flimflamfandom · 3 months
One Night at the Daisy
This is a one shot that features ARI, a Lackadaisy OC by @ladybugkisses , and ARTHUR KEANE, an OC by yours truly.
The place seemed to sway as ROCKY walked downstairs. He was looking for someone, in the crowd.
"Shouldn't be...HARD to find." he looked through the place - the new business was good for money but bad for finding dates. Rocky could've sworn he'd seen her somewhere. He started to ask around.
"She's about this high on me, red hair, orange fur, this real cute lipstick that makes her eyes real vivid, like...no? Oh. Okay." He started to reach the edge of the place, and looked around the walls. She wasn't anywhere to be seen. He slumped on a table. "Well." He shrugged a bit. "She'll come...surely!" He smiled, and perked up, sitting there. "I'm right by the stairs. When she gets here, she's BOUND to see me!"
He scanned the crowd for her, still - maybe she WAS here, and he'd somehow missed her. He peered into the mass of people, and saw someone familiar - not Ari, but a shock of blonde hair and a blur of white fur - had to be-
LACY huffed and walked from the bar back to the caverns. She crossed her arms. "One night off." She sighed. "ONE. Just ONCE I want a night to myself, and what does that harpy of a woman say?" She mocked a southern Drawl "Well, ah need yuh t'catalogue those barrels back thayuh." She spat on the ground, and looked at her clip board.
"...Arthur's going to be awfully cross." She sighed. Arthur was her boyfriend, and she'd told him she'd be out on the floor some place tonight. She looked at the barrel room's vast expanse.
"Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me." She groaned. She looked down at the clipboard again, and started to write a few things down - mostly checking dates and numbers. She stared and stared, and wrote and wrote. Her hand began to cramp and her eyes began to strain. She leaned against the wall of a cave.
"...if someone was here to talk to, it would be nice." Her voice echoed gently off the walls. "Maybe a tall boy with cinnamon fur and a cute pair of glasses...with rough hands from guitar playing...and who'se supposed to be celebrating his ANNIVERSARY TONIGHT!" She kicked one of the barrels, and winced as she drew back her foot. "Shit!" She fell down.
"Shit!" IVY put the receiver to her other ear. "Well. That's not good. With a hammer?" She leaned into the phone. "He's okay, right? You're gonna tell me he's okay?" She sighed, pacing around the upstairs office. Her bright green dress reflected off the mahogany desk as she sat on it, and listened intently. It was Elsa Arbogast. Calvin was hurt.
"He'll be fine," the voice on the other line said, "but when he gets there he's not going to be too steady on that leg."
"So no dancing."
Ivy nodded. She sighed a bit, part relief and part frustration. "Thank you so, so much, Elsa. Tell him his sweetie is waitin' for him here." She said.
"Will do."
Ivy laid on the couch. "...I just got him back." Calvin had an...episode. It set him out about a week - it hurt to see him that way. This morning, he'd smiled, and he held Ivy, and kissed her a dozen times, and promised a dance, and even promised he'd get back from 'work' quick as he could. He was so happy - a happy Ivy hadn't seen on him for a while.
That was surely gone now.
"Something, I swear...something's just trying to make his life so damn hard." She muttered to himself as she walked back down the stairs. "...I can have a good time on my own! I mean, surely. I've done it before!" She grumbled a bit to herself. "Though, when you've had a good time with Cal, you never wanna have a good time withOUT him again..." She looked out at the street through the window of the Daisy.
"...it's really coming down out there."
"It's really coming down out there..." ARI was in a phone booth. She had no calls to make - she was just trying to get out of the rain. "Of course my umbrella's in that truck..." She looked down at herself. She was practically waterlogged. She was amazed she hadn't DROWNED on the way here - and she was still halfway from the Daisy. "Rocky's not going to want to dance with a puddle, surely...Ivy's about my size, she says she keeps stuff there...well." She looked down. "My hips...ah. It'll be fine for a night." She peered out the window of the phone booth. A man neared it, and knocked. She had to get going.
She rushed, struggling a bit with the heels in the rain. She tripped, and fell. She brushed herself off, and looked at her coat. "..." She looked down at herself. On top of rain, her new fur coat that Rocky'd spent all of his 'hazard pay' money on was covered in mud. She took in a deep breath, and a lucky roll of thunder hid the cavalcade of Portuguese swears that left her mouth. She kept going, and made it to the door of the club.
She looked at a small watch she had, ignoring the labored footsteps behind her. "Agh, it's getting late..."
