#rod abbr
westfrosts · 6 years
Fluff ABCs - Colt x MC
A/N: it’s ya favourite colt writers! hehe, we whipped up a quick little something for Colt, some fluffy prompt ABCs, we got the lovely template from @pixelburied so thanks to them!
Tag List: y’all know the drill hehe @tabithacarlisle @lifeof314universe @flowerpowell @lady-dianelewis @confessionsofabrokegirl @drakewalkerdrunk @zeniamiii @i-am-clementine @gayplaychoices @marcela13mars @ladymarquess @claudevonstruke @stillafictosexual @wolfmckenzie @emomoustache @inkandfables @coltkaneko @thegardendiety @akrenich @ckanekos 
A – Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
Their first major fight was over a dangerous race that Colt had entered, perhaps for his father or simply to show off. MC doesn’t want Colt to participate in them, however, or at least wants him to participate less. At one point, they even fought over their fathers/families since they constantly have those troubles. Sometimes, Colt and MC find themselves wondering if they’ll ever be a ‘normal’ couple and if he’ll ever leave the MPC. Part of Colt wants to leave but the other half wants to remain and protect his father.
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
Colt loves MC’s humour, it’s so bizarre at times and so stupid at others, but it never fails to make him smile or laugh. MC loves Colt’s charm and witty banter, he can always lighten up a room or a situation by making one of his comments. They get on so well because of how similar their sense of humour is.
C – Camera (How do they document their relationships? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
Colt takes sneaky photos of MC who thinks that he hates it and never has any of her but his camera roll is almost full to the brim with candid photos of MC. MC is a lot more open about it and openly snaps photos of him, something that Colt has slowly gotten used to. She loves it especially when he’s not wearing his jacket and manages to snag some shots of his arms. MC takes a lot of videos of Colt when he’s unaware, loving how he furrows his brow when he’s determined and focused on something.
D – Dates (What are their dates like?)
Colt loves astronomy and science so he’d make their first date be a picnic/late night meal that ends in stargazing. He points out constellations to MC and tells her everything he knows because it’s one of his favourite topics and things to learn about. MC stares at him the entire time with a smile on her face. Probably also go on study dates because they both like being the top of their class. Another date is where Colt takes her on a motorbike ride throughout town or the city he grew up in, pointing things out to her and being her tour guide. They normally go out to eat because that’s one of their favourite things to do. Sometimes they even go to those dance party sort of things with all the cars around, Colt is a great dancer and his hips move like you’ve never seen before.
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
It was nervous, hesitant, neither one of them was too sure because Colt was in a gang and MC’s dad was the one trying to bust them. Eventually, they managed to work around it and through it and everything felt like normal. But there were many times in the beginning where MC doubted herself, Colt, everything. She couldn’t read him that well back then and never knew what he was thinking, never knew if he liked her as much as she liked him which really stressed her out at times. Colt was also in a similar position because he’d never loved/liked anyone this much before and it scared him.
F – Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
They all get on with each other quite well, even though the MPC can have their little arguments and fights, they all care for each other, including Logan despite his whole ‘never sticking around long enough to make friends/family’ thing going on. Whenever Colt tags along on study dates, he gets on quite well with Darius and they both end up talking forever about all sorts of deep and wonderful topics.
G – Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts? What kind?)
They most likely got each other some sort of charms related to vehicles/motorbikes what with their ongoing ‘bike/car’ rivalry. It’s their inside joke and they never go anywhere without their charms. When Colt sees MC eyeing something one day, he’ll make sure to buy it at a later date and try his hardest to wrap it up all nice and fancy for her. Then he’ll leave it laying around somewhere, conveniently at a time when he’s not there so she can’t bombard him and drown him in all that cheesy affection. .
H – Hugs (All things involving hugs)
MC and Colt love being hugged by one another. Colt hasn’t been loved as much so he needs all the warmth, hugs, love, everything! MC likes hugging Colt because he smells nice, he has a woody, piney smell with a hint of ocean breeze and cinnamon. Colt loves when MC hugs him and runs her hands through his hair, it calms him down and soothes him a lot.
