rkkyularch · 6 years
* &. forever we are young,  ⇝   @rkguanlin .  
kyulkyung smiled softly at the wet pop of a bubble against her skin, watching the tiny little thing glisten as it found its way to her forearm before bursting. the little girl who blew the bubble whined at its disappearance, turning to run off with her friends as bubbles fluttered in their wake. the bubble festival was something she found rather interesting, definitely suited for korea’s younger generations. but yet it was something the girl found herself drawn to.
she had invited guanlin to attend the festival with her. kyulkyung had planned to just check it out with her younger companion, not really expecting much from it. but she had decided this would be good for her - to get out of the house and push way any hints of worry that might flutter her way. it was time to be a kid again. 
“okay, so.” the older girl said in between sips, juice pouch clutched in both hands and lips wrapped loosely around the purple straw. kyulkyung smacked her lips before clenching the empty pouch in her fist and tossing it into a nearby trashcan. “face painting or obstacle course first... i’m about to show this 7 year olds who’s boss.”
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rksakura · 6 years
❀ proud of you!
sending to @rkguanlin !
keeping an eye on the recent shows that korean television has to offer, with a minimal option of japanese television. she has her laptop to watch shows and videos online anyways. not like it matters too much. she watches everything on the big screen sometimes, for better graphics and visuals for her eyes.
sakura doesn't have too many shows on her bucket list. one of them, the mnet global audition season 4, which she's been keeping track of (and what the netizens have to say, sometimes interesting or just.. plain rude). she's seen a few of the contestants in person but never really bothered to make any desired approach, feeling as if she'd rub off the wrong way. besides, why would they interact with her anyways?
simply put, they’re going to be big stars one day. but it bothers her when she when she doesn't say hi to the ones she actually knows, like a little sibling figure. this bond, that’s deeper than blood ties, she cherishes to the strings and vessels of her heart. “guanlin!” he’s probably busy, having his mind attached to the pressure of impressing so many people he doesn’t know, out there, in this big world. 
“how are you holding up on the mgas? i think you’re doing great!” she’s happy to see him for once, when the time is right and they’re not both on busy schedules.
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danielxrk · 6 years
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                                        ⊰  amazing kiss - boa ⊱ ( line distribution )                                     ⊰  featuring: @rkyngsun, @suhork, @rkxluda ⊱                                                  ⊰  #4050 ; kang daniel  ;  ( *✞  ) ⊱
⊰  ———– EPISODE SIX  ⊱
daniel tries to distract himself from the impending results by draping himself over his teammates-- one arm over guanlin’s shoulders and the other over rose’s, respectively, giving him a false air of casual security he doesn’t actually possess. what matters most is that the team buys it, his role of leader not over yet, and perhaps more important now in the face of results than ever. he’s come a long way from his hesitance at the beginning of the week, now dedicated to the role and looking out for his team, becoming someone reliable for them.
he prepares himself for an elimination under his leadership-- expects his own, but it doesn’t come. instead, the ceo judges name them as in the top two, and daniel lets out a long exhale of breath he’d been holding. either way, it’s likely no one will go home. either way, he kept them safe, and relief floods his senses.
it ushers in shock when they’re revealed as the first place winners, too, and daniel beams-- only has a moment to process the news himself before guanlin’s leaping into his arms, practically knocking daniel off his feet, and he can’t help but laugh heartily, overjoyed. maybe he wasn’t a bad leader, after all. his first stop in first place off of a song and concept he recommended, and then now, during the week he lead; maybe he is doing something right.
it’s regretful to leave behind his teammates and the bond they fostered during the week-- this one, the strongest for daniel since girl crush during the 2018 releases week. he already misses them the second the mnet staff calls him to make his song selection for the week.
as if the pressure of selecting his own song, and by extension, teammates, isn’t enough, as leader of the first place team, he’s the first one to make the selection. there are no closed spots to guide him in his pick, no lessened numbers for him to guess at those who came before him, and where they might be placed.
                             SINGING                      DANCING               RAPPING                          Amazing Kiss (4)           Instruction (6)          Born Hater (3)                        Love In The Ice (6)           Handclap (6)            Who You (3)                                                                    Stay (7)
“ah, what should i do,” he laments aloud, holding his head in his hands. there’s a moment where he actually considers going for rap this week, but when he looks at the numbers beside the rap songs, and thinks of the amount of rappers in the competition, he couldn’t take a spot from them in good conscience. now, this far in the competition, probably isn’t the time to venture out and try something new, either. realistically, that leaves singing, and only two selections for him.
truthfully, he doesn’t know either of the songs, but mina listens to tvxq, and as far as he’s heard, they’re a really impressive vocal group. daniel, on the other hand? pretty far from impressive. the knowledge of that doesn’t make it any easier for him to toss himself into a vocal category. people like sungwoon are the ones that deserve a singing group. daniel fits more in a group of charming-but-minimal-talent. somehow, knowing these songs are likely ballads, where he’ll be judged solely on vocal ability makes his burden worse this round than any other. 
instead of choosing for himself, daniel thinks of people he hopes to sing with, namely, sungwoon and jinsoul, and tries to imagine what song they would choose to give them higher odds of reuniting. should he go to love in the ice, with more slots and more chances for him to run into friends, or go where his heart is leading him-- amazing kiss?
in the end, daniel wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t follow his heart, and he’s a little intimidated by love in the ice, anyway. “i’ll go with amazing kiss,” he decides with a nod.
  ⊰  ———– PRACTICE  ⊱
daniel wouldn’t say he’s disappointed when he sees his team, they just don’t meet his high hopes. the only familiar face is yongsun, though he has watched junmyeon and luda throughout the competition, and is pleased to meet them. he can’t help but feel dejected at missing out on the opportunity to perform with his friends, however, and aside from that, daniel’s inadequacy immediately becomes apparent.
yongsun and luda: vocal powerhouses in their own right. junmyeon: a solid vocal, but more importantly, able to charm the entire nation. daniel doesn’t even know how he can compete. it’s all he can hope that he’ll even survive, but his own elimination seems more eminent than ever.
early on, the team discusses whether they all got their first pick of songs, and daniel confesses this. “i was hoping i’d be on a team with sungwoon hyung or jinsoul,” he admits, and he quickly regrets it, eyes widening, and he shakes his head, clarifying-- “but i think you’re all great! i’m not disappointed!” it’s not entirely truthful, but they don’t need to know that. 