"It's getting late." ARTHUR was still at the bar. He'd exhausted his talking points with the band, the people there he knew, and with Viktor. He was wondering where Lacy even got away to.
He got up from the bar, and looked around at the mostly empty club. A sad looking Rocky, still waiting diligently by the door, and a nervous, pacing Ivy. It was late. And almost everyone else was either necking in the corners, sitting and getting ready to head out, or gone. Arthur hummed a little tune to himself as he got up and walked to the center of the floor.
He heard very fast clicking heels, and a very flustered voice. "Arthur! Dear." Lacy walked over to him, and wrapped her arms around him. She was covered in dust, and one of her shoes was especially so. She purred so loudly when she hugged him that he felt like he couldn't hear his own thoughts. "I'm so sorry about that, I...if Mitzi even SEES me she finds something for me to do and-"
"It's alright." Arthur smiled down at her, and kissed the top of her head. "You're alright." He looked around. "...not many people left, huh?"
"No." Lacy took in a breath. "...not much of an anniversary, is it?" Lacy said.
"Well, you're here, aren't you?" Arthur smiled. Lacy did, too.
"...yes, I suppose I am..."
Their eyes turned to two people walking down the stairs - more so stumbling.
"There we are...bad way to meet, huh? Almost. No, no, just lean on the - lean on the wall, Calvin."
"I'm trying but yer coat is wet and-"
CALVIN was clinging to Ari as she helped move the boy down the stairs - both looked as if they'd swam here, their fur damp and dripping. Ari's new coat was covered in muck and must've weighed thirty pounds more than it had. Calvin's trousers were ripped, revealing a bandage over his leg, and his hat had a new hole in it, likely from a bullet. He got to the bottom of the steps, and collapsed to the floor, taking in breaths.
"CALVIN MCMURRAY YOU STOP SCARING ME LIKE THAT!" Ivy shouted, rushing over to him and propping him up on the wall. "How did that even HAPPEN to you?"
"I, eh...it's...there was a pig, and-"
"Shush." Ivy kissed him gently, and helped him up. "Eugh...what're you eating these days? Gettin' heavier." She winked. "All muscle, huh?"
"Probably rain water." He replied, fighting off his jacket, and letting it squelch to the floor. "Sorry this all happened so soon after-"
"Nope. No apologizing. You're here." Ivy let her fur get wet as she hugged Calvin, nearly wringing the water out of him.
On the other side of the stair case, Ari watched, sighing a bit. Shame she hadn't seen-
"Ari?" Rocky was there, sitting upright, with wide eyes, and a gentle, happy smile.
"...Rocky! I, ehm, I met your cousin - he...has some sort of wound." She said, getting her coat off, as well. "I'm so sorry about the coat, I...I know you spent a lot of money on it. I can have it cle-"
"Are you warm?" Rocky asked, holding her hands as she sat down.
"...well it was warm, yes, before it got soaked."
"Good!" Rocky hugged her, and squeezed her tight. Ari squeezed him, too. She purred, and stood. "...the band is still here. I hope you haven't danced too much?" She winked. Rocky smiled.
"I've just been waiting."
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redcarpet-streetstyle · 8 months
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mareklucin · 1 month
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kedreeva · 4 months
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Kittens are so funny when that off button hits and they just zonk out
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ladybugkisses · 9 months
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you're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you 🌹
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nudesnoises · 1 month
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Art T
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mamaspark · 3 days
A very important person in my life received a cancer diagnosis recently. He will have chemo, surgery and more chemo. He will be fighting for his life. He us a big U of M (Michigan) fan. I decided he needed a quilt to take with him to his chemo and for napping. So I bought some fabric and made this top in 2 days. I adore this pattern and have made it several times now. It’s a free pattern by the Empty Bobbin Sewing Studio. It never disappoints! It’s with my quilter now. The backing I ordered won’t be to her until Monday so she will have to mail it to me to finish as I’ll be out of town. I had hoped to give it in person but don’t want to wait so will mail it to my friend.
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I had LOTS of help as I was sewing it. Roary seems to think her job is to help with the piecing, lol.
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I worked at U of M for almost 40 years. Their fight song is Hail to the Victors. I’m praying he is victorious in his fight! Would appreciate your prayers, good thoughts and positive healing energy 💙💛💙
Since I went to MSU(BIG) rivalry, he is one of the only people I would use these colors to make a quilt for!
