#robot fucking its trans girl creator
makuta-tobi · 1 year
Nat stared at her computer screen, cursor blinking in tandem with her heartbeat, so loud in her ears she may as well have been at a metal concert. Months she had worked on her project, skipping meals, staying awake until sunrise, and then a few hours more after that. Now she was a few keystrokes away from finally testing it. Cables ran from her ramshackle computer, meeting and mingling with others attached to a bank of hard drives, all spinning with uploads and downloads. On the inflatable mattress behind her, the fruits of her labour lay eerily still. With a deep, shaky exhale, she typed in the last few lines of code into her launcher, and pressed the enter key.
The whirring of the fans pointed towards the makeshift server seemed to drown out all other noise as the program executed. Then a series of smaller fans, a sharper sound than the box fan nearby, as they all sprang to life at once. Nat pressed her palms together as her creation came online. As servos activated and limbs went from rigid to an almost relaxed state, she couldn't help but whisper “it lives” to herself. The machine in front of her made a sudden jolt, and a light on the side of its head illuminated a pale white. Online and active. She twisted from her position on the floor to check her monitors and saw that all systems were operating nominally. Neural pathways were registering stimuli, artificial synapses were firing as thoughts began to form. It worked!
Nat placed her hand on the machine's upper back and guided it to a sitting position. She had been sure to feed the computer a good handful of data about herself, and the basics of knowledge in order to train the AI and make sure it didn't immediately shut down from overstimulation.
God knows I certainly would have, she thought to herself with an eyeroll.
“Are you awake?” her first question was more of a way to test the robot's speech recognition, its self evaluation, word association, and also to ensure that the vocal modulation was up to satisfactory conditions.
“I am awake,” it responded. The robot drew its arms closer to its torso and seemed to look around the room briefly, before turning its head to face Nat.
“Do you know who I am?” she asked, once again checking its recognition and perception.
“Natalie, you created and programmed me, I believe,” it tilted its head almost as though trying to determine if this was the correct answer. The data she had fed it before it woke up had included details about herself, photos and videos of her, vocal samples, and the AI was interpreting this information and comparing it to the details in front of it. The face, the voice, it all matched. But the robot seemed almost unsure, as if contemplating whether the information it had was incomplete. Perhaps it had been told that this person, whose face and voice it knew, was the one who built it, but that did not necessarily mean the information it had was true. Nonetheless, Nat smiled and nodded, and the robot's shoulders almost imperceptibly relaxed.
“That's right. I did create you, and I programmed you to be something new, but familiar. You have a lot of potential, and I'm glad to meet you.” The robot tilted its head at the framing of the statement.
“What potential do I have?” it asked. A curious mind, or simply a rudimentary AI probing for information to expand its knowledge set?
“You have multiple functions as yet unseen. All of you, from the smallest details of your body, to your quizzical mind, all are new ways to expand the experience of everyone.” When the robot did not respond right away, and simply looked down at its form, still sitting upright on the air mattress, she continued her explanation. “Your frame is designed with limb augments and prosthesis in mind,” she gestured to the carbon fiber metal that made up its hands and arms. “Your sensor suite is expected to replace the damaged vision or hearing of someone who has lost theirs. Your AI can expand and contain the breadth of knowledge and actually learn, instead of just regurgitate answers it had received beforehand.”
“What of this?” the robot touched the gray fleshy material covering its lower abdomen, stretching down to its thighs.
“That is actually two things. The first is a synthetic skin that can be created to replace basic skin grafts and other replacement techniques we currently have. The second is that the skin is used as a mount for artificial nerves that can replace damaged ones.”
The robot ran its hands over its body as she explained it. Fine black digits ran over smooth arms and shoulders, stroking across the lighter fake flesh that extended over parts of itself. It then raised its head and looked at her again, cocking its head to the side. In the black glass dome of its face, Nat could only see her own reflection, distorted like staring into dark water. She had always taken issue with the way her nose sat, or criticized that one eyebrow was higher than the other. The self deprecation had always come easy, but looking back at herself from this angle, it was like seeing herself anew, as she really was. When she had begun construction on the robot's exoskeleton so long ago, she had wondered if this would feel like interacting with her child for the first time, but now, she realized, it was more like talking to herself. She felt love for the machine in a way that was hard to quantify, and thus, she knew, she loved herself, in some weird, roundabout way.
“My design, my purpose, is for medical research, is that correct?” the robot asked. She saw, in her reflection, the corners of her mouth turn up in a smile that she liked seeing.
“Your design, yes. You were made with the intention of looking into a variety of medical advancements all at once, to see how they might interact with each other, as well as individually. But your purpose is for you to decide, once you find it. That might take some time, but I think all living things will eventually find it.”
“Am I alive?” the robot's question wasn't exactly unexpected, but it was quick to ask so bluntly.
“Scientifically, maybe not. Ethically, I'm sure some people would take issue with me trying to say otherwise, but realistically? In my mind? You move, you think, you have the potential to imagine, and dream, and exist here. I don't see why you couldn't consider that being alive.”
The robot nodded, its hidden visual sensors scanning Nat up and down, taking in the sight of what it could consider life, based solely on firsthand experience and not a dataset provided before it had even been conscious. Her dyed blonde hair had faded quite a bit since its last treatment, with longer dark roots peaking out. Her eye mascara was smudged, but the dark rings around her eyes framed her gray-blue irises almost ethereally. Her loose tank top draped across her body and hid her shape, and her shorts were stained with pen ink. In spite of her unkempt appearance, or perhaps because of it, the robot perceived, that this was life.
They both shook off the initial studiousness of their first interaction, and Nat turned to her computer, minimizing the command prompt window and revealing a program with a split screen. On one side, an image that appeared to resemble an approximation of a human brain structure. On the other, lines of data were being written and recorded, a text log of the robots experiences made legible.
“Before we get too existential,” Nat said almost wistfully, “we need to make sure your various systems are functioning the way they are intended to.” She turned back to the robot and handed it a ball. It appeared like a gel filled stress ball, and the robot took it, turning it over in its hand. “I just need you to give that a squeeze. Use your instincts and apply enough pressure to squish it, but not break it.”
The robot looked at the ball for a moment and squished it twice in its hand. The portions of the ball not covered by the robot's palm and fingers would expand briefly with the pressure, but would relax as soon as the pressure was let off. The robot then closed its fist around the ball, with the gel-filled portions blowing up to larger size, and it held that position. Nat jotted a note down on a piece of paper with her pencil and then nodded.
“Okay, you can go ahead and release it.” The robot relaxed its fingers and the ball returned to its normal shape. Nat took it and then turned to fully face the robot again. “Now I'm going to test the artificial nerves in the skin.” She pressed the eraser of her pencil against the gray flesh on the robot's hip and turned to look at her monitor. A portion of the brain image lit up. “Do you feel that?”
“Yes,” the robot answered curtly. Nat scribbled something else down on her note paper.
“Okay, now look over there,” she gestured with her pencil. She had to be sure that the sensation registration was due to the actual physical stimuli, and not the recognition that touching the spot should produce a registration. The robot turned its head to look in the direction she had indicated, and then she pushed down on the middle of its thigh. Again, she turned her head to look at the screen, and saw the same area of the brain image glowing. “Do you feel that?”
