redeemedqueen · 2 years
@robinoflccksley from x  ||  “ it’s always been you.  ”
"Has it? Because I'm fairly certain I saw you kissing Daniel in the stables just the other night." Watching the scene unfolded a pain Robin of Locksley never felt before. Years the two spent summers together due to their families hopes of the kids falling in love. Robin would do anything for Regina. A dumbstruck smitten noble who couldn’t match up to a smooth stable boy. "You may be betrothed to me but I don't believe I will ever truly have you." Whispered words cracked with emotion. Years were spent trying to win Regina’s affections and it was now clear his life would not be one filled with love. “You need not lie to me. He is your first choice.”
Seeing Robin hurt so badly because of her caused Regina an unimaginable pain. “Alright... you want the truth?” Robin was never meant to know about it, but now when her affair with Daniel was out in the open, he deserved the truth from her. Robin deserved her honesty right now, no matter how conflicting or painful it was. “Yes. Daniel is my first choice. Was my first choice. With him, it’s always been... free. There was never the pressure of falling in love and everything was so easy even if it was kept hidden.” Regina was infatuated with their stable boy for years before they were old enough to let anything happen. Robin was the boy she spent entire summers with, the boy who became her best friend, knowing he’d be her husband some day in the future, but feelings were always missing. They used to laugh about it as children. It almost felt strange to know she’d be marrying her friend, and as she grew older Regina realized how absurd it was that she had no say on the matter when it came to her own decisions in life. “I love him, I was ready to destroy everything and run away with him, but he’s... he isn’t you, Robin.” It was the first time Regina admitted it to herself. Ever since she got together with Daniel, something was missing. She was still with him because the stable boy had became such a big part of her life now, even if they were taking a risk by having an affair, but her heart always longed for Robin and it took her too damn long to realize that. Every summer that ended was a torture, knowing they had to wait nearly another year before seeing each other again. Every moment spent with him felt like magic. Hours of endless talks, or just fooling around like they used to do as kids... the feelings were there all along and Regina was always too young and inexperienced to see it. She now had no doubt that she’s always been in love with Robin without even realizing it and every time they were together proved it. “I will never love him the way I love you. Not the way I’ve always loved you.”
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madamxmayor · 3 years
@robinoflccksley​ || closed starter
regina would’ve liked to say that it was the pregnancy hormones or the stress of the upcoming wedding that were turning her half sister into a raging psychopath but the truth of the matter was, zelena had always been a little bit insane. it just wasn’t normally her problem. they were sparks in a powder keg, both competitive by nature with a short fuse and relentlessly stubborn but aside from the occasional family dinners, they usually managed to avoid each other’s company. but zelena wouldn’t be zelena, if - even well into her third trimester - she weren’t trying to turn her wedding into a state affair. and she wouldn’t be their mother’s daughter, if she had any respect for regina’s personal boundaries whatsoever. “him?” one hand permanently resting against the swell of her stomach, zelena narrowed her eyes at them. “this is a joke, right? you’re not seriously bringing your childhood playmate as your date? that’s pathetic even for you.” she scoffed, directing a petty sneer at them and regina found herself wanting to strangle that fake british accent from her. “please tell me you’re at least shagging him.” “actually,” regina shot back instead, reaching out to grip robin’s hand, “we’re engaged.” they weren’t. they weren’t even dating. robin was her oldest and dearest friend and for a moment, regina found herself wondering if insanity did run in the family. part of her wanted to backtrack but she didn’t. couldn’t. because this so neatly killed two birds with one stone, leaving both her mother and sister gaping at her and her supposed fiancé.
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legends-and-savages · 3 years
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@robinoflccksley​ sent:  " at least i've got you here to take care of me, right? " (For Regina)
send in " at least i've got you here to take care of me, right? " for my muse to tend to your muse's wounds after a fight/battle.| Accepting
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A small tut from Regina as she set about cleaning his wounds.  “You do, but I don’t particularly like having to do this.”  She said.  “It makes me worry about you.”  She knew he could handle himself, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to fret over him.  “So if I can ask what was it about this time?”
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hclfgoddess · 3 years
“  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ” (For Regina)
"and what, exactly, did i say?"
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scviorswan · 4 years
@robinoflccksley liked for a starter
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Working alongside the man, Emma had learnt a few things about Robin, but alone time between them, was a very rare thing. Emma barely spent time with the archer and as much as she would prefer to spend the time with him over others, it was a rare occurrence. Now, they were in the office, both of them looking over floor plans while Regina dealt with another town crisis, while they slaved away over their magical crisis. “There are entrance points here, here and underneath here.” Pointing at each entrance she looked up at Robin before sighing, “so I can take one with Killian, you can with Regina and my mom and dad can take the third? We just have to make sure the trap works.”
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icouldhavebeenhappy · 4 years
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It had been two weeks since he went from just another passing stranger in the street, to now a lunchtime regular in her bar. Roni knew practically everyone in the Heights, Rowan Oxley one of very few that she didn’t. He had came in at the same time almost everyday, ordering the exact same thing ▬ only today he was an hour late. 
