azurescribbles · 5 years
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No more discourse just me posting a Robmiri sketchpage a week later on Tumblr than Twitter
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idabbleincrazy · 6 years
If there's anyone who's up that happens to have any good SabrielxRowena, SamwenaxGabriel, or RobrielxSam prompts or ideas, send em my way. Really wanna try writing them, just out of ideas.
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angel-ofthursdays · 6 years
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yaoiqueenart · 8 years
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My beautiful original trans kids ❤️ A comic I whipped up for 2017
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revwinchester · 6 years
Rules: Answer the prompts and tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @nobodys-baby-now
Relationship Status:
🔲 single
🔲 taken
✔️ mentally dating multiple (married) celebrities
Favourite Colour: purple!
Top Three Ships: Sabriel, Robriel (Gabewena? Twitch? Gabriel x Rowena), Sastiel (come at me, bro)... I just really love Sam and Gabe...
Lipstick or Chapstick: depends on the occasion! But mostly chapstick
Last Song: The place where I’m writing is definitely playing Muzak versions of popular movie and tv themes. The last one I recognized was the Game of Thrones theme.
Last Movie: The Decoy Bride - aka the only romcom that I would call a favorite movie and the only romcom that I’ve ever felt the need to watch repeatedly.
Currently Reading: About to start the fic I’m making art for for a bang! And non-fic wise, my book club is reading The Trouble With Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis this month.
Tagging: @archangelgabriellives @archangel-with-a-shotgun @warlockwriter @nanika67 and literally anyone who wants to answer these questions. I’m so bad at this part so if you’re reading this and thinking to yourself “I wish someone would tag me in these things...” TAG! YOU’RE IT!!
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whitmerule · 6 years
- Gabrena
- Gawena
- Robriel
- Rowiel
- Trickwitch
- Witchster
- Wickster
- Archwitch
Of course, once you add in Sam it’s just Team Epic Bedhead
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warlockwriter · 6 years
Tricks Aren’t Just For Kids
For my first ever Gabriel Monthly Challenge (May 2018)
Prompt: Dialogue: “Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"
Summary: Rob Bennett wakes up and discovers he may have done worse than break "Con Rule #1." But maybe it's not what it looks like. (Crossover with Kings of Con)
Pairing: Rob Bennett/Gabriel (sort of) ;)
Warnings: Awkward situations and Language. I don’t think I’ve ever used this many four-letter words in a fic.
Word Count: 2495
Ao3 Link
Author’s Note: @whitmerule  is indirectly responsible for this. When they asked for ship name ideas for Rowena/Gabriel, someone suggested Robriel. They said no, that was for Rob/Gabriel. This sort of happened as a result of that idea sticking in my head.
Tagging: @archangelsanonymous, @archangel-with-a-shotgun, @revwinchester, @gabriel-monthly-challenge
Whippany, NJ
Rob opened his eyes, slowly. His head throbbed, and he was pretty sure his wig had died in his mouth. As the world slowly swam into view, he couldn't figure out what he was seeing. The ceiling was so far away. Was he sick? Had something happened?
Finally, he figured out he was on the floor. But why was he on the floor? Had he fallen out of bed? Why was he naked? And feeling sticky?
Something nudged his face. It felt like someone's...ass? Oh no! What had he done? Had he broken Con rule number one and slept with a fan? Surely not. He hadn't been that drunk last night. Had he?
Whoever it was mumbled in her--no wait. Was that a man's sleep murmur? Had he actually been drunk enough to sleep with a male fan? Slowly, with growing dread, he turned his head to the side. The world spun a little, but after a moment, he was able to focus on the person beside him.
Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Worse than sleeping with a fan. Even worse than sleeping with a male fan. A familiar face was pillowed on Rob's discarded pants. His honey gold hair gleamed in the early morning sunlight streaming through the window. His face was relaxed into "well-fucked" bliss.
Apparently he had been so drunk last night he'd slept with his best friend. Oh, he was so screwed.
Rob stood up, careful to not disturb Rich. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he did know he didn't want to be in the room when his best friend woke up and realized what had happened last night.