junmyeon says he misses him, and daniel’s about to make some childish comment about missing him more because he feels like he hasn’t properly seen him in months, the longest he’s gone without properly spending time with sungwoon in a near year, when junmyeon says, “don’t worry, i’ll be here for you in his absence. you can count on me.” daniel can’t help but smile, if only because the sentiment is heartwarming. “hmmm, i can see why people like you so much,” daniel replies, playfully, and his eyes disappear into crescents as he grins. 
yongsun takes the brunt of distributing lines, with luda assisting her, leaving daniel and junmyeon to their own devices- a horrible mistake, honestly. daniel listens to the song first, trying to familiarize himself with it, but before long, he and junmyeon get involved in a charisma showdown of a sort. naturally, this means junmyeon biting his lip in daniel’s general direction, and daniel bursting into laughter, covering his face in embarrassment. junmyeon wiggles his eyebrows, and daniel accepts his inevitable defeat without even putting up much of a fight. (at least he’s cute when he’s embarrassed-- he hopes.)
the girls have the line distribution done by then, and as they go over it, daniel’s heart sinks when he realizes he only really has two proper lines, then a few extra, small tidbits in the rest of the song. he knows it’s fair; he knows he lacks in vocal prowess by miles compared to the others, and that they need to put on a good performance, but in the back of his mind lurks the truth that this is an individual challenge with an individual ranking. what are his chances, if he barely sings, even in a song with only four people? he was hoping for at least a moment to try to shine-- an opportunity to do something with, even if ultimately, he fell short in the time he had.
he stays silent, keeping his concerns to himself for a few minutes, but when the team splits up to practice their parts individually, daniel lurks behind, and seeks out yongsun. “yong noona,” he ventures, unable to meet her eyes due to shame at first. “it’s about the line distribution. you worked really hard, and-- i know you all are much better singers than me, but i was wondering...if there are any other lines you think might suit me? i don’t want to be an inconvenience, but i was hoping i might be able to sing more.” at least he voices it well.
to his relief, yongsun is willing and eager to help him out, and she splits one of her choruses with them, allowing daniel to share her spotlight and harmonize with her, instead of her taking it entirely for herself. he doesn’t want to push his luck or yongsun’s patience, so he accepts these additional lines graciously. “thanks so much, noona,” he thanks her, and flashes her a bright smile, and he’s genuinely grateful. 
the week passes more slowly than others and more quickly all at once, with no choreography to split his attention. all he focuses on is his vocals, and putting on a good performance, and thankfully, yongsun is right there to help him.
he still doesn’t have much faith in his vocals, but he thinks he just might make it, and come performance day, might even hold his own.
 ⊰  ———– EPISODE SEVEN ⊱
there’s no time to waste. as they were the first song listed, so too are they the first team to perform. daniel’s thankful-- doesn’t want any more time to linger and get stuck in his head. as far as he’s concerned, the sooner they get the performance out of the way, the better. there’s no leader this time, all four of them theoretically created equal, and they walk out on stage together. (even knowing this truth, and having height over them, daniel still can’t help but feel small in comparison.)
“hello, we are shooting--” and they all form their hands into guns, shooting them off in time with the announcement of their name, “star!” (junmyeon got so into this introduction during practice, and daniel has no doubt he smashed it on stage, judging by the cheers of the audience.)
they run through their individual intros. “i am kang daniel, shooting star’s bassline,” he says, a throwback to his introduction during girl crush, and one he still thinks suits him and sums him up the best of them all. “are you ready to up the level again?” he cups his hand to his ear, turning his head toward the audience to goad them into cheering more, and when they do, he grins. 
with that, they take their spots on the stage, and their music kicks in-- background of their performance twinkling to go along with their name. 
yongsun opens up the song, well-deserved with a voice as enchanting as hers, and luda lends her voice to a harmony. it doesn’t take long for daniel’s turn to come, and his most significant lines, at that. he practiced these two over and over again, desperate to perfect them for this day.
i don’t want to forget the dream that approached us your lips that smiled towards me
he delivers it well, all of his practice paying off, and once his line is done, he feels a bit empty. all of that practice throughout the week for one moment of eyes on him, his voice carrying the melody. junmyeon sings after him, and undoubtedly garners more attention with his magnetic presence, making daniel’s own pale in comparison. yongsun and luda are untouchable vocal goddesses of the stage, and daniel is just...there.
the thoughts aren’t ideal for a performance, but thankfully, looking forlorn during the song is in style.  he tries to change his mindset-- tries to find enjoyment in the performance in case this one is his last. (he would deserve elimination, if it finally comes-- if he finally loses the race he’s run against it since the second episode, when the axe fell on hyunjoon instead of him.)
to do so, he thinks of the people that support him, and the lyrics of the song-- the friends he’s met, and how overall, this experience he joined spur of the moment to support sungwoon has become something treasured to him. instead of a love, like the lyrics allude to, daniel applies it to this show, and everyone chasing after their dreams together, and suddenly, it means a little more. 
he adds to the harmony at the end of the chorus build up, and then again during yongsun’s chorus-- the one she shared with him per his request, and he makes sure he sings strongly (with confidence, like she kept telling him) to make sure she doesn’t regret doing so. 
he gets the line at the end of the chorus, as well. 
it becomes a star
junmyeon belts out an “i remember,” leading into luda’s long stretch of vocals, and daniel sways a little along to the song, lips quirking up in the slightest smile, without breaking the expression of nostalgia on his face. he harmonizes with the others again, and then moves into his solo catchy little line, undoubtedly left to him because it was simple.
tu ru tu tu, yeah
this ushers in the bridge, the song elevating, yongsun’s voice rising in power. junmyeon chimes in, voice suitably dramatic, and yongsun and luda sing together, a loud yet beautiful harmony, as if their voices duel over destiny and light and vowing to see one another again. daniel thinks of this competition, and the separate paths they’ll all head down once it ends (soon) and daniel vows to remember all of this, too.
then comes the most dynamic part of the song-- yongsun belting out her line, and luda meeting her, two power vocals singing with all their might in a duo of high notes. they nail it, and daniel can’t help but smile the slightest bit.
they fly into another chorus, lighter and softer, yet their vocals shine through, and daniel gets an adlib, everyone singing one after another, over one another, in succession, voices melded together as result of all their practicing. 
i remember~
it’s perhaps his hardest line of the song, and daniel ventures higher in his range than he ever has on the show so far, and he succeeds. in comes the final chorus, everyone singing together, one individual voice standing out above the others at moments, like when daniel gives a short “oh,” or luda belts out another adlib high note. he and junmyeon sing together, their final lines of the song.
kept inside a star, i want to keep it
and as yongsun closes them out, daniel wonders if it’s selfish to want to keep this-- to want to evade elimination again and keep going, just a little longer, even though he never dreamed of becoming an idol like so many of the others, and still doesn’t desire the end prize.
