lovestoriies-blog1 · 6 years
━━ starter for @riverdaring . ❜
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tamera looked around her small studio apartment and smiled. it was cramped, as there was a double bed with at the end the tiniest two seater sofa, a small coffee table and a tv. then there was a small square table, two chairs and a tiny kitchenette. there was also a low dresser against the only free wall in the studio and next to it a crib for nala. it was cramped but in the middle, there was a space where she’d placed blankets and toys for the playdate. nala was already there playing.
when the doorbell rang she sorted out her dress for the seventh time in the mirror that was on the back of the door to give a more spacious appearance - which didn’t work all too well - because she wanted to look good. so what if she had a little crush? there was no harm in it and it made nala a friend. she opened the door with a bright smile, a bit of a blush on her cheeks and her stomach filled with butterflies. “hello, come on in.” she said, sweetly. “nala’s already started by herself.” she told her with a small smile as she motioned to her daughter banging a block onto the floor.
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peacelongingmoved · 6 years
An Odd Homecoming || Closed
Lennon’s someone that doesn’t think about the past very often. He left his old ways long ago, and he always thinks forward, about what’s coming next in music, what cities are coming up, which dreams will be fulfilled. Out of nothing, he managed to create the life he always wanted. The crowd’s cheering was still buzzing in his ears when he went out of stage at the not-so-small venue, he made his last goodbye before cleaning up from the sweaty mess and showing up in the meet & greet room.
His eyes are bright and happily looking at the line in front of the spot where he’s being photographed with every single one of them, his left hand dirty with the ink of an open marker that he’s fiddling with in between signing records or other merch. His mind is somewhere else when the next person comes up--- Someone he knows. And yup, his heart skips a beat.
The last thing he would want was to see the people from high school again. With Mini... It was different. She was one of the few people who wouldn’t bully him before his transition, that would understand, and that would care. A fleeting love went on between them, and even though Lennon thought it would be dead serious and beautiful, with a blink of his eyes, she was out of town and he never saw her again after graduating and moving out to start his career and therapy. He even wrote about her, countless times. She still had this beautiful blonde hair, a sense of otherness in those light, tired eyes... They endured so much together before she vanished.
And there she was. Attending his concert.
“I...” He’s praying that Mini doesn’t recognize him. After all--- He’s been through a lot of hormones and surgery. “I, er--- Had a good time ?” Accent comes thick and nervous as he brings her notebook to his hands, trying to get over the tremble in them to sign the fucking paper. “M’ glad you did, uhm...” Wait, do they have to pose together now ? The photographer calls out for Lennon to catch his disperse attention. “‘Kay, g-gotta look ni-nice.” Lennon, get it together.
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Right back at you ! I am so glad you are back ! 
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kingclayton-blog1 · 6 years
okay, so i have an old starter call (for 2x18) that I’m still down to do if you all are.
i’m gonna write ‘em up tomorrow, just like this or IM me if you still want it!
@kalxidoscopc // @ofcatears // @bombscheryl // @riverdaring
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queenv · 6 years
@riverdaring sc
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“So you had a STRANGER living with you the entire time?” Veronica asked, looking over her shoulder at the blonde, shaking her head as she SHUDDERED a little before stopping to face him. “I’m GLAD he’s out of your life now but-- are you okay, B?”
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southsidelover · 7 years
riverdaring (what can i say i gots to know)
send me a url for some positivity meme + @riverdaringHi there new person! Welcome to positivity hour(s)!So we haven’t talked OOCly or written together, but I can tell you from afar, that I’ve appreciated seeing you support your friend @crescentpalmed very very much. Like it’s really good to see friends out there supporting friends because that shit is important. I can tell you also super fiercely care about Betty Cooper and her well being which is great, like I don’t feel you make her illness this romantic, beautiful thing, like it’s not, it’s what it is in all it’s realness and again, IMPORTANT, like I’ll sing it forever but like? That’s what it is. I don’t know what else to say but arg;ajnga;j POSITIVE VIBES FOR YOU FROM ME!!!
