#robert's hangups with sex
viric-dreams · 7 months
Since the topic's been going around and getting me thinking:
Ockham enjoys the typical shows of romance, particularly those expressed physically. Heshethey does struggle though to be the only person in a relationship and the only means of physical/emotional intimacy or support for someone because of hishertheir transitory nature and personal priorities overriding romance. The Greater London Polycule is a good fit for himherthem. Emotional intimacy might be a bit more difficult because of the current identity crisis happening, but heshethey wouldn't turn down sex or any kind of physical intimacy. That's something that Ockham doesn't really have any hangups about, possibly related to living in close quarters with people most of hishertheir life and seeing it as something mundane and relatively normalised. Especially with hishertheir eclectic set of memories and experiences (many of them serpentine), Ockham finds the sexual mores of Victorian Londoners particularly inane at times. These elements also makes Ockham open to trying pretty much anything a partner may suggest, at least once.
On the other side of the spectrum is Roberts, who's actively irked by any overt signs of romance on Grand Geode, usually because that means said sequencers are distracted or shirking duties. Realistically, the negativity comes from it being something that he feels that he could never have as a consequence of both his sexuality and position (though it's not something he's self-aware enough to know, nor wants to think about). Anyone making romantic overtures at this point would be pushed away out of a mixture of him not believing that he deserves it, that said person is after some sort of advantage because of his position, and that it would be a distraction from The Work, with a healthy bit of fear of the unknown thrown in for good measure. He's built up a ridiculous amount of intricate rituals around physical contact with people that make sense only to him. Having any sort of a sex life is a nightmare when you're almost everyone's superior officer and instantly recognisable, and come with enough emotional baggage to hold every piece of sentient clothing in Polythreme, and thus regulated to quick and faceless encounters, often in foreign ports. Even then, the intricate rules persist: sex is sex, direct and perfunctory. Kissing is off limits, absolutely no lingering touches, nothing that feels too much like intimacy or involves giving up control or trusting someone. Get what you're here for and go.
Nite's lack of memory has made everything a novel option and possibility. This is not necessarily a good thing. His strong streak for showmanship and craving attention lead to some somewhat extreme behaviour. Those grand gestures that only seem to work in romance novels are exactly what appeals to his sensibilities and he's convinced that they would work in real life, and is apt to try. If boomboxes and romcoms existed in this era, he would be that guy. It clearly seems to work in the films, so absolutely worth attempting in real life. Because a lot of what he imagines romantic behaviour is comes from stories and not real life experience, he starts with the idea that this is what romance and seduction should look like. Many of these things are things he doesn't even necessarily enjoy, but he tries anyway because what does he know, maybe that's just how things are done. This does eventually modulate over time, when he gets a better sense for his own preferences, and the flair for the dramatic remains, but tempered. He is also very quick to emotionally open up and try to deepen a relationship (either romantic or otherwise), often faster than the other person is comfortable with. After a handful of negative experiences he's gotten better at this. Unlike Ockham, whose sexual tastes generally tend to be broader and has a fairly solid sense of hishertheir boundaries, Nite has the same "I'll try anything" approach, albeit it closer to an "I have to try everything to know what I like" outlook, and no moderation or sense of pacing. This has led to a handful of upsetting experiences (both for himself and any partner(s) involved) when he inevitably discovers far too late that this was not a good idea. His lack of knowledge of his own boundaries makes him dangerous to both himself and others.
Tamara's been on dates with some of her peers back in Varchas, but it was never something that intensely interested her, nor did she ever have a serious relationship. It was expected that she would eventually settle down, either with someone of her choosing from a similar class background, or through a suitable suitor introduced through her family. She did enjoy the attention that flirtation brought, but would be the first to tell you that she doesn't really know what she wants out of a partner either romantically or sexually, but of course has plenty of time to figure it out. In London, she has far more important priorities at the moment and isn't even entertaining the idea. Her initial suspicion surrounding Ockham's kindness was quickly assuaged upon realising that heshethey doesn't necessarily want anything from her at all and offering her a place to stay was simply an act of one outsider recognising another and offering a helping hand. Of course, there's plenty more regarding Ockham about which to be suspicious, but that's a different topic.
The Rubbery Barber Surgeon is in a healthy and loving butch/femme relationship with The Tentaclar Surgeoness. He enjoys filling the traditional masculine role that the Surgeoness, a huge fan of pulpy romance novels, seeks in a partner. Thus far, things have gone well for them, and they seem perfectly compatible. She might just be the one. He may have visited a particular jeweler on Flute Street a couple of times. He's slowly planning a very special date night for them in the near future.
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spiders-rob · 1 year
NSFW Headcanons for Renfield 2023 Characters
Robert Montague Renfield
I saw someone else headcanon that he has a mostly Phantom of the Opera sex playlist and God, that's so true. You're absolutely right.
more submissive type stuff:
His hair played with
Light choking
Hand feeding
(Off) Limits:
Being told in detail what his partner is about to do to him
Pain (receiving)
Blood (weird memories yo)
more dominant type stuff:
Usually being in restraints but it depends. Occasionally he's into it.
Picking his partner up/holding them in place
Calling his partner bug or bugbug (yeah don't think about that one too much, dude)
Rebecca Quincy
Honestly he's not particular he just enjoys being in control
Cowgirl (lol. Because of the book. Do you get it? Do you get it??)
Competence kink!!!!
Wrestling and grappling with one another
Compliments: Giving compliments and Getting compliments
Will make lots of awkward jokes to relieve the tension/anxiety
Once accidentally killed the mood by making herself laugh so hard (at a funny voice impression she did) that her wine came up through her nose.
Tedward "Teddy" Lobo
Will do a line or three (or a centipede) off of like, any body part.
Look, let's be honest we all know he has a barely-repressed Mommy kink that will surface the second he loses composure, ok?
Claims to be a dom. Is absolutely not that. 100% submissive brat.
Will attempt dirty talk but will frequently stumble over his words (when he doesn't plan them out extensively ahead of time) and then backtrack trying to correct himself.
Likes to record it so he can "prove he fucks" (??? Babe, what)
"Teasingly/knowingly" asks "do you like that?" But is absolutely not actually bragging and is genuinely unironically seeking reassurance
The type of guy who thinks the stripper/prostitute/cam worker actually likes him lmao.
He'd do pretty much anything to be called a "good boy" but he has to get over himself or just be unbearably horny to admit that instead of claiming to hate it/viewing it as an "accusation"
He has had so much unfulfilling/uncomfortable sex because he tells himself that the mild panic he feels when taking control is "exhilaration". (Exhilaration is supposed to be fun, dude)
Body painting on her partner
Tantric sex
Likes to make jokes/laugh to deflect from the vulnerability
Idk man she's really hard to get a read on honestly.
Bellafrancesca Lobo
Her partners have a habit of turning up in little pieces throughout the city dumpsters once she's done with them so like...approach with caution
Attracted to power
Mark :)
Like she's dominant but she's only attracted to other doms and then they compete to see who can keep up with eachother
Pretty vanilla tbh
Has a surprising amount of hangups
Likes sexy dancing as foreplay
Caitlyn Bergman
Running hands over each other's faces
Generally considerate
Wants a fairytale romance (or maybe a bodice-ripper fantasy)
Attracted to witty remarks/sarcasm
Honestly still figuring out what she likes after Mitch.
Likes dressing up in sexy lingerie
Kate Quincy
Ace so nope
"Wait, people actually experience sexual attraction? That wasn't a joke?"
Surprisingly gentle and tender
Like for such a tense/angry guy he basically just wants very gentle sweet intimacy
Says a lot of reassurances
Checks in a lot to make sure his partner is ok
He's very masculine and "tough" and people tend to expect him to be the one doing all the pursuing/masculine role stuff, so little sweet romantic gestures like getting him flowers or complimenting him etc go a LONG way. Just genuinely calling him pretty without irony or sarcasm makes him blush like crazy and his heart races.
Really likes it when his partner wears perfume. Especially something floral.
Long makeout sessions
Takes a long time for him to trust someone enough for anything
A bit of a showoff
Will put his hand over his partner's and guide them
Very direct communication. Will say plainly what he wants/likes and ask questions upfront.
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I can’t stop thinking about how stannis and robert were in KL since 283/284 when renly was around 6, and renly stayed at stormsend until he was 16/18 until he came to KL, besides the odd visit. So apart from the odd visit he had no one to properly family love and properly raise him, and his mother died when he was around 1. What difference to do you it would’ve had on renly’s personality and substance if he had a family member to have raised him for those 10/12 years? The “look at me” kid
I also got an ask about Stannis' misogyny, so I'm going to fold both of them into the same response because I do think they're related.
So, Stannis is a misogynist. That much is quite clear from what we see in canon. He's gruff with his daughter, cold and dismissive to his wife, and even when he listens to Melisandre, he's clearly resentful that he has to.
Renly is...also a misogynist, in his own way. He's carelessly dismissive of Brienne; while he's kinder to her than anyone else in the vicinity, he's also aware that she worships him and encourages that because it inures to his benefit.
Frankly, all three of them are misogynists. Robert is a serial philanderer and womanizer who views women as largely interchangeable vehicles for his own pleasure. Westerosi culture in general encourages privileged young men to think of women--especially lower-class women--this way. Stannis is clearly uncomfortable with his older brother's overt and exaggerated sexuality. Robert is the sort of person who makes everything about sex, especially if he's hanging out with just the guys. And given what we know about Stannis' other hangups--that he's not as charismatic as Robert, not as obviously martial (despite being a perfectly competent fighter), and simply not as loved--it's not surprising that he'd take a hard turn in the opposite direction and avoid women as much as possible.
We do get the impression from the ACOK prologue that Stannis wasn't always that way, and that the trauma of having to watch his parents die in a shipwreck with no way of saving them shaped his inability to form emotional connections. Other than Maester Cressen and Ser Cortnay Penrose, Stannis' next father figure would have been Robert, so he's got no way of getting any sort of positive view of women after losing his mother. Even at court, the woman he probably interacts the most with is Cersei, and she exemplifies everything he already hates.
