ricardotomasz · 1 year
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Republicans Defend Robots' Rights To Own Guns
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on https://greaterandgrander.com/republicans-defend-robots-rights-to-own-guns
Republicans Defend Robots' Rights To Own Guns
As the debate about the rights of robots rages on, conservative politicians have found themselves taking a bold new stance: they want robots to have the right to carry firearms under the second amendment.
According to these lawmakers, robots are just as entitled to their second amendment rights as human beings. "The constitution doesn't discriminate against those who were assembled in a factory," declared Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who (rumor has it) is a robot in disguise programmed using PornHub.
Critics of the proposal have expressed concern about the potential danger of arming robots. "We don't even trust humans with guns, and now we want to give them to machines? That's just asking for trouble," warned Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), who we suspect is secretly a member of the Society for the Prevention of Artificial Robotic Killing (S.P.A.R.K.).
But supporters of the plan argue that robots should be given the same level of trust as human gun owners. "Robots are programmed to follow the law and obey their owners, so there's no reason to think they would use their guns inappropriately," said Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), who clearly has never seen The Terminator.
The idea of robot gun rights has gained traction among some conservative voters, who see it as a logical extension of their belief in individual freedom. "If a robot wants to carry a gun to protect itself, who are we to say no?" said Mary Smith, a resident of Tulsa, OK, who is rumored to have a robot best friend.
While it remains to be seen whether the proposal will become law, it's clear that the debate around robots and their rights is far from over. As technology continues to advance, questions about the relationship between humans and robots will only become more pressing. But for now, at least some conservative politicians are standing up for the second amendment rights of our robotic brethren, because what could possibly go wrong with giving guns to machines that can't even feel emotions?
#BeautifulSatire, #Politics, #RobotsForKids, #RobotsMovie, #Satire, #Satirical
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imoonblaze · 2 years
Maiko and art belong to @imoonblaze
Robots (2005) belong to Blue Sky Studios
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Se supone que esto lo debo de publicar desde febrero, pero por tiempo no pude tomar mi tiempo libre para terminar su ficha e información antes de Marzo, por suerte puede terminarlo y aquí está!
Desde muy niña me gustaba tanto esta peli, era de las tantas películas que veía seguidamente junto a Cars y Nemo siendo de las películas que marcaron bastante mi infancia....pero como era de esperarse, con los años me fui olvidando de la película y porque mis preferencias a otras cosas que iban viniendo y gustos fueron cambiando....pero, debido a que ví el arte de una artista que humanizaba a los personajes de Robots fue lo que hizo que me acordará de esta maravillosa peli, así que decidí crear a mi propio personaje.
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mr-marsmallow · 5 years
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i see no difference change my mind
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Gas Level Monitoring Over Internet Using ESP8266, Gas Sensor & thingspeak serverIn this project we will learn about Gas Level Monitoring Over Internet Using ESP8266 & Gas Sensor Module, i.e MQ7. We will measure the quantity of gas in percentage and send it over the internet using the thingspeak server. With this system, the data can be monitored remotely staying at any part of the world. We just need gas/smoke/LPG sensor like MQ2/MQ3/MQ5/MQ7/MQ135 that is directly connected to Nodemcu ESP8266-12E Module.ThingSpeak is an open source Internet of Things (IoT) application and API to store and retrieve data from things using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network.#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/#atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/#RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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juandih · 6 years
Una película de mi infancia. Espero que te guste. #robotsmovie #pelicula #blog #critica #soyadictoalosfilms Rodney Copperbottom es un joven robot que pertenece a una familia humilde. Sus padres no podían proporcionarle piezas de recambio nuevas, por lo que se ha pasado toda su vida utilizando piezas de segunda mano.
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Accident alert system using Arduino
.#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/#atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/#RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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alexandprincessthedog · 10 years
So I've been inactive for a while, but I have a good reason! I've been working and running around applying for jobs. I realized something during my absence, though. I realized that the movie Robots is kind of a terrifying movie with its implications! Please, allow me to explain.
The movie follows Rodney Copperbottom, whose dream is to go to Robot City and meet Bigweld, the head of Bigweld Industries and a famous inventor who makes things to improve the lives of everyday people. When he arrives he finds out Bigweld is gone and a robot named Ratchet, along with his mother, are trying to take over by discontinuing spare parts and making all robots either upgrade or perish. So Rodney and a team of misfit pals gang together to find Bigweld and save Robot City!
I like the movie, don't get me wrong, there's just some majorly creepy implications. The first big one comes with the outmodes, the term given to robots when their model has been discontinued and spare parts are not being made for them. When a model's been outmoded and the spare parts dry up, then they have to pay for expensive upgrades or they eventually break down and get sent to the chop-shop where they're melted down. So basically this means that the poor and the old are being got rid of.
