yutark · 5 years
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TRIPLE CROWN ENTERTAINMENT, or TRC for short, was founded by the former composer and rap artist, TIGER JK. originally created on nothing, Tiger JK's ambition to have his trainees carry on his legacy became an avant garde sensation in the States, Japan and Korea. Currently, TRC Entertainment remains the hardest company to enter. The training period for TRC Ent. is brutal and only a few trainees ever get to see the limelight of the stage. Only the most talented artists can survive TRC's rigorous training and see the shining end to their efforts.
CURRENT MALE TRAINEES: @rkpcy, @rkxtae, @rkseungjoon, @changminxrk, @rkxsicheng, @rkxjongsuk, @rkhyunjoon, @rkwoong, @rkyoungjae, @rkdongmin, @yutark
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rkjei · 5 years
˟ ▀   mario time .
she never thought she’d be spending an evening like this, but days at trc are surprising.
the system feels strange in her hands, but at the very least jei has gotten used to the controls and the buttons.  that’s about all that she’s managed to do with at least some coaching from the other boys, even though she’s not so sure any of them really know what they’re doing with a switch either.  not that it matters; this trip is about bonding, and what better way to bond than to .. play a game with people that you’ve become friends with. 
her lips purse as she looks around the small group gathered around and sitting around on some of the tables outside.  she wouldn’t openly admit it, but perhaps these three boys are the closest friends she’s made in trc since she first signed on.  it’s a little strange to think about, but life is funny that way.  days at trc are surprising that way.  (  but no sooner does she think it does jei completely wave it away  -  it’s far too sentimental for her tastes.  )  “ have you three chosen your characters yet? i’ve been waiting for five minutes.”
˟ ▀  &. @rkxtae  ,  ˟ ▀  &. @rkwoong  ,  ˟ ▀  &. @changminxrk
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rkdaehwi · 6 years
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SSKT Filming - Group A
Date: March 17, 2019 Filming with: @rkxtae || @rkmxrk || @rkjaemin || @rkhaechan || @yuzurk || @rkchaewon Concept: Classroom Song playing: Shinhwa - Wild Eyes
His first reaction upon receiving the mail back had been disappointment. The word ‘extra’ weighed much more heavily on his mind than he liked it to -- it didn’t really have that cool sound of lead role. It wasn’t going to get people turning their heads and ask him if ‘he wasn’t Eric Sohn from that commercial’ and that ‘he was so cool’. But after weighing it with the alternative of complete rejection, he supposed his current role was alright. It was better than not getting a role at all, and he supposed he just had to start somewhere, build up his influence. Who knew what places acting in a commercial could bring him? In fact he supposed that he should thank the fact that he had even been considered despite having no experience whatsoever.
Come the day of the shooting, Eric could feel his annoyance with the fact that he had to spend a Sunday on this rise. Why couldn’t it have been an ordinary school day so he could have been excused from classes for the day? Probably because of how young the actors in his group seemed to be honestly and the fact that a lot of students would have had to be excused, but the point still stood. If anything he could take joy in the fact that the world hadn’t been unfair enough to let his brother film on another day and that they were in the same situation, as he might have felt very mistreated if Dowoon got to take the day off and not him.
Either way introductions had to get out of the way and to his surprise Eric had found a face that he had been working together with very recently for a dance cover, Chaewon, and a face that he was sure he had seen before, Minhyung, or, as he had introduced himself, Mark. It had taken a while to remember as it was quite far back and the time surrounding it had been very tumult to Eric, but eventually he had placed the other as someone he had been in a group with in the MGAs, and immediately he had felt incredibly stupid for not realising right away the moment he heard the name Mark.
Recognition however also erased all senses of jealousy he might have felt towards one of the people who did actually get picked for lead role, because in an instant he had already forgotten about his feelings on the matter and instead started to hang around the older male like a leech. ‘Mark hyung,’ the name had been repeated several times and countless of questions had been shot the other’s way, as had comments on how cool he was and also a few on how jealous Eric was, as he too wanted to see North America. Of course his fear of planes was a minor issue, but he would deal with that when the time came. If the time came. It had to. One day.
Although every actor in his group was still young, Eric took the crown as the youngest of the lot, and although he had already started high school, he had only had half a month to get used to the ways and workings of being a high school student. Even more so the fact that he had to pretend to be classmates with these hyungs and noonas, some of who were four years older than he was and a noticeably more adult. As much as he would like to believe himself to be more mature than he actually was, both his height and his baby fat singled him out, especially next to people such as Taehyung. Perhaps that too was why he decided to stick so much around Mark who wasn’t that much older than him and definitely not that much taller either.
The scene briefing was really to the point and if there was one thing Eric had confidence in it was his ability to make great expressions, so this was going to be a piece of cake he felt. Maybe acting was his call all along instead of his brief attempt at a modelling career, because in this kind of thing he at least got to be expressive, which had been what had them reject him in the first place when he tried to audition. Without much ado, he sat in his assigned position, waiting for the cue to lean in and try catch a glimpse of the small screen that would show the game. He had full faith that he could do this beautifully, even as a mere extra.
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rklino · 6 years
do you still blame yourself for the fight with jeongguk? if you do, do you think you'll ever forgive yourself?
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“i do.” he answers quickly, honestly. there’s a look of frustration on his face, mostly directed at himself, some directed at the question in general. “why wouldn’t i? i said a lot of shit i didn’t mean, did a lot o’ shit i shouldn’t ‘ave. i broke his fuckin’ rib.” he grimaces, scowling to himself as he hunches forward, tries to make himself smaller. “i don’t think i ever will. i shouldn’t ‘ave let my emotions, the anger-- it shouldn’t ‘ave got the best of me. i shouldn’t ‘ave taken it out on him.” he rakes a hand through his hair, twitchy, angry. “i don’t think any amount o’ time will make me feel better ‘bout it.”
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rkxroyal · 6 years
do you wish you had more time off from your schedule? i do!!! i miss my hyungie!
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“of course i do! i love convex and promoting with all my heart, but i also love time off as well! especially to see friends and family, and my favorite taehyungie as well!” he pouts cutely, huffing childishly before he breaks out into a small laughter at the action.
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rkfanfic · 6 years
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— ◉ — @rkxtae .