“Yes,” the robot answered again.
“Don't look, but show me where,” she said. Making sure that it could identify the location of the sensation was also important, so its spatial awareness was also under observation. The robot slid its hand over the skin and touched a single finger directly next to her pencil. A simple example of manual dexterity, which would certainly be tested later, but good to know. “Okay, now one more,” she said. Flipping her pencil around, she pressed the sharpened graphite into a spot near its groin, where the thigh and hip met. Even without seeing the pencil, the robot reacted stronger than she had anticipated. It jolted at the sudden sharp stimuli, and the hand that was still resting on its thigh clenched into a fist. She quickly withdrew the pencil from the skin.
“I'm so sorry!” her voice seemed almost panicked as she checked the monitor. Not only had it registered the sensation, but the synaptic response on the monitor showed a lingering feeling as it slowly dissipated. “How do you feel?” she turned her head back to look at the robot, which had returned its gaze to her.
“Warm,” it answered. She looked down to see that her hand was placed over the spot her pencil had poked, stabbed really, and that feeling was helping to calm the feeling in the robot. She exhaled, and pushed her bangs back. At least that much worked.
“I'm going to log your reactions so far, just a second.” Nat spun around on the floor, selecting a portion of the text that still scrolled across her screen and saving it in a separate folder. The robot tilted its head and examined the tattoo on her shoulder while she worked. A diamond butterfly unfurling its wings and escaping a cocoon made of coal on the back of her right arm. A little on the nose, to be sure, but her friends had assured her the imagery was lovely. Something beautiful and real coming out of a period of harsh change under tremendous pressure. It defined Nat's life, growing up in a family that was always standoffish, not fitting in for so long and not knowing why. Diagnosis after diagnosis making matters worse, while she struggled to find herself, becoming sloth, and finally discovering her own truth and breaking free of the old things. She still carried parts of her from before, but she was unrecognizable and planned to live her life the way that was best for her. None of this was necessarily spoken by the art itself, but the idea was still conveyed well enough.
“What is all this,” the robot said in a softer tone than it had been using, running its hand over the inked skin. None of the photos she had trained its recognition algorithm on had included the tattoo, apparently, and the robot only had a vague grasp of what it was. Instinctively, Nat's hand went up and she placed it over the robot's.
“It's a story, etched into my skin forever. It's art, something that makes me happy.”
“Can you do that? Make changes to yourself?” Nat laughed at the sudden question. The ink was the least of the changes she had ever made to herself.
“Yes, we all have these bodies, but the beautiful thing is that they're ours. We can generally do whatever we want with them.”
“Would I be able to do that?” the robot asked. It was a valid question, and had she been talking to a person, the answer would have been obvious. But the robot had been designed in a way that was different than a human. It had a similar shape, similar features, but it was made to do something entirely different, and because of that, the question was a bit more complex.
“Would that make you happy?” she decided to answer. The robot traced the wings of the butterfly gently with one finger.
“I don't know. Maybe,” it replied. Nat nodded.
“That's part of what I meant earlier, when I said you can find your purpose. If you want to make modifications, when you are ready, then perhaps you can.” There was a longer pause between the two as Nat saved the final file. She sat facing the screen for a moment, chewing the end of her pencil in thought. Once she had made up her mind, Nat pulled her mouse cursor up to a toggle that showed OFF and clicked it.
Honestly, fuck it, she thought, once again hearings her heart race in her ears, louder than before. If every other test is going off without a hitch, might as well try the last bit. Turning around again, she faced the robot once more. The two of them sat with their legs crossed in front of them, the robot obviously at some point copying Nat's posture, though whether the choice was subconscious or not wasn't immediately clear.
“There's one more feature you were designed with that I want to check out,” she said. The robot tilted its head, studying her slightly flushed face. “For a variety of reasons, sometimes specific body parts are needed to be replaced, or built from scratch, and our current technological advancement is not where it could be. So you were also designed with this feature in mind, to see if it was possible to make one that accurately mimics the natural human body response.” Nat swore she heard a drum solo as she placed her hands on the robot's knees. From its position on the air mattress, it had a slightly higher position than her, which was more than reasonable.
“What do you need to do to test this response?” the robot asked innocently. Nat kind of wished there was a little bit more deviousness to the inquiry, but that was fine. Maybe it would learn that behaviour later.
“Just relax,” she said, pressing one hand on its lower abdomen and pushing it back slightly, which it obliged and propped itself back on its hands. “I need to see how it all works.”
Nat ran her hands from the robot's knees down its inner thighs, which seemed to tense and then relax with her touch. Though it hadn't questioned it before, the robot was suddenly aware of an extra appendage on its body, smaller and slender. But as her fingertips traced small circles across its inner thighs, the additional part began, quickly, to swell. The robot initially believed it to be some sort of error, but the slight twinkle in Nat's eyes belayed this concern, and it watched as she began to press her lips to the inner, upper thigh portions of its skin. Each kiss sent a shock of reaction up the leg, to the groin where the part had become nearly fully erect, and then up to the robot's brain. Without knowing why, the robot clenched one of its hands against the mattress.
“It does react realistically,” Nat said. The robot seemed to shiver as she stopped. “That's good news, but there's a few other things I want to make sure work.”
“Like wh-!” the robot was cut off as Nat smirked and engulfed its cock in her mouth. The skin had the same feeling as human, and the heat it produced was comparable to any person, but the rush to Nat's head was far more exhilarating than any other time in her life. Her tongue ran over the tip and the robot's leg shook. She sucked it further into her mouth and she swore she heard the robot's internal fans kick up to compensate for the increased heat. She tried to steady herself, breathing through her nose as she bobbed her head up and down slowly on the robot's cock, feeling like it was melting on her tongue. She chanced a glance up at its black domed face, which was tilting from side to side, thrashing around in ecstasy. Certainly the plan was working well. But she needed to check how well.
Grabbing the robot's hips, scooting closer, she began moving her head faster, running her tongue across the tip of its cock every time she got near the top. The robot's legs were now quaking quite a bit, and it suddenly leaned forward, placing its hands on the back of her head and bucking its hips, the loud whirring of its fans matching her heartbeat. It held her in that position for just a moment before releasing her. Nat pulled her head up off its member, relieved to be able to take a few full gulps of air.
“What was that?” the robot asked, its voice peaking.
“That was a test to see if you can orgasm,” Nat panted, “and while normally you might produce a sort of liquid material, I wasn't really able to... get anything like that for you.” Nat's face was bright red as she said the last few words. “There's a small reservoir system in your lower abdomen and a pump that would probably recreate it, but I didn't have anything to use this time around so it's empty. That said, it's good to know everything is working as planned."
The robot was still shaking minutely, and Nat watched it, pushing her bangs back and rubbing her thighs together. She had a desperate need of release, herself. It wasn't exactly part of the plan, but she felt needy, and even though she had never quite gone that far with any person before... The thought crept back into her mind, seeing her own reflection in its faceplate, loving herself. And she wanted to feel loved. Glancing down, she noticed that the robot's cock was, in fact, still fully erect. She had felt it unnecessary to reproduce a refractory period, and thus the robot simply could wait it out or, had it been aware, simply shut off the system. But she didn't want it to be aware. Not yet.
