readmyfreak · 1 month
stanley pines has never looked better and i hate to say that his greasy, sleazy, cheapskate personality is actually doing it for me and i hate it
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ranminfan · 10 months
Hellfire is the only Disney villain song where the antagonist is not having a good time....
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I'm trying to think of the reasons why Hellfire is one, if not, the best Disney villain song and how it's different from the others, and this is what I noticed...
Their songs is where we see the motives, goals and overall character of the villains and how they'll drive the plot of the movie.
However I don't think I've ever seen another Disney villain who's having a horrible time.
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Frollo is the only one I've seen who's in pain in a sense.
He's not singing because its his number, no, he's singing because he's struggling with his inhibitions.
I mean, look at the other guys...
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They're having a gay ol' time
Another thing I've noticed to other villain songs is that they have an audience.
I think they need to because it's usually the time where they hatch their evil plans and the audience is generally the main protagonist.
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Meanwhile Frollo doesn't want anyone to know his little "trouble" with the fireplace.
He doesn't want witnesses... no one has to know, no one needs to, and he made sure of that.
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Even having to burn Esmeralda's scarf so nobody can find it. He was determined to keep his motives hidden.
He's alone, restless, and vulnerable, as shown with him not wearing his usual vestments (hat and the shoulder pad thing).
The only people who knows Hellfire exists is him and us, the viewers.
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Decides to make this also because I've been seeing people who've watched the new movie Wish and a lot are comparing the villain songs to the old ones.
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
Romeo & Juliet
(Misa Rodríguez x reader)
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Playing for Barcelona and dating a Real Madrid player has been something crazy.
Before playing for Barcelona, you played for Atletico de Madrid for their B team where you met the love of your life, María Isabel Rodríguez or better known as Misa.
From the moment you met her you were head over heels for her, you asked her out 6 months after meeting her and you guys officially started dating a month later.
Misa is the extrovert to your introvert persona, she is the light you see at the end of the tunnel. Misa and you complemented each other perfectly, she brought out your best qualities. Dating Misa has been the best thing ever, it wasn’t a secret that you guys were dating as your Instagram page basically became fan account for her.
Everything had been a bliss until the season 2020/2021. You guys knew that if you wanted to grow as a professional player moving from Atletico was the best decision as both of your contracts ended. When the news about your decisions to move from teams came out the both of you received offers from multiple teams.
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Cuddling in the living of your shared apartment in Madrid the both of you knew that it was needed to have “The Talk” about your futures.
“Mi amor, ayer me marcó mi representante y me comentó las ofertas que ha recibido” (Mi love, yesterday mi agent called to tell me about the offers that he has received) Misa said enthusiastically.
“That’s amazing baby!” you said matching her energy.
“En cuanto me mencionó el nombre de un equipo le dije que ese era, que los demás no me interesaban” (As soon as he mentioned a particular team, I told him that that was the team, that I didn’t want to hear more) she said, you could see how her eyes shined with determination
“Mi vida, I also recently talked with mi manager, and I also have a preference for a particular team” you answered her
“How about this mi amor, we count until three and we mention the name of the team” she said with a grin on her face
So, the both of you started counting before saying the team’s names.
“1, 2, 3”
“Real Madrid”
As soon as each other heard the name of the other person’s team you guys stared at each other with wide eyes knowing what it meant.
Each one of you were joining a different side from the most important rivalry in football.
Silence was all that was heard in the apartment until you decided to talk.
“Mi vida, I know what this means. I haven’t accepted the offer yet. For you I could join another team” you said with a soft voice.
Misa turned towards you and with her finger on your chin she turned your face towards her own face.
You were looking at her brown eyes when she spoke “Amor, one of the best teams in the world wants you to join them, I couldn’t ask you to do not join them.”
She made a brief pause before talking again. “I know that I’m joining Real, it’s a totally new team but it’s my dream to be there when one of the best organizations can fight against the best teams in the world, I want to help them to achieve that goal. I promise you that nothing will change our relationship even the legendary rivalry won’t be able to change it”
Her words and her confidence only made you love her even more.
“And don’t worry mi amor, I’ll talk with Ale and Jenni as I’m sure that you will need your extrovert person there” she said with a wink.
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When the announcements of both of your signings came out the fans were quick to give you guys new nicknames “Romeo & Juliet” with Misa being Juliet and you being Romeo.
Sticking true to her word she talked with her national teammates Alexia and Jenni. They received you with open arms and made sure to make your arrival as smooth as possible not without being teased for dating one of their closest friends.