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rkseonho · 6 years
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yoosh03    223 likes           late night study dates with my best friend. thank you for helping me            also please him support #4034 @lailin02 on mga4!     view all comments  posted 30 minutes ago
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rksxngyeol · 6 years
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mga4: episode 6 || team c vista || lee sungyeol, #4030 
            hola hola by kard || line distribution || outfit 
                   with @rkjei, @danielxrk, @rkguanlin, @irenerk and @hyunark
last place. not even second to last. dead last. they were vocally strong. but sure maybe their mashup wasn’t as strong as the others. wasn’t as appealing as the others. five became three. it was painful listening to the judges- the ceos- call their group boring. one trick ponies, effectively. sure, that may have been it, but they were working to their strengths. they were vocalists, not strong dancers. he wants to yell out that its unfair, he wants to yell out why, he wants to tell them that they’re wrong about them, and yet he just hangs his head low. he felt tears prickling his eyes, and he had stolen a look at yongsun and yoojung. yongsun seemed quiet and yoojung was in tears. he had to be the strong one. seeing his teammates go home, he felt sad and even with a wild card promise, it was still painful. he would try and be of use to his new team, after all he couldn’t let the dread of being dead last again get him down. 
of course that was easier said than done. his gloominess over the eliminations and even all things netizens say about him, just kind of weighed down on him all week. sure, he tried to be positive. but it’s still hard for him. his new team is nice. but this is his first time meeting them all. hyuna, jei, daniel, guanlin and rose. they are all so nice to him, but he still hesitated. he didn’t know why he hesitated. maybe it was because he didn’t want to drag the team down. but it’s so easy to fall into this team. he loves his old teams, he cries for everyone eliminated and he cheers on everyone. but can he even cheer himself on when it’s needed? 
as they’re talking, sungyeol just quietly watching and listening. they were talking team names, and of course, captain summerica gets suggested and he can’t help but laugh. the image of captain america as a surfer entered his mind and he just kept laughing while raising a thumbs up to second the idea. “i love it,” he said. that was probably his first smile of the week. sungyeol didn’t realize it then, but it would be one of many. of course, it got shot down by the girls. he then pondered what it could be. he voices his suggestion. “vista. we could be team vista. it meant pleasant view and we are fairly attractive team,” he said, clarifying his reasoning. of course, he’s expecting it to get shot down, but everyone seems to like it. first victory of the week? awesome. things are going good. so far so good. their leader is chosen as daniel since everyone else have already done the leadership thing, and sungyeol offers him a thumbs up. good on dnaiel for stepping up, he thinks, since guanlin seemed so desperate to not be leader. he found his team fairly interesting. they were a mishmash of personalities but somehow it was all working. they then decided on the song, sungyeol of course trying to get his suggestions with sistar’s touch my body and chichi’s party since he was a fan of both groups, but the song once again was decided according to their strengths. kard’s hola hola was complimentary and after listening to it, sungyeol found himself in agreement. 
practice was uneventful. they did their lines, their choreo parts. rose and jei had taken on teaching the choreo on a more one on one basis and sungyeol was thankful, because he didn’t have much skill with dancing. maybe this week would be easy. 
a day or two later, sungyeol lost count, they had decided to do the splits as a sort of bonding activity. normal teams would play games and stuff to bond…but the splits? well that is something. rose went down in a full split, and sungyeol clapped with a laugh. it was no surprise that the dancers would be really good at the splits. hyuna was allowed to stay out of it and sungyeol watched as guanlin and daniel tried, with a….varying level of success. it was almost ridiculous. however when it was his turn, he dropped into a full split with ease. he wasn’t a dancer but he practiced a lot at home and since he was tall, manner legs were a thing. he rubbed the back of his neck with a grin. “the splits help me concentrate when I’m drawing. ” he said, with a grin. Finally when jei drops into a full split, he claps for her success. he’s not shocked.  
wednesday and the camera relay bring up some unwanted thoughts in his head. he’s reminded of his family and how his grandfather turned him away completely, telling him he couldn’t save his wife, telling him that he was trash and then taking his daughter because the future heir wasn’t allowed to be around trash. the conversation with daniel helps a bit but regardless, sungyeol spends the day in a daze. he’s the first to leave because he can’t handle it anymore. he ends up crying at home. hes back in thursday but it seems that his mood isn’t as bad. he goes through practice, singing and dancing and in the middle of the day, during lunch, he sings the shark song happily hoping to entertain.
d-day comes. sungyeol felt ready and he’s hopeful that it will ultimately go well. he hopes that he can execute the part well that he’s switched with daniel. heseager to see himself stand at the end of all this victorious. sungyeol wants royal so much. he takes a deep breath to calm his thoughts and his heart. he needs to be calm. team b finishes their performance, and it was finally their turn. third to perform. he’s eager to show that he belongs here. he has to prove that chasing his dreams is important. that he’s not a one trick pony. that he’s not filler. that he’s not trash. they take their spots on the stage and introduce themselves brightly. “hola hola, we’re team vista!” it’s a cute introduction and they had come up with the idea that their individual intros would have something to do with the time of day, since vista meant a pleasant view in any time of day. when it was his turn, he playfully winked. “like a cool evening breeze, my voice will cool you down. i’m #4030, lee sungyeol!”
sungyeol is the one who opens the song, so once they take their spots and the music starts, he’s counting himself in his head and right on cue, starts singing. his voice is a husky rockers voice but he manages to still stay bright and summery as he sings.
gibun joge naerijjoeneun haessal maju bomyeonseo utgo inneun geudaewa na neomu joa ireoke maeil ireokeman haengbokhameul gyesok angyeojullae kkaego shipji aneun kkumman gata
he tries to supress a giggle at the jeina fanservice because it’s super cute. over the course of the week, hes found his perspective of hyuna shattered. at first he had thought her as this perfect trainee and it came to that she wasn’t. she was super nice. they had talked a bit and sungyeol was happy to essentially considerher a friend to him. he watched everyone dance and perform. they decided that they would be split up into pairs for a part of the song and sungyeol was with jei. the choreographywas simple and after the chorus, he watched jei sing.