“Hey, come here,” she said, getting up and holding the robot close. Even the carbon fiber felt warm and lifelike to the touch. Not as soft as skin, but comforting. The robot reciprocated, wrapping its arms around her waist and pulled her close. She held that position for a second, then pulled back from it. “Now to check endurance, is that okay?” Nat almost feared a response that was unsure she would even get.
“Of course, if that's what's needed.” The robot's blunt answer betrayed its appearance as it looked her up and down. She stripped off her shirt, and touched the robot's stomach. It mirrored her behaviour, splaying its fingers over her skin and dragging them across her body. As it felt her, she knew it wasn't able to truly experience the sensation, but hoped that perhaps it was perceiving it. She undid her shorts and dropped them as it explored her chest, her head tilting back. She slid her underwear down as well, and knelt in front of the robot completely naked. She couldn't hide her face, she knew it, and the robot would likely not understand the concept of shame, but she still felt compelled.
Its hands trailed down her hips and thighs, and one cupped her own cock. Nat felt like dying as it ran the soft fingertips over her, but she couldn't ask it to stop. She wanted more, her body felt like an inferno. It stroked her cock, and ran its thumb over the tip, mimicking the way she had licked it, and she let out a squeak. It pumped her a bit more, before she felt like collapsing backwards.
“Wait, wait, hold on,” she panted. The robot immediately released her, and she slid up onto the air mattress. Laying on her side, she brushed away a few cans and bottles strewn on the floor, and tossed a pair of older underwear to the side, finding a small bottle. The contents were crystal clear, and glinted under the light of the nearby lamp. She popped the bottle open and poured some of it on her fingers. Leaning forward and pressing her head against the robot's chest, she let the slick digits coat her ass in the liquid, probing her own hole, which gave way easily to one of her fingers. She then poured some more of the lube onto the robot's cock, and it shook slightly as she stroked it up and down, coating it in the shimmering liquid. Nat then laid herself on her back, legs spread, and gestured vaguely from its member to her ass.
“Use your instincts and apply pressure,” she said, trying to go off her own script, “and be careful.”
The robot slid up between her legs, pressing down on her ass. Nat bit her lip as it pressed against her, but when it placed its hand on her cheek, Nat suddenly felt completely at ease. Almost effortlessly, the robot slid into her asshole. Nat arched her back up, suddenly feeling very full. The robot hadn't been designed to be abnormally large in any aspect of its anatomy, but right now, it felt like she was stuffed to the brim. Her legs settled on either side of the robot's hips, and it took over. Slowly it moved back and forth into her, small unintended gasps escaping her mouth every time it did. Her body was melting, and the robot seemed to sense it. As she loosened, it took some bolder moves, increasing its speed ever so slightly, or giving a few stronger thrusts, which caused Nat to toss her head back. The robot pulled her up, one hand on her lower back, the other behind her head, and it began to move harder and faster. Nat's mouth fell open, a string of expletives tumbling out in high pitched squeals and moans.
Any time she had ever played with herself like this, Nat had only gotten a little bit of pleasure. Enough to enjoy, surely, but she could never reach higher levels of ecstasy without touching her cock. Now, it felt unneeded. Her whole body was hot and tense, her brain felt on fire. It stroked against her prostate with every thrust now, sending fireworks blooming behind her eyes. Her moans drowned out the sounds of the box fan, and the hard drives, and the robot's internal fans, racing to keep up with the increased activity.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck,” Nat could barely squeeze out, “oh fuck I'm almost there, please don't stop,” the robot's legs were trembling as well, the same as before, but it obliged, going from a slow to a faster pump, moving its hips in tandem with her own partially involuntary movements as she tried to fill herself up with the robot's cock more and more. “Oh, ffffuck-!” Nat's legs pulled up as the buildup intensified, like a coiled spring pressed down to its limit, before finally releasing. The sound from her mouth was less like a moan, or a cry, and more like an old computer screeching as it processed its next action. Her hips thrust up and down as she came, only pressing her down further on the robot's cock, filling her stomach while she rode the wave of her ecstasy. As she finally came down, legs trembling, the robot placed her back down fully on the mattress, and she pushed softly on its abdomen, indicating for it to pull back and out.
Nat laid on the mattress, stomach splattered with cum, legs too weak to even stay with knees bent up. She panted, trying to catch her breath that had escaped her long ago. The robot sat at her feet, head tilted, hand raised towards her as if contemplating how to help her, if she was in need, did she need medical assistance or anything? But Nat just laughed, and pushed herself up.
“That... I needed that more than you know. I think more than I knew, thank you.”
“Was the testing successful?” the robot asked.
“It was, you should be able to access a um...” she wondered exactly what she wanted to say, “a flaccid function, if you can find it. To keep it down,” Nat glanced down at the gray cock, still slick with lube. The robot nodded and sat back, accessing its own functions, and she watched as the member began to shrink down to a standard size.
“I'm glad you were able to find what you needed,” the robot said.
Nat shook her head, “I knew you had it all. I'm just happy you could experience everything the way I can.” Forcing herself up, Nat sat upright and pulled the robot closer, kissing the faceplate.
“I do have one more question, if that's okay,” the robot said.
“Of course,” Nat pushed her disheveled bangs up, “anything.”
“Earlier, when you first woke me up, you asked me if I knew you, and I identified you as Natalie. But you failed to identify me in the same instance.”
“That's because you never had a name,” Nat smiled, “not everyone has one they like right away. Is there something you would like to be called?”
“I think... I would like to find that out,” the robot said, placing its hand over hers.
“Well,” she turned her palm up and held its hand in her grip, “you have time to find that, too.”
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absolutelymadoka · 3 months
Intro !!! please be nice to me and ill be nice to u
Names: Jade, Jack, Zain, and my legal name but I'm legally not allowed to tell u i run the @a-silly-1ore-acc READ THE INTRO AND WARNINGS (it looks edgy as shit rn so be patient!!!) im a POC (black)
Pronouns: any and all :3 I'm aroace
i draw sometimes !!
*top interest *old interest *i don't know much but its kool interests: computer/mobile/any other device errors, true crime, puella magi madoka magica, girls last tour, IHNMAIMS, All tomorrow, body horror books in general, House of leaves, (not much rn ill find/remember more)
i don't have any diagnosed reading problems but if u type with special quirks ill take longer to respond (i don't require a translation) maybe autistic???? idk I'm not diagnosed but if I'm on here I might as well be
Did i mention that i like music STOMACH BOOK, femtanyl, Gezebelle Gaburgably, Operation Sodasteal, Nelward, Sasuke Haraguchi, Spellcasting, Ado, The Vanished People, Soddikken, Miski, Rio Romeo, Caravan Palace, Glass Beach, Jhariah, Maretu, Kikuo, 4lung, STYXVII, Will Wood, Club2Toyko (my brother!! go check him out!!!) That Handsome devil, Penelope Scott, Milk in the Microwave, Cricket, and Tyler the Creator!
MY FRIENDS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD @rab1darachn1d -MY DAD !!!! HES THE COOLEST PERSON EVER @mechcanicalmadness -GRANDPA NOX!!!! KOOLEST ROBOT he also runs the @bungostraycreatures go check it out RN!! @remindertoclick <- CLICK EVERY DAY!!!!!