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hayscodings · 5 years
anyone who could potentially recognize pen really be like 'i hate to say it, i hope i don't sound ridculous, i don't know who this woman is. i mean she could be walking down the street and i wouldn't... i wouldn't know a thing. sorry to this woman.'
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win-cr-die-archive · 6 years
a starter for BETTY ( @riverdaring ).
Riverdale High was just the place that Demetria wanted to be –– NOT.
The beauty wanted to be in her own school, ruling the golden bricked hallways that had been paved especially for her. Not settling into a new place with some little mermaid looking Barbie… Cheryl was one thing, barely a threat but Veronica? God, she was so fucking ANNOYING. Just because your daddy was part of some mafia, that didn’t instantly make you teen royalty. Demetria’s father was the person who locked men like Hiram Lodge away; distaste rattling their bones as their bodies were locked behind bars and left there until trial… Sure, Hiram was sneaky but most people in the North Side and especially the South Side knew exactly what his game was. Veronica knew exactly what she was up to – she knew how to win her way into a crowd, how to curve people around her finger… Though there was something that seemed slightly more genuine about Demi. At least she made it known when she disliked people… The stupid raven haired girl on the other hand, continued the charade that she was PERFECT – though Demi could see exactly through that. Honestly, her entire head was like a never ending diary entry but if there was somebody who could make the noise S T O P with a different type of drama, there was one girl for the job. “Betty, please tell me something depressing about your life – whether that be your parents, Jughead’s criminal father or creepy, weird Chic. I need to feel better about the eternal misery that is breeding within my frosty heart.”
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@riverdaring liked.
┈ ▒█ ♛
Veronica and Betty had both been so preoccupied with their own business that they’d barely interacted this week. Considering they’d only just gotten through a rocky patch, Veronica decided that this needed to be rectified ASAP and organised a milkshake date at Pop’s. “So B, what have you been so busy with lately? I doubt its as dramatic as what I’ve been dealing with.”
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peacelongingmoved · 6 years
@riverdaring gets a starter based on a rp generator !
Noah cooking lunch for Ian.
With a little push from his husband and daughter, Ian got the motivation to start photography classes, this time for free--- funded by an Arts & Culture project from the government. He had the desire to do it for a long time, bring art and photography to vulnerable places, for people who needed this outlet but couldn’t afford it.
His first classes were sort of slow. There were not-so-expensive cameras getting stolen, but then there were a few students who decided to play a good part and say, and overall, Ian was proud and pleased with them. Specially Noah--- She was a special girl. She had an interesting way of seeing things through the lense.
They started to talk more and more to each other, sometimes meet after class, during weekends. She even met her little daughter, Violetta. He was starting to get so close to the girl, who he started to care for as a daughter. So, she decided it was a good idea to give him her address, and meet for lunch.
He sits at her table, eyes hovering around the place. The Guatemalan grins, brown eyes then looking at her as she fiddles in the kitchen. “You didn’t have to do this, y’know.”
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hi leaving this here just to say ily and you are so so appreciated
Ily too and I am so glad you came back, I adore your writing and your Betty and I can’t wait to write with you again! 
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ianisnew-blog · 6 years
         I will be on full hiatus for the next two weeks because I am attending a summer fine arts academy for my creative writing. However, you can chat with me on Twitter if I find service @ kyleeboop This is a dream for me and I hope you all will understand~
        also I apologize for my recent absence :((( my mental health took a turn for the worse so I was consumed with helping better myself. But don’t worry, i will be back soon !!
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
   It was a nice day, the sun was shining, there was a slight breeze, the sound of the crashing waves on the background. The male closed his eyes as a small smile was plastered on his face. Daydreaming about the past, his sister, his time in Brielle and the people he met in there. His best friend and dad figure Sebastian Ramsey, his even better best friend and probably Soulmate Noah Brinrose not to mention all the other nice people he had met and kept in touch with. It had been a couple of years since he left the institute. Sticking around to stay near his friends. Visiting whenever possible. Keeping his promise in the back of his head. A small beach house, a dog and a skylight to watch the stars from the bedroom. 