this was where the pairs came in when the lines split off. they danced together and their thing was that he was like a romantic partner. he does a casual body roll, working it into the steps with a cheeky grin.
daraolla olla All night long
the next quirk in their choreography comes with rose’s rap part. sungyeol watches as she drops into the full splits all while rapping and hes grinning widely feeling really happy. then comes guanlin with his rap part. it was a group decision to give the kid the harder part so that he could shine and show off his skills and prove to the netizens that he belonged up there. sungyeol was really proud of the kid. he had come a long way this week and he managed to shine. they split off for lines again. it was easy.
daraolla olla All night long
naraolla olla jeo wiro
then came the part that daniel and sungyeol switched and he hoped that he could nail the higher register. his hopes came in good and he nailed that high note with his husky voice.
ireoke yeongweoni utge haejweoyo Hola Hola Hola Hola
they finished off the song and took their final poses. it was a good ending. as they came off the stage they said their genius outro. “hasta la vista, baby!” he grinned. it meant see you soon and hopefully this wouldn’t be a final goodbye for them.
just maybe, they could be the top. “good job guys. here’s to hoping that we did well.” he said, grinning.  he felt good.
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rkseongmin · 6 years
  212 likes headcheck_hhj: it’s been a whole month...
lailin02: you make me laugh for the last one, i want to be serious ㅋㅋ i like being your friend!
headchef_hhj: @lailin02  ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ but you’re smile was so cute in that one  ㅋ ㅋ even though i almost fell taking it
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rkjoohyvn · 6 years
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↠ * mnet global auditions season 4 ,                                           ♥«´¨`•°.. » episode five ! mashups »                 ¸.•* KOKOBOPxSHANGRILA by EXO x VIXX ! ( LINE DISTRIBUTION ) `*•.
first place feels amazing.
after the previous week, being not only among the top teams, but being first place feels like validation that working hard will yield great results. but first place also feels like a burden. even though she’s got a new team now, with a new concept, with different roles to play, there’s still that pressure to do well, and become even better than before.
but as soon as she meets her new teammates, there’s a certain dark aura that surrounds her them, of having lost people, of guilt and anxiety about continuing on. and while no one from her team went home that week, she’d grown quite attached to her all of them and was sad that they all had to part ways into different groups, she’s all too familiar with the feeling, having been through the same thing last week after the results of the first group round, so she understands how everyone feels.
it’s hard to move forward when there’s something holding you back, and she wishes there was more she could do for them other than offering advice and comfort when they all huddle up and have a talk about everything.
“this too shall pass,” she says at one point, and as cliche as it sounds, it’s a truth she stands by.
despite a rocky start, things began to run smoothly thereafter, and it has a lot to do with jinsoul’s organizational skills as leader. in all honesty, seola had been worried about the girl at first, seeing the apprehension and hesitation she’d shown after being chosen to lead the group, but in the end, she had nothing to worry about, and tried her best to be a pillar of support for the other girl whenever she needed it, especially during a certain mid-week slump when it seemed she was about to be overwhelmed by everything.
seola, who had become used to camping out in the practice rooms overnight rather than going home, is surprised to find the younger girl still there, surrounded by sheets of notes and lists, deep in thought. she approaches her, addresses her softly, and asks her about her troubles and worries. it’s a quiet, tender moment, with seola offering her best advice and her greatest words of encouragement, seeing all the potential that jinsoul has and all the greatness she’s already shown.
“try not to stress about it too much,” she offers, her legs drawn close to her chest as they sit on the floor of the practice room, their reflections staring back at them in the floor to wall ceilings. “everyone feels the pressure when they’re put into a role like this, but that’s a good thing. that nervous feeling is going to fuel you and then you’ll get to show the world that you’re strong enough.”
in the end, she feels much closer to jinsoul than when they’d started out, a soft spot of fondness growing in her heart for the other girl.
but she’s not the only one.
just like last week, choreography seems to be a sore spot for some of her teammates, and she once again finds herself helping one of her fellow teammates out with it. guanlin is young and energetic, and quite vocal about his distaste for dance, so much so that she can’t help but laugh every time he brings it up. still, she’s a firm believer that no one in this world is a bad dancer, just those who haven’t put in the time to practice.
and she tells guanlin as much as she helps him go over the choreography over and over again, focusing less on making everything perfect and focusing more on making sure he’s aware of his spacing and timing. musicality is especially important for a performance like this where the choreography isn’t particularly demanding; rather, it relies on staying in the pocket, and getting into the feeling of the piece rather than focusing on its individual steps.
“people can see when you’re thinking about what step to do next,” she says, her body going through the motions of the choreography, demonstrating it to him. “try and forget about the steps for a few moments, and focus more on how you feel. or maybe...take on an alter ego?”
she stops dancing for a few seconds, and turns to him with a small laugh. “beyonce had sasha fierce, right? maybe you can be... hm... sasha slay?” she once again bursts out into laughter, shaking her head and bringing her attention back to the choreography.
still, as silly as the name had sounded to her ears, she hopes that some of the advice she’s given him helps him during the actual performance.
just as in previous weeks, the day of the performance comes much too fast, and although she feels as prepared as she’ll ever be, she’s still a bundle of nerves. she can’t sit still at all while watching the other groups perform---her hands are either fidgeting in her lap or toying with her clothes and hair, she’s constantly shifting in her seat, and her leg shakes nervously. time seems to go by extremely slowly even though everything is moving quite quickly and efficiently, and by the time her group is called up toward the stage, she feels like she’s going to explode.
and she does, slightly. “hello! we’re team go go bop!” she exclaims rather loudly as they introduce themselves as a unit, bowing with the rest of her team, cheeks flushed a light pink color once she realizes how loud she’d been. she purses her lips to keep herself from laughing as they find their beginning poses on stage.
the song itself is quite sensual-sounding, so she settles down quickly, falling into the rhythm and feel of the song as soon as it starts. jinsoul starts the song out, and she follows up, her voice clear and charismatic, matching the feel of the song.
어지러운 맘속에 내가 들어가 i’m entering into your dizzy heart 익숙한 듯 부드럽게 네게 번져 가 as if I’m familiar, i’ll softly spread inside
the choreography, too, is a mashup of both performances, staying true to the theme of the episode, as well as a touch of traditional style dancing added in by sicheng. admittedly, seola isn’t too familiar with the latter, but she’d spent several late nights in the practice room going over it again and again, mimicking the lines and movements until she’s satisfied that no one can tell (or, at the very least, would not say she didn’t try her hardest).