As for Renly, he at least has Robert's charisma and ability to attract people to him, and everyone indulges him for it much the way they do Robert. I'm willing to bet that both Cressen and Penrose heave sighs of relief when Renly isn't impregnating every servant girl in Storm's End as a teenager, so much so that they don't notice that he's selfish and egotistical and thoughtless enough to claim a throne for the lulz. Stannis is the outlier, he can see this on both ends, and the resentment just builds over the years until it becomes insurmountable.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Benoît Ferreux, Ave Ninchi, Lea Massari, and Daniel Gélin in Murmur of the Heart (Louis Malle, 1971) Cast: Benoît Ferreux, Lea Massari, Daniel Gélin, Fabien Ferreux, Marc Winocourt, Ave Ninchi, Michael Lonsdale, Jacqueline Chauvaud, Corinne Kersten, Gila von Weitershausen. Screenplay: Louis Malle. Cinematography: Ricardo Aronovich. Production design: Jean-Jacques Caziot. There's a very dated play from 1953 called Tea and Sympathy by Robert Anderson that was made into an even more dated film by Vincente Minnelli in 1956 about a prep-school boy whose effeminacy makes him the target for gibes about homosexuality. To prove to the boy that he's a real man (i.e., not gay), the headmaster's wife offers herself sexually to the boy, telling him as she unbuttons her blouse and the curtain falls, "Years from now, when you speak of this, and you will, be kind." The film version, responding to Production Code strictures, adds a coda in which we learn that the boy is now married -- i.e., "cured." I thought of Tea and Sympathy as I watched Murmur of the Heart, whose very different problem -- adolescent horniness -- has a very different cure -- incest. Murmur of the Heart has always been something of a critical darling, from Pauline Kael's description of it as an "exhilarating high comedy" to Michael Sragow's essay for the Criterion Collection proclaiming that it "boasts the high spirits to match its high intelligence." And for the most part I concur: Lea Massari's joyously earthy performance as the mother is beautifully detailed, and Benoît Ferreux's endearing gawkiness brings the character of Laurent to full life. Louis Malle's script and direction keep things moving splendidly, never allowing things to bog down into "message moments" about priestly pedophilia -- years before that became the stuff of headlines -- or the parallels between the French involvement in Vietnam and that of the Americans, which was very much in the headlines when the film was made. And yet for me the ending of Murmur of the Heart seems as hollow as that of Tea and Sympathy. After having sex with his mother, the product of his attempt to console her for a breakup with her lover, he goes out to have sex with one of the girls he has met at the spa hotel where they're staying -- as if to prove that he's "straight," though in a different way from that of the Tea and Sympathy protagonist. There's an awkwardness in the setup -- the shocking taboo of incest -- for what turns into a feel-good ending gag: The whole family, including the mother, the cuckolded father, the bullying older brothers, and Laurent himself, join in uproarious laughter at the fact that Laurent has gotten laid. If what had gone before the incest scene had not been so splendidly wrought -- if, in fact, the incest scene itself hadn't been so tastefully handled -- would we really feel satisfied with this ending? For that matter, are we today really content with the film's ongoing sexism, including the scene with Laurent in the brothel and an uncommonly pretty prostitute? Would anyone ever dare to make a comedy that concluded with a girl whose quest to lose her virginity ends with her having sex with her father? Or is it that what makes Murmur of the Heart a successful film is that it raises all these questions without belaboring us with them? It's a virtual catalog of all of the social and sexual hangups that continue to make growing up such a trial. That it achieves this with, yes, "high spirits" and without preachiness may be its real virtue.
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abeautifulblog · 7 years
i don't mean to rile you up or anything & I'm not pro-Joseph either but you seem to blame Robert's not so redeeming qualities on Joseph but haven't Robert been like that ever since he was with Marilyn ?
Ah, no, I gotcha – and I think Joseph is responsible for Robert’s trust issues, and exacerbated his self-esteem issues (re: that he thinks the only thing he’s good for is fucking), but the rest of Robert’s “not so redeeming qualities,” as you say, have nothing to do with Joseph and everything to do with decades of undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Or rather – that Robert’s depression/substance abuse/etc didn’t originate with Joseph, but Joseph’s mindfuckery sure as shit didn’t help.
For instance, I believe that Robert’s weirdness about sex, that he thinks that’s all he’s good for, has its roots way earlier. (Indeed, my zero-evidence headcanon for his upbringing has it starting while he’s in high school.) I suspect that during his rocky marriage to Marilyn, sex was the only thing Robert felt he could do right for her, when he was so bad at everything else. Then along comes Joseph, who drives home that idea in spectacular fashion, and since then Robert’s only proceeded to make it worse with all his meaningless hookups – seeming to get continual confirmation that all people want from him is sex, sex that is completely divorced from intimacy. “Ghosts in the Attic” is almost 0% about Joseph, it’s about grindr.
(Nothing wrong with grindr, btw, so long as you have realistic expectations for it – it’s a good app when you’re horny, but a staggeringly bad idea when you’re lonely.)
It’s hard to disentangle which of Robert’s problems are Joseph’s “fault,” because the fact is that mental illnesses make people much more vulnerable to abuse, and then abuse makes mental illnesses so much worse. Robert’s been manic-depressive, prone to substance abuse, with low self esteem all along; Joseph-related PTSD is just a cherry on top.
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sapphicscholar · 3 years
If you want to ramble about unpacking characters and their histories/relationships/etc through smut, I would absolutely love to read it!
An anon after my own heart!
Typing while cooking dinner, so apologies in advance for any disjointedness!
So Dorothy Allison, a working-class femme lesbian who writes absolutely stunning prose, has an essay called "Sex Talk," and she talks about the ways that there seem to be different genres of sex writing that she'd conflated before parsing through her thoughts and her own style. She calls them the visual and print viewpoints, though I don't think we have to stick with that categorical distinction. But anyway, she works through the way that some sex writing (the visual) "seems to be about setting a scene, so much so that scene becomes all. It is intrinsically about providing a context--costume, texture, fetish," but it's missing the "internal dialogue of feeling and emotional response" and a "philosophical examination of the 'I' to whom everything happens, or who observes everything that happens" that she values in her writing and reading (the print).
There's plenty of value in both types of writing! But I think in a lot of my smut writing (and that of plenty of amazing authors whose work I read and follow), I see the visceral eroticism of the former working hand-in-hand with things like the character study genre. And I think part of why fic writing gets to go there more frequently than the published erotica Allison was looking at is that we've already got specific characters we're working with. No matter how much we want to push canon and its sometimes infuriating writing choices behind a tree, we as readers and writers already have someone in our mind when we come to a given piece of writing. As writers we're not having to do the groundwork of inventing someone, getting a reader invested in not just what they can do with their bodies but who they are as people, and then also getting them to sex! And that makes writing in that "print mode" Allison describes, in certain ways, a lot easier! (I think it brings its own challenges, too, but those can be for another day haha)
I often think best though examples, so right, working with characters and ships I write and/or read a lot:
Take someone like Alex Danvers on Supergirl. If we're writing in the canon universe, we know from her 2x05 coming out speech that she'd tried dating men and, because nothing felt right, she'd started to think that maybe intimacy just "wasn't for her," that "maybe [she] wasn't built that way." And suddenly we're seeing her come out as a lesbian, get a girlfriend for the first time, have a first morning after a night of intimacy that she actually enjoyed--enjoyed so much she wants to call off work to spend the whole day in bed! So when we're writing about Alex with Maggie, to stay in canon at that time in Alex's arc (or with any number of possible partners people ship her with!), we're also writing with the weight of that long history. And how a writer scripts some of these scenes, the conversations around them, the internal thoughts and feelings we might get from Alex (or from, say, Maggie, who knows about Alex's earlier relationship to sex and dating) - all that's gonna give the reader this gorgeous frame into which they'll situate this smut scene!
Or take Grace Hanson from Grace and Frankie. The show writers have shown her having a long and complicated relationship to her body--her disordered thinking around weight and food, her lifelong patterns of self-denial, her arthritis and knee problems, her career at Say Grace, the vast differences between those scenes of her stripping back the facade in the first ep with Robert and then later on with Nick. And specifically, we also get a sustained look at her changing relationship to pleasure (and the ways that brings her into a new relationship with her body as well)--the long years of a cold, fairly loveless marriage to Robert, that early S1 kiss with Byron and the unexpected pleasure in the passion of it that had been missing from her life for so long, literally everything about Vybrant and the conversations around its founding, product development, and marketing. And so many amazing femslash writers in that fandom have done such a beautiful job holding in tension where Grace has resided for so, so much of her adult life and who she's becoming in canon and who she might continue to grow into with Frankie, who also brings all of her own histories and hangups (as well as her joy and love and passion) to the bedroom!
Obviously these are just two quick examples, and I could ramble on for so long dinner will definitely burn, but I think even in a smutty one-shot or something tagged as PWP, we still end up getting more insight into the characters than we might assume at first glance! And I should clarify that this kind of work doesn't only happen or have to happen in the context of smut between two nicely coupled characters. Anytime we're thinking about a character and pleasure and/or desire, I think these details have the potential to emerge and be explored in more or less detail (author's choice there!), and I'd hate to be misread as reifying those normative relationship scripts that I think the very best (and very queer) fanfic works often get to mess with!
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jamesfalt · 7 years
also i did finally finish all the routes in dream daddy, i was considering doing the bad ends but i just can’t bring myself to be mean in games, plus it doesn’t seem like there’s a need to to 100% the game. and since the Discourse is on the mind i wanna like...talk about the shit i saw for the dads
it perplexed me that robert, a vaguely spanish or mexican man (or at least that’s how i saw him, val reminded me of my cousin so that’s mainly why i thought that), was the “bad dad.” like don’t get me wrong i loved robert but idk. the alcoholic bad dad being vaguely hispanic was kind of odd. also a nitpick but i do NOT think dan should’ve voiced him. dan’s voice isn’t gruff enough for robert.
why are you so mean in brian’s route? it’s not fun. brian’s route was my least favorite route to play because you’re just so MEAN. i get the whole competitive nature of the dadsona bc i can get like that too but DAMN you’re an ADULT. take a BREAK for ONCE. also fuck the golf game
mat is a black man and i know it’s like super common nowadays for parents to smoke pot (both of my parents do, for their own reasons. my grandparents on my mom’s side do, both of my older sibling do, etc) but like, making him the ONLY one you can blaze it with literally is kind of ??? also fuck BOTH of his minigames.
as funny as i thought the line was even tho now idr what the fuck it was (it came out of fucking nowhere and from a character like hugo that was super funny to me), in hugo’s route when he talks to his student at the wrestling thing, calling him a bitch isn’t GOOD. also his voice wasn’t bad but it was certainly a different quality from everyone else’s and that kinda put me off
and josephs’ route wasn’t even as bad as tumblr made it out to be but yeah the whole. cheating on his wife thing, staying wiht her despite everything (it’s very likely it’s because they have young children though since divorce can be tricky wiht children), and idk that weird boat sex was kinda. odd i guess? i super think they should’ve split bc they’re both super bad for each other. i still don’t mind the idea of the cult ending though, although it’s kinda pushing limits with the religious/demonic thing, it’s definitely not the first time i’ve seen it. it’s a neat concept to me
idr having any major hangups about damien and craig but what others have said (the narusasu smut, craig’s ambiguous i cna’t think of the word identity? probably not it. that stuff) are also big issues
i did like being able to have a trans dadsona and the different body types. that’s more than what most dating sims would give you. i DO wish they gave more clothing and hair options though. what’s an emo supposed to do around here to get some dark clothing
i don’t wanna critique it through the lense of it’s game grumps mainly bc from what i know, THE actual game grumps only voiced in it and the game grumps office was used to produce the game. i did NOT read the credits i might be wrong.