He tiptoed to his suitcase, grabbed some clean clothes at random, threw them on, decided his mis-matched socks weren't important enough to risk making more noise and did the walk of shame out of his hotel room.
As soon as the door snicked closed, the still figure on the floor opened amber eyes and smiled a satisfied smile. Rob had been so distracted he hadn't even noticed the absence of a certain chain necklace.
Even a Trickster had to give his victims a way out.
Rob fretted all the way to breakfast. He tried to remember the previous night. Rich had been talking to him at the bar. Something about confidence and being a keynote speaker. Then he'd sat at the table with the girl who'd been cosplaying his character. He wouldn't have been surprised if he'd slept with her. He'd felt such a connection. So how did he go from there to waking up on the floor with his best friend? The one who'd stood by him every time he'd needed him. Well, except for that one time. And that one. And that thing with the divorce papers. Okay, so Rich could be kind of an ass, but still. Just because he slept with fans didn't mean he wanted his best friend creeping on and sleeping with him.
How could he ever face Rich again?
A sudden hope went through him. Maybe Rich had been too drunk to remember? He'd just wake up on the floor, wonder how he got there and decide it had been something innocent. Like passing out in Rob's room because it was too far to get to his own.
Yeah, that was probably it. Surely the Universe didn't hate him enough for Rich to remember. If he just played it cool, he'd be able to get through this.
He deliberately slowed his steps on the way into the restaurant. This was a terrible time to rush and look guilty. He'd just go in, grab some food from the buffet, sit down and wait for Rich to come in. He'd just smile big, ask him how his evening had been and play it cool. Yeah, he could do this.
So imagine his surprise when Rich was already at the buffet, dressed and chatting casually with Matt and Kurt. Wait? What? How was that even possible? He'd just left him passed out on his hotel room floor less than ten minutes ago.
Rich glanced up, smiled and said, "Come on, Robby. We're on stage in 20 minutes. Eat up while you can."
Stay cool. Stay cool.
Rob walked over, took a plate, served up some eggs and blurted out, “Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"
Oh shit! He had not meant to say that. Why had he said that?
Rich just frowned. "What are you talking about? If you didn't mean to take the eggs, just don't eat them."
Kurt gave both of them his typical cool, slightly superior look, examined three packets of jelly as if they held the secrets of the universe, selected the strawberry and left for a table.
Rich was still giving him an odd look. "You okay, Rob? You look a little green."
Rob grabbed some bacon at random and desperately tried to regain what little cool he had. "Uh, no. Just...well...might have had a bit too much to drink last night."
Rich nodded knowingly. "Tell me about it, dude. You were knocking back shots so fast I was sure you'd forget yourself and try to sleep with the chick cosplaying you. I was so ready to do an intervention."
The aforementioned girl walked by at that moment, winked at Rich and kept on going.
"Glad to see you made it to bed alone, buddy. Now eat up and let's get to the fans." He picked up his plate and headed for a table, deliberating selecting one far away from Kurt.
Rob didn't know what to think. Blindly grabbing some toast, he followed Rich to the table. Sitting down, he decided he had to ask. "How'd you get down here so fast?"
Rich looked up from squirting ketchup on his eggs. The smell made Rob slightly nauseous. "What are you talking about, man? I took the same amount of time I always do."
Well, that was clearly not true, but what else could Rob ask? If Rich had truly forgotten it, wasn't that what he wanted?
"Never mind," Rob finally said. "My time sense must be shot today."
"As long as you're not late for the photo ops later today. Beth'll have your head."
Rob forced himself to eat his breakfast. Something about this just wasn't right, but he didn't have the time to figure it out right now.
The rest of the day passed surprisingly normally. Cosplay girl gave him some odd looks, but he kept his distance. He'd made enough mistakes for one convention.
Rich also kept shooting him looks, but they were basically the usual Robby are you going to make it through this day, so he didn't think they meant anything.
Of course, as soon as he thought he'd made it through without his friend remembering anything, it all went to shit again.
He had just finished his photo op and was on his way back to his room when Rich stopped him. "Rob! God damn it! What the fuck were you thinking?"
Oh shit!
He stopped walking, not sure what to say, but pretty sure he didn't want it said in front of witnesses. "Come on, man. Let's take this to one of our rooms."
