#rockport limited
autocorrection · 2 years
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"we all get to wear a piece of flair on tuesdays"
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notcarlosshair · 1 year
had a vision that the jeffandrew bit of the final taz graphic novel took place in a completely white empty space as the disembodied voice talked to them but when you looked closely at the page this photo of griffin was superimposed over the whole thing at like 5% opacity
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
every great dnd podcast has a significant crab moment. i really don't know why but it's true. taz's crab fight. d20's crab king. naddpod's crabster.
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mcelquotes · 5 months
I've found that not killing is pretty easy. I go long periods of time without killing anybody.
Angus McDonald
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Some costume designs for each arc.
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zagreuses-art · 8 months
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Some watercolor marker TAZ bookmarks I made a long while ago. I realized I never posted them on here.
[ID: first image, six bookmarks featuring illustrations of the six TAZ balance arcs: here there be gerblins, murder on the Rockport limited, petals to the metal, crystal kingdom, eleventh hour, and the suffering game. The following images are closeups of the bookmarks. Second image, horizontal, showing taako from the back, jumping away from the back of the train and holding a box containing a glowing gold monocle. Third image, a shadowy hand reaching for the Phoenix gauntlet , which is wreathed in flames. Fourth image, Sloane as the raven shrouded in a column of vines and a storm, wearing the Gaia sash, looking up at her is Hurley in her Ram outfit surrounded by pink flowers . The fifth image, a robot is hanging suspended in a pink crystal, it has the transmutation stone in its hands, behind it is a portal to the astral plane full of ghostly silhouettes and glowing orbs. The sixth image shows Roswell the elemental (a suit of armour filled with mud with a red bird on their shoulder) underneath an arch that says refuge, above the arch the shoulders and arms of June are visible, holding the glowing and floating temporal chalice. The seventh image shows the black and white big top tent of the game, a crisscrossed colorful background, the arms of Edward and Lydia crossing over each other to cup around the Animus Bell, behind their hands is a red robe with glowing eyes. End ID]
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raspberrybluejeans · 1 year
i don’t have a problem with blue-skin taako in the graphic novels, i understand that there was a lot of drama going into that decision, but I do think they should have committed to the bit and made all the elves have “unnatural” colors of skin
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buffgirlotd · 1 year
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muscular woman of the day: jess the beheader from the adventure zone
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snuffkip · 2 years
Drawing a Taako for every balance mini-arc
#2 Murder on the Rockport Ltd.
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See my Taako designs for the other arcs below!
Here There Be Gerblins
Petals to the Metal
The Crystal Kingdom
The Eleventh Hour
The Suffering Game
The Stolen Century
Story and Song
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terabyte-teddybear · 2 years
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"if you sirs will excuse me, i came here to read books and chew bubble gum, and i'm all out of gum". angus mcdonald icons, ftu with credit <3
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yourbelgianthings · 4 months
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call that murder on the rockport limited
id: bold sans serif text reading Entering Train to Commit Crime end id.
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yardsards · 2 years
in the podcast, there's a couple of weeks timeskip between here there be gerblins and murder on the rockport limited
but in the graphic novel, it apparently just happens IMMEDIATELY with no skip??? not even 1 night in the dorms???
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you mean to tell me both books happened within the span of ONE no good very bad day???
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for the prompts to shake things up: 21 with thb and/or anyone else you feel like from at the bureau, if you feel so inclined!
"so it was YOU who took a full bite out of that stick of butter!! please. please. why??" from this prompt list!
Taako can’t stand living with other people.
Eh, that’s a little harsh, he supposes. He can stand it just fine, he just hates it. That’s a little nicer. Probably.
It’s not so much the being around other people he hates, it’s the sharing of space. He’s very particular with how he thinks stuff should be arranged. That’s not such a bad thing, he thinks.
But the communal kitchen thing will probably kill him if it doesn’t kill a colleague first.
He swears he’s the only motherfucker on this moon who has any idea what food safety even is. Every single day he has to remind these dunces that meat can’t defrost on the counter and milk shouldn’t be stored in the door and that you shouldn’t eat two fucking deviled eggs that have been sitting out on a windowsill for gods know how long, are you actually a lunatic?
That’s why he takes advantage of the kitchen at, what some might call, whack ass hours. Nobody to bother him, nobody sniffing around his pots and pans, nobody trying to sneak a bite.
He doesn’t share food and nobody needs to know why.
He’s craving an omelet. A fancy one. One with potatoes. And spinach. And lots of goat cheese. And onions. And garlic.
