#but def deserves a re-read
lastoneout · 11 months
Okay, honest question, who is Yotsuba?
Yotsuba is a character from the greatest manga ever made, Yotsuba&!(or Yotsuba to! it translates weird, most fans just call it Yotsuba) which is a comedy slice-of-life manga about Yotsuba Koiwai, a five year old girl, and her very strange yet wholesome family and friends!
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It's from the same mangaka who gave us Azumanga Daioh, though while that manga is told in a four-panel comic style and doesn't really have much of an overarching plot, Youtsuba is done in a traditional manga style and despite also being very episodic there is a bit of a throughline surrounding Youtsuba getting settled into the neighborhood she just moved to, growing up, and eventually, in the later chapters, getting ready to go to school for the first time. Also, there are storylines that take place over multiple chapters as well! Despite the fact that the manga has been releasing since 2003, the chapters are pretty sporadic and the comic has only really covered about one year of the character's lives, but it never really feels slow or aimless. It feels almost...timeless? I guess. It's really nice.
Anyway, the manga is legit one of the most wholesome, funny, heartwarming things I have ever read. Kiyohiko Azuma is a fucking MASTER of comedy(you may have seen screencaps from a Sailor Moon fan comic he made going around on tumblr in which Jupiter accidentally sends Venus shooting across a pool that made me laugh so hard I cried) and he balances it well with lots of slow moments with GORGEOUS artwork where you can really take in the scenery and all of it is seeped in a wonderful nostalgia for childhood that legit makes me super emotional.
I don't think the manga has ever really taken off in terms of popularity, at least not to the degree that it deserves imo, which is likely in part due to the creator being firm about it never getting an anime adaptation and the sporadic release schedule, but it's far from unknown. There's been an official(I think??) score released and plenty of figurines and merch. It's also birthed a lot of memes, and it def has the same issue as One Piece where if you read it and love it you will turn into a walking billboard and try to drag your friends and family in with you. It's just THAT good!
You may have seen art of or people cosplaying Danbo, a "robot" made of old cardboard boxes that Yotsuba adores (Totally a real robot btw, def doesn't have a middle schooler shoved inside there, that would be silly wdym /s)
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And this pose from the back of one of the manga volumes featuring Yotsuba, her father, and their extremely tall friend Jumbo has been redrawn with other characters like 500000 billion times
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And you've also probably seen this going around tumblr before (that's Fūka she's my favorite cringe fail daughter I would literally die for her).
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Also, I would be doing a disservice if I didn't mention Yanda, who is a friend of Yotsuba's dad and also Yotsuba's nemesis. He's a loser who constantly gets dunked on by a toddler it's fucking hilarious.
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But yeah it really is just like, a manga that feels like a hug, or a warm blanket or something, it's so comforting and funny and fantastic, I find myself re-reading it any time life gets to be too hard just bcs it's that good at distracting me and reminding me that live is worth living.
And also given that it's literally my favorite manga, I saved up a bunch of screencaps to use as reaction images after a read one time, and thus now it's my own little joke that if you send me anon hate I'm just gonna send you back a picture of this cutie
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Bcs come on how can you be angry when you're looking at this???
Anyway here's some screencaps of the main supporting cast bcs I love all of them so much <3
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coffee-flavored-mochi · 2 months
best voltron fics i've found on ao3:
(in no particular order, just ones i like)
(also most of these are klance btw)
-"Fighting the Surface" by tommino
-(klance)hurt!lance and a little hurt!keith. tw near character death and also tw drowning. super good fic, pretty emotional, not too long of a read, less than 20k words.
-"nothing's quite as sweet" by dimple for your thoughts
-(klance) literally the cutest slow burn klance fic. it's only 50k words, but its literally just a cute barista!keith and cat shelter worker!lance fic and i love it. a little bit of hurt/comfort, but nothing too bad.
-"you never stood a chance" by kagshina
-(klance) cute little college fic where lance falls for keith. only 12k words, warning for a bit of second hand embarrassment lol.
-"The Marks We Make" by wittyy_name
-(klance) another college fic, also a soulmate au! kind of a long one (over 250k words) but such a cute slowburn. also has super cute artwork by sora linked into the fic. one of my absolute faves <3<3
-"Shut Up and Dance With Me" by wittyy_name
-(klance) another amazing fic by wittyy_name (an amazing author, pls check out all their fics) a cute little enemies-to-lovers dance!au, also around 250k words. need to give this one a re-read since it's been a while, but overall an amazing fic and i love it so much!
-"Nightmares" by Trashness
-(klance) amazing little one-chapter fic abt keith and lance sharing the same bed due to nightmares (as the title suggests). only around 15k words, so a short little read, but it's a very good read!
-"call me, beep me" by orphan_account
-(klance) cute little wrong number!au where lance accidentally texts a wrong number (keith) and then they fall in love 😈 its 85k words and a bit of a slow burn, and i'm pretty sure it's the voltron fic with the most kudos on ao3!
-"O Come Let Us Adore Him" by Bandity
-(no ships) this one isn't a klance fic, but is def a heavy hurt!lance fic. tw for manipulation, hallucinations, non-con, eating issues, and some other things. i like this one a bunch because it not only shows the bad shit lance goes through, but the aftermath as well. less than 35k words but a really great story overall.
