#robin x vance
deadbydad · 2 years
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I made some things!
I will make more!
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dogguq · 2 years
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rideordiewithme · 6 months
Just a thought
Everyone says that Vance and Robin are enemies and don't get along because they are the strongest kids in school, that they are rivals because of their strength and competitiveness.
What they don't see are the hidden glances that Vance takes at Robin after the brunette gets into a fight, his arms covered in scratches and bruises, a black eye and red marks adorning his face. The blond can't help but look at him a little too long, tracing the marks on his skin and looking for any indication of pain. Not that he'd say anything if he noticed one.
They don't see the way Robin watches Vance play Pinball from afar, a small smirk spreading across his lips when the blond beats his own high score and celebrates with a bag of chips and a pop.
They don't see how Robin keeps spare quarters in his jeans whenever he goes to the Grab n' Go, hoping Vance will be there, just to see the blond be happy doing something he enjoys.
Everyone misses how Vance knows he's run out of quarters; his pockets were empty a second ago. But that was before a certain brunette passed by, secretly slipping another roll of them into the pocket of Vance's jeans, the blond smirking knowingly and shrugging it off when his friends give him a questioning look.
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ghostlyfighter · 1 year
Billy: Robin is a boy now?
Vance: He is not a woman, he is not a man, he is something you will NEVER understand but he would die for me.
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nympippi · 2 years
What do you think about Robin x Vance?
I think it’s a cute ship! ^^
I can see it working out with both Vance and Robin being the really cool and intimidating couple. The kind that knows they're cool and can kick ass, and look good while they do it.
They would probably go boxing together and trade scar stories.
It's definitely not a ship I've though much about in comparison to other ships but I still think its cute and would like to see it more :D
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vinsmokesanjithing · 2 years
New idea i was plaining on write-
Boston University wanted to create a baseball team, so as one of the students previously known to have played baseball, Bruce was asked if he could get a group of people together to form the team, a task which he did. carried out beginning that same day.
what bruce did not expect was that no one in the group had any experience in baseball, except the boy Blake, what would the coach do now with this team?
Vance, the guitarist of a garage band, Robin, the vocalist of said band and Billy the pianist of the band (who, by the way, works part-time in a coffee shop).
Griffin, the gymnast that nobody knew, and finally Finney, the boy who studies arts and physics (he used to play baseball, but he quit because it didn't give him time to take care of his sister, and also because his father told him that he was a waste of time).
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finneysbaseball · 9 months
tbp boys with a girly/feminine reader
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Finney Blake
first of all he would love seeing you in any kind of pink stuff he would literally die on the spot
he just thinks ur so cute
you’d pair really well with him since he’s all gloomy and sad
he would love to show u off omg:(((
im giggling just thinking abt it
Robin Arellano
he would also love showing you off
look at my gf isn’t she so cute with all her pink clothes 🤭
you would have him blushinggg
he’d get you a pink bandana
maybe even a pink one for himself if you ask nicely
Vance Hopper
yk they do say opposites attract 🤷‍♀️
mean scary doberman bf and cute pink rag doll cat gf!!!