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rkyeosang · 6 years
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mga season 4 … contestant interview #4041 – jung jaewon @ nova entertainment
jaewon doesn’t want to waste any time.
after getting over the shock of being reinstated into the competition, jaewon is just trying to get used to the fast paced motions of practice and keeping up with the other contestants who have already participated in team challenges. jaewon doesn’t have much experience in group collaborative efforts-- but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t contribute or at least holds his own. he was determined not to be the reason his team could possibly land in last place.
needless to say, his mind is currently set to one track on nailing their choreography and not appearing like a stiff wooden man when performance day comes around. so when a staff member stops him as he comes out of the studio, he just blinks and is about to protest-- but he is being led away to a different practice room with a simple setup. the first thing he notices is the table full of photos and-- oh.
he knows where this is going.
he sits down slowly, eyeing all the images with an unreadable expression before looking straight ahead at the camera. “you’re going to make me pick, huh?” he flashes a knowing smile, shaking his head and chuckling under his breath. he really... really  does not want to do this. especially considering this is his first week back on the show, he doesn’t really think his opinion has much validation. but this is a broadcasted show, and he supposes that’s exactly what they intend on giving people-- a show. “okay well. ask away.”
best singer
jaewon purses his lips, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth as his hand hovers over all the photos. he doesn’t know many singers on the show-- in fact, he doesn’t know very many people at all. he suspects this gives him more credibility, in the fact that he’s judging purely on what he’s seen, as if he were a viewer. he picks up two photos, turning them around to show koo junhoe and kang daniel. “these two. their performances are good,” he pauses, “their voices are unique as well.”
best dancer
he stares at the table full of images once more, placing the first two off to the side. he studies the table meticulously until he finds the photo he’s looking for, triumphantly holding up the picture of kim jei. “i think this one is obvious-- even though it’s an opinion still, of course. but i think her talent is apparent. she always puts on a good stage,” he nods. “this one, i’ll be honest, contains a bit of bias,” he admits with a sheepish grin. “but,” he continues, hand reaching out and finding another, holding up kim bora, “in an unbiased opinion, bora is up there in dancing talent too.” he stacks their photos and puts them aside as well, already knowing what’s coming next and reaching out to the photo he’s already spotted.
best rapper
“kim taehyung,” jaewon states, holding the picture up for the camera to see. “i think he’s one to be reckoned with. he’s got a nice tone overall, and i think he’s one to watch out for.” this is the section he’s a little more critical about-- but he picks up another photo and turns it around as well. “and kim hyuna. this one’s a no-brainer, huh?” he gives wry smile, neatly stacking them both and putting them with his other picks, just for organization. he leans back in the chair, hands clasped together as he hums, knowing this part probably won’t be aired but deciding to say it anyway. 
“there are definitely people already eliminated that i would’ve chosen. also, there is an immense amount of talent this season-- and i’m saying this as a contestant. i think anyone has a good chance of winning.”
the interviewer raises an eyebrow at this, and next they ask
“well, you should pick one. who, in your honest opinion, do you think could win it all?”
halfway through this question, jaewon’s hand is already poised at the ready. he picks up one last photo, holding it to him before he turns it around to show the camera to show the face of min yoongi. “as a viewer,” he starts, slowly deliberating each sentence, “i’m always drawn into his performances. his dancing is amazing, of course, and his other skills are on par, in my opinion. also, i don’t think being eliminated once should discredit him either,” he sets the photo down, licking his lips before he stares straight into the camera and offers a small smile. “i think it means he is one to pay attention to even more.”
he finishes like that, standing up to bow at the camera crew, the interviewer, as well as the camera, and takes his leave without another word.
@junhoerk | @danielxrk | @rkjei | @rkxsua | @rkxtae | @hyunark | @rkmyg
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rkmg · 6 years
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〈★〉MGAS SEASON 4 - EPISODE EIGHT - TEAM PERFORMANCE                     ↳ team: rising star ( #4003, #4024, #4028, #4037, #4049 )                                ↳ song: “fxxk it” by bigbang bigstar - line distribution
Getting here was hard. He’s sure that statement doesn’t only apply to him, but for every single contestant still remaining on this show. They’ve all had to have worked their asses off, otherwise, they wouldn’t be here today. That’s definitely not insinuating that those that were eliminated didn’t work their asses off, however; some were luckier than others.
He’s forced himself to stop counting his losses. After nearly completely dropping out of the competition (he was a hair away from doing it... so close to quitting that he could practically taste failure on his tongue), he realized that something about his mindset was in dire need of changing. If he didn’t gather his thoughts and stop looking at every single downside instead of what he’s been given, this wasn’t going to work out. After all, he was still here. That’s more than most people that started on this show can say. He’s lucky; he’s grateful for this. He just wished that he wasn’t so insecure. Maybe if he viewed himself with a higher regard, ranking low every week wouldn’t get to him as badly as it did.
If he was truly not talented and not deserving of being here, then he wouldn’t be. Simple.
Let’s rewind back to the event that nearly pushed him to throw in the towel; it was another week where your rank from the previous round determined whether you’d get your pick of song. Before, he’d been lucky. There were few rappers left so he was practically guaranteed to land a spot in the song that he desired most. Now, there were even less rappers since both of his teammates had been eliminated (disregarding the fact that one of them wasn’t even a rapper, he just had very little choice about performing with them). Perhaps it wasn’t his fault, exactly. If it’d been those that had been dropped from the MGAs’ fault that he scored so terribly, then it made little sense to him. It was their fault, but now they’re gone and he has to suffer the consequences? It didn’t seem right. He’d much rather those in charge rank each contestant individually so things like this didn’t happen.
Now, he had the song that he wanted to do in mind, but he had very little hope that he would get it. And then... of course, obviously, he didn’t. MYNAME was one of his absolute ult groups and it would have meant the world to him if he’d had been able to perform it. He’d had the opportunity to learn dancing from Jun.Q when he participated in the NOVA dance classes. Mingyu just imagines how wonderful it would have been to be able to dance onstage to one of his songs, knowing that he was only doing so well because he’d had some help from him— his idol. It would have been an incredible moment, though it wasn’t one he was meant to live out.
Then, later, he found out that Won did manage to secure a place in performing it. After that, all he can imagine is how wonderful it would have been to finally be on stage with him. He’s happy to see his boyfriend doing so well on the show, that’s incredibly clear. He values him way more than he values himself, after all. Still, now he has this feeling in his chest and this voice in his head that is telling him that he would only hold the other back. He wishes he could feel like he was succeeding, too. He doesn’t want to be better than Won; to him, that isn’t even possible. He just desperately wants to feel like he truly deserves to stand next to him and for them to both achieve this dream together.