-"Looking Death in the Eye" by IcyPanther
-(no ships) okay so this one isn't a klance fic either but it is honestly an amazing one and doesn't get the recognition it deserves. it doesn't have any ships or anything, but is about lance having to save the entire team during a sick game a random villain lures them into. i love fics about torturing my favorite characters (like lance) and this one does that so so so well. pls give it a read 🙏🙏 also its only 16k words so you can read it super fast!!
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girlgenius1111 · 2 months
jesus sorry last thing actually- i want to make it clear im not some korbin super fan, and i don’t agree with her veiws whatsoever. i just disagree with a lot of comments ive seen online about what she has to do publicly or if she deserves to play and so on. at the end of the day she plays a sport and she’s good at it and THATS what got her where she is and where all of the team is. NOT their beliefs and veiws.
i’m gonna post screenshots of your previous asks instead of answering all 3
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re your first ask,
i def think team cohesion is obviously necessary and it makes sense that they don’t outwardly hate her even if they disagree with her statements. my comment that they looked excited was more that they look REALLY excited for her. like genuinely, on a personal level, they looked happy for her specifically that she scored a goal. not just that they scored goal. idk if that makes sense.
i think until this match, her performances have been really underwhelming. blame it on the boos and people hating on her, but i don’t really think it makes sense to choose a player that brings controversy and hasn’t been playing well.
regarding her apologies, i get the point you’re making. people are entitled to their opinions. obviously the issue is when she puts them on social media for the world to see. i don’t think anyone can force her to change her beliefs, but i do think that her actions should have consequences. if you spew hate, you shouldn’t just get to apologize on your instagram story and move on.
i think maybe you aren’t considering that the uswnt isn’t just a team with some gay players. for a lot of people, it was the first place they saw openly gay people in the spotlight. the team and the environment around the team is supposed to be a safe space for the fans, which it cannot be if a raging homophobe is in said space.
that’s why i think the alleged work she’s doing behind the scenes should be public. like sam mewis said, her actions were very public, and the way she makes up for them should be public as well.
it’s not just woso fans hurt by her actions. adults can read the things she reposted, and not be affected by it, but impressionable kids and teens can read the same thing and take it to heart.
at the end of the day, people are entitled to their opinions and beliefs. the issue with korbin is that her statements were public, were hateful, and disparaged a large portion of uswnt fans as well as someone who has done so much for women’s soccer and for lgbtq+ issues.
these actions should have consequences, and a lot of people feel that her apology didn’t really do enough, and the fact that there have been no tangible consequences is frustrating.
hate shouldn’t be excused because it’s someone’s opinion. people are free to say what they want, but that doesn’t mean that these words won’t come with consequences.
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inluvwcaitvi · 9 days
I love reading you takes on Cait. I didn’t really connect with or understand her character deeply, but reading your opinions on her is like very enlightening. I love to read them and then re-watch arcane S1 with a new perspective. I especially like the one you wrote about the rain scene. I really get why she was so distressed when ppl said it was just cuz of Vi. Like, yeah sure; but they just met so it has to be something else, right ? What you said about agency and everything made me go like ‘ohhhhh. I get it now’.
(Also love your takes on Vi, but I already connected with and understood her character really well yk?)
And it’s good you pointed out how creepy it was for Jinx to creep up on her like that. It has been used as a joke even by like official arcane art, and maybe it can be seen as one ig; but it’s all fun and games until you realize that Jinx had to have dressed her up and definitely didn’t do so in an… appropriate way. Then it’s just creepy like 😬
She keeps disrespecting Cait it’s not even funny; I can’t wait to see them fight in S2, lol.
i wanna start this off by saying tysm !! i’m rly glad u enjoy my caitlyn and vi takes. they’re both my fave characters, and i rly wanna do them and their character writing justice when i talk abt them, especially in an analysis. :)
and tbh yeah, prob the biggest reason i made that rain/shower scene analysis in the 1st place was my annoyance from being being like “oh wow she wants vi so bad !!!!” like… sure, yeah, but that can’t be ALL that there is to it, it just seemed way too dramatic and intense, as if it were a serious character moment for caitlyn.
also, tbh, when it comes to certain “jokes” abt the shower scene, some of them i can find funny. like, for example, the audio “mommy— mama, there’s a girl behind you” being edited to it is funny, or smth like that.
but ngl, one joke i rly can’t get behind is the “jinx saw caitlyn naked before vi did !1!1!” or “jinx saw caitlyn naked first !1!1!1” it just honestly feels like it’s… too far? and just straight-up unfunny, esp since jinx was deadass acting like a sexual predator throughout this entire scene.
that isn’t to say that jinx IS a sexual predator, bc we all know she’s not, but the point is that her actions and behaviors were definitely giving it, and tbh idc if anyone gets pissy at what i’m saying. it’s the truth lmao.
like, hear me out, bc jinx literally stalked caitlyn and vi repeatedly until she founds out where caitlyn lived, and then not only broke into cait’s home, into her room, but into her SHOWER, and it’s clear that she’s alr been in there for a few moments/minites, bc her monkey symbol is on cait’s mirror.
