and went straight to it" I tried to laugh, but that didn't calm my friend.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes do not worry"
"Okay, get ready, because Maura and I are going to have a big party here at the mansion" I raised an eyebrow at that last one "you know, things have been a little tense regarding Niles, so we wanted to relax and have Dorothy It feels better"
“Well, it's perfect. I'll start getting ready." Victor started to leave my room. "Hey, Victor, can I call someone?"
I saw how Victor's mouth began to form a flirtatious smile "of course, you can bring your girlfriend"
"She is not my girlfriend"
He came out of my room and yelled "whatever you say captain baba"
I took out my phone and started to dial the number, while a hand went to my mouth, to realize that, indeed, I had drooled in my sleep.
"Hello? Monica? It's me, Y/N…"
The party came faster than I thought, so I simply shaped my long hair, I put on a cute black dress with straps, short, barely covering my butt, which molds my figure perfectly, with black stockings and a pair of classic red heels, with a simple but cute makeup, and I went downstairs, just in time to see my friend Monica walk in the door
"Hello beautiful" I greeted her kissing both cheeks
"My goodness Y/N, you are just as beautiful as you were years ago" she intertwined her arm with mine and we began to walk to the living room
"Of course, I'm still a murderous woman in bed" we both let out a big laugh
"Hey, now yes, tell me, what is the problem you have?"
"It is a long story…"
Narrates Rita
The party had started, and much to my regret and thanks to Larry's constant insistence, I went downstairs, trying to enjoy myself, and of course, with the intention of fixing things with Y/N, but, I didn't know how to fix things, So I plucked up the courage and told Larry the truth. 
"I already knew" he commented while trying to remove trash from his shirt 
"What? How did you already know?" 
“Rita, you are not the most discreet person on the planet, not to mention that you LITERALLY have the word lesbian written, tattooed on your forehead” he pointed to her own forehead “in fact, you were late. But I'm very happy for you, for both of us. you guys make a nice couple” 
"We were a nice couple" I corrected
"Rita, you're exaggerating, clearly Y/N still loves you" 
"How do you know?" 
"Look, I don't think they'll end up like me and John," he sighed, "but if you don't change that attitude you might." 
"So what should I do?" 
"Rita, come out, shout out to the world your love for Y/N, what's the worst that can happen? We are in the 21st century, no one says anything about homosexuals anymore, see Maura and her friends" 
Look how Maura danced, happy, despite everything she has lived 
“I remind you that homosexuality is no longer illegal. You can't get married in Ohio, but in Pennsylvania you can." 
"Do I have to work things out with Y/N?" 
"Of course, I don't want to see you alone, like me" 
"Yeah, I'm going to work things out with Y/N." 
I got up from my seat, ready to walk towards Y/N's room, when suddenly, I saw her come down, holding the arm of another girl. A blonde girl, with short hair, tall and wearing a very nice dress, with a fairly pronounced neckline, and with nice shoes, very matching with the sexy dress that Y/N was wearing, making me feel uncomfortable with my choice of clothing. 
I saw how Y/N didn't even notice my presence, and just followed her friend to the kitchen, so I sat back, staring blankly, and seeing how Victor approached us. 
"How are you doing?"
"Who is the woman with Y/N?" I asked , as I snatched his drink from him and downed it in one gulp.
“ Wow , watch out Rita, it's not water. it's her old friend Monica, why do you want to know?" I got up again, now much more determined and angry than before
"Because I'm not going to let any woman get close to my girlfriend"
"Your girlfriend?"
I didn't even answer he, I just walked across the makeshift dance floor and had another 2 drinks in one shot, until I reached the kitchen, finding Y/N hugging her friend, until the friend patted her and left. walked away, making Y/N look at me
"Rita, I want…"
I didn't let her finish her sentence, I just took her hand, making her follow me to the dance floor, and making her dance with me, to the rhythm of 'Teenage Dream', Y/N's favorite song. Without giving her time to answer, I gave her a big kiss, a deep one, and showing her how much I love her 
"I love you" I kissed her cheek "I'm sorry my fear has driven us away" 
"Don't apologize love" she also kissed me, my nose and my chin "sorry for what I told you, I didn't mean to hurt you" 
“There is no need to apologize. I just want to dance with you all night and kiss you all night." 
"Regardless if anyone sees us?" 
"I just want people to see the beautiful girlfriend I have" 
And we kissed again, feeling the happy looks of all our friends, knowing that we would be completely happy, finally. 
Maybe I'll write a little more about Rita and the Doom Patrol.
I hope you enjoy this.
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
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I come to kill you
Warnings: Weapon mentions, Doom Patrol freeform, first meet, attraction at first sight, semi slow burn
Word count: 1.0 K
Pairing: Rita Farr x Spy Fem!Reader
Prompt: Reader needs to escape from the biggest intelligence agencies on the planet, asking her friend Niles for help. Rita is, a little, in love with the woman who tried to kill her
Requests: OPEN
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Narrates Rita 
"Larry, Jane and I are going to stop him, Cliff, Rita, you help the civilians" without giving us time to protest, Victor took the other two and left Cliff and me alone. 