But, you know, his team wasn’t as bad as he convinced himself they’d be. He was bitter at first and didn’t want to open his eyes and accept his current place, though once he did, he felt rather content. Everyone was friendly enough and they all were able to joke together and bond to an extent. Weirdly enough, despite as long as he’s been on this show, he was meeting new faces every week. Well, they weren’t exactly new since he recognized them well enough, though he’d never actually been given the chance to get to know them up until now.
Mostly, he bonded the best with Taehyung. Very quickly did he warm to the other boy and he stuck to him like glue. He was friendly and bright, which was absolutely something that Mingyu needed to have in his life right now. The two of them even went shopping for coats together, which was a fun experience. Lately, he hasn’t had many chances to be normal and playful like he had been in the past, so it was a breath of fresh air when he was posing in ridiculous and dramatic outfits for pictures snapped by the other boy, laughing cheerfully once he no longer had to hold his position. They were instructed by Soojin to not wear anything that was a fashion crime, though they seemed to have differing opinions about what classified as such.
Practicing wasn’t as intense as he wanted it to be. This, once again, just made him think about how much he would have enjoyed performing ‘Tell Me’. There wasn’t much choreography in a song such as this one so he wasn’t going to be needing to practice much dancing. Rapping was already easy for him, and he wasn’t even tasked with writing his own lines or anything, so there wasn’t a lot for him to do this week. It was a lot more boring than some of his previous weeks, though he supposed he should enjoy this sort of free time. Especially considering he wouldn’t be given as many opportunities such as this one once he was actually signed to a company.
Relaxing wasn’t entirely easy, though. He had too many things on his mind to feel completely calm and he hated being by himself. He would try to cling to Taehyung during these moments, hoping that he would provide him with company and a proper distraction.
The week went by a lot slower than he hoped it would, so he was very happy once Friday rolled around. He was going to be participating in the hi touch after this performance, which both excited and disappointed him. His disappointment wasn’t intense, however. He was just nervous about waiting so long for the eliminations since he was extremely worried and nervous about the results. Just knowing that it would drag out for a while gave him a bit of anxiety, though he tried to push it away. In the end, meeting people who were excited to see him would be a wonderful experience. He didn’t know it just yet, but it was going to free him of many of his worries.
Once finally on stage, Mingyu introduced himself to the crowd and then braced himself for the performance.
난 씩씩하게 말을 걸어 넌 저기 시시한 여자와는 달리 틱틱 거려 칙칙하던 분위기에 한 줄기 빛 설렘 정도가 지나쳐 마치 사춘기
The lines weren’t too challenging, so he managed to complete his first verse with ease. Honestly, at this point, he was counting his blessings. He was thankful for what he was given. It’s never good to be discontent with your life when things aren’t even bad. He felt glad that he was here, performing on stage with the other survivors of the show. Also, he had a lot more lines than he would have if he was given his original choice. This was a good thing, he now thought. He wasn’t getting to perform with Won, but he had faith that he was going to debut with him. Then, they’d always get to perform together. This was just a small sacrifice for a huge win.
에라 모르겠다 에라 모르겠다
He would dance a little, or at least ensure that he didn’t look like as stiff as a statue onstage as the performance went on. He made sure that he was smiling and appearing carefree and confident. When he was onstage, that kind of thing never felt like a lie. After all, this is still where he felt comfortable. The nineteen-year-old always felt like he was in his element here.
뒤처리를 못해 피눈물 없는 로맨스 장단 없는 game 너는 오락가락하고 멜로디가 다른 알토와 소프라노 어차피 우리는 끊어질 거야 딱 잘라 말할게 타락해버린 꿈에 Eldorado
As he executed his second long verse, he made sure that he did so perfectly and effortlessly. Just looking out at the crowd and examining all of the eyes glued to him felt exhilarating. His heart rate picked up as the adrenaline pumped through his veins, eyes sparkling with determination and awe.
에라 모르겠다
The majority of his lines were over but the stage wasn’t finished just yet. He did his best to hype up the rest of his group as they did their lines, continuing to smile and move about in a way that didn’t make him appear as though he was made of stone, though he also didn’t want to look like his limbs were crafted from noodles (despite what Yerim seems to believe).
에라 모르겠다 I Love y’all 에라 모르겠다 에라 모르겠다
With each week spent on the MGAs, the easier this seemed to become. He briefly found himself wondering if this is what it felt like for idols. Did they get used to this kind of attention and schedule over time? Or, did they only get used to it for a while, before it begins to feel draining and tiring? He wouldn’t know until he was in that position... or until he has the opportunity to ask one for himself, though he doesn’t feel like they would answer truthfully either way.
Girl I wanna get down Girl I wanna get down
He was going back and forth with this line as the song began nearing an end. In just a little while he would be touching hands with those that wanted to meet him, then he would find out where he stood tonight. It was an intimidating and scary thought, but he couldn’t let it distract him until after this was completely finished and he was standing offstage somewhere.
에라 모르겠다 I Love y’all
And then, not long after, the music stopped. He stood there, chest once again rising and falling faster than usual, though also not as harshly as it would have been if he’d been exerting more of his energy into dancing. He felt pleased with their performance, hoping that it would be enough to get him to a rank that was higher than he’d placed before. If it didn’t, though, he wouldn’t let it get to him. As long as he survives tonight, he will feel grateful.
Mingyu really wants to be here; he really wants to succeed. He realizes that now.
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rkchungha · 6 years
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✧ ☆⋆MGA SEASON 4 - #4040⋆☆ ✧
(ROUND 6 - Camera Relay)
the camera is handed off from somi to chungha. she’s wearing a baseball cap that she’s been wearing for the first few days of practise in the rooms. she’s smiling, the fat under her eyes forming a nice crescent eye smile. she takes a deep breath and nods.