Rich recoiled. "Are you kidding me? Not a chance I'm going to be in a room alone with you again. I'm not sure how I'll manage to even be at a con with you again."
With that he stalked off down the hallway.
Rob didn't know what to say. What could he say? It was unforgivable what he'd done, and the worst part was that he didn't even remember anything that had happened. If he could remember, he could try to apologize, but what could he say? "Hey, Rich, I think I slept with you, and I really want to say I'm sorry, but I don't even remember what happened."
Yeah, that would go over well.
Down the other hallway, the man who looked like Rich stopped and smiled. Yes, this was going just according to plan.
Rob found a bottle of cheap whiskey in his room and started working his way through it. About a quarter of the way through the bottle, a knock sounded at his door.
"Hey, Robby, are you coming down for the concert?"
What the fuck? Rich? What was he doing here?
Whiskey bottle dangling precariously from his hand, Rob stumbled to the door, not yet drunk, exactly, but still messed up enough to be unsure of his footing. He opened, and, sure enough, there was Rich, whose welcoming smile slid into a frown. "Rob? Why are you drinking alone in your room?"
"You know why," Rob said, proud that his words were barely slurred.
Rich put a gentle arm around him and nudged him into the room, closing the door behind him. Guiding him to the bed, he said, "Look, man. You've been off all day. What's wrong?"
"Why are you even in here?"
Rich gave him a puzzled frown. "Why wouldn't I be? I mean, you're my friend. Something's wrong, and I just want to help if I can."
"But you said you'd never want to be alone in a room with me again."
Suspicion crossed Rich's face, and Rob was sure he was going to storm out, but instead he asked, "What do you think happened today?"
Rob waved the bottle. almost hitting Rich in the face. His friend took the bottle away from him and set it down at a safe distance. "I woke up this morning on the floor. Someone was with me, and I thought I'd slept with a fan, but when I rolled over, it was you." He felt tears start to run down his face. "I think I slept with my best friend, and I didn't mean to, and I don't even remember it. I'm so sorry. I thought maybe you hadn't remembered it because you were normal at breakfast, but then just a little while ago you said you never wanted to be alone in a room with me again."
As he spoke, his words became almost intelligible around the sobs which shook his body.
Rich's expression went from confusion to irritation to near anger. Rob started to apologize again, but before he could say anything, his friend's expression softened, and he squeezed Rob's shoulder. "It's okay, Rob. I think I know what's been happening. It's not your fault."
He turned to the center of the room and spoke, clearly and loudly, "Gabriel, get your feathery ass down here right now."
Rob didn't know what to think. Sure, Rich had played an angel named Gabriel on that show, but why was he acting like he thought someone named Gabriel was going to show up?
That's when there was a feeling of displaced air followed by the sound of wings, and a twin to Rich was standing in the middle of the room, looking pleased with himself.
"What?" was all Rob managed to get out of his suddenly dry mouth.
"Gabriel" crossed his arms and smirked at Rich. "You rang?"
Rich rolled his eyes. "Gabriel, what the heck are you doing tricking my best friend?"
Okay, apparently he really was Gabriel. Rob wasn't sure he was quite drunk enough to believe it, but he'd roll with it for the moment.
"I thought he needed cheering up after the divorce," Gabriel was saying, his tone innocent.
"By making him think he'd slept with me?" Rich's hazel eyes were flashing, which Rob thought might be unwise, assuming this guy actually was an archangel.
Gabriel shrugged. "He's probably wanted it at some point, so why not?"
"I never have!" Rob squeaked.
Rich reached out and patted him reassuringly. "I know, man. He's just messing with you."
"That can't really be an actual archangel, Rich," Rob said, attempting to get the conversation going in a saner direction. "You know that right?"
Gabriel uncrossed his arms, stood up to his full height and said, "You think so?" A moment later, shadowy black wings uncurled from his shoulders, spreading to encompass the entire room. They remained just long enough for Rob to be incapable of convincing himself he was imagining them.
Rich didn't look impressed. "Drama queen."
Rob cleared his throat and managed to find a few actual words. "You mean he really is an archangel? And he looks just like you?"