which means she’s just been IN there while caitlyn was showering, just waiting. and when caitlyn realizes, jinx is behind her, staring at her, before the screen fades to black and it’s left up to our interpretation what happened after that.
like… yeah, no, you can’t tell me that that scene wasn’t literally framed like a sexual assault/murder scene from a horror/thriller movie. 🤷
also, when you say it’s been used as a joke by official arcane art, could you show me or send it to me? i haven’t seen it or heard of it yet, and id honestly like to see how arcane made a joke out of it.
tbh, that scene was the most uncomfortable scene for me, and i wish it didn’t exist (or that jinx would have at least had the fucking decency to wait until caitlyn was dressed), especially if it isn’t going to get the proper respect it (and caitlyn) deserves. like, to have write a traumatizing moment like that for a character, and then to make fun of it?
idk, that’s just kinda weird to me. idk if other characters have gotten their trauma made fun of, too, but maybe they have. if not, it’s def weird and disrespectful to me that they would single out caitlyn like that.
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The Percy Jackson Saga
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What a saga! I´ve still yet to finish it (while writing this, but i´ll post it when I finish it), but it´s SO fun, such a light read.
My history with Percy Jackson series has MANY comes and goes and it intercepts with many characters of my life that definitely not align with the Percy Jackson books at ALL. Seriously, If by any chance you´re a pre-teen reading this and you seem to be a bully who reads percy jackson, why do you think percy has SUCH a bad time in the school?? Anyway, getting over the personal comment….
I was mainly attracted to it because the series has come out (watch it !! its definitely interesting) but the nostalgia has come back with a kick and I definitely relate to little Percy, Annabeth and Grover (none of them would love me calling them little, but they are kids!!! Give them a SECOND of peace please), a little misunderstood, a little lost, not only when I was a teenager, but now on my 20s I can def relate (in a sense) to this lost feeling.
I doubt it ever goes away, Hell (or Hades?), Its difficult even to the gods what is happening in the books!! Everyone has to make tough decisions every once in a while, sometimes is whether to have the literal sky to help the goddess Artemis to fight Atlas, sometimes is leaving a job!
And I definitely relate to the strand of white hair after going trough the stress. And yes, everyone has a difficult choice and sometimes some are tougher than others, (like cmon… my job change example its what Ive been going through but Im guessing that maybe having the sky on your back may be a lil more difficult) but difficult choices are difficult choices, and these books have helped me, at least, to get anxious over whether Percy was going to be able to save his mom, instead of me getting anxious of my life choices.
I´m sure that anybody reading this may be going through a tough time (I mean, not to wish that upon you, and if you say “nah thanks i´m good, having the best time of my life” great for you!!) and i definitely believe that these books may seem focused for children, and yes, the repetition of what happened the last books that appears in every book after the first one, it sure is annoying, but overall its a huge break for the brain! Its a nice reading, a nostalgic one, and a hug to the heart.
A good reminder that good friends are worth lifting the sky and more, that families may not be what we always expect, that blue food is DOPE, that what we see may not always be what it truly is, that friends are not always what they seem to be, and that enemies (or people who we are taught are “enemies”) may not always be enemies.
[Finally, as a last comment since I´ve finished reading now] Sometimes it is not only good but necessary to go back to your child-self. To embrace new experiences with the forgiveness of a mother, the strength of an adult, but also for the inner ability of a kid that's learning how to walk, to stand immediately back up and continue trying. Embrace your strength but also your weaknesses, continue always learning, get around people you would sacrifice yourself for. Remember that its good and also essential to rest (sometimes on a lost island surrounded by the daughter of Kronos that's actually good and leaves you with a bunch of questions), and never forget to get back home (or at give out a sign when you're well so that everyone around you knows that you´re fine, turning the light blue of the Empire State can be an example).
If you´re going through high school, read this.
If you´re a lil lost, read this.
If you´re pretty sure you may be a lost child to a Greek god, yeah sure, but also read this.
If you wanna learn more about greek myths! I mean they are not super explained sometimes, but they sure deserve a good google search afterwards, which is good brain food!
If you really like sloooooow burn romances, yeah maybe you may like this (super far from the actual trama of the story but its so TRUE how long Percy takes to realize y´know…the thing)
If you like cute Cyclops, who are NOT murder machines, read this!!