As time passed the both of you adapted to your new teams, each of you were in love with your teams.  You guys talked with each other in a daily basis and traveled to each other’s city when it was possible.
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Before you knew it the game that you had been dreading all season was about to happen. The first ever women’s “El Clásico”.
When you saw that next week’s game was against Real Madrid you were regretting choosing to be a striker and not a midfielder or a defender, your job was going to be to score against the love of your life.
Alexia and Lieke, your national teammate, noticed that you were more quiet than usual. You were a quiet person but you had never reached that level of quietness so, the both of them approached you in the team’s bus which was on the way to the field.
“Romeo! Is everything alright?” Alexia asked while sitting next to you.
“Oh, hola Ale. Si, everything is alright”
“Don’t lie to me Romeo, I can see it on your face how worried you are” Alexia said softly.
“Yeah y/nn, you are quieter than usual. We just want to help you” Lieke said.
You were so in your own head that you didn’t heard Lieke arriving.
“We are playing against Real Madrid” was all you said.
“Yeah?” Lieke said having not yet realized what you were talking about
Ale being the intelligent woman she is she realized why you were so worried. “It’s Misa isn’t it y/n”
Lieke was the first one to hug you with Ale following her action.
“y/n you know that Misa will love nothing more than you giving your all”
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You had never been more nervous than the moment when you were in the tunnel, even if you weren’t starting the nerves were still there.
Before going to the bench you felt a hand quickly taking you away from the crowd. When you turned around to see who took your hand you saw your favorite brown eyes, it was Misa.
“Amor!” Misa said while giving you a hug. You quickly put your face on her neck and hugged her. She could how fast your heart was beating.
“Amor, Ale told me how nervous you are” she softly said.
All you could do was to nod your head still hugging her as you were seeking for her comfort.
“y/nn you know that whatever happens on that field will not change our relationship, the love that we have for each other”
“I know mi vida but what if I score against you, what if I make the winning goal, what if…” before you could continue she gave you soft kiss to stop your rambling.
“Baby, calm down. We knew that sooner or later this game would happen. You already have scored against me with our nationals teams so calm down, everything will be alright” she said.
Before you could answer Olga interrupted you. “Misa! It’s time to line up. Hurry up!”
“y/nn remember nothing will happen. Te amo mi amor”
Before she left you told her “También te amo Misa!”
At that moment you couldn’t had been more grateful to Ale as she knew that the only person who could calm you down was Misa.
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You entered the game as a sub in the 55th minute and 9 minutes later you scored, the moment the ball hit the net you felt your teammates enthusiastically jumping on you celebrating your goal however, you didn’t celebrated it and all you could see was girlfriends stressed face as the score went up to 0-3 with Barcelona winning.
As soon as the game ended went to where Misa was.
“Congratulations my love” she said softly, you could hear the pain in her voice
“I’m proud of you Misa” was all you said while you hugged her.
You guys hugged for some more minutes until Lieke got behind you and spoke in Dutch “Romeo, I’m sorry to interrupt but you were chosen for media duties”
You sighed before answering back in Dutch “I’ll be there in a minute Lieke”
After she left Misa, for the first time since the match ended, laughed “All I understood was Romeo mi vida. I see that they also have been bothering you with the Romeo and Juliet nicknames huh”
“They haven’t stopped calling me Romeo since we arrived my Juliet” you said with a fake annoyed voice
“I must leave Misa but expect me in your apartment later tonight. Jonatan knew how much this game was taking a toll on me and gave me a few days off.”
“I’ll be expecting you there mi amor!”
You started walking away towards Lieke and when you reached her you gave her a side hug and spoke in Dutch so no one else could understand “Lieke could you go out with me to buy the ring. I think it’s moment to take the next step with my Juliet”.
You knew that there were going to be more games between Real Madrid and Barcelona however, your love was stronger than the most legendary rivalry in football.
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Misa deserves so much love. She is such an amazing and my favorite goalkeeper.
I'm taking more requests for Madrid players so don't be shy!
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rainmustfallts4 · 9 hours
Rain Must Fall (Reaper’s Rewards Special) ◇ #001
⊶⊰Information & Index⊱⊷⊶⊰Ep. 1⊱⊷⊶⊰Chronological Tag⊱⊷
Reaper's Rewards Special: ⊶⊰Latest⊱⊷ ⊶⊰From the Beginning⊱⊷ ⊶⊰All Reaper's Rewards Posts⊱⊷
Nobody panic, it’s finally here!!
Okay so I stayed up until nearly 9am waiting for the event to start – if my calculation was correct, which it should be since I used a website and not my own brain, it should have started at 7. I wanted to stay up longer but I was soooo tired.