I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
MC and Colt buying each other a motorbike and car key-chain/charm of some sort because of their half-hearted vehicle rivalry. They also share jokes and make quips about their fathers and their family lives, something they’ve now come to bond over and actually be able to bounce back from thanks to the understanding they have of one another.
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
I feel like Colt would get jealous easier because he’s more insecure and stuff what with his childhood but he would never show his jealousy or he would try not to because he wouldn’t want to come off as too overprotective or insecure. If MC gets jealous she wouldn’t hesitate in showing her emotions and would walk right over, throwing her arm around Colt or something.
K – Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
MC would probably be the one to initiate the kisses but Colt would then be the one who gets pulled in and can’t seem to let go. MC going in for a soft or chaste kiss and Colt decides to deepen them and make them more passionate. He kisses like he’ll lose her or she’ll disappear in front of him. MC’s kisses are chaste because she’s still doesn’t believe Colt likes her. She never thought she was anything special and hardly enough to catch the eye of someone like Colt, but he’s always vocal about how much he loves her or her subtle touches so there’s no room for doubt.
L – Love (How do they first say those three words?)
I feel like Colt fell in love with MC first but he never really said it out loud because the poor boy has never been able to properly articulate his thoughts surrounding love and those sorts of feelings. Once he knew him and MC were in it for the long run he would probably be the first to say the words because she was able to make him open up, to understand his feelings better and to understand love better, both receiving and giving that love.
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
Hmm, I feel like Colt would like practical movies with plots that are not outrageous. I imagine if he watched an action or fantasy movie with MC, he'd point out plot holes or how dumb something is. MC loves rom-coms or feel good movies and Netflix binges are a ritual. It makes them feel normal despite everything that's going on.
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other)
A classic, but I feel like Colt calls MC a shortened version of their name that MC only lets him and her father get away with. Sometimes, baby or babe for both of them. MC calls Colt ‘Golden Child’ which is the actual meaning of his surname. She wanted something sweet but meaningful so she decided to look up the meaning of his name.
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realised they were with the one.)
I think MC knew early on, but she didn't know if Colt liked her back. He had so many walls up, it was scary for MC to show her feelings. The bond they shared over their parental problems made them closer and when it helped MC see him in a new light, that was the moment. There was so much more to him than his dry humour. Colt was hesitant to even come to terms that he liked MC, so he suppressed all his feelings because he thought it made him seem vulnerable. However, one day he saw MC just laughing with the gang, how carefree and beautiful she was and all his feelings came rushing towards him. That's when he realised he couldn't live without that light in his life.
P – Pizza (What is their favourite food to eat together?)
I feel like they’re a Mac n Cheese type of couple. Head-canon that Colt is the best cook and MC is always bugging him to make this or that. Sometimes, to treat him or surprise him, she decides to make something for him, whether or not the food is actually good doesn’t matter (at first) because Colt finds the gesture too sweet. But soon enough, he’ll be teasing her about what she made and how long she took.
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
This would also be related to any dangerous decisions and threats that mostly Colt would receive as part of the MPC and also MC not wanting Colt to constantly go out on missions and whatnot. One day, MC gets threatened/put in danger and that makes their relationship rocky. MC and Colt break up, something MC instigates but they eventually come back together with the promise of being more careful.
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
MC gets stressed a lot with school and her overall relationship with her father (after he found out everything), so MC goes to Colt for comfort. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's touched-starved thanks to his childhood with Kaneko as a father, but it makes him give the best hugs because he just likes the feeling of MC in his arms. When Colt is having a frustrated day with the MPC or Kaneko his first instinct is to say nothing because growing up Kaneko never cared and made him feel like it was better to keep your feelings hidden. The more he’s around MC, he’s encouraged to tell her and not bottle it up. MC lets Colt rest his head on her lap while she runs her fingers through his hair, whispering reassuring words to him. This is how the MPC often find the two of them, with Colt asleep in MC’s lap and MC in an awkward position on the couch.
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush.)