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winguontheweb · 1 year
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Getting to hang out with the INFECTIOUSLY PINK Karen Wilhelm~
Karen belongs to @roaryandfriends!!
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ravenmoodle · 10 months
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This just in- vote Roary in the @animalcrossingshowdown. they're smol and blue.
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mostlybrunettes · 5 months
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selinkamayer · 11 days
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Throwback to San Francisco in 2014 with the incomparable Roarie Yum. This trip has been on my mind a lot recently.
patreon - print shop - everything else
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flimflamfandom · 7 months
Rocky has a very bad Valentine's Day.
A Roari fic Featuring Ari, a creation of @ladybugkisses
It was the night before Valentine's Day.
Rocky nervously smiled as he walked into Mitzi's office. "Hello, Miss May! Surely another sterling review of our latest...ehm...esca...pade?"
"...Rocky," Mitzi sat behind her desk, "Have a seat."
Rocky sat down, his hands folded in his lap, his ears perked, his eyes wide but not bright.
"...Rocky, what did we send you out to do this time?"
"Fetch cherry bounce from Mr. Reynolds?"
"And what did you do?"
"...I got the liquor!" Rocky said, a soft smile on his face, "I did! All of it, not a drop spi-"
"Crushed, Rocky. Ivy used the word Crushed. You know how long that'll take Viktor to deal with?"
"...well if Nico had just gotten out of the way of the DOOR, it wouldn't've bent!"
"Rocky, every time you get sent out on this sort of thing, something like this happens! I'm glad you got the goods, but you need to start thinking about this more responsibly - you'll get killed!"
"But nothin'." Mitzi said. "...I'm not gonna fire you or nothin'. But I need you to understand how serious I am when I say this." She looked him in the eye.
"Be more careful, Roarke"
"...okay." With that, he got up, and left.
Rocky rolled by Calvin's apartment, knocking on the door. He was still a little hum drum from his meeting the night before, but he was sure he could maintain good spirits! And he HAD to! He had a DATE tonight!
Calvin opened the door. Normally, Calvin would dress simply for most of the day, but he was oddly dressed to the 9s as he came to the door. Calvin seemed shocked that Rocky was there - perhaps he was seeing Ivy a little early today!
It was not Ivy.
"...Aunt Nina!" Rocky casually waltzed in past Calvin, who seemed to be desperately trying to keep him out of the apartment. "And how are you this fine, lovely Valentine's Day?"
"I'm well. I was visiting my good child. I suppose I ought to say hello to you, as well."
"You, eh...you always meet Cal on Valentine's Day?"
"He wants to marry this girl, I figured I should meet her." Nina leaned in. "Is she...more modern?"
Calvin's eyes went wide. He looked at Rocky. Rocky didn't get the message.
"Well, compared with ol' Freck here she's avant garde!"
"...is she now?" Nina raised an eyebrow.
"Of course! Awful nice, too - math major, actress, real cute as well - you know, Freckle really lucked out here!"
Rocky had figured that would help. And in most cases, it would.
But he forgot who he was talking to.
"...single? In college? And...and an Actress?"
"Only...only sometimes, ma." Calvin said, reassuringly. "She, ehm, she-"
"What's next - she one'a them flappers I keep readin' about? I should hope not, I wouldn't be caught dead givin' you away to one'a-"
"THAT'S the word I was looking for!" Rocky nodded.
"Rocky you aren't helping." Calvin angrily hissed.
"Not helping you, perhaps, but me, surely! I'm not sure I even want to see this woman! Or you with her."
"Ma, I'm grown, I-"
"No sir. I won't have it." With that, She stood to leave. "...but what about you, Rocky?"
"Oh! Well I've just got this marvelous girlfriend from Portugal."
"Sure! Ari." Rocky smiled. "I've got a date with her tonight...she's got this fiery red fur and this cute voice and-"
"You, of all people? Hmm." Nina turned and left. Rocky just stood there, and looked at an astonished Calvin.
Calvin stared for a moment. "That was...definitely the wrong thing to say."
"I-...I can tell...Calvin, I know that was real boneheaded of me, I'm sorry, I-"
"It's alright." Calvin grunted as he sat. "I wasn't planning on the reveal going much better..."
"...listen, i can make it up to y-"
"It's fine, Rocky."
"I mean it, I-"
"Rocky, please, I-"
"If I could just-"
"ROARKE." Calvin stood and barked the word, like an order. "...I'm not mad at-...just...I think ye'd better go, aye?"
"...for sure."