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By: Kendra Jayne Patrick
An appreciation for the universality of the corporeal experience compels Doreen Garner to incorporate body parts into each of her sculptures, performances, and videos. By exploiting the aesthetic potential of our flesh, hair, sex organs, and insides, Garner viscerally tethers her audience to her explorations of the social contexts in which they exist. She uses silicone, crystals, housing insulation, anatomy books, and very much more to make humanesque objects whose grotesque complexities expose our own -- and thus our society's -- fetishes, vanities, and tendencies toward tribalism and destruction. Attracted to the rawest and least-convenient truths, Doreen Garner makes work that rattles our understandings of self.
The work rests on the way that she both approaches and handles the body-as-object. Objectification has a principal role here: in her sculptural work, it is a literal action wherein she combines craft materials into indeterminable, abject objects. 2015’s Pickled Pearl, for example, demonstrates one of Garner’s finer sculptural exercises. Suspended about three feet in the air by a plain, thin metal stand is a sac made of hand-blown glass, filled with pearls of different sizes.1 Two tubes extend from the sac: a thick, metal one that extends from the top, and a thinner, plastic one that extends from the end of the larger one. The thinner tube extends all the way down past the bottom of the sac and then back up to connect to the sac’s front. And although it is difficult to describe even the class of object to which Pickled Pearl belongs, its corporeal essence is unmistakeable. It is difficult, for example, not to associate the piece’s particular browned-yellow color with urine or bile. But, that association is directly related to the two bubblegum-pink colored baking bunts that connect the tubes to the sac, baking bunts that Garner has fashioned to resemble anuses or sphincters. Additionally, the bunt sitting on the front of the sac is surrounded by coarse, curly human hair. In turn, the thinner, plastic tube connected to it— filled with a yellowed, glittery substance— reminds of a medical IV or a catheter. All of these frame the softly-shaped sac itself, its pearl filling resembling non-specific human viscera. Thus, Pearl reveals that it is Garner’s ability to imaginatively concoct and seamlessly connect human and inanimate form that give the work it's uncanny effect.
Garner’s strategy of objectification reminds of an observation that a young Paul Thek made in 1967. Addressing the cognitively dissonant way that humans tend to understand their humanness, Thek said, “we accept our thingness intellectually, but the emotional acceptance of it can be quite a joy.” These words resound throughout Garner’s body of work, where bluntly presented corporeality provides many an opportunity to engage in this existential sort of reckoning. And although this is certainly one of Garner’s aims, it is more important that her work open space for meaningful engagement with the social and psychic experiences from which our bodies can exempt us and to which our bodies might avail us. Thus, as Paul Thek and Robert Gober illuminated human thingness to address their sexuality and mortality, as Louise Bourgeois used it to explore her own Freudian impulses, Garner also personalizes her conceptualization of thingness, using it to explore the ways that her blackness, womanness, and beauty move her throughout society.
Some of her latest work, for example, confronts slavery. More specifically, the work addresses the grisly experiments that Dr. J. Marion Sims conducted on slave women throughout the nineteenth century, and, the fact that his reputation as “the Father of Modern Gynecology” rests on a practice that is now widely-considered to be ethically disastrous. Works like Vesico Vaginal Fistula (2016) depict a debilitating birth complication on which Sims became an expert as a globular combination of brown, pink, red, yellow, and black silicone delicately suspended in a mirrored box. Layers (2016) is large, neat, cubic-shaped chunk of yellow, pink, orange and deep, dark red industrial insulation materials organized in tiers atop two rows of cinderblock. Sampled Skin Cells with Melanin I, II, and III (all 2016) are clumps of silicone, Swarovski crystals, and mica flakes shaped like mangled tissue samples and smashed between flat pieces of neon-yellow plastic.2 There are more, but the series amounts to a collection of sculptures of flesh. Sims’ victims were chosen because of their blackness and femaleness; arbitrary meanings were assigned to these attributes, and those meanings took on such social import that the women’s essential thingness was ignored. Whether viewers are descended from or entirely removed from this history, Garner’s combines of distressed, disembodied flesh unite viewers around the non-negotiableness of Sims’ victim’s corporeality; she restores their humanity with a gruesome poignance.
As we look into her performance work, we see that objectification remains an important operative. But here she offers up her thingness — her blackness, her beauty, and her womanness - as springboards for engagement with these ideas. She thus rests her performances on physical actions meant to transfer her anxieties, pressures, frustrations, and questions around these topics onto her audience. Injecting subject-hood into object-hood, then, seems a conceptual approach to conjure from the audience natural anxieties around these topics in real-time.
Consider Uniqa Revisited (2013), Garner’s most brazen performance to date. In this piece, she performs a startlingly earnest strip tease in an art gallery. As she slathers herself with whipped cream and chocolate sauce, she writhes and gyrates on her knees in a bikini so small you’re unsure if it will make it through the performance. A video compilation that includes a live birth, flowing pus and feces, a woman seductively flaunting her extreme obesity, a surgical procedure and more plays projected onto the wall behind her, while LL Cool J’s “Doin’ It” provides the score. In that four-minute span, she pummels the viewer with stereotypical black female sexuality, evokes authentic sexual arousal in the often-sterile fine art space, nods to the boldness of women who publicly expose their bodies to make a living, slyly riffs on a scene from a classic Black film, and demonstrates the significant overlap shared by disgust and desire. It is one thing to hold a panel discussion about the harms inflicted upon black women by the cultural narrative of an unslakeable sexuality, but it is quite another to mind and sort these harms while watching a titillating performance of it. It might be easy to identify with Garner’s humanity, and yet feel vastly culturally distant from her and the piece should you not have seen New Jack City, the canonical Black film containing the scene the piece references. One could assume her objective beauty immunizes her from insecurity and forget that she is the most vulnerable person in the room. The evocative performance demands strong, earnest energy from the audience, allowing Garner to see nearly as much of them as they see of her.
Ultimately, Garner’s work succeeds because it contributes in fresh, authentic, and daring ways to a number of critical cultural and art historical conversations. Her work is the offspring of those whose careers were defined by poignant explorations of abjection like Thek, Gober, Bourgeois, Kiki Smith, and Kara Walker, but it is just as closely related to sculptors who have mastered the combination of craft materials, found materials, and form like Petah Coyne and Rachel Harrison. Its dark, graphic salaciousness has its roots in works and performance by Marilyn Minter, Lynda Benglis, and Cheryl Donegan. While Garner carefully mines and minds these histories, her forms remain undeniably original, allowing her to continue these threads in meaningful ways. Further, the work's confrontational posture is intentional; she aims to carve a space where she can earnestly wrestle with her own ideas around race or gender or vanity, sometimes in incredibly personal ways3, yet still release the traumas uniquely attendant to being black, female, and American; white supremacy receives no kid-gloves-treatment here. Unafraid of what she might find in the muck of our selfishness, self-imposed barriers, and nonsensical hangups, Doreen Garner makes work that explores and challenges all senses of self.
1Garner received her MFA in Glass Blowing from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2014. 2An elegant nod to Paul Thek’s meat sculptures. 3In a video interview for BRIC and in our first interview, Garner discussed the impact that her younger sister’s stroke and disfigurement had on her conceptualization of the body and her art. Watch the interview here.
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ao3feed-evanstan · 8 years
Meet Me at My Window
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ls59R0
by worrisomeme
Despite knowing what to expect this time, the plane ride back from Boston had been even worse than the ride there. They hit turbulence and Seb had been a whimpering mess by the time they landed, had barely been soothed at all by the time they got back to the apartment.
Chris had held him in his arms and whispered comforts to him, kissed him sweet and slow until he settled. One thing had led to another and now here they are, sweat drying on their skin as Sebastian clings to his Master, limbs wrapped around his torso.
“I love you,” Chris mumbles against Sebastian’s skin, nuzzling his stubble against the other’s smooth cheek.
And there’s those words again. Those words Chris has said over and over, every day for months. Those words that get his heart racing, make his chest tight, light that spark in the pit of his stomach.
Those words he hasn’t said back yet. Not once.
