#roberta krueger
blazedrawsstuff · 1 year
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Meet Roberta Krueger, daughter of Freddy Krueger!
Roberta Krueger
Daughter of Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger
Killer Style
Grunge, combine that with a bit of blue-collar and you got yourself the Krueger style!
Freaky Flaw
I LOVE to mess with people, doesn't matter who, doesn't matter when, awake or asleep, no one is safe from me! You call that a flaw but I call it my own little quirk.
Mara! He ain’t a “cheeta” but he’s a leopard! Little aggressive with some mean claws to boot, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Favorite Activity
Pulling people’s legs aside, I’m a gamer ghoul. Especially for the old retro stuff.
Pet Peeve
I’ve got a few; party poopers, fire, crosses. But what really grinds my gears is consistency. Things get boring when they’re always the same! That’s one thing I like about dreams, they’re never the same and logic gets kicked to the curb.
Favorite Subject
Monster Psychology. You can learn a lot about someone by what they dream about. Metal Shop too, it’s a good place to “sharpen” my skills.
Least Favorite Subject
Volcanology, let’s just say fire has left a burning memory in my family…
Favorite Colors
Red and Green
Favorite Food
I’m always up for a “pizza” bacon, meatball, and pepperoni pizza. Couple that with a hot cup of joe or a cold can of cola and you’ve got the meal of my dreams!
Sunny Benedict (OC) Edd Goldberg (EW MH AU Only) Betsy Voorhees (OC) Touma Itsuki (OC) Polly Wog (OC)
As a dream demon, she is immortal.  Dream Walking Like her father, Roberta can enter the dreams of others as long as they are asleep. Dream World Manipulation Also like Freddy, Roberta can create, shape, and manipulate elements of peoples dreams, such as making objects appear, changing the layout, etc.
Technician Work/Mechanics
Roberta is skilled in working with machines, much like how her father was when he was alive.
Metalwork Also like her dad, she has been known to create stuff using metal, as evidenced by having one of her favorite classes be Metal Shop. Video Games She is skilled in playing video games, especially classic games on consoles like the NES.
Roberta is like a fire, loud, hotheaded, and passionate. Which is ironic because she’s actually afraid of fire. Regardless, Roberta is, at her core, a troll. She loves to mess with people, whether it’s pulling pranks on them while they’re awake or toying with them in their dreams. She doesn’t really care much in terms of morality, and just prefers to do whatever she wants. She’s also rather rude and loves to make dumb puns and one liners just like her father. She also likes playing along with other people's antics, as seen with her relationship with Touma.
Trivia/Additional Information
Roberta’s name comes from Robert Englund, who played Freddy throughout most of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Her headcanon voice actress is Wendee Lee, who voiced Miu Iruma from the Danganronpa series. She shares a voice actress with Polly Wog. Her favorite activity is a double reference. One to Spencer’s death from Freddy’s Dead, which was themed around retro games, and the other to the Nightmare on Elm Street NES game. Roberta’s birthday is November 9th, the day the first Nightmare on Elm Street film debuted. This makes her a Scorpio.
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mademoiselle-red · 2 years
I’m impressed by your Charioteer collection! What are five of your other favorite books?
Thanks! I’m quite proud of that collection 😊! Here’s five other books that I’ve been rereading / thinking about recently:
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From right to left:
The Victorian Chaise-Longue by Marghanita Laski
Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges
Dancing with the Lion series by Jeanne Reames
Lancelot-Grail by unknown, translated from Old French by Samuel N. Rosenberg, Carleton W. Carroll, Roberta L. Krueger, and William W. Kibler
Soirée art collection by nekosuke
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reason #857 why corbenic is the worst: the passive aggression
After the maiden had passed once in front of the table, she returned to the chamber from which she had come. Sir Gawain followed her with his eyes as far as he could. When she was out of sight, he looked before him at the table where he was seated, but he saw nothing for him to eat. Rather, the table lay empty in front of him, although there was no one else who did not have a great abundance of food as thought it grew there. When Gawain saw this, he was too shocked to know what he should say or do. He realized that he had done something wrong, since he had nothing to eat as the others did.