낮과 밤이 전부 너야 빈틈 없이 my day and night are all you, without any space left
her next line comes and goes quickly, but it’s done seamlessly from one part into the next. it’s strong and confident, a reflection of how she feels about her own skill level after having been trained for so long. if only those lessons didn’t now come with a dark spot across them.
난 취해 좀 더 취해 i’m drunk, a little more drunk 이 꿈속에 빠져들고 싶어 i wanna fall into this dream 넌 다가와서 you came to me 내게만 스며들어 only to me
as compared to her first line, her lines during the second chorus are a little more energetic, though still quite soulful. it’s at a higher pitch, though she’s comfortable at both, and the choreography during this section requires more energy. she sucks in a deep breath before singing, keeping her core strong in order not to sound breathy during her lines while still strongly doing the choreography. at the end, a slight breath is heard through the mic, though she hopes it to be minor enough that it goes unnoticed.
기분 좋은 밤 넌 원하고 있어 on this nice night, i want you 알아 it’s ok 이제 시작해 i know, it’s ok, let’s start now
everything slows down during the bridge, and she delivers her line with the laid back vibe of ko ko bop, all the while keeping her movements in time with the backing track of shangri la. her expressions are easy, a slight smile on her lips as she looks into the camera, her hands performing impromptu choreography, framing her face as she sings.
다시 눈을 뜨면 when i open my eyes again 내게만 스며들어 you only come into me
her final line is delivered with precision and gusto, wanting it to be memorable as one of the final two lines of the song. she soon finds herself in her final position, chest heaving in and out as she tries to catch her breath, making sure none of it is heard on the microphone this time. after a few seconds, they all shuffle off stage, and she’s stuck in a waiting game all over again.
how will the results turn out this time?
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junerk · 6 years
going crazy.
an mga4 starter for @rkguanlin
as it had turned out, by either luck or misfortune depending on how one looked at it, junmyeon wasn’t the only one who struggled with dancing on team little star. they’re adorably giant maknae, guanlin, also struggled with choreography. it was a little comforting, honestly, knowing he wasn’t alone in his inability, though it was much cuter on guanlin than it was on him. as much as junmyeon wanted to look after the younger boy, he didn’t exactly have the skill to do so in this case. 
he hovered near guanlin, moving slowly through the movements with him, taking his time in executing each step to make sure he was doing it right. he hoped he could be ready by the performance. he had to practice the dance the most, plus he had his meet-ups with wendy to improve his singing as quickly as possible. his week was so hectic, everything felt like it was spinning. he could only imagine what guanlin must be going through. 
turning to face the other, he smiles, giving his back a few loving pats. “you’re doing well, working so hard, our maknae~”
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danielxrk · 6 years
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          ✞ MGA SEASON 4  - ROUND 6 - TEAM C VISTA
                                            ⊰  hola hola - kard ⊱ ( line distribution )                     ⊰  featuring: @irenerk, @rksxngyeol, @hyunark, @rkguanlin, @rkjei ⊱                                                  ⊰  #4050 ; kang daniel  ;  ( *✞  ) ⊱
⊰  ———– PRACTICE  ⊱
daniel arrives to practice at the trc building with the largest weight on his shoulders he’s carried since the first episode, yoongi’s elimination still haunting him, constantly lurking somewhere at the back of his mind. they weren’t particularly close, even after being on a team together, but it’s the first daniel tastes of elimination aside from his place in the bottom two with hyunjoon so early on, and the second time he doesn’t understand his own survival, or how he deserves to stay to continue on in the show against someone like yoongi. still, the wildcard rounds provide another chance, and he hopes he fights his way back onto the show and proves the judges wrong. in the meantime, daniel has to swallow his doubts and carry on again, with determination not to bring his deadweight onto another team’s shoulders to bear.
of his teammates, he already knows rose, associations with her all positive following their first place finish together on girl crush. he already knows guanlin too, though just from the competition-- he ran into him, lost backstage, during the filming for the second episode, and they found their way back to the stage together using their mutual english, both equally in over their heads, even if they didn’t say it. he recognizes jei as sungwoon’s first leader, hyuna as the former royal trainee, and sungyeol as the actual father of the show, so there’s already some familiarity, even if he doesn’t know them.
when it comes time to pick leader again, dread settles into his stomach. he and guanlin are the only options, and daniel takes one look at the sheer horror in guanlin’s eyes and recognizes that it’s time. “i’ll do it,” he offers readily, despite his own reservations and lack of faith in his ability to lead any of the people on this team, aside from maybe the member he volunteers to save. maybe that’s all that matters. (still, doubt hangs heavy over his mind for the week, along with a certain kind of determination to do his best for the team, and lead them to success instead of failure.)
next comes song selection, and they all throw out summer song suggestions, daniel ultimately remaining quiet as usual, his kpop knowledge still abysmal. it’s between kard’s hola hola and winner’s island, and after looking both up, daniel’s fond of either, though votes for hola hola himself. the majority of the team follows suit, and they have their song. 
their team name comes with more difficulty, and some more humor. they realize, while trying to speak in a way that guanlin can easily understand, that the entire team speaks english. this prompts one of the team members to mention captain america, and daniel to chime in with, “captain summerica?” both sungyeol and guanlin cheer him on, inflating daniel’s ego, only for rose and jei to crush it. he pouts, though he’s only kidding. “captain summerica and the no-fun noonas,” he grumbles.
it’s sungyeol that suggests the name they go with: vista, meaning a pleasant view, meant to represent their visuals, but daniel hopes it’ll translate to their performace as a whole, as well. 
the team separates then, into two groups to learn the dance, one headed by rose and the other jei, and it’s off to work.
the sunday episode five airs, after their team gathers for the first time, daniel lingers in church longer than usual. his mother looks at him expectantly, but he tells his family to go ahead without him, and that he’ll catch up to them in the lobby, trusting in their ability to find something to occupy their time while they wait for them. they leave, and he sits in the pew, and ducks his head, and he prays.
he confesses his worries, and apologies for his lack of prayer, even in an environment as anxious as the mgas. he thanks god for the opportunity to participate in such a thing, even though daniel doesn’t understand his plan in keeping him on the show, and he asks for guidance, and the power to lead his team well, something he knows he’s hopeless to on his own. it’s divine strength that he requires to make it through this week, and prove reliable enough for his team, both in performance ability and leadership.