BYI!! ▷ I'm a minor (if u r over 18 and want to be moots PLZ DONT BE WEIRD or Rabid will hunt u down) ▷ I swear alot and use slurs sometimes (I CAN RECLAIM DW!!!) ▷ i word stuff wrong sometimes :(( lmk and ill try to reword it better!!! ▷ I respond IMMEDITLY if i don't im prolly doing something important or smth
× basic DNI (transphobes, homophobes, racists)
× THOSE RADQUEERS/ TRANSID (trace, transharmful/harmed, trans[disorders/mental illness]) yall are a strange bunch/neg ^idc about the harmless ones
× Endogenic, willows, tuplas idk much but u make my friend uncomfortable
× ZOOFILES, MAPS, and NECROS ew ew gross gross gross GET AWAY
× NSFW only blogs im a minor × ppl who are just shitty to therians, furries, xenogenders just admit ur sad
× pro ed /thinspo what × Radfems and terfs fucking what × Proisreals i hate u guys ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ i love u all just dont hurt anyone or urself!!!
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im rambling about webcomics i read below the cut to get it out bcuz i never talk about them but i do have feelings i wanna get out
these are just the ones i am currently reading, anything currently on hiatus or that i stopped reading during the many period of my phones being broke is not included. and we are going by the normal and correct 5 = mid bcuz that is how math works. also dont take this too seriously.
i want to be a cute anime girl- 8/10, serialized, trans coming of age story including discovery coming out and transitioning
i was concerned with the language at first but there was no need, its been genuinely delightful. her sisters and parents are lovely, she has two friends from before and a new friend/love interest and they're good. i prefer focus on the main character but the current mall trip has been fun. updates are small and for a long time were just four panels before the artist started experimenting
down to earth- 7/10, serialized, slow burn romance
the only slow burn romance where the romance is the most important aspect to me that i read, i dont usually read slow burn so im not burnt out on it. the creator is a big dickkori shipper which is very obvious in how zaida and kade interact. i want more suzy, i love her. updates are pretty big but every single one ends on a cliffhanger which makes them feel short.
lesbiampires- 8/10, episodic, lesbian vampires. obviously.
ruthless vampires so when hunting there's lots of blood which i appreciate <3, the different species of vampires are neat but i dont really pay much attention to the specifics? daph cant go into light but can turn into a giant bat monster, nika can go into light but is limited to a normal bat, the side characters have their things going on. wish yoon was more prevalent but i think im just so focused on daph and nika, and then nisha and anya have their thing i just dont end up noticing her much? updates are normal length
lore olympus- 6/10, serialized, slow burn romance and trauma recovery story
i........ have criticsms....... but the way this series deals with persephones trauma is really important to me. i dont find demeter a compelling character at all and wish wed drop the helicopter mother stuff. i think obsessing over the differences between the story and the mythos is pointless. i like when apollo gets shut down but i think we should drop him and focus on persephones recovery. idk. it makes me happy but if it suddenly stopped i dont think much would be lost. oh yeah the romance is fine, its very formulaic which is fine when you have so many other aspects to a story. updates are fairly long.
emmy the robot- 6/10, serialized, i dont fucking know how to classify this one. political?
i def preferred the before stuff but im enjoying emmy seeing what the poverty stricken areas are like and learning how privileged the delairs are. i wish the updates were longer bcuz i feel like when your updates are short its hard to have a point? i know there's a point about the difference between Madeline and the new girl and how they're growing up. but i just cant get super into it before the episode ends.
my dragon girlfriend- 5/10, mostly episodic, sapphic romances
it used to be so much better. i loved when it focused on chisty (human) and dani's (dragon) relationship. i loved it when it focused on every webtoons staple quirky girl and shy girl side character romance slow burn, especially bcuz its catgirl x vampire, that's literally made in a lab for me. callie and olive are great. love them. casey is fun. i like her being flustered around louis and discovering shes not straight (seems late considering her roommate but good for her). but the updates being 4 panels is really holding it back. like completely. character who didnt grow up in society being socially inept is fun comedy. but only for a little while. nonhuman characters being territorial is fun comedy. but only for a little while. i am so tired of it. its been going on for so many months bcuz the updates are four panels so it takes forever to get somewhere. i mean the recent thing with louis saying her fav tea is venison wouldve been funny 3 months ago but it is so bland and boring now. dani being jealous and callous is so bland and boring now. weve been on the same like 2-3 days since august. PLEASE move on.
death becomes you- 7/10, serialized, adventure fantasy with some romance slipped in their
the artist draws porn of the two main characters which is what drew me to this comic. im just not a big fan of adventure fantasy but the characters are so charming (and hot) that its fine. im really wanting the brother in law to show back up boy is fiiiine.
batman: wayne family adventures- 8/10, episodic, you know this one. just funny comedy.
this is what got me into batfam. obviously. some episodes are just not interesting to me but its saur good. i do dislike one of the artists bcuz the difference between some episodes is jarring for me (like how stiff characters can be, how...... trim? bruces face can look?), but the arts still good just not for me. i know its batfam focused but my fav episodes are when other characters show up. obviously. im a birdflash and core four shipper why WOULDNT i like their episodes?
a city called nowhere- 6/10, generally episodic but rn were on a specific storyline, its a simple horror comic.
a city with creepy stuff where the best way to stay safe is look the other way and prepare properly. nothing really stands out, it truly is a simple horror comic. a general criticsm of merryweather comics is that everyone is a big tittied anime girl, but i read for merry's writing not the artists he employs. i mean as the leader of the company he should be getting some more diversity in there (no it doesnt matter if the artists are women), but seeing as theyre silly comics im not suuuper concerned. i havent kept up with any longer series so idk if they do better in this regard.
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themollyjay · 3 years
The Myths of Forced Diversity and Virtue Signaling.
In my novel Mail Order Bride, the three main characters are a lesbian and two agendered aliens.  In my novel Scatter, the main character is a lesbian, the love interest is a pansexual alien, and the major side characters include a half Cuban, half black Dominican lesbian, a Chinese Dragon, a New York born Jewish Dragon, and a Transgender Welsh Dragon.  In my novel The Master of Puppets, the Main Characters are a lesbian shapeshifting reptilian alien cyborg and a half black, half Japanese lesbian.  The major side characters include three gender fluid shapeshifting reptilian alien cyborgs, and a pansexual human.  In my novel Transistor, the main character is a Trans Lesbian, the love interest is a Half human/Half Angel non-observant Ethiopian Jew, and the major side characters include a Transgender Welsh Dragon (the same one from Scatter), a Transgender woman, a Latino Lesbian, an autistic man, three Middle Eastern Arch Angels, and a hive mind AI with literally hundreds of genders.  In my novel The Inevitable singularity, one of the main characters is a lesbian, another has a less clearly defined sexuality but she is definitely in love with the lesbian, and the third is functionally asexual due to a vow of chastity she takes very seriously.  The major side characters include a straight guy from a social class similar to the Dalit (commonly known as untouchables) in India, a bisexual woman, a man who is from a race of genetically modified human/frog hybrids, and a woman from a race of genetically modified humans who are bred and sold as indentured sex workers.