— Lancelot Part IV, Chapter 137, Roberta L. Krueger translation
“Dinner is only for good boys and girls who have not even thought about sex once in their lives and ideally don’t even know what it is; we will not, however, be explaining this, merely rubbing in your face the fact that you have been a Bad Boy and look how nice everyone else has been”
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digitallhaven · 11 months
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bestproductotm · 11 months
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wisedealsss · 11 months
E-book pdf
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Horror Time (2019)
First row from left to right: Billy (Dead Silence, 2007), Ghostface (Scream, 1996), a critter (Critters, 1986), Spiders (Arachnophobia, 1990), Church (Pet sematary, 1989) Bride of Frankenstein (Bride of Frankenstein, 1935), a crow (The Birds, 1963) Frankenstein (Frankenstein, 1931), a wooden witch symbol (Blair Witch Project, 1999), Bruce (Jaws, 1975).
Second row from left to right: Michael Myers (Halloween, 1978), Pinhead (Hellriser, 1987), Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th Part 3, 1982), Freddy Krueger (A nightmare on Elm street, 1984), Chucky (Child's play, 1988), Jigsaw's puppet (Saw, 2004), a gremlins (Gremlins, 1984).
Third row from left to right: The Grady twins (Shining, 1980), Sadako Yamamura (Ringu, 1998), Leatherface (The Texas chainsaw massacre, 1974), Toshio (Ju-on: The Grudge, 2002), the xenomorphe (Alien, 1979), a yautja (Predator, 1987).
Fourth row from left to right: Thomas (El Orfanato, 2007), The Gill-Man (Creature from the Black Lagoon, 1954), Nosferatu (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, 1922), Tarman (The return of the living dead, 1985), Regan Theresa Macneil possessed by Pazuzu (The exorcist, 1973), an extraterrestrial (They live, 1988).
Fifth row from left to right: the Candyman (Candyman, 1992), Pennywise (It, 1990), Dracula (Horror of Dracula, 1958), The Wolf Man (The Wolf Man, 1941), The Thing (The Thing, 1982), The urban legend killer (Urban Legend, 1998). Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs, 1991), Pyramid Head (Silent Hill, 2006).
Sixth row from left to right: Mr Babadook (Mister Babadook, 2014), The Nun aka Valak (The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist, 2016), David Kessler in his werwolf form ( An american werewolf in London, 1981), the leprechaun (Leprechaun, 1993), Pumpkinhead (Pumpkinhead, 1988), Annabelle (The Conjuring, 2013), cheryl williams possessed (Evil Dead, 1981), the Red-Faced Man (Insidious, 2010).
Seventh row from left to right: Annie Wilkes (Misery, 1990), Captain Spaulding (House of 1000 corpses, 2003), The Jeepers Creepers (Jeepers Creepers, 2001), Andre Hayworth (Get Out, 2017), Seth Brundle in his final form (The fly, 1986), The crocodile (Lake Placid, 1999), The Happy Birthdead killer (Happy Birthdead, 2017), Sam (Trick'r'treat, 2007), Carrie White (Carrie, 1976), the pale man (El laberinto del fauno, 2006), Norman Bate (Psycho, 1960), Matthew Bennell (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1978).
Last row from left to right: Roberta (Jurassic Park, 1993), Godzilla (Gojira, 1954).
Source: DeviantArt
#unofficial #Jurassic Park #Godzilla #The Babadook #Misery #House of 1000 Corpses #Jeepers Creepers #Get Out #The Fly #Lake Placid #Happy Death Day #Trick 'R Treat #Carrie #Pan's Labyrinth #Psycho #Invasion of the Body Snatchers #Candyman #The Conjuring #It #An American Werewolf in London #Dracula #The Wolfman #Leprechaun #The Thing from Another World #Pumpkinhead #Evil Dead #Insidious #Urban Legend #Hannibal #Silent Hill #The Orphanage #Creature from the Black Lagoon #Nosferatu #Night of the Living Dead #The Exorcist #They Live #The Shining #The Ring #Texas Chain Saw Massacre #The Grudge #Alien #Predator #Halloween #Hellraiser #Friday the 13th #Nightmare on Elm Street #Child's Play #Saw #Gremlins #Dead Silence #Scream #Critters #Pet Sematary #Frankenstein #Blair Witch #Jaws
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marilynngmesalo · 5 years
’Welcome to Marwen’ review: Steve Carell flick a disaster
’Welcome to Marwen’ review: Steve Carell flick a disaster ’Welcome to Marwen’ review: Steve Carell flick a disaster https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
One and a half stars out of four.
Eighteen years ago, a man named Mark Hogencamp was brutally beaten by five men outside of a bar in Kingston, New York. The assault put him in a coma for over a week and left him with permanent brain damage and little memory of his previous life. To cope, he constructed an elaborate miniature World War II-era Belgian town where he would create fantasy sequences with dolls representing himself, his friends and even his assailants, and photographed them. He called the town Marwencol and the eccentric and fascinating scene caught the attention of the art world, the media and eventually became the subject of an acclaimed 2010 documentary.