“hello mga audience!” she greets in english. she greets again in korean as well. “hello, this is kim chungha” and then in english. “i am annie kim!” she scrunches her nose cutely, fixing the angle of the camera. she holds it up, pouting a bit. she resumes speaking in korean. “wah~ this camera is really big in my tiny hands. i will do my best.”
she walks the camera around the practise room where team e resides. “i have a surprise for everyone!” she reaches up and removes her baseball cap. she reveals that her hair is now blonde. she smiles, shaking out the loose curls. “i’ve never really dyed my hair before. this is very light. i’m trying to get used to it. i think i really like it!”
the camera jostles a bit as chungha moves towards one of the boys on the team. when he turns, it’s junhoe. “we got our hair dyed together! doesn’t he look great?” she holds the camera up higher with a bit of assistance from junhoe, who is taller than her. she smiles up at the camera and leans her head on his shoulder a bit. “i think we will really suit our summer performance!” junhoe smiles before adding, “couple goals, am i right?”
as chungha walks away from junhoe, the camera picks up a lanky figure sliding into the foreground. slowly but surely until he is in the main background, sicheng stands there. he does a quick pose. chungha, in the mean time blinks when she’s spoken to. the voice is somi, asking for something. chungha responds in english. 
“it’s in my bag. no-- yeah underneath my clothes. i put it in a plastic bag.” she returns to speaking in korean to the camera. “for our performance i gave somi some clothes! she’s just taller than me but we’re around the same size.” she turns the camera to show somi who finds the bag of clothes with a smile. chungha turns to blow a kiss to the younger which the younger quickly returns.
just when she thought she could move to her own corner, taehyung walks into the camera shot. he’s not paying attention so he doesn’t see the camera. he says, “hey noona, if my boogers are green does that mean i’m sick?” chungha looks amused as she turns to him, starting to laugh. with the lack of an actual response, taehyung looks up and sees the camera. he flushes red. “did i really say that in front of the camera?” chungha nods while still laughing. “noona~” there’s a slight whine to his tone. “please don’t laugh at me!” it only causes chungha to laugh harder. despite his request, taehyung joins in the laughter although his cheeks are red with embarrassment.
after the comedic relief with taehyung, chungha finds a section of the practise room a little ways off from everyone. they can be spotted in the background of the shot. all alone for the final moments of her relay, chungha sits on the ground. she turns the camera now. it’s facing the walled mirror in the practise room. it also reveals chungha’s practise outfit. she has her legs extended towards the camera. “i’m trying to get used to the routine. my legs are short so i feel a little insecure. the choreography is suited for people with longer legs. somi will look really good doing this.”
chungha sets the camera down facing the mirror. it’s back enough that it shows chungha doing the short floor choreography of their group’s chosen song. instead of music, she says the counts out loud. after she rises, she picks up the camera and faces it to herself. she’s laughing a bit.
“ah, my legs are so short, right? please pray for my legs to grow longer!” she laughs at herself for her small comment. “just kidding!”  she says in english. she looks off camera for a brisk moment. “alright, my two minutes are up! onto the next!” she waves goodbye cutely and blows a kiss before her relay ends.
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rkxluda · 6 years
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  Group Performance: nct u - boss          Lee Luda #4033 –– (distribution / song+outfit inspo / hair+make-up)   Team: 4007, 4017, 4023, 4037
The results of the first group battle had her in shock. Luda hadn’t expected her team to be first… but last? She found it upsetting and was unable to see how that could be right for a while. But ultimately it made sense. Choosing the song they did… it was a very difficult one. It would’ve made sense with all-around strong dancers, but not for them. Not for her. Why didn’t she think this through better, why didn’t she realise?
For the rest of the Friday, she’d laid on the couch with her mum and watched movies, though she couldn’t remember which. Why did we choose this song? Maybe no one would have been eliminated, had they thought about this better. Luda kept thinking about the results, but she didn’t blame anyone from the team. Only herself. She shouldn't have chosen a song only because she liked it. Even her singing hadn't been on her usual level, which she didn’t realise until afterward.
“You made it through this round, so you should show them that it was the right choice to keep you,” her mother tried to motivate her.
As Luda approached TRCs building for the new teams first meeting, her expression said all. Her smile wasn’t present, as her eyes darted over the building with furrowed eyebrows. There was no spring to her step either, though the burning sun was partially at fault. Just like when she’d first met the first team, Luda had brought snacks.
The building itself already had a very different feeling to it. Somehow she thought it was scarier than Nova’s. Just like walking towards the practise room. What if they chose a song way over their or at least her head again? Choosing a song too difficult for her to perfect, she thought, would definitely get her eliminated this time.
Approaching their first meeting, only a few steps away from the door, she could almost hear her heart beating. She was glad at least Kyungri was part of it again. It made her feel calmer and she ended up staying closer to her, asking her for help more often than the others. Looking around the practise room for the first time, she noticed that it was designed way simpler than Nova's.
Yoojung was an incredible dancer and choreographer and they chose Taehyung as the leader. It seemed like he was worried about Kyungri and her and she really appreciated it. He often offered water or assistance and even took them to the side to lift their spirits. Luda wasn’t one to be sad for too long, but sure it still helped. 
At first, she'd thought that their skills were well mixed, but they soon faced the problem of finding a girl group song for two rappers and three singers. The song she'd had in mind since the theme was announced, was “I'm So Sick”, but that obviously wasn't an option considering their two rappers.
They quickly dropped the idea of doing a girl group song as they couldn't find anything with enough rap. It made Luda realise how similar groups and songs could be these days. Their ultimate choice was a song she hadn’t heard before and she didn’t know much about the group either. They had a couple songs she liked and that's all the girl knew. But their criteria was met – a good mix of vocal and rap parts and a nice dance that luckily didn’t seem that difficult.
She hoped this would be a good song choice – she couldn’t imagine having been high up on the judges or any fan's list after this. Regret kept boiling in her stomach but she tried to push it back for the sake of concentrating on the challenge ahead.
Her first impression, “Oh, that dance looks do-able!”, however, was smashed by hard reality. Sure she’d somehow managed to not completely mess up the choreo of “before the dawn”, but this was a new choreo and just because there was no scorpion thing going on, didn’t mean that made it easy in any way.
Somehow Luda managed to get a little bit more sleep over the week. But she still stayed to practise for a crazy amount of hours. This time she balanced dancing and singing a lot better and she really looked forward to her vocal part. Of course, she still practised dancing like a madwoman, but she put a lot more effort and attention on her voice and how to use it. Singing was her way to shine after all.