if any one made fun of you well lets just pray from them
even tho you two are different in many ways he would adore u so bad
borderline obsessed with you
Bruce Yamada
ugh i love baseball boys
he loves buying you pink accessories
headbands, bracelets, any kind of pinkish makeup he can find
he would wear pink for you
his teammates are so jealous
who wouldn’t be like look at you guys
he loves that you love pink
so cute
this is so short im sorry ya’ll 😭
this is probably my last hc cus im just not that into writing anymore, but i really did enjoy writing for you guys
also im sorry this is so late 😭😭
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p1nballcyxzc · 3 months
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in3rci4 · 5 months
maybe you could do TBP boys x GN reader who is always serious and calm and doesn't have the habit of smiling, smiling for the first time
Thank you for the request and for giving an idea too 😊🥹 ! I appreciate it , hope it's not too bad ❤️‍🩹
" And then they smiled , that's what i'm after . A smile on their eyes , the sound of their laugher"
The title comes from a small piece of the lyrics of the song " Drift away" from Steven Universe
Prompt : The Black Phone boys reaction at the reader who's always serious and calm , smile and laugh for the first time
Characters included: Vance Hopper , Bruce Yamada , Billy Showalter , Robin Arellano , Griffin Stagg , Finney Blake
WARNINGS !! : Character x reader content , no use of y/n , idk what else to say , Gn ! Reader , Reader might have some backstory I guess ¿? maybe a mix of Fluff and Angst ¿? Some gonna be shorter than others , spelling mistakes
Vance Hopper
You two knew each other for some time now , you were home schooled not so long ago so you didn't had an idea of Pin Ball Vance Hopper reputation . The moment the teacher assigned the both of you for a project , you weren't walking on eggshells like everybody else did with him while talking , you didn't expect anything from him , for you , Vance was just ... Vance . That's the exact reason why you befriend him in no time , your non judgmental personality , and you were completely unaware he wasn't like this with anyone , anyone but you . Even if your words were nice and honest he noticed how cautious you were with your movements and expressions , he thought it was weird at first , your voice didn't matched with the look in your face in his opinion , but Vance got used to it pretty quick , he's not a smiley guy either , he was ... A little more grumpy person than you . Just like usual , in the weekend you would stay by his side watching him play his Pin Ball game , and also making sure he didn't beat anyone if anything went wrong with it , but those are details . You got hungry and decided to buy Mrs Ellen a small snack bag , when you went back to the side of the machine ( not too close to possibly bump it though ) he started to get close to beating his high score . You gasped in excitement and then he heard the sound of the machine saving his new record on the top of it . Vance let go of the arcade game machine and started to shake you excited as well by your arms , you doing the exact same thing with the snack bag still in your hands
" You did it Vance , you finally beat your high score !"
You said with a smile while laughing of enjoyment
" See !? Told ya , told ya I would fucking beat that shit , didn't I !? "
You kept laughing and smiling from the happiness of had seen it happening after so long , so many failed tries were worth for this day to happen . Vance in the other hand stopped moving your body to stare at you instead .
You were smiling , smiling in a genuine , happy and .... He would say in a beautiful way too . Is this how you look like when you're happy ? The real you ?
Maybe he should try to get you to smile more often .
Confused about the sudden change of attitude you asked him with a small giggle
" Vance , are you ok ? "
Yes , he would be ok , as long as you are with him for a little longer like this .
Bruce Yamada
He was a popular and loved guy , he didn't had trouble hanging with almost everybody in school, and Bruce didn't have to do any effort in finding someone to date either . And yet , a particular classmate of his , you , was the one that had all his attention . A person that minded their own business and never had smile in front of anybody before , and still looks like a magazine model .
Bruce wanted to get close to you for years , but he never had the opportunity , ironically , he never had the courage to go straight at you and tell how good looking you are , you look so serious that you kinda scared him , but not enough to stop liking you .
The biology teacher didn't had a clue how happy he made Bruce the day he paired you and him in a project for the science , finally he could have his opportunity , his chance with you . Dying of anxiety inside like his first baseball game , he asked you
" Hey , I know we never talked before and stuff , but would you like to stop at my house tomorrow to speed up things ? For the project , you know ? Maybe we could go out somewhere in the weekend if everything goes well "
Looking into his eyes and with suspicion in yours you asked as well
" As a date ?"
He wasn't expecting you to be straightforward as well , so he fidget with his fingers a little and with a nervous yet bright smile he said
" Yeah , I mean , if you want to of course "
The recess bell rang and everybody stood up to be free again , you grabbed your book and walked towards the door , but before you leave you said looking at him
" it's a date then "
With a smile that could've killed Bruce if he didn't want to stay alive to see you tomorrow , God bless the biology teachers man .