Why Hollywood and an always innovative filmmaker like Robert Zemeckis would be drawn to this inherently dramatic, emotional and fantastical story is hardly a mystery. The head-scratcher is how it ended up as such a disaster. Yes, “Welcome to Marwen,” despite what I believe were the best of intentions, is cloying, jaw-droppingly sexist and oddly lifeless. It’s not that it’s a poorly-directed movie. It’s just stunningly ill-conceived.
Steve Carell plays Mark, and his WWII action-figure alter-ego Hoagie, who we meet first. Hoagie is handsome, assured and unflappable in wartime. A plane crash? No problem. Shoes on fire? He’ll just wear a pair of heels instead. A Nazi holding him at gunpoint? He’ll talk to him with no fear. And if he gets in over his head, no worries, a cabal of beautiful, machine-gun-toting and scantily clad women will come to save him. This is his fantasy, so they all love him of course, but he tells them to keep their distance because there’s this blue-haired Belgian witch named Deja Thoris (Diane Krueger, who is probably thankful to be hidden behind the animation) who gets jealous and kills women who get close to him. Seriously.
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In the real world, however, Mark is a mess, living in a semi-permanent mobile home, popping pills like candy, and avoiding human interactions wherever he can — especially those that remind him of the assault, which is why he’s doing everything he can to get out of attending the sentencing hearing for his attackers despite his lawyer’s pleas.
His PTSD manifests in his fantasy world. When he feels attacked, suddenly there’s machine-gun fire being sprayed throughout the bar in Marwen. It’s also the place where he can always get the girl, if he so chooses. He can also construct whatever kind of girl he wants, whether it’s a young blond milkmaid or a replica of the woman, Nicol (an uncomfortable-looking Leslie Mann), who has just moved into the house across from him.
“Welcome to Marwen,” co-written by Zemeckis and Caroline Thompson (“Edward Scissorhands”) wants to be both childlike and adult in ways that the film is not equipped to examine in any sort of serious way, making the whole thing creepy and discomforting.
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Mark fetishizes every woman in his life who is kind to him and puts her in Marwen: His physical therapist (Janelle Monae), his care taker, Anna (Gwendoline Christie), the woman who works at the toy store where he buys the dolls, Roberta (Merritt Wever), a cook at a local bar, Caralala (Eiza Gonzalez) and, I believe, his favourite adult film star, Suzette, played by the director’s wife, Leslie Zemeckis. It’s one sci-fi twist away from being a full on “Black Mirror” episode, and poor Nicol, who quickly becomes his new obsession, bears the brunt of these unwelcome affections.
The movie tells us he loves the essence of women (and says this is why he likes wearing and collecting high heels). He wishes they could run the world, he says, but it doesn’t sound sincere. You’ll get whiplash trying to reconcile how the movie is consistently trying to tell you it’s feminist while also so blatantly objectifying every woman in sight.
The animation is really something stunning, however. It doesn’t look too digital or too uncanny valley. If only the movie could have been as evolved. Zemeckis, it seems, was trying to recreate a sort of “Forrest Gump” folk tale out of “Marwen,” which simply doesn’t work anymore the way it might have 24 years ago. This is a complex man and artist worthy of a complex story, not a would-be-feel-good farce.
“Welcome to Marwen,” a Universal Pictures release, is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for “for sequences of fantasy violence, some disturbing images, brief suggestive content, thematic material and language.” Running time: 116 minutes.
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blazedrawsstuff · 10 months
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So I was actually meaning to start making swimwear for the Monster High OC's some point in June, but  due to me busy with other stuff in June and doing the Eddsworld Superhero AU stuff in July I didn't make time for that, so here I am, starting it in August. Better late than never I guess. Rest assured I will do more of these both this month and next summer.
To decide who I would do first, I used Wheel Decide, and the wheel landed on Roberta Krueger, so here she is!
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Was just struck by this part of Lancelot traveling through Gorre on his way to rescue Guenevere from Meleagant and meeting a bunch of exiles from Logres:
The young man was quite handsome, and his hair was cut in a way that exposed the whole of his fine, white neck; this was a sign that he was an exile [from Logres], because his hair was shaved and the people of Gorre wore braids.