his little sister, mina, is the one that shakes him out of his thoughts, to tell him that they’re ready to go, and he takes that as his sign that he’s said enough-- says amen in jesus’s name and all that, and rises to his feet. when he does, he already feels a little more settled.
doubts about his leadership ability return, but he tries to keep them hidden from the others, not wanting to show weakness to the team he’s supposed to be strong for-- at least until he asks rose for leadership advice, of course. she’s surprisingly vulnerable with him, and encourages him, and daniel appreciates her candor and openness, and tries to store her words away and convert them to a new strength to carry within himself.
it doesn’t erase how convinced he is by his lack of experience and how utterly un-cut out for this he is, but it works, to some degree-- lightens his burden, and lets him breathe easier, something more suitable to the atmosphere of the summer song he performs.
he works hard, with rose on the choreography most frequently, as she’s not just his assigned dance teacher for this round, but his partner for the choreography as well; he’s grateful for it, and it’s amazing how much more comfortable he is this time around, opposed to the first team episode, where he danced to troublemaker with chungha. of course, the moves this time aren’t as provocative, but they aren’t entirely innocent either-- more fun and lighthearted than anything, and it’ll take some work before daniel can embody that effectively. he struggles early on; it’s the most dancing, and the most difficult of dancing, he’s had to do up to this point so far, a stark contrast to the momentary spotlight placed on him during the first round, or half the song spent with the comfort of instruments, or the chair choreography of the mashup last round. 
his frustration with himself rises, but whenever it does, he takes a break to let it simmer and level out into something workable, determined not to burden his team with a poor attitude, then gets back into it.
when it’s not dancing, it’s practicing the vocals-- nothing too difficult except for one part in the bridge, at the highest end of daniel’s vocal register. he strains to reach it every time, and for as much determination as he has to execute this part successfully, as the week goes on, his worry deepens. 
he helps guanlin with his pronunciation in his rap, as does hyuna, jei and rose help them all with the choreography, and sungyeol aids them as needed with their singing.
and among it all, there’s lightheartedness-- hyuna and her injury, yelling out for spontaneous dance battles as she watches on the sidelines, and the rest of the team obliging her, despite half of them having two left feet. maybe that makes it better. 
one day, while rose is practicing the move during her rap where she falls into the splits, the entire team joins in, guanlin and daniel’s lack of flexibility by far the highlight of the event. guanlin needs both daniel and sungyeol to help him back up to his feet once he gets as low as he can, and when daniel makes a pathetic attempt at the splits, he falls forward, catching himself with his hands before he smashes his face against the practice room floor. he laughs, and then falls into a push up position instead, doing one of those to try and salvage his dignity, but it’s clearly too late, the entire team’s laughter echoing in the room (except jei’s, he notices, and he wishes he could make her laugh at least once.)
wednesday is the boiling point-- the culmination of the group’s tensions and daniel’s doubt about his ability to lead converging, leaving daniel with no choice but to act.
first it’s sungyeol, with a gloomy disposition daniel tiptoes around until following the camera relay, when it’s suddenly unavoidable. he probably should’ve addressed it earlier-- no, he surely should’ve, but daniel’s never been one for confrontation. he swallows his fear now, however, and pulls sungyeol aside to check on him. instead of daniel’s usual question of if he’s doing okay, however, he offers his observations, and certainty that something is wrong, and in turn, sungyeol shares his worries-- the burden of two teammates being eliminated the prior week, and netizen comments about his daughter --and daniel offers his listening ear and all the encouragement he can provide, hoping it helps. (he can’t help but notice the next day, sungyeol seems significantly more chipper, mood uplifted, and he wouldn’t credit himself with that ability; he’s just glad to see a difference.)
after that, daniel makes the rounds, asking everyone how they’re doing, and he’s met with convincing responses of them holding up, until he gets to guanlin, and his shaky voice and smile. daniel hears the coming tears more than he sees them, but it’s enough for him to pull guanlin into a hug, shielding his face from the view of cameras should the tears pour, and they do. he murmurs words of comfort to him, then makes the executive decision to take guanlin out for a snack run for the team and some much needed respite from the cameras’ watchful eyes.
when they return, he can almost feel the growing bond of the team, and their increased strength, and with it comes the week’s first real seed of faith in himself. 
daniel learns before long that he actually isn’t the worst dancer on this team: that’s guanlin. he and sungyeol are about equally helpless, with hyuna better than them thanks to her experience, but still clearly not a natural dancer. the realization comes with both added comfort and stress-- reassurance about his own ability, but fear for how the team will fair as a whole, and apologies on behalf of jei and rose who have their work cut out for them (but at least they’re not alone in it.) 
by the latter half of the week, he has all of the steps memorized, reducing his mistakes to only occasional flubs on timing or movements, his largest task being translating the dance to the carefree, light-hearted performance the song demands, instead of staying in his own head, thinking about what step comes next. he takes to practicing with guanlin as much as the other is cut out for, and even manages to help him with the dance when jei and rose aren’t looking, and as he does, he feels himself improving, too.
among it all, he even finds time to sit down with hyuna and ask her how one would go about learning to rap-- out of genuine interest, though with how much he lacks in every area of this competition, he probably shouldn’t look into picking up a new skill now.
it’s in the latter half of the week, too, that daniel finally surrenders, and talks to sungyeol, swapping parts with him near the end of the song. as much as daniel wants to cling to his difficult vocal part, and take it as an opportunity to prove himself, (like guanlin has, in his more difficult rap) he doesn’t want his ego to get in the way of the team showing the best performance they can. sungyeol’s vocal ability is clearly superior to his own, and daniel is sure he’ll sing the high point of the bridge strongly. as leader, daniel wants to make sure his teammates shine this time, too. besides, he gets a longer part out of this swap anyway, so as far as daniel is concerned, it’s a win-win.
everything’s going well. he leaves trc with confidence that the team will present a good performance come tomorrow.
and yet, his positivity shatters. he runs into chungha’s boyfriend, yugyeom, on the way home, clearly intoxicated and wanting to pick a fight, and daniel isn’t able to get away unscathed. he doesn’t know how to fight back, overcome and paralyzed by fear, so he just stands there and takes it. yugyeom gives him a single punch to the face, and daniel counts himself lucky that it was just one (and he calls chungha the and there to let her know what happened, mostly because he isn’t sure what to do-- if he should just leave the male there or not.)
soon, he panics, realizing the likelihood of sporting a bruise on his face for the next episode filming, and the only one he can think to enlist the help of is woojin. as turbulent and unsteady as their friendship is, thankfully, woojin doesn’t leave him to fend for himself, and proves a great help; he knows exactly what to do.