Colt low-key loves how MC is constantly showering him in love physically, she’s always trying to make sure she’s touching him at some point, whether that’s through a hug, holding hands or simply just leaning on one another. He secretly loves it and finds her sort of clingy behaviour cute. MC loves how Colt has opened up to her more and let his walls down. He’s a lot more affectionate in terms of how he speaks. He easily says ‘I love you’ to her and is often found admiring MC when she’s not looking, not afraid to stare at her anymore.
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
MC hates calling people and prefers texts, so she texts Colt a lot, especially when she’s in awkward situations or when she’s alone. He probably snaps pics of the MPC gang looking dumb and sends it with a snarky text to make MC laugh. When they do talk over the phone, they always end with “I love you/I love you too” because they never want to take anything for granted especially with how unsafe being associated with MPC is.
U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
MC being surprised at his neat apartment and life, thinking he’d be a messy bad boy. She’s also quite taken aback by Colt’s ability to completely hog the sheets at night and often wakes up barely covered by the duvet, having to drag it all back from him. Colt being surprised at MC’s productive and innovative ways while being really lazy. She also has funny sleeping habits and he has a love-hate relationship with how MC always ends up suffocating him in her sleep somehow, whether that’s by lying on top of him in some way or throwing her limbs about haphazardly.
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner.)
MC’s proud of how determined she is because she wants to do something important with her life because that’s what her mother would’ve wanted. Even though MPC isn’t entirely that, she does a lot in college to hopefully better her community. She’s also proud of how strong Colt became despite his childhood. His confidence is also alluring even if others think it’s narcissistic. Colt is proud of his development because before, he did everything to please his father, but now he knows his own worth. He’s proud of how far he’s come. He loves how MC sees the good in people, before he used to think it was naive of her. Now, he realises it makes him fall in love with MC all over again because she’s the goodness he needed his whole life. She believed in him when no one else did.
W – Wedding (Tell us about your wedding head canon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
It was already a big step admitting their feelings for each other, so marriage is FAR from being on their minds. Personally, they don’t enjoy labels that much either or a contract of some sort. However, if they did get married, Colt would prefer the smallest most inconspicuous wedding possible, trying to keep it simple. MC and Colt would definitely entertain the idea of eloping because it seems like a very ‘them’ kind of thing to do, if anything, they wouldn’t be able to wait for the honeymoon stage and would want all the legalities out of the way to just be together.
X – X (Something they hate about the other.)
Colt tends to not tell MC about bad MPC related situations because he wants to keep her safe and handle it himself, but MC hates it because she doesn’t like to be out of the loop and they’re supposed to trust each other and should be able to tell each other everything. Colt doesn’t like how MC is willing to put herself the line for anyone. He doesn’t want her to get hurt, Colt himself does it for his dad but MC is ready to sacrifice herself and put herself in harm's way for just about anyone because she’s so selfless and compassionate.
Y – YouTube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
They are both the type of person that posts funny videos and memes that go viral every now and then on their social media. MC would probably post all types of pictures and videos mainly of Colt whereas he would be the type to post a photo of the two of them every now and then but with no caption which ends up getting a load of cheesy comments and the MPC gang teasing him too.
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
MC isn’t an animal person and never has been, but Colt loves huskies a lot. Plus, any animal around him naturally gravitates towards him, and they end up warming his heart and the witty, standoffish Colt turns into a big softie. Colt slowly converts MC to the animal loving side, with MC unable to resist the two puppy dog eyes staring back at her whenever Colt is around a dog. Soon enough, they’re taking monthly trips to the local shelters and end up becoming regulars with both the staff and the animals eager to see them.
By: Ifraah and Khadijah
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cordonianredruby · 6 years
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I really think all the RoD MCs are very beautiful!!