He’s contemplating more components as he whips his eggs up. As he’s rummaging around one of the cabinets he’s charmed, he idly wonders whose bright idea it was to build a secret moonbase without decent storage in the living spaces. His hand closes around the cool metal of his nice copper pan and he does his best to extract it noiselessly.
He turns the burner on and looks around for his nice butter. They apparently like, sing to the cows or some shit. It’s one of the little luxuries he’ll indulge in since it just makes food taste so much better. When he pulls it out of the fridge, however, he’s horrified to see just how the damn stick’s been brutalized.
He can’t use the rest of the stick, the thought genuinely makes him want to gag. So now he’s out a nice breakfast and a few silver pieces.
Good thing he’s going to be so calm and normal about this butter abuse.
Attention all occupants of this dormitory, please make your way to the kitchen ASAP. Or else.
Taako, what are you—
All good here, Madam D, never you mind!
Taako, this is inappropriate use of Bureau—
The intercom cuts off abruptly. Even with having just met the guy, Magnus has a feeling that Taako means business and isn’t keen on waiting. Merle and Robbie stir and make their way to the elevator. On their way down to the kitchen, even more groggy Bureau members step onto the elevator.
Merle and Magnus find themselves quietly humming along to the tune.
They all find Taako standing in the dorm kitchen and scowling. He says nothing for a moment before marching up to Robbie. “Open your mouth.”
He looks down the line at other Bureau members. “Uh, wh—”
“Just show me your teeth and this will be painless,” Taako demands, clutching a stick of butter in other hand.
After a reasonable amount of hesitation, Robbie opens his mouth and grimaces, exposing his teeth.
Taako squints, looking from the butter to Robbie’s mouth and back to the butter. “Close it, you’re clean.”
“Taako, what’re you doing ‘sides freaking out Rusty here?” Merle asks.
“Uh my name’s actually Robbie,” Robbie clarifies before being waved off by Taako.
“Well, Merle, I was just trying to make myself a bangin’ breakfast. Big ol’ omelet with a ton of shit. But do you know what the first step of making an omelet is?” Taako paces up and down the line of Bureau members he’s assembled in the kitchen, smacking the stick of butter in his hand against his palm.
“Cracking some eggs?” Avi ventures. Taako glares at him.
“Cracking some eggs,” Taako repeats, “Is but one of many ‘first steps’ in making an omelet. Don’t ask how there are multiple first steps, I am a wizard and a chef, not a fucking scientist. But perhaps the most important step is putting a big knob of butter in the pan and letting it become nice and foamy. But I can’t do that today! And do any of you care to venture a guess as to why?”
He’s met with blank stares. Typical.
“It’s because one of you has decided to bite into my stick of butter with your gaping wide maw,” Taako hisses.
“Can’t you just like, transmute some more butter or some shit? That way you don’t have to interrogate us at ass-o’clock in the morning?” Killian says flatly.
It’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment, but Taako’s jaw tightens and his eyes harden a little. Whatever comes out of his mouth next is going to be some evasive shit and Magnus knows it. And he’s not sure how.
“It’s about the principle of it all,” Taako deflects. That tracks.
“Wait, I thought we were calling her the Director, not the principal,” Merle interjects.
Taako casts him a withering glare. “Also, who has the spell slots to waste?”
Magnus grimaces and puts his hand up. “Hey, listen, Taako. Don’t be mad—”
“Probably gonna be mad now, my man.”
“—But it was me,” Magnus admits. “You can check it against my teeth or something.”
“I could cast Zone of Truth,” Merle offers.
“Eh, not so sure you should be wasting your spell slots. After all, they’re so helpful when you use them,” Taako says. “Why the actual shit have you done this?”
Magnus looks around sheepishly for a minute. “Well, I was eating this spicy soup, like really spicy, and my mouth was burning and you said that drinking milk straight from the carton was a no go but I also knew that dairy soothed mouth burn.”
Taako doesn’t say anything for a little while. He pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a sigh that could extinguish a hundred years’ worth of birthday candles. “So instead of drinking milk straight from the carton, you decide to bite my stick of nice butter.”
Magnus nods.
“I hate the moon.” He tosses the stick of butter towards Magnus. “You’re all dismissed, except Magnus who is going to Fantasy Costco, replacing my butter, and dealing with that cat at the cash register.”
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mcelquotes · 5 months
Timepon, the time traveling tampon!
Griffin McElroy
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Re-listening to the adventure scene I’m up to episode 13. Murder on the Rockport Limited
And that line where Jenkins said “nothing could destroy memories” really hits different the second time. You can hear the smile in Griffin’s voice as he says it
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magnusthehammer · 9 months
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cold cold man
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