"I'm more handsome," the angel said.
Rob had to admit he had a point. There was something about him.
Rich shook his head. "It's a long story, and I think you're drunk enough to not remember it in the morning, but let's play it safe, just say ‘yes’, and go with that. I'll explain in the morning if you remember."
"I'm not that drunk!" Rob protested.
The angel and human exchanged looks of amused disbelief.
After a moment, the angel relaxed his shoulders. "Okay, maybe I was a bit out of line. But you were ignoring me."
Rich rolled his eyes. Rob had the impression this was kind of a thing when he was around Gabriel. "Been busy, man. You know how con season is. And the best way to get my attention is not to torment my friend here."
Now Rob was even more confused. From the body language passing back and forth, it kind of looked like Rich and the angel were...together? How was that even possible?
"Want me to make him forget this ever happened?" Gabriel asked.
"That would be for the best. I was going to tell him one day, but not right after his wife served him with divorce papers. Seriously? Timing much?"
The angel shrugged, suddenly looking a bit abashed. "Okay, sorry. Look, how about I back up time to this morning, and we'll forget this even happened?"
Rich nodded. "Deal." He looked at Rob. "You okay with that?"
Rob decided he was. "Yeah, probably for the best. Thanks. I think?"
Gabriel snapped his fingers.
Rob opened his eyes, slowly. His head throbbed, and he was pretty sure his wig had died in his mouth. As the world slowly swam into view, he couldn't figure out what he was seeing. The ceiling was so far away. Was he sick? Had something happened?
Finally, he figured out he was on the floor. But why was he on the floor? Had he fallen out of bed? Why was he naked? And feeling sticky?
Something nudged his face. It felt like someone's...ass? Oh no! What had he done? Had he broken Con rule number one and slept with a fan? Surely not. He hadn't been that drunk last night. Had he?
A girl rolled over in her sleep, cuddling closer. She was wearing a fake beard and a wig. She muttered, "God," in her sleep.
Rob was suddenly both painfully awake and sober. "Oh fuck," was all he could manage to say.
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 5 years
Hey lovelies, you like the sexy Rowena? Here you go!
In The Library
Tags: 18+, sex, smut, oral sex (both man and woman receiving), no condom, consent, lots of sex
A/N- this one-shot was inspired by the library scene in 13x21, a bit of comic relief in a kinda brutal episode. I've borrowed the setting, Rowena's outfit, Gabriel's last line and, oh, the red book. Besides that, I just let my mind fill in the details.
Any hunter worth their salt knows that you should never, under any circumstances, leave a witch and an angel alone together. And, if you really absolutely have to leave a witch and an angel alone together, you should definitely never leave them locked in a library.
Rowena drummed her pale slim fingers against the thick wooden library table, her golden glossy nails making a light tapping sound.
We will be back soon, Dean had said.
Keep an eye on Gabriel, Sam had said.
Stay out of trouble, Castiel had said. 
Rowena scoffed. All the boys needed to do was track down one missing element for a spell. How hard could it be? And yet she had been left, locked in this library, with the trickster angel Gabriel for hours now.
At first, he had occupied himself trying to bait Rowena into conversation but she had ignored him. Giving up, he went to wander around the library to see what sort of trouble he could get into. Now, Rowena was wishing she hadn't been quite so hasty. Watching him move from stack to stack, she realized that he wasn't that hard on the eyes. Rowena would never admit it but he did have a rather cute little ass. Not to mention those eyes- golden brown like honey and always flashing with mischief. 
Gabriel sighed as he trailed his fingers lightly over the spines of the leather books that filled the shelves of the library. He had no interest in these books and he was bored- so bored. Judging by the rhythm Rowena was drumming, she was too. 
Gabriel sneaked a glance her way. Her haughty face was still turned away from him and he took in the sight of her profile- her long dark lashes, her pert nose, and her sassy little chin. She was beautiful, he supposed, with that tight little body and that creamy white skin.
Rowena shifted in her chair. Being 300 years old wasn't that easy and her back could grow stiff when she sat for too long. Pushing the chair away, she stood up to stretch. As she arched her back, her perky breasts rose against the front of her golden sweater.