Billy Showalter
His dog Harper was Billy's loyal companion , a very well behaved girl too , never biting things that she shouldn't , no barking unless there's danger or she's commanded to , not jumping into people in excitement , in general , a really good girl . The mornings delivering News Papers are much better with her by his side , at that hour people are still processing their awakening and there's little people on the street , but the ones that are outside never got a complain about her , in fact , they usually want to ask for permission to pet her instead . Lately someone that he seen outside at early morning was you , sometimes with groceries in your hand , sometimes only walking by yourself . You were one of Billy's classmate , but he doesn't talk with anybody in it , at least not anymore , and you were no exception . Sometimes he founds himself staring at you and then snapping out of it , trying to ignore whatever feeling he had to do such thing , but something about you , that mysterious unexpressive charm , the stern look in your eyes , is something that he can't quite describe with words and is afraid of digging for a definition in his mind . Unfortunately for this boy one of those mornings you decided to walk your rescued male dog and Harper for the first time ran away towards the dog to meet him , both with waggy happy tails sniffing each other . Billy stops his bike at a mailbox and runs towards her , to you
" Harper ! Harper ! I'm Sorry , she's never like that , I don't know what's up with her "
The female dog comes close to you waiting to be petted , and you were more than happy to give her what she wanted
" it's ok , she's a really good girl , she just wanted to meet the new handsome boy here "
Billy knew you were referring about your dog , but his stupid brain still made his cheeks burn from the blush , why's he's being like this ?
Harper licks your hand and you giggle from the tickle feeling in your palm , you smile , and he smiles too . More pleased about the morning you said
" You want me to walk with you while you deliver your papers ? Then we can both take the dogs for a walk "
Something more mysterious about you was how quickly you made Billy accepted the fact once for all about his crush about you , maybe the moment your face light up with your smile had enchanted him
" Yeah , I don't mind , Harper hasn't seen that many dogs around anyway "
Harper always helping him in the simple things , she's for sure getting a special treat today after you're gone .
Robin Arellano
He may not seem like that , but he's a person with a good memory and remembers a bunch of people even they don't remember him ( Difficult to say since almost everybody in school knows his name ) . He remembers you from elementary school , Robin thought you were the cute one of the class , although his classmates prefer to call you the " quiet " one . He noticed how you never changed , always focusing on your studies and never smiling , not even for the photos , not even for politeness , always keeping your expressions neutral and seriousness in your way of acting .
Life crossed your paths the day a bully that didn't find his victim who didn't showed up in school decided to go after you instead , poor choice of decision , because Robin did , he showed up , and beat him up .
After he was done , he walked on his way to the boy's bathroom , but you stopped him , and Robin was deep down afraid he messed up things instead of making them better between both of you
" Robin ! "
Trying to keep his cool when he hears your voice behind him , he turns around and responds
" yeah ?"
Without finding more words to describe your gratitude , you kept it simple and said with a gentle smile
" Thank you "
Yes ! He did impressed you ! It was all damn worth it !
" No problem "
Robin walked again feeling like the main character of an action movie , and you smiled at him too ? You ? The good looking and serious you ? Nah he ain't forgetting this day for nothing !
Finney Blake
This year he wasn't sitting alone on the back on the class , well , he was still on the back on the class , but he was sharing his desk this time , with you . Finney had to admit it was hella awkward , I mean , he can't complain that much since it could be worse or Finney himself is too much of a shy guy to start a conversation or keep it on with a stranger . You , his desk mate , never talked to him , not even once , and your cold serious personality didn't make things easier , the two of you introverts , teachers never had to complain about the noise that you guys could make in class . A regular day in math class the teacher talked about the possibility of numbers being negative and being under the 0 , this got the interest of the students because it was something relatively new so far .
Finney murmured to himself casually
" Damn , not even numbers can't stay positive "
It was a bad joke ? Yes , but it was so unexpected he stole a snort and giggle from you , you had to shut yourself up with your hand or else more laughing would be heard by the teacher .
In Finney's opinion it was a terrible one , he's not even that funny , he was surprised yet amused at your sudden change of expression . Maybe he could push his luck a little further ?
" I guess we can't be negative if we just started "
You stopped from escaping a laugh from your mouth once again , maybe Finney couldn't see your complete smile , but your half closed happy eyes got his ego fly over the roof .