Just like last time, she spent the small breaks in the practise room trying out different expressions to see what would fit the performance best. After looking at a few live performances of the sing, she decided on aloof-confidence for the most part – however that could be achieved – and a sly smile or wink here and there. The wink wasn't a problem… the other two definitely were. Her first try at a sly smile looked rather hilarious and she had to chuckle at herself. The cool-aloofness wasn’t exactly her strong suit either and she threw a Flynn Rider-esque smolder-face into the mix, purely because it seemed fun.
It seemed like the few added hours of sleep she got worked wonders. Concentrating was easier and she memorised both lyrics and choreography faster. Of course, that didn't mean she instantly had the details down or that she got everything right, but it was progress.
She still had problems with the energy of the dance and to make the moves big enough. The girl tended to be a bit shy when she could see herself dancing, making some moves seem wishy-washy, when they needed to be strong and big. She also tried to get a more masculine feel while dancing, but her feminine side was something she couldn't quite erase – and after a lot of consideration – she didn't want to erase.
The day of the performance seemed to arrive even faster this time. Luda was nervous, being worried that somehow they would get last place again. That she'd be eliminated this time. Or that they would get last and MNET decided to cut the whole team. And there was always the concern that it could be her fault. She did her best to stay calm and having a team around her certainly helped. Luda stuck closer to Kyungri, and they were already joking that the elder had adopted her. It really helped her to stay calmer while waiting. They prepared so much, she did the best she could over the past week and they just had to perform well.
At least not last, at least not being eliminated.
Even though their turn was one team later than last week, the time seemed to have passed faster. She'd made sure to eat and drink enough, to have strength and their stage outfits were coordinated well. She liked the mix of military-style jacket and slightly fitted shirt and added a thin choker. Hair and make-up looked good as well. Nothing should go wrong – she could only give her best to not make any mistakes.
They got up on the stage and introduced themselves. Their team name was “Baby Boss” – she was sure at least one of her friends would be so nice to point out that the “baby” half suited her very well, once the episode aired. Only being 1.57cm tall and all. It wasn't the best name. But in her opinion, the performance itself was a lot more important, than spending hours trying to come up with a better name.
When it was her turn, she bowed.
“I'm falling for you! Hello, I'm Luda! ” the girl introduces herself – albeit furrowing her brows in embarrassment at the introduction she'd come up with – showing hearts with her thumb and index fingers on both hands. Somehow seeing the audience made her arms and legs feel tingly and she couldn't wait to start performing. Thousand people were still a lot, but as she remembered the feeling on stage while singing, while dancing, somehow she looked forward to it now, rather than being afraid.
If she messed up, at least she would do so having fun.
With their introductions out of the way, they got into formation and the lights dimmed. The song started. She aimed for the aloof expression she'd trained in the practise room and at home, focusing on her movements switching between flowing and strong. The flowing ones, she was definitely better at.
She smirked while facing the camera and starting with her part, stepping forward and eyes narrowed a little to make her gaze stronger
Whatever I touch, I take The moment you feel my body heat You’ll fall for me yeah
This was one of the parts where she didn't always get the details of the choreo right, so she remembered to bring her arms fully stretched out over her head, in a circle. After that part, she stepped back again and mentally prepared for the first “leg-wiggle”, after her next, shorter line.
World is ours
Continuing on, she paid attention to make full, energetic movements, to not have her arms bent when they shouldn't be and such. She still wasn't a dancer, so of course her dancing wasn't perfect. But she didn't step out of line or into someone else's space and that was already a win in her opinion. For this performance, she'd left her hair open. The choreography had her shaking her head here and there, causing her to have to run her fingers through her locks every now and then – as far as the fast choreo allowed her to. It made her hair look a bit tousled, which was not a bad look while practising, she found. It surely took away from her soft features which didn't fit the song perfectly. At least it helped a little.
(Draw out an even bigger us yeah) As if everything has been born again, come into my world Like fish in water, everyone sings
She stepped into the middle of the circle, winking at a camera. Her voice was silvery and she carried the notes well. Her focus was singing after all, not her dance and it showed. She put attention to looking at the audience whenever the dance allowed her to, which she'd learned from the hours of watching survival shows like this. She was tempted to gaze at the camera more often but was worried she'd overdo it.  
Now close your eyes Breathe in my world that will spread before your eyes You’re beautiful enough Just as you are
She focused on looking at the camera again and bit her lip before looking to the side, then held the next note. High notes were her thing after all.
Luda honestly hadn't been so sure about the song choice at first, wondering if she could pull it off. But while practising, she'd started to really like it. It was fun to sing and fun to dance, even if it was still a difficult dance to her. And most importantly, she had fun on stage – something that now, in retrospective, she couldn't say about the previous team battle. She really liked the former team and she really liked this one as well, but with the extremely difficult dance, she'd been too concentrated and worried to enjoy herself as much as she could now.
So anyone can come inside this circle I wanna send you my song
She would never be a main dancer, but after her last line, Luda gave the rest of the performance – specifically the dance – her all, trying to end the stage well.
After they broke their end pose, she started grinning. At first, she'd tried to keep her facial expression in check – she was sure she'd made mistakes here and there and didn't want to appear overly proud of herself – but she couldn't hold the smile in. She did feel proud, even though she couldn't see the mistakes she had made while dancing. They weren't massive mistakes and she surely danced better than last week, but of course wonders couldn't be expected after only a week.
But her appearance had changed this time. Enjoying a stage surely made a difference and she felt like on a high, smiling at her teammates. This time, Luda didn't even cry – and she didn’t ever want to miss performing. She wanted to go on, to stand on the stage again.
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rkkyungri · 6 years
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                   ✧ ———— MGA: SEASON FOUR, episode four!  — group performance                      park kyungri ( #4023 ) — boss - nct u ( distribution / song ) ———— ✧                                   featuring: @rkxluda, @rkxtae, @yccjungrk & @rkljy
if she had been aprehensive about the week before, then her feelings towards this week and it’s challenge would be indescribable, and not exactly in the best way. for sure, she was ecstatic that she had somehow made it through by the skin of her teeth; relieved that she had another chance to show the world another side of her. but at the same time, there was a strange feeling in the pit of her gut, guilt and disappointment, not in her team but more so in herself for failing to guide her team correctly. sitting in last place, moonbok had been eliminated and sent home. maybe if she had paid more attention to him and been more attentive towards teaching him the routine, then maybe, just maybe they would of overcome that obstacle. or maybe not. kyungri doesn’t know.