And you must definitely read this if you like the water!! -Vera
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eurydicees · 28 days
Tbh I desperately need to reread haikyuu but i think if I will do that I will start crying again especially w/ karasuno characters + nationals again (no one is going to die no one is going to be brought back ++ we don’t need memories ++ kageyama backstory ++ Brazil arc) and I think if that happens the adrenaline I will get from finishing the manga will make me sign up for a marathon and I don’t want to do that
anyway! Enough abt haikyuu! What are your favorite bllk characters/moments (if you want to answer ofc) hope you have a great day!!
as someone currently rereading haikyuu, can confirm that the adrenaline rush of it all is REAL. and also so is the crying. i got to the end of the kamomedai match and nearly started sobbing in public at work. its the everything. we dont need the memories. mediocre me do you have time to look down. no one is going to die, no one is going to be brought back to life. it was the most fun i've ever had. the idle fleeting thought that he was a star. this too is volleyball. our spring is over. i wanted to go further with this team. what will you be tomorrow. sobbing as i type fr fr fr.
anyways enough of the crying!!! re: blue lock, favorite characters oh god. ok this list has changed DRAMATICALLY since i first started reading. but favorites are def bachira (it's the loneliness and the monster and the growth and the kindness) and kunigami (bring him back i miss him he's literally so fucking tragic and for what).
honorable mention to rin, who i have recently begun to feel fucking deranged about. i 100% blame this on the most recent chapter. i also think niko is neat and deserves more screen time/development. that scene from the very beginning with him crying and isagi saying this feels good lives RENT FREE in my head.
the entire u20 match is crazy and is def my favorite arc in the manga so far. im so excited for an entire season of that game. its gonna be so insane. the "LUCK" panel actually made me scream out loud. i felt crazy reading that shit.
other favorite moment is bachira's awakening where he throws away the monster and goes for goal himself....gODDDDD. bachira <3333333 also contender for one of the best moments in the manga is in fact isagi "how does it feel to be the clown of my story". OH and also isagi and barou i will devour your darkness and turn it into light. ALSO ALSO kaiser's mental breakdown. 10/10 character arcs right there.
sorry this took a literal year and ten days exactly to answer btw. i appreciate the ask i swear!!!! hope ur doing well anon <333
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lizzyaka · 10 days
I hadn't seen your blog since ages!!! And I really do love your takes because they are so different from others (and sometimes me too)
I did make a post about that Bunny wasn't sad about the farmer dying. It is how I interpreted it from the book. I do think Bunny was gonna eventually tell the police about it. I just don't necessarily think it was because he felt bad for the farmer's death. It was HIS friends who killed the farmer and that's what made him feel so guilty and go down the spiral.
If he was in the bacchanal with them and they had all accidentally killed the farmer, Bunny's not the type of person to turn himself in. He WOULD have done the same. He would have tried to save himself. He wouldn't have minded then if the farmer had died because he himself was involved in it
Even if this a hypothetical situation as you said, we don't know how Bunny will react to it.
It is clear he is more human than all the others and more capable of feeling remorse and empathy. But that doesn't mean in a situation where he is going to jail, he won't try to cover it up.
He will definitely feel more guilty than all the others did
They just went "oh well, what can we do"
Bunny would have eventually spilled the beans because of the humanity in him. Maybe to his gf or friends or anyone. Like he told Richard.
Bunny is STILL NOT morally superior in my eyes just because he wasn't directly involved in murder. It is because he wasn't involved that it makes it so much more grey.
We don't know a lot about Bunny in general.
What if he was involved in the death? Wouldn't he be in the same plane as them?
In this case they wouldn't kill Bunny, and they all would be in the same situation. Henry didn't kill Bunny cuz he was a sociopath.
They seem worse than him because they killed him but if they didn't, we won't consider them worse.
He would have done the same as they did but with more guilt and remorse.
To me it seemed like Bunny wasn't upset the farmer died but he was upset that his friends killed him, lied to him and hid their crime, that made him feel an intense amount of guilt on behalf of them.
That's all I want to say.
(I don't agree with all your opinions on TSH but I don't mean to hate on it 😭😭😭😭. I saw the post of you calling me out and felt I needed to explain myself. Again, I just wanted to give my opinions on Bunny, I know he is more hated than the rest and it's BAD. It's just we see so little of Bunny being good that you can't blame people for not liking him. My opinions of him have softened each time I re-read the book and he definitely didn't deserve to die as some people say)
Sorry for the long ask lol, I just had a lot of emotions 🤧🤧🤧
Im so sorry for the late reply really ive been suuuper drained and ive been waiting until i get my energy back to reply but days have passed and im still mentally and physically worn out and i just feel rude at this point😭 i really wish i could give a longggg reply bc i love yapping about tsh but theres a stopper in my brain that prevents the thoughts from flowing so ill leave this post here where i talk in length about this topic and why i dont think bunny could have ever been involved in the murder.
Anddd i dont blame people for not liking bunny!!! I think thats a very valid opinion. I dont think hes a good person but i love his character
And tysm for what u said abt my blog! I loveeee hearing opinions that differ from mine so pls feel free to debate me on my takes i find it really enjoyable <3 my interpretation of the book is after all just an interpretation and i love hearing how other people come to different conclusions based on the same text
And wdym by the post i called u out on? Im kinda confused on that bc i dont remember having called anyone out on my blog 😭 but sorry if u somehow felt attacked by one of my posts, it def wasnt my intention
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toomuchracket · 10 months
thinking birthday party girlie would talk so much shit/silly shitpost (like mattys) on the grammys after bfiafl robbery. whether before or after they start dating like she makes her thoughts Known.