⊰  ———– EPISODE SIX  ⊱
daniel arrives on set with makeup already on his face, but when one of the makeup artists takes to touching him up and uncovers the bruise beneath the concealer, and she asks him what happened, daniel just flashes a smile and laughs. “i fell and hit my face while practicing the choreography this week,” and he makes sure to sell it. the makeup artists gives him a skeptical look for a moment, then just shakes her head in disapproval, and he thinks she bought it; either way, she doesn’t question him further, and for that, he’s thankful.
he joins his team without any evidence of the fight the night prior, and sits right in the middle of all of them, much like they’ll perform right in the middle of all the teams. daniel doesn’t find this performance order to be a pleasant one-- not enough time to enjoy the performances prior to theirs or following it, nerves prevalent throughout the whole process. still, their turn is up quickly, and daniel can’t believe how few teams there are now, compared to how they started. 
“everyone,” he begins, before they go on stage. “no matter what happens, you’ve done well this week. thank you for working so hard, and for making leading you well easy. i couldn’t be here without you, and i’m grateful. let’s do our best and perform without regrets.”
then, he leads the way onto the stage, and greets the audience and the cameras with a grin. “hola, hola, we are vista!” they cheer in unison. daniel, as the leader, starts with his individual introduction first. “i am where dark meets light and night leads to day, the dawn of team vista, kang daniel,” he greets cheerfully, leading the way for the others to introduce themselves, all based on various times of the day to align with the sunshine of their summer theme.
with that, it’s time to perform, and they all fall into their places. daniel does so with an ease unfamiliar to him in the early part of the competition, learned, practiced, and perfected-- aided by rose’s familiar presence. he’s lucky she’s his partner for this.
the opening synths of the song begin, and daniel rolls his shoulders in time to the beat. sungyeol opens up the song as they all dance in their designated pairings, combined together to work as one whole unit. it’s sungyeol and jei, daniel and rose, and guanlin and hyuna, the latter of the pairs dancing with a more family-friendly, sibling-like flair, while the others dance with the original romantic intentions of the song.
hyuna bursts into her rap, meeting jei in the middle of the stage for their moment of fanservice as she raps “can i get your attention baby girl?” and daniel dances in the background, sure to keep his expression light and free, always a hint of a smile or some kind of joy on his face, even as his mind whirs with lines and choreography. following hyuna’s rap comes daniel’s first vocal part, and he sings,
your caressing touch is so sweet how come i never get sick of you?
they all sing an oh nanana and body roll to it together, then jei finishes out the buildup to the chorus, with their main rappers adding one final accent before they all raise a fist in the air. jei and sungyeol sing the first line of the chorus, and then the beat drops out, leading way to their first major dance sequence. daniel does his best to flow with the rhythm of the tropical house beats, falling into the steps and rolling of his arms like a wave as practiced.
we’re flying up, up high hola, hola
they do the point choreography, raising a fist and rolling their bodies, then step to the side, giving way to rose and her rap-- a talent daniel didn’t know she possessed, but of course, rose is multi-talented in addition to beautiful, definition of the total package and the kind of person that would upstage daniel any day. he does his best to go toe to toe with her and keep up, determined not to let her take the spotlight too easily as he dances with her.
guanlin’s rap comes next, and daniel listens in pride, dancing along, as all of their youngest’s hard work during the week comes to fruition, executing it well, pronunciation greatly improved from where they started. it’s daniel’s turn to sing next once again, his most repeated line:
your caressing touch is so sweet how come i never get sick of you?
then jei sings, and daniel takes his hand, dancing in time with rose as she pops her chest, and then stepping back to the pounding, building rhythm leading up to the chorus as the girls wiggle their butts in the repeated twerking move of the choreography.
we’re flying up, up high hola, hola
he makes it through another chorus of wave-like motions, steps and sways, doing his best to keep his energy up even as his stamina for the length of the performance runs low. the bridge fades in with a commanding bass, and jei’s voice, delivering the english lines clearly, followed up by sungyeol in the part daniel gave to him. it proves a good choice, as sungyeol hits the notes with more ease than daniel ever did, and could ever hope to, already tired from the choreography as he is. 
his vocal role isn’t over, however, as he closes out the singing in the song, thankfully coming at a slower point in the choreography.
i wish time would stop like this i keep thinking can you feel me burning up
they turn their backs to the audience as their end pose, though they quickly turn back around, and daniel bursts into a smile. he finds guanlin, and slings his arm around his shoulders, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly, as if to say we did it. we made it through.
“hasta la vista, baby!” they all holler, waving before they leave the stage to let the other team take to it.
(and daniel thinks, that at the very least, as he said in his pre-performance leader speech, that if his road ends here, he won’t have regrets.)
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danielxrk · 6 years
✞* see through all the lines ╯
                                                                                         ⊰ @rkguanlin◝  ⊱  
guanlin is young. on top of that, he hasn’t been living in korea for long, and daniel found him lost, like a deer caught in headlights, around episode two of the mgas, and ever since, the younger male activates daniel’s protective instincts. this is probably what he can blame for becoming leader this week: that look in guanlin’s eyes when they mentioned leadership. he couldn’t not volunteer to save guanlin from responsibility he had no business bearing. (daniel doesn’t really have any business bearing this responsibility either, but the point stands that he couldn’t leave guanlin to shoulder leadership instead of him.)
perhaps it’s that same instinct that makes alarm bells go off in daniel’s head when daniel watches guanlin’s expression falter through the mirrors during practice. “hey, let’s take a break?” he calls, and even though he’s leader and has the authority to make calls like this, his voice still raises in question, waiting for someone else’s approval. sure enough, the group disperses, and daniel finds his way over to guanlin’s side, heart somewhere in his throat.
now comes his ultimate test as leader-- something daniel fretted over the early part of the week. truthfully, he doesn’t think he has any of the experience for this-- no necessary ability to communicate, nor the familiarity with performing and what’s needed from a team to succeed in an environment like this. he doesn’t have a particular way with words, or inspiring people; all he really has going for him is an ability to observe, listen, and stay organized and responsible, which he supposes is better than nothing.