— Lancelot Part IV, Chapter 109, Roberta L. Krueger translation
And like, it doesn’t REALLY work, because Lancelot has luscious long hair literally from jump, so he clearly doesn’t grow out his hair while in Wales, but he does spend 2+ years with Galehaut in Sorelois, (of which Gorre is a dependent kingdom) (both of them are in Wales) (ish) (insofar as I can glean anything at all about the geography of the Lancelot-grail), and I’m just thinking about Lancelot not assimilating to Logres hair norms over his entire life, but keeping his long hair and maybe thinking about his dead braided-hair boyfriend who died for the love of him.
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blazedrawsstuff · 3 months
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Happy Saint Patrick's Day folks! To celebrate, here is Patricia "Patty" Killarney, daughter of Lubdan the Leprechaun (the one from the horror movies).
Also apologizes if the limericks in the bio are bad, I ain't no poet.
Patricia "Patty" Killarney Daughter of The Leprechaun
Lubdan the Leprechaun
Killer Style Fashion is not in my field But when it comes to clothes A bit of folk with a modern feel!
Freaky Flaw While the other ghouls Are inclined to tell the truth I’ve got a something else to say Why should I tell you?
Pet I hate to say But my mind has not been set For what animal I want  To have as my pet
Favorite Activity You’re seeing it right in front Writing rhymes and limericks And go-karting is a must!
Pet Peeve I cannot stand thieves in greed If you dare take my stuff I’ll be giving you some grief!
Favorite Subject Eekonomics and Poetry are the ones I choose. I shan’t forget Fierce Fashion But only for the shoes
Least Favorite Subject My allergy to wrought iron Makes metal shop my ire
Favorite Color The true Leprechaun’s hues Green, gold, and brown But never any blues!
Favorite Food When my hunger starts to grumble I crave cider, some colcannon And a nice apple crumble 
Roberta Krueger (OC) Caspian Lochlyn (OC) Trey Luck (OC)
Magic As a fae, Patty has the ability to utilize magic.
Voice Imitation Patty, like her father, has the ability to imitate the voices of others. An extension of her magic powers. Wish Granting An extent of her magic abilities is the power to grant the wishes of others. She doesn’t often use this ability though. Long Lifespan As leprechauns are fae creatures, Patty can live longer than the average human. The exact lifespan is unknown but she can live for as long as a few thousand years.
Poetry As seen in her bio, Patty has a fondness poetry, specifically for rhymes and limericks Shoe-Making Like her father, Patty has a fondness for shoes, which is the only thing she really focuses on when it comes to fashion. Go-Kart Driving Patty has a love for driving go-karts
While she is quite jolly and energetic with a penchant for rhyming and partying, Patty is one greedy ghoul. She cares a lot about material things, rarely paying much mind to anything else other than what she has. Not to mention short tempered and mischievous
To go along with her materialism; Patty tends to be possessive of her personal belongings, and doesn’t trust others with them for any reason. She’s also pretty selfish, as while she does have the ability to grant the wishes of others, she doesn’t unless she’s forced to.
That, and if she were to grant someone’s wish, she’d twist it. As she has a rather twisted sense of humor and irony. It also should be noted that she does not always speak in rhyme
Trivia/Additional Information
Patricia’s first name is a female version of the name of “Patrick”, as in Saint Patrick’s Day. Her last names comes from a town in Ireland, in Leprechaun 2, Lubdan calls himself the “Genius of Killarney”. Her birthday is March 8th. The month of course comes from the month Saint Patrick's Day is in but the day comes from the release date of the first Leprechaun movie. This makes her a Pisces. Patricia’s voiceclaim is Jennifer Hale, who voices Fanny Fulbright/Numbuh 86 from Codename: Kids Next Door.
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blazedrawsstuff · 1 year
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Sunny Benedict! Daughter of the Egg Monsters from Mars!
Sunny Benedict
Daughter of The Egg Monsters
Egg Monsters from Mars
Killer Style
I just adore bright, sunny clothing. Clothing that tells the world I’m ready to seize the day!
Freaky Flaw
I am practically a mother to my classmates both in good ways and bad ways. And by bad ways, I mean smothering ways.
Quiche! He’s a little chick I found one day. Isn’t he just the cutest?!
Favorite Activity
I love to “crack” jokes with my friends, especially egg puns. Some may say they’re overdone, but I think they’re “eggcellent”!
Pet Peeve
I’m an early bird at heart and I prefer to keep it that way. So don’t force me to stay up or I’ll flip! Really, I don’t like sudden routine changes in general.