you're dating by this point but i def think you supported the boys re. grammys beforehand too - when gyat was nominated a few years ago, you posted a congratulatory message on your story like "glad to see i'm not the only person recognising my best friend's genius anymore. proud of u, legend", and matty gets all giggly in the studio when he looks at it lol. anyway, back to present day. you get a bit shady with it, actually, and repost the album nominations infographic like "weird, the album i want to win doesn't seem to be listed, for some reason... boygenius or lana to take it, then, imo. unless this is just a misprint (and i really hope it is tbh)". matty smiles and thanks you when he sees it, and gives you a massive hug, but he's like "you might get some flack for that, babe, just to say"; you shrug and say "couldn't not say something about it, matty. it's your best writing yet. it deserves awards!", and he's like "means a lot to hear you say that, darling. i'll take your praise of my writing over a grammy any day. but a nomination would've been nice, yeah". happily, he does cheer up later that night - some rat dms you on insta like "funny how you only started protesting their lack of nominations when an album written partially about you got fuck all. narcissistic bitch", and you screenshot it and post it to stories like "i mean there are songs about me on every album except self titled, sweetie, but sure yeah ok believe whatever you like. while you do that, i'll just mourn the lack of nomination for the band's best writing and sense of cohesion and production and performance to date in peace" and then add another text box like "and this is all i'm saying on the matter. anyway, like i said, lana or boygenius to win instead x". your boyfriend laughs in slight shock when he first reads it, and then he cannot stop beaming; he's like "that's such a fucking good response. i love when you get all smart and confrontational on my behalf like that, sweetheart. s'hot" lol. he is such a BOY. cute tho <3
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trippinsorrows · 22 hours
With all the Mafia!Roman stories out there, what inspired you to do your own take on it and coming up with LTYE? ( would ever think about posting on other writing sites? )
I know with Mayhem, we almost didn't do it(we have vastly different tastes and writing styles) that and it was supposed to be wrestling sisters. 😭
Now. Story question. 😅
I know i probably asked this before but. Would Roman re-propose to the healing version of Solana especially after reading the assignment she did and reading the letter and give her the wedding she deserves even it's a small one in their backyard ?
Would Solana not care? I feel like she wouldn't but if it's something Roman wants to do for her should would.
hi, friend! 🥰
honestly, i don't recall there being a lot of mafia!roman stories out when i posted mine! (def not saying there weren't! my oblivious ass just had no idea!!!!) i know carys was working on hers, but i didn't know there were more! granted, i'm also still new on this page and didn't and still am not familiar with all the roman fics, so ignorance is a big factor there too 😭😭😭
and ltye was actually a rework of a roman story that i was writing for myself, but i used one of the plots from there in the 'with' series, so i had to change up some things and ended up completely changing it up into a mafia fic. i knew i wanted to tackle mental health and kayfabe roman but somehow worse? and just ended up creating it.
as far as posting on other sites, probably not? like i've literally posted on all the writing sites over the years: ff.net, fictionpress, mibba, wattpad, ao3, etc. like, i don't need to be cross posting works no more. plus, that's a lot of work, and i'm lazy 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
a couple of people have asked that question actually! and while i don't think solana would ever expect roman to go out of his way to 'redo' that for them, him reading that she felt so low that she was contemplating taking her own life on their wedding day, i'm sure, is something that bothers him. i could see him wanting to give her a new memory, if you will, about that. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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casgore · 2 months
I didn't have time to comment on the previous chapter, but here is my mini review:
If Geto wants a child, I volunteer to help them become parents.
I loved that Megumi and Yuuji shared an intimate non-sexual moment; it was so sweet to read that, and also to see how Megumi is slowly trusting Yuuji more and more.
Now about this chapter, well, did Sukuna help Yuuji a bit at the beginning? And gosh, it's so beautiful that Megumi wants to be with Yuuji. They are so adorable together.
I take back what I said about Sukuna. lo odio, me da asco, es un csm aweonao sapo enfermo re ql (my spanish moment here)
I feel very sorry for Megumi, really. His insecurity is so apparent in his thoughts, and the fact that he treats himself so poorly is heartbreaking. When he says his honor hasn't existed for a long time, it's like he thinks he doesn't deserve anyone to defend him, and that hurts. The way he thinks it would be his fault if something broke or there was a disaster in the house is so sad, how he thinks he's to blame for everything, like when he was afraid Yuuji would hate and blame him for getting pregnant.
I loved the chapter and can't wait to read more. I'd love to see the grandfather interacting with Megumi or really know what he thinks about everything. I need that, and I also need someone to shut Sukuna up. That's it; amazing chapter as always, I patiently await the next one.
Sorry if my English is wrong, I wrote this at a party.
LOL @ the geto comment. frrrrrr!!!!!! they're both fine as hell, i'd also volunteer.
and yes! sukuna did help yuuji at the beginning. their relationship is very complicated and i'll def try to show that throughout the fic. it's interesting for sure :)
megumi's self-esteem is at an all-time low right now :( it'll slowly recover/get stronger over the course of the fic, but he'll def have to reach rock bottom before he builds himself back up (and also accepts help with building himself up!!) he isn't there quite yet.
i'm not sure how much i'll have gramps in the rest of the fic, but if he fits, he fits!
as always, love ur reviews/comments on it :) i'm so happy u liked this chapter! <3
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effieandtim · 10 months
Ugh, reading through your others asks re ep 5.