A couple of short stories of our favorite boys<3 Mostly fluff, but of course Seb can’t overcome any of his major hangups without a little bit of angst in there lol
Words: 3107, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Fall
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Chris Hemsworth
Relationships: Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Master/Slave, post-sex, Mentions of Sex, no actual sex though, Sorry guys, Past Abuse, Fluff, a little bit of angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ls59R0
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capecoddaily · 6 years
Deck: Another active month in Brewster…Towns: BrewsterTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Another active month in Brewster…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Brewster Police Department Police Logs August 2018 For Date: 08/03/2018 - Friday Time 1811 Refer To Arrest: 18-173-AR Arrest: WILLIAMS, JOSEPH J Address: 3285 MAIN ST BREWSTER, MA Age: 74 Charges: LICENSE REVOKED AS HTO, OPERATE MV WITH For Date: 08/14/2018 - Tuesday 1428 Refer To Arrest: 18-184-AR Arrest: ROBIDOUX, MARCUS Address: 1646 MAIN ST BREWSTER, MA Age: 18 Charges: DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY +$1200, MALICIOUS c266 §127 For Date: 08/15/2018 - Wednesday 2147 Refer To Arrest: 18-185-AR Arrest: LINDEMANN, JACQUELYN K Address: 27 BREWSTER CROSS RD ORLEANS, MA Age: 32 Charges: OUI LIQUOR NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE MARKED LANES VIOLATION INSPECTION/STICKER, NO For Date: 08/16/2018 - Thursday 2238 Refer To Arrest: 18-186-AR Arrest: EWING, ROBERT JOHN Address: 30 FREYDIS DR Apt. #02660 DENNIS, MA Age: 29 Charges: OUI LIQUOR, 2ND OFFENSE LICENSE SUSPENDED FOR OUI, OPER MV WITH LICENSE SUSPENDED, OP MV WITH NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE SPEEDING LIGHTS VIOLATION, MV MARKED LANES VIOLATION WMS1 WARRANT ARREST For Date: 08/17/2018 - Friday 2058 Refer To Arrest: 18-187-AR Arrest: CHEEL, MARGOT P Address: 14 MARGIN CT COHASSET, MA Age: 73 Charges: OUI LIQUOR NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE STOP/YIELD, FAIL TO MARKED LANES VIOLATION For Date: 08/19/2018 - Sunday 1733 Refer To Arrest: 18-189-AR Arrest: WILLIAMS, KASSEE ROSE Address: 911 EDWARDS AVE Apt. #E8 DENNISPORT, MA Age: 26 Charges: A&B, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY AMMUNITION WITHOUT FID, POSSESS DRUG, POSSESS CLASS C For Date: 08/21/2018 - Tuesday 2252 Refer To Arrest: 18-192-AR Arrest: TOMASEK, TYLER J Address: 86 ROCK HARBOR ORLEANS, MA Age: 45 Charges: TRESPASS For Date: 08/23/2018 - Thursday 1944 Refer To Arrest: 18-194-AR Arrest: PERKINS, ALEXANDER L Address: 246 HARWICH RD BREWSTER, MA Age: 28 Charges: A&B For Date: 08/28/2018 - Tuesday 0818 Refer To Arrest: 18-200-AR Arrest: GEOFFRION, DAVID M Address: 50 FORTUNES FURROW WAY BREWSTER, MA Age: 35 Charges: WMS1 WARRANT ARREST Brewster Police Department Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 For Date: 08/01/2018 - Wednesday Call Number Time Call Reason 18-9266 0042 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: FOSTER SQ 18-9267 0046 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9268 0102 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9269 0105 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9270 0114 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9271 0115 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 93] SATUCKET RD 18-9272 0203 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9273 0208 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: TUBMAN RD + MAIN ST 18-9274 0212 TRANSPORT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + OLD LONG POND RD 18-9275 0236 ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Location/Address: LONG POND RD 18-9276 0259 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9277 0323 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9278 0455 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 574] MAIN ST 18-9279 0653 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: BLACKBERRY LN + HARWICH RD 18-9280 0702 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD 18-9281 0703 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: LANDING DR 18-9282 0722 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: HARWICH RD + GAGES WAY 18-9283 0727 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + AARONS WAY 18-9284 0837 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + MILLSTONE RD 18-9285 0846 COMPLAINT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9286 0852 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9287 0901 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + MILLSTONE RD Brewster Police Department Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9288 0909 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9289 0924 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9290 0939 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + PAINES CREEK RD 18-9291 0951 SERVE WARRANT Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9292 1001 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: [BRE 170] MAIN ST 18-9293 1030 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9294 1049 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9296 1124 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: FLETCHER LN 18-9295 1125 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: HARWICH RD 18-9297 1159 ANIMAL CONTROL (DOG BITE) Location/Address: DRIFTWOOD LN 18-8938 1200 WEEKLY GENERATOR TEST Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9299 1206 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: KNOLL LN 18-9300 1310 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Vicinity of: STONY BROOK RD + PAINES CREEK RD 18-9301 1333 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9302 1350 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9303 1354 DIRECTED PATROL Vicinity of: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9304 1359 VANDALISM Location/Address: [BRE 574] MAIN ST 18-9305 1427 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: STONEHENGE DR 18-9306 1447 DISABLED MV Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD 18-9307 1531 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: GREENLAND POND RD 18-9308 1619 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: LOWER RD 18-9309 1644 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9310 1648 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: HOWLAND CIR 18-9311 1746 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: THOMEGAN RD Brewster Police Department Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9312 1815 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + ALLEN DR 18-9313 1820 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9314 1828 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + ATWOOD CIR 18-9315 1919 PAST MOTOR VEHICLE B&E Location/Address: [BRE 705] UNDERPASS RD 18-9316 1926 COMPLAINT Location/Address: [BRE 221] AIRLINE RD 18-9317 1935 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SUSAN LN 18-9318 2001 COMPLAINT Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9319 2118 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Vicinity of: SATUCKET RD + AIRLINE RD 18-9320 2153 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9321 2237 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BLACKBERRY LN 18-9322 2259 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 19] UNDERPASS RD 18-9323 2312 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ANNE WAY 18-9324 2317 DISTURBANCE Location/Address: LONG POND RD + MAIN ST For Date: 08/02/2018 - Thursday 18-9325 0017 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9326 0030 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9327 0037 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9328 0042 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 574] MAIN ST 18-9329 0043 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 93] SATUCKET RD 18-9330 0046 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9331 0046 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9332 0052 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9333 0052 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9334 0055 DIRECTED PATROL Brewster Police Department Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9335 0059 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + SOUTHERN EAGLE CTWY 18-9336 0115 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9337 0121 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: MAIN ST + HARWICH RD 18-9338 0131 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 77] MAIN ST 18-9339 0153 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 101] MAIN ST 18-9340 0156 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9341 0159 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9342 0240 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9343 0308 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: LILAC CIR 18-9344 0309 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 246] SOUTH ORLEANS RD 18-9345 0342 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 213] LONG POND RD 18-9346 0531 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9347 0622 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + LONG POND RD 18-9348 0647 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9349 0655 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + SNOW RD 18-9350 0720 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + YANKEE DR 18-9351 0730 ALARM, BURGLAR Vicinity of: SARAH MAKER LN 18-9352 0833 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9353 0907 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9354 0925 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 153] MAIN ST 18-9355 0926 TRAFFIC CONTROL Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9356 0934 COMPLAINT Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9357 1000 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: TUBMAN RD + LONG POND RD Brewster Police Department Page: 5 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9358 1019 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD 18-9359 1059 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BROOK TRAIL RD 18-9360 1117 911 HANGUP Location/Address: [BRE 74] MAIN ST 18-9361 1118 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: SHEEP POND DR 18-9362 1121 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9363 1144 911 HANGUP Location/Address: ROCKY HILL RD 18-9364 1152 COMPLAINT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD 18-9365 1243 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9366 1251 COMPLAINT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9367 1256 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: TUBMAN RD 18-9368 1355 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: SOUTH ORLEANS RD 18-9369 1418 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: [BRE 712] COMMONS WAY 18-9370 1502 LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Location/Address: [BRE 672] WOODLAND WAY 18-9371 1550 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9373 1625 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: OAK LN 18-9374 1655 DISABLED MV Location/Address: MAIN ST + VILLAGES DR 18-9375 1823 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ASHLEY WAY 18-9376 1849 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: TUBMAN RD + SUSAN LN 18-9377 1913 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: FRANK D LAWRENCE RD 18-9378 1915 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9379 1924 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: ARNOLDS CTWY 18-9380 2000 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9381 2120 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: SURREY LN 18-9382 2140 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: TUBMAN RD + KEITH LN Brewster Police Department Page: 6 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9383 2144 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Vicinity of: UNDERPASS RD 18-9384 2145 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9385 2208 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 64] MAIN ST 18-9386 2301 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 679] STATE ST 18-9387 2303 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: [BRE 799] UNDERPASS RD For Date: 08/03/2018 - Friday 18-9388 0017 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9389 0037 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9390 0039 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9391 0042 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9392 0046 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9393 0047 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SEAVIEW RD 18-9394 0050 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9395 0054 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9397 0125 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9396 0126 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9398 0129 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: RECREATION RD 18-9399 0134 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9400 0138 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WOOD DUCK RD 18-9401 0146 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: MAIN ST + BREWSTER RD 18-9402 0203 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: MAIN ST + MITCHELL LN 18-9403 0222 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: [BRE 679] STATE ST 18-9404 0314 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 139] LOWER RD 18-9405 0401 DIRECTED PATROL Brewster Police Department Page: 7 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9406 0500 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 231] STONY BROOK RD 18-9407 0629 ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Location/Address: CRANVIEW RD 18-9408 0702 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9409 0705 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + ALDEN DR 18-9410 0825 COMPLAINT Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9411 0851 911 OPEN Location/Address: [BRE 363] HARWICH RD 18-9412 0901 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9413 0939 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: FREEMANS WAY 18-9414 1001 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9415 1009 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: RED FAWN RD 18-9416 1111 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9417 1153 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + STATE ST 18-9418 1156 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9419 1200 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + SOUTHERN EAGLE CTWY 18-9420 1315 PROJECT LIFESAVER Location/Address: [BRE 255] MAIN ST 18-9421 1346 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9422 1351 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 275] ELLIS LANDING RD 18-9423 1422 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: HARWICH RD + POSSUM WOOD RD 18-9424 1425 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Location/Address: [BRE 47] RUN HILL RD 18-9425 1517 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: COMPASS CTWY 18-9426 1635 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Vicinity of: [BRE 298] HARWICH RD 18-9427 1644 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9428 1652 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD Brewster Police Department Page: 8 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9429 1725 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + OLD RUN HILL RD 18-9430 1726 SUSPICIOUS PERSON Location/Address: SUSAN LN 18-9431 1740 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + PAINES CREEK RD 18-9432 1803 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 50] MAIN ST 18-9433 1811 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + CROSBY LN 18-9434 1908 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9435 1909 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: THAD ELLIS RD 18-9436 1919 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + HOLLY AVE 18-9437 1939 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location: POINT OF ROCKS BEACH 18-9438 2009 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SEAWAY ST 18-9439 2021 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD 18-9440 2034 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9441 2102 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9442 