Why am I bringing all of this up?  Well, first, because it’s kind of cool to look at the list of different characters I’ve created, but mostly because it connects to what I want to talk about today, which should be obvious from the title of the essay.  The concepts of ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’.
For those who aren’t familiar with these terms, they’re very closely related concepts.  ‘Forced Diversity’ is the idea that characters who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males are only ever included in a story because of outside pressure from some group (usually called Social Justice Warriors, or The Woke Brigade or something similar) to meet some nebulous political agenda.  The caveat to this is, of course, that you can have a women/women present as long as they are hot, don’t make any major contributions to the resolution of the plot, and the hero/heroes get to fuck them before the end of the story. ‘Virtue Signaling’, according to Wikipedia, is a pejorative neologism for the expression of a disingenuous moral viewpoint with the intent of communicating good character.
The basic argument is that Forced Diversity is a form of virtue signaling.  That no one would ever write characters who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males because they want to.  They only do it to please the evil SJW’s who are somehow both so powerful that they force everybody to conform to their desires, yet so irrelevant that catering to them dooms any creative project to financial failure via the infamous ‘go woke, go broke’ rule.
What the people who push this idea of Forced Diversity tend to forget is that we exist at a point in time when creators actually have more creative freedom than are any other people in history.  Comic writers can throw up a website and publish their work as a webcomic without having to go through Marvel, DC or one of the other big names, or get a place in the dying realm of the news paper comics page.  Novelists can self-publish with fairly little upfront costs, musicians can use places like YouTube and Soundcloud to get their work out without having to worry about music publishers.  Artists can hock their work on twitter and tumblr and a dozen other places. Podcasts are relatively cheap to make, which has opened up a resurgence in audio dramas.  Even the barrier to entry for live action drama is ridiculously low.
So, in a world where creators have more freedom than ever before, why would they choose to people their stories with characters they don’t want there?  The answer, of course, is that they wouldn’t.  Authors, comic creators, indie film creators and so on aren’t putting diverse characters into their stories because they are being forced to. They’re putting diverse characters into their stories because they want to.  Creators want to tell stories about someone other than the generically handsome hypermasculine cisgendered heterosexual white males that have been the protagonists of so many stories over the years that we’ve choking on it. A lot of times, creators want to tell stories about people like themselves.  Black creators want to tell stories about the black experience. Queer creators want to tell stories about the queer experience.
I’m an autistic, mentally ill trans feminine abuse survivor.  Every day, I get up and I struggle with PTSD, with an eating disorder, with severe body dysmorphia, with anxiety and depression and just the reality of being autistic and transgender.  I deal with the fact that the religious community I grew up in views me as an abomination, and genuinely believes I’m going to spend eternity burning in hell.  I deal with the fact that people I’ve known for decades, even members of my own family, regularly vote for politician who publicly state that they want to strip me of my civil rights because I’m queer.  I’m part of a community that experiences a disproportionately high murder and suicide rate.  I’ve spent multiple years of my life deep in suicidal depression, and to this day, I still don’t trust myself around guns.
As a creator, I want to talk about those issues.  I want to deal with my life experiences.  I want to create characters that embody and express aspects of my lived experience and my day-to-day reality.  No one is forcing me to put diversity into my books.  I try to include Jewish characters as often as I can because there have been a number of important Jewish people in my life.  I include queer people because I’m queer and the vast majority of friends I interact with on a regular basis are queer.  I include people with mental illnesses and trauma because I am mentally ill and have trauma, and I know a lot of people with mental illnesses and trauma.  My work may be full of fantastical elements, aliens and dragons and angels and superheroes and magic and ultra-high technology and AI’s and talking cats and robot dogs and shape shifters and telepaths and all sorts of other things, but at the core of the stories is my own lived experience, and neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males are vanishingly rare in that experience.
Now, I can hear the comments already.  The ‘okay, maybe that’s true for individual creators, but what about corporate artwork?’.   Maybe not in those exact words, but you get the idea.
The thought here is that corporations are bowing to social pressure to include characters who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males, and that is somehow bad. But here’s the thing. Corporations are going to chase the dollars.  They aren’t bowing to social pressure.  There’s no one holding a gun to some executive’s head saying, “You must have this many diversity tokens in every script.”  What is happening is that corporations are starting to clue into the fact that people who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males have money.  They are putting black characters in their shows and movies because black people watch shows and spend money on movies.  They are putting queer people in shows and movies because queer people watch shows and spend money on movies.  They are putting women in shows and movies because women watch shows and spend money on movies.
No one is forcing these companies to do this.  They are choosing to do it, the same way individual creators are choosing to do it.  In the companies’ cases the choices are made for different reasons.  It’s not because they are necessarily passionate about telling stories about a particular experience, but because they want to create art to be consumed by the largest audience possible, which means that they have to expand their audience beyond the neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white male by including characters from outside of that demographic.
And the reality is, the cries of ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’ almost always come from within that demographic.  Note the almost.  There are a scattering of individuals from outside that demographic which do subscribe to the ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’ myths, but that is a whole other essay.  However, within that demographic, lot of the people who cry about ‘forced diversity’ see media and content as a Zero-Sum game.  The more that’s created for other people, the less that is created for them.
In a way, they’re right. There are only so many slots for TV shows each week, there are only so many theaters, only so much space on comic bookshelves and so on.  But at the end of the day, its literally impossible for them to consume all the content that’s being produced anyway.  So, while there is, theoretically less content for them to consume, as a practical matter it’s a bit like someone who is a meat eater going to a buffet with two hundred items, and then throwing a tantrum because five of the items happen to be vegan.
The worst part is, if they could let go of how wound up they are about the ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’ they could probably enjoy the content that’s produced for people other than them.  I mean, I’m a pasty ass white girl, and I loved Black Panther.
So, to wrap out, creators, make what you want to make, and ignore anyone who cries about forced diversity or virtue signaling.  And to people who are complaining about forced diversity and virtue signaling, I want to go back to the buffet metaphor.  You need to relax.  Even if there are a few vegan options on the buffet, you can still get your medium rare steak, or your chicken teriyaki or whatever it is you want.  Or, maybe, just maybe, you could give the falafel a try. That shit is delicious.