it is yet another week and gone are the days of the classics, a new era is upon them. everyone is grouped off into totally new groups, although much to kyungri’s surprise, she discovers that one of her old teammates, luda, has followed her to team e. it makes her feel a little more settled and relaxed knowing that she knows at least one person. last week really had kyungri shaken up but she tries her best not to show it. she can’t be elected as leader for the second time, so kyungri takes a back seat momentarily as a leader is elected amongst them. one of the new faces to her is chosen to be leader, to which she obviously doesn’t object against ( she doesn’t want to, nor can she really object in the first place ). taehyung seems like a fitting pick.
the one thing that bothers kyungri in this competition at this very moment is the overwhelming amount of men surrounding her. everything is very heavy on masculine energy, so kyungri is quick to suggest a very powerful, yet feminine song for their evaluation; black dress is her pick. but it is soon discovered that two of the five of them are rappers, and that the rap portion of the song ( that song among many others ), lacks an appropriate rap verse for each of the rappers. for a moment there, kyungri grits her teeth but she isn’t in the mood to protest. the group ends up settling with boss, to which kyungri isn’t entirely familiar with. she’s heard of the artist although she hasn’t really actively sat and listened to any of their music. she sighs as they part ways as a group, feeling a bit heavy knowing that this week is going to be much more of a challenge for her.
before the dawn was a classic, kyungri had been excited to learn the choreography; this time round, kyungri is a little less enthused. the group are training at trc entertainment this week which is a bit of an experience in itself, but kyungri can be seen taking time out by herself in the studio to learn the choreography. she spots a camera in the corner of the dance studio ( aware, since she had seen the last episode ) and waves to it as she places her bag down on the ground, out of the way. walking to the center of the room, she begins to warm up slowly by doing some simple stretches, while also showing off her flexibility a little. she then collects her phone and sits in the center of the room to watch the routine by herself, brows narrowed as she takes in the song and the routine. thankfully, it’s not that difficult; the dance or the song itself, it’s more so just the energy that it puts out that bothers her the most.
a part of kyungri feels strangely guilty about taking out time to practice this on her own, to learn it and understand it in her own time. she hadn’t really done much in the last episode in terms of practising within the studio, on camera, so she had to use this to her advantage and do all of her preparation here, whether she liked it or not. kyungri can be seen practising until the early hours of the morning, sitting on the ground taking in deep breaths. she gathers her thoughts and her things and waves to the camera as she heads out, knowing she’ll be back in no time to prepare with her teammates for the big day which was slowly approaching. slowly, but surely. always.
kyungri adjusts her jacket backstage, awaiting the groups cue to head on stage. she’s actually not mad about the outfits that they’re wearing for this stage, military style; yet still keeping it moderately casual. kyungri pairs her jacket with a fitted t-shirt underneath; cropped, adding a choker to extenuate the look a little further and make it a little more feminine ( since she is really struggling with that this week ). most of the cameras would catch on to the fact that she sticks close to luda backstage, even going as far as to making a joke that she has adopted her and is now one of her own. the group is given their cue to head out onto stage, kyungri adjusts her microphone and puts on her stage face before filing up onto stage along with her members; she walks out with her signature hip sway, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she looks at the audience and smiles.
the group do their routine introduction, introducing themselves as baby boss, maybe not the most creative group name, but it was fitting given the song they were doing this week ( not going to lie, it was the best they could come up with ). as expected, the stage dims and the sounds of boss begin to play around them. the crowd sounds the moment they recognise the song beginning to play; if the song is popular with the crowd, then maybe that will make this all the more easy. kyungri knows very well that she can come across as stoic when she isn’t on stage, she does as she is told and she obviously works hard; and that somehow, must show when she steps on the stage. the moment the song asks her to start dancing, the moment she begins to sing, something ignites in her. it happens every single time. it’s passion, and it fuels her. every time she is given opportunity to go out on stage and do this, it’s just another reminder as to why she needs to get back into this industry, to do what she loves most. 
but it isn’t going to be given to her so easily, she has to fight for it. kyungri shows off her cool and charismatic side when singing, her moves are clean and slick, as the choreography asks of her. the chorus sounds and kyungri smirks, somehow getting hyped up; as the chorus of the song is undeniably catchy. the crowd cheer along to the song, which makes kyungri even more so hyped. if she could say one thing, it’s that she probably thought they were better than last week, her and luda at least. this group all had decent dancing skills and had skills in their respected places of either singing or rapping; they all had strong attributes which made their collaboration much more seamless and effortless. the thought of that made kyungri rest easy at least, even in the midst of her performance, but she still wasn’t going down without a fight. it could be her time, she wasn’t to know. she shares the vocal parts with juyeon and luda; and they sound good in her opinion. luda had taken the high note portion of the song, so kyungri didn’t have to worry about that. 
the song is drawing an end, but the group keeps up the same level of energy that they began the performance with. kyungri keeps up the cool, charismatic facade until the very end of the performance, ending on a high note as the whole team kicks a leg and their arms upwards, together before standing on the stage together, cooly, as their ending post. kyungri glaces outwards towards the crowd through a curtain of her hair, biting her lip, trying to gauge a reaction. she had felt the same way regarding her last performance on stage with team d; and they had lost. would this be enough, or would team e too end up falling from grace?
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rkjei · 5 years
˟ ▀   a little gift .
she really hopes that the boys show up soon because she’s tired of carrying four large bags when three of them aren’t even hers.  honestly, jei truly thinks that this so called “ glamping” trip is going to be a nightmare, but she figures she’ll get through it well enough if she spends all her time with the people she’s  (  somehow  )  managed to grow close to in her time in trc.
that still doesn’t mean she’s not annoyed that she has to carry all of these bags for them until they arrive on location for the bus.  she allows a frustrated sigh to escape her lips, pushing up her sunglasses even though it’s still just early morning.  it takes a little while but at least taehyung finally manages to show.
“ taehyung.” she calls, gesturing him over with a nod and a wave of her hand.  “ i have something for you.  come here and get it so i can stop carrying all these bags.”
˟ ▀  &. @rkxtae
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hoseokrk-blog · 6 years
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shinhs97 i am going to keep up with the mgas since a few familiar faces are on there! i want numbers 4011, 4019, 4037, 4044, and 4046 to know i’m rooting for you!!
🖤  💬  
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rklino · 6 years
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              TEAM I  >> SEO  SOOJIN & THE BOYS !!