2130 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9443 2136 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9444 2153 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + SEA PINES DR 18-9445 2208 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9446 2221 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9447 2231 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9448 2241 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9449 2244 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + BLUE JACKET WAY 18-9450 2249 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9451 2300 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: MAIN ST + STONY BROOK RD 18-9452 2303 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + INDEPENDENCE WAY Brewster Police Department Page: 9 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 For Date: 08/04/2018 - Saturday 18-9453 0058 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9454 0112 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: TUBMAN RD + LUNAS WAY 18-9455 0116 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9456 0132 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9457 0140 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9458 0146 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: HARWICH RD + ASHLEY WAY 18-9459 0147 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: MAIN ST + SMITH LN 18-9460 0152 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9461 0204 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9462 0233 PARKING COMPLAINT Location/Address: OLD OWL POND RD + BAKERS POND RD 18-9463 0335 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: LUND FARM WAY 18-9464 0345 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 213] LONG POND RD 18-9465 0530 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9466 0548 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: MAIN ST + BREWSTER RD 18-9467 0646 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9468 0705 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + UNDERPASS RD 18-9469 0733 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Location/Address: LONG POND RD + VILLAGES DR 18-9470 0925 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: BONNIE DOONE CTWY 18-9471 1028 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WAMPUM DR 18-9472 1028 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: GRIFFITHS POND RD 18-9473 1035 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9474 1050 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: PAUL HUSH 18-9475 1231 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Brewster Police Department Page: 10 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9476 1252 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CEDAR LN 18-9477 1252 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: ROBINSON RD 18-9478 1305 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: CEDAR LN 18-9479 1312 SUSPICIOUS PERSON Location/Address: PINE BLUFF RD 18-9480 1428 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9481 1448 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + STATE ST 18-9482 1459 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: DORAN DR 18-9483 1632 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + MATES WAY 18-9484 1650 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9485 1658 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: OLD MEADOW RD 18-9486 1724 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 148] HARWICH RD 18-9487 1745 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WHIFFLETREE AVE 18-9488 1824 NOISE COMPLAINT Location/Address: CUMMINGS RD 18-9489 1838 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BRIER LN 18-9490 1840 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + MOUNT PLEASANT RD 18-9491 1856 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9492 1947 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + SATUCKET RD 18-9493 1948 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + MATES WAY 18-9494 2019 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: BILLINGTON LN 18-9495 2026 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + CANDLESTICK LN 18-9496 2035 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD 18-9497 2037 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + CHURCH RD 18-9498 2040 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: MAIN ST + UNDERPASS RD Brewster Police Department Page: 11 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9499 2115 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9500 2119 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: KING PHILIP RD 18-9501 2218 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9502 2244 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9503 2249 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9504 2252 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9505 2313 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST For Date: 08/05/2018 - Sunday 18-9506 0128 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 59] MAIN ST 18-9507 0137 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9508 0141 ESCORT/TRANSPORT Location/Address: [BRE 853] MAIN ST 18-9509 0146 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: [BRE 77] MAIN ST 18-9510 0150 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BLUEBERRY POND DR 18-9511 0151 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 573] MAIN ST 18-9512 0158 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + FOSTER RD 18-9513 0210 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 679] STATE ST 18-9514 0222 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 182] MAIN ST 18-9515 0231 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9516 0310 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CARSONS WAY 18-9517 0341 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 55] MAIN ST 18-9518 0416 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GOVERNOR BRADFORD RD 18-9519 0418 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ROSEMARY LN 18-9520 0433 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 564] LONG POND RD 18-9521 0603 PAN MASS CHALLENGE Brewster Police Department Page: 12 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9522 0916 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9523 0957 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: SHEEP POND DR 18-9524 1003 COMPLAINT Location/Address: LONG POND RD 18-9525 1014 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9526 1031 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 323] BREWSTER RD 18-9527 1102 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9528 1147 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + STATE ST 18-9529 1155 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 154] UNDERPASS RD 18-9372 1200 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9530 1244 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9531 1304 DISABLED MV Location/Address: FREEMANS WAY 18-9532 1337 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BELMONT PARK RD 18-9533 1357 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location: LINNELL LANDING 18-9534 1424 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9535 1441 DISABLED MV Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD + ARNOLDS CTWY 18-9536 1501 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + LOWER 18-9537 1519 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + LONG POND RD 18-9538 1636 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: [BRE 315] MAIN ST 18-9539 1702 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9540 1718 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BROOK TRAIL RD 18-9541 1817 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + CUMMINGS RD 18-9542 1851 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9544 1911 COMPLAINT Location/Address: PINE VIEW DR 18-9545 2031 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: ALDEN DR Brewster Police Department Page: 13 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9546 2102 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9547 2153 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: MAIN ST + VESPER POND DR 18-9548 2206 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ELLIS LANDING RD 18-9549 2251 COMPLAINT Location/Address: DEER PARK RD For Date: 08/06/2018 - Monday 18-9550 0140 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9551 0144 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9552 0156 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 93] SATUCKET RD 18-9553 0206 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: OLD LONG POND RD 18-9554 0216 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GRISTMILL RD 18-9555 0328 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: DILLINGHAM RD 18-9556 0344 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 213] LONG POND RD 18-9557 0456 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 182] MAIN ST 18-9558 0647 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9559 0909 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 788] HARWICH RD 18-9560 0949 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: SATUCKET RD + AIRLINE RD 18-9562 0956 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: GREAT OAK RD 18-9561 0957 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + STATE ST 18-9563 1019 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9564 1021 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9565 1023 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9566 1029 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9567 1030 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9568 1053 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Brewster Police Department Page: 14 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9569 1059 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: FREEMANS WAY + RECREATION RD 18-9570 1102 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: NANUMET DR 18-9571 1106 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 268] MAIN ST 18-9572 1110 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9573 1112 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9574 1113 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: TAMER LN 18-9575 1121 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 564] LONG POND RD 18-9576 1125 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HENRYS RD 18-9577 1134 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + SHEEP POND DR 18-9578 1136 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: POINT OF ROCKS RD 18-9579 1139 COMPLAINT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD 18-9580 1204 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9581 1234 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 846] SACHEMUS TRAIL 18-9582 1243 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: HAZEL LN 18-9583 1252 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9584 1259 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: GRISTMILL RD 18-9585 1306 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9586 1324 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9587 1330 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: JONATHANS WAY 18-9588 1413 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9589 1415 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9590 1421 GENERAL INFO 18-9591 1423 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + UNDERPASS RD 18-9592 1427 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Brewster Police Department Page: 15 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9593 1503 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9594 1526 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9595 1553 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9596 1603 WARRANT Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9597 1615 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: [BRE 393] POND VIEW DR 18-9598 1710 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: DEER PARK RD 18-9599 1711 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9600 1724 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9601 1731 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + RED TOP RD 18-9602 1818 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9603 1819 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: HOLLOW LN 18-9604 1831 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9605 1835 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + ASHLEY WAY 18-9606 1844 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: SEAWAY ST 18-9607 2011 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BELMONT PARK RD 18-9608 2033 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: RED FAWN RD 18-9609 2039 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HENRYS RD 18-9610 2039 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + GAGES WAY 18-9611 2042 FIREWORKS Location/Address: LELAND RD 18-9612 2050 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9613 2137 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9614 2201 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + COMMERCIAL ST 18-9615 2207 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST Brewster Police Department Page: 16 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9616 2219 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9617 2220 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9618 2304 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + SMITH LN For Date: 08/07/2018 - Tuesday 18-9619 0045 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CLIFF POND RD 18-9620 0057 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9621 0107 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9622 0113 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: FOSTER SQ 18-9623 0121 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9624 0122 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9625 0132 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: AIRLINE RD + SATUCKET RD 18-9626 0140 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: SATUCKET RD + SLOUGH RD 18-9628 0242 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9627 0244 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: PAUL HUSH 18-9629 0251 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9630 0303 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 272] MAIN ST 18-9631 0334 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9632 0525 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + AP NEWCOMB RD 18-9633 0725 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SACHEMUS TRAIL 18-9634 0918 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GREENLAND POND RD 18-9635 0920 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: [BRE 294] STONY BROOK RD 18-9636 0941 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9637 0944 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9638 0949 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: SATUCKET RD Brewster Police Department Page: 17 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9639 0955 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9640 1051 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9641 1147 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SEARS POINT DR 18-9642 1155 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9643 1156 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: ELLIS LANDING RD 18-9644 1317 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location: PAINE’S CREEK LANDING 18-9645 1408 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: RUN HILL RD 18-9646 1411 ASSAULT Location/Address: [BRE 363] HARWICH RD 18-9647 1436 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: ROCKY HILL RD 18-9648 1641 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: CATHEDRAL RD 18-9649 1647 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAURY LN + LONG POND RD 18-9650 1711 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LOWER RD + CENTER ST 18-9651 1714 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LOWER RD + MOLDSTAD LN 18-9652 1724 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 221] AIRLINE RD 18-9653 1741 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: MAIN ST + UNDERPASS RD 18-9654 1759 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: SAMOSET RD 18-9655 1838 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9656 