They say " stay with the one that makes you laugh "
So don't worry , laugh all you want from now on , he's good at math anyway , he can always teach you if you got too distracted for him .
Not like Finney minds your company at all .
Griffin Stagg
The day he saw you smile after 2 years of watching you keeping your face as unexpressed as possible , was the day a older group of bullies bumped into him , and God , he was so fine with being invisible for other students and not dealing with being a punch bag , that he tried to run away as fast as he could before they could do anything . But stronger and experts on making kid's lives hell , they quickly grabbed his shirt and started to mock him and test him in front of everybody in the cafeteria . Griffin didn't say anything , he couldn't , or else it would be worse , he knows that like the back of his hand . 3 tall dudes , 1 grabbing his shirt , 2 grabbing each of the boy's arms , it seemed like everything was lost , but you pulled up the one in front of Griffin by the shirt and tucked him to the ground . The two boys left pushed Griffin to the ground as well , and went straight to attack you .
But you dodge all of them easily .
After giving the whole cafeteria a show to watch , the boys got up and swore that it wasn't over , but you couldn't care less . You walked towards Griffin and offered him your hand , he stays still without knowing what to say or do more than stare in confusion , until he spoke
" Thank you ... For helping me "
With a big bright smile that didn't fit someone like you , so serious and capable of defeating 3 guys , you responded
" It's nothing , now get up Griff "
Griff ? No one has called him like that before . But , it doesn't sound bad , right ? He kinda likes the nickname .
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thewritersofdeceased · 6 months
TBP boys and their green flags ?¿
Thanks for reading ✌️
The Black Phone Boys and Green Flags!! Thank you for requesting! :)
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Good at keep conversation with you
Interested in you
Good listener
He regularly follows up with you
Protective (Not too protective)
Willing to fight for you
Listens to your needs/wants
Laughs a lot
Open minded (Hobbies, sports, etc)
Helps you with anything you're having difficulties with
protective of you
no female best friend
shares his food with you
gives you his vest if you ask, just don't expect it often
dances/listens to music with you
constant check ins to make sure you're okay!
goals after highschool
good relationship with his mom
can keep a conversation going
down to hangout whenever!
will talk about you to anyone
"this reminded me of you!"
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horror130 · 7 months
Hey , can i request all the TBP boys x jealous reader Hcs ? Thanks for reading ⭐
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TBP boys x jealous GN reader
(I wanted to post this on Valentine's Day but I ended up getting confused with some things……., WELL! Anyway, here's a Valentine's Day special a little late).
⭐ Finney feels embarrassed and flattered, he feels loved when you show jealousy towards him, but don't worry as much as he thinks it's cute when you get jealous he tries his best not to make you jealous, and Finn always assures you that he's just your.
☀️ Robin like Finn thinks your jealousy is cute, he will be teasing you because you feel jealous of him, Robin won't be making you jealous he doesn't want you to feel insecure, if Robin notices that you are jealous he will try to reassure you with physical touch such as hugging you or kissing your cheek or placing a hand on your waist.
♠️ In Vance's opinion you get hot when you're jealous, one time a girl was hitting on him and you hugged him from behind to show the girl that you two are together he loved it but he'll never admit it to you, Vance will tease you saying that you are almost as jealous of him as he is of you (which is not true), you don't get jealous very often since almost no one has the courage to approach Vance.
⚾ Well, it's nothing new that a lot of girls flirt with Bruce even though they know he's dating, so you being jealous of Bruce is a recurring thing, Bruce thinks your jealousy is cute, he gets a little upset with your jealousy, thinking that you don't trust him. (make it very clear to him that you trust him and that you just don't trust others), Bruce doesn't really pay attention to girls who flirt with him, Bruce makes it very clear to everyone that he's dating and that he's not interested in anyone else! .
🐶 You don't get jealous of Billy very often since he doesn't get much attention from girls, but every now and then someone hits on him and when that happens he tells you straight up that he's dating, and then he leaves, so you Rarely gets jealous, but when you do, Billy says you look like his jealous dog.