Glancing up at the clock, her eyes narrowed. Okay maybe he had a session that ran on longer than usual, but still. Unsure why she actually cared all that much, she rested on the thought that perhaps she had just gotten so used to his company, she kinda missed it. The banter between the two was always playful, he was charming and extremely handsome ▬ only she wouldn’t be foolish enough to tell him that. He would only relish on the fact she thought of him in such a way. Continuing on with her work, she had here and now customers that desired her attention.
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witchyxwoo · 3 years
@robinoflccksley​ // one-liner starter for robin from robin
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she shook her head and chuckled as she put the arrow back into her pack. “you know you’re lucky i hadn’t accidentally fired that shot.”
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storiesungmoved · 3 years
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@robinoflccksley​ sent 🛑 For Regina
add + to reverse so receiver is the one cleaning blood off sender
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It happens so fast. The instincts to protect Robin from whoever dare to do him harm kicked in. A particularly vicious spell that causes blood to splatter all over her from the way she’d harmed his attacker is cast but she doesn’t regret it, even if she could do without blood staining her face and expensive clothes.
They’ve left to the safety of her home and he’s now cleaning the blood off of her. There’s no salvaging her clothing but at least there’s cleaning the blood off of her face, off of her cheek an around her eyes. 
She eventually brings her hand up to grasp ahold of his wrist in order to stop him. “Stop. I’m alright. Let me do that.”
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mystoryjustbegun · 3 years
@robinoflccksley liked for a starter
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Regina thrived on working alone, no one else needed to get involved with her own messes when it came to the evil queen. It was safe for them and she didn't get hurt that way. "Flattery will get you no where Hood, you're still my competition," she noticed she's been seeing him a lot lately, after his attempt rescue which she didn't need.
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saviourisms · 4 years
Happy Mother's Day, Emma!
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Emma forced a smile at the greeting and nodded. Despite always aware that her child was somewhere in the world, Emma never truly celebrated Mother’s Day. It was already a painful day for her every year given her past, but Henry came to find her and now she was adjusting to being that very title she swore in the delivery room she never could be. I can never be a mother. Being a mother is still new and she often thinks how she is failing Henry, but Robin wishing her with that greeting was just the thing she needed to encourage her. Despite Emma giving her own son up just like her parents did, Henry never seemed to hold a grudge against her and understood her when no one else did. 
“Uh-- thanks.” She replied, “I’m still new to this whole mother thing... but thanks. I appreciate it.”
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redeemedsoutlaw · 2 years
Life has gotten away with me so I apologize for the disappearing act. Replies will be coming slowly but I am working on them. Please let me know if you would like to continue our threads by sending me an IM otherwise I will put them at the end of the list. 
formerly robinoflccksley
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redeemedqueen · 3 years
Regina Mills couldn’t yet tell if moving away from the big city and into the mountain area of Colorado was the best or most stupid decision in her life. Although, the most stupid decision she ever made was possibly what caused her to move so far away in the first place. A lying, deceptive nostalgic ex who was full of lies and empty promises. Not that she regretted it, now that she was carrying the result of a reckless, passionate reunion with her high school sweetheart during one weekend sometime eight months ago. She hated Daniel’s guts for making her believe they could have a future together, but couldn’t regret the fact that she was about to become a mother. One thing was clear to her then - she couldn’t stay in the city. Daniel would never get to have any part in her life again, or her child’s life, and while he no longer lived in Boston, Regina couldn’t risk another chance meeting with the man who broke her heart in more than one way. It was an extreme decision, the drastic change of environment, but one that Regina made with a clear mind. But her new life took a massive turn when she finally settled in: she was becoming a mother of two, and that was a twist she never anticipated. Life would surely be busy and hectic, but she’d find a way to cope, as always.
But as the weeks went by and the closer she got to the birth of her children, the terrified realization hit her... her life had just changed so drastically, and it was about to go under a massive change again. Not even the nursery was ready yet, because every time Regina tried, she was taken by an overwhelming feeling and it was difficult to breathe.
If that wasn’t enough, anxiety gripped her hard these past months. Several braxton hicks have sent her to the hospital and making Regina seem like an overly anxious mother-to-be (which, she was,) over these common false alarms. And yet, there she was again, just under three weeks after the last time, Regina rushed through the door of her apartment as she grabbed her hospital suitcase on her way out. Having twins, knowing she could go into an early labor was always a risk, but it was still a little too early even for an early labor and these false alarms were scary enough to cause Regina such a fright of a real emergency. Still, she attempted to remain calm this morning, when Regina woke up with an uncomfortable pain. She would have called her doctor, just to make sure this time, but something was different. It felt different, and the pain didn’t seem to cease. Damn, she was already that kind of stressed mother-to-be and it was embarrassing enough, but Regina didn’t want to risk wasting any more time on phone calls and waiting on the line to speak to her doctor. Her instincts kicked in and she simply grabbed the suitcase and walked out, anxiously waiting for the elevator as she nervously and protectively caressed her belly while the pain gradually increased. It felt like forever before the elevator was there, and Regina stepped inside and pressed the ground floor button.