When Ratchet starts his plan, he immediately discontinues making spare parts which means that millions of robots are being outmoded. And those who aren't rich enough to buy upgrades are in trouble. At one point Ratchet says, "you know what I call robots who can't afford upgrades? Scrap metal!" Ratchet's goal is to get rid of all robots who aren't rich enough to upgrade. So those who can't will get old, die, and turn into scrap metal for Madame Gasket, who is Ratchet's mother.
When a part seller in Robot City's stock runs out and all he has left are upgrades there's a literal mob of people who can't afford the pricey upgrades. Rodney, who's a tinkerer, begins to help these bots by fixing them. It basically makes him the equivalent of an unlicensed, but educated, doctor. Those who can't afford the upgrades rely on Rodney to fix their issues, but Rodney knows he can't do it alone. The reason this is all so disturbing is because it brings up the concept of eugenics, which I think is pretty strong for a kids movie!
Madame Gasket and Ratchet want to improve the robot society by eradicating the poor, which is eugenics at its finest. There's a scene in the chop shop where you see employees cutting up spare parts before they're melted down, but these are parts like legs, heads, torsos, and the like. In human terms, these guys are basically organ harvesters. They're taking the usable parts of the dead robots and profiting off them. Creepy, right? So not only is there a prevalent theme of eugenics, there's organ harvesting. And the concept of not being able to afford upgrades addresses the concept of the American healthcare system. Those without insurance, and without the means to pay for doctors, are left to die.
Creepy, right? It's a good movie, though! It wasn't a big smash, but it has a great cast. Drew Carey, Ewan McGregor, Amanda Bynes, Robin Williams, Paula Abdul, and Halle Berry all lend their voices. It's a good watch, really, but when you look at things at a deeper level it gets a bit spooky!
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Arduino GPS ClockThere are many GPS satellites around the Earth which are used to provide the exact location of any place. Along with the location coordinates (Latitude and Longitude), it also provide other data like time, date, altitude, direction tracking angle etc. We have already learned to read this GPS data from Satellite using Arduino. So we make a GPS clock using the ‘Time and Date’ data from the GPS satellite. GPS Updated Clock is very accurate and provides the real time data with precision of milliseconds.#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Arduino based Medicine Reminder Using RTC Module.We always want to stay them healthy and fit. But what will happen if they get ill and forget to take medicine on time. We would be worried, right?  At hospitals, there are many patients and it is difficult to remind every patient to take medicine on time. The traditional ways require human efforts to remind to take medicines on time. The digital era doesn’t follow that and we can use machines to do that. The application of Smart Medicine Reminder is very wide and can be used by patients at home, doctors at hospitals and at many other places. When it comes to reminding, there can be many ways to remind it.#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Raspberry Pi Based Obstacle Avoiding Robottoday we are here with a Automatic Robot which moves autonomously without any external events avoiding all the obstacle in its path, yes we talking about Obstacle Avoiding Robot. In this project, we have used Raspberry Pi and Motor driver module to control the robot and Ultrasonic sensor for detecting objects in the path of Robot.#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Hand Gesture Control Car Using Mpu6050 and NRF Module we have designed a simple Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino. This Hand Gesture Controlled Robot is based on Arduino Nano, MPU6050, RF Transmitter-Receiver Pair and L293D Motor Driver.#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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OLED DISPLAY WITH ARDUINO We’ll show you some features of the OLED display, how to connect it to the Arduino board, and how to write text, draw shapes and display bitmap images. #AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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RC Car control with an airplane Transmitter using Arduino #AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/#atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/#RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro#AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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Automatic Room Light Controller With Bidirectional Visitor Counter Using Arduino. #AIMToInnovate/#Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/#StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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creatjet3d-blog · 5 years
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IOT Based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and Arduino. We make a Smart Electricity Energy meter using Arduino and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module which can not only sends you a SMS/Email of your electricity Bill but also you can monitor the energy uses anytime and from anywhere in the world. Here we have used a Current Sensor ACS712 to measure the energy consumption, we will discuss about it shortly. Electricity energy meters which are installed in our house or offices to measure the electricity consumption. At last of every month, many of us get worried about the high electricity bill and we have to look at the energy meter once in a while.Here we are building an IoT based Project of Energy Meter. #AIMToInnovate/ #Tinkerguru/ #atalinnovationmission/ #NITIAayog/ #StemChange/ #RobotsMovie/ https://goo.gl/Z2h9Ro
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