Now this was something interesting, thought Gabriel.
Rowena lifted one slim leg and placed it on the chair in front of her, bending forward to stretch out her calf. Her black pencil skirt pulled tight across her hips.
That ass- so round, so perfect- he wondered what she looked like naked.
Gabriel wandered over to the table with a studied casualness. "Hey Ro," he said with a wicked glimmer in his eyes, "are you bored?"
Rowena condescended to nod once.
"I have an idea of something we could do together, something good." Gabriel whispered in her ear. Startled, Rowena turned to look at him. Gabriel took advantage of the moment to take her face in his hands and kiss her hard.
Rowena gasped and slapped him across the face. Gabriel grinned his saucy grin. "Oh, so you like it rough, do you? This is going to be good."
Rowena hesitated just a moment and then threw her arms around Gabriel neck, pulling his face into hers and kissing him back. Oh, his lips felt so good!
Gabriel ran his hands down the back of Rowena's golden sweater to settle on her hips. She was so tiny that his hands fit almost around her waist. He could practically pick her up, do whatever he wanted with her. Instead his hand slid down to her ass. Yes, it felt as good as it looked- surprisingly full and warm on her slim body.
"Yes," Rowena whispered, wrapping one leg around Gabriel. He tangled his hands in her thick red curls, pulling her head back to reveal her milky white throat. He nibbled her teasingly along her jaw and then kissed down the vein in her neck until his lips rested in the hollow of her throat. Her collarbones were just visible above the collar of her sweater, and he swirled his tongue in that sweet spot. Rowena moaned.
Then Gabriel did pick her up, setting her down on a low bookshelf that ran around the room. Taking her tiny ankles in his hands, he ran his fingertips up her shapely legs, careful not to snag her thin nylon stockings. His legs went up under her skirt up over her knee and felt the smooth warmth of her bare thigh. Gabriel stopped and lifted her skirt for a peek. Rowena was wearing a black garter belt and no panties?! This was going to be good.
Gabriel spread her hips wide, pushing her hem up to reveal her creamy soft thighs. He placed her legs over his shoulders -oh, she was so flexible- and pressed his face to the patch of red hair between them. As he kissed and sucked her there, Rowena threw her head back and moaned. Tangling her fingers in the angel's long brown hair she pushed him down harder. 
Gabriel was so bad, but so very very good. 
Before long Rowena's breath caught in her throat. She panted hard and then quickly came. A warm flush spread up Rowena's elegant neck and over her pale freckled cheeks as Gabriel drew back and looked at her. "Ro, are you still bored?" He asked with a throaty chuckle. Purring with delight, Rowena pushed his shoulders back and slid down into his arms.
As Gabriel embraced her for another kiss, she felt his erection hard against her above her belly button.
"Your turn now," Rowena said. She reached for his belt and, in one motion, undid his pants and pushed him back into a leather armchair.  She had never particularly thought about whether or not angels might have nice cocks. It turns out that they did, or at least this angel did. He was even longer than she would have expected for a man his height, and thick, and so ready.
Kneeling between his thighs, Rowena gave Gabriel's cock the same attention that he had given her. She watched his face as he sighed with pleasure, her green eyes bright with lust and power. Gabriel prided himself on his longevity, but it was as if Rowena was magic. He stroked her silky red hair as his pleasure built. His climax scorched through him like a bolt of lightning and he moaned as he bucked forward. Rowena pulled her head back just in time for him to come all over his own thighs.
After Gabriel caught his breath, he slipped out of the chair to sit on the floor with Rowena. Their bodies tangled together as they kissed and kissed. He slid his hands up under her golden sweater and cupped her breasts. He could feel that her bra was lace. He could feel her nipples rise under his fingertips. He tweaked one playfully, and at the same time, jammed his tongue into her mouth. Rowena gasped and arced against him. In no time at all Gabriel was hard again. With a wicked look in her cat green eyes Rowena took him in her hands.
"Oh Ro," he said, "not this time." 