“hey, guanlin-- are you doing okay?” he asks to start, leaving the ball in the younger’s court, voice possibly indicating he already expects the answer is no. 
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danielxrk · 6 years
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                                   ⊰ mga 4 episode 6 camera relay ⊱                                                    ⊰  #4050 ; kang daniel ⊱
when the camera relay begins, daniel’s in the middle of practicing the choreography (let’s face it, most of his practice time is spent this way.) he’s determined, even with his lack of dancing experience, to make the body rolls of the “oh nana” part look natural, so he’d been doing them again and again, trying to train his body into the motion. he got over how awkward it felt a long time ago, when he used to laugh at himself and how silly he felt bodyrolling again and again.
when rose introduces him to the camera during her relay portion, and asks him what he’s up to, he says just that, too. “i’m practicing my dancing! today, i learned how to body roll. want to see?” and before he even receives a response, he launches into an exaggerated body roll, moving his body like a wave, and he wiggles his eyebrows, then cracks up laughing.
she moves on to the rest of the members of the team, and daniel returns to his dance practice, now moving on to running through the dance moves during the chorus’s breakdown, eager to get it right come performance day. by now, he knows all the choreography, and can tell when he makes a mistake-- he just has yet to correct all his missteps.
the camera finds its way to him soon enough, quickly handed to him by guanlin, and he smiles into the camera, then heaves a deep breath.
“i don’t know what to talk about. let’s go sit down,” he decides, and he sits down on the floor, positioning the camera so you can see his teammates practicing in the background.
“this has been team c, team vista, coming to you from the trc building,” he gives the camera a tiny salute. “i’m daniel, #4050, as you know, and this week, i’m team c’s leader. please keep supporting us all well. we’re having a lot of fun.”
it sounds more like a goodbye than an intro, he realizes, a bit belatedly, but he doesn’t have anything planned. he’s skilled enough at coming up with things on the spot, so surely this should be no different, right? suddenly, he comes up with an idea.
“i have two minutes, and in these two minutes, i’m going to tell you five things about me that mnet hasn’t shown you yet. we’ll see if this airs,” he laughs.
“number one,” and he raises a finger to show the number. “you know my parents didn’t know about my audition, but they actually still don’t know. no one in my family knew i had any musical talent at all; i kept it hidden because they’re quite strict, and i don’t think they’d be supportive. my sister watched the mgas, though, and found out i was on by watching instead of from me. she’s keeping my secret and also supporting me a lot, thankfully.”
“number two,” and he raises another finger. “i auditioned in the first place to make sure another contestant on this show, ha sungwoon, auditioned. i thought i was going to get eliminated after my first audition, because it wasn’t very good. instead, i’ve stayed around for a while now and i’ve learned a lot. i’m thankful. be sure to support sungwoon hyung a lot, too! he’s one of my best friends and he deserves lots of attention, isn’t his voice amazing?”
he’s suddenly aware of how quickly his time is ticking down, so he picks up the pace. “three-- while this show is going on, i’m also going to summer classes and working at the cafe i work at. my boss made posters with my face on them, actually, and put one up in the window of the cafe to try and get more business,” he laughs.
“four--” and for this, he speaks in english. “i was born in busan, but i moved to vancouver, canada when i was eight years old, and moved to seoul only three years ago. i learned english there. everyone on this team can speak english, actually!” and he smiles, a grin that makes his eyes disappear into crescents.
“fifth and final fact,” and he pans the camera out so it takes in more of his team, his head only poking in part of the frame. “team c-- team vista-- is the best!! please look forward to our performance, and give everyone a lot of love. we’re excited to meet you on sunday!”
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rkjoohyvn · 6 years
❝ — two left feet ,
it seems that every week, there’s at least one person who requires more attention when it comes to the choreography in her team, and she’s not complaining. before she got her full-time position at the dog day care (which, by the way, has ever so graciously given her time off for the mga’s), she had assisted for dance classes at her studio. there’s just something very fulfilling about being able to help someone understand choreography better, and seeing their improvement week after week. obviously, with week-long deadlines set, she didn’t have the luxury of seeing weekly improvement, but even just spending a few hours a day with someone and seeing the improvements in just that small time frame was rewarding all on its own.
guanlin is young, and perhaps that’s why he can’t see the potential he has when it comes to dance. she tries to encourage him as she goes over the choreography with him again, patience and understanding abound. “you’ve got a lot of the basics down,” she says honestly, wiping at the sweat on her brow. “there are just a few tweaks that need to be made, and you’ll be a dancing machine in no time!”
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rkkyularch · 6 years
* &. we're taking shots in here, you want one?,  ⇝   @rkguanlin .  
the smell of cooked meat wafts through the air, smoke surrounding the pair as they sat at their table - eyeing the meat sizzling on the grill before them with hungry eyes. their little get together was arranging by the older girl after the mga recordings the previous night. my treat, she insisted, not taking no for an answer as she had every intention of showing how proud she was of the young boy. kyulkyung could only imagine how difficult this was for him, but yet he appeared to be getting along just fine to her. 
the two grew close easily, the girl taking a liking in a boy as well as her mother - sort of adopting guanlin into their family in a way. kyulkyung was the little brother she never had and even though they weren’t actually blood related, she’s pretty sure he’s her mother’s favorite. 
“lai guanlin, what is that you’re drinking?” the girl had ordered some soju for herself upon arrival - because who doesn’t love korean bbq and alcohol? kyulkyung wasn’t much of a drinker, but every once and awhile it was okay. she hadn’t really paid much attention to whatever guanlin was drinking or if he had snuck a bit of hers. regardless, she was suspicious. “that better not be alcohol, mom will shit if she found out i got you drunk.”
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rkseongmin · 6 years
#XAYAH #LUV_GAME @ktnovaisms 🔒           44s    
xayah has my heart but e l l a  
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#XAYAH #LUV_GAME @ktnovaisms 🔒           1m    
yoooo THESE GIRLS sdnfls
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#XAYAH #LUV_GAME @ktnovaisms 🔒           2m    
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RESTX2  @hhj_03             5m    
guanlin on mga is doing real amazing everyone should support him
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RESTX2  @hhj_03             6m    
pfptpf my brother is still on mga 
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rkseonho · 6 years
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yoosh03     194 likes             nothing like a day on the town with your best friend            photo cred. @lailin02 📷     view all comments 
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