Griffin (platonic)
🎈 Griffin is a little surprised when you get jealous of him since he's usually the one who's jealous of you, but honestly he's not complaining, he thinks it's cute and fun when you're jealous of him, he always plays with you when he realizes you're with him. jealousy.
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deadbydad · 2 years
Finney: I don't have the energy for this Bruce: Energy for what? Finney: *points at Robin and Vance fighting*
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deadghosy · 10 months
Okay, So I was wondering if you could do Vance, Robin, Finney reacting to their s/o getting a bloody nose in the middle of a horror movie
Feel free to ignore!
Finney panicked thinking you got possessed and starts to cry like the cat meme
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Like he really ran from you as if you would come under his bed and grab his legs. It took you and Gwen to calm down for him to finally realize it was just a bloody nose.
And now finney lost privilege of watching horror movies with you 
This mofo would side eye you as if you just told him some dumb shit.
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Tbh you would probably act possessed to only be met with a smack to the back of ya head. 😭
You and Vance had to fight over the popcorn and blanket which was fun after the whole possession Fiasco. 
Robin definitely was different from Vance and finney, he literally grabbed a tissue for you, you didn’t have the balls to act possessed because he would knock you tf out 😭
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This is definitely his reaction because he was confused at your nose blood and just got you a napkin and continued to watch the movie with you.
But after you explained that you get nose bleeds often he just went with it with a shrug and said “okay.”
And then the rest was history with him always bringing napkins when you both watch horror movies or just hang out.
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rideordiewithme · 10 months
You're here...? (Part two!)
This is part two to my very first post! "You're here...?"
please read the first part before reading this part (the story won't make sense for storyline reasons) and please check the TW's!!!!! On the first part or the tags at the bottom of this post!!
"Wait..." Robin backs up, wiping his teary eyes and looking up at Vance with a small smile, almost mischievous the way he looks into Vance's eyes like he has a plan.
"You're dead, right?" There's an idea in Robin's head, and it makes him smile and turn around to his nightstand, starting to dig through it.
"Yeah..." Vance said with a nod, not really sure why that was a question. "...I'm dead."
He'd shift up from where he sat, watching his friend dig through his nightstand. "What exactly are you doing, Ro?"
"Well..." Robin starts, shaking his head and opening another drawer. "Since you're dead... if I... was… if I was dead. Then... technically... we could be together again."
He keeps looking through his drawers, trying to find something, his movements almost desperate.
Vance stiffens at the mention, the possibility that they could become something after he died if Robin followed through. "-Robin... Don't do something stupid." He said, trying to hide the urgency in his voice.
"I'm here now, there's no need for you to... to throw your living life away for me."
He could be a ghost, but Robin was real. Real and alive, his living life still in front of him, and Vance was scared of messing that up for him.
"Vance. A life without you is not a life worth living." Robin says, his voice rough, he's holding back tears. He keeps searching desperately in his drawers before making his way to his closet and pulling at the floorboards, eventually finding one that popped out with ease.
"...Robin-" Vance started, but he fell short of saying anything else.
He couldn't stop his friend from giving up his future life and becoming something like him.
It's something he'd dreamed of back then, being able to see Robin again...but not by making him give up everything. Vance only nodded his head, moving closer to Robin with as much caution as he could before kissing him on the forehead. "Fine...I still love you, regardless."
Robin stops searching, wrapping his arms around Vance's neck and pulling him down onto the ground next to him.
"You wanna spend my final moments with me?" His voice was a little shaky. He was scared, but he wanted to do this.
Needed to do this.
Vance was worried, but he could see how his friend desperately wanted to be with him after death, and he wasn’t about to break his heart.
“Always.” Vance whispered, leaning closer to the boy as he ran a through the boy’s hair.
“...I’ve always loved you." Robin takes a deep breath.
"I've always loved you too, Vance." He smiles, enjoying Vance's fingers in his hair before he turns back to the closet, bending down to grab a knife and two bottles of pain Killers.