Well, almost all. I ain’t a fan of the white one lmao
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flowerpowell · 4 years
The Dream Life of Ellie Wheeler (Colt x MC // Logan x MC)
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A/N: .... I headcanon (fancanon?) that Colt and Ellie live in the same house as they did in The Boy Next Door (except we only have one bedroom here 😉). Sorry for the wait but I hope it’ll be worth it. Let me know what you think about this series because I’m still unsure 🙊 
Rating: G 
Tagging: @delightfullypinkglitter, @mskaneko, @desiree-pow, @lovehugsandcandy, @badchoicesposts​, @kingliam2019​, @client-327​, @walkerduchess​, @sophxwithers​ ❣
“I go on too many dates But I can't make 'em stay At least that's what people say, mm, mm That's what people say, mm, mm”
“My daddy commissary made it to commas Bitch, all my grandmas dead So ain't nobody prayin' for me, I'm on your head, ayy”
“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake”
“If I gotta go hard on a bitch, I'ma make it look sexy I pull up, hop out, air out, made it look sexy They won't take me out my element Nah, take me out my element”
“Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it—"
“Hey!” Ellie exclaimed when Colt turned off the radio. “I was listening to something, you know!”
“I was listening to something as well,” he replied, his eyes glued to the road ahead of them. “But since you kept changing my song back to that pop shit, I’d rather drive in silence.”
Ellie rolled her eyes. They were on the road for many hours now and apart from the time she took to take a nap, they had been arguing about the music playing in the car majority of the time.
“Taylor Swift is not that bad, actually. I’m sure you’d enjoy—”
“Right now, all I want is to enjoy the silence.” Colt narrowed his eyes but still didn’t look at Ellie.
“Hey! I have that song somewhere on my phone! I can play it and—”
“Ellie! I’m driving! Can you keep your mouth shut for at least ten minutes?”
“Okay, okay. Sorry,” she quickly said and looked away. Not that there was much to look at but she didn’t want risk Colt changing his mind and driving her back to California. After all, he agreed to her plan and now they were driving to Oklahoma. Ellie really tried to be nice to him. Colt definitely didn’t even bother. Not that she expected anything else.
Her father also didn’t take it in very well. When she came home with marriage certificate in one hand, dragging Colt with the other one, detective Wheeler almost passed out from anger. And shock. But mostly anger.
She knew why.
Yes, he was angry that she got married without telling him but she married a Kaneko. And her father hated Teppei and devoted his life to find dirt on him. And now with Ellie being married to a Kaneko, Mr. Wheeler had to drop the case completely in the name of ‘no family affairs’ policy. Colt’s “hello Daddy” probably didn’t help either. In short, her father was so angry that Ellie was sure there was no higher level of angry.
Colt and Ellie left the same day and Ellie hadn’t spoken to her father since. Freedom tasted a bit sad but so good at the same time.
“Oh! McDonald’s! I’m so hungry, maybe we could—” Ellie pointed her finger at the restaurant as Colt picked up speed and they passed it in a blink of the eye. She looked at her husband and rolled her eyes. He couldn’t even bother to hide that awful smirk. Jerk.
“Your ten minutes of no talking isn’t over yet,” he noticed and Ellie sighed. This man was a nightmare.
Just a few more weeks. You’re doing it for Langston. Think of Langston. Think of—
“We have only six more hours. I think it’s pointless to stop anywhere to eat. You can make dinner when we’re home, wifey.” Colt finally looked at her and smiled smugly. Ellie wanted to punch him so bad but instead she only nodded and focused on the road.
Langston. Think of Langston.
Colt didn’t intend to make it any easier for Ellie Wheeler. She blackmailed him, him, and now he was stuck with her. He couldn’t even leave the country as he wanted initially because her father would be capable of sending literal troops after him.
He still remembered Mr. Wheeler’s face when he realized Ellie married him. Teppei Kaneko’s son. For a short moment, Colt thought Mr. Wheeler would explode. Literally explode because Colt could count every single vein on his neck and face. At least he had to drop his father’s case. Colt was safe, as Ellie promised.
He looked at Ellie as she was stretching after the long ride. She was like a weed, he couldn’t get rid of her no matter what he tried to do.
“Here we are,” Colt said, taking his suitcases and leaving Ellie’s still in the car. “Take your stuff and you can start making dinner. I’m quite hungry.”