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toripar · 3 years
trans/enby webtoon recs
im bored at my aunt's so uh — have this :] in no particular order whatsoever, but these have some good rep imo
All I Am (ongoing)
features a trans main character, elijah/ellie! she's currently questioning her gender but is deep inside the closet— her bsf thinks she enjoys crossdressing but that's, half of it,,
uses he/she pronouns at the moment but i think the author intends to show her transitioning to a girl – and it's amazing, i don't think ive ever seen a comic depicting the transition and questioning time ))
it's also a college story and there's crushes on the captain of the football team and wholesome moments, and the color palette's warm n comfy,,
LoveBot (on hiatus)
also featuring a trans main character, xada, this one's more mature, there's robots, capitalism and murderous ceo's, and, toxic friendships, and the lovebot lacey, of course. it's an engaging story dude idk what to say but i love it so much
Hyperfocus (erratic updates)
its a bunch of comics by different trans and nonbinary creators, basically, it's so good to see all the euphoric experiences and all the problems, too. and in different countries! it's important to me coz i relate to a whole lot of em lmao
Asterion (ongoing)
this is a drama story about members of the starlight assembly- and our nonbinary mc, asterion. they're a dog star, and they are responsible for coming down to earth to grant people's wishes. it's very moving ,, i just. can't. there's a fuckton of remarkable characters with touching backstories for their wishes, it's beautiful to watch asterion go through all these ordeals and make people content oh gods
Friends And Benefits (ongoing)
a lot of this comic isn't out but, it has a nonbinary secondary character. their name's tasha and they have a great style, god bless. also from where the story's headed, it's gonna have two polyamorous relationships in the future :)) the artstyle's adorable, too
The Doctors Are Out (on hiatus)
tdao has a trans and an enby character!! look leo is the only bro in this comic i respect, i love him so much. he's a main-ish character i guess? n he's a trans guy. callie is a fucking sweetheart - and they wore a nonbinary t-shirt on an excursion (i wanna steal it. is that weird?) it's my fav comic y'all,, read it
Boyfriends (ongoing)
everyone knows this but goth is trans. fuck yeah. icon.
Acception (ongoing)
has a gender nonconforming protagonist and a side character (?) lola– lola got a bunch of chapters to herself lately and i think she was better handled in them than in the former chapters.
enjoy <3
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
You know what scares me?
Knowing that a series that ended badly that upset so many people rightfully and through the passage of time, when people forget and move on, and new fans are exposed to it and don't see any problems they didn't have the bias of fandom/writers interviews to warp their way of viewing the show, they get to see it as it truly was.
But at the same time critise fans and think they choose violence.
Imagine someone saying Castiel and Dean were a postive lgbt rep in a series, that cas dying wasn't that bad or even wrong it was really groundbreaking for its time why were people upset?
Why did so many people hate Korra?
Why did anyone hate GOT?
Or the end of teen wolf?
Why are people saying this is queer-bait when it's not?
Unaware of behind the scenes of writers/advertisments/even the broadcasters teasing fans that they would get something.
Truth is, I don't care about that I just want a good story, but the story was terrible so the shipping was the only thing we could geniuanly ask because the plot was going nowhere.
So no.
I won't forget that the Voltron fanbase back from 2016 to 2018 was terrible, that they threatened the VA's bex taylor and Jeremy shada didn't deserve any of the hate, the writers and producers got so much backlash.
During s7 even I thought, wow. They should just cancel Voltron and not give the fanbase anything. Because the fans were so entitled.
So even tho I hate s8 and still won't watch it. I hate Voltron/the crew/the lies the fandom.
It was so bad I've never been in fandom since.
So seeing people on twitter say "Stop saying Voltron queer bait when it didn't-"
it did.
On blogs, youtube and any other advertisments they claimed they were diverse and lgbt, bex was pushing it and Pidge came out as a girl pretending to be a boy in season one. And everyone slapped the trans flag on Pidge.
Because of Steven Universe alongside it, Voltron didn't have to promise anything. But they did. Because I was fucking there.
CN had bubblegum and Marceline kiss, Steven Universe wedding scene happened and even Miraculous ladybug with Nathaniel and Marco being hinted at as a couple.
Truth is, Voltron was going to have a background couple that was a blink and you miss it, since that was acceptable at the time of Blaytz/Galra soldier and that was IT because no one expected Much.
If adventure time/SU wasn't happening no ones expectations would've been that high. Oh and Love,simon came out too.
We had high expectations.
Oh and during pride month, so many shows were doing lgbt content. Voltron released a season 5.
Where Lotur and Allura became a couple.
Dropping a series with a straight couple felt like a big yikes most fans were thinking wtf?
But people are forgetting and painting the fans as the villains when really the crew were just as bad. Take away lgbt and watch the show as it is and see it was so terrible.
Lance was treat terrible, ignored and used as a comic relief that was just pathetic and not funny, given an altean sword then forgotten. Flirted with Allura in a gross way and was then rewarded but was only second best because lotor broke her heart.
Its been three years and I am so done with this but I won't ever forget it.
Also didn't queer bait? They said they were LGBT and confirmed that SHiro was gay and weren't going to bring him back.
Shiro only stayed and that wedding scene only happened because of fans.
Adam was teased at the s7 panel advertising voltron, of Shiro and adams 'fight' confirming he was a fiance.
First episode of s7 they killed adam.
how...how is that good rep?
And the artist posted a screenshot of Shiro's wedding scene one month BEFORE s8 would air. The wedding scene wasn't even meant to be in the end credits that was damage control why did you think people did a campaign of relase the 'real' s8?
Voltron DID promise lgbt, but if they only said "Here's a reboot of robot cats and nothing else!" No one would care because the creators didn't promise it.
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
Fall 2018 Anime Overview: Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
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Double Decker! Doug and Kirill follows a special police force devoted to dealing with cases involving “Anthem”, a highly dangerous super-drug that can be both fatal and grant uncontrollable superpowers. The squad is divided into three pairs of partners. The eponymous Kirill is a enthusiastic newbie who partners with a deadpan, “kind of an asshole” veteran named Doug.
It’s hard to say when a show crosses the line from “dumb in a fun way” to “just mind numbingly dumb” but I’d say Double Decker crossed that threshold around about the midpoint of the series. Which is a shame, because I was rooting for it. It seemed like an anime with a lot of potential- it was humorous, irreverent and bombastic, it seemed fun and colorful with a varied cast, it had a nice variety of ladies in the squad, and two of the ladies, Max and Yuri, were heavily coded as a couple right off the bat-
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-with Max (on the left) in particular going putting off some Impressive Lesbian Energy with her aesthetic...and early on Doug announced that his life goal was to “eliminate poverty and class”, indicating the series intended to deal with social issues. 
It IS possible to be a cheesy, fun show that is also inclusive and deals with social ills, but Double Decker’s clumsy, simplistic attempts to balance this with the larger goofy plot ultimately meant it fell short of being an truly entertaining romp AND was utterly disastrous at being socially aware. 
Double Decker acts like it wants to say something about tolerance at points, but is ultimately gutless, toothless and halfhearted, sometimes verging on offensive. It became apparent the show wasn’t going to be truly LGBT inclusive with a character’s uh, “gender reveal” scene midseries that is a just...a mess. Some characters reactions to the “revelation” are just blatantly transphobic (thinking its hilarious, saying the character in question should “tell the truth" about their sex, etc) and this was never called out or challenged. It’s finally explained (baffllngly late in the series) that rather than actually being trans, this character is a cis man who just disguised himself as a woman for flimsy plot reasons, it doesn’t make how the reveal scene was handled and how it was painted as being “funny” any better. It’s not my lane so I won’t really go into it, but this article at Anime Herald covers the whole mess in detail. The whole thing is SO stupid and honestly there was no reason for it to be a plot at all.