                                    performing ... kara’s step!                                                    --   guidance video ; line distribution.                                        ft. @rksxngyeol​, @rkssoojin​, @rkdaehwi​, & @rkmxrk​
the idea of working in a team, it’s stressful; there’s so much to be done, and he’s working with essential strangers-- it’s different if he had jeongguk, taehyung, chungha, hyuna, jei or hell even somi-- someone he knows to some extent. he stresses and he worries, because what if they don’t get along? what if there’s an issue that stops them from being able to complete the mission for the next episode?
but, for the most part, they get along well. there’s no fuss-- sungyeol’s elected as leader quite easily; song choice is pretty simple. soojin offers to distribute the lines so everyone’s fair-- and yoongi busies himself with learning and helping the others with the dance. he even offers an idea of using retractable sticks to replace mic stands. as more of a shock factor, a surprise for the audience; something fun and creative. sungyeol keeps everyone in good spirits and daehwi helps with perfect a girl group’s choreography.
there’s a lot of work put into it, but thankfully; yoongi likes kara, likes their music and choreography enough to actually enjoy the song. he has fun with it, and finds himself cracking a few smiles here and there.
on the d-day, he feels confident. there is less worry than the first episode, and significantly less than the second; he’s made it to at least episode three, which is more than he’d expect. added on the fact he knows his mother’s watching, maybe even his father (the thought makes his stomach flip in unease). so he needs to work hard, improve himself; show off exactly what he can do.
he watches the rest of the groups perform with scrutinizing eyes. keeps an eye out for the rest of his friends (jeongguk’s groups performance and song choice has him choking, both at the fact he’s with chungha and they’re doing troublemaker); it’s nerve wracking, knowing they’re the last group to go. 
soojin clings to him on their way out, and while he frowns at it, he pats her shoulder gently and makes no move to shrug her off. it’s more of a shock than anything else. standing before everything makes it feel all the more real, all the more frightening.
the greeting is cutesy, to match the overall feel. a two step (hah!), and shooting heats. a smile in place, one without teeth, because years of being made fun of aren’t certainly going to lift from him enough for him to flash his grin, not on television. we’re seo soojin and the boys! it’s sweet and simple, right to the point. contestant numbers and names that are gone over and then they’re starting.
yoongi’s front and center, heart beating a mile a minute as he smiles, crinkles the corners of his eyes cutely as he adjusts the headmic near his mouth-- and his incorporate intro rap sliding through. it’s an added feature, and idea brought up by soojin to ensure he doesn’t fade away into the background of the song, and lyrics and composition helped by mark to further perfect it. it’s a joint effort, and deep down, he’s thankful for it; it’s not his best work, not by far-- but it’s better than most. 
yeah-- see what we can do, we’re steppin up, steppin up to the plate no going back, we’re only going forward seo soojin and the boys, heh turn on ya stereo and listen well!
for atmosphere, and performance sake, he adds a lipbite and a wink at the end, falling back into formation as the song’s original beat kicks in. the dance is a lot of body movement, hip wiggling and arm placement. his hand grips at the small bit of metal tucked into hiding, awaiting for it’s moment to shine. sungyeol and daehwi focus on this part with soojin’s vocals in the background as an addition. mark and his voices blending together at the end of the verse -- 
such trivial worries, with a smile, bye bye
he moves as gracefully on the floor as he can, keeps his expression as relaxed as possible. when he isn’t rapping, he’s completely, one hundred percent at ease; dancing is something that comes simply to him. 
when the chorus starts back up, he breathes out; letting his body move to sheer muscle memory. at the end of the chorus where it moves, he glances at the rest of the team as they line up-- and presses the button on his retractable stick. as it shoots out, he sets it harshly on the ground and moves his hips to the beat, then crosses his arms around it. it’s a fast movement, done with lots of practice, not nearly as polished as he would like, but it’s quick enough to get him moving. 
it’s an repetitive song. it’s fun and yoongi finds himself loosening up the further they get into it. at the second portion of the retractable sticks, they release again-- and this time it’s bending. knees and backs bending back as they breathe out as sungyeol and daehwi sing the appropriate lines, soojin’s vocals in the back.
the rest of the song goes as swimmingly-- in yoongi’s opinion. mark’s rap he thinks fits well with the song, and his voice is a nice sort of quick that yoongi get get down to. as the song moves to close, his heart begins it’s rapid beating for the posing, the movement at the end. soojin moves and he makes sure he’s shuffled out of the way, still moving to the proper choreography as she does her flip. his stick is in his hand as he finishes out the hip wiggling-- and then the splits. 
it doesn’t hurt. his years of ballet and dancing have made it easy to do, but it’s still a strange feeling none the less. his hands press against the ground as he holds himself up, a wide, closed lip smile on his face as soojin poses.
at the end, he’s tired; exhausted, but the adrenaline that’s filling his body is worth it-- standing on the stage as the last group performing. it’s done, and overwith-- and there’s so much more left to deal with afterwards. he’s got to be ready.
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rkjoohyvn · 6 years
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↠ * mnet global auditions season 4 ,                                           ♥«´¨`•°.. » episode five ! mashups »                 ¸.•* KOKOBOPxSHANGRILA by EXO x VIXX ! ( LINE DISTRIBUTION ) `*•.
first place feels amazing.
after the previous week, being not only among the top teams, but being first place feels like validation that working hard will yield great results. but first place also feels like a burden. even though she’s got a new team now, with a new concept, with different roles to play, there’s still that pressure to do well, and become even better than before.
but as soon as she meets her new teammates, there’s a certain dark aura that surrounds her them, of having lost people, of guilt and anxiety about continuing on. and while no one from her team went home that week, she’d grown quite attached to her all of them and was sad that they all had to part ways into different groups, she’s all too familiar with the feeling, having been through the same thing last week after the results of the first group round, so she understands how everyone feels.
it’s hard to move forward when there’s something holding you back, and she wishes there was more she could do for them other than offering advice and comfort when they all huddle up and have a talk about everything.
“this too shall pass,” she says at one point, and as cliche as it sounds, it’s a truth she stands by.
despite a rocky start, things began to run smoothly thereafter, and it has a lot to do with jinsoul’s organizational skills as leader. in all honesty, seola had been worried about the girl at first, seeing the apprehension and hesitation she’d shown after being chosen to lead the group, but in the end, she had nothing to worry about, and tried her best to be a pillar of support for the other girl whenever she needed it, especially during a certain mid-week slump when it seemed she was about to be overwhelmed by everything.
seola, who had become used to camping out in the practice rooms overnight rather than going home, is surprised to find the younger girl still there, surrounded by sheets of notes and lists, deep in thought. she approaches her, addresses her softly, and asks her about her troubles and worries. it’s a quiet, tender moment, with seola offering her best advice and her greatest words of encouragement, seeing all the potential that jinsoul has and all the greatness she’s already shown.