He pushed Rowena's shoulders back to the floor and rose up over her. She pulled her skirt all the way up to her tiny waist. Gabriel lifted his eyes to watch her face as he plunged into her in one hard motion. Rowena moaned as he thrust her against the floor, and began to move her hips in a slow circle. Together, their bodies quickly found a rhythm. Her green eyes caught his golden ones and she grinned seductively.
They were lost in their shared sensation when suddenly Gabriel heard something- the security system on the bunker had unlocked, and the boys were back. He couldn't let them get caught like this but he also couldn't stop. Boots tramped down the stairs towards the door. A shiver went through his whole body -fear, pleasure, he didn't know- but suddenly he was coming again, burying himself deep inside Rowena. She felt him shudder on top of and inside her, and ground against his hips. She bit her lip but a small yelp escaped her as she came right after him.
Through the fog of pleasure in his brain, Gabriel heard the library door click open. In one motion, he stood up and pulled up his pants, but where was his belt? Rowena scrambled to her feet, pulling down her skirt.
"Hey guys," Dean called.
Gabriel grabbed the nearest book, a large red atlas, to cover his undone pants and still half erect cock. He tried to lean against a bookshelf casually. Rowena slid into view next to him, still brushing off the back of her skirt.
"Oh! Uh.." stammered Gabriel "We were just... Reading. Books. Here in the, uh, library."
Rowena nodded, brushing aside one of the tangled red curls that fell into her face.
The Winchester brothers stared at them, their faces splashed with shock.
Gabriel glanced around everywhere, anywhere but at Rowena. "The library! Which is the room we're in right now."
Dean let out a choking sound while Sammy smothered what sounded an awful lot like a giggle.
Castiel shook his head. Hunters, he thought.
Everybody knows you never, under any circumstances, leave a witch and an angel alone together, especially not in the library.
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bluepoettree · 6 years
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Robriel only speaks the most impactful words when he opens his M.O.U.T.H. Tonight we’re G.O.L.O. BluePoetTree.com #GetOverLifeObstacles
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idabbleincrazy · 4 years
If you're still doing the ships game: Robriel/Gabwena
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks: Even though they’re both non-human, and less susceptible to injury, pretty sure it’s a safe bet that Gabriel would be the klutz in the relationship. Dude could end up with a paper-cut while cleaning his own feathers...
who worries more about the other: Rowena. She know she shouldn’t, but, Gabriel never knows when to admit that he might be in over his head in a fight.
who is more afraid about the other leaving them: Gabriel’s insecurities knows no bounds.
who is more likely to leave (for any reason): Rowena. She’s always been hard to tack down, even (or especially) when the love is real.
who is more likely to drunkenly confess: Gabriel. Granted, it would take a hell of a lot to get him drunk in the first place.
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason): Gabriel. He’d rather be preemptive in the ruining of a relationship than have his heart broken.
who picks fights more often: Rowena, usually because Gabriel’s being an idiot and likely to get himself killed unless she puts him in his place.
who usually apologizes first: Gabriel. He can’t stand Rowena being angry or sulky for too long. plus, he knows the make-up sex is even more phenomenal when he’s the first to admit he was wrong.
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other: i think they’re evenly matched here, both have been hurt too much in the past to easily show themselves so readily.
who is more likely to lash out at the other: Rowena. sometimes her temper gets the better of her.
who gets more jealous: Gabriel, though its a close call. his Celestial instincts are hard to contain and Rowena is too beautiful for her own good sometimes, he can’t always help it if his feathers get ruffled when someone starts making eyes at her. 
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”: Gabriel. it would hurt him like hell, but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna keep her from real happiness. doesn’t mean he won’t be the first in line to kick the other person’s ass if they hurt her. he did spend ages as Loki, after all, some habits are hard to break.
Thanx for the ask!
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whitmerule · 6 years
kd-heart replied to your post “OKAY GUYS POLL TIME”
Robriel, to stick with the pattern with the angel name at the end
mmm but that sounds like gabriel + rob benedict
(anyone with an opinion on a good ship name for rowena/gabriel should go reblog that poll and comment!)
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makdawg-blog · 13 years
post that video of you singing please
like asap
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yaoiqueenart · 8 years
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Robin finally started snapping Gabe back once he discovered the dog filter
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