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madamxmayor · 3 years
@robinoflccksley​ || cont. from x
The irritable tone did nothing but bring pleasure to the outlaw. This had not been the first time the bandit had stolen from him but it would be the last! A greeting was hissed in return as hands pressed wrists into the stone wall and his body leaned against hers, effectively trapping the woman in place. “Regina.” One of his hands moved to encompass both of hers as the other pressed against the side of a hip. “You think you can steal from the Merry Men and get away with it?” Rumors of the bandit had reached far and wide. This woman was racking up quite a score for herself, but Robin had plans for the gold swiped from the carriage earlier that day. Villages needed to pay taxes, mouths required food and children clothing. Fingers flexed against the hipbone before trailing across her lower stomach, searching for a pouch of gold, absolutely not enjoying the feeling of the woman against him. “Where is it?” Quirked lips grazed the side of the bandit’s neck on the way to her ear. “Unless you want me to search you?”
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arms trapped at an awkward angle above her head, regina struggled half-heartedly against his hold, twisting and tugging, her spine arching and hips pressing firmly into the wall in search for some kind of leverage. “i have no idea what you’re talking about.” did he think her a fool? keeping the loot on her person like some kind of amateur? perhaps he ought not to measure her by the same standards as his merry men, who had stashed the entirety of their valuables in a tent with only one man standing guard. morons. she could have easily taken more than her fair share, but she hadn’t. that gold was rightfully hers. a small grunt passing her lips, her whole body gave an involuntary twitch at the hand tracking along her lower abdomen. “i thought that was what you were doing?” she questioned defiantly, her chuckle a touch on the breathy side, “so you are happy to see me. —maybe buy a lady a drink first.” a lady, regina was not - as she had pointed out on several occasions. but that wasn’t the point. the point was to distract him. hands clenched into tight fist, she gave a sudden and firm tug, managing to free one of her wrists and driving her elbow back into his gut with all the force she could muster.
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legends-and-savages · 3 years
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“I know it’s not my thing, but could you show me how to shoot a bow?”  She asked.  Sure she could use magic, but even with that she wasn’t super great not like her mother.  
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hclfgoddess · 3 years
Henry had made a friend.
For a young boy, that developmental milestone isn’t all that shocking, but for Henry— it was a momentous occasion. Regina was ecstatic. Her son kept to himself. Always with his nose stuck in a book or off in his own little world.
At first, when he was younger, she thought little of it. He would grow out of it, she thought. He will branch out in on his own time, his therapist soothed. The characters in his fairytale books were his friends, he told her.
As he grew older, she feared that the isolation was irreparable. She blamed herself, in many ways. Regina Mills was not know as sociable. Charismatic and charming, by far, but not outgoing. In a small town where everyone knows everyone, that type of personality comes with a price.
Aloof. Dangerous. Evil. Were among some of the kinder words muttered under the breath of passersby.
She was a single mother, to add a cherry on top of the cake.
Then one afternoon, when she picked him up from school, he was bouncing on the balls of this feet. “Mom! I made a new friend.”
“Oh, really? Tell me all about them.”
“His name is Roland! He’s super cool. Ms. Blanchard put us together for partner reading, today. He likes fairy tale books, too. He said his favorite is Robin Hood.”
Regina paused. Roland was a real boy. “That’s amazing, dear.” Henry continued to animatedly talk about his day. Regina nodded, adding words of affirmation here and there. Internally she was so elated she could burst.
That was how, one fine afternoon, Regina found herself face to face with Robin Locksley, Roland’s father.
// @robinoflccksley
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It was an interesting time in his life.
Any chance he had, Henry tried to go see Emma. She was pretty busy now though, now that she actually has a job with the town. It was lonely.
He's been lonely for quite some time now.
His mom would still be at work for two hours or so, so Henry had time to kill before he had to head back home. Henry debated with himself a few times that he should talk to his mom, and he could pretend things were normal for a few moments so the void could be filled.
Something was holding him back though and made him hesitate. He was scared. Any words exchanged between them now was hostile and it made Henry's heart tighten. He didn't want that. He didn't want that at all. He just wanted to be able to talk to his mom, to show her all the cool things he was working on at school, to crawl into her arms when he wasn't having a good day, and so much more. He missed what they had before, but he couldn't look at her anymore without feeling guilt and confusion.
So there he was, alone and wandering around. He considered heading back home, but instead he wandered past the park. It wasn't the sunniest of days yet, a bit overcast, and he was surprised there were two figures yelling happily in the distance. Curiosity won him over and he ventured forward to see a man playing with his very young son. He held his breath for a few moments before he felt his hands start tingle. He wished he could play like this again with his Mom and it made him jealous anytime he saw happy parents and their children playing together.
He wasn't that far away from the two when he finally recognized that it was the locksmith from the other night who dropped off the flowers for his mom.
"Robin Hood has a kid?" He said out loud before he could stop himself. Henry didn't see anything about Robin Hood in the book, and was going off of the regular he read before he received the storybook. He didn't remember anything about a kid. Eyes widening, he tried to look inconspicuous as he sat down on a nearby rock and stared up at the sky, hoping they wouldn't pay much attention to him.
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