“You wouldn’t be if you’d stop at McDonald’s! Or literally anywhere else.”
“Why would I do it if my wife works in a coffee shop and is great at cooking?”
He heard her taking a deep breath and counting quietly to ten.
As he said. He had no intention of making it any easier for Ellie Wheeler.
After dinner, for which Ellie ordered pizza since there was nothing edible in the house, Colt went upstairs to his bedroom, leaving Ellie alone downstairs. Her suitcases were still in the living room and she wondered where she was supposed to go. The house was pretty small; there was a spacious living room and a kitchen on the first floor and one bedroom and a bathroom on the second.
Ellie climbed up the stairs and hesitantly knocked on Colt’s bedroom door. At least two minutes passed before he opened the door.
“Umm… Where can I sleep?” She asked hoping there was another bedroom which she hadn’t noticed before. She surely didn’t want to sleep with Colt in the same room. Considering what Colt thought about her, she was sure he felt the same.
“Definitely not here,” he replied.
“That I know.” Ellie took a deep breath. “But I need to sleep somewhere.”
Colt shrugged. “Not my problem. Should’ve thought about it before you made me marry you.”
“I’m sorry, okay! It’s only temporary, I’ll ask around and find a place in a dormitory and you’ll get rid of me.”
“You can sleep in the living room. Sofa’s comfortable.” And with that, Colt closed the door, ending their conversation.
Ellie went downstairs and put her blankets and pillows on the sofa, taking a mental note to buy some bedding. She took a quick shower, taking another mental note to buy a shower gel because the one she found smelled like Colt and she didn’t like it. Feeling a rush of anxiety, she ran to her improvisatorial bed. She closed her eyes, dreaming of her life here, hoping her mother would be proud.
“See you’re already in a wife mode.”
“What?” Ellie stopped reading a book to look at Colt.
“Wearing baggy sweats and all. I think I’ve seen you in this Langston sweatshirt a million times and I’ve known you only for a few days,” Colt mocked her, not trying even for a split second to be nice to someone who blackmailed him.
“Well, it’s not like I have anyone to impress,” Ellie snapped back and Colt rolled his eyes. If he thought his job was difficult, he clearly never experienced being fake-married to someone like Ellie Wheeler. Although to be fair, he was probably more awful to her than she to him.
“Good,” he thought to himself. “She blackmailed me. She deserves it.”
And even though he hated her, he also understood her. She wasn’t the only one with a terrible father.
“Did Mona leave the country?” She suddenly asked.
“Hm? Why are you asking?”
“Just curious. You said it was your last job so I assumed…”
“Yeah, left. I would too if someone didn’t force me to put a ring on my finger.” He waved his left hand to prove a point. He wasn’t even sure why he was putting this stupid wedding band onto his finger every day. Ellie wasn’t wearing hers.
“As I said… I’m sorry. But at least my father dropped the case. And as far as I’m concerned no one else was involved in it but my father so… you’re in the clear.”
“Gee, thanks. How nice of you.”
“So it was you and Mona then? Only the two of you? Or is there someone else?”
Colt eyed her suspiciously. “Why are you asking?”
“Just curious,” she repeated. “When Teppei was still around I didn’t see anyone else. And then only you and Mona.” She was silent for a moment. “Colt?”
“I’m really sorry about your father.”
Colt didn’t say anything for a while and Ellie assumed it was the end of their conversation. She went back to reading her book when he spoke.
“Just me, Mona and Pop.”
“Like three musketeers.” Ellie smiled.
“No. Like MPC.”
“Geez, don’t you have classes to go to or something?” Colt rolled his eyes.
“Not in another two hours,” she replied. The classes technically hadn’t started yet but Ellie signed up for additional classes for freshman students.
“Mercy Park Crew. That’s us.”
“Hmm, I’ve seen MPC somewhere in my father’s files but I’m pretty sure he never realized it was you.”
“And hopefully he never will,” Colt added. Why was he telling her all of this?
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Was there anything in the files?” Colt asked. “About other car gangs?”
Ellie looked at him curiously. “No… Are there any other gangs?”
