incarnateirony · 2 years
guys matching the trends on the night, we could clear as high as 0.18 on our next live new episode (not rerun week). I expect a BIT of a dent due to the hiccup but it's a holiday week anyway so kinda expected, but don't be surprised to see winchesters ep 5 hit about 0.16 live or so next new week.
Long story short lots of staring at demo charts for things 2po thinks are probably magic math wizardry he can bullshit into existence but
it breaks down to the way you can see the male demo cut in half vs women on every network, with exception to the obvious reverse on the world series, because stereotypes sometimes exist for reasons or whatever.
but when the world series ends, that demo is going to redistribute out there, and that's. well. that's that, basically. That's about where it's gonna plunk us in L+SD. Assuming we don't get any MORE exponential audience growth rather than decline.
This shit is wild. Everybody strap in, Jackles and Robtom just upgraded us from clown car to clown coaster and Misha's about to show up and strap rockets on soonish.
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problematicrobert · 7 years
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oh my goodness okay so hear me out....
so during that time after robert's father kicked him out, I like to believe Robert was a rent boy (it would make total sense, we'd know how he met connor, we'd know what he had to do to survive on his own, and it'd explain why he's so skilled in bed with both men and women!), now, get this, tom used to hire Robert.
Okay okay so, it was just supposed to be a one time thing. Tom wanted some relief from the stress of his business and what better way to do that than a little hump and go? So, fast forward and Robert is the one who gets Tom. And it's good. Real good. the sex is amazing and Tom quickly falls for robert's wit, his smart mouth, his intelligence, and he keeps coming back for more. He could have anyone he wanted but robert is the man he's slowly falling for.
It goes on for months, months of midnight booty calls, room service in bed, talking at all hours about their childhood, their parents, their lovers, their mistakes, their worst moments. And despite every ugly thing revealed about themselves, they can never stay away. After a little while, Robert rejects the money Tom gives him (it's always a little more each time they get together) because he feels wrong, ~dirty~, taking Tom's money when he enjoys his company so much. Tom doesn't leave it at that though, of course he continues to buy Robert expensive stuff. Watches, suits, cologne, etc. Robert loves it and Tom loves treating him.
but then it all goes pear shaped. One night it's heating up, it's beautiful, it's lovely, there's candles and flowers and Robert and Tom in bed, curled together, unable to keep their hands off each other. Until the moment Tom is deep inside Robert and tells Robert he loves him.
And he's being truthful. Robert can see it but he can't believe it. It cannot be true. His dad, Katie.... They never loved him. They preferred Andy over him. They hated him. He was a disappointment. The only person who loved him was his mother and look what happened to her? She died. Robert hurt everyone he'd ever met and he couldn't do that to Tom. He loved him too much.
So he left. He took lawrence's job, he packed his bag, he left, and he cried until his throat hurt and he couldn't breathe, until he felt he'd cried so much he wouldn't ever be able to again.
And he couldn't.
Until Tom turns up in the village.
Tom being back shocks robert, and brings him back to those days of feeling powerless and desperate, but at the same time he always felt so ~safe~ with Tom and the emotions are warring with each other. and Tom.... Tom is delighted that Robert has made something of himself, but it's bittersweet because now, he knows robert would never want him.
But robert is Robert, he keeps up his Cold Front because he's been hurt, and he desperately wanted Tom to ask him to stay the last time they fucked but he didnt. and eventually they end up in bed again and Robert is about to get up and leave, hating himself for falling into this again when he knows he'll never be loved back, when Tom says "wait... rob... please. Please stay"
And with Aaron he always had to be the strong one. Had to be there for him, always, never faltering, everybody watching his every move. But Tom... with Tom he finally feels free to be weak, to be human. To be himself. And laying in tom's arms, he can feel tears start to fall from his eyes. and he cries. For his dad, for his mum, for Katie, for aaron... he doesn't have to hold back anymore.
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problematicrobert · 7 years
Where is the 'RobTom' spoiler from?? I haven't seen that sentence anywhere? Xx
I’m not entirely sure as it was sent to me! But, if I remember correctly, it was part of speculation on DigitalSpy!
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