I am hurting.
But not seen anyone talk about the whole Leonard thing yet...
Like obviously the way that they've shown his character popping up and being sus, most were probably expecting something to occur. But I wasn't exactly expecting that.
And Hawk's scene in the uh, 'hospital' with that doctor. Umm, did he seem to be enquiring out of actual curiosity for himself, or just playing the role... maybe a bit of both.
Anyway, general thoughts and feelings around all of that?
the leanord bit was so sad bc yeah, he always seemed upset by something and i didn’t actually give much thought to it but the signs were all there
that was such an uncomfortable watch tbh, seeing hawk call him one of nature’s mistakes, and then going to the ‘doctor’ and listening to the things they were planning to do
idk when conversion therapy started so i have no idea how aware people were of the methods they used back then, but hawk seemed to falter when they mentioned shock therapy
i def think that scared him which also made him sorta retreat and take back control of his life so to speak, and protect himself - that ofc included proposing to lucy and burying the queer part of him
i def think it was a mix of both bc he probably had a lot of thoughts running his head like - what if i get caught and this is what i am subject to as well? what if this is my fate too? what if this is tim’s fate?
the self preservation and the way he went about it was selfish there is no denying that at all, but it’s also possible to see why he did it and lenny’s fate was the catalyst i feel
him hurting tim in the process and shattering his heart is something that tim did not deserve though
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celestie0 · 2 months
HSLLLOOO HELLO ELLIE??!!!!! Hru doing? Hows ur vacay been? I hope all is good cuz YOU🫵😡 deserve only the bestest. When are u gonna be done with ur lil holiday?😏 I personally love LOVE packing for vacays but coming back home n unpacking it smh😔 I always feel like an extra couple of days wouldve been better 😞😞 BUT I HOPE UR HAVING FUN HAHA!
Anyways, I’ve been thinking extra hard about ihm AND kickoff gojo’s ugh pls they need to be kicked into outer space 😒 So annoyingly sexy like how can a girl be normal about this 😔 I re read IHM n plzzzz ur characterisation, ur writing, the setting EVERYTHING is just too good I have no words at alllll!!! u are so amazing 🥹🫶🫶🫶
Take care of yourself ellie!!!
zuro anon
HIIIII zuro baby!! i’m okay!! vacation is okay!! we are driving back home from roadtrip now :) i have been suffering from Chronic Tummy Ache the whole time we’ve been on the road which has sucked but i’m feeling better now hahah. and HAHAH nahhhh i want to go HOME 😂😅 no extra days for me plsss. but i hear ya ive def had vacays where i wish they lasted longer!! how have you been bb?? hope you’re enjoying your summer so far!! also I’ll be back home on sunday!
AAAAAAA i will eat u omg. youre gonna make me sob tysm for the love for ihm :”) PLS i miss writing for ihm so bad i cant wait to get home n work on the next chapterrr. YOU ARE AMAZING!!
so much love from me as alwaaysss <33
- ellie 🔥
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Yes, that’s right. Zendaya and her team were the smartest in the game. She actually deserves all she does JUST for making such amazing decisions. Having her cook her career slowly but surely was the way to go. Agents actually don’t want to put their clients in the spotlight too soon, not when you can have them in ensamble films and doing a little of prestige TV here and there. Euphoria was a wonderful medium for Z. Being able to dip her toes in movies without pressure while doing Euphoria (and those two Emmy’s was great).
But like I said, sooner or later, actors have to jump and go all in. Challangers will be her time to shine. She got 10M for it too. She’s not above proving herself.
As for Timmy, while Dune is very much his movie, it’s remake from a movie from the 80s based on a book. I don’t think the people that went to the movies to watch it went solely for him. But I’ll give him the credit. I think Wonka will be a big moment for him because that’s all him, new(ish) material, singing, dancing, aimed for kids. The leaked trailer gave me Harry Potter vibes. That’s all him. No more hiding behind an existing property or an ensamble cast. It’s also premiering right after Dune. I think they are going for the “Uncharted” effect like Tom, who released it right after Spider-Man made 1B dollars. They hit while the pan was hot. It’s a great tactic.
I do agree that there’s w a place for all of them: Timmy, Tom, Z, Florence, Sairose, Austin.. let’s celebrate young Hollywood!!
I agree Anon 👏🏾
So far, Z has made excellent choices in her career as far as I'm concerned. She probably also knew that she wasn't yet ready at the time to lead a film on the big screen, and I think that was wise!
I think ppl forget that Zendaya really only JUST started doing big motion picture films since Spider-man HOCO, which came out in 2017. That's only 6 years ago. 👀
She needed time to improve and perfect her acting skills before leading a major film imo.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
She'll be fine, and I def think "Challengers" will give ppl a lot to think about. It might even be their first time seeing Zendaya in a role that's not a teenager lol. 😅 I feel many will be shocked by her acting range, especially those who may not watch Euphoria.
Re: Timmy...
The trailer for "Wonka" came out already? 🥴 How did I miss that?