Rocky schlepped down the street, and looked in a mirror. He did look a little rough - he needed to get in better shape for his date tonight! Some fancy fine restaurant of sorts - this outfit just wouldn't do! He walked over to the truck, which had a veyr angry Viktor by it, and grabbed one of his nice sets of clothes. He hummed a bit to himself as he snuck down into the Daisy to change, and-
"Mr. Rickaby?"
"GAH!" He nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around to spot Lacy. "Lacy! What the hell are YOU doing here!?"
"I was looking for you, actually. I have news regarding your request to Mr. Sable?"
"Sure! Will he let me have a room?"
"Aww, what!?" Rocky gasped. "But I already gave him that deposit!"
"Which he has returned to you in full, here. You'll have to get it cashed." She handed him a check.
"You don't understand, Lacy, I sleep in a truck, I-...what am I supposed to do with myself?"
"...stop breaking the truck, i suppose." Lacy said. "I would loan you space, but I'm moving out of my apartment and into Arthur's soon. I can give you my landlord's line, if you'd like?"
"I suppose-...how much?"
"A month?" Lacy looked at the deposit. "...roughly what you were offering to Mr. Sable. Which, considering he isn't a landlord and hasn't a good concept of money, is...steep."
"...oh." Rocky nodded, slowly, processing what he was hearing. Between this, the meeting last night, and ruining whatever elaborate plan Calvin had to make Ivy palatable to Nina, he wasn't doing well today.
"Mr. Rickaby," Lacy spoke, "if it helps, the boarding house down the way has no curfew."
"I'll drop them a line..." Rocky shuffled off, and tried to think of something else. Could it get any WORSE today?
"Roarke," said Zib, "when you're done back there Mitzi wants us to help with hauling kegs."
Oh. It could.
Ari waited at her apartment, humming to herself. "ó Coimbra do Mondego...e dos amores-" She blinked when she heard the door, still putting in her earrings. She knew exactly who it would be - that dashing gray cat with that devilishly sweet smile and those big, bright eyes-
Who, this evening, looked a little flat.
He had dirt on his coat. He looked winded, like he'd run to get here. He looked like he'd cried a bit. He smiled a little.
"...we're not going on that date tonight."
He slumped. "...more bad news today, huh?"
"No, no." Ari shook her head. "But you're in no state to go out some place and be miserable - you're clearly not well!"
"No, I can be well! Honest! I promise, Ari, I-"
Ari took his hands and looked up. "You look like you sprinted over here!"
"...only the last little bit. Most of it was...very fast walking?"
"Rocky..." Ari dragged him inside, shut the door, and kicked off her heels.
"...I hate to ruin your night." Rocky said, taking off his jacket and hat instinctively. "I know you must be frustrated...I get it, a guy has a rough day but he really shouldn't let on to that. Especially on a night like tonight." He watched her go into her room. "I mean, I really was planning on it being great! But-" he began to choke up, as he put his face in his hands. "I get it if you're not interested in being seen near me or-"
"Roarke." For the first time since his childhood, the name felt soft in his ears. It felt like a warm bed - like a blanket. He felt Ari's hands on his cheeks. She looked concerned.
"I would love to be seen with you - not a moment goes by when I don't want to be with you." She kissed his forehead. "But you are in NO way to go out tonight. You need o stay in...besides. We can go tomorrow - how hard will it be to find a reservation the day AFTER Valentine's day?"
"...I'm sorry it worked out like th-"
"Shush. I have to spend my night with the most handsome man ever gifted to earth. What a horrible turn of events!"
"...and you don't even need to pretend to be nice to a waiter while wishing you could just have wine."
"Of course!" Ari purred as she sat in his lap. "I'm sorry you had such an abysmal day, and that I made you think it was about to get worse."
"You COULD have phrased that a bit better." Rocky nodded.
"No question there." She replied. "...but I'm glad you're here. I love you, Roarke."
"...I love you, too." Rocky kissed her, as the two slumped down on the couch...
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have you done your daily click
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digitalfountains · 5 months
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Roarie Yum by Celine Andrea
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kedreeva · 4 months
My brother sent me a Snapchat earlier with the caption "almost ran over this loud guy" and a video of a brown tabby kitten yowling at him from where it's lying curled up against the side of a building outside and...
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3 hours later, in my brother's lap...
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I know how it goes when the universe gives you a cat, baby bro. Can't wait to meet them!
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ladybugkisses · 1 year
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what better way to end a 1st date than with a 1st kiss 💞💙💞
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