"You ready, Vance?”
“As ready as I'll ever be.” Vance sighed quietly, pulling Robin in for a very gently kiss, their first kiss, before they move onto what happens in the afterlife. They know it's not going to be easy, but at least they have each other.
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ghostlyfighter · 11 months
Vance: I swallow the discount codes like it's a mealy apple- I'm just that cheap. Saving money y'know?
Robin: What you swallow will be souls because you look like an 80 year old.
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literallythegrabber · 6 months
Hcs about how would you think they would react at a Haunted house ? Thank you for reading 👍
sorry this took so long, I was procrastinating again, and my teachers love when I don't sleep to do their unnecessarily large portions of work!😁 Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
He's a scaredy cat
He doesn't want to admit it because he wants to look cool, but it's obvious.
He's shuddering the whole time yall are there. You tell him if he's scared, yall can leave, and he just like
"Y/n, don't worry, I'm just cold" he says while looking around anxiously.
"Finney, it's 70 degrees out, there's no way ur cold."
He's in a complete state of paranoia, and nothing can shake him out of it.
Yall remember that scene, when he was watching that scary movie while Gwen was at Susie's house?
And he got so freaked out, even though the blood looked like tomato sauce.
He's like that but 10 times worst.
You could lightly, like a feather) tap him on the shoulder, and he'll turn into Hoppy Hopscotch and flinch away from you.
Won't let go of your hand the entire time, he uses you to stay grounded (sane).
Would probably go with you and Gwen or Robin because he wants them to protect you cause he knows he can't.
Is probably a little bit freaked out, but he channels it differently.
Like... with his fist.
He's squared up the entire time your there.
He's a bit jumpy, so try not to touch him unprovoked.
Like you just tap him on the shoulder, and he freaks out and hits you square in the face.
"I told you not to sneak up on me! Dumbass..."
"Dude I said I was sorry."
Will probably fight the actors, and get you both kicked out.
Like, I honestly wouldn't go with him, sir you're staying home today.
He kinda ruins the experience, he has you behind him at all times, so you literally can't see shit.
Your parent/parents would ask you "Was it scary y/n?"
Ur like "Well I wouldn't know, you should ask Robin 😒"
While he's walking you home, he's thinking to himself about how cool he must've looked in front of you, protecting you and stuff.
and ur like, "Robin, I had no fun. You ruined the ENTIRE thing."
Safe to say yall are going to the arcade for your next date.
Probably the best to go with tbh.
Is just there to have fun, that's it.
I don't think he gets that scared, like he'll jump a little and then that's it.
If he does get scared, he'll probably just start complimenting the actor while ur just standing there like "😐"
Yall are just skipping down a dark, creepy hallway holding hands and you get jumpscared.
Ur over here about to pass out and he's just like "nice hat".
Like hello?
He just doesn't get that scared.
But he'll want to reassure you if you're the type to get scared easily.
Will try and sneak his baseball bat in the house (idk how he'll pull that off lmao) if it makes you feel better.
And this isn't really important, but I feel like he'd be the dumbest in horror movies.
Since he doesn't get frightened easily, he'd most likely be the most naive and say, "Let's split up!😃".
(that's probably what got him kidnapped💀)
Have I mentioned how annoying he is?
People think I have some personal beef with his character, but I swear I don't.
I just headcanon him as a bitch lmao.
But at a haunted house I think he'd be fearless.
He'd just be unbothered the entire time.
He'd probably complain about going. You guys spend most of your dates at grabngo (lame ass date vance) playing pinball.
So it makes sense that he'd rather be there.
His face the entire time would just be "😒", like turn that frown upside down?
He'd probably laugh when you get jumpscared.
But if you do get a little too frightened, he'd start cursing the actor out instead of just leaving.
Like the man is just trying to do his job.
So you guys would probably get kicked out, thanks Vance 😊.
But if yall don't, and you get scared, he'd place a reassuring hand on your wrist, to calm you down.
And that's about it, otherwise he's a jerk.
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