"Well, since my movements are a bit limited, you'll be the one to help the others." 
"Uh, thanks for leaving me alone, Cliff." 
Despite these excuses, Cliff helped some children to take refuge in nearby places, while I helped some ladies. Victor, Larry and Jane were trying to fight off an attempted sea monster?, until some shots were heard. 
Although Victor had firearms, that shot sounded different, but I tried to reassure the women, ignoring my own fear. 
After a while, I heard a scream outside, so I walked out of the little place, to meet Larry, Victor, and Cliff. 
"What's wrong? Where's Jane?" I asked for. 
Just when Larry was going to answer me we heard a knock, and we saw how Jane's body crawled to our feet, so we turned our heads to see the shadow that began to advance towards us. 
A short-complexioned woman with her hair tied back in a bun and wearing a gray suit was slowly approaching. 
"Who the hell is she?" 
Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have enough consciousness to know what happened. 
The woman, from one moment to another, took out a gun, and with a quick movement, she reached my side, grabbed my neck and pinned me against her chest.
Her left hand rested on my neck, squeezing it firmly, but without hurting me, but her right hand held the gun, while she placed it right on my temple.
“Take me to Niles Caulder ” she speak, in a voice soft enough to have a lethal weapon against me.
"Hey, calm down" Larry tried to help, but only made the gun point from my head to his, but, still, the woman did not let go of me
"Fine, fine" Victor stood in front of her, and tried to appear harmless "just let go of our friend, and we'll take you there"
“Do you think I was born yesterday, ignorant child? She'll be fine, as long as I'm guided to him."
"Please listen to her" I finally spoke, trying to reassure myself, and them too.
"You have already heard the beautiful lady, or take me to the boss, or you will have to pick up the lifeless body of your friend… you decide"
The guys were completely silent, as they began to walk, straight to the mansion, this was the moment where he was grateful not to be so far from home.
We all walked in silence, until a small movement from the woman hurt my arm, causing me to complain.
"I'm sorry" she whisper, trying to give a little caress in the area
"Niles, someone is looking for you!"
The man came out of the kitchen, staring at the woman who was subduing me with a smile on his face as he shook his head.
“Oh, woman, you never change. What's your name now? Clara? Grace? Sophia? Or Ava ?”
“Cut the nonsense, Niles”
With great care, the woman released me, and suddenly sat down in front of the man, with a big smile.
“Guys, she is Y/N, Y/N Y/L…”
“Oh no, the last name is confidential”
"Well, this is Y/N, an old friend and a CIA agent."
“Former agent of the CIA, MI6 and the extinct KGB”
"Wait… your friend, is she like a James Bond?" asked Larry excited
"Arguably yes, but don't believe everything you read, being an agent isn't as pretty as it's made out to be"
"And what are you doing here, dear?" Niles asked as he took her hand.
“I am expelled from more than 10 countries, France, Germany and Russia are following me, I cannot return to England, returning would mean the discovery of more than 100 agents… and, in fact, the United States is also looking for me, but, I know that, if you give me a space in your little… home, you would help me not to be tortured by the CIA itself”
“Sure, you know you will always be welcome in this house”
"Niles, are you going to let a killer stay in our own house? She tried to murder Rita
"Yeah" the woman stretched out, interrupting Victor "speaking of which, darling, excuse me , but, desperate situations call for desperate measures"
"Do you think that with a simple apology we can be in peace?" Victor spoke again
"Kid, I'm the one with more than 10 nations on my shoulders, with millions of people who put a price on my head, and do you think it's very comfortable for me to sleep with a bunch of strangers?"
"Kid? Do you know who I am?"
“No, but obviously you are a kid, since if you were an adult, you would understand that this is just a normal day for an agent”
“Ohh, excuse me, I forgot we had James Bond at home”
"Don't worry"
I interrupted the absurd fight between the guest and Victor , making them both turn around, the woman with an unreadable face, while the dark-haired man had a grimace of disbelief
"She is clearly in dire need of a place to hide, because if I were her, this place would be my last option. And if what she seek is my forgiveness, I understand that too, I don't know what I would have been capable of, just to avoid someone looking at me after… that day”
Victor only managed to shake his head, as he walked away from Y/N's personal space
“Well, I appreciate your apology, miss; but, even so, if any of you feel some discomfort and/or anguish about my residence, I could give you a couple of weapons, for protection”
“I feel uncomfortable”
"No Jane, you just want the gun"
" Shut up Cliff"
“Well, since, everyone agrees to your stay. It's better if I show you your room." Niles started to move, to go to the rooms.
"I follow you captain "
Both disappeared from our sight, while Jane, Cliff and Victor left the room, leaving me and Larry alone.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
“Yeah, if Niles trusts her, I think we also we should do it”
"Of course, it's not like the whole trip here you haven't taken your eyes off her"
"I'm leaving." Larry got up , jogging to his room.
I hope you enjoy it
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