1909 911 HANGUP Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9657 1933 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9658 1951 RADAR TRAFFIC STUDY Location/Address: LOWER RD + MOLDSTAD LN 18-9659 2005 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: FOSTER SQ 18-9660 2014 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LOWER RD + SEARS POINT DR 18-9661 2020 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + ATWOOD CIR 18-9662 2115 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Brewster Police Department Page: 18 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + INDEPENDENCE WAY 18-9663 2118 DISABLED MV Location/Address: [BRE 799] UNDERPASS RD 18-9664 2151 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: BRITTERAGE LN 18-9665 2212 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: FIELDSTONE TER 18-9666 2241 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9667 2241 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9668 2246 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9669 2316 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ELLIS LANDING RD For Date: 08/08/2018 - Wednesday 18-9670 0022 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9671 0037 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + COMMERCIAL ST 18-9672 0041 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9673 0049 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: VESPER POND DR + MAIN ST 18-9674 0057 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9675 0100 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9676 0104 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9677 0110 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 153] MAIN ST 18-9678 0132 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 74] MAIN ST 18-9679 0135 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: RECREATION RD 18-9680 0146 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9681 0157 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9682 0320 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: CATHEDRAL RD 18-9683 0324 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9684 0330 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST Brewster Police Department Page: 19 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9685 0413 ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Location/Address: FIELDSTONE TER 18-9686 0440 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9687 0635 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: LONG POND RD 18-9688 0703 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9689 0837 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9690 0954 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9691 1015 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: ANNE WAY 18-9692 1111 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: OWL POND RD 18-9693 1116 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9694 1143 MVA WITH INJURIES Location/Address: [ORL] ROUTE 6 HWY 18-9298 1200 WEEKLY GENERATOR TEST Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9696 1241 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: VESPER POND DR 18-9697 1309 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: TUBMAN RD + SHADY LN 18-9698 1409 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD 18-9699 1508 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9700 1602 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9701 1615 911 MISDIAL Location/Address: [BRE 672] WOODLAND WAY 18-9702 1618 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: MAIN ST + ELDREDGE RD 18-9703 1648 CHILD CAR SEAT ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9704 1715 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 788] HARWICH RD 18-9705 1810 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9706 1821 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9707 1841 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9708 1928 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: [BRE 740] RIDGEWOOD DR Brewster Police Department Page: 20 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9709 2001 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 14] MAIN ST 18-9710 2006 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + MITCHELL LN 18-9711 2029 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 74] MAIN ST 18-9712 2030 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ELLIS LANDING RD 18-9713 2034 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 574] MAIN ST 18-9714 2046 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: [BRE 717] WOOD DUCK RD 18-9715 2059 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 38] MAIN ST 18-9716 2104 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: [BRE 3] FREEMANS WAY 18-9717 2128 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9718 2132 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CROSBY LN For Date: 08/09/2018 - Thursday 18-9720 0046 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + LONG POND RD 18-9721 0103 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + OLD LONG POND RD 18-9722 0106 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9723 0120 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9724 0148 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SPRUCE RUN DR 18-9725 0241 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9726 0323 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9727 0343 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9728 0637 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9729 0700 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + CROCKER LN 18-9730 0708 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 70] MAIN ST 18-9731 0913 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9732 0917 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Brewster Police Department Page: 21 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: MAIN ST + BONNIE DOONE CTWY 18-9733 0919 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LOWER RD + MOLDSTAD LN 18-9734 0955 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: HOLLOW LN 18-9735 1001 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9736 1005 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 363] HARWICH RD 18-9737 1031 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9738 1040 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: [BRE 508] HILLBOURNE TER 18-9739 1046 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: BOG POND RD 18-9740 1101 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: POPLAR LN 18-9741 1108 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: RED TOP RD 18-9742 1141 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 231] STONY BROOK RD 18-9743 1144 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: FREDERICK CT 18-9744 1207 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9745 1234 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: DERRICK RD 18-9746 1256 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: RIDGEWOOD DR 18-9747 1302 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Location/Address: HARWICH RD + CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9748 1316 DISABLED MV Location/Address: YANKEE DR 18-9749 1320 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: SEA PINES DR 18-9750 1346 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Vicinity of: MAIN ST + NEW ENGLAND DR 18-9751 1419 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: JACKSON RD 18-9752 1423 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Vicinity of: MAIN ST + VILLAGES DR 18-9753 1450 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: SAMOSET RD 18-9754 1513 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: RUN HILL RD 18-9755 1515 DISABLED MV Location/Address: [BRE 230] MAIN ST Brewster Police Department Page: 22 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9756 1518 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9757 1608 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 841] UPLAND CIR 18-9758 1627 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9759 1631 VANDALISM Location/Address: [BRE 3] FREEMANS WAY 18-9760 1644 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: LUND FARM WAY 18-9761 1647 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9762 1655 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9763 1707 DISABLED MV Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9764 1807 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: RED FAWN RD 18-9765 1822 ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Location/Address: [HAR] PLEASANT LAKE AVE 18-9766 1842 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: CANOE POND DR 18-9767 1907 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9768 1938 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9770 2045 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 308] UNDERPASS RD 18-9771 2109 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9772 2143 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: COMMERCE PARK RD 18-9773 2204 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9774 2217 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9775 2300 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9776 2303 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: CROWELLS BOG RD For Date: 08/10/2018 - Friday 18-9777 0100 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST 18-9779 0135 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9780 0150 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 98] MAIN ST Brewster Police Department Page: 23 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9781 0204 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WOOD DUCK RD 18-9782 0229 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9783 0239 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: MCGUERTY RD 18-9784 0415 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BREWSTER RD 18-9785 0422 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WHIFFLETREE AVE 18-9786 0635 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + DEPOT ST 18-9787 0700 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9788 0831 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9789 0840 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9790 0919 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9791 0944 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9792 0954 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: SATUCKET RD + AP NEWCOMB RD 18-9793 1014 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9794 1144 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9795 1210 ANIMAL CONTROL (DOG BITE) Location/Address: [BRE 599] SEAVIEW RD 18-9796 1256 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: ELLIS LANDING RD 18-9797 1300 LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Location/Address: SWAMP RD 18-9798 1333 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: SOUTH ORLEANS RD + FREEMANS WAY 18-9800 1405 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: [BRE 14] MAIN ST 18-9799 1406 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9801 1424 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9802 1518 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: FREEMANS WAY 18-9803 1551 TRAFFIC CONTROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9804 1654 DIRECTED PATROL Brewster Police Department Page: 24 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9805 1704 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9806 1710 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: PINE BLUFF RD 18-9807 1716 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9808 1721 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: DRAKE WAY 18-9809 1728 VANDALISM Location/Address: [BRE 686] MAIN ST 18-9810 1754 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: MAIN ST + MATES WAY 18-9811 1758 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: THOUSAND OAKS DR 18-9812 1911 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9813 1918 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LOWER RD + BRIER LN 18-9814 1939 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9815 2013 911 HANGUP Location/Address: CHESTNUT CIR 18-9816 2046 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HARWICH RD + FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9817 2059 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: COMMERCE PARK RD 18-9818 2104 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + CANDLESTICK LN 18-9819 2123 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + STONY BROOK RD 18-9820 2133 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + CANDLESTICK LN 18-9821 2141 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + DORAN DR 18-9822 2206 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9823 2240 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: SEAWAY ST + MAIN ST 18-9824 2245 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9825 2356 DISABLED MV Location/Address: VILLAGES DR For Date: 08/11/2018 - Saturday 18-9826 0015 COMPLAINT Location/Address: CAPTAIN PERRY RD Brewster Police Department Page: 25 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9827 0044 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9828 0113 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9829 0123 NOISE COMPLAINT Location/Address: NELSON ST 18-9830 0150 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: VILLAGES DR 18-9831 0150 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GLENWOOD RD 18-9832 0238 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9833 0241 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 213] LONG POND RD 18-9834 0317 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 138] MAIN ST 18-9835 0528 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9836 0610 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: [BRE 96] SOUTH ORLEANS RD 18-9837 0646 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9838 0649 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9839 0656 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + STATE ST 18-9840 0720 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9841 0854 911 OPEN LINE Location/Address: TUBMAN RD 18-9842 1004 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9843 1048 HAZARDOUS SITUATION Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + SATUCKET RD 18-9844 1052 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: FREEMANS WAY 18-9845 1101 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9846 1148 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9847 1310 ANIMAL CONTROL (DOG BITE) Location/Address: LP ALBERT RD 18-9848 1332 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: AGASSIZ ST 18-9849 1341 LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9850 1349 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location: PAINE’S CREEK LANDING Brewster Police Department Page: 26 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9851 1429 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: MAIN ST 18-9852 1456 ANNOYING PHONE TEXT Location/Address: THAD ELLIS RD 18-9853 1523 COMPLAINT Location/Address: RED TOP RD + SATUCKET RD 18-9854 1533 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: TRACY LN 18-9855 1652 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: GREENLAND POND RD 18-9856 1714 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: COURT WAY 18-9857 1722 COMPLAINT Location/Address: [BRE 686] MAIN ST 18-9858 1819 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + ALLEN DR 18-9859 1824 NOISE COMPLAINT Location/Address: FRANK D LAWRENCE RD 18-9860 1840 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + TWINTURN DR 18-9861 1903 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 575] FREEMANS WAY 18-9862 1929 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9863 2000 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9864 2046 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: PINE HILL DR 18-9865 2047 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Vicinity of: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9866 2104 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: LONG POND RD + SNOW RD 18-9867 2118 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9868 2137 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9869 2151 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 679] STATE ST 18-9870 2201 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Vicinity