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Anyway, I definitely think that movie will showcase Timmy's acting AND his ability to bring butts in seats, especially since I'm assuming it will have a PG-13 rating (which usually makes more money anyway), and the movie focuses solely on him without a huge ensemble cast.
Re: Dune
I kinda disagree w/you about Dune 1984 though. 🤔 Dune 1984 was supposedly considered a BOMB, and it didn't even make enough money to cover their budget lol 😆
I don't really think ppl were flocking to the theaters to see "Dune" (2021) because they had seen the original old film, or even because they had read the books (most have said the book is a tough, LONG read 🥴).
I do agree that there’s w a place for all of them: Timmy, Tom, Z, Florence, Sairose, Austin.. let’s celebrate young Hollywood!!
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gojonanami · 4 months
Sab, my dearest, my beloved, the light of my life,
I know I'm two weeks late (and that a certain professor would be on my ass for it) but I had the wonderful idea of re-reading the whole Prof Geto series before reading part 6, thinking it would make for the best emotional impact and after doing just that I have to say... my hypothesis was correct. There wasn't a single second where I regretted my decision (except, maybe when I had to read the breakup scene again 😭), not a single dull word in the +90k masterpiece you wrote (isn't that the length of a novel!?), the flow of your writing is just so good, the dialogue, the internal conflict of the characters... I loved all of it, Sab. This series holds a special place in my heart and I'll probably read it time and time again in the future ❤️❤️❤️
And this chapter– god. I really have no words, it was just a whirlwind of emotions. I was giggling and kicking my feet in the hair like a teenager and I even cried at some point. I loved the beginning, the raw emotion of seeing each other again after what happened, the longing... the way Suguru and Yuta felt so conflicted about their feelings for the reader, and her getting jealous over Mei Mei... omg.
I also loved how Geto helped her with the citations of her dissertation (they were my worst nightmare during undergrad) and hated how Yuta broke up with her right after she presented it. How could he ruin such and special day like that!!! (Ofc I know it made sense to have it happen right then, but gosh 😭💔) but anyway, regarding Yuta... I love how you've set up his part. I'll love to read it when the time comes ❤️❤️
Oh! And the way Yaga *knew*. Now I can't believe that the whole reader assigned as a T.A thing wasn't tampered by him in some way– he had to play a part in that, and I bet he wasn't too fussed with them sharing a hotel room, as long as Suguru was happy hahah.
And then, the passion in his office, the reconciliation and the ending... I had to stop reading a couple of times because I was getting way too emotional, Sab. It was beautiful. I can't wait to see more of them in the extra credit fics (!!) I really hope you make a proposal one <3
I wanted to thank you for writing this series, I've loved it more than I could ever expect to and I believe it came to me in a point of my life where it just... made sense. I was stressed and unsure about continuing in academia and I believe I told you a few months back that I was applying to grad school... well, I got accepted and then hired as a research assistant at the same university!! This is as close as it gets to me living reader's life though I'll keep living vicariously through her for a while longer, I think.
Anyway– I believe I'm babbling now. I just want to thank you again for writing this wonderful series. I'm so excited for Prof Gojo and all the wonderful things you'll write in the future, Sab ❤️
baby, love of my life, the sun to my earth
haha I think prof geto would more than forgive you — especially after the diligent work you did rereading — dare I say he would be very impressed—and I am too omg
I cannot believe you read all 90K+ that’s insane and it means so much to me 😭🥹 thank you so much — it truly means the world to me because I had so much fun writing it!! it was really a special series to me and will continue to be as I write more extra credit fics :).
ahhh I can’t believe you cried 😭 I’m sorry but also thank you haha. it’s the biggest compliment 😭🥹 I really wanted to convey both yuta and suguru’s conflicted emotions — and I’m glad they came across 😭 writing mei mei was so fun because it was very spur of the moment — and I love jealous reader 🥹🫣
citations are truly a nightmare and when I thought of the idea to have that be reader’s crisis, it was so perfect because I think so many of us in academics can relate to that 😭 we all deserve a suguru. I can’t wait to write yuta!!! it’s def gonna have stuff from prof Geto like the repercussions of his relationship with reader and it will be fun :)
hahah yaga knowing was also spur of the moment — it just felt full circle since so many times he’s also pulled them apart in some way 😭😭😭
thank you 🥹💕 I’m glad you enjoyed the reconciliation scene — it was so important to me to get that so right. and I really took my time and I’m glad you think I got it right 🥹💕💕I’m def writing the proposal!!! Don’t worry :)
aww baby thank you for reading 😭🥹 I’m so glad this series could help you in any small way that it did. omg I do remember and that’s amazing!!!! Congratulations I’m so so proud of you (and professor geto is too)!!!
writing this series also came at the perfect time for me because it just was such a wonderful thing to post a new part and see everyone’s reactions — it truly made my day. I especially loved your asks as well 🥹💕
thank you for being here and sticking around. I can’t wait to start writing more of professor gojo — I think you guys will really like it 🫶🥹💕
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petal-blush · 1 year
i’m halfway through my acowar re-read (in prep for house of flame and shadow next year) and sjm is really dropping a lot of hints about the possibility of elucien and elriel. it is insane.
