#rodney tosses him his last bag of cheetos
rodneymckays · 3 years
stargate episodes that should have been, part 8: sheppard and todd bodyswap episode. todd plans to infiltrate atlantis by possessing sheppard, but he didn’t realize that the questionable technology that he was using to take over sheppard’s body would also put sheppard in his body. sheppard uses his time as todd to blow up todd’s wraith hive and have a moral dilemma about needing to feed. todd, meanwhile, is found out after 5 minutes because he answered the comm by saying “this is sheppard,” except he said sheppard the unique way that he says it, so mckay immediately accuses him of being todd and then he is thrown in jail. they find sheppard-as-todd and bring him back to atlantis and he is near death because he refuses to feed. and the technology todd used to swap them was on the hive sheppard blew up. it’s a 2-parter and the second part is mckay and zelenka try to find an ancient equivalent for the technology and end up swapping bodies too.
BODYSWAP!!! i'm just picturing sheppard walking like sheppard in todd's body and im cackling. and todd, with his flair for dramatics, in sheppard's body. he never stood a chance 😂 sheppard's body would need food too, and i can see todd turning his nose up at everything, including turkey sandwiches (rodney's outraged "they're his favourite!!! could you be any LESS of a convincing replacement?!" echoing through the corridors) ronon tries his best to force-feed him with little success.
AND ZELENKA MCKAY BODYSWAP IS THE CHERRY ON THE WHOLE FRIGGEN SUNDAE. imagine them doing their beautiful-mind-children-science-twinning masquerading as an abbott&costello routine in each other's bodies. so rodney-as-zelenka is putting peoples eyes out with his gestures. and zelenka-as-rodney keeps sticking a finger in between his eyes like he expects glasses to be sliding down his nose. zelenka curses rodney's 20-10 vision privilege (well, 20-10 in comparison to his own) but enjoys being able to see his computer screen without assistance for once.
afterwards, when everyone is back to normal, john jokes about having a serious hankering for a snack to give rodney the heebie jeebies. but is actually struggling with the idea that the wraith need to feed to survive after experiencing the sensation of starvation first hand. but struggling. u kno. on the inside. like he does.
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