of: [BRE 100] MAIN ST 18-9871 2216 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9872 2226 NOISE COMPLAINT Location/Address: GREAT FIELDS RD For Date: 08/12/2018 - Sunday 18-9873 0008 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Brewster Police Department Page: 27 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: OLD SALEM RD 18-9874 0044 GENERAL INFO 18-9875 0102 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: LONG POND RD + HARWICH RD 18-9876 0110 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: [BRE 70] MAIN ST 18-9877 0136 ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Location/Address: PEBBLE PATH LN 18-9878 0242 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 49] MAIN ST 18-9879 0301 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9880 0313 PARKING COMPLAINT Location/Address: [BRE 213] LONG POND RD 18-9881 0352 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 12] MAIN ST 18-9882 0353 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: LUND FARM WAY + MILLSTONE RD 18-9883 0427 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9884 0718 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + THAD ELLIS RD 18-9885 0847 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: DRAKE WAY 18-9886 0909 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: MAIN ST + PAINES CREEK RD 18-9887 0928 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: FAR FIELDS RD 18-9888 1021 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 169] MAIN ST 18-9889 1054 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LOWER RD + MOLDSTAD LN 18-9890 1111 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location: ELLIS LANDING 18-9891 1117 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9892 1127 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: SEAVIEW RD 18-9893 1137 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: YANKEE DR 18-9894 1156 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Location/Address: [BRE 182] MAIN ST 18-9895 1314 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: AUNT SOPHIES RD 18-9896 1422 911 HANGUP Location/Address: HARWICH RD 18-9897 1428 EXTRA PATROL Brewster Police Department Page: 28 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: [BRE 788] HARWICH RD 18-9898 1533 ANIMAL CONTROL CALL Location/Address: [BRE 14] MAIN ST 18-9899 1542 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: [BRE 70] MAIN ST 18-9900 1718 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Vicinity of: LONG POND RD + MILLSTONE RD 18-9901 1720 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9902 1757 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BIRCH LN 18-9903 1801 911 HANGUP Location/Address: [BRE 515] DUNE RD 18-9904 1816 FIRE ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 253] VILLAGES DR 18-9905 1847 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BROOK TRAIL RD 18-9906 1938 COMPLAINT Location/Address: DRAKE WAY 18-9907 2015 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WOOD DUCK RD 18-9908 2019 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN + SOUTH ORLEANS RD 18-9909 2044 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9910 2045 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9911 2048 COMPLAINT Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-9912 2102 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: LELAND RD For Date: 08/13/2018 - Monday 18-9913 0044 911 HANGUP Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-9914 0059 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: YANKEE DR 18-9915 0107 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: PAINES CREEK RD 18-9916 0115 MOTOR VEHICLE ENCOUNTER Location/Address: TUPELO DR 18-9917 0126 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: RECREATION RD 18-9918 0134 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9919 0138 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 333] MAIN ST Brewster Police Department Page: 29 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9920 0143 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9922 0224 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9923 0231 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 92] MAIN ST 18-9924 0232 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 213] LONG POND RD 18-9925 0258 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: SLOUGH RD 18-9926 0331 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 74] MAIN ST 18-9927 0332 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 46] MAIN ST 18-9928 0410 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9929 0716 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9930 0719 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9931 0817 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9932 0824 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: ELDREDGE RD 18-9933 0851 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: STONY BROOK RD + RUN HILL RD 18-9934 0857 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: SEAWAY ST 18-9935 0941 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: [BRE 113] MAIN ST 18-9936 1000 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Vicinity of: HARWICH RD + BLACKBERRY LN 18-9937 1011 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9938 1021 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WINSTEAD RD 18-9939 1032 MVA PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-9940 1107 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 679] STATE ST 18-9941 1136 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HENRYS RD 18-9942 1148 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BROOK TRAIL RD 18-9943 1149 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: RUDDY DUCK RD 18-9944 1358 911 OPEN LINE Location/Address: [BRE 100] MAIN ST Brewster Police Department Page: 30 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9945 1411 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: HARWICH RD 18-9946 1458 COMPLAINT Location/Address: TRACY LN 18-9947 1536 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: CAPTAIN MYRICK RD 18-9948 1543 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9949 1551 MISSING PERSON Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-9950 1614 CHILD CAR SEAT ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 1] HARWICH RD 18-9951 1646 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LOWER RD + MOLDSTAD LN 18-9952 1705 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9953 1723 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: HOLLY AVE 18-9954 1737 COMPLAINT Location/Address: ZONA DR 18-9955 1743 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: BASSETT LN + MAIN ST 18-9956 1752 OPERATIONS COMPLAINT Location/Address: ROUTE 6 HWY 18-9957 1804 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9958 1810 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: [BRE 139] LOWER RD 18-9959 1826 COMPLAINT Location/Address: GLENWOOD RD 18-9961 2110 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 46] MAIN ST 18-9962 2120 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9963 2120 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9964 2202 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROWELLS BOG RD 18-9965 2203 BUILDING CHECK Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-9966 2251 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GREAT FIELDS RD For Date: 08/14/2018 - Tuesday 18-9967 0003 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: LUNAS WAY 18-9968 0011 DIRECTED PATROL Brewster Police Department Page: 31 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 Location/Address: [BRE 144] MAIN ST 18-9969 0025 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: FISHERMANS LANDING RD 18-9970 0033 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-9971 0033 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: FOSTER SQ 18-9972 0035 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: ELLIS LANDING RD 18-9973 0039 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location/Address: CROSBY LN 18-9974 0041 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 128] FOSTER SQ 18-9975 0058 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-9976 0101 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WOODSTOCK DR 18-9977 0126 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: KEITH LN 18-9978 0151 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: GREAT FIELDS RD 18-9979 0246 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 77] MAIN ST 18-9980 0510 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 95] MAIN ST 18-9981 0530 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: OLD RUN HILL RD 18-9982 0537 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: JAMES BURR RD 18-9983 0548 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: WHIFFLETREE AVE 18-9984 0716 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + UNDERPASS RD 18-9985 0814 ASSIST CITIZEN Location/Address: SPRING LN 18-9986 0824 ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Location/Address: SOUTH ORLEANS RD 18-9987 0856 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: WEST GATE RD 18-9988 0908 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 217] MAIN ST 18-9989 0917 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LONG POND RD + ALLEN DR 18-9990 0923 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 191] LOWER RD 18-9991 0926 SERVE SUMMONS Location/Address: SOUTH ORLEANS RD Brewster Police Department Page: 32 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-9992 0947 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: MISTY LN 18-9993 1025 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Location/Address: STATE ST 18-9995 1059 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: FREEMANS WAY + THOUSAND OAKS DR 18-9996 1135 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Location/Address: LOWER RD + SEARS POINT DR 18-9997 1255 DIRECTED PATROL Location/Address: LONG POND RD + UNDERPASS RD 18-9998 1313 COMPLAINT Location/Address: [BRE 581] CAPTAIN ELIJAH COBB RD 18-9999 1318 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD 18-10000 1326 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD + HENRYS RD 18-10001 1354 SCHOOL WALK THROUGH Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-10002 1420 BEACH/LANDING CHECK Location: CROSBY LANDING 18-10003 1428 DISTURBANCE Location/Address: [BRE 255] MAIN ST 18-10004 1459 ALARM, BURGLAR Location/Address: LINNELL LANDING RD 18-10005 1600 DISABLED MV Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD + MAIN ST 18-10006 1622 FIRE, ASSIST Location/Address: [BRE 227] MAIN ST 18-10007 1625 FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Location/Address: ROBBINS HILL RD 18-10008 1654 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: PEBBLE PATH LN 18-10009 1728 DISABLED MV Location/Address: HARWICH RD 18-10010 1755 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: [BRE 293] UNDERPASS RD 18-10011 1810 COMPLAINT Location/Address: TAR KILN RD + FREEMANS WAY 18-10012 1815 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Location/Address: LONG POND RD 18-10013 1821 WELL BEING CHECK Location/Address: FOX MEADOW DR 18-10014 1847 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: UNDERPASS RD + WAMPUM DR 18-10015 1903 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: LUND FARM WAY 18-10016 1911 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: MAIN ST + LONG POND RD Brewster Police Department Page: 33 Dispatch Log From: 08/01/2018 Thru: 08/31/2018 0000 - 2359 Printed: 09/04/2018 18-10017 2005 DISABLED MV Location/Address: [BRE 574] MAIN ST 18-10018 2014 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP Location/Address: MAIN ST + OLD NORTH RD 18-10019 2059 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: HUCKLEBERRY LN 18-10020 2100 EXTRA PATROL Location/Address: BREAKWATER RD 18-10021 2105 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Location/Address: MILLSTONE RD + LONG POND RD 18-10022 2135 TRAFFIC ENFORCEME
0 notes
abeautifulblog · 7 years
I think the thing that makes me angry about Robert/Joseph shipping is that, regardless of what happened between them in the past, Robert is utterly unambiguous about how much he hates the fuck out of Joseph now. So putting them in a relationship means either (1) presuming that you know what Robert “really” wants, and it is somehow the exact opposite of everything he’s actually told you, or (2) that you know he wants nothing to do with Joseph, but you don’t care what he wants.
Either way, it’s gross as fuck. Please Do Not. Game over.
19 notes · View notes
abeautifulblog · 7 years
My aesthetic: Joseph striking out
So I'd mentioned before that I think Joseph has almost definitely tried his luck with every dad on the block -- he certainly doesn't seem to have learned any sort of lesson, re: shitting where you eat, from the disaster with Robert, because he wastes no time coming onto the Dadsona when you roll up in the neighborhood. But I also think that -- for a variety of reasons -- he didn't actually manage to score with anyone on the cul-de-sac but Robert. So let's talk about some of those reasons.
(Again, this is setting aside the possibility that anyone just went "Nope, you're married, that ain't right" -- which any of the dads could well have done, because they're all decent human beings, but Joseph is very good at playing like his marriage is over, therefore it's not REEEEALLY cheating, right?)
Damien -- Already talked about this one in a previous post, but in short, Joseph is all about reshaping people please him, and Damien -- trans and dedicated goth -- has spent his whole gd life dealing with that shit, with people who want him to do what makes them happy rather than what makes him happy. I think it's fair to say that Damien is the dad with the most solid sense of self in the game -- the upshot of having had to work so hard for it. Joseph's schtick isn't going to hold the slightest bit of appeal for him.
Brian -- This is the one dad where I think Joseph would nope out first. Because Brian's whole thing is one-up-man-ship, and we find out later that it's his slightly clueless way of trying to impress you, but initially it feels like he's belittling *your* accomplishments -- and hoo boy, self-loving-sociopath Joseph is not going to be about that. Joseph is the guy who interrupts your conversation with Damien to make you tell him how great his party is. The guy who takes center stage so everyone can fawn over his mad grilling skills. The guy who brags in his dad-grindr profile about being "#1 youth minister five years running" and how he crushes his kids at Candy Land. The guy who expects you to be so impressed with his yacht that you fall right into bed with him. He is going to be aggravated as fuck that Brian, instead of being appropriately overawed by Joseph’s accomplishments and ~honored~ by his interest, blithely does everything Joseph does, and does it better.
(Not to mention that most of Brian's bragging is about his kid -- and none of Joseph's is. Joseph takes no apparent pride in his children, we only ever see him being chagrined by the twins and their creepy games, and that is not something that would sit well with Brian.)
Mat -- It comes down to Rosa. That he's still mourning her, and more to the point, he's still mourning her. He's lonely, but he doesn't want just someone, anyone who can make him feel less lonely (which is I think the key difference between his grief and Robert’s), he misses Rosa, specifically. Joseph probably stepped up to comfort Mat and give him a shoulder to lean on after Rosa's death, but there's a good chance Mat didn't even notice his ulterior motives, and if he did, that Joseph wouldn't have held any appeal when all he really wants is his wife back.
Craig -- Craig's on record as being very choosy in his romantic relationships for the sake of his daughters -- I believe it's on his very first date that he says he doesn't want to bring a stranger into their lives. And yeah, some of the softball moms are off-puttingly aggressive in their come-ons (*cough* JANET), but they can't all be. Craig has to have met some single women (or men) that he gets along with and who would have been happy to be a good co-parent for his kids -- but he's turned down all comers, including the single moms who stand to offer his kids a lot more than Joseph does. Even if Joseph were legitimately single, he would have been just one more in the crowd.