    His eyes shot open his fists rubbing his eyes, maybe he did just doze off a little... Whatever! A smile arose on the face of the male. He would recognize those blonde curls anywhere. Especially together with that signature smirk of the blonde. Her eyes connected with his as he stood up and walked towards her. Even though they drove her together They somehow had lost each other. His fault. The smell of the salty sea made him usually run towards it. “Sorry Blue-” He said a small grin on his face as he cupped hers in his hands giving her a kiss. “Couldn’t help myself...” With the screeching of the seagulls on the background he lost himself in her blue eyes, they never did bore him, he could stare into them forever and ever. 
   With their fingers intertwined he tugged her towards the beach, towards the waves, his head being so calm, his two natural antidotes within reach. The blonde and the sea. If only it would be night and the sky clear, it would have been absolutely perfect. “I’m fucking loving this..!” 
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@riverdaring XOXOXOXO
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win-cr-die-archive · 6 years
a starter for FELIX ( @riverdaring ).
Flings were always a weird thing –– nights full of meaningless sex where two people were connected, yet couldn’t be further away from one another. Brief encounters of lust where each party knew how to press one another’s buttons, digits curling over the sensitive spots which made one another quiver with desire, carnal thoughts burning behind their hearts and leading to the gnawing of teeth against skin, hot trails of breath making a mark on satin skin –– left to cloud with pink and purple bubbles of cotton candy. There was a mutual agreement between two pairs of hues; damaged and destructive irises colliding against delicately soft pupils, where there were no strings attached, the point of a blade slicing away at narrow threads to ensure that no hearts were shattered… Demetria had endured too many flings. Some names she couldn’t remember but other images burned into the back of her mind; leaving their brand behind two afire autumns. Handfuls of people were from parties, random guys that she had met throughout intoxicated spurs and the other men were from moments of vulnerability –– her mental health being the one to bring her down, chipping away at her soul and turning her into a fragment of what she once was. All of this was the last thing on her mind though, as her manicured frenchtips clutched onto the crystallised ball of her glass which was filled to the brim with a concoction of spirits. Stiletto clad feet, leather wrapped around her ankles and buckled into place carried her throughout the crowds of the bar –– people separating as though she was a queen SERPENT parting the read sea. Everybody in town knew Demetria Rivers; particularly the college students who flooded the club. All eyes were on her as always, her cool and collected aura oozing from her berry lips and dripping over her exposed chest, collarbones presented to the hundreds of hungry eyes that glazed over her porcelain. Her calm persona though was soon torn away from her the moment her devious ambers collided with another pair of menacing emeralds, thick brows knitting together as her bottom jaw fell open.
Felix Marshall –– somebody the beauty had found her silk skin entwined with on numerous occasions, lungs BEGGING for air as his fingertips grasped around her hips, leaving small circle shaped bruises over her body from the assault he had performed which was always welcome. The two had developed a relationship in a moment of weakness, from the very moment that her lover had left –– contact dropping to a bare minimal. It wasn’t that Demi was using Felix, or the he was using her… No, they both NEEDED one another to survive throughout their moments of darkness. Lashes battered, finally blinking as though to take in the sight before her as petals finally sewed themselves closed, the blood from needles dancing along the tip of her tongue as her vocal chords fumbled for the words she wanted. Every smooth element to her personality had dissipated and in that moment, all she could think about was tugging him to the bathroom by his collar and pushing him against the wall, all whilst her own clothes were tugged off and left to hit the wooden floorboards. Tilting her head to the side now, a small crescent curling to her cherry lips, Demetria allowed her free hand to rummage throughout her chocolate curls, mesmerising viridescents targeting him directly as she took a few steps towards him –– practically shunning out the friend he was stood with. “Well, well… Felix Marshall. Did you really miss me that much, that you had to come looking for me? I didn’t know that you held a romantic bone in your body.”
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stuyalb · 4 years
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Beautiful location Otford #house #RiverDarent https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLRkD2l5vz/?igshid=nfx6o4ltzf66
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riverdaring-blog · 7 years
“☏” for a final voicemail from my muse
“✎” for a final letter from my muse
“✉︎” for a final text from my muse
“✍” for a final diary entry about your muse from my muse
// ( @riverdaring )
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