BUT! It was here when I woke up c:
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This is what popped up as soon as I loaded into my save. Of course I had to use my Super Sim! If his memory is really getting that bad… can I just say we’re married even though we’re not? >.>
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The tasks for week 1! There’s two different ones, which I didn’t realize at first haha
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Here are the first three tasks we need to complete. She already has a bit of gardening under her belt so this should be easy peasy.
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I planted three of each c:
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And by doing so, I unlocked my first two rewards! The first one is a book which, lame~ I don’t think I can use it because my level is too high in gardening. But I want to collect all the books anyway so I don’t have to buy it later.
The freezer boney, though? SO COOL! I adore it ❤
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Look at how cute it is ;_;)
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Next, we had to research a plant – which my dumbass forgot to screenshot the task of c: I already had a snapdragon growing so I went ahead and researched that.
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Oooo this looks fancy 😮
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I really like the black variant, it’s so cool!
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Next, we had to read the newsletter from the Ambrosia Society. I’ve seen a few people have an issue with this but, thankfully, I was bug free for this event (subtle flex who.)
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She’s far too happy to have earned a cookbook lmao
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There’s a new option to research Ambrosia so we headed over to the computer. She had this thought bubble a few times during this and it was SOOO cute so I had to add it c:
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Now, I spent too much time on this but I regret nothing.
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Here’s a closer version if you have trouble reading small text like me c:
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And here is the actual popup. They don’t mention the price and that’s how they get ya shaking my head.
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jarognieva · 1 month
They play in my work the shittiest radio ever with the shittiest remixes ever existed, I'm literally suffering 😭😭😭 and it's every day 😭😭😭
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smimon · 1 year
Here, have this interview with Käärijä in which he explains the origins of "the sailor" and other dance moves from Cha Cha Cha, recalls the first song he made, appreciates his mom, promises to play a gig in Poland some day, and basically says "maybe the real Eurovision victory was the friends we made along the way"
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theevilicecreamsoda · 7 months
The only rpf i accept is rpf about the marble league marbles ☝️
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h0shibrainr0t · 1 year
Imagine saying that BTS outsang... anyone. 🤨
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pluckywallflower · 4 days
Death of R.M.F.
Seems like an allegory of how and why it's so hard for victims of abuse to leave
Jesse Plimons character has been in that relationship for 10 years, he has been so controlled for so long he doesn't know how to function. His house is owned by his abuser who cares come and go without permission. He is employed by his abuser who tells the competition not to employ him. He is also never sure or trustworthy of the outside situations he is in. Like he never knows if Raymond is pulling the strings. So terrifying.
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medicatrix-naturae · 3 months
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"Disease is Avoidable When the biological needs of any species are met, disease is impossible. Disease is not inevitable. Dogs are biologically adapted to a diet made up primarily of the raw, unprocessed bodies of herbivorous animals. Dogs need the entire bodies of prey, not just muscle met.
Protein, fat and carbohydrate… these foods all require different chemical environments within the digestive tract in order to be broken down. Combining foods that require opposing chemical environments causes food to become waste instead of nourishment. It is not necessary to separate proteins. All proteins are treated the same by a dog’s body.
Best way to transition to proper feeding It is common for dogs of new raw feeders to experience vomiting or diarrhea after their first meal of raw meat. When it happens owners often blame raw food and go back to commercial feeding. But raw food is not to blame. There are reasons why it happens and there are ways to go about changing a dog’s diet that practically guarantee a smooth transition. Kibble and other commercial foods move slowly through the digestive tract, sometimes taking days to exit the body. When incoming raw meat encounters yesterday’s kibble in the dog’s digestive system, the meat is held up and begins to decompose. Imagine a pile of kibble sitting next to a pile of raw meat on your counter. In your mind, leave it there and come back in a week. What you will smell in your home are some of the toxic by-products of protein putrefaction (Note, as well, that the kibble has not changed. How long do you think YOU would be healthy eating food that cannot decompose?). Raw meat sitting on top of kibble in the gut will decompose, and the body, in its wisdom, knows that it needs to get rid of it quickly to minimise absorption of the poisonous substance. If the encounter happens in the stomach, vomiting may result. If it happens farther along, the body may secrete fluids into the intestine to force a bowel movement (aka diarrhea)."
(Source: Nora Lenz)
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Raw Food & Fasting ~ the most powerful tool for HEALING known to humanity.”