Hugo -- Hugo seems like the one who would be most receptive to Joseph under other circumstances. They're both actively involved in the community; Ernest goes to Joseph's church so it's safe to assume that Hugo does too, meaning they'd be religiously compatible; Hugo is newly single and the dad who seems most interested in dating and meeting new people. But he is also very conscious of his position of authority; that he's a high school teacher who needs to set a good example for his students and his son, and I think as soon as Joseph's flirting started to cross the line past "could plausibly just be friendliness," Hugo would explicitly shut it down, and give his reasons why. Like, "Maybe this is something we could explore after you and Mary are separated, but you and I both have responsibilities that make it something I refuse to pursue now."
Incidentally: my housemate and I agree that Joseph probably fucked Hugo's ex, before or during the breakup. Hugo doesn't know about it, but it happened.
And then poor Robert. He never stood a chance.
Ironically, I think Joseph now regrets the affair with Robert. Not because he has any remorse over how badly he fucked Robert up, but because Robert's very instability -- the instability that made him such an easy mark in the first place -- now makes him incredibly difficult to predict and control.
Robert fell for the initial seduction, but he didn't fall for the "oh you were my one-time mistake, I regret this so much, please never tell anyone" line afterward -- he thinks Joseph is an utter shitbag now. He stands to blow Joseph's secret wide open, and he's certainly not keeping his mouth shut to spare Joseph's reputation. He's already notoriously weird, so the social pressure to "not rock the boat" isn't something that's going to keep Robert in line. He's already halfway a pariah in the community, so it's not like he has that much to lose if he decides to tank his reputation the rest of the way and drag Joseph down with him. And he's unstable enough that just because he hasn't done it yet is no guarantee that he won't do it at any moment.
(Yeah -- you should be afraid, motherfucker.)
I think Robert keeps the secret (1) because he's ashamed of his own role in it -- at having helped Joseph cheat on Mary, at having fallen for it -- and (2) because he's not certain anyone would believe him if he did tell them.
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abeautifulblog · 7 years
So let's talk about consent in Dream Daddy
Namely -- how crucially it features into Robert's romance. (And in contrast: how utterly absent it is from Joseph's.)
Robert is, hands down, the dad who comes on hardest and strongest -- are we gonna do this or not? -- and admittedly, if you have trouble saying no to anything, you might have wound up going along with that, even when all the meta-text is telling you not to.
But you're allowed to say no to him -- and moreover, it turns out that he is really, really good at taking a no. There is never even the slightest amount of pressure from him, subtle or unsubtle, direct or indirect. He puts on the brakes the moment you show hesitation, he waits for a solid yes or no from you, and then he respects your answer without arguing.
The moments I’m talking about specifically:
1) When you’re walking back from the bar and he propositions you on the street. 2) Or if you got as far as going upstairs with him, but then have second thoughts. 3) When he's kissing you on his couch on the third date, but you pick up on the unsubtle hints that he’s upset about something and ask him to stop.
#2 is my favorite, actually, because it would have been so easy for the devs to give him a different response. At this point, you are just some fucking rando he picked up in a bar. You went home with him, knowing full well what he was inviting you up for. And then at critical moment you suddenly get cold feet? Honestly, most grindr hookups would feel justified in being annoyed with that. But Robert just says, Do you want to stop? Not "Oh come on," not "What's the matter?" You are a rando from a bar, whom he knows nothing about, who is currently ten feet away from his bed, but he stops in a fucking heartbeat when you ask him to wait, because your consent is more important than his hard-on. He doesn’t even make you feel guilty or awkward for noping out of it. (Dadsona: "I'm sorry..." Robert: "Nah. It's cool.")
And that, actually, is a large factor in why I interpret the Robert-Joseph thing as having been -- perhaps not outright rape -- but definitely pushing the boundaries of what is consensual and what is not. That it was a relationship that ran roughshod over Robert's consent, boundaries, and comfort zones.
Because in my experience, the people who are that scrupulously, painfully careful of consent are the people who know firsthand what it is to have your consent ignored.
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abeautifulblog · 7 years
The other day I was reading a book called Bar Flower, a memoir of an American woman working at a hostess club in Japan, and there was one part that stuck with me. At one point the narrator has a rivalry of sorts going on with this Russian woman working at the club, and is getting very frustrated because even though it's supposed to be a no-touch establishment, this other woman is extremely handsy with the clients (which of course they quite like) and it's hard to compete with that. But then when she's complaining about it to another coworker, the coworker is like, "You know why she hates you, right?"
Narrator: NO??
Coworker: "... Okay so you realize that they treat the Russian girls different from the American girls, right? They don't respect the no-touching rule. They think they can get away with it on the girls from poorer countries."
Narrator: "But she's the one who's hanging all over THEM!"
Coworker: "Yeah. Because that way she knows where their hands are."
And it occurred to me that maybe Robert's doing something similar -- that the reason he's so aggressively take-charge with sex is because that's how he can stay in control of the encounter.
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abeautifulblog · 7 years
Where's this thing gonna end?
So I've changed my answer a few times when people have asked how much is left in the fic -- here's the behind-the-scenes.
Originally it was going to be a one-shot -- just that first chapter, a static portrait of depression and alcoholism. The ending of it caught people off-guard, because we expect change and progress in our narratives, so it's disconcerting to reach the end and get neither. It begins with Robert miserable and hungover, alone in the dark except for Betsy, and it ends with him miserable and drunk, alone in the dark except for Betsy, no improvement, not even any cause for hope. It’s a rude thing to do to readers, but that’s what alcoholism and depression is.
And then the bake sale chapter came to me; I don't recall the inspiration, and initially I was apprehensive of the reception it would get because it was so very different in tone from the first chapter. But hey, it turns out people like seeing Robert have a good day too, and together those two stories didn't form any real meta structure, but I could live with that.
And then, Scheherazade-like, the same night I posted “The Zara Shirt," my brain furnished me with the complete plot for “This House Just Sings (This House Just Screams).” And suddenly the chapters started getting harder to write, because suddenly they mattered more. It wasn't just about Robert's depression anymore, or his fluffy escapist romance with Gene, it was also really, really important to me that people understood just how fucking terrible Joseph is, that there is nothing sexy about psychological abuse, and goddamn this fucking fandom and their hard-on for shipping Robert with Joseph. Usually I don't care if people like a pairing that I'm not into -- Steve/Tony? Sure, you do you, bro -- but this... christ almighty.
At best, Joseph is a manipulative serial adulterer who took advantage of someone mentally ill and grieving. At worst, you're shipping Robert with his rapist. If you like Robert, you shouldn't want him anywhere near Joseph, and I could write a thousand words of meta on the subject -- or I could write a fic that delivers the same message.
Anyway, after that installment, the series had developed enough that I felt it deserved some closure before I stopped. As I was working on “This House,” I was also kicking around some ideas for the next chapter to be something more lighthearted, as a palate cleanser -- a romp in which Robert and Mary scheme to trick Gene into getting a dog. Then after that, I thought, would be the closing chapter, featuring some important conversations between Robert and Gene, showing what lasting change looks like for someone like Robert, and ending on a note that is not without complications, but hopeful. (Kind of like the ending of the game.) Five chapters in all, three serious installments with two lighter interludes.
Except it didn't happen that way, because after "This House" my brain was like "lol okay but what if you wrote a sex comedy about Gene and Alex and Craig and Smashley having a foursome instead?" And after that my ideas started wandering more toward Gene's angle (*cough* and Alex) and we got three Gene-centric chapters in a row -- “The In-Laws,” “Her Dad's Dumb Crush,” and Gene's remix of “The Zara Shirt.” And with each chapter, Alex became more and more integral to Gene's world, and rightfully so -- you don't love and live with someone for fifteen years without shaping each other. Gene's history is so deeply wrapped up in Alex, all the major touchstones of his life have involved Alex, all his beliefs about what relationships should be and how to make them work were formed by his experiences with Alex.
And it was while I was writing the foursome chapter that it stopped being a coincidence that Robert and Gene hadn't had sex yet, and crystallized as yet another thing that Robert had issues about -- which is why the chapter that wound up coming out next was the morning-after coda, “After the Storm,” when they finally acknowledge the existence of those issues. And it meant that the ending wasn't simply a matter of getting around to writing a sex scene (and addressing the alcoholism, and addressing the depression), it also needed to work through the intimacy issues that Robert's Joseph-related PTSD had left him with.
(That's part of what delayed the sex comedy -- that in the original version, it was Robert who prompted it, and Gene told the story to him, not Mary. But halfway through, it became blindingly clear that this is not a story Gene can tell Robert. Not at this point in their relationship; Robert is already wildly insecure about his worth as a partner and how he measures up to Alex's memory, and struggling with his hangups about sex. Listening to a story about how much Gene adored Alex (and all the crazy awesome uninhibited sex they had) would have gutted him. So it got overhauled, and Robert got swapped out for Mary and her more neutral, prurient curiosity.)
And that means the ending isn't just addressing the romance, and the substance abuse, and the depression, and the PTSD, Robert also needs to reconcile himself to the memory of Alex and the place that he's always going to hold in Gene's heart.
So yeah, I admit, I keep moving the goalposts.
But what makes an ending satisfying is whether it provides proper closure and forms symmetry with the rest of the story. And as the story evolves, so too does the ending need to, or you're going to wind up with a Harry Potter epilogue situation -- a jarring return to primary colors after the story has broadened into shades of gray. Delving deeper into Robert's character and his myriad issues has meant reassessing where the finish line needs to be -- and for Robert, the finish line has never been about sex, or even romance, really. They show that in the game -- that his good ending isn't about getting to shag the Dadsona, it's about finding the will to change and finding someone who cares about him enough to support him in that endeavor.
So I wouldn't say that I have a plan for the ending exactly -- I'm still playing it by ear and letting the story unfold as it wants to -- but I do know what it needs to accomplish and I am building toward that resolution, not just meandering around pointlessly. It'll probably cap out around 100k~120k, because novel-length is the only way I know how to tell a story.
Now if I could just get over this fucking writer's block that leaves my head full of stories but without the words to tell them.
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abeautifulblog · 7 years
It’s kind of funny that you get four opportunities to have sex with Robert, and five opportunities to say no – and one opportunity to have sex with Joseph, and zero opportunities to say no.
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