and i am so torn!!! elain is obviously dealing with the trauma of becoming fae and being a seer - so obviously she’s just focused on surviving and healing. once we get to her book though i am very intrigued by what route sjm is going to take.
she could go the safe (albeit kind of boring imo) route and have elain accept the mating bond with lucien. OR she could reject the bond and choose azriel. but here is my thing:
whichever route is chosen will still have a lot of heart break in various ways. both lucien and azriel are very, very sad characters in their own ways.
lucien obviously watched his lover die, was exiled from his family, thought he found a home only to then realize his friend is actually a monster, and to top it off his mate does not like him at all. lucien is a message in a bottle, he is adrift in the sea of his life right now.
i like lucien and then i don’t. he watched feyre get abused by tamlin and did very little to help her. he immediately forced the mating bond on elain as soon as he saw her as fae. and while you could argue that he couldn’t help himself, i give you rhys not telling feyre he knew for literal months! i currently have mixed feelings on lucien. he is weird to me, i want to see more of his character arc. i imagine we will see that sooner or later.
and azriel. i admit i have a soft spot for azriel, and maybe that has made my criticism of lucien harsher. but it’s fiction and i am just having fun thinking about all this, let’s not take this too seriously!
azriel is also adrift in the sea of his life. unrequited love, a history of child abuse and generally just being … mysterious. in reality, we don’t know a ton about azriel. he is reserved, but what we do know is that he is kind and gentle and understanding of what elain actually needs. he sees her in a way others have not.
the scene that sticks out most to me is azriel sunning his wings in the garden, and keeping elain company while she plants herbs (or whatever i don’t exactly remember). there seems to be a level of comfort between them. i think, like cassian, azriel is also good at feeling out the emotional needs of those around him. he seems to just understand elain’s nature. he gets it! he is patient and kind!
regardless of who elain ends up with, someone is going to be hurt. and it will be so interesting but also open up a new path for that character! it will def be sad, but i think that will be interesting. give me the brooding…. so they can grow and find a new way to bring themselves joy!
i just keep thinking about this. i love crescent city and i’m very excited for HOFAS in february, but i want the next acotar book so bad 😭 i need elain’s story!! i want to see her grow and flourish, she deserves it!!!!
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bookgeekgrrl · 11 months
My media this week (8-14 Oct 2023)
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😊 for this gift, I do feel blessed (wheatisstillwheat) - 96K, nice steddie AU with rockstar!eddie & regular guy steve
😊 Bandaids for the Heart (LexiRoseWrites) - 78K, omegaverse steddie AU with pediatric nurse Steve & single dad Eddie
🥰 Time To Shine (Rachel Reid, author; Cooper North, narrator) - delightful hockey romance, fairly low angst (but enough to make it tasty). There may come a day when I'm tired of the adhd/anxiety ball dynamic but today isn't that day. Cooper North is an excellent narrator, def in my top 5 faves
💖💖 +199K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Make It Up As We Go (hawkeyedpeas (pandacowhipster)) - D&D: HAT: Edgin/Xenk, 17K - fluffy & enjoyable fake dating fic
Punched! (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: Valkyrie/Steve, 7K - technically a Monoclonius prequel, but absolutely can be read as a standalone - Val & Steve (fellow political activists) punch some Nazis and have some hot, adrenaline-fueled sex in an alley
Maine Cabin Masters - s5, e1
Naked Attraction - s1, e1-3
Whitstable Pearl - s1, e1-2
Murdoch Mysteries - s15, e3-7
Dirty Laundry - s3, e3
Our Flag Means Death - s2, e4-5
D20: Burrow's End - "Bearing the Scars" (s20, e2)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Does a Bear Get Eaten Out in the Woods?" (s15, e2)
Into It - Why Are Celebrities So Bad At PR?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Tunguska Event
Pop Culture Happy Hour - The Scariest Movie I've Ever Seen
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tolkien Takes Us Places
Vibe Check - Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Re: Dracula - October 11: Freedom of Soul
ICYMI - How a Substack Revived the Dracula Fandom
Ed Zitron's 15 Minutes In Hell - Episode 10 - Molly White
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Our Travel Expectations
⭐ 99% Invisible #556 - You Ain’t Nothin But a Postmark
Into It - Jada & Will Deserve an Oscar for Their Marriage Performance
Dear Prudence - Is It Too Early in the Relationship to Say "I Love You"? Help!
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - DOUBLE BILL: A Monkey For Mayor / A Screw Loose At 17,000 Feet
Smart Podcast, Trashy Books - 584. Queer Pirate Decolonization Fantasy with Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Today, Explained - America’s most successful downtown?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Stanley Hotel
⭐ Endless Thread - The Spider Web
Re: Dracula - Bonus 7: The Dracula Daily Instigator
One Year - 1955 Bonus Ep: Mary Martin’s Peter Pan
What Next: TBD - The $30,000 Zelle Scam
Death Rattles
Shock Rock
Witchy Grrrl Pop
Teenage Werewolf Rock
Radiooooo - Germany, 1980s
Bewitching Jazz
Halloween Rock & Pop Songs
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