‘As in most other ailments and health issues, the underlying problem is waste.  When dogs and cats are misfed in any way, their primary eliminative organs cannot keep up with the backlog.  Waste circulates throughout the body in the bloodstream and looks for outlets like the skin and ears.  This is where it attracts parasites like fleas.  Based on what I know about how people commonly feed their dogs, there is probably about a 90% chance that you’re overfeeding.  I can look at what and how much you’re feeding and advise you, if that’s of interest. Also, you mention that you fast occasionally.  However, it is not enough to fast occasionally. Fasting should be a regular part of the feeding regimen. Mono-feeding is important as well because foods that are mixed are not properly digested and become waste. So those are the things I would concentrate on, as well as removing as much fat from the dog’s diet as possible.
Investigating a dog’s diet and lifestyle to find the causes of disease involves looking at the most likely culprits first:  1) Inappropriate foods  2) Too much food  3) Too much fat  4) Too little digestive rest, and/or  5) Improper combining.’Proper feeding is the answer because it will allow your dog’s body to gradually eliminate all the wastes that are currently circulating in his/her bloodstream and causing skin irritation and other problems.  It bears repeating that when the body is using the skin as a secondary avenue for elimination, it sometimes will continue to use it until the body and bloodstream have once again reached a state of homeostasis, or balance.  So patience will be required, and strict adherence to a proper feeding system so that your dog’s body can concentrate on removing old stored wastes rather than dealing with new ones coming in. Healing takes time, and only the body can do it.
Vets fail to recognise that foods that are natural and healthy in their raw state become toxic or injurious when cooked and/or processed… it’s the fact that they are denatured and rendered marginally digestible by the application of extremely high temperatures. If you think cooking doesn’t change the molecular structure of food, look at an egg white before and after it’s cooked. 
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readmyfreak · 20 days
sevika needs to get me pregna- WHAT!!!! WHO SAID THAT!!?!??
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ranminfan · 5 months
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Going crazy over Frollo's expressions in the scene where the soldier interrupts Hellfire.
like they animated his face and everything but in all the videos I've seen it's all blurry or non-exist at all because of the poor quality .
This is on our smart TV on disney plus, and ohmahgash his expressions are agshfjkf
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consultores24 · 8 months
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rainmustfallts4 · 4 hours
Rain Must Fall (Reaper’s Rewards Special) ◇ #002
⊶⊰Information & Index⊱⊷⊶⊰Ep. 1⊱⊷⊶⊰Chronological Tag⊱⊷
Reaper's Rewards Special: ⊶⊰Latest⊱⊷ ⊶⊰From the Beginning⊱⊷ ⊶⊰All Reaper's Rewards Posts⊱⊷
This is a pretty cool detail. There’s these little ghosts coming out of the grimophone when it’s on c:
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Thankfully she has some cooking under her belt already! She even reached level 4 while making it. This is so gonna mess up the timeline of the main series lmao
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I did not tell her to set the plate down on the collection table lol We share the same braincell I swear.
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She already had a seance table, too! I was gonna summon Bonehilda but the table is upstairs and I kinda forgot about it.
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Thank you, Mr. Ghost c: If you email us your name, time of death and how you died, we’ll try and bring you back once we learn ambrosia!
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“Please, Mr. Grim Reaper, heed my call! I want – no – I NEED to see you!”
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IT WORKED! Look at how happy she is ;_;) Guys I’m sorry but we are both total degens for the reaper lmao
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How can you not be? Look at how cool he is!
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AND HE KNOWS IT! Look at the way he posed for the camera bro, he knew I was taking screenshots lmao
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Summon you whenever we want to, huh? >.> Don’t worry, bro, we TOTALLY won’t abuse it and contact you every ten minutes because we miss you and seeing you gives us a major serotonin boost… we’d never do that!
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Gotta be respectful toward the best ❤
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BITCH I SAID BE RESPECTFUL, the fuck are you on your phone for?? Rude ass. He’s even bowing back!
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He looks like he wants to punch her for ignoring him lmao But he agreed to hang out with us so we can handle a punch or two c:
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Awww look at them! Guys I love him help
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Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again~
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letraindemanu · 9 months
Agenda : Salon du modélisme ferroviaire de Saint-Mandé
Agenda : Salon du modélisme ferroviaire de Saint-Mandé
Episode 406 ��� C’est un évènement majeur et incontournable en ce début d’année en région parisienne. L’exposition de modélisme ferroviaire de Saint-Mandé se déroulera les 20 et 21 janvier 2024. Cette année, l’exposition de modélisme ferroviaire de Saint-Mandé fêtera sa 22ème édition. Cet évènement incontournable réunira, cette année encore, un beau panorama de nos acteurs économiques. Photo 3406…
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