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If that “reveal” episode had me feeling wary about the show, the episode following sunk any hopes I had for it. Double Decker didn’t even have the guts to have Max and Yuri be explicitly romantically involved, instead just giving vague, baity hints. What’s worse, the episode focusing on Max was boring as sin. It was painfully bland and on the nose “critique” of high school proms SO rote it even had the girl who wanted to be popular transform into a literal “queen bee” (GET IT). The only thing we actually learn about Max in her supposed focus episode is that she hates proms because a bunch of kids rejected her trans friend at one which caused her friend to turn to drugs and disappear forever. Yep, not only can the show not bother to give us actual lesbians, trans people are just tragic props (and the attempt to say a thing about how trans people are treated badly would have felt a LOT more sincere if transness hadn’t been treated as a joke in THE EPISODE JUST BEFORE THIS ONE).
Doug also only became aware of poverty existing because of a tragic prop- his backstory amounts to a dead little shoe-shining street girl so one dimensional and cliche I’m surprised she wasn’t found frozen in an alley clutching a book of matches, and that one incident made him realize Poor People Shouldn’t Be a Thing so now he’s, uh....well, he’s not really doing anything about it, but he says he wants to, and that’s good enough right?
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Yeah, that’s about the level of nuance we’re dealing with here. It’s nice that Double Decker tried, I guess, but if this was going to be the level of its effort, I wish it had just stuck to being a goofy sci-fi show. As it was, even the “goofy buddy cop” aspect felt really hollow because the show didn’t give us a reason to be invested in these partnerships or these characters.
I wanted to be invested! I was SO ready to appreciate the punk butch and her robot girlfriend, but instead we barely learn anything about them or see them interact. I was READY to be tremendously invested in the straightlaced office girl and her vulgar pink haired partner, but we didn’t learn anything beyond their surface personalities- nothing substantial about what drives them or where they come from or anything. Doug had his eye-rolly dead-little-girl backstory and admittedly sometimes amusing snarky asshole personality, but he spends so much time being insincere there wasn’t much to latch onto with him.
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 Kirill was pretty much the only one in this show who felt like an Actual Character, and I did find him extremely likable- he was utterly sincere in everything he did, full of heart, dumb and enthusiastic in a fun way, and incredibly sweet and supportive to his friends and loved ones (he was also the only one who was chill and accepting about the not-really-trans character too so that earned him some points) but all the stuff going around him was so empty it didn’t matter.
(ending spoilers here)
The show didn’t put the work into making you connect with these characters, but it DID still expect you to be invested in them. One of the kinda-lesbians appears to have died at one point in the show, but it makes zero impact because you knew basically nothing about that character anyway- it instead just feels annoying, like “wow, you’re just gonna kill that gay without bothering to develop her huh” but the show clearly expects you to be devastated. Then when it’s revealed at the end “PSYCH she’s alive for this ridiculous jokey contrived reason haha really pranked you huh” it’s just even more annoying. Just because I’m relieved you didn’t actually bury the gay doesn’t mean you pretending to bury her wasn’t insulting and pointless. All you did was bring my attention to how little you bothered to develop this character and how willing you are to use her and her kinda-girlfriend’s pain as a plot device, so thanks?
(spoilers end)
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The humor of the show basically followed “you thought THIS thing was gonna happen but instead WACKY TWIST haha now the narrator makes a snarky comment about it” and while that was fun at first it just got old without anything going on besides that. And as for the plot, it’s...generous... to call it a plot. At the end it jumps straight to “AND SUDDENLY THERE WERE ALIENS” with almost zero foreshadowing and it just gets stupider from there. Such a ridiculous development would work on a show that was either a) a pure farce or b) something super wacky but with enough heart, drama and character to keep you invested, but DD was neither of those things. It was an anime that wanted you to care, but gave no fucks itself. 
(Also this show is supposed to be related to Tiger and Bunny but I honestly have no idea how these two anime are connected in-universe. Is this a prequel? sequel? Are they happening at the same time? WHO KNOWS, THE CREATORS SURE DON’T)
The animation was also nothing to write home about, with a lot of awkward CGI shots and pretty ugly clothing designs- it was colorful enough to distract from it a lot of the time, but definitely not winning any aesthetics awards.
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So yeah, Double Decker is very far from the worst anime I’ve ever watched, and I like the concept I think it was GOING for- but what we ended up with was something completely mediocre. The first couple episodes were fun, but by the end it was a chore to watch. I finished it because “well I’ve come this far might as well” rather than any real investment in the show. It wasn’t painful (except for the clumsy attempts at dealing with trans issues), but it was so completely stupid and forgettable, which is sad, because it seemed like it had so much potential at the start.
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Guy Very likely To become Gaming Abusers.
This lighter-weight garment is much better suited to warm climate firing than a few of the various other coats within this test, although you could possibly equally as conveniently team it up along with your wintertime coatings to keep on using everything all year. One such examination app, cultivated by Raytheon, permits a soldier to take a picture with the smartphone's cam, at that point mark that up with circles as well as arrows before sending it back to foundation, or dispersing this to various other troops in the business. That being actually claimed, I certainly read Some Young boys in one resting and this's one of my favored manuals I have actually reviewed that have mentioned these problems. West Yorkshire cops said the pet that attacked Ellam had actually been taken hold of by police adhering to a check out by a canine warden in June, as well as had been actually come back to its manager on 8 August after that was actually determined that it was actually not a disallowed breed. For as much as guys whine regarding all the negative spunk girls perform when this relates to approaching them or even obtaining with them, they do not identify that when this is actually taking place to them. Hazardous Boys is actually a darkened, convincing, page-turner, with good writing, flawed personalities, intricate relationships and also spritiual abyss. However whatever changes when Boy 21 properties in town, intimidating to plunge down Finley's period and also his wall of silence that hides all form of family members skeletons and background. By the end of reading Young boy Fulfills Woman by Meg Cabot I felt like I should stand up for I rely on. http://www.choisissanteblog.fr overarching trouble is that people perform not provide a fuck concerning men as a training class. A ton of people I recognize state that a ton of these damaging results on guys arised from bias versus ladies (i.e. along with penitentiary sentances, females are considered certainly not having their own company as much as men thus as a result are held much less in charge of their actions) nonetheless to me, you ought to check out that is actually being actually hurt to calculate that possesses opportunity as well as when it comes to a ton of these instances, men are the ones being injured, as well as the fashions that induce this are actually pointless to this fact. I carry out desire the globe structure was actually increased after, yet it makes good sense on why the writer failed to devote as a lot time on that (Isaak is in the darker as high as the remainder of us, our team're experiencing this trip with him). Yet that wasn't the only headlines in the file, which located that England trumps 4 various other European countries when that pertains to sexting rates, as nearly half of our teen women have sent out sexual photos. As an alternative, he could possess connected to companion firms, where rent boys spend a charge to be detailed on the lineup. While Omega Guys performs have its own portion from fistfights, its own very most exciting action is the developing battle of ideological backgrounds. Ritter, Lawrence S. Leagues Apart: The Male and Times from the Negro Baseball Leagues." Morrow Junior Works, 1995. This book deals with a great deal of challenging concerns as well as you ought to be prepped to shield your factors for using this book if you want to utilize this in a classro Funds Young boy is a manual that manages male hooking, the challenging life of immigrants, as well as partnerships in between children and