#ro will have his pookie someday whether it be a nerdy pookie an adorable puffball pookie or snek pookie he must not let his twin beat him
I'm back to band gays you can't stop me (both school band and rock band HCs will be present)
School Band:
- despite his chaos, Remus is actually the best player in his section
- Virgil isn't half bad either (going with sax on this one)
- Virgil has a solo once and Remus is staring with such "good googily moogily" desire that he almost misses his section's entrance
- at least one person in his section begging him to just stop being gay for one night so they can have a good concert (he doesn't) (don't they see Virgil with those black piercings to match his suit?) (and that perfect eyeliner?) (why don't they get it?) (Remus is a hot mess)
- Virgil once asked Remus why he was staring by asking "what? See something you like?" and Remus could've barked
- Virgil stares at Remus a lot more than Remus thinks (Remus thinks 0 times) because Remus cleans up really nice for a concert and Virgil's about to be twirling his faded-purple bangs and biting his lip piercings over this boy
- "25 bucks says they're dating before the end of the year" "you're on"
Rock Band:
- they both fumble flirting so ridiculously hard that they don't get each other's numbers and Roman has to give them to each other later (he is Big Disappointed)
- They text for a few days and Roman sees his brother genuinely excited over this boy and Romans like "c'mon, my best friend??? You picked my best friend???? Sorry Patβ€” MY BEST FRIEND?" but he's not angry just exasperated
- Remus gets brought to many many more concerts now (both as guard dog protection because, while Roman can protect himself and is very certain of it, he still doesn't like going random places alone. Personal headcanon of him, don't mind me AND because Virgil starts inviting him personally)
- How do you feel about Remus drooling over Virgil while he plays guitar? What feelings does this inspire? Why am I reading this like a therapist?
- Virgil will eventually write a song about Remus but it has so many metaphors that it takes Roman two months to figure it out (and the WRATH he rains down upon Virgil because WHY DID HE GET A SONG BEFORE ME WERE BEST FRIENDS but it's all in good fun)
- maybe Roman finds a pookie in one of Virgil's bandmates. Who knows.
β€” πŸ‘‘
Y E S I fucking L O V E A L L of this!!! First thing's first I absolutely A D O R E the fact that despite Ree's chaos he's the best in his section (Vee can agree he totally doesn't stare and listen 24/7 no that would just be too Gay what do you mean he got up from his spot just to invade Ree's personal space as he plays /lie) And as for the Rock band one I L O V E them just being too Gay to function while Ro is just like "Holy shit here just have each other's numbers" and is still surprised they even got together XD (Ree D E S E R V E S scary Dog privileges and to answer the question on how I feel about Ree drooling over Vee while he plays Guitar is as he S H O U L D because hot damn that sexy Emo knows how to shred and he wrote a song about him manz is A W O O G Aing hard and I don't blame him)
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