Favorite Subject
Home Ick. My favorite parts are cooking for the Creepateria and sewing blankets!
Least Favorite Subject
Volcanology. I can’t take the heat, I’ll melt...or worse; cooked alive!
Favorite Colors
Yellow, Orange, White, and Pale Green
Favorite Food
Bacon and ham! And all kinds of breakfast food really! Except for eggs, no way would I eat my own kind!
Terra Firma (OC) Clara Shipman (OC) Roberta Krueger (OC) Edd Goldberg (EW MH AU Only)
Sunny is good at cooking, especially breakfast foods like bacon and pancakes.
Sewing Sunny knows how to sew, her favorite thing to sew being blankets
As her name would suggest, Sunny is a ray of, well, sunshine! She’s an optimist who always tries to look on the bright side. She can also be described as a   “mom friend” among the students who cares a lot for the safety and wellbeing of her peers. She also has a sense of humor, as she's fond of egg-based puns. Sunny is, however, a stickler for routine, and will often get upset if something or someone throws a wrench in it. She can also be a bit overprotective and smothering towards those she’s fond of.
Trivia/Additional Information
Sunny’s name comes from egg dishes. The first name from Sunny-Side-Up Eggs and the last name from Eggs Benedict.
Sunny’s pet is also named after an egg dish, that being a quiche.
Her birthday is April 12th. The month comes from when “Egg Monsters from Mars” was released, while the day comes from the fact there are a dozen eggs in a carton. This makes her an Aries.
Her headcanon voice actress is Erika Harlacher who voiced Ami Kawashima from Toradora.
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blazedrawsstuff · 1 year
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Meet Betsy Voorhees, daughter of Jason Voorhees!
Betsy Voorhees
Daughter of Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees
Killer Style
Eighties outdoor fashion.
Freaky Flaw
Sometimes I forget my own strength, just be ready for me to pop more than a few joints if I give you a hug.
Can’t say I have a pet, but I am friendly with the local wildlife around camp.
Favorite Activity
Hockey is my favorite sport, in fact, I’m the school’s hockey captain. Let me tell you the fights that happen on the rink don’t last long while I’m around.
Pet Peeve
When some monsters get on my case for not speaking. But what really gets on my nerves is when they mock others for their appearance. If you looked like me, you’d wear a mask too.
Favorite Subject
Wood shop. It’s where my skills at camp really pay off. And Physical Deaducation, of course.
Least Favorite Subject
Swimming…for personal reasons.
Favorite Colors
Blue and Green
Favorite Food
Granola bars. Healthy, portable, and full of energy. It’s the perfect camping snack.
Roberta Krueger (OC) Tailia Poach (OC) Berry Jellyjam (OC) Lupita Ahogada (OC) Terra Firma (OC) Venus McFlytrap Scarah Screams
As a revenant zombie, she is immortal.  Supernatural Strength Much like Jason, Betsy can pick up, break, throw, and move objects (as well as people) larger and heavier than she is. Pain Resistance While not completely immune to pain, Betsy is able to shake off a good deal of pain and continue functioning in many scenarios where pain would disable, knock out, or otherwise damage the average person.
To get around her reluctance to speak, Betsy uses sign language to communicate with others nonverbally.
Athleticism Betsy shows immense athletic prowess, so much so that she’s the leader of Monster High’s hockey team. Stealth Betsy can sneak up to her intended targets without making a sound. It’s a common running gag for her to sneak up on others, spooking them.
Betsy is often referred to as “the quiet one”. Which is rather apt, as it’s very rare for her to speak verbally, instead preferring to communicate through sign language, writing, or body language. Aside from that, she is loyal to others and can even act as a mother figure to them, albeit sometimes to an overprotective degree. Betsy is quite stoic, and is both physically and emotionally strong, almost unfazed by any physical or emotional pain. However, there are times where she forgets her own strength, such as hugging someone only to crack more than a few joints. She also looks up to her dad a lot, making her quite the fathers girl.
Trivia/Additional Information
Betsy’s name is a reference to Betsy Palmer, who played Pamela Voorhees in the first Friday the 13th film. Betsy’s birthday is May 13th, the month coming from when the first Friday the 13th film released. And the day coming from, you guessed it, Friday the 13th. This makes her a Taurus. May also had Friday the 13th back in 2005, 2011, and 2022 just to name a few. While she rarely speaks. Betsy does have a headcanon voice actress, that being Jessica Gee-George who played Sakura Ogami from the Danganronpa series. She is asexual
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