also their moms and dads. As an alternative, I would certainly encourage offering Coffee Child through Austin Song a read for its beneficial trans representation by a very own vocals author. When Crew Core set out to create a Super Meat Young boy version for touchscreen smart phones, creators Tommy Refenes and also Edmund McMillen promised they wouldn't simply slap a digital gamepad on the many things and also carry out some half-assed port of their downloadable hit for Personal Computer and also Xbox 360. On the other hand the men have learnt how to work together as well as end up being like a well oiled device. Meggie wants to find the captivated world she has only run into via the web pages from a book as well as journeys along with Farid in to the tale. I was among some which were certainly not instantly captivated along with Blake in his look in US, and because of this I possessed some bookings entering Good Young boy. As guide is actually recounted by boy in 1st individual, some of the thoughts and also explanations appear really abnormal for his grow older. Through lifestyle and the field of biology, guys are pressed right into minimal modes from sexual and inflammation phrase. As a reading knowledge there is someth Boy was the little girl from the Rodent Catcher. The popular Dutch name Lieke is just one of those diminutives, like Lena, that can be quick for a stable of names including Angelique finishing in its noise - which, by the way, is actually the two-syllable LEE-ka. Initially, the circulation of the journal permitted the young boys to cover the copies themselves; then they, with 2 various other kids, would bring as huge bundles as they could raise, put all of them behind time during the night on the frontal system of the streetcars, and have all of them to the post-office. This was actually fast lane, surprisingly effectively created, however it was without the Dangerous Girls zest. Final, some more history regarding Breel was he was actually an actually salty kid and also he was definitely inflexible from his very own little planet considering that he really did not allow many people assist or receive in his lifestyle which made his anxiety dangerously discourageding. This is merely right near the end where he is actually explaining exactly how Cadbury's World (Which is actually much like Charlie's Chocolate Factory incidentally!) made use of to deliver the children of his boarding institution example dark chocolate to taste and exactly how this result in him creating Charlie and also his adventures. However there are actually signs that an attempt at ornament is right now emerging, as well as the trick for cosmetics companies is actually to find a technique through the dilemma of producing 'non-girly' makeup genuine men. He is great in this story about a band being entraped in a club along with a team from skinheads after they witness a loathsome murder. A 29-year-old girl off Halstead was jailed at the performance for permitting a canine to be precariously out of control wounding a person, cops claimed. Women obtain violated just due to the fact that men rape all of them( Of course, females could receive assaulted through other women). Johnny is actually known as a Guevedoce", which practically indicates, penis at twelve ". As well as the reason he's phoned that is because, like 1 in 90 of the kids in the area, he to begin with started to expand a penis when he was actually looking at the age of puberty. Some ridiculous uncertainties occur when the robotic by mistake obtains turned off and also the kid does not recognize what to do, and also the other way around. The young boy robotically folded the programme, switched this long edge up and also thought about whether a programme of the smaller sized measurements, less complicated to take care of, with an attractive cover and some reading-matter, will certainly not be profitable. Professor Alan Smithers, supervisor from the Facility for Education and learning and also Job Investigation at the University from Buckingham, pointed out women started institution with a little better spoken skill-sets, while boys began along with a somewhat better aptitude for mathematics. In the initial section from the book, Young boy hops coming from First individual to 2nd individual to illustrate her property life then in the 1st section from the Second section from guide, Bird additionally jumps standpoint (1st person to Third person) for a handful of pages to illustrate herself. Presently, Phillip is actually hardly devoting whenever with JJ.Danny apparently presumes that girls can not play football till everything acquires too much for Jadyn and also she eventually determines to action in and also present Danny exactly how also ladies can easily participate in football.Maybe also a lot better in comparison to skips her best friend a lot. There is always protection to modify, yet I have actually fulfilled many men that are completely available to adjustments that may be happening," she pointed out.
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rainbowderpturtle · 7 years
thoughts on labels n stuff bc i just wanna get it out of my head
i want to sit everyone in the world down and fucking grab their face and tell them over and over again that labels are for people to label themselves and nothing else. labels are for people to identify themselves with a community of people with the same experiences, and not, as any decade old myspace icon will tell you, for other people to categorize and stuff them into boxes and stereotypes
like, nothing exists, ever, it’s all made up, all words? all words, ever? dont exist, my dude, theyre fucking fake, humans made it all up, it means nothing. words mean nothing in the vacuum of space. the heat death of the universe will destroy all concepts ever, in time. so it has been foretold.
this is why people who find freedom in refusing to define themselves get pissed when someone calls em gay or trans or whatever. this is why people who loudly identify as queer get pissed when other people ask them to elaborate. it doesn’t fucking matter, nothing matters, everything is fake, literally what difference does it make in your life deborah which meaningless mouthsound i use to describe my fake abstract concept that doesn’t exist. it means nothing, deborah
this is also why people who strongly identify with labels and find comfort in those communities get pissed when people shy away from those words. it’s why people say no, she isn’t lgbt poc, she can’t be all of them at once, she’s a black lesbian. those are the words she has chosen to represent herself with. lesbian, not queer, not gay, she chose lesbian, that’s her word.
labels are for people to label themselves, and nothing else x2!!!! ive seen so many people like “dont say queer is a slur!!! its been reclaimed!!! ur erasing queer history!!!!” and its like, yeah, it has been reclaimed, it is a huge part of lgbt history, but that doesnt mean everyone has to identify with it. even a thousand years from now when we’re all robots and gayness isnt even a controversial thing anymore, there will always be someone who fits the definition of queer but chooses not to use it bc they had a bad experience with it or whatever
labels are for people to label themselves, and nothing else x3!!!! ive seen so many people like “uhhh neoliberals are calling everything queer when it’s other things, or calling ppl queer when they have been victims of hate crimes involving the word queer, nobody use it ever again,” and like dude. i wouldnt say faggot is reclaimed but theres certainly ppl who identify w/ that word. u cant tell other ppl how to identify. point out whats wrong w/ that usage and just move on with ur life pal, dont try to make queer ppl feel like shit for not identifying w/ The Four Accepted Words: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender.....the whole goddamn point of the lgbt acceptance movement is that all this sexuality and gender nonsense is fake and nothing matters, being cool to ur fellow human beings costs $0.00 deborah, who gives a fuck
like, i like boys, ive also liked a girl or two before, and i have pretty low interest in actively dating and sexing. i could easily identify as gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, any of those things? i could fit the definition of them ?? ?? ??? but i’m the only one who is capable of deciding which one(s) actually apply to me, and no one else in the fucking world gets a say at ALL ?? ?? ??????
this usually comes up when talking about characters or historical figures and its like....... everybody just be cool. use the words they used to describe themselves. if they had no words, just describe them as a dude who likes boys or whatever. or that sga mlm sapphic shit, WHATEVER. or if they/their creators are dead, fuckin call em whatever u want, who cares, theyre not gonna fuckin hear it n get mad, just keep in mind that the world is pudding and nothing matters because everything is fake
ive sorta ran outta steam now bc im hungry but anyway in conclusion i’m gay and queer and ppl piss me off all the time bc for some reason we as a species still can’t grasp the idea that other people exist
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makuta-tobi · 1 year
>random minute spark of writing inspiration
>it's for a dumb smut story about a robot and its trans girl creator fucking
>we're not doing that, I don't think
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