Colt was looking somewhere in the distance and it took him a moment to reply. “Yea. Our rivals. Forget it.”
“I could… do some research if you’d like—”
“Just go to your class, okay? Stop with this investigation,” he said and left the house, banging the door on his way out.
Ellie sat stunned for a few minutes before she finally decided she’d rather come too early to her class than stay in the house for another second.
Freedom smelled like fall, felt like sun warming her face, tasted like cold air and looked like Oklahoma.
Ellie’s dream life was finally starting.
She felt tears forming in her eyes as she looked at her Langston University. Everything she went through, the arguments with her father, marrying Colt, bearing with Colt… it was all worth it.
Slowly, looking around as if not wanting to miss a single thing, she made her way through the campus. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Freedom filled her lungs. She was walking with her eyes closed, smile on her face. Everything was—
“Ooof!” She bumped into someone and would have fallen if the stranger didn’t catch her in time. Dream life or not, she still was clumsy.
“You know,” the stranger started, helping her stand up. “There are easier ways to get my attention.”
“I, uh… Thanks. I’m sorry about bumping into you. I won’t happen again, I promise.”
“It won’t? Too bad.”
“I… I’m sorry… I…” Ellie stammered as the handsome stranger smirked.
“First day?”
“Yes,” Ellie got her voice back. “I’m Ellie.”
“Nice to meet ya, Ellie. I’m Logan.”
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Did Mona ever reach the hospital and survive or did she die that night?
Where is grimy Jason Shaw now?
What conversation did we have with our father when we reached college? Are we even talking?
Where did Logan go?
What is Colt upto these days? Did he lay his father to rest in a cemetery or did he have him cremated so he could keep his Pops close?
Toby & Ximena... did they move onto somewhere else together or separately?
Did Riya & Darius ever heal the from there break up and talk things out? Are they okay now and just friends? Or are they as close as strangers??
These are some of the things that keep me up at night 😣
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drakesroyalromance · 4 years
Colt Koneko is secretly a sap, a thread:
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And I'll do it again 🤷🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
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drakewalker8 · 5 years
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Don’t @ me
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thefarrari · 6 years
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Hmm, like being the daughter of the detective who's hunting you down? 🤔
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wizardz-dreamz · 6 years
Um... what?
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westfrosts · 5 years
hated logan last week and disliked colt, love logan this week and hate colt, eye.......
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freya-stars · 5 years
Colt, aka the love of my life, with mc when she turns up in Chapter 12 and starts shouting at him:
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charliesbadchoices · 5 years
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Mate she’s been wearing the same jumper for months, sexy is the last thing she is
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crystalwillow · 5 years
Choices books I would like to see. In the order I would like to see them in
1. Hero 2; Ever since I’ve finished the first book, all I’ve wanted is for the 2nd book to be done, annonced and released. It’s honestly staring to get annoying that this is on PB’s fandom page but they keep releasing other books. Some which nobody seemed to have asked for.
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2. Most Wanted: Book 2; Same principality as with Hero. I’ve been waiting a while for book 2 but I know that there are people who have been around longer than me wanting the 2nd book for Most Wanted as well.
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3. Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance 2; This one is a bit newer but a lot of us are awaiting the 2nd book for this too. I hope this doesn’t go down the same road as the previous 2 book I’ve mentioned in the post because it does have potential to be a good series.
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Overall: Personally, my overall conclusion is that while yes working on nee things is exciting and can bring a lot of inspiration, PB need to stop making so many books that they think we’ll like and suprising us with them and work on the books we’re wanting the most. Like the 3 I’ve mentioned above and I would like to add another book, as I’ve noticed many people would like another book in The Elementalists series, as well as the next book in the ‘It Lives’ series too. Yes, I understand they have teams to do all of this and everyone there brings something special to the team at PB, but I believe it would be greatly appreciated if they worked on what their fans/people want instead of surprising them with stuff they haven’t asked for.
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mysteli · 6 years
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i need a minute... 
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me trying to give PB the benefit of the doubt but also dying on the inside
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