“try not to stress about it too much,” she offers, her legs drawn close to her chest as they sit on the floor of the practice room, their reflections staring back at them in the floor to wall ceilings. “everyone feels the pressure when they’re put into a role like this, but that’s a good thing. that nervous feeling is going to fuel you and then you’ll get to show the world that you’re strong enough.”
in the end, she feels much closer to jinsoul than when they’d started out, a soft spot of fondness growing in her heart for the other girl.
but she’s not the only one.
just like last week, choreography seems to be a sore spot for some of her teammates, and she once again finds herself helping one of her fellow teammates out with it. guanlin is young and energetic, and quite vocal about his distaste for dance, so much so that she can’t help but laugh every time he brings it up. still, she’s a firm believer that no one in this world is a bad dancer, just those who haven’t put in the time to practice.
and she tells guanlin as much as she helps him go over the choreography over and over again, focusing less on making everything perfect and focusing more on making sure he’s aware of his spacing and timing. musicality is especially important for a performance like this where the choreography isn’t particularly demanding; rather, it relies on staying in the pocket, and getting into the feeling of the piece rather than focusing on its individual steps.
“people can see when you’re thinking about what step to do next,” she says, her body going through the motions of the choreography, demonstrating it to him. “try and forget about the steps for a few moments, and focus more on how you feel. or maybe...take on an alter ego?”
she stops dancing for a few seconds, and turns to him with a small laugh. “beyonce had sasha fierce, right? maybe you can be... hm... sasha slay?” she once again bursts out into laughter, shaking her head and bringing her attention back to the choreography.
still, as silly as the name had sounded to her ears, she hopes that some of the advice she’s given him helps him during the actual performance.
just as in previous weeks, the day of the performance comes much too fast, and although she feels as prepared as she’ll ever be, she’s still a bundle of nerves. she can’t sit still at all while watching the other groups perform---her hands are either fidgeting in her lap or toying with her clothes and hair, she’s constantly shifting in her seat, and her leg shakes nervously. time seems to go by extremely slowly even though everything is moving quite quickly and efficiently, and by the time her group is called up toward the stage, she feels like she’s going to explode.
and she does, slightly. “hello! we’re team go go bop!” she exclaims rather loudly as they introduce themselves as a unit, bowing with the rest of her team, cheeks flushed a light pink color once she realizes how loud she’d been. she purses her lips to keep herself from laughing as they find their beginning poses on stage.
the song itself is quite sensual-sounding, so she settles down quickly, falling into the rhythm and feel of the song as soon as it starts. jinsoul starts the song out, and she follows up, her voice clear and charismatic, matching the feel of the song.
어지러운 맘속에 내가 들어가 i’m entering into your dizzy heart 익숙한 듯 부드럽게 네게 번져 가 as if I’m familiar, i’ll softly spread inside
the choreography, too, is a mashup of both performances, staying true to the theme of the episode, as well as a touch of traditional style dancing added in by sicheng. admittedly, seola isn’t too familiar with the latter, but she’d spent several late nights in the practice room going over it again and again, mimicking the lines and movements until she’s satisfied that no one can tell (or, at the very least, would not say she didn’t try her hardest).
낮과 밤이 전부 너야 빈틈 없이 my day and night are all you, without any space left
her next line comes and goes quickly, but it’s done seamlessly from one part into the next. it’s strong and confident, a reflection of how she feels about her own skill level after having been trained for so long. if only those lessons didn’t now come with a dark spot across them.
난 취해 좀 더 취해 i’m drunk, a little more drunk 이 꿈속에 빠져들고 싶어 i wanna fall into this dream 넌 다가와서 you came to me 내게만 스며들어 only to me
as compared to her first line, her lines during the second chorus are a little more energetic, though still quite soulful. it’s at a higher pitch, though she’s comfortable at both, and the choreography during this section requires more energy. she sucks in a deep breath before singing, keeping her core strong in order not to sound breathy during her lines while still strongly doing the choreography. at the end, a slight breath is heard through the mic, though she hopes it to be minor enough that it goes unnoticed.
기분 좋은 밤 넌 원하고 있어 on this nice night, i want you 알아 it’s ok 이제 시작해 i know, it’s ok, let’s start now
everything slows down during the bridge, and she delivers her line with the laid back vibe of ko ko bop, all the while keeping her movements in time with the backing track of shangri la. her expressions are easy, a slight smile on her lips as she looks into the camera, her hands performing impromptu choreography, framing her face as she sings.
다시 눈을 뜨면 when i open my eyes again 내게만 스며들어 you only come into me
her final line is delivered with precision and gusto, wanting it to be memorable as one of the final two lines of the song. she soon finds herself in her final position, chest heaving in and out as she tries to catch her breath, making sure none of it is heard on the microphone this time. after a few seconds, they all shuffle off stage, and she’s stuck in a waiting game all over again.
how will the results turn out this time?
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rkwon · 6 years
08. burning bridges.
a flyer for @rkxtae !!
( tw !! blood mention )
it’s unusual for won to remember anything — favourite colours, birthdays, important events, favours, shopping lists, but perhaps not muggings. the sight of a familiar face all but winds him, memories of a time over a year ago where he’d assisted a nasty nosebleed on the shocked young man. he hadn’t had much if any money himself back then, and he certainly wasn’t the type to just help people without any ulterior motive ( and at times, he still isn’t ). in the end, he had had a motivator for offering his assistance but that was hardly the point; not when he’d initiated without it. he wonders if the other even remembers this or just that they were both contestants in the show, though he supposes like himself, it’s hard to forget something like that if it doesn’t happen often. 
( he hopes it doesn’t. ) 
“hey, we met first like— a year ago, I know it’s probably a little weird that I still remember it but if you do, too, how about doing me a favour in return and taking this flyer? it’s about royal entertainment and all their upcoming events like showcases and castings and stuff. I know it’s probably... bittersweet, but hey, maybe you could burn it and it’d be a little satisfying?” 
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